SociaI & Ekerso nal St Phone 623-3303 Mrs. Ed. Wright, Rochester,1 of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mutton, .Y.' is holidaying with hem Concession St. Mr. and Mzrs. kunt, Miss Milcfred Willmott. Banting and fanxily, who are Mr. Greg Calmer and daugh- o n holidays, are an a motor [er Donalda, Bracebidge, vis- trip ta Western and Notern ted town relatives and friends Ontario. [ast week Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moffatt, Mrs. Ken., Buckley and Miss Prospect St., Mr. and Mzrs. Pinne Buckley, Toronto, were Gardon Moifatt, Liberty St., guests of Miss Mildred WIli- were guests at the Ritsky- ott this week. Toplis wedding on Saturday, Miss Kim Masters spent a Aug~ust 3, in St. Anibrase lew days last week with hem Catho11e Church, Toranto, and mncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. at the reception whlch was Floyd Hale o! Newmarket. held at the Seaway Towers. Mr. L. B. Nichalis bas ne- Sunday visitars with the turned home after a visit with Misses Weekes, Duke Street, his son and daughter-in-iaw, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. anud Mrs. Douglas Nichais, Weekes, Mrs. Ed. Weekes, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weekes, Mrs. Bert Colwell and Ir- Harold James and son Doug- Win spent a few days this las, Islington, and Staff Ser- wee:c with Mrs. A. J. Lymer geant W. L. Weekes of Regina. and family at their cottage, M.adMs .Gro Twin Lakes. Mand dhtrs.JEn nd ar- Mm..Mar Autino! et-ion from Muskegan, Michigan, roit, Mich., was a weekend spent a few days at the home guest af her cousin, Mrs. W. o their aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. agnll nd r. agnliAustin Wood. Weekend guests Scugag Street. with Mr. and Mrs. Wood were Mrs. E. Brass, Toronto, and their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Clarke, Srnith, Arcola, Sask., and Mr. Oshawa, were visitors last and Mrs. R. Tindaj.i, Cherry- week with Mr, and Mrs. A. waod, Ont. Saunders, Wavely Rd. Mr. and Mis. Boy Akister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burk have White Bear, Sask., Mr. and returned from a three-week Mrs. Ben Tomlinson, Keswick; Vacation, duing which they Mr. and Mrs. Art Mitchell, geatly enjoyed a camping Pefferiaw; Mr. and Mrs. Tom mator trip !rom Parry Sound Burrow3, Mrs. George Mc- ta Ft. William. Pherson and baby Leslie, ail Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hopps of af West Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Sacramento, Calif., have re- Ed McWalters and famiiy of turned home after1 a week's Scamborough, were visitors visit with the latter's brother with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, 69 Scugag Street. C. Hackin, King St. West. Miss Rose Marie Birkett and Mr. and Mrs. Boy Wilkins Mr. Gary Conway were guests and daughter Bannie return- ai Captain and Mms. Jack Eg- ed home last week fromn an gens at the Officers Gradua- enjoyable week's matar trip tion Bail hcld at the Officers o the United States, Nova Mess, Camp Borden, last Fni- & tia and Prince Edward Is- day cvening. Captain and Mns. lKhd. Eggens returned with Gary Mr. Noci Dudley, Miss Lyn- and spent the remainder of da McKim and Mrs. Cecil the weekend with the latter's Dudley enjayed the holiday parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maur- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ice Conway, Scugog Street. ]Ray Dudley and son John Well-known Canadian sculp- David in Bloomington, In- tor E. B. Cax, a native of diana, U.S.A. Bowmanville, as working an Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moffatt the spot this summer. He bas, and Steven, Mr. and Mrs. Bon set up bis studio at "The En- Moffatt and Kevin, Oshawa, chanted Mountain" af Georg- have been holidaying with Mr. ian Pcaks, near Collingwood, and Mrs. Allen Maffatt at where already eleven huge their cottage, Esson Lake, Wil- piecés o! his sculpture arc set berforce. in park-ike surroundings. Mr.andMrs W.E.Knott, Tbey are arranged arnong Bill, ah n eSuzW. e andthe trecs in "The Garden af BihCay ,Ta,Suzanema, the Gads", and wcigh about Babb Jo Tula, kînhmafive tons each. His "Seated have been visiting Mrs. Knott's Figure" on the McMaster Uni- S brother and sister-in-law, Mr. versity campus is the largest and Mrs. George Thrasher, sculpture in Canada made King St. East. from a single piece of atone. Holidaying with Dr. and Weekcnds this summer he'Il Mrs. E. W. Sisson weme Mrs. be working on snakey-haired Harold Green and cbîldren, Medusa, and plans cail for Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Ste- another dozen gods for the pýhn Sssn and daughter "Garden". Geongian Peaks is mly igstn, and Mrs. situated an Highway 26, 50 George Little of Toronto. miles west af Barrie, nine Mr. and Mis. M. J. Whelan miles west o! Colllngwood. and daughter Sue Ellen re- The isculptor's father, Mr. turned to their home in Sud- John Cox, resides on Duke bury last Tuesday after a visit Street. with Mrs. Whelan's parents, Tourises, summer visitors Mr. and Mrs. C. HPainier, In the locality, and familles K~ ing St. East, and other re- on holiday outings froni near l~ atives. and fan, as wefl as Bownman- Miss Karlyn Mcflonald, ville and district residents Brown Street, spent an en- have been visîting Bowman- joyable vacation with Mr. ville Museum in numbers dur- and Mrs. Gcraid Conrow and ing recont wecks. During a Jeff, Webster, N.Y. She also two week period from July visited Mr. and Mms. Charles 23 ta Aug. 6, there were 224 Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Ern- people. Total number who est Lingard, al ai Rochester, have visited the Museum from1 N.Y. apening June I up to Aug.1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T. 11, is 730. Jamaica, W.!., the Banting and family, Ottawa, NethétrIands6 the states of were Sunday overnight guests Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Mirister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. SDrganist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Sunday, August 18 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP "THE MAN WITH A NEW DIRECTION" The congregation of St. Paul's United Church wiIl unite with Trinity ini Trinity United Church A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL St. John's Church (Anglican) CONGRESS SUNDAY 8 a.m.-HoIy Communion Il a.n.-Hoiy Communion Preacher: TIlhe RT. BEV. HASSAN DEHQANI - TAFT Bishop ln Iran A Buffet Luncheon wiil be served after the service. Ail members and visitons are Invited. NOTE: Evenint Service will b. resumeul Sept. l5th. Famlly Service with Sunda7 Sceol berins 9.45 arn. Sept. Sth REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, BowinanvUle Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone 623-5023 WORSmIP SERVICES 9:00 ar. - English 11:00 a.m. - [>utch Î 7:30 p.M - English ""Back To God Hour" Broadcasis CKLB, OshaWa, ut 9:15 p.=. every Swnday It will be recalled that one of the big hiÎts of-the Santa Claus Parade last year was a float called the Flintstones. Well, a miniature model put in an appear- ance during the Legion's parade an Friday. It was Virginia, North Carolina, New York and Massachusetts are listed in the visitons' register. as weil as Manitoba and Que- bec, and a great many visitars from Ontario points includ- ing Toronto, Hamilton, Grims- by, Kitchener, Ottawa, Kings- ton, and too many other cen- tres ta list. This is in addition ta local and area residents who have flot anly carne them- selves, but have eturnedl binging guests with them. It would secm fmom this re- cord that Bowmanville Mus- ceum ccrtainiy provides a wonthwhile attraction in this arswbile pescnting [n in- teresting and varied displays the area's history. OBITUARY ALFRED MANCEL WAUGH The death o! Alfred Mancel "Smiley" Waugh, af Caurtice, occurmed Saturday, August 3rd, 1963, at the Oshawa Genemal Hospital after an ilîness a! one year. He was 22 years old. Born in Geraldton, he was a son ai Mania and M&ncel Waugh. Mm. Waugh came ta Oshawa In 1956 aiter attend- ing Hearst Public School. He attended the O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute. In June this year he mar- ied the former Evelyn Skillen at Cobourg and had been liv- ing in Courtice. He was an employee at General Matons o! Canada until the time of bis illness and was a member a! Local 222, United Automobile Womkems o! America. He Is survived by bis wi!e and bis parents. There are threo sisters, Mrs. D. Burn- field (Myra) of Oshawa; Mms. A. Adams (Viola) of Part Arthur, and Barbara at home. Also at home are twa both- ers, Walter and William. 22 Parkway Cres. manneci by two yaung ladies, Nancy Edmondstone and Jo Ann Brumnmel, shown here, pedalling their way along the parade route. a King of Hearts k The funeral service was held in the Gerrow Funeral Chap- el, Oshawa, an Tucsday, Aug. 6th. Bey. John P. Romeril, minister o! Courtice United Church conducted the service. Interment was in Oshawa lUnion Cemetery. YELVERTON Two happy-looking Indian maidens and a King of Hearts teamed up far this photograph at the Leglon Parade on Friday evening. They are, from left to right, Yvonne Groen, Ricky Knight and Sandra Knight. They won prizes FI in tstones Return for Legion Kicidies Parade m BARGAINS ail this WEEK Thoe. SPECIAL PRICES end August 17 Lady Patriici Hair Spray reg 9c79c G ILLETTE FOAMY- SHAVING CREAM - il oz. 98c 69c jGILLETTE RIGHT GUARD-Men's Deodorant 77c OODO- RO-NO Deodorant--3 oz - 1.5o value 89c -LUSTRE Creme LOTION SHAMPOO 1.29- 99C WI LDROOT Cream Ou __-_79e value 64c DYNACHROME Colour Film -smm or 15mm 3.29'. SUNGUENTINE First «Aid Spray -- 1.25 1.19" B ROMO SELTZER plus Two 10e pille paks 9 9c COLGATE Flouride.- TOOTH PASTE 39e & 69c tube 63 c SOLO r.21 4 SBobby Pins Blonde o BlaCk& R SDETTOL SPRAYlA First « Aid AntiSeptiC 1.50 value1 4 4 I.D.A. Remedies S ME TM rfor U M R I E It lur ilei OuLits Mn. and Mrs. Fred Stacey ' " and famiiy enjoycd a wcek's ihtietiswsolo d halidays recently at a cottage ihtmetisw flo d at Turkey Point on Lake Erie M O R R IS H bytecidenshm19 (and dîdn't even sec a tur-,Asei wrhp1evc sitn tecarwsMs "Father, lead me day by day."1 key).was held at 11:15 arn. on Sun- I Connie Bebee, member of Wel- 1 The theme of Mr. Hather- Miss Manlene McGiil also day, August 11th. Ahl other corne choir, her help was lIy's address was "The Poweri cnjoycd a week's hoiidays services were withdrawn from much appreciated. The sacred 'of God"l taken from Romans with relatives at their cat- Weicomc charge that day. selection "Momning Prayer lt hptr o'sPwri tage on Sturgeon Lake. Miss There was a large congre-1 presented wvas accampanied1 Karen Hughes of Norwood is gation. Friends were present by Mrs. Helen McHolm on1 much the same as that ai spending a fcw days withl from Weicome, Zion, Wesley-'piana. 1electricity and when properlyý Manlene this week. Ville, Canton and Part Hope. Mr. E. Hatherly toid a vemy used is af great benefit ta A speedy convalescence ta Our guest in charge af this 'intenesting stary ta the child- mankind, so is the Power ai the Reeve ai Cartwright, Mn. service was Mr. Evans Hath- ren, the subject af which was God ta a Christian, there is Bent Gibson wha is currcntly eriy ai Peterborough. '-Be in the right place at the also the Power o!f rayer,: ina storage in Port Perry Hos- all the Power ai Lave. The pital. ue of thîs Divine Power en- Yelverton U.C.W. taok the iL T ables ah ta make a success of church service an Sunday in 1 oin th~e Trend to what ever task we anc called commendable fashion, with ai. upan ta do in aur daiiy con- large attendance p re se nt.1 Better Livingi tact xith others ta the Glory Mesdames Clarence Page andiao God and for the good af Ted Spencely conducted the T~nIIIr~' others. service like old "pros" and IN PEC TH The offerings wcne taken Mrs. Ray Robinson provided up by Mn. Allen Peters and' her address. The ladies' choir r.DasnA1ee contributed speciai music fanrV1 Flowers wene placed at the the occasion ta their "captive" i reading desk in loving mcm-. congregation with an anthem AT amy ai the late Mrs. Hazel 16 verses long (mare or less). Cornish by the family, other Theatened ta shift the church (D.- flowens werc bnought by Mrs. off its foundation with a îw f /( Allen Petons and Mms. Hrl high notes, but it settled backý, ..-(r_ ~~qjf Osbonne. apparently intact. Mrs. Art Rowan and Mrs. Balfour~ Moore acted as ushers. Misses Gloria Russell, Mar guerite Wilson and Judy Rob. inson spent a week at camp Quin-Mo-Lac. Mrs. Ralph Malcolm, Cindy, Karen and Joy, with Mrs. Ernestine Henderson, calledý on relatives in this communi- ty while spending the week, with her mother in Bethany., Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson, and farnily of Bridgenorthi were recent visitors with the, Ray Robinsons. Mr. and Mrs. Frankc Glas., bergen entert.ained a house1 full of guests on Sunday, in., Cluding the Peter and Wm.' Van Vleets of Stoney Creek,ý Miss Debbie De Vries and Mr. and Mrs. Auke Van Der Mer, and Roxanne.,etc. @tg. i sub- with Bowmanville 1Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peters entertained for luncheon Mr. and Mrs. E. Hatherly and fam- ily also a number of rela- tives and friends who were present at church service. We noticed with pleasure the attention given ta the church flower beds, cernent' walk and lawn since the last, Sunday service. The interiorl of church and Sunday School i bas aiso been gîven a dlean- îing and palishing. There re-1 mains other cleaning and re-' pairing in order that ail wil be in app le pie order by the; annual Tanksgiving Sunday' in September. There will be! no service on Sunday, Augusti l8th. Miss Debbie McHolm of Newtonville is spending a few, days with Mrs. Minnie Mc- CALAMINE LOTION Soothing te imritated or inflamed skin surfaces. Buffered IDASAL Bu.ffered for fast-acting relief of pain 4oz. -.30c 8-oz-. 50c 36's-.59c 100-125' CASCARA Aromatic A pleasant-tasting, non-griping tonie laxative. 3-oz. -50C 6-oz. -85 DRCHASE NERVE FOOD IDASORB An effective modern remedy for the relief of diarrhoea. 4-oz. -75c Helps you eat, rest and feel better 8- 1.253 60's 180's 98c 2,49 Prescriptions m I.D.A. Romodios .Alex. McGregor' 0*DRUGS.0 5 King St W.m Phono 623u5792 r LONG SAULT Thé Canadian Stateanian, Bowmanville, Aug. 14, 1983 W r n Mr Cay o &o Oraaigeife and Mr. and Mrs.I Misa Be±b Miuer. oÂb.awa a 'nd Lynda were Sunday -Y. C.Cok4were Sunâlay sup- was a Sunclay supper g!est* guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.prgeto!emts. Mr. and David Crai& Brown, Oshawa. Mii. Paul Vaneyk, Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Carr, Blair and Blain were Sunday A bed beglning niakes a lbad Brenda and Brian enjoyed a evening guests of Mrs. John ending.-Euripides. week's holiday when they Vaneyk and family. It is the wisest who griéve motored to the Mîtui Mrs. Rose Middleton, Tor- ms tîs !tm.Dn. Islands. onto, and Mrs. Edith Murphy visited wlth the Smiths iast It is easy to repeat, but har& Mrs. N. Davis and Jennifer, Tuesday. ta originate.-Thoreau. Enterprise Hill, and Masters Mr. and Mrs. Argley and The begining is the most Im.- Bobby and Kennie Wright, family, Toronto, were Sunday portant part of the workà- Bethany, were Sunday guests callers' of Mr. Rob.Slm. Plato. at Mr. and Mrs. Bye Gibson's. Many folks from the com- mnunity enjoyed the trip ta YO NGt.O LE What's Ahead for Catharines iast Saturday tYouOUNGaPEOPo celebrate Derry Day. Tyrone o? Bak t L.O.L. Band turned out in High School? - A Job? - Any Job? - or - a full force and were well CAREER wlth a rich, rewarding future! In a cheered along the march route. They sure do havea surprisingly short time you can prepare yourself wonderful band. R.B.P. 398 f or a CAREER IN BUSINESS. A NEW TERM was well represented aira. a h SA ABSNS OLG While in St. Catharines Mr.1 starts a h SA ABSNS OLG and Mrs, R. Gibson visited on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1963. Eight einhs. m eaiesadf1 Career-designed courses from which te choose. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cor- FREE LITERATURE - Act Now - Get the Facts.,, nish, Garry, Marg and Wend PaeetSriefrGrdae.Svnyfv spent the weeke.nd with dry lcmn eriefrGaute.Svnyfv and Mrs. Ross Law and Shan. placed last year. Registrations now being accept- non at their cottage on Miss- ed Enom tislme. issagua lake. d nomnislit. Mr. andl Mrs. Walter Van- eyk and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Os a a B in s o e e Mlsnejyda matar trip O h wa B sn s Co eg ta eastern points and north- 10 Simcoe Street, North Oshawa, Ontario cmn United States over theDil7535 weekend. al7535 ,__Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Watson, Indians and I SUB-DIVISION CHOICE 0F SEVERAL PLANS UNDE1R N.H.A. MORTGAGES N. H. A. Approved Lots. No Pioneering These houses are being constructed on division which is completely serviced paved streets, sewcr and water. - CONTACT D, BEERS BUILDER Telephone 623-2263 . 1 1 %--ýl 1 Ç_- C u u 7 b go %-V 9 9 % vv Llecýl