Dictatorial Legisiation This village is being forced to pay $200 for last vear's membership in the Ganaraska Conservation Authority, a membership the local council had forced Upon them against their will by the Provincial Governmnn in the Conserva- tion Authorities' Act. The authoritv took court action 10 collect the fee when counicil claimed it had flot legally been incorporated as a part of the auithority and refused to authorize payment of the levx-. The court ordered payment of the ev. The village council had no wish or desire to become a part of the authority because the members cannot sec any value bo the village taxpayer in the authority. A representative of the De- partment of Planningi and Development attcnded a council meeting a couple of years ago and told council consideration of enlarging the area was under consid- cration and gave the members litera- turc explaining the authority. This man was unable to show members of coun- cil where any benefit could be derivedt for the village by joining the authority. Since the village was "TAKEN IN" to the authority, the field man, Mr. Hook, attended a counicil meeting and Iikewise, was unable to show the mem- bers any advantagc 10 the local tax- payers of membership in the authority. ItMuld seem the only reason they want N, wcastle in, is so they can collect more revenue to pay for the work they are doîng in the castern portion of the county. It might also be of interest to the local taxpayer to know that the levy has increased bo $548this year, which Brig. Carr Unveils Cenotaph is approximately one haîf mili on the tax rate. What will the 1964 Ievy be? The injustice of this iniquitous and dictorial act is the fact that the minis- ter may, on the advice of a conserva- tion authority, include any municipal- ity in the authority without consulta- tion or permission of the municipality involved, and force themn to pay the as- sessment levied wvith or without repre- sentation. Our local Cham ber of Commerce needs new members and is working for the advancement of the village as a wholc. Can't you just imagine what would happen to the Council if they grantcd the Chamber authority to notify every adult in the village they were going 10 exbend the membership of the Chamber and invite them to be present to vote on the extension? Then a vote would be baken and, if passed by those present, everyone in the village could be assessed and forced to pay the mem- bership levy? This is exactly what the provincial government has done in pass- ing the Conservation Authorities Act. The council has made requests through our local M.P.P. to have the vil- lage removed fromn the authority, but no attempt has been made by the min- ister to have the couneil's request im- plemented. So, in addition to the $200 1962 assessment, the village taxpayers are also saddled with the $548 assess- ment for 1963 to pay for work being done on the Ganaraska River and its ributaries. 110w can the local council be expected 10 hold the local tax rate down? "Our Heritage Purchased By Those Who Didn't Return" Newcastle- In a ceremony, security was many times that will long be remembered threatened, they banded to- by those attending, Brigadier gether to fight until this glor- L. N. Carr of Port Hope un- ious country was born. veiled a beautiful Memorial 1 Thn as the country pro- on the Commun 1 t y Hall gressed, alliances were formed grounds, honoring the dead of 'to corne to the aid of a threat- three wars on Saturday after- ened member of the group. noon saying, "Now on behaif When fanatical leaders see of the Comrnunity of New- what we hav- and try to castle 1 humbly unveil this take it, wars t, d',le result. Menorial Cenotaph so that '1Ben htw ar"le 'hei nams my bereadinsa id, *'A proud strong race, tionour . with a sense of duty and a . ntruduced l'y Frank< -R. If is wtilngness ta- figlit if neess- - if Port Hope, Arca Vice Pro- ary to preserve our way of ident of the Royal Canadian life, so oui' young men answer ýegion, Brig. Carr answered'the country's cail and dedi- lie question "Why are wars cate themselves to a cause, ecessary?", saying that ouri they' believe la right." He irefathers "battled a wilder-, went on to say that we are ess and harsh nature to pro- really fortunate the wars have ide for themselpes a land ,been so far away because our id a home that was theirs, sacrifices have been few in free wav of life, living as comparison to other war torn ion shoiuld". Though their countries. _______________________ He said in overseas action, 'Canadian units had no equal NOTICE ~in fighting qualities or efe îency and the name Canada was known and respected by T H E 'Allies and enemnies alike. Can- M E M 0 R 1 A L adian units were made up of al classes of men who livedj L 1 R R Yandfought together like bro- ~jWILL CLOSE thers and when one feu hýe August 2nd was moulhied by ail. at 9:00 p.m. "Through the Grace of God AND WILL RE-OPEN hc said, we were victorlous, so Athe sacrifice of many young' August 2th men from your community at 4:00 p.m. and around haif of the woid Bv Order of was not in vain. Through their TIhe Lihrary Board ;sacrifices, we are able to be C. R. Carveth. îhere today, living as we want Chairman. to live in a country full of prosperity and opportunity". Corne and Enjoy the Liberal Picnic WALTONA PARK Ne wcas tle Saturday JuIy 27 th 2:301 p.m. RACES- GAMES- CONTESTS - PRIZES Swimnîing and Pony Rides Free for Children Bring Your Lunch DURHIAM LIBERAL ASSOCIATION NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB Annual Carnival -in - WALTONA PARK Saturday, JuIy I7th Pcterhuro 'Wat BINGO NEW Fca turing bugh Ornamlental Swinirning Club hn a er Pantomime nt 7:00 p.ni. AND OTHER GAMES 50 - 50 DRAW MERRY-GO-ROUND for the Kiddies He went on to compare the! present home life with the life endumed oversees and1 concluded seying, "We who survived the war are reap. ing the benefits paid for by those who neyer returned". Commencing with a parade of ex-servicemeru led by the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band from the communlty park 10 the Cenotaph, through the streets of the village. the Memorial Service was con- -uzteçkllyD-G 1 &altin £haf- man of the C»taph Coni- mittee with the'in led by the Royal CanadIan Leglon Gîce Club. The names of the fallen, engmaved on the Ceno- taph, were reed by Fred Adeir and Fred Couch, as follows: 1914-18- W. E. Lock- hart, D. W. Parker, G. N. Noden, P. C. Gomme, A. B. Bloom, F. W. Gibson, D. M. McDonald, W. W. Jose, E. A. Coulson, G. E. Howard, G. E. Simmons, D. G. Law; 1939-45 -D. A. Alldread, M. A. But- ler. G. W. Brooks, S. D. Pow- ell Korea -J. E. Belsey. Prayers were said by the Rev. D. R. Dewdney o! St. George's Church and the Rev. Basil Long o! Omono epre- senting the Rev. E. C. Wood- land of the local United Church. NEWCASTLE 'Social anc1 9ÇJersona1 On Thumsday evening, July 18, Mms. David Gray enter-! tained the ladies who helped' make their silver wedding an- nivemsamy such a lovely even- ing. The ladies enjoyed a loy- ely lunch of cookies. wedding cake and tea followed by a' social hour.j iMr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper of Oshawa, Mms. Howard Gor- don of Port Hope and Mrs.: Jack Kimbaîl of Newtonvillei were Wednesday evening din-l ner guests with Mr, and Mrs., George Kimball. Ten members of the Explor- ers girls group spent last week at Camp Quln-Mo-Lac near Madoc. Those attending were Joan Kimbaîl, Glenda John- son, Elizabeth Pearce, Kathy Wallace, Karen Lee Parker, Heather Hoar, Sandra Gould, Edith Schmid, Arlene Allmn and Melanie Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Alex- ander and Roy of Fort Erie and Mr. and Mms. Bob Tay- lor and daughtem Karen of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch and family. Miss Marjorie Clemence ac.. compenying Mm. and Mrs. Ew- cr1 Clemence of Oshawe, mo- tored to Belleville on Sunday where they vlsited their uncle the Rev. Roy Rickemd and famîly and also called on Mrs. Alwyn Fisher. Mm. and Mrm. Fred Brooks of Oshawa and Mrs Charles Wood of Orono visited with Mrs. George Crowther and family on Sunday. Mrs. Evelyn Bonathen and family of Brampton are spending a week's holiday with Mm. and Mrs. Clifford Cuffe and family. Mm. and Mms. Leslie Kinneli of Lindsay vislted with Mr. and Mms. John Voutt on Sun- dfay. Mr. and Mms. Ronald Hookin and family of Moosejaw, Sask,. are visiting with relatives and friends ln the village. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Here and family of St. Thomas, vlslted wîth bis parents Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare on the weekend and attended the Cenoteph Service on Saturdey. Selly remeined to visit for a while with hem gandparents. 1fr. andMIDs.- zIfWelsh, Mr. and Mrn. Larry Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Robinson' and farrily of Toronto weme Sunday visitors, wlth Mme. Fred Couch Sm., Mrs. Nomman Samis and Mr. Leslie Allin. Mr. and Mms. Roy Cowieson o! Keswick and Mr. and Mmm. Charles Rye of Newmamketl spent the weekend withMm and Mms. P. Tamblyn anda- tended the Goheen wedding in Bowmanville on Saturday. Mm. Jack Crago is a patienti in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvile. where he had nose' sumgemy the beginning o! the week. Mrs. Leta Oliver and Bobby o! Buffalo spent a few days. visitîng with Mrs. George, Smith. The following representa- IVI'. IH. S. nmitton. JYJI.i tives of Government and local Marjorle Cunningham, Mr. organizations were on the and Mms. Arthur ]Redknap an' platformn and spoke briefly, Mmm. George Smith vislted TeFederal Government - with Mrm. Hattie Bradley in, Russel C. Honey, M.P., Pro- Oshawa on Satumday. vincial Government - Alex Mm. and Mmm. Donald Josei Carruthers, M.P.P., Counties o! Brampton spent 'Sundayl o! Northumberland and Dur- visieting wlth relatives and hamn- Wamden Eaml Walkey, friands in the village. ~Village of Newcastle- Reeve Douglas J. Cunningham, and eUD M the following, Ted. Sheehan. l. President o! Branch 178 Royal il ge W f Canadien Legion; Mrs. Audrey Bate of Leguion Ladies' Aux iliamy, Harold Gibson, Presi$200O Gana Button CIub's Holds Their JuIy Meeting Newcatle- The July mneet- ing of the Button Club was held et the home o! Mrs. Edna Selby with eight members, four visiting button collcct- ors and five visitors present. A very lnteresting editorial on the origin, history and de- mand for buttons was con- tmributed by one o! the mcm- baux. The projeot for the mbnth was a card of square buttons and a card o! bal! shaped buttons, These were verycolomful and unique. Two ofhe vsiting button collect- ors brought a great many carda frorn their collection and i this added very much to the study o! old and modemn de- signs. It was decided to have the August meeting at the home o! Mms, McPherson in Ux- bridge. At the close of the meeting, the hostess, assisted e yhrsister. Mrs. Guy of " IOshawa and her niece, Mrs. iWight o! Alberta, scrved a' deliclous lunch. 'Have ta Pay praska Levy The Canadian 5tatfesie, BowrnanvMie, .Tuly 24, D <1k /ewc4leMp;& Gordon Agnew, lEdiior Phone 362 1 r * E: .lt t ~~:' J. Il j, Il t.' A" Il I - I. t' Il 1" j' Many Dignitaries Take Part in Impressive Ceremony NESTLETON f de'nt o! NewciÏast le -LionsClb Mrs. John Watson spent a' i Mmm. Helen Cerveth, Presi- Newcastle- The Ganamaka ity could not prove that no- ifew days with Mrs. Les Lan- dent of the Newca.stle Lion- Conservation Authomity a"' blo f the meeting had been1 sing, Caesamea. ettes Club and E. Richard awarded a deami o! $200by sýrved. !M.adMs ae oet Lovekin, President of the Judge J. C. N. Curmelly on In his .iudgment, Judge Cur- jM.adMs ae oet Newcastle Chamber o! Com- Friday, the esuit o! the civil 'melly said the evidence indi- son o! Unity, Saskatchewan, merce. ýcourt action heard in Port cated service o! the notice has arde r aitnd irss Mrs.to The following weaîîis were 1Hope Town Hall on April 8th, be lal rvn.Ms ,J dnd andlie s. J.e Wavion laid on the cenotaph at the to collect the 1962 essessmentj raine Wood, secretary-tre an for K ingsto toritedauig coeoth sevc:Vlaenot paid by the village. t urer o! tho authority, testifor.Knso ovst duh flos fied that a momber of NewL- o! Newcastle by Councîllor J. Ncwcastle's defence was cestle Council told hier the Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers T. Brown, Newcastle Ex-Ser-1based on a dlaim that it had village had not been repre- left for North Bay where they vicemen by Lloyd Alldread, not legally been incorporatedý ented et the meeting becauseiwill be jined by Mms. Lonnie Royal Canadian Legion, Bow- as part o! the euthority which no memler was available. Chapman and three sons, Paul, manville Branch, by Presu- was expended lest yeam. ~ Even stronger evidence was Jimmie and Jeffrey. They dentlr Ted SheehAn; Ldies' E . Lovekin, acting Xor'%uiven by Harry G. Hook, field: will spend a two-weck cabin Bet: shwaBmnc b Po-the village. mid that section officer o! the authomity, who Iailer vacation et Kenoral identOshawy Bron. by1 six o! the Conservation Ah-j said that at a meeting of New- with their son Jerry Boes Ailit ary BrMm. Audey" ____________oritis Act equired that e castle Council the members lof the O.P.P. Ralph Bowems Is i minister o! planning and I4 the counoîil acknowledgedldriving R.R. No. 1 in hlm fa-i 'Fime past and fiie present, velopnent fix a l1ie cipt of the notice. No denial 'ther's absence. both, may pain us. but timelplace for thc meeting Io con- was made of such rec-cipt and MrAthrHle ifn- improved is eloquent ir God's sider the enlargement. Mr. no evidence %'as lendcred by Pet'rboruhurHuslbi iI pralsqe. -Mary Baker E.ddy. Lori aimdteiuthos:1 eefndnt tests and observation and~ Peterborough Swim Water Pa Newcastle1 At WaItonm Nev.castle-Those who wvt- nessed the water pantomime presented by the Peterborough Onamnental Swimming Club et the Lions Camnival last yeam will cetainly be present f at 7 p.m. et the Waltona Park Pool when the club is sched- uled to present its 1963 pan- tlaIya soud aetornrne. Those who did miss m ers .,~~~~~~~~~ health. l 115 15IÂ V . ' '.>:', Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Mc-i Ewan, Mr. and Mmm. Lionel! MoEwan, Bruce and Allen of Mono Road and Mr. and Mrs. tomime to Feaiture Gro trn ee al Lions Club. .Carniva I Mono Road called on Mr.eand Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. learn o! the passing this Park on atuday Lorenzo Mountjoy in Port special attempt to see thia un- tür Il and you are invited to Perr v Community Hospital BiairLalCr nel eo beliveale sow n S tar- for the evening and play to Mms. Mountjoy and other - day evening. There Is no a. umgo and other games and relatives and friends. 'temteined Mm. and Mrs. James I Several members of th." M~t the varlous booths on theN mission charge 10 the PRk gunds or take the childmenj We wish a speedy recovery1 Robertson o! Unity. Sask., Norman, Oliver and Ivan f for this gala water s * C.o the Merry-Go-Round. ta Mrs. Ernest Freer who un-, Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton Moicherll famillstrwemr e a h though il la expected I With the County Liberal dierwent surgery in St. Mich- and Mmi. Annot o! St. Mary s- due totedStraofotr un- lection wlll be taken to d Pki0~c scheduled for the Park ael's H-opital lest week. Mm. There was a !amlly gathering the transportation coïts o , lU the aftemnoon it looks like Freer is remainlng in Toronto at the park whlch Mrs. J. l vrteweed swimmer&A j 9i day on Saturday for' for a few days. jFarder, Mmm. J. Watson and Mmr.and Mr&. Doug Davison c Following the waer ~iêc stle' Sumrnerc Play- Mm n r.Hry Mc- "Mr. and Mms. Roy Taylor and o! Glencoe visited the Davi-h there wWl be fun and g 1.d. Laughlin and Lawrence en-I family attended. son and Gmst familles. il New Memorial Cenotaph Unveiled- at Newcastle 't". w 't,' ~,, t-.", ', r', * s ~ r * e * u e .t, ni., -'e, Bowmanville Legion's Pipe Band leads parade of Veterans Bowmanville Legion Men's Choir sings Hymns j 4,c* otaph ______ Mr. and Mrs. PhiIib S feld and famnily and M. .1 Mrs. Bll Abbott, aill « Sc&L-_. bor-ough, were meent vWdtord with Mrs. T. G. ngoL. Miss Evelyn SeagroveRN> of Woodstock, la ipendig holiday with her sister, Mrs. Laieeld. lý Il 1