Two High- Stepping Brownies inrnburnt a Causes Ralph Theodore Eisenberg, age 44, Toronto, is shown on the boulevard above followîng an accident on 401 Highway at 3:05 p.m. on Monday. Mr. Eisen- berg was westbound when a back tire on his car blew and he lost control oîf the vehicle. It crossed the lane Tender for $2,480 Toronto Firm Wins (oi For Repairing Town Hi Two tenders for the metal tee was accepted on the mo- work on the Town Hall roof! tion of Reeve Sidney Little, wvere considercd at the meet- seconded by Councillor Ken Jng of Bowmanville Town Hooper. Council held in the Council A by-law appointing -Build- Chamber on Monday evening., ing inspector Melville Moore 'rhe iowest tender that (,f to the position of Weed In- Dun ca n McCrae, Toronto,,spector at a saiary of $75 perý .~248 wtha 15 ycar guaran- annumn was psc. Bfr ----this By-Law, No. 1878, was given three readings, a letter ftrom Mr. Moore was receîved Honori and fiied on a motion by Coun-i cillor Glenholme Hughes, sec- G rad ate 'Hooer.Mr.Moore had writ- tentha hewouid rte o be made Weed Inspector. Two other By-Laws werej passed by counicîl. No. 1879 is1 an amendment to the Zoningi Editors Mail Jine 4, 1963. Dear Mr. James: For the past Iwo years, ) lb Bowmanville and your p!iî- per has been coming 10 this offize, I have been reaily im- pressed, but like most peoplc, *I bave neyer botbered to com- -'pliment your efforts or thank you and your staff for the ex- cellence of the efforts you give our ads. Today the issue with the travel section prompted this letter. As a former newspaper advertising manager, I think thîs section is outstanding and iamazing considerbng your cir- Peter H. Reynolds culation. As usual in The Statesman, son of Mrs. Revnolds and the .uMr ad was given the e..,ra late Herbert K. Reynolds, liascare to make it a better ad. graduated from Victoria CoI-'Tbis is a very rare happening lee e, University of Toronto, (and 1 see more than 30 news - with an honor Bachelor ofipaper versions of the same Science degrec. He was award- ads). ed an S. N. Janes Silver Medal You consistentlY produice in mathemnaties and phyvsies good newspaper. . . sorryI and the Royal Astrono mical hiavent said SO sooner. Society of Canada Gold Medal. Sincerely youirs, Peter is doing grdatcork Beaver Lumber Comnpany. in Geophysics i U. o f '. and Limnitcd, plans to continue hiis stujdieýs D. G. MePhail, in the Fall. He is a graduiate Advcrtisbng Manager, cf Bowma-nvillc' High School. Onîtario Division Office. Durh am County's Great Fanîily Journal BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th, 1963 Pages Accident on 401 RECElVES AWARD - Miss Patsy Blake, whose photo appearcd in The- Statesman last week ýn connection with baton twiriing, reccivcd an additional award this weck. She rcceived a $25 schoiarship from the Kiwanis Music Festival in Hamilton, to further her baton twirling career. Donor of the award is Gray Dunn Biscuits. j.t . . 4 COMMERCIAL - On Saturday afternoon, while sports cars were screaming around the track at Mosport, Bowmanvillc residents who didn't attend saw a movie crew and a couple of non-racing cars, making a television commercial in front of the biliboards at Vanstone's bridge. They did several takes while a crowd of spectators gathered to vicw the unusual antics. NEW DIAMOND- For the beniefit of small ball players, the Memorial Park Association has decided to construct a second bal diamond on the park for the youngsters to use. They hope to defray some of the cost through returns from their tag day, this weekend. j. t . t t j. 10e Per Copy NUMBER 23ý Easter Seal Sales lIncrease by $458 For a Total of $4,285 ST wo Perfect Attendance, ups. A.J. Fohyt, the win- luncheon meeting of the Bow ons ahead of the second car. manvîlle Rotary Club held at Guests present at the lun- the Flying Dutchmnan Motor cheon meeting were Harold Hotel on Friday. Bill Thies- Sproule, Tom Norton, Stan burger received a Fîve Year Lovell, Jack Snyder, ail of Pin and James Spears a One Oshawa, Don Graham, Co Year Pin. The presentations bourg, and Hartley Lewis, were made by Art Rîbey. Bowmanvilie. George Stephen, chaîrman A vote was held to decide of the Easter Seals Committee, wbether the day on which the announced that the proceeds clu'b's luncheon meeting is from the sale of Easter Seais heid each week would be i1have amounted to $4,285. Thislchanged from Friday toThurs- is n icrese f $58 verday. There were 12 votes for the last year's returns from * this project for the benefit of Thursday and 28 in favor of crippied ehildren. Friday, so the regular lunch- eon meeting wili continue 10 An interesting motion pic- be held as usual on Friday. * * ture on motor car racing was presented. It was introduced AI Witherspoon, Chairmanl: by Keith Jackson and Dr. H. of the Club Activities and~ androle ovr n heB. Rundle was the projection- Con ference Committee, an- to Memorial Hospital by the Bowmanville Areaiist. The film showed the 1961 nounced that the tee of ime Ambulance. H-e is being treated for shock, a brokenýDaytona Stock Car Race, and for the Golf Tournament to bone in his right hand, and contusions. Constable D. the exciting Indianapolis 500 be held by the Rotarians at Speed Car Race of 1961. There the Erinli Golf and Country L. Stuart, OPP, investigated-the accident. lwere 3.3 ciqries in the latter, Club on Wednesday afternoon but only 12 finîshed the race. wîll be two o'clock. Dînner ÂA There was one five car col-1wili be served for the players SpecialM ass lsion, andmany other crack- after the tournament. I~Ç ,c,.kc AIDuring the""large church parade of Guide s .,. Brownies, Sco uts, Rovers and In St. JosephsrAm b uance O perators Cubs in Newcastle on Sunday morning, those taking part marched with varying n tactThursday ai 9 Ask for Prov. Subsidy the eyes of every spectator as they lifted their knees high and stepped out as though they had spent many years in military camps. Unfortunately, they There ivili be a specialA Il H g w y C Is were flot identified but our photographer couldn't resist the temptation to show al o fRequiem Mass for His Holi- O l i h a a them coeu oorraes ness Pope John XXIII in Ev-I aw. Itnpermit hec,< St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Ail nrt, nfOntâin erei -. . in. - -. --- -niprh struction of a garage within! two feet of the propertydlinel providing one such building bas been erccted in the block previcus to the passing of this By-Law. By-Law 1880) is an amend- ment 10 the By-Law concern- ing the debentures for the Liberty Street sanitary sewer and has been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. The- original estimate for this work was $48,670.50, and the am-. endcd total is $46.712, a re- duction of $1,800. Councillor Annie Oke in- formed council that the Bow- manville Pee Wees teamn was' the winner of the Eastern On- tario Little NHL 1963 Cham- pionship, the Lindsay Pee Wee Tournament C hi a mpionship TURN TO PAGE TWO) Nurses Hold Successfu I Sale of Baking T h e Bowmanvilie Nurses Association held a successful Bake Sale on Friday afternoon at the P.U.C. office on King, Street. The president, Mrs. Thomas, Buttery, was the general con- venor, assisted bx' Mrs. Thc- mas Rehder, The other members of the committee in charge of ar- rangements were Miss Velma Gay and Mrs. Lawrence Boyv- ko. 103rd B1RTHDA Congratulations arc tended to Mrs. Mai Sisson, Kawartba Ni Home, Peterborough,. celehrated ber lO3rd day today. Dr. E. W. Liberty St., Bowmanvi a son. Larruthers Again Nominated At an enthusiastic Progressive-C onservative convention in Orono on __Tuesday, Alex Carruthers, sitting mcm ber in the Provincial Legisiature for Purharn, was again nominated i thou t opposition to carry the PC jbanner in the forthcoming election. Mr. Carruthers is shown, at lefî. with ,4&tario Agriculture 'Minister Wm. Stewart and unsuccessful federal PC candi- I.M Garnet B. Riekard. Severai speakers praiscd Mr. Carruthers for, his tire- less efforts on behaif of the clectorate both in the House and in the constitu- ency. The provincial election is expected in October of this year. e ex- .ry A. Iursing * h'o BOOM, BOOM - Visitors to the Pearce hornestead birth- near Newcastle on dune ISthi may rcceivc some- Sisson, ile, is thing of a surprise. A special ceremony has been laid on for the unveiling of an historical plaque ----- honoring the Baldwin family. What those attend- ing probably will not know is that at 12:30 p.m. HMCS destroyer Haida wiil commence firing practice in the lake off Newcastle. This is part of the summer training program for personnel of the RCN reserve. Let's hope the reserve navy doesn't zero in on the new plaque and those attending. j. t -.I j. t t ON TOUR - Ilis many friîends iiece xii îecail that Mr. and Mrs. Farl Cunningham lef t some time ag-o on a world tour to celebrate hîs retire- ment from the Training Sehools positions he held for many years. The Editor has received two bundies of newspapers they very thoughtfullv sent along to let us know how the rcst of the world is doing. The first batch was from South Africa, the latest from Beirut, Nairobi and Ethiopia's Addis Ababa. We found them most interesting and wvere pleased to read Earl's corn- ruents that most of them have more typographical errors than The Statesman. t j + t DIES SUDDENLY - Friends here will be sorrv to learn that Cccii H. Dudley of Courtice and formerly of Bowmanville died suddenly yesterday. Ccc or Jimmy as hce was called here in earlier days was a wcil known athiete and more rcccntly has conducted an extensive insurance business. t. t. t. t. 'I PLAN STAG - Members of Southview (Bow- manville) Golf Club are planning a big project in the form of a $200 stag on dune l9th, to raise funds for new lounge furniture. There wili be a sumptuous dinner and aIl the other interesting sidelights of such occasions. dim Crombie is in charge. Iîncidental1y, the hugc Irce that took so much parking lot space was removed this weck by a hydro crev, and other improvements arc gradualyv being compictcd. The club is also hold- ing its first dance on dune 15th. Social conven- ors Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fairey in charge. It ii also noted that Erinli held an officiai opening last Saturday with a good attendance and loads of fun. t T T IT'S HOT - For the record. today' is the hottest of the summer scason to date. It is noxv register- ing over 80 degrees and a beautiful day for any- thing but. work. Church, Liberty Street S., on Thursday morning, June th, at fine o'clock. The Rev. F. K. Malane, the par- Ish priest, wilI officiate. "The Pope showed by bis charity the way to live, and in bis illness showed us througlx his resignation to suffering the way to die. The greatest single force for peace lias left us," Fath- er Malane said today. "Only God can evaluate t h e g o o d aecomplished through the torrent of char- ity Pope John released, and bis indomitable work for unity," Father Malane stat- ed. i-j proL.S L flto wet.tttv 4'iciuua n ne CJt-etr U5uUse represented by the delegatesý Toronto Ambulance Associa- .Should PronîlDîrUseas D.welliuny who attended the general tion.___ meeting of the recently or-! The newly forrned Ontario Nu ganized Ontario Ambulance' Ambulance Association decîd- Association beld on Tuesday';ed bo ask the provincial gov- _l aI the Flying Dutchman Motorierniment for a subsîdy on arn-Sa llt r n p cs R p r ambulance associations were i ,andafGraduasesednsO n B oathouses at East Beach also formed. This district is rd ae Professor and Mrs. C. B. Sisson of Orono celebrated their 50th wedding anniver- sary last week. Congratula- tions are extended from their many friends through- out this area. Makes Four Recommendations The requested report was A hydro inspection of ser- receîved at the meeting of viced buildings. 3. Require the Bowmanville Town Council Port Dariington Harbor Com- beld in the Council Chamber pany to prohibit the use of on Monday evening from the these structures for dweliings. Sanitary Inspector T. H. Wat- 4. Require the Port Darling- ers, Sr., on bis investigation of ton Harbor Company to have conditions of East Beach boat ail ts grounds cleared of bouses, some of which are partiy demolished buildings used as dweilings. and scrap material. On a motion by Councillor The Sanitary Inspector re- Annie Oke, seconded by Coun- ported: "The 26 frame struc- ciii Io r Glenhoime Hughes, tures are in varlous states of council concurred in the four repair, from soundly construct- recommendations made by the cd to partly demoiished, are Sanitary Inspector as follows: mustly built of aid dry wea- 1. To bave a Fire Marshall tbered wood. and are spaced survey made of this area 2. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Honor Oshawa Couple On 68th Anniversary To Graduate Mr. and Mrs. David McMul ad Mr. MoMullen wee a- len, Oshawa boulevard nor,rie at the home of the bride's, .. . were honored at a dinner parents, Lotus, on Mav 23,ý party beld recently at The. 1895. Acres Restaurant, H-amnpton.' The honored couple have' MssEsieDw on the occasion of their 68+h twoiduMhter.EMre.Norma wedingannverary Thi A r g u e (Della), Janetvilic; lis a member of the graduating ad abter, rs. NomanfArguheMrs.« Clarke Williams, NestIe- school of nursing, ciass of '63, and amiy wre hsîsfortheton': seven grandchil-drcn and o saaGnca optl party. ýfOhw eca optl Mrs. MeMullen isthie for- 14 great-gran dchildren. 'Graduation exercises for the mer Lîllian Gray, daughtcr of Later Mr. and Mrs. McMul-iclass w.Ill take place this Fri- the late Mr. and Mrs. James len xvcre entcrtained at thec day, Julne 7th. Miss Down in Gray. and Mr. McMullcn is of thei*r grandson, Mir. the daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. the son of the late Mr. anJ Moi-ris Argsue and Mrs. Argue, Ailan Down, R.R. 2, Bowman- Mrs. William MeMullen. Mr. Harris simde. ville. --Photo by LeRoy Toil John V. Mason received his Bachelor o f Science Degree at the gradua- tion exercises of St. Lawrence University, Canton, N.Y., last Sunday, June 2. While attend- ing the university Mr. Mason was a member of the varsity 'hockey team and participated in two NCAA cbampionship tournaments. He is a letter-man in that sport, and was also a member of the varsity golf teami. He was a member of j Sigma Alpha Epsilon fratern- i ty. His -parents are Mr. and !r.C. A. Mason of Oshawa, formerly of Bowmanville, and he attended Bowmanville High School. Police Praise Chauffeurs' Club For Safety HeIp Nearly 400 vehicles went through the Ontario Department of Transport Vehicle Safety Check Centre hcld on the Dominion Store parking lot last week. Quite a large nu.mber had mînor defects which were corrccted before the safety stickers wcrc issucd. One of the unusual factors of this test was that Department officiais and Bowmanville police were assisted by members of the Chauffeurs' Rod and Customn Clubi k ,~ - * " ~ * . . . . 4 ; * ' "ky~. :. * O ~J~rÀ ft~A ~ A w ho did mnuch of the detail work. Police Chief Kitney saîd that without their help thc other officiais would have been unable Io carry out the services. -He was high in his praise of their voluntary assistance. This photo was taken Saturday moon just as the check was completed. From lef t t right, Earle Clark, Dept. %)f Transport Inspector; Fred Shackleton and Alan Munday of the Chauffeurs' Club. VOLUME 109 16 Blown Tire Çýi3ts ai-1d£/,Pieces -1 1 1 01-