Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1963, p. 7

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thelr 40th Wedding Annvers..- Stapleton et Toronto, citer- ary on Sunday, June 9th. Th&j ing as his very timely solo 1' I children and familles joined n "Bless This House'*. ~them in celebration of the oc- I Mr. and Mrs. Ait. Perrin Stil..(.Po 1ULona casion. Present for the happyve o t fr m O t w and boys were dinner guests event were their daughters, Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Jacobs (Dor-D Fred Henderson and famil,. Ph n 2 -3 3othy). and their family. Paula. IVRselI.H ne ,M . Dr. and Mrs. 0. B. Dickin- Peter and Donna of Milton; soi] Toronto, were Sundav Mvr. and Mrs. Ron Hewitt ensaMy2tmak iie teteepeso ofOpstoPat samto iergsswliM.ad DanCatraC otaiedhonnHrtbytewaiwllretrn(Shrly)Hndthirlhedre Wdewsis, av29h mrk lîîtd t te eprSsoirleppoitonaarn' s mtio dnne gest wth e.an ors in first-year Medicine at this weekend to the Univers- Christine, Cathy and Carolyn ed the end of the debate on humble thanks for- the gra-of "no confidence" and is the Mrs C. R. Farrow. the University of Toronto. lity of Rochester, N.Y., for a of Scarborough, and their sonthe Address in replY to the cjous speech delivered by Herýmeans whereb-y the Opposi- Mis. Marjorie W'aison. Tor- Mr.Le~i Rndi rtune .suner course towards his Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morris Speech from the Throne. The>Majestv's representative. Thýs tion may challenge govern- onto, xvas a recent visitor wi!h home from St. Michael's Hos- doctorate in Economics. He .and family, Robbie and Lori-!Speech from the Throne is is a formality which initiates ment policies or acto.Ms erh hmso pital, Toronto, lest Tuesday. will continue his studies at'Ann, of Peterborough. read bv' the Governor-General the general, debate an the In recent vears the leng'.h NI". and I\lrs. Perecy Rowe, Mr.andMrs Wm Mod of the University next Falil. ~ lclad dsr at the opening of each session Throne Speech. The Leaders of the debate on the Address Jancivilte. xvere ('alliiig on re- MMr. and Mrs.MaurieMCon-Suenter e lca ndstrccssul of Parliament. This sear it of the Opposition parties dir- :in Reply has been shorteiied Iatives in the village Sunday LondGn, OnAthu . rvists wasthereader'bmother ChiefatiJustictheect the attack on the Govern-lto eight daYs. In 1942. for ex- atternoon1. wit Mr. Athu G.Broksjwa an th ]aters mthr, xamnatonsat heOntaria 'of Canada in the adsence due ruent's policies and xnay move ample, there were no less 'iis. K. Nesbîtt visited lest weekend. Mrs. Charity Parker, spent Agricultural College, Guelph. ta illness of the Governor- amendiments to the main Mo- than 142 speaker-s in this de- and Mrs B ob 'lo and Miss Patricia Marr, Peter- the past weekend in Ottawa. B. T. Bowman, Enniskillen, E. General. This tradition de- tion. Governiment speakers bate which occupieci virtually lami' .On Sundav. borough, spent the weekend Ms akrbsrtre oL cagln eteo,~ scends fromi the address made defend these policies eat great the entire lime of twent.v par- Sunday guests' with Nlr. wit be paent, M. ad er cottage et Kirks Ferry, I cured second class honors inl 'by the Chancellor ta the Enle- Iength. liamenta dasornga and Mirs. Cliniori Brow~n iri- Mrs. James ars r. adQuebec, after spending the! tieir third year examinations; ls alaeti eiea te h at'Laesp rio d aof ex ctl our weeka, luded supper guests Mr. and Mrs JmesMar. as si mntspastMr.ansixS.Tabontbron, ewithshParMr.ntinandiaval AfsrtheaatybeaerneioOofrono, re-rweks Gary Houslander succesi- 'M's. Conway. - i Ues which explained ta a have spoken eil memberF are There is still somne consideir- M\its. Les. Alidread. Oruîio: :flypssdhsfis erpre- -o ,ceived a pass standing. Sec- IPerliament the cause of i.5 free ta join in the debate. In able feeling, in whi I on Mrs. RoY x (K\. Bronte. aîîd Mull essedis is t Q ny oear nry tatios trofMssonlastudent. L. F. Butt, iýsummons. Since the Cabinetrecent parliaments there bas cur. that the lengtlrof time caTlrs n Mrs. iiGKnerndy UniersxaitKins tQen~Rsmr mih gtro lcstocn. revdscn systemi has been established, been a growing tendency ta la which Parliament is oc- ToonoM rs lî me n Uniersty Kigstn.Mr. Colin Smith, R.R. 4, Bow- class honors. Are students the Speech from the Th rone encou rage new mlembers tai cupied in this debate could be famîy, Port IHope. Mr. Robert Kerr, son 'Of!menville, and the late Mrs. Iwbo passed first year exam- has been used to annnuncc' the make thelr maiden speeches. further shortened. The great Mr. and Mrs Jack Hiiggiîîi. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kerr, basiSmith, who received berlinations were P. E. Tamnblyn, I meo eilto'fidrn hsdbte h ra beto snttel&so successfulîy passed bis first Bachelor of Arts (Generel)1Orono. D. G. Brown, Bow- thpr sogr a nd o! etonfoti duringofth debate othe:fnibec to i nththi eri~o.RiGar Laked oS a.ise 1'.t year at Waterloo College. 1degree at the convocation of manville; W. H. Gibson, New- 1the Gsesinmandt seo rth mAddein tepldeba te n t t hti e at ithat isei'uc f'Mis. Wîlljs Jolies \isiied ler Miss Margaret Venstone basj Queen-is University, Kingston, castie, and J. G. Rickard, th oenets linidrs elvta h u h tc hts uh o er Mi-. D. MVerrili in Bomnvle Tradi tionally the Address ý n point of î'iew of the pnivate the debate is pointless due to apilor HsitSu- successfully completed ber> held on Seturday, May 18. onavle1 Reply is mov .ed and secoîîded* memnber is that the field et irrelevancv. it Wouîd seem Ctampbaerd o pî.aSn second year, Commerce course, Mr. and Mrs Sam Black, sonl Howard Rundie was fîrst 1bv new Members of Pailia-' argument is virtually unlimîit-ibetter ta postpone much of the dy teno at Queen's University, Kings- Terry, daughter Janice and! ln lusclass intheref l t of met, f s cnsderd a' d ndif it s theretore possible1 speeches îîntil later in fthe Snd BrucetIisncld M,,r. Rand ton.1 Miss Sandy Menthorne, Sud-1 third year Physics and Cbem- honour ta be chosen bv the ta talk about anythinnde sionwe eisei ne- At Macdonald Institute, bury, were weekend guests istry examinations, Univers- Prime Minister and this veaî' the sun and Nvet'be in ordec.!toe n h ho epeh i.Ra Revsîdtmi' I oe n h l S e t(ilOfTrentan. and Mr. Ernie Guelpb, Miss Patrica Joan o! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames ity af Toronto. He received the distinction of moving tIhe The tendencv of members is; debate i.s tbîought before thle: Reeves Of Belleville. Heatle Cf Newcastle receiv- and Miss JilI Ames. Terr1 four ewards: two from the Addrcss iin Replv was b"sîlow- ta lise this debate as a con- House ln a specific formi. Mr. and Mis. Ai-told Wade ed second class honors in sec- Black bas joined the staff o&,University of Toronto- the cd upon Durhalm9s neiglibaur, venienit sounding-board for Those mneasures. and their de- aînd Grant and Mrs. F. Gil- qond yeer examinetions. 1theý Canadien Imperial BanklA.A.A.S. Scholarsbip in Phy-1Ithe Riding of Nothurnber- the benefit of t.heir constitu- taýI could then be criticized e teddteKigtt Miss Lynde Mornison lefti Commerce branch bere. ýsics and Chemistry, and the land. when Dr. Pauline Jev-, encies bv pî-aising its inhabi- with a full knowledge and mratne 1 ii~o lest Monday with bier uncle Congratulations ta Bill Os- Chemical Institute of Canada ett was singlcd out bv -. at and its ainenlities. satisfactory explanation Nvith and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Grant, borne, son of Mr. and Mrs. priza in Physics and Chemis- Pearson. The Motion noving An amendment ta the Ad- regard ta the policy o h McGillivrey o! Montreal. for Everett Osborne, who receiv- ,try; and two tram Victoria!the Replv to the Addres, d Î'Reî m.1 db a ovrnin a holiday at their home. ed bis Bachelor o! Arts degree Colege- the Wm. Neil Hannaý_____ John E. James received at the graduation exercises of Scbelarship, and the i\,Irs F.: second year Grapbic Arts ton, on Monday, May 2tb. ersbip. He is the eider son ofs or ' ad e v examinetions at the Ryerson Bill is returning ta uaiversitv Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle. Institute of Technaîogy, Tor. next Faîl for funther studies. His ' vouniger brother, John, onto. Miss Cbarity Conwey, six- has completed bis second yearî Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Liin- year-cld daughter of Mr. and pre-med, and will write M.aiai lea~g upeetli nîsh a e i Rta yC u Toronto, were visitors witb San Francisco wbere she willMuiia oermn steY kBadofE cto orw nvradtgspie U Mr. and Mrs. Hugli McDonald,1 be met by ber sister and broO IU R Ithe-inlaw Ingid nd obibasis ofth demnocrati il 10yans, and has been a meim- 'ifl aways seems ta be the pet Brown treet 1 1tm, and each member of a ber Of the East York Munici-! of a lîttîe crippîed boy. The LeRdtackham as receed Laye aind îlsemnd sit eMiss Mary Fletcher McKee counicîl is directîy responsible pal Counicil for five years, lie incidence o! pets belongiag ta f wod ht e1a pssdbi eining summeordCmorn ith1ta the people of the commun- said. patheticaîly tII children seems B an Lotion second year exeminations,tem tSanod Cairia Followig an illness et sev- îty Reeve Truc Davidson, 'Fot ilie last three yeans ta be very high," Reeve De- Ehectronics Course, with hion- ' Miss Avelyne Lycett wboeral months Miss Mary Flet-,East York, said on Frida.ý. Miss Davidson has held office, vidson remarked. ors et the Ryerson Institute was successful in atteining ber' cher McKenzie died la Beth- Reeve Davidson. the gucst. as Reeve of East York, wbich I Council mnembers aie no TA L of Technology, Toronto. Third Figure, in Bowmanville ny on Tuesdav, June 4th, esparattehnhomc-hsapputin opblmracl ekrs is Dd Mn. and Mis. E. Brown, Tor- iend European Waltz, in i 11: the borne oftlber sisten, Mrs. irug et the Bawmanvillc Rotar'y, i size ta that of Northumber- son said in reference ta the onta, were Sundey visitors of' ewe, ln Mercb, bas finished!I Florence Johnston. Club hehd at the Fhying Dutch- land and Durham, the United many unneasonable demands "6- L Mr. and Mrs. W. Braden and'Snn cohe eterA- Freî fTrne, mnMtnHtl ae nb onis"M ikard stated. made on them. She seid that lamîyan M. . . ro n ,Tam-0-Shanter Country was the daughter af the hate formative and witty address He also discussed lier work as red tape is aften criticized. but Mr. Braden returned bomne Sabrub br h r n r.Ni cez nmncplafis a member et the Metropohitan! she pointed out that il is an A B :[rom hospital lest weekend ýpassed bier Fox Trot, complet- For many years she was Pria-; The Vice-Presidnt, Dr. G. Counicil of Toronto, and said essentiel safeguerd."This is E TO vu MisNac sbreTning her Senior Bronze in fig-1fcipal of Shaw's Business Col-'Edwin Mann, who presided, lhat Reeve Davidson is e mem- lwhy ail By-Laws 'muist be BE T V0 enta, second-year honor stu-l Linde Fernlîl, six-year-old tirement she spent bier sum- codalywclcomed the _;peciat ber ot the Metropolitan Coun- given three reedings, and no duentero! n tnhMr. Pul imen heeoan th witerguests attendingthie club's cil's Executive. tcsregaî-ding î'oad closîng rnacy, University ai Toronto, euhe fM n r.Pulmr eeadtewr notal Civ ic Affairs Coin- Miss Davidson paid high and sa on must be posted, 'OIH m lies joined tbe Jury & Lovellirlserrî uke Sth e on 'rmbofthe F nid h was a milIes luncheon meeting, tribute ta the wonk ef Rotary. she added. ste!! for the summen months. vileerls tbroh tBomen- mmbef e th e U. nid UChurh, members of the Municipal and stated that members o! Reeve Devidson seid that 1A ~ P.U.C. Manager George Van I n 5erain eateto h WMS n ... Counicils of Bowmanville. Dar'-i municipal councils must be. he otcei gve ! znSIVI 73ridger and Mrs. VanBridger a purcopl rs.hrely he fnealh e -vc e w a l ',ington, Clarke and Newcas- limbued with the sarne spirit iag change people automatie- attededthe ssoiaton teowhenaleccompeted he frscvicnahyotaian hesud-1etlyteee oMasumotga thira Of Petrborogh on April ,CBvoncFCommitHoee64 Sta in cessfuly deal with ai phases interests are thneatened and 1 O F BALLS Municipal Ehectric Utiities plecing fourtb wîtb an aver- Clair Ave. W., Taronto; witb GOL Cmite. a convenion behd in Windsor age o! 74.4. On May 251h Lin- bunial in Prospect Cemetcry. cag of the pragnam. of their responsibilities. therefone oppose il. lest week an Thursday and de compeîed in Dundas pîac- Sur-viving are hier sister, The guests prcioent wei-e " vnin tedd b Tentrliete a Fniday. ing sixtb with an average o! Mrs. Florence 'Jol'jston ai Deputy-Recve Ross Stevens, municipal officiais have a de- ;community il gratan coun - Impo rted SLII Mr. Ken e th Fletcber, 68.2. ehnadto epes Councilhon Annie Oke, Coun- cided value, and offer eppar- cil members wilh ideas are Clearweter, Florida, left Mal- Dr. B nethNv . J tw onpes cillor Glenholme Hughes, xvho'tuaitles fan the exehange af ehways needed, if a munîci- K tanbyplnehat ueda, or Dnnen guests wibh Mrs. KnebN o so and ji aaîaadConlhrideas. the acquisition of in- palitv is ta move abcad, Miss to ew pan d ay s tbispare, o rnkTbude, 8J un e t Gilbereoit. J ovo o-ille; ReevA . L Band Chaeilr ' tgehr ay sfl.a hlegefrlgitn aD A K FI his home, aiten spendiag a Fe k R nh, 8 Arye S' G1et N. J h so i Tn Wesley Fiee. ait of Bowmani- formation, and a chance ta Daviâso explained. 'lb i Mn. and Mns. AI Fletcher, Mrs. Ethel FIursey, Osbawa, Deputy-Recvc H. C. Mu-r changes in provincial and fed- be able ta stand impantialhvI TD C CTl Queen Street. Mrs. R. J. McElwain, Mrs. Coucor Mary Budai, Coun- c ral legisiatian are bbc nesuit and ciecide wbat must be doîw *URANS IT IR 1 Mrs. Frank Osmond and liamson and daugbter Eliza- , cillon Carl Down and Town- 'canven tions," Reeve Davidson ity,"' the speaker statcd.EL P O U T Alr. ErlThopso atenedbeth, Mrs. Gardon Lunau, r. FRANK MILLICAN 1 ship Cnek Walter Rundie , tteid. etodheRarnsht1 the graduation exercises et Ruby Staver, ail of Menkbaa aîîl'of Darlington Township' Reeve Davidson advocated:she is a ministen's daugbter the Ontario Hospital, Wbitby, and MIrs. Jessie Rundle, Funeral services wcre field! Councilian Roy A. Fastei- a two Year terni for inembers and that. she well nemembers; F A n U D wbhen tbel.n niece, Miss Karen Town. Mrs. Stover remained Fniday, May 31, 1963, for Councillai' Robert G. Chatcî- of municipal coulicils, and as- thceniany calls upon bis lime. F A H U B àlbo mpson -,aduated on Fnb- witb bier sister-in-law, Mrs. F. Frank Mihican, 77, o ag onilrLm .Praliscrted that a tour ycar terni The atmospbene in wbich she daJune 7th. Rundle, for a vîsît. lcy Ave., Tarante, e pioneen and Township Chcrk F. E. xvould be beller still." How grcxv up wes good training Recent visitors witb Mr First class bonors were re- instructor la physical filness Milison, aiet Clarke Town- wauid you ike ta bave the for counicil. she declared. and Mrs. Percy Haywai'd were ceve y- l hnt ai Toronto, who died Tues- ship: Cîenk F. B. Pidgeoa, presidcîib et a company in l. 11 bas been said thel mon- 1B ECIai e SmtMiss . MMison, M iss M o,. ateseodyere am- a Toronto East General Councillor J. T. Brown and1 whicb you invest funâs ta bej icipal caunicil membens should , u TSAiatieo Iril.i M.cabheIMisnMieMaistw toanh ibnsthebld-lieas ove. Ibbîk tev ETT I. B nto, ai o! Osha a, n ations, Electical Englaer- Hospital. Y r ot, E g Conillor JI. C. Bonathan 1 uP for re-election everv eue: be Ivise as serpents ad gen- M Mn. and Mrs. Raye West n îg to ntover w sit o! o" id and, Mn. Millica n was an in- JTe zen, East York Rex Wynn ens at 'lange? ", she asked. ýshouhd aiso have bbe bide et: Barry o! ____.Te Seod puc Fas structor in tbe British Anmy 'Brattord: G. F. Bonnycastle The pressure on people in 'an clephant and the tcnacîbv DUi Orno oTe eondspralso alelBs o!"RevePeîcsoISHAVE Power & Papen Company Lim- during tbe Finst Worhd Wan. owmanvili. hlan Thomnas public office was discusscd by et e buhldog"ReeDvdo itcd Schaharsbip. His aider He came ta Canada la 1926 et , Tom Norton, Bob Hegaden all Reeve Davidson. She mca-!seid empbatically. brother, Roy, who is attend- the request et St. Andncw's!o! Oshawa. tioned that moi-e than 11,000 "vn member ai a muai- PA ER M T Colhege, Toronto, as a drilIiýANn 'asPret~ people had voted for ber ia cipa! couaicil takes anl oalth a P R M T S .P U nthUntdClee in-instructo.ANneVasPef i le hast chection. and added :serve truly, faitb!uly adi T. ALJL'S ln~th UntedCole e d F e ta.tendance Pin xvas pîcsentcd t po P petfsaaicu on kwhgcndblt: SU UN TE îfrs-yareamnaioa. ac- la 1930 ie was appointed by iDr. G.- Edwin Mann. bv Art that a great many of thlese 'impartiîally ta the best. tBE Mha Mrs.R. enny R in,,ai pubicl i ssprogran WM ~~RudelI. a past presi- pilae ta pidgmSenex- CHUR. RCy, .H, o a hY ui c h oollevel. ';quest. lie th sa jug ns C U C Knole, Sussex, Enghaad, vis- wbich bie carried out foi- ivedent. was celcbî'ated by' his In addition ta bcbng in fav- shouldbi vie ycucî P P OE Minister: Rev. H.A. le vnth ekn wb en. He later nelunncd ta la-lhowRtnas or et longer tenure Reeve: loi-s because sucb a decision Tunr A D M.and Mrs. Colin Taylor. slnucting bbc cadets et St. An- The guest speaker was In- Daviâson painlted out thal is flot made with bcst know- Turer B.,,B.D Ms.Peny artciate i adre'sColeg inphsi ln oduced by Gai-net Rickard, she is alsa la favor of pay be-: ledge and ability, and alsa Si' 0 Organist: Mr. M.Beaton, gMrs. Ptenyaticthedonelfanedprs.îeelapyilg;tafreîWre f h n-ing equivahent ta the lime stated that couaicillors sho Idl L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C .L. ,Mr.ad Mrs. Herb Calmer Mn. Milican aise was anted Counities. He spoke et spen'. in municipal work. She continue te acquire informa- on Selurdlay evening when Ibe insîructon ia swimnîing. sail- Reeve Truc Davidson's 15 also rctcî-îed tathie difilcul- lion and edd ta thein _genceral jTA T A nt "1 1:50 ar-9-11fo ...w1o wcn +1on-bbc;recea-- -g- -nd t-ngetshIIIngtnea3 !muiinia l rvce ;tcs-!puliridaios.kn-ldg ti'bb1bnîto sunvived by bis -wiie,-the for- jJ.Pie.atedid the asonie village. Copgregational Picnic, Sat., lune 15 imer Elizabeth Tenny. meeting Tuesday nigbt in Mr. and Mrs. John Geen ON N PAK ue-evefo hrh 1:30 I The hale Mn. Fowher bed ne- !Newcastle. and talked Ioaend family ef Bnockvilc, wcre O~O O PRK Buesleae romChrch rsided la Bawmanvihhe and tbe frxends bene. Saturday goests with Mn., and CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL suFudigecemsAa i hurnife. F rey ycest bf as IMn. Roy' Smith lias nesuinied Mrs. C. M. Joncs. 'bf.Frmn vash a is job oftrtuck driving f or Tlhe final game et lest weekHod - m---ïnployecl et bbc Goadycarl Ryder Conistr'uctionî Co. wvas phayed Friday nîghb ettbhie od M S m ====Tire& Rubbcr Co., Bowman- The fînst inen's saftball sehool, bctwecn Millbooekmrf vilhe. neîiring five yeens ega gamne et tbc season was play- girls and Newtoaville, bbe lat-.i REH QBOTH CHRISTIAN in 1.958. d oan the school grounds ee, ter winnig by tbe aîer de- Mr. Fowher xves e member Tuesday night against the cisive score ai 22-Il. af Simcoe Street Uni t e d Millbrook team. Wbat tomned Miss Alice Nesbibt was hot-e RE O M D C U CChurch, Oshawa, and duning eut to be a bard fougbt con- tram Tarante aven the week- REFO RM ED HURCHbbh Finst Word WVar servcd test. was lied by bbc visitorî, end. 4 Scugog Street, BowrnanVille from 1914-1918 witb the 13611i in the 6tb inning, witb Gi-ent IM'. and Mrs. Weadall Bruce ]Rev Joh C.Verbugg, Ba.,lalion.nite'Wade scaring the winning and family o! McArthur's Rev Jon . Vrbrgg, BA. B.., înste iSurviving besides bis ivife rcxi in the 7th ta make the Milîs, speat bbc weekend with Telphoe 63-523are five cbihdren, Albert aififinai talîy 6-5. Mi-. R. Bruce. ýCambelfor, Emerof ow-On Wednesday' nîgbt ana- Mn. and Mrs. Leunie Staple- - menville. Jim et Seul Ste. ther girls' game was pîeyed ton, Toronto, and Miss Dora- Marie, Mae (Mrs. George lhere wibh the Courtice beenu. tby Stapleton, Kingston, speat aa s WORSH!P SERVICES1 Scott), Tarante. and Mynîle Ilb wes elso an cvenly metcbed the weckend al Mn. G. Sta- 1(Mrs. Albert Pearce), New- icoatest with Countice emcng- ýpletan's. ----- 90 ..- ngihcastle. He ivas predeceased by ýing the winaers by the score Mr. George Bain. Hamiltoni,P 9:0a..-En0s a son. Fnederick, la 1958. of 9-8. wes a Sebunday guiest o! Mn.0 11:00 &r..- Dutch The lunenel service vas I ra s. vteret Sain Tofns- lTde akesoeCubb 7:30 p.m. - English heid !ram bbc chapel oaih bbLc MNq ' rn svit Stplon o! Ana hd e es.oeCub r Northeubl & Smith Funerel day xith Mns. Willis Farrow bbeir final dance a! the sea- Proclaiming the Whole Counsel of God ;Home, Bawmanvile, an Tues- and Mns. Nita Bircb with Mns. son in Community Hall, Sel- daJocIljnd.ascnCliaton Brown. unday night. -ducled by Rev. J.K. Moifat. Messrs. Wayne Elliott and The Mesanic Service Sun- - Interment was in PantypoolC A DAi Frank Gilmer are bath pet- day morning in aur churcb ICemetery, l ents in Memorial Hospital, was well atbendcd. Rev. R. C.' "Back T Gd Hour" .uroadcasts P alîbeai-ens were Messrs. Bowmaville. White gave bis usuel inspir- CKLB, Os awa t 9:15 p.m. every Sunday John Fowlen. Wîllîs Fowher, Mrs. H. Trinu is spcndingag'eiag message and the chair - -B,-O-h-w- Eugen"' Fowler. Lennx Pearce, werk at Castîcton. rnadercd thr. anthenu "Corne, Eau] Strong end Jamn Strong. Th xîexVs garne witkî Stailk- Let Us Sïn&" with Mr. Laurie The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowrianville, June 12, 1983 Part Hope bail geme Sunday etternoon. The United Church XVomeiî heid thein negulen manbhly meeting in bhechcurcb base- ment Nvith 15 ladies present. lMrs. Wilfred Wood, presi- dexnt. opeaed the meeting witb thanks ta the ladies ftrai'te assistpiice iwith the Salad Sup- per and the catering tathe School Teachens banquet 'lie niglit previaus. Uit No .5 xx'ith 1Mrs. fl'av Fa rioxv the leader ceaiducted Ilie .w-rsiiip service with âMrs. Mýar-, Skelding reading hiie Bible passage anîd Mrs. Bou~r- gerie brinigiiig the neditetion xvlili deait witlî attitude., in caneutiaxi xiltheUic Good Saiiiaitan. Mrs. liiez Boughien cIosQ'd witb the praver. Businiess xvas coniicted bv tuie presîdexît xvith Seci etary àlrs. Olive Hexîderson xeaciing the miinuxtes anîd tharik -Yo ca rd s. Plais xvexe mîade for hie iciitlicoiiii g xx'edxxîg. The îîewx ic uxxtaiiis for the baseenxt xvere mi-cl admired aiîdi ap- preciatian expressed: p:irchas0a ut wool for the bazeai' 'ca nimade: an invitation ta ratpr ta a Faîl Rellv was rceived. Aliitci'csting letter wa's read from Mn. and Mis. Royv Bickle about their mnissionary xçork ini Geriaiiy. Luncl was sei'x'ed and soc'al chit chat. enjo3-cd and Nirs. Bourgenie xvas the winner 'ut tbe prize ton the xîeiost birttiday. Guildettes HoId Sale of Home Baking The Guildeitcç of St. J1 Vý' AxîghIicaxu Cliuich hvid a - a- cesstui Sale o! Honie -i in the Paîxslî HeP. on a'- cent Satciidav moiî2-. 'I e pre.sideiit. IrsLIaî'edI , and ýMis. Victor Snidier x ' the coxivexiors. hn addit ionî ta -,he o ,o assartineni of cakes. ook-,, bred. i-oEs. pies and :i delectable pastnies. t bevt x\\ai aise a poptilax-Flat Boolli a Rimîniiage SaleTruc i. veiîors iv exe asçîstced Ix M O. J. PresoIn. Mrs. Jak-k WI ,t and MVrs. Mark Marcuan:., About 17 per ceiit ut Cari- eadians live on tuie interner plains, whiich risc :3,00o foot i r 1h rce stcps fri'M axîl oba xvest te Alberta. i ,-Deodorant - 1.25 size - 89C & RD (squeeze bottle) 1.25 size 1.17 àlent Lotion- (squeeze boulie) 89c 78 c ;Hair Spray ----- -----ý1.89 size 1.78 Permanent G-enile, Regula-. super 1.69 ELTZER---. ---- -- 1.09 size 99 c "Marathon" - Madeain Canada 2 for 8 8 c IGLASSES- 4.98 Value 2.99 I LM ----, - VP-120, 127, 620 2 for 99C BATTE RYEveread," No. 216 77c~ SC IGARS- 10e size peckof 5 47c 'ISylvania" M_ -- -N2 or A(;-î - 12,s 1.19 Lt MiSt-- 79e for 5 9C 1 1.89 for 1.49 ight Guard.,.-----sOc size 2 for 1.49 'Speedflex"'F 34.95 vaitieZ9.9 5 Capri Pen & Pot-ket Mate Note Book 1.49 vemaster reg. 27.95 with trade-in 21.9 5 T' Tooth Paste. 69C size 5 9c ýth Poste - 6-fige- Srofi 61c rraps -3for 66c * 12's all types MX Compare at 51c ;PECIAL PRICES End June 15 la firc:d spray - CUTS, SCRAPES $150~ BURNS§ POISON IVY, ANO SUNBURN %STEETH EXPoRfN False Teeth in place CIGARETTES firmly. No more rock, 20*s 25'sA ç)r stide or slip. EXPORT J PLAIN 4 7..-II 201925, .1 i carton 3C rescriptions - I.D.A. Remediesr Ulex. McGregor eDRUGSe King St. W. » Phone 623-5792 HeIos Prevent Infection! Sprays Awjay Pain! NEW instant e 1L -Save onth ec BrushlessA ihave Cream

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