C L A S S IF IE D • PONTYPOOL °ü~~~~~~bryadMrMLugh The CanadianStesaBw nvlSp.25193~ 5 Crdis of Thanks !Cards of Thanks Mg ishat r.rtDebet oinnd i Cvs.fa F olm uMhlad We would like to thank our I wish to express my sin -1aH talcondteioug Wewirs l.asoMcLaughlinand, T u et B l i d l friends and relatives for cards cere thanks to my friends and Held in Bowmanville him a speedy recovery ml.Blcsok r n congratulations and the neighbors for the flowersiRal1DySrvcs eers.dRoss Ashton and family, 'ely gifts which they pre- :ards and good wishes. Theyi held September 24th, 1963 erborough Detachment to gel The doctor testified held urh.Sunday Sat t hUitd a , Lrcn uety E .Y u ga ted to us on the occasion all helped speed up my re-i to the uito fClak ie. hdaietetd that Churh. Sunday chool chil f our 25th wedding anni- :'overy. Thanks also to Drs. Robert Donald McMurchie' ucino ak n ehdas rae Merrill ren formed the choir and tool heExloer wllmetin ersary on Sept. 10th. Harold and Keith Slemon and 1393 Wilson Avenue, Downs- and aunton Road to pick upiMcDonald in teeegnypati dcithehesrvcsthe school at 7 p.m.in Fi-This is not a btayo ol a eea h a Lawrence and Vera Staples. the nurses of the Surgical view, was charged with care- thk accused. He said that it department for recurr le n t M.ad rs. Robt. Brow ay eveninbtbr4h olcino lttds u ono i uk 39-1War of emoialHosptal les drvin Setembr 1th edd an Contabe C vomtinaandsevrenbdoableteMnda fora wek' Mr.andMrs.Murav b- rthe a meerrtrbutdtoMillbecme iterste --- Bwmnvll.womHghay11.lAseon.uarto etWisogot oaialpanappretlAfomaeoliayndbot nd amly Bwmn- pety mere ha-ahereoretaio ad h I wish to thank my neigh- James Hall. 39-1* charge of causing the death his car and into the cruiser, blow. He stated that because Manvers U.C.W. met at the ville; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Man-'late WilliamRidlofO'capsibiteof Cr bors, relatives and fri~ends for of William Arthur Allen by .wiornomn Robert he feared peritonitis hie had home of Mrs. Fred Youngman tel aSndfamiy lcsockono whtoido etrbrmste rwn.H cur flowers, cards and gifts sent to We wish to express our cimna egignc asaloHigsan obrtKen, eprcDnad-nhopialo Turdy vein.Faou-weefunaMgess.fMr 1t, 96. twhchtieeda udrd cr lok n -ine while confined to hospital. thanks and appreciation to ai, read. Accused is on bail o.: pleaded not guilty to a chargei until the next day. He had !able reports wer er nr-and rs. Hin owrdAoopt.lOrono steo;neoitbstinudsmeOdFlwso Special thanks to Dr. Miklos our friends, neighbours a, '0 of fraud and the matter was 1feared a ruptured bowei, gard to the recent Anniversary Mr. Lorne Dean underwent'known citizensr swsats-hlppatteSoc i aindnues fo thirre siauls UC.for pt re theMgitat R . axera- djune uti ctbe th slenorlie, e tte. eries Adiny uchwa srer i ornttHsitle b teimresiediplygrti, ih hepomset kindess expessons f smpahy . ,ouned he atte unil ov- igg is n bil ad KaneMerrill McDonald testified cnseredobythe hoseathn. e ewih ma pedy rge floeradusalyfthveurwsasces Fred Raby, Port Hope. floral tributes extended toembrith mcustody at Cobourg. that he had tried to stop the conclusnSofthebameetrSng. coey hotIo fnlaenmbEocizesahshewud ontacran ment. Special thanks to Dr.No. 3, Port Perry, pleaded Toronto, charged with perjury for business. Failing b eths, he re ol si tal iwntCourgr.and curc-woshioat11:5sD r vi te eeigoiu d of te pooe e We ak tisopprtniy o H Frgso, Ms.Chld an gily o achrg o ipair-j two weeks ago, was further said he went to telephont e ver heocunderwiens tugr.amSetemb alo uerita d e-IOOF al ekp i etdakseeth ank yporunitoteH.erustaffat Srat hvesnd urs-edtdrivingaAgusto23rd.'Heremanded until October 8th police and had been knocked ever iday loalirtienps t endeokeriewshldi h oradi rooctzn ourrend sof rtonor inglieHomeafoSratwonru kind dasind$0an ot oi orpesntnerpot gantatal ndpne u dLnda ai h as ek.Bro FnrlPalusa-ae ru o hi cmot the lovely gifts we received. ness hw;Rv .A un dy.Hslcnewssus- Louis Bolla, 255 McNaugh-, against the wall. Akr. . W Cse nd on f ended byoven hnrdabetoerhomniyCn They will always be a re. er for his consoling words, pended for six months. ton, Oshawa, was charged' Af roeaighur rev-bsnssOhio,.ae hre n a embrs f teOrepuatehycntakBilRd minder of wonderful neigh- and Northcutt & Smith Fun- osabeH igtOPwith the indictable offense o e ern rof ei. bsiess rip.oalad Woio ILLIA JgooUL M. del ubroleeas elwowsteidftg bors. ~~eral Home for their kind itestified lhe was called toei' 1indecent assault. Through hstenMgistaeR.B1ax.Svea ocladoron, oloingan. IDDnELL Mfo r. idl a hre besakpu ftevn Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton. efficient management of the [vestigate an accident in Ty-layr T. Kelly, Oshawa, ac-1 tody for a wee 1 hr i u. znlrigranentfh oloig nilnsdfeor- no the Ineregroup.tture. M91*srsic. J .cuarerone. He said accused smelled cusedi chose to be tried by a1 cides whether to send them to Celebration on Saturday ev- ayselrn, athe74deahoWila .ahbyrg resosu esrvdoeea rn Mr. . adMs eMQuarrie strongly of alcohol and wascout-t comprised of judge and reformatory or not. In pass-iening at the home of Mr. and ocuddl, Oronoaedl7 yearynes aits, ils s og omitetems Iwould like te thank the' r39-1* enMcurreunable to stand on his feet. 1jury.n jdmnth1cmete-rs aryrd.TeHarys ccured t Mmoral Hspialhoby as d elsp antbl en hehsia frieds nd elaivenfo theHiaWoshietodfSutethahDr Chrle A.MoranOsh. "ornsh as eenin nd u wre eleratnChheil28hsBwmavilerngTesdy, hic heat ran rds i, bdbcmmitee onwhih3h shower held for me when I1 e oldlket tak 50 was the minimum fine awa, testified hie had' been of this court so many times Wedding Anniversary. They ,,tme 10h 93 and lived becas; efem a rglrbz-a.We received so many beautiful We t f d lked Ianurl and warnd him what would called to the emergency de- I am sick of seeing him, and had recently purchased the olrne 8 ine th easoedlived utthiimyGadLdeisiue gifts. I appreciated your kind- rives,r riends and neigh- happeýnrife he appears hierelpartment of Oshawa Generalithat goes for Burgess and [Chas. Bazinet property and the Clark,8hie the d t eeasedlieutohann wospclaarfrottndg ness very mnuch. A special bor or eir cards, fowers agamn on a similar charge. Hospital at 2:30 a.m. on JulylWhyte too." Toronto couple were fine host aLs h sn o elleate edthe p e onOf evieeBllws h frtoe thanks to the host and hostess, and mnany acts of kindnessi John Alldread, Newcastle, 28th. He stated that there hel and hostess in their weekend and laLosidd.atnded e Ord, ctiernolbeafrt.iin. n erhHa Ross and Alma. and sympathy shown us in was charged August 23rd, withlhad examined Sharon O'Dell Dnl le aogOh home here. A vervý, enjoyable scOl at Leskard and4 Kiry-lsiie.Hs im ou rn esegro h rn Edna Gibson. 3-*,the death of our dear uncle,failing to produce proof of in- who was in a highly nervous aa, lgt eadnot gi otheie wshdbyalO arh1t,194 emr wm esine hat ndLdeo OtroTeeah ýtAndr ttew L unn rAso a ysr c.Hs co nse, . R stt f nailing t e a t efsend e Werextnd ed r sVareh om rLll .V ru m so hem n o n e ee ensaem nindh r I ih othn m rinstanstote0usecneh LvkiNecstelsces-TneewaTnlhimeoro a ccdnt e a dfnd oMrradMr.VneAle hosrvvs.womh pruae t lon bcus he igtno p relatives and neighbours, Medical Floor of Memorialifully defended him and the this one witness in the pre- ed y J .MnaOhaa hs o as killed in a car The late Mr. Riddell wasaAohrshrnnwihpa na rhdxoiu Blackstock L. O. B. A., for ti r .ssR deuscharge was dismissed. liminary hearing. Further evi- Constable M.Jyt P cent nearNewcastle re- Oulr nd wel-knon figresi he Udid yoaC evc a r; hywl ev oso gifttcadsalowesanfactwSprulennd Rvctaol-Lrneo redeickrildso ncencewillbe hardlextenvesigainglfficr sttercntlyeIn ono herehe hd reid-ohefUitedChurh.ofhis he mny fcetsof tis cain o in my stay n OshwamenurHazrer.n Fe Sihdriving on September 7th. He! Three Oshawa men each place in Pontypool on themsfrnet o bea afigeHbrs c re n ird e as:heetcldwssr oscdsi h a opriua eral Hospital; also, I would Velma and Charlie Ta'ylor, was fined $50 and costs or 7 'pleaded not guilty to two 14th of August. Driver of the atteml nFia-agoa . e retred ix ye ars ceed ngbeueh utdintavnae o1it feu like to thank Dr. Maroosis andiPearl and Murrell Woodward. days. A second charge of hav- charges of assault causing bod- other vehicle involved was ~¯¯~~---~ berh rle bsecpo oming a ardo tmgs y hles ewa atobu homdasc Dr. Sturgis and niursing staffl ing liquor in an illegal place fly harm on Merrill McDon- James Bradford Medd, Mill- tie by wa employaedfrsa sinceey eiatdtÏayhes f i if saùon of Oshawa General. Editor's Note: ýbroughit a fine of $10 and aid and Roger Kain. Donaldibrook ' BURKETON Om CndanCneringta ol mrv amlbue:a oeo Mr. Wm. Taylor. 39-1*î We regret that the names costs or an additional 5 days. Cornish was reresented b ronoihis home community, Chuch, inaakpickletfactory, and fo ---- ~of Hazel and Fred Smith were! The liquor was confiscated T. Kellv, Oshawa, James Bur- Ti erigwl as eM r. A] Reid left forhiso WkidelwsamebrLdehmnrltostelataf ofhis ctiv omitted from signatures im the and lhe lost lhis 1license until gess b .DnadOh continued next week. home inOhio USA or s t ln wstree nitdfChuch eotncnie oec uieslfa h ilg "For QUALITY Cars card of thanks for Andrew hie can file proof of f inancial and Burgess Whyte was v ith---- mig Io return 1US.,expecut- hrhvortesrro the otherthat iffFte s7de- arbe. He defined success as and Servicen Lunn in issue of September 18. responsibility. T.out counsel. ZON8th of October eea u tealso a value7 yer f Hea red wewoul iktobhapnsadfuiletn 3-fDefense Couinsel was T These charges arose from ZO A session and other mem-lchurch choir fomea numbertf htngage nsthinsf cnstne.H ie -SEE - Kelly, Oshawa, and the in- a disturbance at the White bers of the church mt onyears, and activ nnm riht up othe tietlav Commgq Events vestigating officer, Constable Rose Service Station, known Septemnber 4th wvas thec or- Thursdlay evening tomemakeicharitable organizationumrustiscrtl Phee n hnaBl idl a riuae 30 0 AL.EM T623-399 39- as Dhelpingine arad g Mrs.mArtSindt on, attheir sandScoolmeeting onriand he a er of eigrea e or d t -Wel dneoodan fath i6330.-1 lACt10n Cale about 10:15 p.m., July 29th, cottage near Bracebridge, no Thursday evening at 8p., Past District Deputy and!teO roFi rud ih u evn ewl esrl M T RS L S1Dance, Tyrone-CommuniïtyAutio-sa- f65 whien the three accused en- business was conducted, asSeptember 26th. All teachers rn og Officer of the uepfo s offcalpeignmsed Hall, Saturday, Sept. 28. Clara]40 hogs, tract tered and began Io make evervone agreed to enjoy this are urged ttatend Io..ce Twsae mbrofet.6h and was on thean du •LIMITED - Nesbitt's Music Makers. Come ae,' 'i o pemnstrouble. He told the court thatlouting to the fullest-- which A number from here attend-.h PlceTuses niHdogranstan uigth vn and have a good time. '39-1* hy ranad fitm he nsingfrcashewas they did. Five earloads leftied Lindsay Fair on Saturday Cmison ew sal ig erace hwnx Earl McQueen, Pres.agrnan uitete knocked to the floor and kc-TautonCoresaot9am Mr. and Mrs. SamuelGra' member of the Fire Depart- mornmnghewsutldo 21OIGS.E r ahr and e! ose ot a p hiroperyCof.StanlC.in ls in the tface. When tsaedbloo 1and with Mrnes.aouSobil as rd amily, Oshawawrp ment for many years and drove Bwanvihree aB tl ehr BOWMNVILE p"orial Service, Noemb et9t .ýaturdav Sept. 28.aermsathrehdtke f n'tert t 'hn rivedrrs R D e.ig uetsofSurviving besides his wifel I first methiin 9,M THR ATR 391Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 39-1 car- . The last four miles were across Mrs. H. Abbott, Mrs. George aeaduheEle Ms hnIrne i adcm Authorized Dealer for __ r. Archie King testified th aet rwigIln.Allison, Mrs. J. A. Turnbull J. H. Leslie) of Peterborough, lent mixer. Beigboe St. John's Evening Branch he hadakebeenrocalledIfromda called on Mr. n Ms Crsand a granddaughter, Susan. was unable toea imfrso0IfFFYO Rambler Cars ýW.A. Rummage Sale, Oct. 4th IVEEKLY neighbouring restaurant and M.Sano n isnih stni Bowmanville and The funral Serviewas held ln ahe had forgotte at 9:30 a.m. Good used cloth- LIVESTOCK SALES had taken Kain in his car to bour arranged boat accomoda- presented them with three fhrm Park Steeton iteida.,tyhee. henh ecie Phone 623-356 ing. Pck-up Phon 623-2492 the Oshawa General Hos'pital, tion with everybody enjoying lovely gifts from the commun- Chuerch 1Oon, n Fiam hqeh nosdi Poe 63336e Pc-u hoe638-2a1t Durham County Sales Aren esiiiestthswr e t, as the water was clear and ity.Setmr13an was con-'and sent it on t is - - -- -- __ýOrono -Every Thurs., 7:3011p.m. quired to close the wound smooth. Everyone brought ai Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ashtondced by Rev. . Lnass DemonStratOr Bowmanville High Schiool'Horses, Cattle, Swine, Calves, over Kain's left eye. Icontribution to dinner (and Toronto, were recent gueste y e. .Kitchen, Niagara' floral tributes, leviecoh Annual Track and Field Day,1 etc. For truck pickup Phone- plenty left over for lunch) of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tay- OFalls. Interment was netein whiher dcae S A L E local High School Grounds, Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day of and in the matter of mi nutesllor and family OooCmtr.wshed eetoefo Weneda, c. nd Eer-sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales food was unpacked, all in-ý We hope that Mrs. E.Mr.-1M Honorary pallbearers were Orono Businessmn rn one welcome. 39-1l Managers. 52-tf y s r vited to partake, and then a Laughlin and Mr. Anthony Msr.OcrRlh hs oieTute n yr Only 2 Left S.Jsp'AnulTre general get-together sca Smith have speedy recoveries. Coope, ErvnRamidey, Vetiler ericCmmiso, rn Diner, Sna Otbe 6hForty registered and high1 chat was enjoyed. The weather You aremotcril WlsnOrn;SdeLtleFeDpamnOonL. . 1STAIONWAON 14:30 to 7 p.m. Adults 1.50,1grade Shorthorn cattle; pigs a amad unielvited to our Sunday mo nd ArlleyothutBw an- .F.iHethriRbeahLoge 1 AUTOMOBILE children under 12, 75c. Every- sheep, Cockshutt trator, ful for a hike over the iln.igwrhpa 115am i .Ps ititDpt rn You LstChaceto one welcome. 39-2 line of implements, hay, grain FREE! Gondcveigso oss,1when the Ladies Trio will allbe. aes wr ess atr soiton, Oronoid SAVEON 63' Th Laiesof t. ndrw'sand ,furniture, property of DLVEYcrawling vines, plus flowesrender two Anthems, and 'Robet CWatson. WreMareid,L.O.L.,nOronaHrsmeAurl Chuchwil oldarazarandArhiPPrridenot21,Co. ndtretdcoatons aonoRv.]. . ag ofHaptn rHHatrClrenarin hm CntalAgicutualSo aftrnonteaonFrday Nv.9, Whitby Township, at Myrtle, PHONE 623-3541 iwith stone and rock back-iwill bie our guest speaker. m onvo earry Dav ey, Boo city, iretrl fPtr 1sfteinoothecSunay Sch ool oo Station on Tucsday, October îgrounds, provided a scenic Plea-se take advantage of ýOsawavi et and SaKenbruh eitonBad 1963 Chev. Impala from 2:30 to 5:30. Everyone oe ock. emscakson, auct on-S.X. BRAND describe oa st imposl terallto trtrinsevie-o- etr-Amng the manly beautiful nie er d esino n 2-Dr. Hardtop ®eer 3-1 Ota e 011 Oeo u ebrM 8 cyl., automatic, custom night at 8 o'clock, sponsored Auction sale of Hereford hospital, therefore unable to rdior poed brakandpi omercJunior Chamber orth s, 12argood Hereford stFor tela twwh rwrnDr eal with the BES an ge th BE T tive traction rear axle. New Oshawa, - 45-tf 3-ton truck, Int. Farmall trac-: hl As different groups had to car condition. --Bowmanville -Nurses' As- tor, good line of implements, 5 1 start for home early, Mr. sociation are holding a Bake household furmiture, the prop-1 Stainton transported them 1961 PntiaC Sale notheP.U.C offie. John Hutnyk & Sons,1 BUTT PORK CHOPS or back to mainland, othersre • Friday, September 27fh at 1:30 2 ie eto ecm mained for a little longer, Convertible p.m. 38.2 on Highway No. 2, on Satur- 1Several men also took in this 8 cyl., automatic, custom Open House at Memorial MurrayOCoblet auctioneem trip i, and llathrouhly noyeds- radio, other extras. Locally Park Clubhouse, Tuesday, Oct.1 39-2 t, iasll atth.Sainon os ewl. In A-1 condition. 1 st, 7 p.m. - 10 p.m., to viewptaiy the new section of the Club-1 Auction sale, farmi sold; Our business meeting took , 190C e.4D. house. Buffet refreshments. Hereford cattle, tractor, com.- place, one week Iater, on Sept. Î Everyone welcome. 37-31bine, farm machinery, 1,000 S.X. BRAND lith, al its usual place and: 6 cyl. Local trade-inIn -haw's¯Home~and~Schoolibales hay, 400 bales straw, the time, but attendance wvas T aboe aerge onitin°Club Annual Market will be property of Fred G. Tufford, smallOG'i held Saturday, September 28i Lot 22, Concession 4, Hope Atroeigrmrr h 195 Ra ble 4-r. t rs. Ken Werry's, Kurv Inn. TwsionrocsinpAtroeinteakth 1958 Meteolr i4-Dr. ýa o1n"aorow"sh i°° prd o ne conditsion Ted Bih ndW a ete tan d c n utnstoa ss o h te raio I aov aergeilars rcesra 3-i ldest andbes1establish-sia'sRim tur eingh a story1111 . rnzue saie e go in the numbers commence promptly at 10l a.m. SAVE SAVE offered her assistance in pack- -- Enjoy on-the-spot, reliable CONSOLATION PRIZES Farm sold, owner moving Io igteebls oMs oi Traders' lowv cost FinancingE h i 'tBritish Columbia. Jack Reid, FACELLE ROYALE hias asked all parcels be ready "The oldest all-Canadian EeyTurs- 9gh auctioneer. 39-2 e for her to pick up by Sept. N AMN finance company". 8 P.m. 12th • •S JSPHS Feeder Sale--Durhlamn Farm-• President Mrs. Bradley ex-ý ST. OSEPHrs', Annual Fall Sale, selling tended sincere thanks to aillU tlMR H 1 SERVICE STATION A DT RU Monday, September 30 at the the ladies helping in this J Nowisth tie o roectLiery T.-OwIMnileDurham County Sales Arena, roli5 ( summer's catering .iobs. The ON OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLA your care f or win te riving 39-tf Bwranileýrono. Sale to commence 2 9 financial returns were quite with UNDER-SPRAY rod, two-year-ol stock cales PRODUCE DEPT. Anominating committee S PEC IA L S Open from "7 a.m. A:,Ri rSemhp and feeder cows and Holstein S P E C 1 A L 1 was formed, and asked to until 12 midnight T 1 C K E T S heifers. All cattle graded and•• have their slate of officersý , . .TO EVERYWHERE sold in suitable lots by the FINEST QUALITY1 ready to present at the NoV- IAL -24-HOUR J11 RY &cOuV E L L Pase no 9res.er Jartie; R ED GRAPES Mrs =raleypresented her FRONT DOORS $SELF-STORIN SCE S WING SERVICE 2 King St. E. 623-3361 auctioneer. 39-1 report from attending an af. VARIOUSSIE ewBowmanville- ternoon session at the O.L.C.1 ONLY 6 LEFT RIGHTS ANDLFT? Phone 623-3401 AUCTION SALE OF C ,. Mrs. Gien Glaspell gave a fin-: CEAIN1A4 E WHILE THEYLSTE AferHors62-28 GADOLS ULSancial report, and i CwARNGAwer----eA Afte HoRESULTS03 GCOUNTS BLJSquite pleased with the present, Member of N.A.L. •LT OU T SEEDLINGS and FRESH. - Arriving Daily ýstanding. The U.C.W. was pre- NAMED VARIETIES ONTARIO GROWN !sented with a generous gift! grown by the late (of money) to be used on an CONTACT: PerCy Greenfield BLUE GRAPES outing of some kind. Sale to be held at the Cards of thanks and sym- ) HW ( O Earl McQueen residence of pathy numbered 4. plus oneý Weldon Brown MUlLTIPLE LISTING SERVICE' Dr. E. W. Sisson 73 6 qt. b5kt. tathe sggestio of a res ne Oshawa Office and Showroom - LIMIT ED -mi fieadsoro Bud Fogg consult a Hember of the 100 LIBERTY ST. NORTH to Oshawa Presbyterial. Mrs.' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Jim Crombie Ohw rDsrc BOWMANVILLE - On Oe hradFi Reid has kindly consented to: Phone: 728-1617 0 1 elephOneS eCUTC -7811 Jack Mller Ra saeBadSaturdaySpt. 28 Nights till 9 p.m. meinnOt.us un d.i ur BOWMANVILLE -728-1611 Îo Serve YOU AA Eih290 39-1 ing our prayer card,