4The Canadian Statesnian. Bowynanvllle, Aug. 14, 1963 EDITORIAL COMMENT Teaching Aids Trhis year, for the fia-st time in Canada, school teachers were offered a summer course on the subject of the use of the newspaper as a teaching aid. The two-week seminar, at Carleton University in Ottawa, was sponsored hly the Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub- Ishers' Association. In the United States, where many school systerns emphasize the study of current a!! airs and domestic political events and em- ploy newspapers in such studies, Amer- ican publishers have sponsored similar courses for several years. It seems odd that there has been se znuch more heed given to television than to newspapers as a teaching aid. Perhaps a main factor is that television is new, and we are more willing to accept new ideas in connection with it. Another is that the television camera can bring into the classroomn a pictorial presentation of people, places, process- es, objects and happenings - and one picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words. Certainly, watching a TV screen is less dernanding than reading a news- paper - but it can also be a lot less rewarding. As yet, television does fol begin to cover the range o! subjeci matter or provide the thoroughness of reporting of the press - and probably neyer will. Television is mainly a medium of entertainment. With a f ew notable exceptions its information pro- grams are a quick-and-easy kind of re- porting aimed at the mass audience. Perhaps we have been bemused by the expectation that television would be a revolutionary step in the art cf com- munications - as it is, of course, in the technical sense. But for imparting knowledge, in the schoolroom or out of it, the press remains its superior. Average profit on the sales dollar for the Canadian rnanufacturing in- dustry in 1962 was 5.1 cents, according te a survey of 988 compaies in all prov- i1hces made by the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association. This figure is a shade higher than the 4.9 cents earn- ed in 1961, weIl below the 7.1 cent post- war high in 1950. It is also a lot lower tfian is generally assurned by the public, ipays the Financial Post. SThe CMA survey points eut that onliy part cf the profit gees te investors. (Q 5.1 cents made last year, for instance, Z5 cents, about haîf, was plowed back hilto the business for new plant or oth- er expansions and 2.6 cents was paid eut te shareholders in dividends. And here's a point te, remember - federal and provincial taxes on corporation in- corne tax last year teck 4.2 cents eut cf each dollar o! sales, almost as much as was left for the cempanies and their shareholders for dividends and for re- investment in the business. The rewards for risk-taking and running a business have become less and less inviting, with only occasjnal interruptions in the downward trend. Canadian labor and Canadian govern- rnents have a large vested interest in private business. Isn't it time more attention was paid tri the provider of the golden eggs? -FemaIe Drivers Excel in "Driver's Seat"l Net se rnany years ago, the driving ean automobile in North Arnerica, 'was a~tmost exclusively the prerogative of th'e North American Maie. True, there ha's always been a few Arnazons, rugged 14dividuaiists, or te use the then cur- irqnt idiorn, tornbcys who flouted the àcnventions by piloting a motor car, bÙt the left front seat was, as a rule, tle undisputed throne of the maIe inembers cf the farnily circle. SNet se, any more, as can be borne out by Statistics Research Departrnent nt Dominion Automobile Association and released by W. S. Chaîmers, Man- a'er, Members Service Division cf that otganization. - While- operator's licences te female diivers- have multipîied three fold in the past 15 years., the fatal accident fMquency,rate to drivers on the distaff sie remains fairly constant with a total of 74 Canadian fernale drivers'killed in '6,0 and an increase cf only eight in 1962 tc~ a total cf 82. This is outstanding in the overail accident pîcture which sl4ows an increase in fatal accidents for ntale drivers cf approxirnately 23%ý in The Mighi Even the most ardent basebali fan nzight be surprîsed te learn that Babe R4ith's dlaim te fame didn't cerne en- tirely frorn his ability te smack boe runs wherever he waggled his finger iri the general direction cf the outfield sl,'nds. One cf the Babe's lesser known talents was a king size capacity for hot dègs! ;On one occasion, the famed siugger h# d to be rushed from the playing field te the hospital because he col- 14psed after eating 12 hot dogs between tl#e f irst and second garne cf a double- header. The historyý of the hot deg gees b#ck a good rnany years, according to tlne Meat Packers Council cf Canada. In fact, certain kinds cf sausage-like pfoducts were reportedly made and eaten by the Babylenians in 1500 B.C. The hot dog as we know it today, made its' debut at the Chicago's Wcrld Fair 14i 1893 thanks te a young Bavarian squsage peddlem, Anton Ludwig Feuch- twanger. Mr. Feucbtwanger used te grill Wieners te a sizzling temperature and serve his "red-hots" tri visitors attend- irng the Faim. When his customcers cern- plained that the "red-hots" were liter- ally tori hot tri handie, Mr. Feuch- twanger decided tri supply his patrons with white gloves te prevent burnt fipgers. Ir His plan had one little hitch, how- e4er. The customners waîked off with t1ne white gloves and with them went Mist cf the poor wiener vendor's profit. the same period. 3 Worthy cf special mention in this 1regard is the fact that net a single f e- male driver has been killed while driv- 1ing an automobile in the Province of Newfoundland duning the three year period, 1960-1-2. In populous Ontarioi, despite the tremendous increase in female driver registration, the fatal accident total for female drivers remained coinstant dur- ing the same pericd with 40 deaths across Canada in 1960 and 41 in 1962. k With ail the tired, time-worn cliches about the inadequacy cf the woman driver, it cornes as a refreshing change te learn, frorn the record, that the ladies car be courted upon te, ob- iserve the 3 c's cf safe metering te a much greater degree than the maie who patronizes them from his self- asoended pedestal. 1 If the present trend o! increase in female drivers continues, there's even ta glimmer of hope that eventually the rnotcr accident curve may have a change in direction for the first time iin 25 years. ty Hot Dog Finally in desperation, the Bavar- ian butcher hit upon the ingenieus idea cf putting the wiener in a bun! The bun, he reasoned, would act as an insulater and could be carried away and eaten by the custemner with ne white gloves and ne burnt fingers te worry about. -The idea caught on se weil that teday, on Ccney Island for example, there's rime hot dog stand that selîs over 5,000,000 hot dogs a year. This is the equivalent cf 600 head cf cattie, plus 10,000 gallons cf rnustard. In the U.S., wieners are often re- ferred te as frarks or frankfurters, a nme which eriginally traces back tri Frankfurt, Germany, where a group cf local butchers got together in 1852 and invented the fimst tasty concoctien of spiced, srnoked, beef and pork packed in a casing. And that's wbat hot dogs and wien- ers really are - about 60',.0 beef, 40',% pork, with saît, sugar, and spices added. Or as you're more apt te, hear tbern described at a basebail gamne or the fairgrounds . . . "have a skinless, home- less, harmless, boneless, hot dog!" A woman mho was asked by the riew minister what she thought cf his sermon, replied: "Very good indeed, sir. Se instructive, in fact, we didr't know what sin realîy was urtil y'ou came here." 85th Cdn. National Exhibition Opens Friday for Two Week Run 4The 85th Canadian National Top musician Moward Cable 1 frames of actual documentary SExhibition opens tomorrow, has arranged and will conduct 1 made In 1903 of the Great Friday, August 16. r the music played by 60 music- Toronto Fire, by Thomas Edi- ~ ~--iFor the third year, the'lans. sn greatest show on earth closes The Grandstand Matinee: More than 150 aircraft from 0 ~at midnight Labor Day, Mon- Fun-Fest will be another ricc Canada, the United States day, Sept. 2. ýthis year. The Three Stoogesand Great Britain wil take The closing night perform- have been brought back by; part inl the International Air ance this year is being taken popular demand with a new Show. Rehearsals wiil be held over by a gigantic folk festi-i act: Three Stooges Meet the Aug. 28 and Aug.2,ihte va:taiobidrs'3 iGrla. o-famed aerial- full show at the CNE water- some 60 choirs, instrumental ists, acrobats and clowns add frninAg 0adAg 1. *groups, dance ensembles and to the fun. a Friday and Saturday. folk -singing groups. Aohrnw faueti Vetescope will be back with Anthr e fatr tisiCanadian veteiaysren * Sponsored by the newlyiyear will be the first eastern pefom ng nde sugetons created Community Folk Artirdemonstration of the Western !po mall animais whieathe Council and with John Fisher,1 Canadian sport of barrel rac- pub sl w atchs h theog Commissioner of the National ing. A main attraction of the igpabliewallp srgery. a Centennial Administration, as!H orse Show in the new Colis- In the world of women there narrator, the huge colourfulieum building, this all-girl will be fashion shows, cook- pageant will be the first of itsl event is put on by silk-suited ing and sewing demonstra. kind ever held in Canada. 1 women riders who wheel 1 ions, arts and crafts and in- The CNE will be opene hi onsaon atr terior decorating in the mod- short]y after noon, Friday, of barrels, ern Queen Elizabeth building Aug. 16, by Mis Grace, the The National Film Board and theatre. Lord Archbishop of Canter-i adds another CNE first with Ten governments will ex- bury, th e Most Reverend Dr. a brilliant presentation, "Can- hibit in the International Arthur Michael Ramsey. ada on Film" in the CNE Art'r Building. New and excîting On hand for each of the 15 Gallery. The show is a mon-1 products will be on display days of the Ex will be the tage of 60 years of Canadian in the Better Living Centre *- famed Scots Guards Band- 54 film industry projected onto and the Automotive Building bansmn nd25kite ppes,13 screens simultaneously. wilhv pc-age surprise W0W*1give afternoon and Visitors will be given a few in store. evening performances at the Everything is new and re- 'Ne Ch in f 0 fic BREAKFAST ON THE FLY - Hectic day-and-night manoeuvres in the wilds Banshelt. fNew1963-n oThe4/ rric of Camp Gagetown, N.B., puts sleep and meal hours on a catch-as-catch-can to See the CNE. The huge basis. That goes for infantry, tanks a nd ail other troops taking part in the Coliseum building has been P es n e f r U e a 12,000-man training concentration. A tank crew of The Royal Canadian completely transformed by . as n ed f r U e a Dragoons maniages a quick breakfast during a luil in the battie. Left to right ý millionT cnsrcti nw pro are Trooper Kjeld Jensen, 21, Thorold, Ont.; Trooper Armand Boisvert, 18, lis eye-catching and the beau 5I 1ýi ii Cadillac, Abittibi, Que.; Trooper T. W. Grills, 21, Bowmanville, Ont., and Second tiful foyer embodies a strik- O ffic Ei i FuI cEionsI Lieutenant R. M. Elrick, Alliston, Ont. -National Defence Photo ing s0x-sided Agricultural A magnificent Chain-of- M obbs' name and the term of ________________Hall of Fame. Office was presented to Misl'his office 1962 and 1963. Sub- - q The liemsdsg now Wrhp Mayor Ivan Mobbs, sequent names and dates of jallows visitors tai the 25 acres during the meeting of Bow- their Iterm Of office wil] be ' ('ol..l 2n. of agricultural and livestock manville Town Council in the inscribd accordingly. ! second floor level. The CNE Oke, Chairman of the Civic haîf of the Council of! There are open seasons for 'raised a laugh when enquir- around the Arctic Circle, Just farmi show, partly because o! Com;mittee made the present- iTown of Bowmanville as a fish, decer, and moose. This is ing what the yon ahrcudtmk l u h ethe new facitities, promises ta 1 ation. whole tai present this Chain- open season foir family pienics, worked at - actually, he is a of the Leach and x'oungman'b h igs n eti Frsm ienwi a fOfc oyu h is and we had a bit of a doozer mechanic. Their average gro- aggre*gation were on hand for Ehbt isoy enyorCvcCm ittesChie! Magistrate to wear it. on August 3rd, which was a ccrY bill runs forty.-five dol-1 the annual get-together and' Star attraction of the Even- desirp to acknowledge the -We feel that this Chain-of- Sunda.y.Some peole th'n lars ormore pe week, s: buingedGran dshowreShowd Jack GTownhos ChiefJaMagistrateChewithgrtrOfficeh wific serve s toe turtherertte 'ýtsn kday oehaoe a thmiv'k t as oramore pesratweekai bn eed eha ea odArthur's "Canadiana '63" will jsome type o! significant sym- dignity of the responsibilities picnic on a Sunday but w lhuh ter.wr 1 Th a eoe h incbe the top singer in show lbol. To this end the commit- of your office, and we have the do'tage wththtrahc hitdren pret, re gn31m i e'sd owed sisethepe ndbusinc-ss today-Robert Goulet. tee has investigated ail as- utmost confidence that your r.arroW view. Surely, nothing from' 18-ycar-old Allan toi I were shopping in the A & P ndiinteewt epcsadbsnw bandawaigo hsOfca hî could be nicer than a gropfumntsod Ja, heesoeiBwavie, he the RCMP Musical Ride in alChain-of-Office for the Mayor wili serve tri further its sym- M! relatives getting togetheriwasn't one discordant not-2 e spotted Aunt Margaret new presentation for thelo h ono omnil, oi infcne once a year for a friendlv during the entire picnic per-1whom my wife and I hadn' force's 9th anniversary. ýCounciltor Oke stated. "I feel as a member of your visit, and tri share a meal. The' iod. * seen for thirty years. She One of the main produc-. " thi s mbl trbeyorn cs ouncir working aalng with better the daly, the better the Out o! a total o! fifty-six and relatives are hotidaying!tion numbers at the Evening by the pMresntMaors yortw and ta hrisn anamfer deed! picnickers. there were two at one o! the Bowmanville1 Grandstand witl be a minstrel Worllshipue Mayor Mobbs and th this no manf ore a rWe don't have any busines:s, great - grandmothers, f i v e beaches. At first, Aunt Mar- show. Another lavish perform-j acting on behaîf of the com- Your Worship. You have al- speeches. ehection of officers,!grandmothers, and four grand- garet didn't recognize me, and ance, with a Latin Amer-n- it alypsoofialrd on samhfrte or formalitv; just a darn good fathers. Not a bad record, eh? figured that I was Cissie's can flavour, will be calledimuity awth typeseg- of offiiatea h oe sownmuch forh time tri which everybody con-! If you're wondering how nrew boy friend - that's thel "Brazil". It includes chore- function s, elTeotbwegnodo tetw Councihlorod aorHob tributes th e ir spontaneous we managed such a crowd on penalty for rusticatin ri grpher Alan Lund' s version ueearg or pe cial To w Con i e o Mayorebs.'d share, -such as Bob driviwý a cool, showery day. Ill ehuci- long in the forest - yoiîr re-of heBosaNoa he is representing the citizens appreciation a n d thanked from Kendal tri Richmond date. We put the big truck, atives forget what you look The "Canadettes"- a line of of this community. Councillor Oke for ber el- Hiifo yrt, Ken, and sonsiand a tractor outside, then like. Aftem the picnic, as the 50 precision dancers- are fea- j"h hi f-Ofc soun drs." ilcr (who have no car), and Don placed the tables inside the various cars pulled out for tured in twri numbers. Master made of silver discs and maple tainly try to wear this Chain- taking themr back; with Danny: "big" shed for the bountiful their respective homes, mv, of ceemnonies will be TV per- leaves forming a complete of-Office in honor as I am sure taking Helen and daughter.ýz supper provided by a bunch wife and I wondemed if their sonality Bihl Walker. circle tri be worn around the those who follow me as Mayor tri their Courtice home. Much !of splendid cooks. Between occupants would all be back Also on deck will be the, neck. Manging from the lower will do. i appreciated wvas Eva and Jack. showers, the athtetic events, next yeam, and if we would dancing Taylor twins, comed-idisc is a larger silver cylin- "I thank Councillor Oke and bmîngîng our ninety-four year candy bunts and peanut be bere tri welcome them. Our ian Jack Durant, dancer and1 der upon which is inscribed the Civie Committee. They old matriarch fmom Cameron 'sera mbles took place; anditwenty grandchildren h a ve pantomimist George Carl, the Town's Officiai Corpor- have grime tri considerable Lake, tri grace the occasion. xvhile the vouing matrons neyer visited us at any other singer Ruth Walker, the acro- late Seal along with the words trouble and time tri arrange It was verv thoughtfuh of Kav' bragged about their respective' address than this, so will find batic Wazzans, a gorilla named 'Mayor-. Corporation o! the tri give this splendid Chain-of- ,2d Fredtr not nl.v brin gbas h oaeswr i-i d r e tagr nNru igrdne Billy Town of Bowmanville.' Office, and I will accept it as their twri daughtcrs but aIsô îng themn up trissee if any "Gramma's bouse," when wc Van, promising young Canad- "On the first smalh silver directed by Town Council,"î their Civie holiday guests, Mr.' blessed events" weire likely (because o! age) vacate these ian entertainer. disc will be inscribed Mayor Mayor Mobbs said gratefulty.d ýand MVrs. Bill Robertson and tri happen scion: the grey premises sometime in the fu- their ten childmcn, of London, beards, of course, did their ture. Let's hope t.hey will me- Hamilton, spent Wednesday Ontario. Don't gasp! Those annual stint o! telling liesitain lots o! happy memories with their cousin Mr. and Mrs. iten children, ranging in age about the time when THEYof their visits here, at Dur- A. W. Prescott. S UA from 14-year-old Brenda tri weme young. lham Forest headquarters. Mr. Alymer Prescott re- > fumntsodJaaea Te nyabete wreiureSudyengfowell behaved, courteous bunch, Faye, Gord, and their threel 3 week bus tour through Uni- of god mixers. Somebody children, who, being u' pIf' liand gmo Ç~i HAMT ONI±lr ted States and home by way j o! Western Canada. Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Tink Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pres- and Miss Joanne Clark, Trav- cott and Mr. and Mrs. Eddy- IC SIni th e D îerse City, Michigan, are visit- vean, Orono, enjoyed a short ing with Mr. and Mrs. Percy motor trip Sunday afternoon S IC ana Dewel*dMs.Kry ik Mr. and Mms. Harvey,~oum B i mïe a dMr.an r.KryTk Thompson and boys are sperd- -_l Dekalb, Illinois; Mr. Stanhey ing a few days with her par- If you hear any rude noises ýcompanies with rime hand be. J Taylor and Miss Ruth Taylor, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lashbrook,;whihe you're reading thishind him, can't run his boat. D istCaryodwre rcnt Barre Sund cohumin, pay no attention. ItiAs she stepped, he put il t L. 341I'guests at Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mr. and Mrs. Sam McReelis, ,wil1 memehy be My stomnach!reverse, by accident. From The Statesman Files Dewell. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bob McReelis tmyîng tri remind me that I ami And there was the Old C ____________________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Bihl Nichol, and Donna were recent guests nt the Emperor Nero. with only 10 feet o! air- Peteiborough, and Mrs. Bar- at Mrs. Florrie Watson, Ham For the past couple o! weeks, tween her and 14 feet o! water. 25 YEARS AGO 49 VEARS AGO bara Tait, Motherwell, scot-lilton. Fve been trying tri convince It was like onme o! those car- st. Iosaie, odn M.w Que, n e dMss Amy Haothay Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Luke, Mm. and Mrs. Clifford Swah- another 51 weeks.i lot on a glririous two weeki MissIsael ocdn, r. ihh e peasd ti kow heyRobert and Terry were Sun- low, Maphe Grove; Mrs. Fred I Now that I have those doingz something, rir stayhng Bruce Worden, Melville, Sask., have amived safely in Canadaidyspe ussa r n stn r.L .Ndey are visiting their auint and'having rime by thý "Royal'dyspe uet tM.ad stn r.L.E idrlonger holidays that used trisomewhere, they can't afford. uncl, Mr andMrs.F. WýGeogp" which landed inMcs, Elmer Hawes. Whitby. Mrs. N. S. Faulkner, Mri. îîook so golden, 1 reaîize thatTry dring this for twri months. Rinde. Mon.renl.Mrs F.y.W. Georgll Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Hawes, Alice Delve. ail o! Trirontri, man i% a creature o! toi], and Take morale. Framkly, after Alex McGregor ig sppnding visit in Montreal and Trentoný Mrs. A. Hawes weme Wednes- were Sunday guests at Mrs. is happier and better when he, six weeks off the job, I have a few dlays bolidays at Nom- 'befrire eturning home. day evening guests at Mr. and Niddery. Miss Mary Niddery. bas his frise tri the old grni-, becomne a total slob. It rhyms hand. In bis absence Ronald1 Miss Agnps Zealand, New- Mrs. Ronald Luke and boys. Mm. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith 1 stone, his shoulder tri the good but it doesn*t reason. My total Hewat is acting as manager o! tonville, is guest o! Miss Allie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Humph-,Mm. and Mms. Wihbert Smith, oldi wheel, and his feet plant-accomplishment, on projects the store. L. Bragg. reys and daugbter Karen, Mrs. Oshawa, visîted with Mm. Jack1 ed ecstaticalhy im that gorid, aroumd the bouse, has been Miss Marion lloiev and Misn layswetaay :Elizabeth Humpbreys, ail o! Smith, Bobcaygeon, recently. old, familiar rut. tbe erection o! a 20-foot !riends, Miss Fbo. Houst'on and v isitig ber sister, Mrs. H. T.I Toronto, were Saturdav sup- On Civic holiday, Mr. and: Lengthy summer holldaYs, clothes-line. The book I was Miss Molly Scammnols, Torointo, Hmwe, Montreal, Que. per guests at Mm. and Mms. A. Mrs. Hoskin Smith touring i and 1 say it with deliberation, going to write tbis summer are rin a motmr trip througb Miss Alice Silver is visiting Cmik Plattsburg, Lake Placid, Sar- iare a menace te health, wealth,lbas t'.îned into a comic book. Quebec. lhem sister, Miss Ada Silver, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Perry anac Lake and other places o! ýmorale and marriage. Imy wife haugbs every time 1 Mr~. and Mrs. C. Averv and other relatives ini Toronto. amd daughtem Pat, Mrs. Craw- interest. Take bealtb. Whem my mention it. Children imitate. Johnstoni, Bowý%inanvihhe: Mrs.1 Miss Ella Mclntyme is visit- ford, Scarborough, were re- Mr, and Mrs. Moskin Smithibolidays began, I was in good'Wben the kids see their ohd R. S. Vitue and Dorothy, ing hem grandfatber, Mr. Duo-'cent guests at Mr. and Mrs. were Saturday evening guest3sbape. Just the usual smok-iman holling in a lawm chair ,Osawa hve eenvaatio-cali Mclntyme, Woodbridge',ACrik at Mr. and Mms. H. Trull, er's hack, crocked knee, touch lookîng at the trees, they lie ing at Kawartha Park. and fmends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keefe ,Briwmanville. !oif bursitis in the shoulder, amdidown on the uncut lawn and iMm. James Bennett, wvho bas Mr. T. E. Higginbotham hasi amd son, Bruce, Miss Sharon On Sumday evenimg, Mr. laching back. But clear o! do the same. been employed as barber with eturned from river a year's!Coohes, Toronto, were SundaY and Mrs. Edward Thorton,1 mimd, steady o! nerve. Today, s C Mr. Norman Gilmore, leaves residence at Edmonton, Alta., guesîs at Mr. and Mrs. A. Milbrook, visited with Mr.iI'mn a wreck. My sunbumn iW As for marriage, you can this week for Kirkhand Lake and Nelson, B.C. Carrick. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith. !peeling, my stomach is snarl-, take it, trio. Lengthy holid.t.y, where he has a position. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. LaBelle Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cbant, We are pleased tri kmow that img lîke a scahded cat, and rput more strain on asjJ Mrs. T. Gray o! North have moved into their pretty Roy and Verne, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lomne Bradley is homeevrtmeacrsososiearaetandnk gambhlr f. Shields, Enghand, bas retumned new bungalow on Beecb Ave. Jack Cartier and Candice, from the brispital. our plare I run and bide in or other women, 1 wrin't go home after spending a month Miss Lena Haddy is visitingIspent the weekemd at their______ the attic. into~ details. But lady, how :with ber daughter and son-mn- relatives in Tronto. cottage on Oak il Lake.th My wife is in e.ven worse would v'oit like tori un a motel- ilaw, Mr. and Mms. Norman, Mri. G. Dickinson and Mrs. H. Coutts has just me- Manuifactur(ers' Day at fecondition. Whrn holidays he-:withotut-ratetç wlth on@ hand: Alhîson, Bowmanville. Master Norman are vhsiting turmed !mom a New Democrat CNE this year, Tuesday, Aug. 1'gan, she was pale but pýerk.y. and try tri direct a lazy, un- Mm. and Mrs. M. S. Dale andjrelatives in Dundonald. convention in Regina, Sask. 27, wîll also be a sahute to Triday, she is brown on theýshaven brute with the other? Janet are bolidaying at Tur- Mrs. Thos. Sherin has re- Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. Deasley. the province o! Nova Scotia. nutside, but a whimpering!Dad, how would you lk. twCL key Point with Mr. anîd Mrs.1tumned !rom visitimg hem Willowdaie, were Sunday Guests o! honor for the occa- 'shadow within. And no wond-imonths o! togetherneas wit. P. L. Beckett, formerly o! the daughter, Mrs. F. D. Mackay, visitors at Mr. and Mrs. M. sion will be the Hon. E. A Zr Just the other day, forithe old hattleaxe? I heave E BT.S. staff. Toronto. Coutts. Manson, Minister o! Tradèlexample, she was about tritri your 'maginatiorl. Misses Helen and Marjorie Miss Vera Bowhes, Toronto. MrF. Sain Dpwell is ecup. and industmy, and Miss Lynda I step from a dock onto the neck If this is what a long holi- Alexander, Prescott. are spend- is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. (Dr.): erating very well. Elliott. this year's Nova Scotia jo! a millîonaire's cruiser. The day is like, I sure hope I die Jing a week at S. G. Chartran's. iJ. C. Devitt. ý r and Mrs. J. Devies, Blossom Queen. 4gentleman, who can a-un eightibefore 1 retire. What's Left for the Investor Durham County's Great Family Journal a Estabished 109 years ago in 1854 Also Incorporating The. Bowmanville News The. Newcastle Independent 4% The. Orono News4QLb -Authorized as Second Clos$ Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa. end for payrnent of pomae in lacash" e Produc.d .very Wednesday by THE JAMES PUJBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario J OHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM cro. P. MORRIS * EDrTORPUBLISI ADYTG. MANAGER BUSINESS MGRt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strict)y n advanc. $5.50 a Year in the United States * Although av"r precoution wtt! b. tak.n ta avoid errer, The Canadien Statouznau acceptz adverti- "n n il&jîscolurans en the undeoukndng that t willw net bho hable for any error fi. any advertisemnent published bexeunder u11i164%a0PrOiedOfi sch advertisement is requested in writjnq hy the advertiser end retuiined ta The Canadie SIt M t«mn bMaila office duly signed by the advertisuy and with such errer or correction painIy motod li wntinq therftn. end in ftiat case il ciel arroi ta notad se net carrected tty The Canadien Stateantan ils biability shallflot *xce.d such m portion of the entir.eost el ciuch advertislfbtth@ . spoé .ccupled by the naed errer boers to the whal.e pace occupi@d a by such advrtieSULt