News Editor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Santo ton spent Saturday with _Nl. teachers tioni sec a n d a r. > Jr. and Margaret entertained and MIrs. Marshall Chatterto n. schools throughout Ontario Mr. Santo's parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardy who have been taking the Mms. Joseph Santo Sr. and and children visited Mr. and Dorothy of Walsingham, aven Mns. Reg Skelton and family. Summer Refresher Course the weeliend. The two fam- Oshawa, on Sunday. sponsored by the Ontario Sec-, ilies spent Sunday at Lake Mrs. Geo. Crowther and ondany School Teachens' Fed-1 simncoe. sons Charles and Jamie Of enation, at Lawrence Park1 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood Newcastle visited Mrs. Chas. Collegiate Institute in Tor- and daughten Gaul of Lake. Wood on Sunday. onto. field and Mrs. Charles Wood Mr. Alfred Gnîce, Port Hope,- Mrs. Alex Wilson of Tor- were dinnen guests of Mr. and father of Mrs. Cliff Cooper,. Mrs. Roy Barraball on Mon- passedi away Sunday. Funeral day. was on Tuesday. Miss Edra Best of Toronto, Mr. Gordon Lowery has re- Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best at- turned home from Menioiai, tended the Dearborn - Col- Hospital, Bowmanville. bourne wedding in West- Mrs. Talbert Findlay n1 mount United Church, Oslî- Thornhill, Mrs. John Morris, awa. on Saturday. Mrs. Jim Baîl, Mrs. M. Birch, Mr. and Cecil Robinson Mn. and Mrs. Everett Staple- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rob- ton, Howard and Johnny, Mn. nson and grandsons Randy and Mrs. Len Pears, Lynda and Eddie Hogg were dinner'and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Ken guests of Mn. and Mrs. Arn- Baîl, Bonnie and Susan wece: brose Robin son and aitended Sunday supper guests of Mr. the Orange Walk in Port Hope and Mrs. Laverne Patterson SO on Satrday.and Gary. Mrs. Talbert Findlay of Mr. and Mrs. Pet-c Morgan Thornhili has returned home have returned home from vis- after spending a week witl i ting in Detroit, Michigan, Mns. M. Binch and Mrs. Jini London and Brantford. BaIl. Mr. Herbent Thonipson, liu3- Mr. and Mis. Grant Moffait band of Mns. Mary Thomp- and sons Frank, Bobbie and son of Toronto and a summen Donald of Oakville spent the residient of Leskard for the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. past 20 years, passed away at Wm. Moffatt. his home in Toronto. Funeral Mrs. CHUf Dunlop of Perth was on Monday. Mrs. Angus spent last week wih Mr. and 'Watson, Mrs. Tom McRoberts Mrs. Perc Morgan. and Mr. Ross McRoberts paid The Bible Study and Dis. their respects on Sunday. cussion Group held their Mrs. Wrn. Mitchell is visît- weekly meeting at the home irîg hec daughten Mrs. Burns o! Mrs. C. S. McLaren on Mon- Kittinen, Mr. Kitimer and sons, day evening. Lakeside, near St. Mary' s. Mr. Rupert H. Carveth of Mn. S. B. Rutherford is at- Grand Prairie, Alberta, and tending Queen's University, Mr. Cecil Carveth of New- Kingston, this summer where castle called on Mr. 'Wm. Da- he is taking Anatomy and Bot- vey. any. Mn. Paul McMackin îs ..... Mrs. Herb DuvaUl and Mrs. also attending Queen's this . Lq.1e Bowins have both been suînmer taking his second prtints in Memorial Hospi- year towards his teacher's cer- tai, Bowmanville. tificate. Mr. Jim Cughan o! Mrs. Fred 'ramblyri Mr. the Commercial staff of the and Mrs. Caclos Tambîvo ai Clarke Hîgh School is aise tended the Cryderman Family takîng a summen course at Picnic at the park near Man- Queen's University. chester on Satucday. Frederick J. Carter of Dr. and Mrs. Keith T aylor, Clarke High School is among Nancy and Bannie of Bramp- the more than 200 Grade 13 MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hoc-, helping his dad, hie fell ad kin, Betty, Kathy, Moose Jaw, injured a vertebra in his t;ask., Mrs. W. J. Hockin, back, so is con fined te his bed. ?Pewcastle, were Sunday visi-1 We ail wish him a speedy re- tors with the latter's sister-in-1 covery. He is doing nicely, at law, Mrs. S. Tyler. tume of writing. Mcs. Lamne Plurnmer, Port 1Mn. Gary Jeftery is repre- Hiope, Miss Evelyni Mavis,1 senting Durham County at the Pembroke, were visitors Iastl 4-H Leadership Week at thej 'week with -te former's sister- Guelph Agriculturai College. in-lw, ry. adM tpe Miss Bonniie Beech spent the Jeffery.weekend with her aunt, Mns. Miss Carole Greenhare speni last week at ber brather's, Mr. Ro anOhaa and Mrs. Elgin Greenham andi Mr. and Mrs. T. DicksonI boys, Bowmanville. attended the retirement din- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beech ner in Belleville on Fridayl attended the wedding of Mr. evening for Mn. Alex Wilson. Allan Beech, son of Rev. and lMr. and Mns. Charles Green- Mrs. E. Beech. The wedding ham, in comnpany with Mr,' wa.s In Leaside UJnited Church and Mrs. Morley Flintoff, eon Friday evening, July l2th. Town, returned home Satin,- 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bur- day evening after a moton gess and family spent lasitrtip ta Boston, Cape Cod and week at the cottage, Twjni othen places of înterest. Lakes. ilMr. and Mns. H. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ste-' Port Hope, visited on Sundayý ý enson, Omemee, Mn. and! with Mr. and Mrs. T. Dickson. .1s.J.W. Dick.son, Missi Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beech Ti"lPnR Derbyshire, Montreai,j were guests on Satunday at visited last week with theirl the Rekker-Malda wedding ini bî'otheir and sister-in-law, Mr,! the Christian R e fao r mn e d and Mrs. T. Dickson. Church, Bowmanviile. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Laird! Mn. and Mrs. Ted White andi and Mr. .Alex Laird spent a'i childnen recently went on a few days last week at Hall- motor trip ta Ottawa, then burton Lake. Algonquin Park. Craigieighý Mn. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow, Park. Coilingwood. They visi- her mother, Mrs. Fred Ash- ted Blue Mountain Potteny,1 ton, Toronto. wene visita ns las' i then on ta Durham, where1 Sundy wth rs. shtn'sthey visited Mr. and Mrs. snMunday wîth Mn. Ashs Clayton Spears, retur n i n g toril-"aesarea ' home on Saturday. .and Mrs. S. Smith, Mid. Mr. Bert Snowden, with hisj dleport, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mil.' B Pack o! Cub5s, spent the ý lan. Gait, wene weekend vii weekend at Presciu'ile Point. tors with Mr. and Mrs, . S., Assistants Joyce Mills and' Morion; Mn. and Mns. Wmi Mrs. Chester Milîs, cooks Mrs Munroe, Baltimorc, on Sun. Cecil Mils, Mns. Eugene, day. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.' Dobbs and Mr. E. Dobbs a(-- S. S. Morton and visitons xisjt.: companied. Mr. Cecil Mil1s ed Mrs. Pearl Elliott at El-; and Mr. Bob Barrabel went! alot' fishing lodge on Lake! cown on Sunday morning. NI,- Chemong.i Barrabel conducted the church Mn. and Mca. S. May, Tor-'serice. ento, Mcs. Reta Rodman, Mns.' - E. Ashton, Oshawa, visited at _____________ Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Beech's oeoe Mcs. Olive Leetooze spent, the weekend with Mrs. Hi ____________ Wright, Town. t I u Mca. L. H. Coates, Brant-, lord, Mr. and Mrs, Dan Coates, -luly là, 1963. Byron, Calvin, Pont Credit,, Dear Edîtor: were Saturday visitons with -Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Bob.' At the cecent aniual meet-; They wece also callers at Mns. i nlg of Central Council of the Hf. R. Foley's and Mr. and Canadian Red Cross Society ý Mrs. H. G. Freeman's. the following Resolution of, The nlany little fricrîds otAppreciation %vas passed by Randy Snowden are socny o tais memnbers: hear of his accident. "h. The Central Council of tile TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE NOTICE PROPERTY OWNERS Noties la hereby givea to property owners in the Township of Clarke, that the. Couneil of the sald Township has now given tirst and seeoigd reading to a by-Iaw regarding the ap- pointment of the CLARKE PLANNING BOARD, being a board wlth Juriadiction oi'er the CLARKE PLAN- NING AREA. Pýnterested pe rsona wish- int to diacusa the said by- law in question are bere- by adviaed to meet with council ai 2 p.M., on TUESDAY, ACG. 6, 1963 theb Council Chamber In RONO. Cierk. Canadian Red Cross Society' expresses its sincere gratitude arnd appreciatiori to ail pub- lic information media xithouti whose splendid ca-operation the Society could flot conduct ifs camipaigri for 11-nds or keep the Cariadian public informned, of its work.» On behalf of the National: Public Relations Commîittee and our colleagues in the Div- l isions and Branches through-i out Canada mnay I thank you for your valuable support and interest in the Canadian Red; Cross Society. Yours vcrv Iruixý W. J, Dunlop, Chairman, National Public Relations Comm.ittee, L. J. Skaife C. A. Chartered Accountant Whitby P. 0. ]Box 208 Phone Orono 138 Whitby 668-8197 -I onto v'lsited Mrs. D. G. Honop- 7fL Mrs. John Gerry;, Taronto,' and family, Mr, and Mrs. The Canadiari Statesman, IRow-ManvlIe, Jul-'1,16 er and Mr. and Mrs. Wm LIMONII s visating this week with Mrs.' 1Douglas Skinner and fanmàly, y17 -6 Moffat last Thursday. F. B. Glaspeil. Mr. and Mrs. August'Geisr-er, saa iied tRowreudyvstrstHiy Mrs. John Stone has re- Mrs. Alex McMaster, Joan Mr. Russell Perkins and ger Jr and family went on a' bert Killen's on Saturday an Dart's. Jav stayed for a w turned to Memorial Hospitai, and Ross attended the Mc- Margaret went to 'odilepei to the Geisherger cot-i Bowmnv iîle Maser pcni on undy * oodvlle PÎCl-Calong with Mr. and Mrs. Ro-j on holiday. BOnJnle2. "heMerv tercottage ot Stuen aa' on Saturday to see the Orange' tage on Lake Simcoe neari bert Killen attended the Or-' Mrs. Fred Cameron went-on OnJue29h,'Th Mry hecttgea Suren ae Walk. Bechin on Sunday. Mrs. Geis-I ange Walk at Port Hope. th butn thheSfn Music Maker's Club" met for where Mr. and Mrs. Walter ý Mr* and Mrs. Jack Cameron berger and famdly, Mrs. Glas-:MserSot1tanonsethWoen's Itri it te anHam their final meeting of th , Haass and family are staying! and family, Maple, visited ail pel and family are staying at, th ereen Scoa atinent;t on sIsiuet aio Ž,ummer term, at the home, this week. Mr. and Mrs., Wes Cameron's on Sunday the cottage ail this week. teweeda ain t1tn of Mrs. M. H. Staples 'Charles Naylor, Oshawa, Mrs.i and accompanied by Mrs. Oshawa General Hospital. but Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geis"_ >After an interesting mus-.Douglas Dodge. London, Mr.ý Caeron wvent to Millbrook R. C. Stainton spent the came home on Monday. berger visited at H a n 0 ical p rogram, ail assembled on adMs ae cat to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bert 1ekn tRyWles o- Keith Stainton and Clark cmdsNwate the lawn for a social time and Aho n ilMlbok Hoskin and family in their tg tLk Ksaaia spent Sundav with Mr. and Ms.S Arri ice cream. Successful students' also attended the picnic. new home. lo.Ms titnaddn rs etBceladsn tand Allan, Scarborough Jct., at the June examinations are:, Mr. and Mrs. Don Prout. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton' ghters returned home after their cottage at Balsam Lake. visited at Henrv Dart's oUi i Grade IV -Donald McKenzie, 'Donnie and Randy, Bowman-, and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry; spending a week at the cot- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin,1 Monday. honors, Idska Rienstra, hon- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown' Poloz and sons, Mr. and MrS*. tage. Thornton's Corners, were Sun-i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paseo ors: Grade III-- Sally Staples, and sons. Port Hope, were !Paul Sobil and sons, Mr. and, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Frank day callers ai Ray Cameron's.' were supper guests at Roll .honors, John Duval], honors, Sunda.y visitors at Ray Cam-' Mrs. Glen Glaspeli and sons. and sons, Toronto. Mr. and Mr. and lMrs. Ross Dart,. Dickinson's, Oshawa, an Sun- Grade II- Bill Caldwell. eron*s. Mr. and Mrs. John Barlow Mrs. Jim Killen and daugri- mdY and JaY, Woodville,' day. and SAVE CASH with A&P m_ m- - ý m ik ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTRED TI4ROUGH SATURDAY, .IULV Bth, 1MS GRDEJWOVIN READY A 1'LJR K EY ~S 8TO 14-OUNDS AVERAGE lb 4 _j C Ans! Pous Reg. Prie. Jar 89e,-AVE 8. MAYONNAISE ¶6mozi ,33e Detergent Reg. Prie, box 63e--SAVE AN EXTRA 4@ GIANT FAB t18, Off Deal) box 5 9c Rose Brand, Coloured Reg. Prie. 4-Ibs 95-SAVE Ue MARGARINE 4 1-1b pkgs 8 9< Kellogg's Reg. Prie. pkg 31oý-BAYE 7e CORN FLAKES 2 12-oz pkgs 3 5c Laundry Rinse Reg. Prie jug 09o>-SAVE Se NU-FLUFF 6é--oz jug 6 3 Tooth Paste Reg. Prie. tub. 89e-BAVE es GIANT CREST tube 63< A&P SA KR Y PRODUCS JANE PARKER APPLE LARGE 24-OZ PIE, 3 c Reg. Price ach 40o 9 ~SAVE 10<IO Jane Parker JelIy or Reg. Prie* eaeh 39c-SAVit 11% LEMON ROLL each29C Jane Parker Reg, Pritce nef 25o-AVE 3* BREAD aid Fashionmd 24-o loaf 2 2c FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA, SEEDLESS, NO. 1 GRADE GRAPES LARGE PLUMP CLUSTERS PLUMS CIlfoHhi&. Sent& jRose Fries5or5 No. 1 Grade, Finest for Estime CANADA'S FINEST QIJAUTY RED BRAND STEER BIEF Short or Crois(ut RIB ROASI lb 59C GROUND CHUCK SCHNEI DERB CHUBS SWIFT'& PREMIUM Sacon & Liv.o or arcunschweiger WIENERS BURNS, VAG PAO SMOKED - SLICED - RINDLESS THICK SLICED FOR BROILING A L O SI DE OR REGULAR SLICED REGULAR StLK BACON PKG 6 9 1. FRESHL Y EROUND BIEF MD ICED 19 *59< BURNS 8-ozcubl OLIVE LOAF BNOWBIRD BRAND 1lIb cie pkg 49c HADDOCK FILLETS COOKED & BREADED COOKED HAM 4.01 d53c SOLE FILLETS a049C SA VE CASHon (ANNED FODS ut ASPI A&P Faney 'New Pack" Reg. Prie. tin 39.-BAVE 99 ASPARAGUS TIPS 212-Roz ns69e CASE OF 24 TINS $8.28 - SAVE $1.08 A&P Fanoy Quality Reg. Prie* 2 tins 26o-4AVE Bo TOMATO JUICE 420ofins45c CASE 0F 24 TINS $270 - BAVE 30o Choie*, Whole White, "New Pack" Reg. Prie 2 tins 36o-SAVE 2". A&P POTATOES 7 20.floz tins 99<t CASE OF 24 TINB $3.39 - SAVE Slo U.nley, Choie* Quality Reg. Prie. tin 31o.-AVE 3U FRUIT COCKTAIL 220 fi ozîns 159e CASE OF 24 TINS 87.08 - SAVE »ô. FROZEN FOOD FEATURES ONsW Pa.I", A&P Famoy, B'rn.d Peu. Pries pke 37e-BSAVE &a STRAWBERRIES 215-oz pkgs 69e Sanquet - Chieken, Turkey or Mal. Prie» 3 pbiq* BBc-SAVE 7o BEEF MEAT PIES 4 8-oz pies 8 5 Ponnywist Reg. Prie. pku Me&-BAVE lbe BEEF BURGERS 1l ks95c Setty Croer Layer (12 Varistisa> Reg. Prise pkg 4So-BAVE 176 CAKE MIXES 219-oz pkgs69C Bayer Mou. Prie@ btl 93.-4AVE 14. ASPIRIN TABLETS bdooo79e ilitmT ý 5 1a 1M 18l11a MMI 1 4-oz p& 4 9c 1-lb pkg43C 1659e The Orono1 Mrs. James E. Richards, A&P Fancy Whole Reg. Price 2 tins 33c - SAVE 17e I 14-FL-c 7O01TINS 99~ Ce» of 24 tins $3.39-SAVI 57< ORAN6IGES Full of Juis. FantY Grade 5-16celBoba 69C ~~a**I ascal Be.t 4&Tender S N@w Crop, No. 1 Grade,'tIlu CIIK ~ALtBradford Marsl Grow, 2E25 CELE Y ST LKS&sc&'swSouth ('aro!lna 1 Red Cutte rs ýa WATRMEONSGood Size 99C WATER ELONSNo0. 1 Grade Ontario Growm Produce . . . IMtuce, I4othoume Tomatoos Cabbages, CeuIIfIowSr, Gmen Ornons nd Cucumbme, ARRIVINO IN OUR STORES FRESH DAILY. %M% Li DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE 1