e1 Vu Gordon Àgnew, Editor .,RecmmendsStudy Newcastle CI Consultant s -Advantages Newcastle- Thc second in ' Ihat this telk e-l series o! meetings on the the members ,-uubject o! Planning was heldi planning. Mi -by the Chamber o! Commerce!'council xvasc .I1ast week when Mr. Wmn. Fer- vey with ceg à,guson o! the firm o! Derck a restricted a ,Little and Associates o! Toc- He expIair ,,.£nto spake to the Chamber municipality 'r'utlining the advantages Of castie and To: f1planning in a community such ning boarda -aýs ours. nlanning this m.;, In introducing the speaker. j orne the vie 'lhe president, E. R. Lovekir toDus developi 4asid that he had just heen toïc buy unservie V.that the village counicil wcre village et iom j.ýiready considering ; aphs ond seli bous -o! planning in the village and iprofit thati FOR SALI NEW and USED REFRIGERATORS COMBINATION FREI and REFRIGERATOR5 $55*00 and ur SNEW and USED ST4 RICKARD n 1Plumbing, Heating and1 NE WCA STLE N02 J i * ANNOUI We are pleased to purchased the British-Ar, formerly operated by G.'! We solicit your patron you the Prompt and Court h'ave been accustorned. $1 B. A. HOME HE, FRE a Annual 0Midwint eEmergen SpDecia I eCHOOSE YOURC *COMPREHENSIVE Change of As of recent date I have s RICKARD PIut NEWI To effect an uninterru- I arn remaining as Principi an indefinite period. To my Fuel Oul Custor and appreciation for their rny strongest feeling of coi a new Modern Program dletails of which are outlir Cenotaph Draw June 12 Th@Ii Canadian Stete8man, Iowmmfwfle, May 29,18M il Oshawa, were Sunday tes Mrs. Murray Osborne, Bruce guests of Mrs. J. Yeiiowleesiand Dale, Ebenezer, were tee and Gladys. guests an Sunday with Mr. ca,dIY4pnd #dLions Elect HarolId Gîobson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and Mrs. Harry Knox and and family, Blackstock, weesons. tea guests of Mr. and Mris. Mr. and M.rs. Ivan Ellicott. Phon 361 A Ne Pr sîd nt or 3-6 Harvey Yellowlees and fam- Peterborough, and'Mrs. N, C. !ily on Sunday. Yellowiees. Bowman v 11lie. Phon 362 AsNew resi entfor 3m6Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yeliow- were Sunday tea guests of Newcastle- Harold Gibsonj ectorate. be made to seli the remaining lees and sons were pleased ta Mr. and Mrs. E. Hockaday ancl ma.was eiected President of the President Frank Hoar gave tickets and ta make the draw have as their guest last week, daughters. Sprin W ork onj Lions Club of Newcastle for a report of the Victoria Day at the next regular meeting Miss Lena Whyte. who is a Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gifford ,pig~the Lions year beginning July Fireworks Display and thank-'of the club on Wednesday,i Junior Farmer Exchange Dee jan aiy anowr list ait the regular dinner ed ail who had helped in thej June l2th.i gate fromn near Aberdeen, tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Xount Road meeting of the club held in many ways te make the pro-' A comittee was appointedIScotiand. It was interesting R.ae Pascoe end famlly on the Elmhurst Hotel on Wed- ject the success that it was. te repair the slide for the ta learn that Miss Whyte at- Sunday. nesday evening. He said the project had been children's recreation facilities tended college wih David Yei- Ms ee ae n i ls vc-peidnt ura igfinancially leaving the 'chairmanoftem brsi wls here. o N(,weatle- Te ounies Paeron:2ndvic-prsient clb sme$20 profit for their !and attendance committee, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allun, ville, were Sunday visite» O p i io n s o n NcwcDeate--T h Co ni il Storks: 3rd vice- president, iwork on the praject. Lion Brenton Rickard announ- John and Robert and Miss with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker busy digging out the frosMarc Pedwall, Directors,, Lion President Frank ex- ced that, ailowing for the Eleanor Pickard, Mr. and Mrs. and famiy. ubbls o Mil Steet St Ray Goode, Harold Falk, Ger- pressed regret that the Ceno-: members who were iii, there Ai! Allun and sons, Bowmafl- Mr. and Mrs. Grant DavM bub]~;onMii tretSothry Duval, Truman Henderson Itaph Draw ta be made at that was a 100% attendance at this ville, were Sunday tea guests and Heather, Ebenezer. werp loliovi,-ng a oad winter for! Murray Walton, Chas. Megit, affair had had ta be postpon- meeting. of Mr. and Mrs. WesaYeliow- Sunday visitors with Mr. and f fl if groads everywhere. The bad Dick Lovekin, Brenton Rick- led due to the sudden illness At a meeting of the Carni- leces and sons. Mrs. John Knox and famil c P a n n patches have been ail dug Out ard.iftecar n of the co-val Committee foliowing the Mrs. Ella Taylor and San- and the springy mud remov- The new president will mittee, making it impossibl2,regular meeting, the date for dra, Miss Betty Knox, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Les Evaiu, wouid eniighten ,local taxpayers saddled ,vith c n eildadIvle choose his secretary, treasurer,, ta get ail the ticket stubs in !the annuai Carnivai was ten- onto; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Knox, M.adMs ly ie vr * ftev lueohe costs of supp lying services awaiting the warm weather Lion tamer and tail twister for the draw. Members de-1 ativeiy set for Saturday, July Hampton, were Sunday guests and Mrs. Leo Racicat and Mu r. Fegsn ado the new developmnent for whcn the road will be resur- from the members of his dir- cided an added effort should '20th, in Waitona Park. -oMranMs.Hwrd Miil- Ete ahsn sau considering a sur- iann rawsetbihd I diint h acig itn usrbr r atc son and daughters. wr una-uet0! ~w rea.igae a sabihd I diint tepthnDsatsusrbr r ate Mrs. Gertie Ferguson and and Mrs. Russell Vice. ,ard to setting Up and a Planning Board set up fi has heen dumpcd in front ularly interested in this col- Mrs. Bert Montgomery, Osh- Dr. and Mrs. George Werz' ae.the Board would be kept in- of Waltona Park widenirg [he /l umn. awja, were Sunday guests ni and famiiy, Oshawa; Mr. ard ,ned that every formed and could control, shoulders on the lbad section. Mr n r.IvnMCl r.adMs rc oto-Mrs .R e lMr. Ror between New (through the village council) Plans for a wider bridge diMandn Mrs. Irvin MeCul- Mr. and Ms. Bruce Montg.oM rs.J. R.Metcai! Mr. &. ronto had a plan- the development of the village cutting off the- .urves in that 1 wedding anniversary on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell A. Werry, Mr. Jas. A. Werw and that without on an equitabie scale so tha, section are flot in the sche d I f1J/iday, May 2ist. They were en- and family, Hiampton; Mr. and Mr. Fleet, Enniskillefl, ;village couid be- a huge burden of costs for new ule for this summer, but the' 4 () tertained by their family ai Doug Ferguson, Enniskillen;, visited the Werry's an Su4- tim of unscrupu- services wouid net bc foistec Counties' are making an early Q1c'andUI u (.jersoriai The Fiying Dutchman Motor Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown day. d )rs, who could on present residents for new start getting the road in shape HtBo avie, hread obyOsaawee teR Mr. and Mrs. David Beaoi ed an intedeveleprnent. He explaincd for the summer traffic. they enjoyed a delicious din- guests on Sunday o! Mr. and and Kathleen, Columbus, wece w rates and build that deveiopment 9hould bc According to Reeve Cunn- Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Goheen garet spent the weekend with ner and were presented with Mrs. Bruce Tink and family. Sunday tea guests o! Mr. land es, making a big balanced between residentiai ingham some gravclling and! have returned to their home!, them at the cottage, a lovely bridge set. The mem- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Webber Mrs. Murray Vice and famil would leave the and commercial asscssment. grading has been done nl-hr fersedn h i- Mran Ms.Rs Allunibers o! the family were, Mr. and Carolyn, Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Daij Following his talk the meet- cal unsurfaced streets and the ter in Dunedin, Florida. and famnily werc Sunday visit-i and Mrs. David McCulloug Miss Margaret Webber were took their daughter Pat te ing was turned into a question road committee is waiting fnri Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gib- 'ors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'o! Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sunday evening visitars with Toronto an Sunday where and answcr period and mariy the warm weathcr ta arrive so son, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Woodhouse in Brampton. ýMcCullough of Orîllia, Gary the Tink's following the ser- she wili further ber traini* o! the problemrs in planning ail can be laid on the streets ikr an Mes.Fak Mr. and Mis. Reginald and his fiance, Miss Charlotte vice. at the Haspital for Sick Child- E were answered by the speaker to improve the surface anidj Hoar and Murray Paterson at- Woodhams of Toronto and Mr. Austin and Peter and Biily. Mr and Mrs. George Gilroy ren for the next three monthis whoexpaind tat hogh ay he ust tede th Ditrit "" Cn-Murton Walters o! Osh'awa' and sons, Oshawa, were tea as an affiliate nurse. there were necessarily somne___- 'eria ofte ntrainlwewekn vsirs it guests on Sunday with M._________ restrictions Intrnetiealsarye takeplan- tos wit ninstritheons e desa was foran-iAssociation of Lions Club in 'Mrs Fred Coc Sr., Mrs. SOTTTNA and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and thn potctno the i tizenas ous Cornwall this week. 'Norman Samiis and Mr. Leslie .VJIUL family. 013TUTARY: ltepoeto ftectzn c us u es, Allun. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. ýwhieh would far exceed ari. Mris. Gien Kirk and chidren Tecuc hdwstse nikle;M.Lwec incnveiene cusIl..th a n d Mrs. McCuilough o!f Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hodgson Thl e curched was tase- nskuilSle e Mr udy ,AD HMSFR Parade tsbrg N.Y., are spend-, and daughter Shelley and Mrs.fuyderae by emesiSar, aem wreSdyGRRDTOA restrctPiHttsburge Stanley Hodgson of Bowman- o! the Hi-C group with appie guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Floigahat'tak E E S 1It was explained that a ing a couple of weeks at the ville were Sunday visitors blossoms, spring flowers and Langmaid.Folin ahar*tac Planning Board had noiauh- Bonathan cottage at Cobo- with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodg- cedars for that special occa- Mr. and Mrs. A. His, Ty- the death o! Gerard '1nambs ,oit i islfbu aponedfl .~ na v conk. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bon- snoeo h îhihso oe Mse on Rgr Foran, aged 47 years, of 1560 by counicli ta prepare a plan atnRhadMry ar Mrs. L. Guy and Mrs. Hen- 'the year in the lives o! the Debbie Drew and Terry Tra- Acardia n R oad acu, By of the village and recornmend iNewcastle- The aîinual H 'pil ry o! Oshawa were Sunday littie oines, especialiy o! the viss were guests on SundaY occre onMn'yMy 3 which areas wouid be be s co1 b1nedScouts ad Guideshre s guests with Mrs Ed na Sly Sunday School- the anni- with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hills 1963. ae ws he!a residcntialScouts andChurce cornpanied ti assembled: Weekend visîtors with Mr. versary, on May 26. Reverend and famiy, h eesdwsC fo siead riParadec.ll be hon crowd as they sang God Save'and Mrs. Jack Crago were Mr. C. E. Dugan B.A., B.D., guest Mr. anid Mrs. Bru ce Tay -th FieDpretfote mecaidsra t.T' nSunday morning at the 'the Queen. Appreciation wam and Mrs. . Clemence of minister for both services de- ]or and family visited Mr. and ivest itrc nVn ,Council could then accept orJUnited Church at il arn. unvriy Dsrc Vn reject certain parts o! the plan Tepsd e ~ expressed to Mrs. Nichais by Whithy: Mrs. FE. Cragn, Fero. livered sermons whic-h were Mrs. W. J. Ferguson, Ennis- couver. He was a member of I accordi.ng ta its judgment!Mrry Pan and Dianne Ronald and Leland Crago o! 'inspiring and challenging. The killen, on Sunday afternoon.EerlLoeN.13,AF In short, a Planning Board1«B TS« Band will move off Kimbail pre.sented hier wîth a Providence and Mr. E. Wicks.[ speciai music by the chair was Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lar- & A.M., and Monarch o! Van woul spnd he onghours' t'-omi the Community Park bouquet of !iowers. Haîf wav Mrs. M. Gartshore was a under the leadership o! Mrs. mer, Biackstock, were Sun- Zor Gratta, Vancouver. neesr uvyigtexi-at 10:38 a.m. sharp, procecd- through the evening, during a, Sunday dinner guest with ;J. C. Smaies, Oshawa. In the day tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Floan iStsrell hsv OVES would rysen the og ng along King Street to Mill six minute intermission, Mrs,.IMrs. E Haigh. afternoon the Senior Choir E. R. Taylor. 'his lon iStsreila aso lage and preparing a plan1 Street and south ta the Uni- NichaIs and Gloria playcd a Sna iiaswt r. agtrenmesadthEr n r.BhMge Gerard Thomas, and a daugh- setn ot t esn o-ted Church. Every Guide, pao dt, Il rvare"G reSmt wreM.and ýJunior Choir one- "God Is Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. N. ter, Mrs. J. O. (Ruth) Gar- its decisions as a guide ta the paode,"lToaoe" ereSihwr r ýBak et council in preparing the final1 Brownic, Cub, Scout an d Re- Verdi. This xvas an evening o! Mrs. George Stapicton o! Everywhere". Miss Dianne Fice, Taunton; Mr. Bob Bak et ail o! Vancouver. draft a! the plan and putting vin h omuiy is ex- musical enjoyment with great'.Newtonville and Mr. and Mrs. Tink was pianist at this ser - burn, Salem; Mr. Percy West- Asothesurvdivg are thren it into effect. i pected to be on hand for this, promise for the future. Arthur Redknap. vice. lake and Donald, were tea Qbhers and fivtersister i The speaTaining Shool Bard Sunday too, was a verv Mrs. E. Selby, Mis, W. Kay, In the evening, the Senior guests on Sunday with Mr. Qeeadaohrbohr 1 1Crl Tespakr xpaneTtran ai vntnd hol rd , y th ehirsn'w pesn slc n Ms rnkWslkeadEo J oa o om 'the main abjections ta piann-i should present a 1oorf secial day on the whole Wel-' and Mrs. M. Gartshore attend- Cir agtovlaigsiecll r.Fan etaead eda. Frno mn ing came because the peaple;parade in t iorms corne charge o! the United ed the May Button meeting tiens. The guest solaist, Miss family. ville.aresJons are not propcrly informed and aros oous Church. Rev. Russell Clark.' at the home o! Mrs. Burleigh Carolyn Webber o! Columbus, Mr. and r.CalsJhs A Masonic funeral service ------'a former Sun day schooi teach-ý in Pickering on Monday after. deiighted everyone with two Bowmanviile; Mr. John Bro- was held from Mount Pleasant _________At the Church the service eî- o! Rcv. M. Freeman who noon. ývocal solos "How Loveiy Are orne and family, Mr. Loran Chapel, Vancouver, witb Rev. xill be conducted by the Rev.1 as been in Hong Kong fori- This column could be made Thy Dwellings" and "Hoid Pascoe, Tyrone; Mrs. Hazel W. Buckinghaïm assisting, on J E C. Woodland with the Gen- h ps e yas poe' uch more intercsting if more Thou My Hand". For the Crowther and Jme e-TurdaMa 6i.Itr 'ealScrtay f h Otaiaith e con gregation here on Sun- i O! aur readers would partici- evening service, Miss Gi:adys castle; Miss Phyllis Ann West- ment followed in the Masonie Temnperance Federation Mr. 1day mrigadwsasseiptWe a ii usd lYellowiees was pianist. lake were Sunday tea guests CmtrBrabBC 'Royassl . Mutnadec in ' the service by Rev. Free-! the village or entertain out- Church service and Sun- o! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome Mr. Ed Foran flew ta Van- te ssbl.man. In the eveoing at Wcl-,iof-town visitors, please phone day School will be et 11 arn. and sons. couver for the funeral, re- SFoilowing the se-v*(-e the: corne he showed sldes o! bisi 3621 and have the item pub- next Sundey, June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, tui-ning on Friday following parade units will re-torm and1 work there and his vivid de- ' lished for your friends ta read. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe. Mr.W.BclM.adte service. will parade by the saine route'. scription, aided by the pic-J back to the cammunity park tures, showed how a mass of -- for dismissal. With the wea- humnanity is crowded into the ther co-opcrating, this first, little space o! this crawn coi-' On r h pparade of the season in the 1 ony. The bright intelligent Ia ,iu ~ aI M F ? f ïold my Fuel Oil Business to attend school shawed their, do not understend the reason' ptential. One happy iooking for the restriciions. piture sbowed children en- F'ollowing the talk and a .joying what iooked like calor- o blong eating couple o! hours discusson on! ed comics hung on a wali, but pied Fuel SuanplyaScheduleni-edata pakeostudy so!ehomeshta travC E villge and e L rer o coun lfot, itomuitsod or drnk or EIA CAMriEr o r ikr o cil adnt e isa il ht orn igehshidinbday, t geltes a planning ar eapornt- asÏAden whost parentsT RS S RV C S lyth oco f o r w C oc Durnt he ee ting ofthe Ao Froes em a evl ark- npeders exten sin c tans ChmbrreLwdit re: asa hstrA ccsindu-' SRGCA ENFISE XTND EDCA LNFT vilsaip ind th (ot te o tng th eveooingrsericefor a t ri foge, ca fr ilerof0 th re a nd f omdenogts in iing moy a d I""UD * * ICL DE . also to expressplan inaGeefrel NMeing bay bcsi onin ay fminiser Tesdley, Jt'ne '8SERVICnSthe thenDi during his pastarate atin ed psitie su ply lus ecia speker ill e Mr' onThe carge, untilElizabeth An dotr's vie ne edi*H mea d fic ca s ofBunr erie y . the metn*h n rea yRv lr Chaira neth Pcets Cam- wfromnthistoreocction dere-op'a ,iedsIetn icr h nC below itteeio!the OGr.a ine hRrigta vnshar vitc le o InjAL B NE ISe toN s. E IAL B N F seakingConmeTheOprtni-mve!notin lngrneNichas1 as-C UD . .I parna e ls oex rs pafor heBusne MetngDr-a simiienrnice a in st oer s ytscpî na DrnnoCO A1- o usmay ile g 8,pghere n dthe Ascffho i.lieine !amily end interested friends' Mrs. S. Holdaway. teusSevceb hih~0 ad h lveytuip wt te oi oiawy !Taona The Extended Medical Plan and Major Medical is $1 15.00 for ci Family large ferns on either side pro-1 with ber mother, Mrs. L. ad$75 o îge£zm.~ pI vided a colos-fui setting in thei Holdaway. and$5.5 ora'igl M m erupt a e 5 church. The numbers were1 This us the !irst long h-i fl unannounced but guests werel day weekend and the cottag- provided, with programmes., ers have teken advantage, Over 65 years of age: R.B i k r Cheryl Clarke piayed the Na- bath those going ta, and corn- tiona1 Ani-them ta begin the; ing ta. Several local famnihies $3.0fra F ml n 6.0fraSnl e br recitai and there were pianosp the weekend et their $3.0fr Fml n 6.0fraSnl e br :A I G S R IEsolos by, Marie end Ann Ir- ci-tage on narthern lakes and ________________________ w-in, and Donald Nichais, be-' citv folk came to theirs an MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS SEND THIS COUPON TO: ginners; Jennifer Payne, grade! Lake Ontario. 1: Bruce Burger and Gary Mr .and Mrs. Ben Andrus Durham County Co-operative Tranmer. grade 2: Garfield and !emnil ' moved into thc "TCLUDE .* E! ~ ~ ~ ~Pave and Bruce Tranmer. 5ousernwh-iltis knk blnceahasesMedl Sevces 4:IeeKimbali and Phillip' Mrs. Minnie McHolm and Nichls.grade 5; Cheryl Miss Minnie Beckett o! Mar- F urnace Conditioruing Clarke, James Nichols endî rish welked ta E. Barow- Special Drugs. NAD ESS---- Philiip Harness. grade 6: Val- clough's an Fridev and ce- erie Austin, Linde Thorndyke, meined for the recitel in thc. DLaboratory-- Services.- ------ :er Inspection ~~~Heather Best. Joan Nichais, evenîng. *Lbrtr evcs Betty Philip. Ruth Nichais, Miss Clera Darke entertain- cy Calis and Marie Hoskin. grade 8-, e 18 guests on Saturday ev- * Appliances and Therapy. lau wili be under no obligation Gloria NichaIs in grade 10. ening et dinner in her home ---___________----__________ Piano duets by James and in Port Britain, Mr. and Mc:. i ~~Philiip Nichols: Heether Best Stan Harness o! Port Hope,issth-- and Phillip Harness: CheryL their son and deughters, Gor- Thisi h only county-based organization serving the United Counties Featuresand Robyn Clarke. Vocal solos' don, Shirley. Audrey. with b\- Jennifer Payne, Joan Nich- their families, Nanc *y Harne-- fD ramadN rhu brad SE VIEaend Barbare Dinner: thref. and Mr. and Mi'4s. Hco DW patERgVvIabaeCiEe MreANYrngth 0e1n GERALD SHIACKLETON - Hampton 263-2744 HARRY WADE Clarke 24-r-20 and Gloria. Joan and Ruth; cousin. Mr. Wmn. Bryce o! song by- Gloria, Joan and :Mositreel, came aiong and ar- NIRS. DALTON DORRELL, Blackstock 786-4995 DAVID WILSON- Blackstock 9M6.439 P ARTS INSUKR UNCm Ruth; there were two vocal ranged ta cail for Miss Darke duets by Gloria and Barbera,,the next day and take ber ta MRS. ROBERT CHATER- Orono 36-r-1 the lest numnber being a sac-i bis home for a couple of ààcàý ý red sang -Hold Thou My' weeks' holiday. r 1! r- 'i 1