12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, July 24, 1963 from Toronto over the week- end. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Burley ~AJ ~ Iand sons were at their cottage NEW TO1VILLE at Kennisis Lake for the Mr. and Mrs. Vito Hulatt1 Toonto, Mr. A. Thompsonweeknd.yvstrswt r and family of Oshawa visited Kendal, Mr. James Nesbitt, RaSundyvitruce with Mr.n Mrs. Bourgerie on Tuesday. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton, Mr m CBuere Mr.Banft Miss Anne Nesbit.t 15 busy and Mrs. Milton Kixnball. Mr. and Mrs. Earl MeLeod, with miiinery duties in Osh- Mr .and Mrs. James Duff.of OhwM.adMs hri awa for a couple weeks. Toronto were Thursday vi aes novle Appraximiatcly 175 persans tors wirhaMr and Mrs. Clifton evailed tihemselvcs of the op-Robb. Mr. and Mrs. on ronkid Partunity for x-ray et the Bowmanville Girls played Best and family, were out to Mobile Clinic here last Mon- here on Thursday night, wifl- Lindsay on Sunday. day afternoon and evening. ning the high-scoring gamne With Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Again those in charge wauld 20-17. Hendenson and family at their fi o altepassstnertan cai Messrs. Cli.nton F a r r o w, cottage at Lake Kennisis wcre foreatin r the voisan nteer- Fred Henderson, Earl Walkey Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tompkins, bpride. heaounee, nd Sidney Lancaster attend- John Camjpbell and Bill Gil- brigade.ed the Masonic Grand Lodge mer. Mr. Hugh Stapleton return- at the Royal York, Wednes- Mr. Arnold Wade attended ed home from Memorial Hos- day. en O.B.A. meeting at Milton Pital last Wednesday. Mr. Bart Ton is again work- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Urry of on Sunday. ing for Ryder Construction Ottawa sypent a few days re- Mn. George Pcthick, back during holidays. cently with her sister, Miss from his trip to the Calgary Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Thomiu- Mnnie Randali. Stampede, was a visitor, Sun- son of Chicago, and Mrs. Ruth Mrs. E. A. Werry and Betty day, with Miss Bertha Thomp- Schram o! Granville, Michi- Jane, Enniskillen, were re-1 son. gan, wcre recent visitors with cent visitors et Mr. S. Lan-1 Mr. and Mrs. Murray Por- Miss Bertha Thompson. caster's. ter and family were out to Master Peter Henderson was their cottage et Rice Lake, an overnight guest at Mr. R Mrs. Boungerie attcnded the Sunday. Alldread's, Lakeshore, least Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weekcs Tuesday and Wednesday. of her sister in Oshawa, lastofTrno we ekd Mrs. W. H. Jones went ta Friday, the bride and groomofTrno we weed Cambelfor lat Tursavo! 50 years ago being Mr. and guests o! Mr .and Mrs. C. H. ta visit her mother, Mrs. Da- Mrs. Charles Wells o! thatLne ývidMerillon he ocasonicty.Mr. and Mrs. Clmnton Brown vid errii, o th occsion cit. wth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hen- of the latter's birthday. Most of the local General derson and family attended The girls' bail team played Motors employees are now en- the Jacksonville-Toronto dou- Newcastle, here, Monday nignt joying holidays. ble-header bail game, Sunday. with the result 9-7 for the Quite a number tram here Master Peter Henderson, true visitons. On Wednesday night attended the Wanden's Picnic to fonm, came back weli-iaden. adticeeam isted hre at Onono, Friday. Due ta the with autographs! anddeeaedth local girls inclement weather, the sports Mr. and Mrs. George Sta- Mrs. S. Lancaster and Dor- prognam planned for the ev- pleton and Keith attcnded the elle were in Orillia lasi ent had ta be curtailed, and Eastern Ontario He r efor d Thursday and called on Rev.' lunch was served at the Odd Club picnic at Warsaw on and rs.Joh MelacianFellows' Hall, instead of the Satunday, where Mr. and Mrs.! aho restayohn Mg a hanpark. Stapleton were bath fontun-i Birchmore Hotel there. Miss Dorella Lancaster is patesenor ug t a te.aae Mr. Wm. Andrew had thelspending a week at Camp ie o ugn ate rnisfortune ta faîl, last week, Adelaide, Haliburton, as a Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen injuring himself to h 1x-saf ebr and family, Peter b or o ugh, tent that he was taken ta .Rev R. C. Wh t ok were visitors with Mr. and Bowmanvjlle Hospital. cag ftesrie tAa Ms. C. Burley, Sunday. Visitrs lst we Mrsttheand Myrtle last Sunday, made Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Staple- Manse included Mn. and Ms haîf a dozen calis at the has- tan were Sunday evening sup- Douglas Coyle and family, pital and preached et Kendal per guests with Mr. and Mns. Roseeath Mrs J. lodgtt o the evening, a reaily full Cecil Robinson, Orono. day! Our service here was in Mr. and Mns. Barton Me- b charge of Mr. Ken Symons, Neil and baby, Oshawa, were Clenk af the United Counities,,Sunday visitors et Mr. Phil t1eV'DAeVnd next Sunday monning oui' Gilmer's. coguest speaker will b M 'r.i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whit- C O PEjiRATE.Il James You.ng of Oshpv-, taker and family, Toronto, at S /N AMOTHERS Mr. and Mrs. C. Robb wcre Mr. Earl Walkey's. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tamp- nflb"c#E UP-TO- Mrs. Art Bonnett and family, kins and boys, Part Hope, at OAT~ - Port Credit. Mr. Ray Tonipkins'. 0AZE Mrs. Willis Joncs spent the Mr. and Mrs. George Staple- weekend with Mrs. Bud Jones ton and Keith attended the INSTALL ~., and children at their cottage, Martin family picnic, Sunday, PROPER"" Beaverton. a t Oshawa Park. Miss Allie Nesbitt was home fievd1w. T MI - -i-M mNNE y AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES JONES & GREER RALPH S. JONES THOMAS B. GREER 130 King St. E. Oshawa 728-6246 I Il.______________________________ I FREE! SHOP 'N HOP HOEDOWN Every Friday Night Oshawa Shoppi'ng Centre 9to AmP2 3cmn the fun! Have the timne of your life! Shop . . . then hop to the hoedown-ingest square dance miusic of them ail! WILKIE RANGER and his orchestra a Everybody Welcome e Bring the whole famiiy 1 IN.G STREET W. AT STEVENSON D. I Cancellations at 5 p.m. in case of rain LUNG S5AULT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner and Mr. and Mrs. A. Milîson wcre Saturday evening gucsts o! Mn. and Mrs. J. Mallette, Cresswell. Mn. and Mrs. M. Kdilet and faniily, Janetville, were Sun- day supper guests of Mn and Mrs. R. Cameron; Gcrald and Doris staying for a few days' holiday at the Camerons. Donny Vivian, Tyrone, spenti a week's holiday with Ray- moud Cameron. Raymond and Alan Vivian spent several lays holidaying with cach othen. Dale and Tommy Lycett, Oshawa, spent a few days with Brenda and Bnian Carn. Mn. and Mrs. D. Lycett, Osh- awa, were Saturday suppera guests at the W. Canr's. t Mn. and Mrs. Rye Gibson- attended a family picnic with fiends on Sunday at Cobourg Park, in honor o! Mrs. Gib- son's birthday. (Intended for Iast week) Raymond Cameron is spend- lng a weck's holiday at Janet- ville. Mn. and Mrs. Gosley, Bec- ton, wcre weekcnd guests of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Crrn. Mn. and Mrs. J. R Parkin- son and family, Cobourg, were Tuesday evening visitons of Mn and Mrs. Rye Gibson. BASE LUNE Mn. E. Vondracek and Miss Mildred Vondracek are visit- in-- relatives duning a five- week Eunopean holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp spent several days last weclk at Mink Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bannes, Grace and Ted visited her parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Bancroft, Newington, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bancroft and, family, Luneniburgh, lest wcekl while Mn. Bannes was havingý a week's holiday. The Base Line Good Neigh-ý boun Club was the guest o Miss Anne HaIt, Courtice, on Wednesday, for a luncheon meeting. Miss Hoît graciously entertained the membens at tables errangcd on the poncfl o! her lovely home. After a short business pcniod, when plans wcne made for aur an- nual picnic, the group played games for prizes supplied bv Miss Hait and somne a! the members. Mrs. A. Bannes, on behaif of the club, thanked Miss Hait for hen hospitality and then everyone enjoyed a tour of hen pretty ganden. Mn. and Mrs. Cccii Hall, Red Rock, were Satunday overnight guests of their un- dle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. Mn. and Mns. Fred Wright and family wenc present at the Wenry Familys 9th Re- union on Saturday, July 20th. Mn. Ronnie Brownell is spending his holldays with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. Keith Browneil, Ingleside. Mn. and Mns. H. Woodward, Toronto, and Mns. Isabelle Woodward, Newcastle, wenc Sunday visitons with Mrs. Woodward's parents, Mn. and Mns. eGorge Coonibs, brother Jack, and son Jack. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Mossv, Oshawa, werc Sunday callers with Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Enniskillen, Mns. Pet Tresise a.nd Gall, Oshiawa,1 were Sunday visitons with Mn.i and Mrs. Fred Wrigh.t and1 f amily. - .--Aom Three - Year - OId Twin Charmers Due to a bad typographical mix-up last week, the above photo and caption are being reprinted. Shôwn in the above are three-year-oid Sharon Lee, lef t, and Sandra Jane, right, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lunney, Bowman- ville. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allison and Mr. Bruce Lunney, ail of Bowmanville. Their great-grandfather, Mr. Clinton Lunney, also resides in Bowmanville, and their maternai great-grandmother is Mrs. M. Gray of Tynemouth, England. Photo by Astor Studio Wins Lawn Set at Carnival The winner of one of the main prizes at the Kinsmen Carnival on Sat- urday, was on the grounds waiting to pick up bis winnings. After claiming his prize, Alan Osborne, 21 Second St., Bowmanville, relaxed on the chaise lounge, accompanied by Diane McMuilen, whiie the huge umibrella protected them f rom the dampness. Ticket number was 1252. Cutting Anniversary4 Cake The oldest member of Hampton Women's Institute, Mrs. L. Niddery, 89, cuts the 60th Anniversary cake during the special m~eeting held to mark the unique occasion. On her lef t is Mrs. Wm. Milligan, Digt. President, and, right, Mrs. Luther Allun, President of Hampton W.I. H-ampton W. I. C#Iebrates Diamond Anniver'*ary One of the most delîghtful The place cerds, donc in bluel Tweedsmuir Histony Book. events in a long time was and gold, were made by h r.J .Blooeo celebnated on Tuesday, July Winnacott, Mrs. Adamson a M s . oJ. W.eBalso, toneio! l6th, 1963, when Hampton Mrs. Cannick. Several of the Ourodemmbrtni- Women's Institute entertained honored guests worc ti beaiut]P troduccd the hed abie on their 60th Anniversary. ful corsage made by b f zests, Mss. Allin, aur-- s-- As the guests annived and Charles Warren. , ent; Mns. Niddeny, Lite mcm- wene gneeted by Mrs. Hosken In the centre o! the hmâ ee;Mns. Fred Tamblyn o! Smith, Mrs. K. Caverlv- anld table was thc anniver -0rono and Miss Nana Horn, Mrs. Chas. Warren, they wene cake, iced in white with 60 j.u th onlyv two charter mcm- asked ta register in the guesti blue, made and iced by Mm-. bers, Mrs. Ted Chant, secre- book in change o! Mrs. hrn Hosken Smith and Mrs. tary;, Mrs. Milligan, District Moutjo an Mis Tenaf r *-r President; Mrs. Ivisan Mun- Mountjoy and Miss ~~~~~~Nancy' fred Smale. The cake e-00dyDitctSrta;ana Johns. They were given name, small candies, lit by MmI aDsrc Sceay n cards done in gold and blueý Smale. The company sang j ew o! the past presidents. with the Institute crest. The, Institute Ode and Grace, 1A4iMrs. Sam Dewell thanked, crowd of women met with ali Mns. Merwin Mountjoy at tbe Service Club for the love-1 friands and visited until cail-' piano. The Hampton Serv1s1, supper and their kindness cd ta the supper table by the, Club served a delicious s#. catering for the banquet. president, Mns. Luth er Allin,j per of juice, ham, toma Ie then adjourned for a who gave ell a welcome. salads, jellies, nelishes an Shoun until pnagram time.1 The tables were \-ery teste-1 rolîs, and a most deectahia .s Luther Aluin opened the, fully deconated with stneam- dsetMr.Ndeyu r U ing with sorne highlights~ ers of purpie and gold. thel est member, then u the 5' '~e Institute and thankedil Institute colons, and bouquets! niversary cake, Mrs. Gor the members who had of purpie and ycilow flowers-i Wiibur taking pictures tori l ed ta make the banquet q j She called on Miss Nora Horn who gave a rousing in- strumental number by mem- ory which was much enjoyed. On her way down from the platform, she was stopped by Mrs. Chant who spoke in a few words how much the In- stitute has appreciated her music in the past, and being the only charter member still belonging ta the Institute pre- sented her with a W. I. pin. Miss Horn, though taken by surprise, thanked them for their kindness and said she thought if we had a talent given to us we should use it. Mrs. Lorenzo Truli then read the names of ail past presidents, and as the ten de- ceased presidents were read, Mrs. S. Kersey placed a white carnation in a vase for ecd one. Two minutes of silence was observed, followed by a short prayer by Mrs, Truli. Mrs. Wm. Milligan, the Dis- trict President, spoke briefly and brought greetings fromn the District. Mrs. Fred Tamb- lyn of Orono, a charter mem- ber, was called on and gave a very interesting talk on In- stitu'te work, dating back to1 1903 when they first met ini the old Town Hall. She gave1 the amaunts of baking donet for anniversaries then, and told of the Dominion Organ factory of Bomanwviile don- ating the organ for the Insti- tute. We were sorry to hear from her of the illness of Mrs.. 0 W. Bolph who is in hospital, and sent her best wishes for aur Institute. A piano duet by Mrs. Albert Cole and Mrs. Keîth Billett of Bowmanville was a master- piece, something you would seldom hear. Miss Mary Niddery gave a humorous monologue that cre- ated much laughter. Mrs. Alfred Allun, Bowman- « ville, then showed pictures taken on their four weeks' trip ta Honolulu, New Zea- land, Hong Kong and Aus- traliýa. This was very intcrest- ing and enjoyed by al. Mrs. Cale, Mrs. Billett and Miss Niddery were again on the program. Mrs. Warren thanked ail who helped on the prograrn, and the meeting came to a cIe - liv sineing the Qucen and Oid Lang Syne, with somne loo)king forward ta the 70th Aniversary. ELIZABETH VILLE Sunday school was heid with a good number attend- îng. A flannelgraph story was started which is ta be con- tinued for five Sundays. Suz- anne Thickson gave the first story. Church services wene hcld at Garden Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowlie and family tram Detroit, Mich., spent a few days with 'Mrs. Walters, recently. Garry Fowler spent a week with his cousins ln Consecon and returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler and tam. _4ýY7- etudy tif. Mi.R. "Ru4*ll's, Consecon. They brought Garry home and left Kenneth and Nancy for this week. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Lock- wood and Harvey, Toronto, visited at Thickson's on Sun- day. Mn. and Mrs. David Lock- wood, Toronto, and Mrs. Lock- wood called Sunday evening at Thickson's. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Barnry, Peterborough, visited with Walter this week. On Sunday Mrs. H. Trew visited with Walters'. AS SEEN FROM THE GARDEN e 0f ail the things I've read or heard, I'd like to be a littie bird, Just spread mny wings, without ado, And soar way up into the blue, Or perched atop sorne tail pine tree, 1 What lovely vistas I would see. And when I'd wish to bathe or dine, The whole wide world of Nature's mine. At the end of day, when time for rest, I'd corne back to my cosy nest, Way up in that old apple tree In an old orchard, known to me. And then, ere wintry winds start blowing. No th-ought of ou bis I'd be owing, For off on those swift wings of mine Away, far out in spaoe and time, I'd fly into the bright sunshine. -by Marion Ford Miss Gwen Mercer, Toron- On Wednesday, some of the to, spent the week with ber ladies helped at the TB x-ray parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Mer- at Campbellcroft. cer. Another daughter, Mrs. Mrs. H. Quantrili and Gloria Provost of Belleville, expects were i.n Oshawa this week. to have holidays this week Miss Beryl Thickson spent with her parents. the weekend in Alliston. "MY OANB' 1mSMtliWUCAMI What with? Your family's holiday luggage, naturally. If you'd like a new car to take you on your vacation... .see the B of M. Matter of fact, you might wish to finance both the car and your vacation under the same low-cost, life-insured plan. That's the Bank of Montreai Family Finance Plan, of course. Available at every B of M branch. y Famiq F inance Plan brings ell your personal credit needS un oroof Bowmanvitle Brandi: Osbawa Branch: JAMES McCANSH Manages FFPU BUS .~...*.*.... ........~ e *nae~n~*~~. JAMES BELL, Manalter 1) SURGICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE... * Any doctors' services needed in hospital. * Out-patient diagnostic X-Rays. * Cystoscopie and Bronchoscopic examinations. MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE... " Ambulance Charges. " Special Drugs. " Laboratory Services. " Appliances and Therapy. This is the only county-based organization serving the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland. GERALD SHACKLETON - Hampton 263-2744 HARRY WADE MRS. DALTON DORRELL, Blackstock 786-4995 Clarke 24-r-20 MRS. ROBERT CRATER - Orono 36-r-1 DAVID WILSON - Blackstock 986-4395 L r~ ri.~ i .4 EXTENDED MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE... " Home and office calis. " Injections. " Health Examinations. " Eye Examinations. " Plus Surgical Benefits. SEND THIS COUPON TO: DURHAM COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Orono, Ontario Name Address - You wilI be under no obligation ELECTRICLTD.( CONTE ACTING REPAIRS REFRIGERATION -ELECTRIC MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE T.V - R ADIO - APPLI ANCES Durham County Co-operativè MEDICAL SERVICES Offers A Complote Medical (are Plan Doctor's Services - by the Doctor of Your Own Choice Be a Part Owner of Your Own Insurance Carrier Members of Durham Counity Co-operative Medical Services are receiving 10% Refund on Premiums paid in the year 1961-1962. THE RATES ARE VERY LOW The Surgical and Major Medical Package is $60.00 for a Family and $30.00 for a Single Member. The Extended Medical Plan and Major Medical is $115.00 for a Family and $57.50 for a Single Member up to age 65. Over 65 years of age: $135.00 for a Family and $67.50 for a Single Member. JAMES BELL, Manager Oshawa Branch: