Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1963, p. 11

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Ex - Premier Officiating Unveiel Plaque to Pioneers Here on Saturday Morning Newcastle-A plaque mark- port and, the basic principle veiling have been nuade by Ing the site of the Homestead ý of the Government of this the Durham Club of Toronto of one of this districts illus- I province. with local arrangements by triaus pioneer families, the: During the ceremony Prof. Ithe Chanuber af Commerce. ]Baldwins wili be unvciled here J. M. S. Careiass, Head of thea The unveiling ceremony on on Satusday morning by the History Department of the ý Saturday will commence at Hon. Leslie M. Frost, P.C., Unxvessity of Toronto will be ý 11:30 a.m. and everyone is in- Q.C., LLD., former Prime Min- 'giving a talk on the history vilad ta came along and bring isteý. of Ontario. aI the Baldwin family and their picinic baskets, arrange- The Baldwin family settled othen speakers wili includa ments have been made for a here in 1794 on the farm now Rani Walkay, Reeve of Clarke! picnic iunch,tables and chairs owned by Howard and Ernest and Wanden of the United r baing suppliad at the site mak- Pearce in Clarke Township ýCounties, Alex. Carruthers ýing an ideal opportunity for on the west boundary of the M.P.P. andI Russell C. Honey present rasidants af the county village, south of the Canadia'u M.P. ta visit with formesrasidants National Raiiway. The Han. The plaque was erected by naw rasiding in the city as we Robert Baldwin (1804-1858) the Archaelogical andI Histar- lunderstand a lange group of tagether with his father pro ical Sites Board af Ontanioa Durham Club members plan pased as a solution of lippes and arrangements for the un- ta attend this historic avent. Canada's problems. Respan- sible Govesnment; that the Reckless Drivers Governos act on the advie ____________ of Ministers belonging ta the1 Sa rty in contrai of the Legis- lative Assembly. This secam- stance of Lard Durbam's Re- nc l A k Memorial Gift For Cenotaph Newcastle - Donations ta the Cenotapb Fund seern la be s1cwing up somewbat as the lime for dedicalion draws nearer. The committee is con- fident that mare donalons are caming ta round out the fund, but are being put off for vaniaus reasons. It would gneatly facilitate the wark afthue committee if thase donations were made now s0 that committee cauld concentrate on preparatian of the Dedication ceremonies. Donations Previously acknowledged --- $1695-36 Bob and Brenda Brown In Memory of Dad 5.00 Total to date.----- $1700.36 )*Pape For More Weekend For RecreationTrafj1Speviio Swim Classes raf uevso Newcastle- The Recreationi Newcastle - The village Committee is most pleased counicil, at its meeting on Mon- with the fine turnout at theI day evening, passed a resolu- community hall on Monday tion instructing the clerk to evening for the Registration write to Sgt. Keast of the OPP for the Red Cross Swimming asking if more supervision1 classes. could be provided for traffic There were 85 registrations in t he village on Friday and for the Red Cross swimmn Saturday evenings and Sun- classes and 24 regiseed i day afternoon and evening. the Tadpole class. It was stated by several Chairman Sam Brereton no- members that drivers were ticed that there were a num- making speedways of the lo- ber of former members who cal streets on the weekends were not present to enroîl on and one councillor said that Monday evening, for various sanie of these drivers were reasons, so will be accepting flot only speedîng, but could registrations at his home on be charged with reckless driv. King Street up until this ing. while another said ne weekend for any who stili saw several cars lining up for wish to register for the class- a race on Saturday. Council- s.lors agreed -that -if- some a c- tq vta tion . 0. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE UNVEILING 0F A PLAQUE marking the site of the homestead of the BA&LDWIN FAMILY (Clarke Township) e n Saturday,- June 15 1963 - EVERYONE WELCOME - IIFF - - - : ý ý ý ý -ý ý ý ý -ý SPCaL LOW *ON NATIONAL 13 At Your Local Druggist's - TI liii Bon Lotion Deodoran TAN & GUARD (squeeze bol j"6.12" Repellent Lotion . squee AI DrDTE'I I [U tian was flot taken ta stop its appioval or rejection by this situation some of aur the end of the ni'jnth. children were going to be A letter wa,, sutd frorn the killed. planîrrg consultants regard- Sam Breret-ir.. Chairman of ing the costs etc. and P re- the flecieation Corn.mitte.ý ad- soluteon was vaýsed by coun- dressed counci! seekir'g in- cil ta have the'village plann- formation regaïding the res- ing left over unf il 1964. Reeve ponsibility of ihe Committce Cunningham said planning at the park. He sE id thece were must corne sooner or later and repairs needed Io be atternd- he suggested that council ed to on the buildings, fences should appoint a planning etc. ard be vanted ta know board of outstanding citizens whelhti th(_ cornmittee was to goa into the whole area of expefzted to have these repairs planning and present its find- made or whether the council ings to council. No further ac- was going t.) look afte- it. tion was taken on planning at After qome discussion, it was this meeting. decidedl Coun. J T. Brcwn, George Wallon addressed chaitm.'u' of th- property com- council asking if they would mittee of council would look be interested in selling the afler these repairs and the park land an the west side of Reciention Ccmmittee was the cld harbour at the lake. respornsible for grass cutting, Afler sonue discussion, it was andi keeping the grounds in decided ta first fînd out just shape. what property the village own- Verre Kent aiecressed coun- ed in that area before any de- cil asking if hcy hAad aly fur- cisian could be made regard- ther word -eýarWnig the ser ing its sale. Reeve Cunning- vicing ci bis pi- îpz.rty on Mun- han explained that Muiss C. ýt-cfFt wîtî wvater. A ict- Butler had just been given a .er'from thc Ortario Water three year renewal of ber f, -(Iurces C*ý1imission was lease of the land on wbich rcad rtating that 'he Commis- ber cottage stands. The mem- sion had accepted the propos- bers decided ta bave the titie ed extPrnsions iînd that cer- searched to find out just tbe tain informaticn was requir- number of acres the property ed by the carmtssian before contains. prescenting the case to thie On.. In answer ta a letter from tario M4unicipal Board for the Houlicultural Society, flinal approval. The Reeve said council passed the usual grant word Fhould be received on of $35.00 for the Society. ,Il ewcas t/e 1Social and1 £Personal Mrs. George Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Langley were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson in Toronto. Mr. Edgar Kenefick of Tor- onto, a former resident of the village is spending a week vis- iting with old friends. Miss Doreen Milîson left on - - ~w- ~W PRICES RANDS * 'hurs. - Fri. « Sot. lt - 1.25 size 89 c ttle) 1.25 size 1.1 7 eze bottie) 89c 78c 1 Y ,, LDLKIU vua nair 3pray -------- 1.89 size 1.1 aO TONI Home Permanent Gentie, Reglar, Super 1.69 BROMO SELTZER-___ 1.09 size 99C VP-120, 127, 620oI for 99C PEPSODENT Tooth Pciste ---- 69c size .59c TAT Ant Traps----3 for 66c K OTEX - -- 2sail type - Compare at 51c 47c WATCH FOIR THIS AD EACH WEEK BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE ICGWLING'S DEUG STORE JOHN9SON'#S DEUG STORE IALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS 0190NO L JURY& LOVELL STIJTT'S PHARNqACY "if 4111 'iii 4111 "iii "III 'iii 'iii 4111 ""I 4111 *'ilI *'ilI 411f ~'Il 4111 *'î11 4111 "'I 411 4 4111 ~'II 4111 414 1Friday for a six-weeks tour of Europe. She sailed for Scot- landI franu Manîncal on Fri- tday and plans ta raturn by ais. Ms. andI Mss. E. Aildraad entestained aI a farewell din- ner ir. tbe Elmburst Hotel on Tuesday in honoun of Mr. andI Mss. Ronald Binny of Bright- on, Rngland, wbo sailad fan borne Friday, Mn. and Mss. Binney hava spent the past nuontb vxsiting wîth friands in the district. Othan guasîs wene present at the farewel fronu Taronto and Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase vis- ited with Mn. andI Mrs. Don- aldI Jase andI family in Bramp. ton on Sunday. Mss. Howard Toms andI Mss. Sidney Hutchinson visilad with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hutchinson in Toronto an Thursday. Ms. andI Mns. Dudley Sale and daughlar Joanne of Scar- borough were weekend vis- itons with Ms. and Mss. John Voutt. Mss. Sidney Hutchinson and Mss. Howard Toms vîsitad with Mss. Fred Byers in Ca- van on Sunday and attendad the Memonial Service at St. John's Churcb, Ida. Mss. Clarence Allin bas been with the Howsam's at Pont Perry wbile Norma had he. tonsils remnoved. Out-of-town guasts aI the Wilson -Gogerty wedding on Saturday included Mr. andI Mrs. AlfredI DeGrool andI Mn. andI Mrs. Francis Comerford of Rochester, N.Y., Mr. andI Mss. Douglas Wright of Tran- ban, Mr. andI Mrs. McLeod of Osbawa, Mn. andI Mss. Art Falls af Bawmanville, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. RisIdeil, Ms. andI Mss. A. Drummond, Mr. andI 'Mss. Graham, Mn. andI Mss. Frost and Mns. J. E. Richards, aIl of Osono. Mr. andI Mss. Merlan Wal- tas and Dorathy of Oshawa and M.r. andI Mss. Howard Grills of Oakwaod wese Sun- day guests with Ms, Fred Cauch Sr. Mns. Norman Samis andI Mn. Leslie Allun. About sevanty friands andI ncighbours of Ms. and Mns. Lawrenca Gaines gatbared in1 the Lions Room af the Com- nuunity Hall on Saturday aven- ing, May 251h, ta bonor thein oa the occasion of theis Sil. ver Weddiug A.nniversary. A1 lovely address la the bapplly married couple of twenty- fiveryears was read by Mn3. A. Rtow. and tliey WM ré r-, senled with a Chrome kitchen! suite. The Rev. D. R. Dewd- ney spake a few words of commendation of the work Mr. andI Mss. Gaines bave dane in the community and delic- iaus refreshments were ses-1 ved by members of the com- miltee in charge. Unit No. i of the United Church Women met at the' home of Mrs. Wellington Far-, row an Tuesday, June 4th, for a pot luck supper. Mrs. Alex Martin offesedi Grace and nîl enjoyed a vesy nice suppes of cold meats, salads. pie and cake. Follow- ing the supper a short busi- ness meeting was conducted in which sixteen members answered the roll caîl andI an interesting treasures's report was given by Mss. Albert Pearce. After the tables were dlean- esI, Mrs. Gardon Gray andI Mrs. Murray Paterson took char'ge for the evening. A short reading entitled "A Housewife's Prayer" was giv- en by Mrs. Gsay afler wbich they led the group in several games and contests. Mrs. Gray thanked the bas- tess for the use of ber home for this last meeting af the Unit until September. BETHANY Mrs. George Waddell spent last weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith 'tri Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Row- land, Calgary, Alta., are spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rowland. -Mrs. Ina Palmer was In Peterborough for the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hally McMahon. rMr. a.nd Mrs. Jack Morrison, Toronto, were guests with Ms. and Mrs. Alex Taylor during the weekend. Last weekend the Scouts of the First Bethany Troop en- joyed a two-day canoe and camping trip to Coboconk on Black Lake. They were under the leadership of Scout Master Kennetb Crawford and assist- ant Michael Masterani of Pet- erbosouýgh. The Scouts as- ranged their own menu andI bought the provisions directed by Meivin Smnelt and Bob Ed- munds. The program during the weekend included hiking, fishing, swimming, canoe in- struction and camp lare. The boys hope te extend a future trip to a whole week. St. Paul's W. A. Members of St. Paul's An- glican Church Woman's Aux- iliary enjoyed a picnic supper on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Susan Scott and Miss Roiberta Scott on Wednesday. Later a short meeting was held indoors, with Mss. Noel Wood reading the minutes and correspondence andI Mss. Em- esy Smith givi.ng the financiai report. It was agreed te do- nate $70.00 ta the Church Wardens towards church ex- penses. Mss. Noel Wood was reimbussed for transportation costs attending a Deanery meeting recently at Lakefield accompanied by Mss. Wm. Phillips, Mss. Ina Palmes and Mrs. Enuery Smnith. Archdea- con Walker of Peterborough and Miss Frances Hulbert, Toronto, wese the special speakers at the meeting. There wihl be no further meetings untîl Septembes. U.C.W. Meeting The members of The United Church Wanuen's organizationt were entertained at the homel of Mrs. Eari Weatbesilt for1 their meeting on Monday ni-ght, with Mss. Thomas Jen- nings presiding. Mrs. Allan Beer gave an in- formative talk on the Island of Okinawa, from, the current study book "On Asia's Rim." She discussed the people of 1the country, theis oves-crowd- Sed populations, theis culture, Éhow tbey bave been affected 1by outside interests and some- tbing of what tihe Christian Churoh is trying ta accom- plish these aI the present lime. "Through the accident of geograpbic location the resi-i dents of Okinawa are forced' mbt a strategic imiportancel they did not choose. Their, probleins in osigin and extenti are not localized but are world1 wide. They have a dlaim up- on the attention and concern, of ail men who retain a con-! sci#ýnce. Okinawa is the larg-1 est and most important of the! Ryukyuan Islands. It is 70, miles long andI about 7 miles wide. Its namee neans 'Rope - In-The-Sea'. Missionaries 0f! Christian cluurches b e g an work in Okinawa in 1887.1 When the second world war1 began there were a dozen, church buildings and 8001 Christians. The war destroyed1 10 of the buildings and badly danaiged the other two, and1 over one-haîf the Christians' died in the war. Church or- ganizations collapsed a ni d: there was no financial sup-1 port. In 1945 Christian Oki- 1 nawans invited missionariesi ta return, but il was net untili 1947 that tluere was any re- sponse. OuI of this grew The, United Church of Christ of' Okinawa, whlch includesl work spansosed by Methadist,i Disciples, Evangelical and Re.formed, Congregat i a ni a 1. 'Preabyte,+rian a n d UTnited1 Un expected for Tourîsti Hîghway 4C Demand Data at )l Centres'! Unexpected andI massive de- opened an June Ist. mand for tourist literature The Directors of the Coun- bas gseeted the opening of the cil were tld today by Dr. J. Ontario Travel Council's Higb- Lawson Mackle of Pictan, way No, 401 Tourist Informa- Chairman, that same informa- ltion Centres, which were, tion centres ran out of their entire stock of visitas inform-1 colored f ilin, "The Future iniatian in two days. Their Hands," relating ta ife! The Council, which repre-ý on Okinawa Island. sents the Province's Regional Mrs. Gervin Muiligan bad iTourist Councils, supparted by charge of the warship service the Depantment of Travel and with hymns, prayers andI Pubiici'ty andI the Regional scripture lessan; closing with Development Associations of a poem "The Lord GosI Plant- the Department of Economics ed A Garden." Mss. Thomas and Development, bas taken Jennings sang 'He's Got the oves the staffmng and admin- W'hoie World in His Hands," istration of the Tourist In- with ber own guitar accom- formation Centres. Their re- pankment. The offering was gular meeting was beld in received by Mss. Herb. Cap- Toronto, today. pins.1 There are 7 in aperalian at The finaricial report was flue 8 stations on Higbway No.ý given by Mss. Ross Davidsan. 401 between Ingersoll andI Mss. Addison Scott dealt with Wooler, west of Trenton. previaus minutes andI carres- Eigbteen such service centres pondence w h i c h includedi wilh taunist inform allai on "Tbank You" notes froin baotbs are planned for High- George Moores, Mss. Howard way No. 401. University stu- Rowan, Mss. Frank Prussa, dents in their nearby regions Mss. Eari McQuaid; report are beîng used ta staff the from The Golden Plough centres. Five wiil work aI each Lodge; from Manvers U.C.W. pair of service centres opera- enclosing $10.00 in apprecia- led by the major ail campan- lion of the use of the Sunday ie. Schooi hall for their recent Object of the programme is Lilac Tea; two letters from la give impraved service ta Sophia Pariskou, the litIle the travelling public and ta Greek child who had been attract tourisîs ta outlying On- adopted by the Manvers Cir- tario resart ragions, possibly cuit; notice of a Training extending their stay. School for Leaders ta be baid Dr. Mackle, Chaîrman of in Whiîby Ladies' Coliege in the Council, made a personal August. susvay of aIl open operaling Further plans were made centres an the weekend. "I for the Church Supper ta be was agreeably susprised with helsI soon. Il was agreed the lovely centres provided by ta cater for the waddîng lun- the ai] campanies in the ma- cheon for Miss Wilnua Jake- jarity of stations Tbey are man in August; also ta caler most attractive and the yaung fos the comning Diamond Wed- people operating the stations ding Anniversary of Ms. andirare of a fine charcter. The Mss. James McKinnon in Seri- people of Ontario, I feal, can tember. Bethany will con- be psoud of Ibis servýce ta tinue for another year ta help visitors," Dr. Mackle said. support Sophia Pasiskau andI He indicated that further the treasurer was instructed improvements in the way of ta forward a contribution of stosage and furnishings are $42.00. stiil in the process of being Mss. Carl Parteaus display- installed. The expanse of staff- ed tihe new coffee urn pur- ing and operating the tour- chased for the church kitchen ist information centres is be- and mnembers were asked ta ing borne, not by the taxpay- continue saving coupons for ars at large, but by bbe Re- another future purchase. Mrss gional Tousist Councils. Ad- George Waddahl r e p o rst e dj ministration work is aIl be- Ibrea large boxes of used ing handiad by the Regional clothin*g sent for mission re- Davelopment Associations. lief. "Wa feel this is a luealtby Following the benediction, indication of bow private en- lunch was served by the hos- terprise can perfosm a val- tess assisted by Mss. Clarence uable public service", Dr. Rowan, Mss. Harvey David. Mackle said. son and Mss. Carl Posteous. Directars af bbe Ontario Mss. Ralph Preston expres- Travel Council, in adidition ta sed the thanks of the mcm- Dr. J. Lawson Mackle, Chair- bers ta Mss. Weatherilt for man, ase: George Coling of the use of hes bomne and ta all Brighton, Vice-Chairman, Ro- thosa wbe bad assisted in the bert Hamilton af Kingston, program. George R. Crichton of Graven- There will lie no meetings hurst, andI Richard Pilant of halsI during the next two Brantford. montbs. Donald-W. Kindon of Peter- 1[The Cmnadian tafsema", Iowmnvmfe, JuIe11, l -M NOW'S THE TIME If you have a kind word to say, Nows the time. If you'Il make a hat some day, Now's the time. If you want to say, "I love you," Now's the tuie. If you mean to wear a smile, Dump your troubles for awhile, Fix that step o'er which you fali, Pay heed to a longing's cali, Have a littie chat with God, And tur over a fresh sod: NOW'S THE TIME! .-Marion Ford Establish Grades for 1 Beef and Veal Regulations under the Farm Products Grades and Sales Act, which establish grades for beef and veal carcasses in a line with those of the Fed- eral regulations, will become effective on June 17th, R. H. Graham, Ontario Livestock Commissioner, reported today.1 The packing industry and[i meat processing firros are be- i mng notified today that under1 the new regulations only thosei carcasses officially graded willi be eligible for roller brandingà by the processor. Provision is also made that only the samel colo.r may be used as thatl used by the officiai grader. i Colors indicating variousý grades will be the same as, borough, General Manager of the Lake Ontario Development Association, was appointed Secretary - Treasurer of the Travel Council. Gel Your Price For Your Livestock througb STATESMA N CL A SS1IF 1ED S Phone 623-3303 those used by Federa i nspec- tors - Red (Qiaice); Blue (Good); Brown (Standard); with black being used for lower grades. Under the new regulations no persan shah mark a car- cass with a mark itiat does flot incjude the grade name stamp. ed on the carcass by the Gov- ernment grader. The proces- sor's mark may include, ini addition to the grade name, the name of the estalbilshment and its trade mark, if the grade name constitutes flot leses than 50 per cent of the total area of the mark. The regulations also provide that no person shall seli or offer for sale any carcass that is marked unless the carcass i.% marked in accordance with the Act and regulations. NEW 1963 Vol kswagens AS LOW AS 19 5-00 Down 1Up to 36 Months to Pay at SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED Authorized Volkswagen Dealer 334 Ritson Road South OSHAWA Open Evenings Dial 723-3462 BEAUTIFUL EXTERIORS ... BEAUTIFULLY PROTECTED SOLIGNUM gi'ves naturai waod b.eufry end out. standing protection from woter oend wothoe. 12 colours. fast application. No peeling. ST1JRGEONS LTD., Scarbough LUIRaIRLIGSMR Durham County Comoperafive MEDICAL SERVICES OFFERS A COMPLEUE MEDICAL (ARE PLAN DOCTORS SERVICES - by the Doctor of Your Own Choice SURGICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE. . . " Any doctors' services needed in hospital. " Out-patient diagnostic X-Rays. * Cystoscopic and Bronchoscopic examinations. EXTENDED MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE. . . *Home and office cails *Injections. *Health Examinations. *Eye Examinations. *Plus Surgical Benefits. BE A PART OWNER 0F YOUR OWN INSURANCE CARRIER Members of Durham County Co-operative Medical Services are receiv* ing 10% Refund on Premiums paid in the year 1961-1962. THE RATES ARE VERY LOW The Surgical and Major Medical Package is $60.00 for a Family and $30.00 for a Single Member. The Extended Medical Plan and Major Medical is $1 15.00 for a Family and $57.50 for a Single Member up to age 65. Over 65 years of age: $135.00 for a Family and $67-50 for a Single Member. MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE. . . *Ambulance Charges. Special Drugs. *Laboratory Services. 'Appliances and Therapy. SEND THIS COUPON TO: Durham County Co-operative Medical Services ORONO, ONTARIO NAME ---------- ADDRESS - - - - - - - r * l'u wIll be under no obligation This is the only county-based organization serving the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland. GERALD SHACKLETON - Hampton 263-2744 MRS. DALTON DORRELL, Blackstock 786-4995 MRS. ROBERT CHATER HARRY WADE DAVID WILSON e Clarke 24-r-20 - Blackstock 986-4396 c Orono 36-r-1 109 Register "t I KODAK FILM- 1. à, - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 79 -à

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