Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1963, p. 18

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18 Th Can i Etaenn owmanffle, Apr. 24, 1963 Tyrone Mill Pond Becomes Seven snow-white swans spent an enjoyable dlay at Tyrone's miii pond on Tuesday. They settled on the waters as though they were prepared to stay for the summer, apparently undisturbed by the large gathering of spectators who came to see the unusual Watch for the Grand Re-Opening 0F THE NEW GREATLY ENLARGED STEDMAN STORE BOWMANVILLE -FEATURING LOADS of SPECIALS " Expanded Assortments. " Thrifty Budget Plan. " Brand New Depariments. " Free Gifts and Prizes. " Free 21"" TV to Lucky Winner. " Free Gifits for fixe Kiddies. * Be on Hand for the Fun. STEDMAN STORES BOWMANVILLE . ONT. FOR THE FIRSu GREAT CANADI Pi TTSDU1 " Pifttbuwgh'a fit quulty Interior latex Point Also Save on " CoploolyathbleNOW BOWMANVILLE JH. Abernethy 33 Ki"g st. W. BLACKSTOCK, H. L. Martyn Swan Sanctuary for a Day sight. Mill owner John Thornbeck said it was the f irst time he had ever seen swans land on the pond. It is also seldom that one sees so many of the large, graceful birds together at one feeding ground. Thechuchservice in Hamp- 1 Mrs. W. Hill. Guides- Mrs. ton on Sunday was a service T. Chant, Mrs. F. Holroyd and' of Dedication to the Mission- Mrs. G. Beckett. ary work of the church, with If there are any errors or the various Chlldren's and ommissions, this correspond- Youth's Groups of the church ent wishes to apolagize to ali ail participating. The Scrip- concerned. ture Lessons, Samuel 2:18-19, The annual Hampton C.G. 3:1-10 were read by Sally I.T. Mother and Daughter Payne and Erylne Barron 0f Banquet was held an April the C.G.I.T. Song - "Every 17th, in the Christian Educa- Day"- Little Friends Messen- tion Centre. The mothers were gers; Prayer- Hi-C- Harry greeted at the door by Miss McReli, Ea Yo, ouise Erlyne Barron, Miss Darlene Terrili, Jay Hoskin, Donna Hall and Miss Donna Wilbur, ýWllbur; Song- "Came, Let and presented with a bouquet Us Sirig to Our Heavenly of red white or pink carna- Father" by Sunbeamn Messen- tions. Mistress of ceremonies gers as a group; Story- "Mary for the event was Miss Jay Siessor"- 4 boys of Sigma- Hoskin, Pres. of the C.G.I.T. C Garry Rogers, Peter Norton, Alex Rogers. Sang- "Corne After a word of greeting Let Us Sirig of a Wonderful framn the Pres. the girls re- Love"- Tyros- Tony Balson, peated the C.G.I.T. Purpose, Steve Reyniolds, Glen Killens followed by the C.G.I.T. hymn and others. Ceremony of Dedi- and the Lord's Prayer. Graceý cationi to Mission by Repre- was sung and a delicious din- seritatives of ail Christian ne renjoyed. The dînrier was Education Groups. Hymn- provided by the C.G.I.T. group Lord, this Day Thy Children and their mothers, and was Meet Offeratory. Sang- "Itf served by Mrs. Ken Caverly, Is The Joyous Easter Time"- Mrs. Clarence Yeo, Mrs. Har- Exploreirs. Sermon- "Sam1- old. Salter and Mrs. Hoskin uel's Glory Robe". Story - Smith. The girls had set the Douglas Killens, Casey Van tables in the C.G.I.T. calaurs, Heuvelen, Hymn and Bene- blue and white with daffo- dicton.dils and had made place cards Those taking part in Ceme- nteom ofabis monyof Ddictian Mesen- Miss Linda Strawbridge fav- ýgers -Janette Macnab, Billy ordtegopwt e ýWhite, Bannie Chant, Lyn lightful piano solo. Mrs. Per- iHolroyd. Explorers- Gloria 1cy Page braught greetings Farrow, Charlene Macnab., from, the church. Tyma- Tny Blso, Stve'Miss Kathy Hall extended Reynolds and Glen Killens.. cordial greetings ta' the moth- C.G.I.T. - Joy Hoskin and'ers and other guests and Mrs. Ginger Balsan. Hi-C- Louise Ben Killens replied an be- Terrill, Donna Wilbur. Sigma- half of the mothers and guests. C- Gary Rogers, Alex Rogers. A chorus of C.G.I.T. Girls - ýMm. Gardon Smale operated Misses Sally Payne, Susan Hol- the public address system s royd, Debbie Reynalds, Car- capably that leven the small- olyfl Dewell, Linda Lee Kil- est vaice was heard. Mr. Doug- lens, Linda Strawbridge and las Dewell presided at both Barbara Macnab sang- "Eas- piano and organ in his usual ter Parade" and "When Irish pîeaingmarier.Eyes Are Smiling". Mr. T. M. Chant is Sec.- Miss Erlyrie Barman intra- Treas. of the M & M Fund. duced the speaker, Miss Vilna The thanks of the congrega- eoPbi.elhNre tion are due ta the leaders of who gave a vemy interesting aur groups, Little Friends - talk on "The West Indies".' Mrs. H. Heimstma, Mrs. C. Yeo. After hem talk she led in a Sunbeams - Mrs. P. Page, discussion graup and showed Miss J. Peel. Explorers- Mrs. some interesting articles made D. White, Mrs. C. Terrill. Ty- in the West Indies. rais- Mrs. H. Van De Beit, Mr. Miss Marilyn Farrow fav- G. Smale. C.G.I.T.- Mrs. A. oured the gmaup with a pianoa Blanchard, Mrs R. Clemens. solo. Miss Louise Terrîll ex- Sigma-C- Mr. D. White, Mm. pmessed bier appreciation on F. Holroyd. Hi-C- Mr. andi behalf of the graup ta the -speaker and Miss Sherry Chant presented Miss Velax with a small gift as a tokeni of appreciatian from the C.G.' I.T. group. Miss Darlene Hall preserited the two leaders Mrs. T TIM E Art Blanchard and Mrs. Ron Clemeris with a bouquet af daffadîls each, after' which singing of "The Queen" clos-,i A uW ID E ed the meeting. The C.G.I.T.1 play. Mis*a Peel and Miss,ý Faye Smith have meturned ta! their teaching duties after spending the Easter holidays' in Bermuda. R G ff Club will be canvassing on or far the splendid work beiig' done by the Cancer Society. Deepst ympthyof the Mr. and Mms. Orville Hind-1 mari, who meceived the sad news Sunday night that Mrs.' Hindman's mother, Mrs. Frank, Dedrick af Simcoe was killed' in *a tragic car accident, while Mr. Dedrick is in hospîtal. Mr. anid Mrs Bert Bumrows visited on Sunday vng with Mrs. Chas. Burrows, Brougham. Sunday afternoon, Mr. and: Mrs. Don Smith and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mms. Eric Phillips, North Oshawa-, Mm. and Mrs. Rudaîf Jammer and Clint weme callers on Mr. and iMms. Burraws. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter JULARLY $8.75 'and Caridace, Toronto, spenti - :the weekend with Mr. and; 0oW them weme Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. anid' Mrs. Jack Carter Sm., Oshawa- Mrs. Carrigan on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly Kersey. Elliott and Miss Betty God- are vlsiting this week with' alternoon. and Miss Nancy Kelly, Port Johnny Lyon spent Easter frey, Oshawa, were recent Mr. anid Mrs. Bily Yeo. Mr. anid Mrs. Beaver and Credit, visited Mrs. Fred Han- holidays with Mr. Douglas callers at the Short home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fow- family, wha have resided on ey. Ashton Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, 1er and Miss Judy Fowler, Scugog St. for about six Miss Mary Jean Billett anid I Mr. and Mrs. Len Player Zion; Mm. and Mrs. Allan were Suriday visitars with months, have moved ta Osh- brothers Steveri and Jemome'and Tommy were Saturday Brooking and Master Larmy Mm. and Mrs. Howard Bell, awa. Billett, spent a few days of ' visitors with Mm. and Mms. Braoking, Port Hope, were re-j Don Milîs. Hampton frîends are somryi their Easter holidays in Hamp. John Lyan. cent visitars with Mm. and; ta lose fmom aur community, ton, visiting their twa grand-ý Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon îMms. Cecil Sleman.H Mm. and Mrs. Sid Comish and mothers Mrs. John Balson and'and family, Mr. anid Mrs. Sid Mm. and Mrs. Bob McQueen,'E c 4 family, who have moved ta r.A .Bllt.Kre er udyee- Weston, spent the weekerdid ec -H nah ai Tyrone.AGm E.ao, isitd. andandrs. HaeralSd ahton n Sae.Ms.Wlfe1 hemfamm at Long Sault, Mm. and Mrs. Perey Clarke,ýg supper guests wîth Mr. with Mm. and Mrs. Wilfred uo n tv We are sammy ta learn that Mrs. Lew Crydermari. niskillen, at a family gatheming1 spent Fiday in Tomanto. A t m tv Mr. Jas. Hogarth has had ta ýMm. and Mrs. Albin Clem- held in hanour of Mm. Ker- fMr. and Mrs. Glen Smith returi ta Bawmanville Hos- ens, Bowmanville; Mm. and sey's bithday. atterided the Orange Lodge pital again. Mms. Ron Clemens and Brent, Mm. and Mrs. Ron Luke and Banquet held in Tyrone Hall C u fitr On Tuesday of last week, weme Sunday evening diriner boys visited on Suriday with on Saturday evening. eDma Mm. and Mms. Kenneth Caver- guests with Mr. and Mms. La- Mm. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes, Mm. and Mrs. Dan Goode TieDai 4-H Auitomo- ly attended the apening and verne Clernens. Whitby. and boys, Lakefield, spent a tive Club met at omono on tea of the expanded Beauty , Mm. and Mms. Fred Holroyd Mr. and Mms. Merwin Maunt- couple of days with Mr. and Wednesday, Aprîl 17, for their Salon in Whitby. Jr. and family visited Mm. joy spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. Clarence Tink. Mms I, first meeting af organization. On Wednesday, Mr. and and Mms. Amas Braokham, Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy visited Harrell and daughtems, Osh- The elected executive is as Mms. Elwoad Fennell New Tom- Ohawa. on Suriday with Mm. and Mrs. awa, also visited hem parents. follows: Presi d e n t, Bryan ont, wme innr gest wîh M. and Mms. Bill Halmoyd Wm. Challis, Bowmanville. Mm. and Mms. Haland Baly iePeiet o Mm. and Mrs. Kenneth Cav- land family visited Mm. and Mm. and Mms. Ralph Bail- Truil, Bownianville, were Rickamd; Secretary, John Ai. ely and later attended theIMms. Wm. Lowery, Bawman- amd and childmen visited Mm. Suriday visitars with Mr. anid len; Press Reporter, Imwin funrieal of Mm. Edsall Oliver,,ville. and Mrs. Hamry Appletaon, Mrs. Lorenzo TruIl. Colwell. Bawmanville. Mm. and Mrs. Lionel Hickey Whitby, on Sunday aftemnoon. Mr. and Mms. B. Yeo and' Ncw members are welcome. Sunday even i n g dinner! and family, Bowmanville, vis- Mr. and Mms. Short visited family, Mr. and Mms. Rass guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken-1 ited Mr. and Mms. Fred Hol- Mm. and Mrs. Allan Manley, Fowler and family, Bellevillc, More than 11,000 relatives neth Caverly were Mm. and 'royd Sm. on Sunday. Peterborough, an Saturday were Sunday guests with Mm. of hospitalized vetemans were Mrs. Douglas Cavely andý Miss Kathy McCurie, Osh- cvening. ýand Mrs. Al Randaîl. overnight guests last yeam, at family and Mms. Sudds af awa, spent hem Easter bhl- Mr. and Mrs. Jetty Thomas' Mrs. Ran Fowlem. Dougie eight Canadian Red Cross Bowmanville. 'days with Mm. and Mms. S. and Janice, Cobourg; Mr. Fred1 and Debbie fmom Beileville, Lodges acmoss Canada. 'lI FLOORS 0F FINE FURNITURE FREE STORAGE * * TRADE-INS, 2 PCE. SLEEP 'or LOUNGE by Simmons - 1 Only.5 100% Nylon Cover $2 7 9 5 BIRTHDAY BARGAIN 2 - PCE. SUITE by Kroehler (Traditional) Lawson Arm, 2-toned Sculptured$ 299.50O Floral Matelasse. BIRTHDAY BARGAIN---- 2 ONLY - 2 - PCE. SUITES by Kroehler 4-Seater Sofa and Chair $1 Clear Out Covers of Heavy Nylon. BIRTHDAY BARGAIN- 29. 50 2 - PCE. SUITE In a Heavy Duracel $ 5.1 Jacquard Frieze. 15 9 0 BIRTHDAY BARGAIN - 7-pce. Kaufman DINING-ROOM SUITE BIRTHDAY BARGAIN $25 9.-50 OCCASIONAL TABLES m GREATLY REDUCED KITCHEN SETS OCCASIONAL -~ CHAIRS ODD MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS Several 1962 BABY CARRIAGES -Must be sold as sets THESE ARE JUST A FEW ITEMS - MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM INQIREABOUT THE NEW FBRI-COATE . . . REPELS STAINS, RETARDS SOIL, GIVES LONGER WEAR. DURING SALE . . . $ .50 2-PCE. CHESTERFIELD$7 COATED FOR HALF PRICE. R * USED FURNITURE'ý 8-PCE. DINING-ROOM SUITE 1 - 4' x 6' WALNUT BED, SPRING AND MATTRESS 4 2PCE. CHESTERFIELDS Ideal for cottage PLTDI "FURNITURE and HOME FURNISHINGS" 3 7 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-7071 "'I 's . l' illil - tmý mnmmmmmmm%ý 1 - - - - -- - éi - 1 . Àr

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