Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 4

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4The Canadian Statesman, Bnwnmnville, July 24, 198 EDITORIAL COMMENT Typographical Errors Embarrassing but Amusing There is nothing which haunts a rewspaper like those littie typograpb- ical errors which slde into print, or the omissions which sometime occur such as a name f rom a story, comments The Listowel Banner. Sometimes, tee there is a slip-up in publishing a list cf results such as happened a week ago wben one ciass was le! t eut in publish- ing the repart of the Public Scheal pro- motions. Not always, as in the latter mentioned instance, is it the fault cf the newspaper. The errer is at the source when the names are flot handed in with the full report. Nevartheless, in ail in- stances it is the newspaper «%hich shoulders the biame. We aren't camplaining, because after all, like a piague hitting the hu- man race, no nawspaper is immune from typographical errera. And perhaps we bave been more fortunate than some in that the misprints are net as glar- ing. The Gederich Signal-Star editor- ialized on the same subject recently and went on ta quate soeaof the em- barrassing mistakes the gremiins puali- ed into prit. Follewing are soeaof the amusing statements that have appeared, causad by the printing o! one wrong little latter: "No date bas been sel for t.he bedding of the couple." "Our paper carrled the notice iast MacDuff Ottawa Report week that Mr. - is a defective in the police force. This was a typographical errer, Mr. -is really a detective in the police farce." "For, Sale- Young dressed birds. Ab- solutely dlean and ready for the reos- ter." "~Piano for Sale- By Southern lady with carved mahagony legs." "Beauty rest mattress for sale by de- tached Government girl stuffed witb feathers." "English bull terrier for sale. Eats anything. Very fond o! children." "The ladies o! the Church have cast off clothing o! ail kinds. They may be sean in the basement of the Church on Thursday evening." "Other restaurants have increased their prices but aur dinners are the shame as before." "Due te the newsprint shortage," says a Utah newspaper, "we postpobe a number o! births until next week." "The new bride is 20 feet wide fram bultress ta buttress." "Mrs. Rabbins, prasident o! the Wo- men's Club, announcas that on Wednes- day, l5th June, the final meeting wil be bell." "Frank Cape is at the MVassachusetts General Hospital. He is su!fering from head injuries and shock caused by cern- ing inta contact with a live wife." Prime Minister Pearson, rushing frite action on legilation providing a Jean fund for municipalities, stumbled embarrassingly over the bodies o! sev- eral Provincial Premiers. If the Prime Minister, in a moment o! blindnass, thought these were dead bodies, hie was soon set right. The Premiers, led by Mr. Lesage from Que- bec, leaped up and peunced upon him. The result was that the legialation had ta be delayed. Mr. Pearson had ta Laîl a Faderai-Provincial meeting for Juiy 26th ta discuss this legilation and other matters which the Provinces ba- liave concern them. It was the second time the Govern- ment had stumblad in its short l! e span. It bas recovered from its "biund- er budget" as opposition leader Dia!- enbaker caiiad it, but at great ceaI in public confidence and esteem. Its second faîl, in the delicate and increasîngly important field o! relations with the Provinces, could be much more signif icant. Most of the Provinces favour the F'deral Gavernment's proposai ta establish a $400,000,000 loan fund for municipal public works. But, at this stage in Canadian Confederatien, no Federal Government is going ta mess around with municipalities, which are the creatures of the Provinces, wîthout consulting the Provinces. That's a clear lesson o! the times we live in and, there was every reason ta believa that Mr. Pearson had learned the lessen. The Liberal Gavernmant has shown itself axtraardinarily sensi- tive ta the aspirations ef Quebec in the areas cf language and culture. Mr. Pearson's failure ta consult witb the Provinces on legilation which concarned them, was therefora, all the more surprising. His subsequent di!! - culties, particularly with Quebec, were therefora inevitable. The Prime Minister's raadiness ta mneet Provincial wisbes, and te caîl a conference, is evidence o! good faith. The demands o! the Provinces are certainly net repugnant te Mr. Pearson or bis Governmant. Far from il. The Government's lapse in consultation in its early days wvas certainly net what one had heen led ta expact !rom Lib- eral Party concepts o! ca-aperative Fed- eralisrn. Mr. Pearson lias been exceptionally tolerant and sympatbetic aven te the demands o! Mr. Lesage who, for al bis strengths, semetimes appears te be easily swayad by whatever winds hap- pen ta be blewing strengeat in his Prov- ince at the particular time. But ha did falter badly in lis fail- ure, natad by other Provincial Premiers besides Mr. Lesage, te consult the Provinces on the municipal boan !und and other rnatters. This attitude !ailed ta take inta account the prevailing mood ini Canada. A fundamental change in Canadian Confederation appears ta ha taking place. It is doubt!ui, that at least in the foraseabla future, any Federal Goverrnent wvil1 be able te act in pro- vincially sensitive areas without at least the full consultation with the 10 Prov- inces which make up the Federatien. This mood bas been building for several years, but ne previaus Govern- ment has had te face it s0 directly. The very fact that Mr. Pearsen's Govern- ment is a new oe required a new approach ta relations with the Prov'- inces. For many years naw, the Provinces have been denied the full authority and financial resouroes they need ta de what is required o! them. At the moment, quite apart from the turbulence in Quebec, there is a gencral surge towards provincial autan- amy in moat Provinces. This may even be considered histarically apprapriate. In a Federation, there is always tension between the two levais o! Government, and this has been true of Canada. At the moment the Provinces are on the upswing. Their needa - in educatien, highways, health, and in- dustrial development - are pararnount today. it may be noted in passing, that, while the Quebec Premier is the chie! spokesman for these naeds, hae frequent- ly expresses the views o! many other Provincial Premiers. This Provincial upsurge cannaI be denied by any Federal Gevernment todav, let alone a minarity Govern- mnent. The strength of Provincial lead- ership attesta ta this, and is o! course largely responsible fer the new and important Provincial influence on the Governrnent. Lesage in Quebec, .Robarts in Ontario, Bennett in British Columbia, Manning in Alberta, Roblin in Manitoba - these are able men in any company. Tbey represent three-quarters cf the tetal population, and do it in a way that obviotisly !inds faveur with most of their people. The othai' Premiers, Robichaud, Lloyd, Stan! ield, Shaw, Smallxvood are aIse men o! stature. This is a fact which Mr. Pearson apparently lest sight of, at least me- mentariiy, in the early days o! office. The conference hee bas calad ta discuss specific Federal legislatien is unusual and il xill be !ollowed by other con- farences. Federal Gevernments ini the pasi have not deîgned ta caîl in the Prov- incea for such discussion. Tl marks a newv approach ta Federal-Provincial relations, an approach demanded by the Provinccs themselves. This ma\, signal an end ta the system whereby the Fedeî-al Gov'ern- ment and the Provinces blithely go their separate ways until they imev- itably collide. t may signal the birth of perman- ent organismas for dealirtg with Faderai- Provincial problems. Mr. Pearson is known ta be thinking along these lines. He may be thinking aven more serieus- lv about il after his initial hrush with the power o! the Provinces. Suu Youngrnan's Column Jeme Allen, of Newcastle,! while hbis Dad was marching; nice to h -ear of Tommy, and who served with the Britiahifrom Ypres ta the Somme,ihis familN. Ar'my during World War 1, just forty-seven vears ago.ý Also, in the April issue of. klndly sent along somne back 1 Today, that baby is in New the Legionary, was a picture& e issues of the Legionary. Toi York City, an 'edicor for a.of Charles Youngmnan, cf the uninitiated, perhaps it book company; is a veteran'Prince Rupert - no relation of would be wise ta mention that of both the R.C.A.F. and the,, mine, as far as I know. In the the eginar isa pbliatiný U.S.A.F. He also attended col-!I samne issue wvas the deeth no- W. partculr ereapp ens o ege long enough to obtain an 1 tice of a popular officer of our paricla Itees t vtean MA.and aB. His edr old unit, Lieut. Lorne Plum- of the Armed Services. brother is Regional Manager ley. Sa, many thanks to Jesse On age29o! Ai Apil's' for the Automnatic Canteeni Allen for sending along these tue was a snai>shot cf Thomias Company of New York State.1 (ta me) intere.sting Legion- Stn'tnwth some ems, Ater ail these years, it %#'as! arys. supplied by hlm in the ca- pi of Command Corres- M 1110 M L pondent. His address was giv- en as 40>4 Laurel Ave., Wil- mette, Mlinois, U.S.A. SU G AR Rernembering that there was a Thomas Stirton i3 the 104h Battalion during World War I, abelievinghthe siaR- thtI hadn"t seen for overM forty-four years, 1 teck a SPICE chance and scribbled a few Unes, and was dellgbted ta re- 1.;..ceive a reply wbich proved , ~ hilm to be my old comrade-in- B- Bill miey armas. Gomng back to the o!d home And -so it goes. It can be Tommy came from Scot- town or the old home farmn1a soul-destroying ordeàl, one land, or if he didn"t he must.for a visit is a favorite sumn- you won't want ta repeat for ANTIQUE OR RACER? Pretty Pat Stokoe of Toronto accepts a ride hv ae o c ags .dmer astime in this country. about 99 years. But this only brose ta acquire such a nice Each Year, after a fantastie, happens when you've been with Toronto racing driver Craig Fisher while Norrn Hathaway of Newmarket, Scottish "burr". He was a nostalgic build-up thousands of away a long time, and have Ontario, attempts ta get bis 1914 "Model T" running. Over 30 antique and clas- gentlemanly, pleasan't, soft- familles are dragged many lest ail sense of proportion sic cars f rom Ontario and Quebec assembled this week at Mosport race track spoken kind cf chap. Sot long, bot miles to see the place about the old home town, Bow anvll, Otaiatobegn he nnal B- Tor o Ystryer" Jack Fisher, anoytherSct where Dad grew up. which, if the truth were told, nerBw avleOnait eith nulB-Tort etrear" and I used ta operate a Crown It is usually, foi, Dad, a was a dump when you lived thi year a 400 mile scenic drive ta Montreal. (B-A Oil Photo) and Anchor gamne: Jack band- poignant mixture of bitter dis- there, and still is. __________________________________________________________led the cash while 1 rattled appointment and an unmis- My famlly's Iucky. This the dice and did the spieling. takable awareness that he is doesn't happen to themn. lu One night, Jock went up the growing old. For Moin, it is the f irst place, the old home line and took ail our "ddough" a great big pain in the arm. town is their Mom's, flot their R ep rt ro m O tt w awith him. sa Tommy, having For the kids, it is an exercise Dad's, and Mom's are no- R ep o r fro O tt w a 1a hundred and twenity francs, in sheer boredom, and a realiz- toriously less sentimental about proposed tihat he and 1 should ation that the old man has this sort of thlng. Women take his mazuma and the been kiddîng himself, and have a built-in sense of reality. By R ssei C. oney M.1 along the road apiece, to a You look up boys you wvent about abstract thîngs like love Across Canada municipali-i and ernphasized tihat the mu- srdge and any other Premier, Negro Labour Battalion camp. to school with, bail wild ad- and honor, but they have no ties have been awaiting thelnict pal loan fund legisiation1when he announced in the and see if we couldn't wangle ventures with. stole appies Illusions about concrete things legisiation to establish the, is a vital oart of the goverl-House on Moînday that he was; some cash frein them: he gen- with, dated girls with. You like old bouses and old swim- municipal loan fund. The set-' ment's plan to tackle unem- prepared ta hold a federal-' erously offered te split any'find them fat, fortyisli andlming bioles. ting up of this fund will, they 1ploynient and get the economy lprovincial meeting on July: profits. The boys with th1ulifftltmc iete utescn lc,~1l hope, permit them to carry. rollhng. I 26th and 27thi. In making the'heavry tan bet pennies, whichfellons you curl and play golfllived there until three yearq Out needed public works Pro anonemn e made it meant that neither they nor wlth where you live now. ago. We haven't been awpay *jets ithgenrou feera Areview o! the coristitu-car, oweeta i ev ewudgtrich too uic1 You look up girls you were long enough to get misty-eyed jeanswat îow neru est ra.'tiona] aspeot of the proposedenetwudntb tled ly, but they had a "paleface" once feverishly in love with, about it. The old house looks Voaris ap ortints he aslegislatiion confirais, in my orn ts leglsition. Whiled sergeant-major who net only girls you kissed in the park exactly as it did, The old will in fact be grants an ilstatement thtter il el re.ady te talk it ever withi bet five franc notes but had after the band concert, girls trout strearns still bave trout e jehr wl b ans te nce adiebe y joy. sntii afes mTe.dglfcus not have ta be repaid if. th o inter!erence with the con- fx. Lesage he is still deter-I enougb peif in his jens ho ce adg fave leou infinti hffsm. he.odglfcus proectis ompete wihinai o i emined that the legisiation wij double up when necessarylîedah prlcii crpltd i 1i stitutional rights cf the pro- be enacted the iast week cf That nasty fellow picked us Sylph-like creatures theyý As a result, our annual sum- c ertain stipulated time. vilcs In fact one wonders laineatywnymn-ersn s godss8 eo Th etblshet f uh'~fM. esg desfothaeJuIy before the House ad-.eni xclytet ee, sii a od ssemrvttnote ldbuhom elitow T h a efund bisha m ajto fplank if M r.is Lon gde m y n ebis hc ve k jou rns for a recess. "T his i u 'es, w hich neant that ail w e sm oth as butter. T hey ba e s n t a r e i b t a d l g t a [nd as maor lak i 1 is ange irmy i bi cheklegislation which it is urgent could do was trudge back four kids, false teeth, and a It's a leisureiy progress downl Mr. Pearson's program ta give1 sh mkshithrgs e have ln force selon se theldown the dusty road ta our nyo habigtfteing youtt th t1 a boost ta winter employment.1 séemsfashionable, and politi- mtop. Or exprelnssing shcmpwhchwe hald'to akreeing red t drop ci at iWhen the legisiation was in-! cally profitable, for Quebec's muiciforitis ca pn te ir wnhamp whftin he shoplce.tyou.'r extigpretty t hinodnsking flrehotheraspcild- troduced in the House Queber i Premiers ta stage periodewr o hswne ih hv eti h is lc.disbelief that you are actuallylthe house or the cottage. withthefedeal ev-krMowledge of the financial as- As 1 had ne money ta lose 1 eafatsoached, thick-1 Premier Jean Lesage flew in-: quarrels sitaceforwthhteir e-th whleinidnt asviw-haired slice of youth whoto'bsppigit h u ta a frenzy charging that the, ernient. This tendency ta use itnefrwihterr-te ho ncdtwa e1 otok I'sppngnotepu fedra goermen ws a- hefedra goermen a apresentatives have repeatedly ed with a sort of whimsical them ta their first dance. for one cold one and having fdrlgvrmn a t tefdr l vrn aavae asked and which the gavern- philosophy, but pol aid Tom- * a dozen citizens cffering ta ten-pting ta involve itseif in! whipping boy sagvte ment believes te be desirable my seemed a bit dazed with Yeu revisit the old swim- buy. lt's chatting about town Quebec's affairs. Mr. Pearsoný these days by the natîonalistic fo-h norgmnto m h aiit ihwihhming hale with your kids, and politics. as absorbing and zany - has rejected this charge. The and separatist turmoil over for the encouraemedn cfethe and i d with wch hPattegre ndglda he vr e Prime Minister says that the Quebec. Wha.t really concerns poaet ypoedn ihadhshnrdadtClYfn httegenadgl ste vrwr. Itfs legilaton s nt a inruson r. esae i bi falur tathe Bill in twe weeks time we francs parted company. I no9 oasis of clear, cool water catching up onl whose wife has liitpincial otantrsinMr. ea ger la bisofaxinu awilîîbe acting with the neces- tice that his lettenhead di- you've sa often mentioned is a run off and wbose husband is ngt proinciaheatespon- get a fgeisae isf taslasas-y urgency, and we wiîl at oaleshe Ila aroofing contrac- dirty littie mudbole fuil o! running around witb what ng ut hattheleisitio orer a inace is rogamthe saine time make it pos- tor - hope he doesn't read this, green slime and saucy salml lady. specifically provides that be- of social reform and extension iletinoprein headest-nelytpofby. Our klds love the visits te munrca litv ilmadeta ha e oe-l uc Preio e says thejfBiM any changes wbich, in !inte space. We had several You take your youngsters the town where they spent mcidpaliO a snot hepro-!the fedPemigoeramethaia thie light cf the federal-pro- Sc'Ottl men in our Section. down to the bridge. te show their childhood years, and vcvdia utarietv.Thso es the mun-the cipealities by gnt is vincial discussions. the house one o! whom, and I think it them where you used to make know every dangerous dltch using Ontario 'as an example, and bn hntefdrlmoy tbink desirable."l was Tommy, toid of how the those 30-foot dives. Tbey've and perilous precipice. They The furor created over tbis Yuga lnwskce either Iowered the dang bridge meet the youngsters they went that nia federai boan couid be governaient becomes a bene- and other proposed legisla- out o! Scotlani, many years or ralsed the water something to school with, size each other made to a municipality with- factor o! the municipalities tien such as the Canada Pen- mgo, becmuse o! its brawling, tierce, because it's ouly a up like friendly doga and aut the prior consent of the and that such relationship be- sionu Plan points up the basic thieviiig, drmnking proclhvities. three-foot dive now. happily start comparing notes. OtradiaMnal Board. twenthe mfederal governient corsttutional pro'blem which If ti'ue, they probaly ound You take your children No, they're neyer disap - Trdtonly Qubcbas tefand t the unicipaity wil i- our nation mnust deal witŽi plenty o! kindred spirits in around te sell the oid family pointed wben we visit the o14à. been very jeabous o! aîv 1la- dtrfereeihe autovrtytr- solon. The British N o r t h their new home, Ireland, home. You Iook for the huge home town. But they're go2 vasion of provincial authority di.nll .rcsdovrm-Arnerica Act was framned at a whuch la where they are sup- brick miansion with the, vast ing te get a great shock onfdr' bv' the federai goveraiment* nicipalities by the provincial time when Canada was a pesed toc have locatied. Over porch andi the big, white pick- of these days when their fatb- Mr.Peasonhasrepirdtha goermen, yian agîcuturl cunty.the yea.rs, they don't seem te et fence. You finally find it. er drags tbem back ta his old there is no intrusion by the i Mr, Pearson showed a wil-. Thoise drafting the Act couid have cbanged much, have Your kids take a long look at home town and they dîiscover federal autbority ln Ibis case liagness te listen te Mr. Le. flot be expected ta foresee the they? the dingy little house with the what a big, fat liar he ia about prciblemns of unempîcyment, Tommy and his wife weresagging verandah and the bis aid girl friends and his the need for social legislation the parents o! two boys, theýragged. unpaiated fence, and aid feats of daring and his old J -~.and the moaring cost o! edu- vounger cf whom, was borntthen take a long look at you. 1famuly mansion. mU cation and nuedical care, all of In th D imwhich are the by-product o! the industrialîzation wbich, bas transformed the face of The Mani Behind the Wheel and Canada ln the past 96 years. These responsibilities are be-1 vond the resources o! indivi-1 W. W. Foot, general. manager of take a new look at some of the aspects D îstan Past dual provinces. The federal Equitable Mutual Insurance Ca., Kil- of its operatian if it is ta avoid coming From The Statesman Files tgavea'nment lanthealoni uthenr n. rtn fraet nt under complele government contrat It i ________________________________________ therm. adequatelv, a.nd ai tue monthly magazine of the 92-year- aid hstepolmo ovnigtt ~a 25 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO tm sue Cn-Cnda opn rts vinciai governments that they are pri- (Juy 2. 138)(Juy 3, 114>receive equal treataient. Ou, ehv er tsi ttei- marily responsible for the current acci- constiuinsoudb n-1 crease in accidents can be attributed Lt. Cl E.. Frguons Ms FiornceHor1l4) hu- ed tiomakeholead httet heicesdnmercbae ent prablem. They buidar__ hwy D.adMns. J. C. Bell and accepted a position with Mr., rnentary aid O.A.A. n .csoar mlre fteavantages manaers, daims manago ers tandad-r han ae hoidayng a tatF. R. Kersiake, druggist, ta f111 'A.S.of government automnobile insurance jsesko nytawl htavr siseri, rs.hMrG. Saîe o! m vancofMr.atte D.Racer.-e foralcontb was sapnae o te rsng ca !high proportion of! daims carry a sur- Cse, rgia, i.h MG. S Blell'ofb m ancy cf Mr. W.te d. hred- he tort coth wae sa nae o tersngc fcharge of 10,V' for plainti.ffs' lawyers the Board of Education. HflCollege, Toronto, this faîl. $3.113.40, but tbe expected re- automobile insurance. frtiecsswihd e ec h Misses Mildned Downey, i-frtiecsswihdnorahte da Brown, Dorothy Edger andl Miss Marion FeIt, Oshawa, coveries from provincial and In this age cf creepî.ng socialismi it courts. This cest gees up autornatically * Marjorie Bradt are vacatiouung Lsvstiga Mrs. James Mc- federal subsidies and charge rastomc oepc hta h vrg oto lisge P at Thursbonia. nci'. backs amaunt te $2,666.44, se Is Perastcnuht exct htasheargeoto!aisos p Mr. Lester .1. C. Langa, ac-« Miss Florence M. Belman, the actual cost to the town will advocates cf accident preventian wîll but the services rendered by the plain- counitant, Bank of Montreal,ý Edmionton, Alta., la bolidaying be $447.04. gain mucb public attention. Common tiffs' Iawyer do flot warrant such auto- and bis bride, are taking up at ber mother's, Mrs. E. Bell-ý Expenditures fer June were: sense tells us that there is a multitude matic increase. nesidence lu Mr. F. C. Hoar'sfmnau, Balsam Grave. Direct Welfare $1,767.15; Nurs- bouse, corner of Elgin and! Mr. Gea. Purdy recentîy ing Homes $1,150.25; Supple- cf people driving automobiles who Automobile rates are goîng up prin- Horsey Sta. visited bis son, Mr. Ira Purdy, metary Aid $120; Exceas and shouid net be licensed by the varia s a'îî beas accidents are goingW up Charles Lemon and KeniEdville. Medicines $76. Tbree new weî- provinces and who shoïxld be kept off cîpay eas b r Nichoils are among the higb I Master Gardon Symans la fare applications were filed the roads in the interests of public Increasing repair costs, hospital bills scbool boys f rom Bawmian-ýspending the week wî i during the month, and tbree and professional services, and exces- ville attcnding the Ontarioýfather la Montreal. eemcpe.Epoatsft. sive legal fees are other' influences Athietie Commission Camp at Mr George J.Bryma, was procured for seven people. Through the machinery of assigned which have resulted in an underwrit- LaeCoucbicbing. They areagrfrJyadLvewa The repart of the building risk plansteisrneidsr Lnate jno ap grfrJr n oel Aa inspecter, Melville Moore, for s'teususc ndsr ing loss (by companies in the auM-o- Mrs. Hazel Gray, daughters operated on in the Oshawa the month sbowed the total belping the provincial governments. te bile insufance business) cf bomiý2 June and Erie, Toronto, have Hoitspîand iatwe or appwendias cost o! construction for the keep these people behind the steering milo in96.hsisareyn te been bolidaying with ber par-'iiadl diga ela period was $61,115. and 17 wheel. Financial responsibility and c pasa of e'xisting rate leveIs and ents, Mn. and Mrs. E. L. Os-ican be expccted. building permuta were issued . ms borne, Wellington Street. Mr. W. G. Butson, Mitchell, The amnount received for bugh inurance benefits neyer ]have and has already resulted in some companies Mrs. J. A. McClellan bas re- is the new mathematical teach-,ý building permits was $177. neyer will reduce automobile accidents. withdrawing from the f ield of auto- turned fnomn a pleasant visit'er and Miss M. E. Zuern, Five plumbing permuta were Adequate insurance is designed te mobile insurance and a fairly wide- with her sister in Montreal.- formenly o! Westminster Col-:'issucd and receipts for thern provide iacl protectionan hti spread ernh nti udr it Mns. F. 0. Mellveen and lege, Teranto, la the new!totailed $57. fiaca adta 1 erncmn i unewi family are holidaying at Au- teacher la clar.sics in Bowman-' There were 134 building in- aîl it does. It cannot be expected ta ie- acceptances on the part cf ather r bura, Ont. ville Higb School. ispectians made by Mr. Moore duce accidents, but that fact is f re- panies who are feeling the strai Mliss MIolly Smith 's bh- Mrs. Gilbert Parant, Walk- la June, and 27 trench iuispec' nquently oeloe.terfnne.Ti rbe ead daying at MWestport, Rideau erville, ùs visiting ber mother, tions. There were 39 inquiries Ioeloe.terfnne.Ti rbe ead *akes. Mrs. G. C. Haine,5. and 32 investigations. The insurance indlustry wiil hav e t o unprcjudiced, unbiascd examination. Collision Course Durham Couni y'z Great Family louinai Lstablîshed 109 yeais ago in 15 Aise Incorporating E l. The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent4le IL1% The Orono News "Authons..d as8ecoac dos» a Molby the post Otiice Uepu.. Ota wa, and or 'zpasyment o8 pSinqe la cabb" Produced .very Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62.66 Kng St. W., Bowxanville, Ontenie JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS Enn'oa-PUILZJISNAnv'. MANAGIM Busrnsss McGR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Yom,. stnctly in advanco $5.50 a Year in the United States Ahthouqh *overy preccution willb. taken te avoid etior, The Canadien Strtesman accepta advertis- its. cohmns on the uadmztouding that il wilo t b. labi* for an ereror k any advertisesnent U her@undur mieus a prool of auch advertuient ia îequested I rI1 byh.detsr aM a .used ta The Canaxdion Sateaman business office duiy sgnd hy the advertiser and wth such errer or Correction pilniy noted wi wrMalq thereon. and in that case ilf any errer se noted jaefnet oorroeted by The. Canadien Startesman. ils ability &hall not exceed such a portion et the entire tost ofsiwuh ad tao tm.flt he space occuied by th. noted errer bea:s to the whoi. spoce occupied by aucS adve tlbft

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