BRt-E LINE J Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vanl Camp, Susan, Mary, Tom, Lisa and Lori are vacationing at *V%,.nCamp Lodge', Mink Lake. ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp g(holidaying at 'Jovalee' ce iýage, Min k Lake. M r. and Mrs. Neil Brownell and Val- e rie and Lee spent the week- end at their cottage. Mr. Fred Heide, Corbetton, the Rev. and Mrs. Edward CoIwell, Susan and Tommy, Coe Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foley, Mrs. Bert Colwell and Mr. Irwxn Colwell were Sun- dlay dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foley, Dorothy, ]Donald, and Mrs. L. Hockin. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hart- ey, Rcky and Heather were 'weekend guests of Mrs. Hart- Iey's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hopkins. The sympathy of this com- 2nunity is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wrght in the loss of her aunt, Mrs. S. Dewell, ]Hamp)ton, and also to Mrs. Roy Metcahf in the loss of hcr friend. Mrs. C. Wilson, Mrs. A. ]Barnies and Miss Grace Barnes attended Toronto Exhibition' en Monday. Prud Six memnbers of the Beth- any Girls 4-H Garden Club, Eleanor Porteous, Patsy Bige- low, Kathleen Morton, Sheila Wood, Marguerite Beer and - ]Heather Sisson, a t t e n d e d Achievemnent DStevenssdis trict held at DayfrenHi. i Nîne-year old Charles Sees son of Mr. and Thursday. Each girl had ,nMrs. Bob Stevens, Kingston Rd. W., is right at home rnake an arrangement of five lholding the reins as he guides hîs pet pony "Stardust" vegetables with three samples around the Glen Rae Daîry farm near Bowmanville. of each, and a floral table He has many friends among the youngsters of the centrepiece from plants grawn area who enjoy riding in thîs cart or in the saddle of club exhibit was of four dif- w r l'l . .C + l c ; i Bowmanville Colin Cook, Mgr. lFinance l'hg fame -Io ,emember for MONEYI Scbool Opening Specials Good Until Sept. 7th .O*M%-BEDFORD CORD Dress Slacks Checks and Plains Browns, Black, Green, Grey Sizes 8 to 16 years $1,99 Wind brea kers LAMINATED FABRIC Ail Colors Sizes 8 to 16 years $5099 COTTON JACKETS Lined $3.95 up COTTON SHIRTS$14 Plaids., Plains, Patterns. Sizes 8 to 16 years-_ _____ W. carry a ful SHOP lin e of School ClotIîing AND SAVE $$$$ and Footwear AT GEORGE'S MENS &A KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 1a second pany, "Princess". Early this week when the Editor asked Charles if he was looking forward to heading back to school on Tuesday, he didn't appear too enthusiastic and who can blame him. Not many youngsters would want ta leave their ponies to sit in school. d Winning Swimmers Award winners Peggy Millson, 12, of R.R. 1, Enniskillen, and Steve Reyn- olds, 10, of Hampton, pose with their Red Cross swimming ernblems received recently. Peggy won an Intermediate certificate and Steve passed his Junior test. -Oshawa Times Photo COF. Bowling Schedulej The Canadian Order of For- Trophy. esters will open their mixed Any Foresters, wives of bowling league on Friday, Foresters or friends of For- Sept. 6 at 9 p.m. at Liberty Bowl Ltd. The league will esters wisbing to bowl should again consist of eight teams contact either Harry Snowden, and wiil be divided into two 623-3820 - or Pat Marshall, schedules each consistIng of 623-7069, as there is room for 14 league weeks with the win- extra bowlers to fil up some ners of each schedule playing teams or increase the size of off for the Lorne Haynes'ithe league. No. 1 - B. Marshall, C. Schwartz, E. Roberts, T. Ellis, S. Hockin, J. Jones. No. 2-H. Snowden, J. Smith, S. White, E. Prout, M. Mac- Nab, M. Malley. No. 3-Ray Westlake, M. Stephen, J. Gibson, C. Bell. ýE. Baker, V. Luke. No. 4-Marg. Perris, S. Brock, B. Jones, E. Luke, L. Bell, G. Malley. Date - Flrst Schedule Sept. 6 iSept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct, Il Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 25 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Mar. 6 Mar. 13 Mar. 20 Mar. 27 Apr. 3 Apr. 10 Chicken Rall Off elayoft No. 5 - Ron Brock, B. Kunkel, F. Snowden, N. Zon- dervan, B. Taylor, J. Devitt. No. 6-G. Prout, D. Dennis, J. MacNab, P. Marshall, Mrs. Borek, M. Stephen. No. 7-Betty Westlake, J. Baker, M. Dakin, C. Roberts, B. Hockin, H. Bain. No. 8-Marie Smith, S. Hunt, L.Ellis, G. Dennis, S. Bain, IChester Borek. Alleys 1-2 3-4 5 6-8 5-7 2 5-4 1-8 1 3-6 7-2 1 7-1 4-6 3 2-3 8-5 4 4-7 6-1 8 5-6 7-8 3 2-4 1-3 5 7-3 2-6 1 1-5 8-4 7 3-8 5-2 4 4-i 6-7 8 8-2 3-5 6 1-2 3-4 5 1-2 3-4 5 4-3 2-1 8 7-5 8-6 3 8-1 4-5 6 2-7 6-3 4 6-4 1-7 2 5-8 3-2 7 1-6 7-4 5 8-7 6-5 2 3-1 4-2 8 6-2 3-7 4 4-8 5-1 6 2-5 8-3 1 7-6 1-4 3 5-3 2-8 7 5-1 8-3 1-4 2-8 4-3 7-5 8-1 2-7 6-4 5-8 1-6 As A Peacock of His Pet Pony and Cart .-KICK STAND SoUdly.bullt "rwo-Leg" stand suppors bOre firmly upright. Made to last. For 20» or 22" frame blke -......... - o89 .-BIKE CARRIER Long lastlng wtre ribs. Deep, clamp-on car~ rier lets you keep both banda on the handlebar ............ 1.19 @LONG SÀULT 1 (Intended fer last week) Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker,i Janet and Michael, Pat Knutt,I Waterdown, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker on Sunday. Miss Margaret Estabrooks, Courtice, Miss Jean Baker, Mr. Bruce Baker and Mr. Keith Goble visited Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and family, Aldershot, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. MeLag- gan, Bruce and Victor called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Malette, Cresswell, Wednesday after- moon. Deep gloomn was cast over our community Tuesday ev- ening when It was learned that Mrs. Jim Dugan, mother of our minister, had suddeniy passed away at their summer home in Quebec. Although the Dugan famlly had only been with us a year, she was loved by everyone, and the sympathy of the entire com- munity goes out to ber bus- band and son, Rev. C. Dugan, in their ioss of a wonderful wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and Linda, Lifford, Mr. Jack1 Johnson, Oshawa, were Sun-1 day guests of their parents,1 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. 1 Sympathy of the commun!-1 tires; deluxe 2-tone saddle; British-built coaster brake for smooth stops. Sparkling chromc-plated handlebars. sprockets, cranks, fork crown and rims. Boys' models are red- girls' models in brigbt blue. BI1KE TIRE SPECIALS tanardSerice SUPER-LASTIC WHITEWALLS - StandrdLSrice Deep non-skid tread; 34 oUPr 28" z I/C" 26" or 28" x 11/" ..... 26"or281 x11/" HEAVX DUTY BLACKWALLS- Real tolugh,29 11069 SUPER DUTY BLACKWALLS - EACH 26" or 28" x 1½" .... ........2 6 --l - SAVE en overy sizo!1 Bos'ad Oirls' AgsSt.a niy ..... 59 Ages 8 te 12; Boys' 20?.,",Gis' 18" tframe -..95 Mon ' and Youths 2022~~, Ladies' 20" trame.......:.99 28" x 1%½" ................ f À MEAVy DUJTy - 26" or 28" x 1' 1.2S BIKE INNER TUBES 3.-5-FLAG SET Mounts on handlebar stem. Made of tilk. 5x3:' 'x. on 814" matts. Canadian Enuign, Frencb, U.S.A., Quebec, Skull and X-bones .-............ ...... 949 4.-"Rocket" READLJGHT Sweeping tati fins, hooded vison. Mounts et, tender or handlebar. Brightly pollahed face. CIes strong beam. tcu~..-.11 S.-GENERATOR SET Produces constant lghting. power at aU apeeds. Chrome.plated headllzht. ê-volt m erator. tai Ught, wire and ittinga Included ..........- 3.59 $L-FEN'DER FLAPS Jewelled Fonder FlapI x 6"; Black, each .. ... .. 03 Wblte, each -.49 7% x711.whit; ' ch ........-9.59: ASSO IAT SOR 160 CHURCH ST. BOWMANVI LLE ItY Io extended to the. Van Dam The. Canadian Itatam, 3wmmnvlfl, Aug. le, 190S - family in the Ioss of a loving wife and mother. Mr and Mrs. Larry lddeU, Club 50 held their August DU±lLLUIT 4 meeting at the home of Mrs. Newonarket, w e re SundaY IGwen Murphy, with 10 mem- Mr. Harold ILarnier la pro- guests of Mr. and Mrm A. C, bers present. President Mrs. gressing favourably in Mem-. Stephenson and famlly. Kathleen Davey opened the orial Hospital, Bowmanvile. Mr. Everett Strutt spent s meeting and conducted the necessary business. Mrs. Da- Glad to report that Mrs. couple days In Peterborougfi vey then turned the meeting Edna MeLaughlin la improv- last week. over to the program count ing steadiiy. O udymrig e tee, Mrs. Gordon Baker and Mr. Amos Trick Ieft On Sundrlta 15aym.rnn, RS. Mrs. Sophie Kovacs. O ur Wednesday for his home in C. R. Rudd of Pet'erborough program consisteti of some Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, will be OUr guest speaker. A very humorous readings, Mrs. atter an ex'tended visit here cordial Invitation is extended Gwen Murphy read, "Patty w1th relatives. t ail. McGinty's Ghost"; Mrs. Greta Mrs. B. Lee and family Mr. and Mrs. Norman Me MeLaggan read "The Trapper spent a f ew days with rela- Keene and famlly, Hampton, and the Bear": Miss Grace tives In Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker and Smith read "The Talents"; A number front here at- family, Toronto, were Sunday and Mrs. Doris Baker read tended the Exhibition in Tor- guests of Mr. and Mra. P. G, "A Word of Advice." We onto this week. Gatcheli a.nd family. closed the meeting with the Mr-. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey Miss Edith and Garry Ho!.' bymn "The Lord's My Sbep- attended -a wedding ln Wel- royd returned home alter herd."1 land on Saturday. spending a few days wlth re- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allison latives in Toronto. Weekly Report and familyr, Oshawa, were re- Mnr. and Mrs. Ross Rubbard Memryrand HrspindlMrs. George Sunday guests of M'r. and Frthe week of August A number from here at- Fortended Blackstock Pair on Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, Osh. 19-25 inclusive: Saturday. awa, was recent guest of Mr. Admissions ... .. .......... 55 Mr. and Mrs. Harold De and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Births, 8 maie, 2 female 10 Mille and family, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard Discharges ................... 55 ville, Mr. Douglas Hill. Have- attended the funeral of the Major operations........... 3 lock, were recent callers at late Mr W. H. Krantz at the Minor operations .......... 10 the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Armstrong Funeral Home in Emergencies................. 531 Hubbard. Oshawa.1 0 ...LWJ HESE LWJUSY DIKE EXTRA ýi 79