Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1963, p. 1

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~Rugged Way of Campaigning a, The politicians and many others had an energetic evening at Orono Fair on Friday evening, during the tug-of-war in which the Kirby strong men overpowered ail opposition to take the titie again. Alex Carruthers, Pro- gressive-Con se rvat ive provincial candidate seeking re-election, was lured into action by the Newcastle Lions team and is shown here pulling hard. They beat Solina but xvere eliminated in the finals. Over in the corner at right, squats Russell C. lloney, M.P., enjoying the affair that cost him $35 in prize money. Details Govt. Record Farm Cash Income Rising 4$eyvs P C Candidate During Address on Agriculture Alex Carrutiiers, Progres- sgive Conservative Candidate, speaking in Millbrook, stres- fied the -exceptîonally fine re- tord of the Robarts Govern- rnc,1ý *a.i he field of Agýricul- Irthe Minhstership of abeli. William Stewart, the Nine Entries For Orono's Drama Festival On Monday, September 9th, a meeting %vas held of Orono Draina Festival Com- mnittee at the home of mrs. Don Staples. A 'st of the entries to ,hý6etivaI were read and inv le The Bowm anville Drar,..d Workshop, Oshawa Little Theatre, The IHenry Street Iligh Schiool of Whit- by, The Pic-Ax Ilayers, Th- Ajax Draina Workshop, The Ajax United Church Draina -Gnou p. Lind % a y Little Theatre, Whitby Dra- mna League and the Orono Hi ci. It was confirmed tlîat the Festival be held on 26th, 27th and 28th SePtenîber in the Orono Tov-n Hall and that Mr. Esse Ljungh wvould be Adjudicator. Department bas brought abouit The settiiig uip of the On- major changes in Agriculture. tario Food Council, he said, A very successful young was an entirely new concept, farmer himnself, in the County net only ini Canada but in al of Middlesex, Mr. Stewart is of North America, for the responsible for the enactment marketing of agricultural food of the Ontario Foodi Council; products. The Food Counei] Meat Inspection Act, Ontario provides a contact between Agriculture Research Insti- ail those who are invoived in tute and the reintroduction of the production, processing and the Junior Farmer Establish- consumption of the food pro- ment Act. ducts of Ontario farms. It is Farm Cash income in On- designed, Mr. Carruthers stat- tario, Mr. Carruthers said, ed, to control Vertical Inte- now amounts to some $900 gration. million a year and is increas- In order to meet the needs ing steadily. The annual gross Of Ontario farmers, the Jun- value e! Agricultural produc- ior Farmer Establishment Act tion in Ontario is now $1.,j bas been reinstituted with obilion.; (TURN 10 PAGE TWO) Drama Workshop Plans To Produce Two Plays The opening meeting of the ho directeri hy Louise Orme, Bowmanville Drama Work- will be presented the first sho wa hed i th Lins wcek in December. shopwashel intheLios IWe are entcring a one-act Centre on September 5th. play "The Sandbox", directed President Jean Sheridan hy Jean Darch in the Orono wclcomed members and pros- Draina Festival, which will pective members. It was an- he prcsented September 28th nounced that bulletins are be- in the Orono Town Hall. ing sent out periodically te, Loutise Orme then took over our fans, various clubs andIthe meeting, first giving an organizations of our activîties.1 outline of the play "The Cur- Our plans this ycar are te i bus Savage', followed by produce two, three-act pla ys. casting. New and outstanding The first one "The Curious talent will be featured in this Savage" hy John Patrick, to forthcoming production. Deputy Clerk Receives afl4bx~rn t4te~m~rn Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 109 16 Pages Labor Councl Enters Dispute Over School Bus On Tuesday evening, a dele- Keith Ross, the counicil's sec- gation of about 50 people from retary reportedly said: "the the Bowmanville Beaches, members of the Bowmanvile parents of some of the 82 Public Sehool Board should children of that area who are hang their heads in shame. Public School pupils, attend- This is flot Russia and the ed a meeting of the Oshawa idea that Family Allowances and District Trades and Labor might be eut because children Council held in the Steel- were kept home from school workers Hall, Oshawa. would make democracy un- The council went on record bearable"l. with a resolution that its Parents of the children in- members would do ail in their volved who were in the dele- power to assist Bowmanville gation at the meeting in Osh- Beach residents in obtaining awa said that they had re- transportation for those schjool ceived letters from the School pupils who reside more than Board yesterday afternoon i- two miles from the school. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Arrangements were also made te have a deegation~ composed of an executiIrC US ronies District Trades and Labor Council and some of the par eu n H m transportation -for their child- ren, go to Queen's Park. in F r H ld y Toronto on Thursday te bring the matter to the attention of Area youngsters will be the Deputy-Minister of Edu- happy to learn that 15 ponies cation for Ontario. returned home Tuesday to the At the meeting of the Osh- L. B. McLaughlin pony farm, awa and District Trades and R.R. 3. They have spent the Labor Council last night,1 summer at Toronto Island in conjunction with the model Prom iea perated yteMro Promoted ~~politan Toronto akDet Goldie, a palomino and bis string of circus ponies thrill- ed thousands of visiting child- ren througbout the summer months, and Mr. McLaughlini . ......is happy to report that no acci- dent of any kind occurred during the five seasons the ponies have been operating at the Island. The ponies will now take up their wintel quarters where they will stili receive treats of apples and carrots. But, it wili be much quieter and flot so eventful as. being on AI Boliska's television program "On the Scene"l. U ne young lady who wel- comed the ponies was Karen Buday, 110W 13 years-old, who breaks in the new colts for S4 the coming season. She has been a wonderful help around the farm, since she was three- years-o d, and is right a.* home with the ponies. Calgary Garrison, Alta.- Major William J. Brown, CD, 34 Moreuil Wood Drive, an officer of the Lord Stratb- cona's Horse (Royal Can- adians) bas been appointed Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General of Headquarters, Calgary Gar- rison. Before his new ap- pointmaent Major Brown was second-in-command of bis regiment at Sarcee Barracks, a position now occupied by a former squadron commander, Major P. M. Burger, 2 Lini Avenue, Sarcee Barracks. Major Brown formerly of Bowmanville, son of Mrs. and the late Mr. J. J. Brown, join- ed the non-permanent active militia in Toronto in 1940 as a junior officer o! the Midland Regiment. He transferred te the Lord Strathcona's Horse in 1942 and served in Italy and Northwestern Europe be- fore returning te Canada as a volunteer for the Pacific Force. Since the Second World War Major Brown has served in various Canadian centres, and for three years was a Can- adian Liaison Officer at Fort Knox, Kentucky. He has been with hîs regiment in Calgary since 1960. Scholarship Xn Interesting and unusual ceremony w as con- course for Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. The # cted at Darlington Council on Thursda\ when' presentation xvas made by Reeve A. L. Blanchard, left.' 9raham Dallas. the Deputy Clerk, received a cer- The off ice staff aise indicated their pride in Mr. tificate from Queens University Extension Dept. mark- Dallas' achievement with Clerk Walter Rundle, rîght, ing the succesdful completion el a three year training making a second presentation on their behalf. Çi8ts BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO,_WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER llth, 1963 1 10e Per Copy Newtonv~iIe Man Wins Kinsmen Funorama Hugh W. Stapleton of Newtonville was the big winner at the Kinsmen Club's "Funorama" on Satur- day evening. His lucky ticket won him a new Pontiac 2-door sedan and he is shown here, right, with Mrs. Stapleton, receiving the keys from Kins- men President Bert Snowden. Other prize winners were Jim Richards, 12 Odeli St., who won $75 in the GRANDMA FLIES TO WEDDING Mr. Sandy McRobbie's mother, Mrs. J. Copeiand and his sister, Mrs. W. Ed- wards, arrived on Sunday by TCA from Lestock, Sask., to spend a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. McRobbie and famiiy. While here, they wili at- tend the McRobbie - Rundie wedding on Saturday, Sept. 14th, in Trinity United Church. For Mrs. Copeland, who Is 80-years-old, the trip was her first experience in a plane. Her saf e arrivai en- sures that there wiIl be four grandmothers of the bride and groom - elect attending the wedding. ___ and £Aeces BANTAMS LOSE - There's sadness in the Legien Bantams basebaîl camp this week as they were ousted from the Ontario finals by New Hamburg over the weekend. They won the f irst game here. on Thursday, lost on Saturday 2 te 1 and again on Sunday 8-2. However, they have had a good season, but it would have been nice te win. Their photos will appear next week. t t t. t t TOBACCO TYERS - Those thrilled spectators at Orono Fair on Friday night were witnessing an event that may be on its way eut due te automa- tien. The girls who tied the tobacce on sticks are gradually being replaced by a machine that will do the job with accuracy and speed that even these girls cannot match. FLASH - A last minute news item advises that the Rural Bowling League will get underway on Tuesday, Sept. l7th at 8:30 p.rn. Ail players take note, please. t t t t THREE GENERATIONS - Rickaby's Big 20 Is quite unique wîth three generations of one family working there. There is Mrs. R. P. Rickaby, her daughter Mrs. George Webster and her daughter Janîce Webster is helping eut part time. Mr. Rickaby's many friends will be pleased te know he underwent successful eye surgery recently and is expected home from hospital either tomorrow or Friday. t i.t 1*t NEW PAINT JOB - Bill's Billiards has had a face-lifting with a new paint job applied this week by Rowe & Burgess. Makes quite an attractive f ront. ILt CAR WASH - Rotarians are hoping for ramn on Thursday or Friday, but net Saturday. Their reasoning is that if it rains on those tw'o days, many folks in the area will have dirty cars thcy will want cleaned during the annual car wash at Robson Motors on Saturday. Se, whether your car is clean or dirty, take it tn the Rotary Car Wash on Saturday and give themn a financial boost. The money will go te hclp their cern- munity activities, and the exercise you'll be giv- ing the Rotarians won't do them a bit of harm either. t t t t~ SYMPATHY - Word was received on Wednes- day that W. J. "Bill" Riddell died on Tuesday. His many friends who saw him at Orono Fair on Friday, and who have knowvn him for many years in his varieus community activities, wilIlibe deeply shocked te hear cf his passing. AIse, a welI known and highly esteemed Bowmanville lady, Miss Leta Jackson, died today. She was a kindly friend who will be sorely missed. She used te make the best home made buns that were a real treat. * t . 1 MANY PHOTOS - Unfortunatelv, ail of the photos taken at the many events over the week- end do net appear in this issue, but due te iack of space have been held over. They will be pub- lished next week. There is just tee niuch going on in this area these days te give everything the type cf news and photo coverage that we would like te. Once the election is over, affains may settie down a littUe. NUMBER 37 Car 50-50 draw and Edîth Fannaway, R.R. 2, Fruitland, who won a radio. The large crowd almost over- whelmed the Dominion Store parking lot and made At almost impossible for the square dancing "Swingin' Bows" to, perform with any freedom. "Slim" Gordon entertained with his radio program during the early part of the evening. Speaks at Orono Meeting Haif of Tory Government Investigating Other Haf Peel M. P. Te ls Liberals Haif of the present Con- servative Government is kept busy investigating what the other half of it is doing, Bruce Beer, M.P. for Peel, the Par- liamentary Assistant to the Federal Minister of Agricul- ture, icharged at the meeting held by the Clarke Township for Durham County, Mrs. 'M. J. Tamiblyn, vice-president of the Central Ontario Sou'h Liberal Women's Association, Neil Malcolm, president of thc Cartwright Liberal Associa- tion, and Don Staples, Orono. "With Allan Beer as the Liberal Candidate people in the county there, and special- ly glad t hat neighbours who live near his farm at Beth- any, and a number of bis fel- low workers from General Motors were present. "A Liberai Government i Ontario wiil work co-opera- tivelv with t!he Federal Gov. Libéral iAssociation in the DurhamCounty have a chance ernmient lin the formulation Orono Community Hall on te elect a man who bas served of national marketing boards Monday evening. He said bis community, county, and and in expanding expert mar- Premier Robants is flot clean- church well," Neil Malcolm kets. The tobacco and dainyr ing up but covcring up until said in introducing Mr. Beer. (TURN To PAGE TWo) aftcr the election. H ar r The infiltration of big busi- ganiat, pr sto the r-a ness into farming known as BOGUS $10 BILLS o! te mtion, stechim vertical integration bas be- of he eetng.corne increasingly alarming The Bowmanvile Branch of Others on the platformn be- te small farmers tbroughout the Bank of Montreal picked sides the special speaker and Ontario, and the Liberal Par- up several countenfeit $10 bills the chairman wene Allan ty is pledged te control its on Friday. The serial number Beer, the Liberal candidate growth, Alian Beer told the of these bogus bills waa for Durham County, Mrs. meeting. W/D 8764652. Beer, Russell C. Honey, M.P., Mr. Beer, who' was given This is the second time with- Mrs. Honcy, Gl1e n h olme an ovation fromn the enthusias- in a few weeks that counter- Hughes, president o! the Dur- tic audience of more than 200 feit money bas appeared in ham Liberal Asso ci at i on, people, said that he was pleas-J the town. The last notes of Frank Rickard, a former M.P. ed te see people from ail overJthe sort were bogus $20 biîz.6 Before the meeting in Orono on Monday, guest speaker Bruce Beer, left, Peel County's M.P. and brother of the Durham provincial candidate, wanted te sce one cf Allan's election signs. As they were inspecting the fluorescent colors, a group cf Cubs on their way te a meeting, stopped te sec what it was aUl about, and the Statesman photographer saapped the group while the Beer brothers wcre explaining.

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