Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1963, p. 12

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12 lh. Canadien Statesinan, Eowmanvmle, :TUne 12, 1983 Brownies Take Part in FIy Up and WaIk Up Ceremony. The High School gymnasiumn in Bowmanvill Monday evening, Jupe 3rd, when these membersc 5th Packs of Brownies graduated to Guides durL Up" and "Walk Up" ceremnony. Included in the left to right: Patsy Nowlan, Ellen Cowan, Brenc Jane Cowle, Margaret Phiflips, Marlene Macklin, McCulloch, Suzanne Presson and Jane McIntyre; Their Ail Round Cords Guides, Brownies Special Ceremony Close of Year's A( The Guides and Brownies1 group of graduating Brownies ,cqmpleted there year's activ- ýafter they were pinned witl ltes with an impressive cere- wings by their leaders. xnony last Monday evening1 From lst Pack under the when three guides received leadership of Brown Owl Mrs. blue and white cords and 27 Marjorie Stout came Linda Brownies moved up into Guid- Clarke, Janet Nimigon, Peggy eSe. Passmore, Jennifer Saunders, lst Company Guides were Sally Firth, Sharon McCuI- hosts to four'packs of Brown- loch, Brenda Thompson and les; many parents were pre- Judy Vinish. From 2nd Pack sent and the high school gym und2r the leadership of Brown was filled to capacity. Owl Mrs. C. G. Anderson The Guides, in horseshoe came Jane Cowle and Pat An- formation received the large derson. FOIR TOP VALUE INj I New - UsedI :LUME.IER mrid SEE TEPERMAN 2 x 3's - Ail Lengths -- ------ 3c fi. 64c ea. $15 ea. Bathtubs-----------------$7.50 ea. Sinks (with Taps) ---------- $4 ea. 1"" Tongue & Groove Boards ---1c f t. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY PLYWOOD. WE HAVE NEW AND USED AT LOW PRICES TEPERMAN & SONS ITOI ONTARIO'S LARGEST USED LUMBER DEALER 2478 Eglinion Ave. W. 4 RO 6-2331 -TORONTO - Open front 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Sat. only - 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. FOR HIS SPECIAL DAY, JUNE 16th., Your Warmest Wishes withi COUlIS HALLMARI Gifts that are sure to please: WALLETS with his name engraved See our large selection of Key Cases - Playing Cards Men's Writing Paper PENS of ail kinds We have a wonderful selection of: 27 KING ST. W% (OFF A beautifi $1 BRIEF CA! DRINKII CRIE [le was a busy place on Mrs. L. McDonald, Judith Trewin, Jennifer Saund of the lst, 2nd, 3rd and Firth, Judy Vinish, Peggy Passmore, Karen Davis, ing an interesting "Fly Bates, Penny Westlake, Brenda Thompson, Jackie agroup are, front row, Andrea Ewert, Brown Owl Mrs. E. Ewert and Bro da Cowan, Mary Tighe, absent, Brown Owl Mrs. C. Anderson, Brownies]L iLynn Farrell, Sharyn Nimigon. back row, Brown Owl Toronto, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. Tom Potts, Miss Fran- cis Potts, Tom Kennedy and Jim MacDonald spent the R p r s f weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mns. Koith Davey and W . . . r.childron, were ucengsti Wms of Mn. and Mrs. D. Camoeron IVIUtfiII , onmSunday. LCSOKWI SMns. Thompsoa attendedth graduation for Karen Thomp- Thone wene 30 ladies ia at- son ai Whitby on Friday and tendance at the June meeting had dinnen at "The Acres". of the Women's Institute hed S From3rd Pack whose lead- Dale and Noil and Debbie Col- Wednosday aftennoon, June o rs are Brown Owl Mns. j. bany and Mrs. Cowling, at sth. McDonald and Tawny Owl Mn. and Mrs. Maicolm Elford, Aften the Ode and Collect, eMns. L. Bickie came Kanen Pont Penny. IMrs. Smith extended a woi- ;Davis. Meidy Bates, Penny Mn. and Mns. L. Tilley and come to the visitons present a Westlako, Jackie Ricard, Hea- family, spent the weekoad at and said the society would be y then Grant, Patsy Nowlan, Pnesqu'ile Park nean Brigh- pleased to welcome them as Ellen Cowan, Mary Tighe, ton. membens. Treasuren reponted -Brenda Cowan, Margaret Phîi- U.C.W. June meeting will receipts from the Vaniety d lips, Lynn Fannell and Linda be hield at 8 o'clock at the Night $103.00. Conrespondence kBurton. hom.- of Mns. Ross Ashton on included- a letten from the a From 5th Pack, whose Thursday night (tonight). C.A.C. rogandiag subscrîp- a Brown Owl is Mns. E. Ewent Meeting in charge of Mns. W. tions; Pnize List for Orno -came Marlene Macklin, An- Blackburn and gnoup. Topic Fair; Port Penny Hospital ne- 1dnea Ewent, Suzanne Prosson Missions, pont; a letter from the O.N.O. aJan e Mcltyre. Mr. and Mns. J. Potts, Mary regardiag the use of dishes; Tdhe Gnuides wene then pre- and Billie visited Mns. W. Short courses; Durham Fanm sontod wth pnoficioncy bad- Maniin at Oshawa on Sunday. Safety Council, and Golden ge b thIr Capt. Mrs. L. Mns. Martin is out of Oshawa Plow Lodge. Mrs. Menvyn Gra- Lucas. AIL the Guides receiv- Hospital and is staying with ham reported for the District ed cetificates fnom St. John's hon sister-ia-law, Mns. George Annual held necontly in Sol- Ambulance Assoc. afton suc- Fenguson, Oshawa. ina and gave the list of Dis- cessfully compîeting a course Mnrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald trict Officens. in Pneliminany Finst Aid. The and Ray, Shenyl and Beth Mrs. L. Thompson gave patrol pnize for highest points Ashton were Sunday dia- the list of articles required was woa by Sandna Robinson's ner guests of Mn. and Mns. E. for the W.I. exhibit at Black- patrol.Lua Milîson, Orono. stock Fair. Mns. Volva Bailoy Mns.Lua called on Mns. Mr'. Lloyd Ashton, Mr'. Gor- and Mrs. Fnank Staniland weno W. Rudell, Division Commis- don Werny, Mn. Wm. Fnecker appoiated a committee to se- sioner to present the blue and speni, the weekend at Mn. white Ail-Round Cords ta Fneckor's cottage at Lake Bat- er, Joanne and Dalphino, Till- thnee iadustrious Guides, Ka- tise. sonburg; Miss Shelley Lough- ther i n e Westoven, Sandra Mn. John Tabb caîîed on lean, Belmont, wono weekend Robinson and Christie Tigahe. Mns. G. Tabb and family on visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Rus- Mns. Rudell congnatulated the Friday. soU Griffin's. Guides and Bnownies and es- Haydon Schaol pupils played Mn. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey pecially the leaders who have a bail game with Bunketon and Velm*, Bowmanville, been stnuggling to rua effic- sohool pupils on Thunsday, re- speat Sunday with Mr. and ient groups without sufficient sulting in a score of 12-9. Hay- Mns. M. Stainton. regular assistants. don were the winaers. Mn. and Mrs. Frnk Spry, The Guides thea presented Janet and Linda Sharp, Messrs. Hanold and Roy Spry, a short play depicting a com- Enniskillen, Barbara and Beth Rochester, N.Y., visited with missionen's visit ta a compaay Ashton spent'a day with thein Mn. and Mrs. E. Wright and meeting, afton which they all gnandparents Mn. and Mrs. attended the Sandenson-Black demoastnated an indian club Lloyd Ashton. wedding at Columbus on Sat. routine ta music. This con- Mn. C. Aveny, Ploasant urday. Mn. and Mns. E. Wright cluded the programme. Laten, Point, visited Mn. and Mrs. and family also attended this three guides, Kathy-Westovon, M. Bentrim and family on Fnlf- weddiag. Aane Westover and Isabel day. Mviss Suaday Wearn speat Henry who are working on Mrs. Leslie Graham is con- Sunday with Mn. and Mns. thoin hostess badge, senvodIfined ta bed, having the 'flu. Donald Woann, Scanbonough; coffee ta the leaders and the We hope she will soon be feel- Mn. and Mns. Lawrence Wearn mothers of those receiviag iflg betten. were with Mn. and Mns. Han- cords. oid Western, Guelph. I ~ Mss Nancy Wood, Gates I .'U'1~i1LLi.~ Milîs, Ohio, is spending a e HAYDON IOnsme ceueo days with hon gnandparnts, Our umme scedul ofMr. and Mns. S. R. Pethick. Mn. and Mns. Leonard Trick,' services began Suaday morn- Mn. and Mns. Robent Wilson Poatypool, calied on Mn. - ing with ail thnee points of and Bnian, Oshawa, wene Sat- Henry Ashton on Sunday. Mn. our pastoral charge haviag urday evening visitons at C. irn, Avery, Pleas a nt'chunch service in the monn- Avery's. Poncaiied on Mn. Ashton ing. Mn. Crawfond's reassun- Mn. and Mrs. Gnant Wenry, on Thursday. ing message had as its cen- Susan and Scott, Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. Kanl Colbary, ' tral figure Abraham who Jim McLaughlia, Ralph and Bawmaaville, called on Mn.! though a great man with big Brenda, Union, were Satun-1 'and Mis. W. Blackburn ta sec decisions ta make, did make -day tea guests at Mn. and Mrs. Debonah Colbary from Cali- a wnong decision as he failed A. J. Wenry's. fonnia. 'ta temporarily commune with Membens of Mothen's Fel- Mrs. Frank Osmond, Mrs. God befone making it. He iowship keop la mmnd of the i Earl Thampson and Cindy, conipared Abraham and us ta Bowling Party, June 17. Bowmaaville, were Thunsday a plant that "must abide in Mr. and Mns. Bill Kay, Ton- lunch guests of Mns. Alice the vinie" whîch is is source anto, wene weekend guests of Thompson. of stnength. If we f ail ta keep! Mn. and Mrs. Ross Sharp Who Mn. and Mns. Jim Madone, oui Communion with God, ail attended the Sandcnson-i thon if e do as Abraham 'at Columbus. did and retrace aur steps, ta Dr. and Mrs. G. Mickle,! E the place of erron we regain 1 Toronto, were caliers at Mn. * aur nelationship with God. 'and Mrs. Roy McGill's. "We Praise Thee". and family, Oshawa, Mrs. A. o iIl1~Suaday School attendance Perigoe and Marilyn, Caes-: was smallen la numben due ta area, wene Sunday tea guests sevenal neighbourng special of Mn. and Mrs. Tedi Werry services. Supt. A. J. Werny Mrs. T. M. Slemon, accom- Send Him continued the oponiag Bible paaied Mn. aad Mrs. S. R. Study period. Beautiful bas- Pethick and Miss Nancy Wood a kets of summen flowers wene ta visit Mn. and Mrs. 0. R. ananged by Mns. Keith Mc- Pethick, Barrie. P~ Gi for the East Unit of UCw. Mn. and Mrs. Inwin Cook, E5i The Bible Study and Pray- Mrs. Effie Lutes and Gary, Kage Moaday at 8 p.m. ta con- Norman Avery, Debbie and' 'E E M UG S o 'heWr and the Way"l ery, Union, were Sunday ýîs Membenship class continues itors at Mn. and Mns. Clan- ýul bone china mug at the pansonage on Thunsday once Avery's. iers, Linda Clarke, Sally s, Pat Anderson, Meridy eRicard, Heather Grant, own Owl Mrs. M. Stout; Linda Burton and Janet I nstitutes cure articles for Orono Fair. A 1er same discussion on a July bus trip for the W.I., Mrs. M. Graham, Mrs. C. Wnight and Mrs. W. Archer were named as committee ta make the necossary plans. Rail cali was well answered by naming a heaith food. Mrs. Lamne Thampsoa, con- venor for Home Ecanomics and Health took the chair for the pnagnam. The motta "Yeans Wrnlke Your Skia, but ta give up onthusiasm wrinkles the Soul" was cap-j abiy nepiied ta by Mrs. Geo. Skoldiag. Linda Mouatjoy( rendered a pleasing piano1 solo. Rev. P. Romenil gave a short taik on the need of the1 T.B. Clinic and expnessed thes hope that evory persan ins this area would take the test. Mrs. Thompson Introduced Mns. M. B. Dymond of Port Penny, who gave a very in- tenestiag and informative talk on mental heaith. Fan years, cancer, polio, heant disease and nheumatism have been coasidoned the most seniaus ilinesses, but mental illaess and netardation now rank highest. About one out of ten suffer from some farm of this alIment. Modemn treatment and dnugs have done much ta relieve this iliness, Mns. Dy- mond stressed the fact that -Women's Societies could do I Muet t. prevmnt this ofnems Mrs. Thompson expressed thanks to Mrs. Dymond and the, business session was re- sumed by the President. A short course was discus- sed and voted on with millin- ery being first choice and choosing fabrics second choic.e Members were asked to try to make talent money during the summer. This to be used as a donation to Port Perry Hos- pital. After the singing of The Queen, Mrs. Thompson's group served a delicious lunch. HAMPTON W. I. Hampton Women's Institute met on Tuesday, June 4th in the C. E. Building of the church, with the President, Mrs. Allia in the chair. Mrs. Geo. Yeo, acted as sec- retary in Mrs. Chant's obsence. The meeting opened with the Ode, Lord's Prayer and Mary Stewart Collect. Minutes were read and approved. The Rol Cail was answered by a flower with the first lçtter of your given name. The Treasurer's report show- ed a bank balance of $180.83. It was decided to donate the articles at the Park Bungalow to the Park Commission, with the understanding we can bor- row them if needed. A bus trip was arranged for August 13th with a visit to the wailpaper factory and Canada Starch Co. Mrs. Wilfred Smale and Mrs. Burrows to arrange for same. A committee of the Group Leaders and Mrs. Carrick are to plan for a tea to be held at Mrs. Carrick's home on July 3rd, 2 - 5 p.m. Strawberries if available. It was decided to take needlecraft at a short course later in the year. Ar- rangements were made for the 6th Anniversary which is to be held on July l6th at 5:30 p.m., the committee reporting on progress being made. Mrs. Winnacott then took the chair for the program by the East Group. Miss Heise of Whitby spoke on Mental Health, which was started first in Belgium and Greece and is now considered a Community Health Problem. She gave many helpful hints in recognizing and dealing with people suffering from mental diseases. Mrs. Carrick gave the Motto, Two things to aim at in life: to get what you want, then enjoy it later; ending it with a little poem. We then enjoyed two ac- cordion selections by Mrs. Nesbitt. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Lunch was served and a social haif hour spent. Attendance 24, visitors 5. "TAKE JUST A SECOND A PATffEWS DAY PEATE Earner of our bread and butter, And of nails, a fine punder; Bless him, dear Lord.0 Fixer of broken littie toys, Makers of so many joys, Leaver of things ail strewn about, Raker of grass, fisher of trout, Make hlm happy, 0 Lord. Sigher, when tired to the bone, The rock on which we anchor Home, Reward him, Lord! -Marion Ford "MY BANII' When the cast of major family purchases cames ta mare than you'd like ta, spend naw, it adds up ta, a perfect case for the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. Figure out what major items you need... their total cost... thon arrange ta pay for ail ai themn with one regular monthly payment with a law-cost, life-insured Family Finahce Plan boan. ANKOF MONTREAL FaffmiIq Finance Plan ]Bawmanville Branch: Oshawa Brandi: JAMES BELL, Manager JAMES McCANSH, Manager ~5:L~-..*s~" ~ .- PPP . . .TO BE SURE"f Durham County MASS Te SURVEY J U NE llth t* J ULY l9th 1963 (Inclusive) CHECK BELOW FOR YOUR DISTRICT Courtice EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH HALL Maple Grove CHURCH Bowmanville LIONS CENTRE MEMORIAL PARK FRIDAY, JUNE 28 10 - Reading at St. Joseph's Parish HaU DONFT FORG ET!! THE HEAF TUBERCULI N TEST 1S USELESS UNLESS YOU RETURN TO HAVE UT READ IT'S Up TO YOU FOR YOUR HEALTH AND FOR YOUR FAMULY BROUGHT TO YOU UNDER THE AUSPICES 0F THE NORTHUMBERLAND - DURHAM TUBERCULOSIS AND HEALTH ASSOCIATION IPLEASE CLIP THIS OUT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE 2 x8 x8's O11 Tanks TB. TEST HU RSUD READING AND ONLY____ _ X-RAY ONLY MON., JUNE 17 2-5 p.m. - 7-10 p.m. THURS., lUNE 20 TUES., JUNE 18 2-5 p.m. - 7-10 p.m. FR1., JUNE 21 WED., lUNE 19 2-5 p.m. - 7-10 p.m. MON., JIJNE 24 THURS.I lUNE 20 2.5 p.m. - 7-10 p.m. TUES., lUNE 25 FR1., lUNE 21 2.5 p.m. - 7-10 p.m. WED., UNE 26 MON., UNE 24 2-5 p.m. - 7-10 pan. THURS., lUNE 27 TUES., TUNE 25 2-5 p.m. - 7-10 p.m. FR1., TUNE 28 BOOKS - BIBLES and HYMI FREE PARKING ai rear of store, entrain RICKABY'S "E --- T ý- - vo -- - ---- - ---- - --------- ------------------------ TB

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