9The Cariadian Statestnan, Boimanville, June 12, 1963 were defeated 18 ta 8. IsI Congratulations to Mr. andl, BROWNS Georgetown, spent the week-,Mrs. Harold Sowden on theiri Mrs. Cora Allun, Bowman.! Mrs. R. C. Simpson and fam- 8th. The wedding reception, ille, spent Sundav with herý ily. was held at the home of her on and family, M-r. and Mrs.i Brown's School played a daughter, Mrs. Harold Hughes, lercy Allin. isoftball game against Kendal with the immediate families~ Mr. anid Mrs. Eric BaIkini,> last Friday afternoon, but present. _______ 'Ivr I...r... SUMMER PEC- L You have a chance to win this beautiful ..... "Admirai" Portable TV Set Ideal f or Recreation Room or Patio - WHEN YOU PURCHASE A - Model L43BlX >STEREO TV SET S0R - STÉREO FOR EXAMPLE: "THE REVERE" L43B1X 23" custom Lowboy in tradition- ai period styling.- Four ful * fidelity speakers. In walnut or niahogany veneers. List $399.00 SUMÎMER SPECIAL--$2 9 0 Other Models 189.00 up AS 10W AS $1 9900 BUY NOW AND SAVE! Plus a Chance to4 win Portable TV Set! 1 HARRY LOCKE TV 20 KING ST. W. PO 6dÉÀ ÀÀ- ÀÀ NE 62Z3-23M BOWMANVILLE4 À&À À À À i Graduated Wins Awar d o- Miss Elearior Mountjoy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, R.R. 2, Oshawa, was a member of the gradua- tion class of 1963, School of Nursing, Oshawa General Hos- pital. The Graduation Exercis- es were held on Friday, June 7th. -Photo by LeRoy Tol Nursing Grad Miss Carol Goheen youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Goheen, Newcastle, was one of a class of 38 grad- uates of the School of Nurs- ing, Toronto East General and Orthopedic Hospital. The graduation exercises t o o k place in the auditorium of Toronto Teachcrs' College on'v Saturday, June 8th. Miss i Goheen is a graduate of Bow-N manville High School.H ____________________e: dý NESTLETON M Mrs. Wlbert Culley and - Mrs. Percy MeMahon of Tor- onto visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce also called at the Heaslip's. Congratulations to Lawrence McLau:ghlin who received Second Class Honour on bis 3rd year Degree examinations at Ontario Agricultural Col- lege. Cartwright friends gathered in large numbers to honour Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary cele- brated June 4th, 1963, at the home of their daughter and, son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-ý ger (Mike) Oke, Port Perry.la Glad to report that Herbiel * Miss Lynda Morrison As welI as receiving her! graduation diploma at theý Graduation Exercises for the '63 Sehool of Nursing, Oshawaý General Hospital, on Friday,, June 7, Miss Lynda Morrison, was awarded the Adelaide Mc-ý Laughlin prize for General' Proficiency. Miss Morrison isý the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.1 Stan Morrison, town. -Photo by LeRoy Tol Oshawa Grac Miss Helen Ann McDonald eldest daughter of Mr. and, Mrs Harold McDonald, Bow- manville, was a member of the 5th graduating class of the:ý O sh a wa General Hospital! School of Nursing. The grad-' uation exercises took place last Friday, June 7th.i -Photo by LeRoy Tol Vine is m-uch better following-, a nasty cut on his lip with ai baseball bat at school Iast, week.1 Mr. and Mrs. Chai-les Fudgc' have ýpurchased the formeri Mrs. John Dickey home, in which they have lived for' several montbs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee attended the reception in Grace United Church, Scugog Island, for Mr. an.i Mrs. Ro- bert Lehman (nee Barbari Emapringham) on Saturday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e Bowers visited Sunday w:th Mr. andI Mrs. Robert Rhodes, Little Britain. Try the'aie behind this label- G ET GREAT ALE TASTE! Snappa Cappa Red Cap T H E CARLING BREWERI ES LIMITE D Mrs. John MeCalden bias gone to spend the summer at ber Scugog Point cottage. Sympathy is extended to, Mrs. John Doyle and familv in the passing of ber 24-year- old grandson, Jack Brass of Richvale. Mr. anci Mrs. Her- man Leizert of Ottawa visiterl her sister Mrs. Doyle for sev- eral days. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm En-: erson left this week by bus' for an extended visit with re-, latives in North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. John Veale of! Sault Ste. Marie spent severalý days with Mr. and Mrs. Char-~ les Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fisherý who spent the winter in Flor- ida are at their William 'sý Point surnmer home, as are, also Mr. and Mrs. Gordon La-i vel. Friends wish them im-! proved health. Sympathy is extended toý Mr. Thomas Gettins and fam-l ily of Caesarea in the passing of Mrs. Gettins in Port Perry, iHospital. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Carl Pet.herick in the? oss of her father, Mr. Roland jEdwards of Peterborough, lastj week. -.-M I South Af rican - Easy to Peel NAVEL ORANGES Size 216's IGA - 25 Ft. Roils 55C, Doz.51 'Lt * E The Children's Choice!! - joak I Size [50,s -Doz.f FANCY FROZEN FOIL WRAP 41'$1 Birdseye PEAS 5 pkgs.$1 IGA- 100 Ft. Roils ROBIN HOOD - Royal Deluxe WAX PAPER 4R aeMi ~O$ PEPSODENT - Giant Size TOOTHPASTE 2R$ HOSPITALITY APPLE PIE eac h 35c Economical and Nutritious SIiced Pork Liver 29 l Sirloin - lVing- Porterbouse - Boneless Round or Rump Roast STEAKS or ROASIS e 4 OGOLI E - y. - E X TR A A $ iBnu Trotailae of$3Tae Reccive $8.00 in Bonus Tapes hWhite Swan Tissue wCl'l ,D'4 k. j Reccive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes Green Beans BrdE r ze n ' . Sehneiders Country Stya Pure Pork Sausage 1 lb. ',q. TmtosProduce of U.S.A. 1 z .oa.es No. IG ode Cello Tube H Receive $4.00 in Bonus Tapes IGA Candies2c Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes Beef or Irish Stew 15 oz. iLIGA Detergent Liui 2 ;z 8 3c 1 ;'l P' IV m t