Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1963, p. 16

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16 The Canadian Statesman, BownaanvIlle, Sp.1,I5 E Clarke High Schoc I One of the features of the inside exhibits at Orono pair was the large and colorful art exhibit arranged gy art instructor Major D. L. Bennett of Newcastle, %iown here at right discussing the display entered by Clarke High School students. This excellent Deputy Governor Insta Ils Directors 0f Kinsmen Club The joint installation of thelfor 1963-64 are: Presideîi Bowmanvil1e Kinsmen ClublBert Snowden, Past Presideni. ad the Bowmanville Kinette' Arnold Sleep. lst Vice-Presi- Club officers for the coming lent Byron Bruni. 2nd Vice- year was held at a dinner President Colin Cooke, Se,ý rnéeting held ait th F] 7io retarx' Eugene Murdock, Trea- Dutchman Motor Hotel 'last surer Terry Masters, Registrai *eek. Deput.y-District Gover- Robert Fairey. Bulletin Edi- lor Jtm- Gartshore. Whitby-. tor Jack Schill, Assistant Edi- officiated. District - Gox'ernor tor Ron Stewart, Directors la-vine Brown gx-e a report Gordon Wilcox and Bannei ën the National Kinsmen Passant, a n d Sergeant-at- Convention held in Hamilton Arrms Bill Kilpatrick. during the last week of Au- The officers of the Bow- gust, manvitie Kinette Club for the .Others aitlthe head table coming Year are: President were Di'4rîct-Gov,,ernor Irvinc Gladys Stutt. Past Presidený (JTake) Brown.. Mrs. Brown, Kax' Cain, lst Vice-President President Bert Snowden, Mrs. Evelyn Werry, 2nd Vice-Pre- Snowden, Past President Ar- sident Barbara Connell, Trea- siold Sleep, Mrs. Sleep, Kin- surer Barbara Masters, Regis- ette Club President Gladys tiar Dorothy Passant, Direr- Stutt, and her husband Don tors Jean Collacutt and Helen1 Stutt, and Kinette Club Past S c h il11, Sergeant - at - Arms President Kay Cain. and hr'r Mar, Wilcox, and Bulletin busband Murrayv Cain. Editor Frieda Krainp. The irmpressizve n1lvnTe next dinner mneeting tolj of the offîcers of both club^ be held by' the Bowmanvjlle I took place afler a short bus.-IKinmen Club will be ois; liess nicetin z. Thie Bowia n-ITuesdav evening, Septernber! ville Kinsmen Club officer73l7tli. The Bownanville KiI-ir I1 Enters Art -Exhibit wîv exhibit and others by more senior artists of the area drew favorable comments from the hundreds who' toured through the building. Fair officials were cam- mended for having the most attractive layaut of theý building's exhibits. ette Club's next meeting will Believing" - ive should learn! he an Wednesday evening b t believe without sceen-.! September 25th, and attend- -ce tabs xiii be issued that The other showed that we' ?Veing Th enertînnen shotild caîl a hait when in, ,onvenors for the meeting dager of leaving our faithý A"il] be Joan Brunt and Helenin o ehn s Brown. Mrs. Vinson said Abraham was a key man wvhose influ-ý ence was solely religîous - a, EB NE ERbelief inone true God.Whyv ho asked no question,,,, went; (Intended for last week) cheerfully. left ail he had! With 17 menibers piesent knowvn, put his hand in God's1 lie Afternoon Unit of thse and xvent where guided. He: J.C.W. opened the fat] jmees- huilt altars along the way.ý ngs with a studY of Abrahiam. and WE' need altars for wnr-: ýb1,v taken hv Mrs. Sari Vin- ship. He foilnd an Almightvi C ýon and Mrs. K. (3rmiston. God without limit. Tý; Vou' Alr. C Dwn peed heGnd big enaugh? When God i Mrs C.Dow opnedbbcgoes out of governnsen t. a meeting with a brief report greai, vacuum takes oveî'. Wjth of an interview given by a God as manager, no life evejFi .-udent froin India at tihe fa ils. M U.C...School at Wtitbýv. In- dia has 34 womnen mnembers of parliament aiid several wo- mnen judges. The next general mieeting will be on Thursday evening, Sept. 26th, and the October Afternoon Unit will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Down. Clothes are needed at the U.C. dePot. especialîry ard gonds and blankets. Mi. llawke wouIld like C. Plh& handed in as soon as possible .1 Mrs. Orrniston read thie scripture passage, a couple of stories illustrating t fie study. One on "Seeing and Personal Size Receive $4.00 in Bonus Tapes with Toi SO SIMPLE, S0 CONVENIENT . . . Pick up an officiai savings folder at your IGA Food Market. Then each time yau shop slip your cash register tape in it for safe keeping. Just keep saving these IGA cash register tapes until yau have enough ta equal the value indicated for any item in the catalogue. All premiums can be claimed in this manner with NOTHING EXTRA TO PAY. 1 EXTRAT&O L$ 3000I Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes witli lvory Soap GLEEM Toothpaste APPLEFORD'S 7B"' WAX PAPE R 10 M ON A RCII PASTRY FLOUR Receive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes with Quaker MUFFETS FRASERVALE ONTARIO 15 oz. Pkg.CARR0TS TableRite ý 12 oz. I No. 1 i ROYAL GOLD ICE CREAM SAVE AMORE We featureP ronto Competitive Prices every day! 0 m*0 * Il IGA "BONUS BOOSTER" TA Eachi week a number of food featu BOOSTERS". When you purchase "BOOSTER TAPES" which have a or $10 each. Just save these in y( regular IGA cash register tapes. ADVERTISING FOR "BONUS BC etc. IN NUS'1 01 Glant Size Sai er SIiced Pkg. Grade 'elln Pint PRODUCE FEATURES Ca ifornia's Ftne%-t Table Varieties 1 A Deliclotis Dessert - Ex~tra Fancy Pesh - Tender - G;reen- Ontario Grown Qt p New Crop Valencia 3RUSSELS SPROUTS Box25c ORANGES size TABLERITE - (anada's Finest Quality Red & Blue Bra Blade Bone Removed BLADE SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS CUT RIB ROAST Bol b 659 c lbi BURNS DAISY BRAND SLICED SIDE BACON BURNS PURE PORK SmaIl Link SAUSAGE 4 Grocery BURNS - Spain or Spork Luncheon Meat 2Tn 9 CADBURY'S - Dairy Miik or Assorted2 9 FAMILY PACK 2 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOU To ns8c 8c OFF REG. PRICE CRISCO * Dairy Feature* BLUE BONNET COLOURED - 6c OFF MARGARINE 3,bs79c IHOT DOG WIENEI i t Lf %ornq li HOT DOGWIN "IIOSPITALITY" - Available Thiur APPLE PiE IGA CHOICE PEACHES OLD TYME TABLE SYRU ROYAL GUEST COFFEE 15e OFF Rg. Giant Size SPIC & SPA MANNINGS Weekend Asst E.D. SMITH Bowmanville IGA F004 iVe reserve tise right in lnit quantities. BOWMANVI LLE LOWER ,N69c 125 Biscuits 99C 215 . 45 Food prices effective SePtember 4tb, Stb. 6th, 7th I 3 1bs99C1 F7. 1 v mm e e e Mart Savino Tanac MÉ%ur ;#%m. 1 size Sept. 18, 1963 FREE ý BURNS il IFT 0 0 a MW qw )WER ICES NPES... ures are selected as "BONUS these products you are given a catalogue value of $2, $4, $6 "Our flader along with yaur .WATCH OUR WEEKLY OSIER" FOOD FEATURES. isi SueS RS 513529 1 76'. doz 49c and Beef bc NELESS >ULDER ss65 l 9 oz* Pligs, BOLOGNA ST Rindles Features * BOWMANVILLE

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