Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1963, p. 6

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8 The Canadian Mateommu, EowmnanvMfe, Suly 3, 16 OPP Inspector Unfolds Policing History At Rotary Club Lunch eon The early histary of polie. dent of the. club intraduced Ing ini Ontario, the formation the guest speaker. He said that oi the OPP, and its future Inspector Bird was born in plans were brilliantly given Engia.nd, and educaed in Can- Dy Inspector A. H. Bird af ada. Durlng World War Il the Ontario Provincial Police, Inspector Bird served for six Toronto, on Fnlday af lait years with thre Royal Regi- week. He was the Suent speak- ment of Canada, and immed- er at the luncheon meetingq ai iately afterward jained the the Bowmanville Rotary Cub Ontario Provincial Police. beld at the Flying Dutchman "PFrom 1945 until 1959 he Motor Hotel. served with the OPP High- Guests present were Scr- way Patrol ini the Ottawa Dis- geant Gardon Keast, in charge trict, and then became a lec- oi the Bowmanvllle Detachil turer at the OPP College. Re- ment ai the OPP, Police Chef cently Inspectai Bird was ap- Bernard R. Xitney, Bowmnan- pointed ta thre Planri i ng ville, Don Graham, Cobourg,, Branch at OPP Headquarl- Harold Harluhey, Haliburton, ers,'t Mr. Waltcrs stated. S. Mather, Wilberforce, Bob greetings from the OPP Coin« Barman, Parry Sound and.nissioner, Eric Silk, Q.C., thE Ton1ýDobbie, Oshawa The oticers, and other ranks. c birt :day8ai Garnet Rickard the Oi'P, ta the club. Tii and Bill Cagg irs were cele- earîy history of policing in brated by their fellow Ro- Ontario was then first dis tarians.. cussed by the speaker. Rex Walters, a pat prefi- Priar ta 1792 the keepini j i law and order hore was tii FINE QVALIT! sole rcsponsibility af the mnIi MONUMENTS AND tary organization of Greai MAR~2E8Britain, aithough sarne sher. Iifs and coroners were ap. <~fi 4 hrUd.W ~.pointed, Inupector Bird paint- ""'ed out. aF STAFFRD i"«The firat legilature nie kjrr »OS. L». in 1792 and lt praclaimed thaï ~iii~.> al lit men miust take part in law enforcement. This wa. on a rather haphazard basi:, and thec British military per- snnel still partlcipatcd. ~a5S fiLThe residents called on fai .Safford uroaer law enfoncement duties ino LIMJTED receive uniforms or remun. eration, but served in lieu ci M'onuments paying taxes, Inspector Br expiained. In 1806 it was de- Box 1838 cided that a certain segmeri 8 flunda.s t. E. Wbltby ai these people be paid a fee Phone Whltby hl iadded. xOhawk 8.3552 of"la 1845 the first ichedult afecs for constables as Ir LIILiLILLLI R7O Y A L 6358 SUN., JULY 7 to SAT., JULY 13 EXCEPT Fziday EVening and Saturday Matines FeI'I ' w' ' w ý THE PULITZER' PRIZE NOVEL that ha. become à legond lni Its own time le now a momorable Motion Picturel -w IIswingR_<pECK Su.to Tus at 7:30, Sat. at 7 & 9:15 Reconimended Aduit Entertainnient Fr1., July 12 and Sat. Matinee Special 'Private War of Major Benson' Color Coniedy- Plus "Son of Ali Baba' Color - Tony Curtis 4 Days, Wed. to Sat., July 17 to 20 ýd Great Britain was Instituted ,h here. The first tawn police n forces wenc formed in 1859. iHamilton, Windsor and Tan- au oto were among thre first ýplaces ta have their own pol- iice farces.à e- "Thre Constable At of Constables and Boards af Le Commussionens at the sanie itue the Hlgh caunty Con- sstable was authonized ta pro- vide for the palicing of un- dcvcloped areas, on a fee sys- hem. g IlFoliowing Coufederatian tin 1867 Ontario's first Rcvised1 Statutes etablished a Con-1 lstables Act pahterned on Great1 le Britain's, and there was a ma- A1 jon refornmiin the service. ce "The firsh Provincial Con- in stable was John Murray, who sservcd fan many years and Iter wrate 'Memoîrs ai a g9 Great Detective'. This boak calthough not rnarked by thre iauthon's modeety, gives in- at sight huta early investigations. rone started in Ontario was Pterminated in China. ýt- Inspector Bird told the audience that in 1909, due ta t the discovery ai gald and t silver in, Cobalt aud South in Porcupine, the need of In- creased police service became 5evident. "lSuperintendeut Joseph Ro- gers was appointod head ai r tIre Ontario Provincial Police >h wlth 48 men ta maintain law - and orden froni Hudson Bay DI ta Lake Ontarla, and from thc .d Quebcc border ta the Manitoba - barder," thre speaker stated it "In 1921, mune OPP Dis- e, tricts were formed and Ma- >e . jor-General Cawthra Elliott leýwas made the liead ai thre In OPP. He was succeeded by Major-Genemal V A. S. Wil- lb iamis in 1923, who senved as head ai thre OPP until 1949. There arc now 17 districts en- compassing ail thre province. jInspector Bind spolie ai the I Amended Constables Act of 1146 e declared that this lation, and It covers ail police iOna. This ach provides inOt alcie and towns must 'have Police Dcpantmcnts, and It designates the townships and villages that must pro- vide their own police forces. "lAll other arcas are policed Iy tihe aP In addition the OP as rmnlInet-iion Branch, other special- ized branches, and its Traific Patrol. A code of discipline whereby ail police conduct theniselves is pravlded in thre Coustables Act. "The present OPP, liemded by Cammissianen Eric Silk, jQ.C., lias 2,150 uniformed men !and civilian assistants. Thene are 268 detachments and OPP General Hcadquartens là; in Toronto," Inspectar Bird said. He ma liormed the Rotar- hans of tIre complete Identifi- cation service maintined. The radia nehwork oi comn- munication bctween detach- iments and covening ail units iwsmcntioned by tIre speak- em Thre OPP radio and tele- type is nopenatian seven dnys a ekhe poînted out. Inspectom Bird msa spoke 1 of the fleet ai cars uscd in 'OPP work. H-e sald thnt at present there are also 60 mohoncycles, and added that thi.; number is soon ta be in- cneased. Thre great mobility !of motorcycles are an advan- tage, and now it lias been 1 found passible for them ta have radia for communication fromiîthre detachment hend- quanters. Thre OPP also have snowsleds and dog teamns for wintem use in certain sections. "In 1962 OPP vehicles cov- ered 30,000,000 miles, used 1,250,000 gallons ai gas, and 150,000 quarts ai ail. Thre OPP patroled 5000 miles of high- ways, and more than 20,000 miles ai secondary roads. Discussing the plans for thc future af thre OPP, Inspector Bird said that 500 nmen are being recruited as fast as pas- sible, yet the requirements have flot been lowercd. He said that by 1968 there will be 4,000 men in the OPP. Th snpeaker also infommced A Real Treat! STRAWBERRIES AND iGlen Rae WHIPPED CREAM The entire family will really go for thi; seasonal treat s.e . Strawberries and 10 c 4 CREA1d Crmg. Gail RAEWRIPPING oz. 5 Order some f rom your milk salesmmn today or4 PHONE 623-m5444 4 GLEN RAE DAIRY ~98 King St. W. Bowmcuiville 4 ÀA À À ÀÀ ÀÀ -À Business Directory Accouniancy RAY J. DILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Street 623-3861 LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Chartered Accountant Accountants - Auditors Trustee in Bankruptcy Suite 205W 725-9953 Oshawa Shopping Centre Wlà. -J. H. COdGGiN-S Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Lîbrary Building Cor. King & Temperance Sts. Phone 623-3612 TALE, FRIEDLANDER & COMPANY Chartereï Accountant.p Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. 728-7371 Oshawa, Ontaria MONTEITH - MONTEITU RIEHL & CO. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Chartered Accountants 728-7527 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. (Llcensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. WIL~ON&BURo-ws Chartered Accountants 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Partners: Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Phone 728-7554 C h ir opr a ctc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D ental (Intended far last week) TIre regular nionthly meet- ing ai the U.C.W. wvas held at the home of Mns. Venetta Os- bonne on Wedncsday, June 19, ah 8:15 p.ni. Eleven membens were prescut, the presîdent Mns. Harry Beckett in the chair. Thc meeting openezi with prayer and hymn 205, "'Jesus, Stand among us." The scipture, Psalm 139, 1-15, was rend in unison; medita- tion and prayer given by Mms. M. E. McHalm. The secrehary, Mrs. Morton Henderson, eall- ed the rail and rend thre min- uts of thc May meeting. These wcre adopted as read. Thre main business ai thre evenIng wms the Strawberry Suppen ho be held in the Sun- day ScIrool Hall thIs month. TIc articles for the allocation ai the Pnesbyterial Mission have been sent ta headquar- ters. The July meeting is scheduled ta be held ah tthe home ai Mms. Dawson Beebe on July l6th ah 8:15 p.m.; pro- grami commithee, Mms. M. E. MeHoîni and Miss Beckett. Several thank you notes werc read, msa a letter of thauks fmom thc Rev. William and Mrs. Wright for the kind- ly reception fmom U.C.W. of Momish who made this meet- ing posible fnom other mem- bers ai U.C.W. ai Newton- ville, Canton and Welcome charge, and also gratef ni tlanks fan thre generous gif t presented. Thre Rev. W. and Mms. Wright and famuly are lemvlng by plane for Nigeria from Toronto on July 23 md. Aften the business session a short skit wms pesented by seven mernbers of aur U.C.W., "The Land ai FaîtI and Fean." Thre scene took place in a home ai South Rarea. Those taking part were Mesdames Beckett, Haines, Anderson, Beebe, H. McHoîni, Henderson and Osborne. Rorean hem (ban- ley water> wms served in Rom- eau style - sittiiig on the floor.i 1h wms vemy enjoyable and ap- precimted by thre watching membens. The meeting closed with ftme IVizpah. The social hlu haur wms en- joyed during which a light lunch was served by the Iras- tess and tea committee Mrs. M. E. McHolm and Miss Beckett. Warship service was leld an Sunday, June 23rd, ah 10 .m., tIre Rev. M. Freeman oficiating. The selection by thre chair, "Have Thine Owu Wmy, Lord," was vemy sweetly rendered. The theme ai a spe- cial sermon by thre Rev. M. Freeman wms "Self Contrai," a continuation ai the 22-23 verses taken from thre th chapter ai Galahians. Tis sermon on Tempemance will take thre pince ai the annual Temperance Sunday service witî special speakers repre- senting thre Ontario Temper- ance Fedemation and was ne- quested by the four Sessions ai Welcome charge. Envelopes were given out, one for a fani- ily, iu which ta place contri- butions for tIns excellent cause. Flower were placed ah the iront ai church in mcm- amy of a well known gentle- man of this district, tIre late Harry Austin. TIre second basket af flowers were froni Mrs. Hazel Cornish ai Port Hope and M. E. McHolm. The large old ned brick house, once tIc esidence of thre wcll known Lewis iamulv for mmny years, is being de- molisîed, the four wnlls oniy are stili standing. Mm. Daw- son Beebe is thre ownem of house and fan. May we hope ho sec a modemn home cected. befare hoo long, ou the site ai tIns anc hume friendly home. TIc late residence ai Mr. a.nd Mns. Morton Henderson hs still awaiting its final rest- iug place west ai wîere it once stood. We understand sickness in the family of the new owncm la holding final replacement. Mr. Harold Osborne las purchased tIre anc tue home ai the late Mn. and Mns. Lor- enzo Bebee, reccntly tIre joint poperty ai thre grandchildren, DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. 10 iOffice in his home 10iberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.nr. daiiy 1Closed Wednesday - Surrday 1DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. 3 Office 75 Ring St. E. Bowmanville Office 1Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office 623-5459 Land Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.S. t121 Queen St. Box l(i5i, tBus. and Res Telephontu 623-7251 Le gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristern,, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. 'Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edward C. Wildman, B.A., LL.B. 40 King St. w. - Bcwmanviile Telephone 623-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, D. Barnister, Solicitor Notany Public King St. W. - Bowmanvllle Phones: Office 623-5688 Residence 623-5553 HODGINS & BONNYCASTLE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanville E. RICHARD LVkEKi B.A., LL.B. Barristen, Solicitor King St. E. Newcastle Phone 2246 Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 M Morigage s SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO * Phone 1r 18 Flrst Mortgage Funds Residences - Parme .1 Business Properties Prompt, courteaus service HAROLD C. PEDWELL Real Eshate and Martgage Broker Newcastle Plne 3856 Op to m eiry KEITH A. BILLETT, O.. Opometrist 141 Ring St. E. -Bowmanviiie Office Hours: By appointment Telephone 623-3252 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. Fit 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Thunsday evenings Wed. and Sat - 9 - là en Council1 the HIgh Schools to present the opportunities afforded Grade il to Grade 13 students byth PPfr ar j. l D arln t He explalned that throughrl gt the cadet uystem aohi g h ca- At the meeting of Darling. demie type will be obtained ton Township Council held in for enroliment. These yaung the Township Hall, Hampton, mon will be trained as OPP1 on Thursday evening, June cadets, but wlll flot be allow- 2Oth, it was decided to auth- ed ta use guns uritil they are orize Road Superintendent R. 21 years ai age. Recrui-ting M. Short and George Totten, in the regular field ai men age the consulting engineer ta neg- 21 ta 35 will also be contin- atiate with the owners ai pro- ued, he stated.p re resuired for the King The OPP pravides fair andBrdgerajec. This was rnov- comploe eniorce m e n t of 1 ed by Îouncillor Carl Down, highway, criminal, and other seconded by Councillor Mary laws o f Ontaria and ai Can- Budai. ada, the speaker asserted. On a motion by Deputy- "This le a seriaus responsibil- Reeve Muir seconded by lty, which OPP members have Counciflor hichard Gibbs, sworn on the Bible ta carry Mr. Shor was given authority out falthiully and well," In- to attend sales af used equip- spector Bird declared ln clos- ment by the Ontario Depart- ing. af Highways, and If he deems Maman Stutt moved a vote it advisable, ta purchase a of thanku to Inspector Bird used pick-up truck at a cost for his excellent address. The oa mot over $700. This isseub- president, Dr. Keith Billett, ject ta the approval af the also expressed his personal Department af Highways. appreciatian ta the gu.est Councillor Budal moved speaker for the Impressive. that tenders for the construc- and informative talk that he tioni af twa culverts, one on had given. He preseiited a lie 7th Line and ane at Eben- book, "$aven Paths ta Peace," ezer, be opened. This was sec- ta Inspector Bird, as a souv- ondsed by Councillor Gibbs and enir of his visit ta the club carried. Tv;a tenders were received for this work. One from Da- M ORRISH vid S. Kernaghan, Coiborne, and the other from the E. P. (Inhended for Iast week) Mr. and Mrs. William Arm- strong moved tIns week ta their house iu Part Penny whene friends trust thcy will continue happy and lemlthy. Mm. mnd Mns. Jas. McClurg ai the Whitby amen have pur- chased thre James Harris house and wili be maoving in August lst. Mm. and Mrs. George liens- lip attended thre Smart-Pur- cell wedding in Leaside on Saturday. Mr. and Mms. Oliver Rohmer and fnmuly were Iu Tilson- burg over thre weekend ho the Vyse-Hosuen wcdding. Olivcr's brother Ronald Rohmer and a cousin Miss Nana Saule ai Saskatchewan came ta attend Warnen's Confirmation ser- vice on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, Lindsay, spent thre weekend ah thre Ncsbitt home. Mm. and Mms. Charles H. Thornpsou and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter ai Hamilton andi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown of Oshawm visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thonipson. Happy travelling to thre Murray Malcolm family who Ici t Saturday for California. Decamation Day was held on, Sundny ah Union Cemetemy. Rev. Fred Irvine, Mrs. Ir- vine (nec Joyce Reid) and iamuly ai Riverside are visit- mng Mrs. A. Ellis and family. Donald Proutt and Harny Sanderson are enjoying n mo- tor trip ta Calgary and wes- tern points. Mr. and Mms. Chanles Bnlggs are ah their home in tIre vil- lage. Frie.nds wish him much impnoved IrealtIr aiter a sum- mer in thre country. Rev. Fred Swnnn lias be-, gun Saturdny morning Bible' Club for thre children ai the' community lu tIre Prcsbyter-! !nn Church. Congratulations ta the mu-1 sic pupils in their Conserva-' tory exanis., Chemyl Met- caîf neceived lst class lonaursi in Grade VIII Piano, wîth 821 marks, and Bannie Jean Mal- com, honours in Grade VIý Piano with 77 marks. Visitons with Mn. and Mms. Lawrence Malcolm were Mrs. Clama Schmid, Gary and Gleni of Newcastle and Mrs. S. Brooks ai Bowmanville. TIreyl joined tIre Lawrence Malcolmi fnmuly ah tthe Brooks family reunion ah Cartwright Park on Sundny when some 35 members sat dow.u ta a pienir, dinner. Miss Rate and Miss Mar- garet Gardon ai Oakwood called on Kitchener Burton. They were ah Union Cemetemy Decoration. Friends will be sory ta learn that Wilford Jackson is1 confined ta haspital lu Part' Penny and hope Ire is soon' much lmproved. Mn. Plem Tîompsou Is Imn- proving steadily and lapes toi leave Port Penry Hospital soan. Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Bligît: ai Brooklin were visiting In' tIre village on Sunday. 1 Mn. and Mns. Clarke Wil.î linnis attended the 25t1 wed-ji ding nnniversary celebration, for Mn. and Mms. Arthur Clarke in Oshawa on Satun-ý day. A donkey basebaîl ganel between Minsîmîl Haulers and, Quackenbush Grinders spon-1 soned by Nestîchon Canadian Onder ai Foresters was held. in Memorlal Park, Nestîcton, 1 on Thursdny cvening. Despite! tIre extremcly cool evening ai crowd ai betwecn 400-500, were lu athendance and tîor-1 oughly enjoyed thre entertain-, ment provided under flood-, lights by these unpredichable, little animais and gaod-natur-' cd local bail players. Pro-, ceeds from thIe evening weme mosh graifying. Nestîcton United Chureli Women invitcd ailitIre ladies ai Cartwright and their rus-ý bands ho a speclal meeting in the churdi on Thursday, lune 2Oth, at 8:30 p.m. There was a splendid attendance. Quietl music was played by Mrs.1 Laurence Malcolm while the crowd assembled, then the president, Mrs. Malcolm Em-ý erson, opened the meeting with a prayen. Hynin 562î "Day is dying in the West'l was sung and this wvas fol- iowed by prayen by Rev. Ro- meril. The senipture reading. Hebrews 11: 1-10, was given by Mrs. George Johns. Elaine Metealfe favored wvith a vocal solo accompanied by her sis- ter, Miss Cheryl Metealfe, who then gave an organ seler- tion. The president introduc- cd Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allen of Bowmanville wha present- ed a very interesting and In- formative talk an Hong Kang and showed pictures taken during their recent tour of TYONE There was a- gond attend- ance at the Tyrone Pubic School picule last Thursday aiternoan at the Cneamn of Barley Camp. In the eveuing, Hong Rang, China, New Zea- land and Australia. This was greatly cnjoyed by ail. Mrs. John Nesbitt and Mrs. Non- man Mains received the offer- lng. Mrs. Malcolm thanked Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Misses Cheryl and Elaine Metcalfe and all who liclped ini any way ta make such an enjoy- able evcning. Hynin 568 "The Day Thou Gavest" wvas then stuig and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. A dainty lunch was served by thre unit in charge and a so- cial haun socut. pane .Depus-ReuveMii, seconded by Councillor Gibbs, znoved that the lower tender, that ai David Kennaglian, be accepted subject ta the ap- proval of the Department ai Iighways. Tis motion was carried. On a motion by Cauncillor Down and Councillor Budai the mathen af replacement and repaîr oaithe Toronto Star road igna was referred ta threi Eoad Commhttee. Councillor Budal, seconded by Councillor Down, maved that the cauncil lad no aobjec- tion ta thre Commute, ai Ad- usmeut grantlng the appli- caion ai Ben Brown in regard ohie property. Tis was car- ricd. Deputy-Reeve Muin moved that Moton City Auto Parts be advised that as thre Base Line is ta be constructcd in thre near fuurc, a major ex- penditume on the road at this time wauld not be jusifled, and hat council 19 flot awame of legisîntion that would per- mit a tax adjustment. Caun- cillor Gibbs secandcd thre mo- tion and it was carried. Council agmecd on the nia- ion made by Councillor Down and Councillor Budai that ail accounts payable by the town- ship be presented at the meet-: ing usually heid an the third Thumsday af cach nionth, and that Reeve A. L. Blanchard, and the Treasurer, Walter Rundle, be authonized ta Issue cheques fon wages and salar- ies on thre Friday following thre first and third Thursdays of each nionth, as weil as mc- counts appraved by the Wel- fane Administration, Special School accounts, school levies, and debentune payments. On a motion by thre Deputy- Reeve and Councillor Budai, Township Clenk Walter Run- die was instruched ta fomward a letter toailh residents in the pmoposed Enniskillen Sreeh Li ghting Area negarding pas- sible costs, and ta ask them, if there are any objections ta file them, in writing within 30 days. NESTLETON LAMB LEGS JI7b By the Piece - For Baking - or Sliced for Frying - Lean, No Waste CHOICE - LEAN - PEAMEALc B.ACK BACON 69 lb Schneiders ISchnelders Pure Pork - Country Style.- 1-lb. tray Lean, Freili, Sllced - 6-oz. Flex Pao SAUSAGE 49c 1 Cooked HAM 49c Pixie Picula Jug Offen Duncan Hines pkg. 35c Save Se! - Fan DIshies - New Pure - 24-oz. Sunlight Liquid 59c Save 19c! - Wagshaffe or 9-oz. Jars Aîylmer Jams 4 for 89C JELLIES - MARMALADES (with pectin) DISCOUNT PRICES! Reg. 69e! - Phiiiips MILK 0F MAGNESIA 12-az. battie .5 9c Reg. 49e! - philiips Tabiet MILK 0F MAGNESIA R0t oe 3 49e INSTANTINE Tablets 30 ta battie 3 9c Reg. 49e! - Plastic CURAD BANDAGES Meium Pkg. 3 9c FRESH BAKED! Weston or Sunbeam, Reg. 390 LEMON BUNS Pkg. of 12 35c Aunt Many's SLICED BREAD 24-oz. Loaf 21 c Sunspun ICE CREAM Pint Brick 2 7c MAPLE GROVE MARK CORNISH'S MARKET frinds, ehfl&ren Imd parents gathered at the Community Hall for a farewell party and presentation for the teachers, Misses Margaret Storrie, Val. da Kocins and Mn. David Drain. Entertainnient was en- joyed tlirough the combined efforts oi the school children with the assistance ai Mrs. R. Burgess. A social time 4N1S; refreshments were serve&.-#r Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd and granddaughter Barbara Anderson visited at Heart Lake. Little Robbie Anderson celebrated his sevcnth birth. day. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis and family visitcd with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bigneil at their cottage, Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oiiver'nd Johnnie, Fenelon Falls, visit- 1-lb. Chns. 7-oz. Tins (LOVER LEAF Tuna Fish 2 R' 79c DISCOUNT SPECIAL! You Save 6c! - Fancy - Mcd. Small , 15-oz. Tins GREEN GIANT PEAS 3R 53c DISCOUNT SPECIAL! You Save 17c! 37-oz. Pkgs. MONARCH Tea Biesk 2 R 9 BALLET Toilet TISSUE 0 R35 64-oz. Size JAVEX 45c Save 4c! - For Cakes or Pastry 1I-lb. Bag Monarch Flour 67c Save lOci - POST CEREALS 3for97c Alpha Bits or Crispy Citten., lO-oz. pkgu. or Sugan Crisp, 8V½-oz. Pkg. Save 30e! - 18e Off Pack 1 ae7 - WALKER'S- 1-lb. Pkg. Giant Size FAB 59c 1 SALTINES 2 for 49c Solid, Newv, Green - No. 1 Cabbage' 1 b ET . .Maple Grovel * . .- . .Oronoi 4rt Cooling and Refreshlng Lemons 6i29c Garden Fresh - Home Gnown, No. 1 Cucumbers 2 for 25c I Piump, Young - Imported i. v a i - * Lusciaus - Salmon Flesh - No. 1 Cantaloupes each25c SAVE 3e - BIRDS EYE FROZEN 6-oz. Tins Orange Juice 2 i 69c BIRDS ETE 12-oz. Pkg. Ocean Perch Fillets 33c 'i Prices effective at the listed Red & Whit. Food Stores only -ic -P 1 ý mýý -1- ti: .1 -M DISCOUNT SPECIAL! You Save 9c! - Coloured ROSE MARGARINE DISCOUNT SPECIAL! You Save 15c! - Solid White Meat DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 Ring St. E. Bowmanville Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ho 6 p.m. daiiy Closed Snturday and Sundny Office Phane - 623-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 1 Save M - LIQUID BLEACH

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