Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1963, p. 14

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14 7%e Canadian Staterman, BowmanvMle, Apr. 24, 1983r Men's Town League Softball Schedule 7 Nichais vs Stephens 8 Georges vs Kens 9 Kramps vs Nichols 14 Stephens vs Gearges l5 Kens vs Kramps 16 Gearges vs Nichais 21 Kens vs Stephens 22 Kramps vs Georges 23 Nichais vs Kcns 28 Stephens vs Kramps 29 Kens vs Georges 30 Stephens vs Nichols June- 4 NichaIs vs Kîamps 5 Georges vs Stephens 6 Kramps vs Kens Il Nichols vs Georges 12 Stephens vs Kens 13 Gearges vs Kramps 18 Keriq vs Nichais 19 Kramps vs Stephens 20 Georges vs Nichols 25 Kens vs Stephens 26 Kramps vs Georges 27 Nichais vs Stepnens ton, D. Masters, H. Rowe, J. Farbes, D. Seta, H. Webster, J. Lane, F. Swinburne, A. Heffernan. Kramp's Furniture - H. Snowden, V. Vanstane, B. Nicholson, L. Hamillin, M. i Richards, J. Fowler, C. Kil- patrick, R. Pollard, N. Yeo, G. Flintaif, B. Crossey, L. Dewell, G. Tighe, L. Crago, G. Dudley, R. Diamond, B. Ellis. Nichol's Motor Sales- B. Osborne, L. Piper, R. Welsh, T. Pearson, A. Wiseman, T. Fairey, P. Mutton, C. Fergu- son, D. Bishop, B. McDonald, B. Williams, B. Richards, T . .... Masters. J. Castie, R. Stew- art S. Hunt. Ken's Men's Wear - J. James, B. Maîjerrisan, J. Twist, D. Bagnell, B. Cale, D. W erry, J. Parker, T. Bird, J. Bird, P. Caînell, J. Olir âïl 1-1. Lane, R._Lane, G. Wala, Mitchell's Corners' Public School Hockey Team July-1 R. Fry, 'J. Kennett. 2 Kramps vs Nichols Stephens Fuels-G. Stp- 3 Stephens vs Georges en, F. Cowling, T. Dadson, B. 4 Kens vs Kramps Abbott, G. Wright, J. Coyle, 9 Georges vs KensT.HaTCoLAl'C 10 Stephens vs Kramps V.an, T. Boo, . SimC il Nchol vs enston, . Backm, J. Dou-nl-u i A few weeks aga, an enthusiastic hackey team Il Nchos v Kes itn, . Jckmn, J Doald1 ulicSchaol appeared in this newspaper. Their apl ]wAill estabeglyeh a sco nF MhnJ Bn. evening were from Mitchell's Corners' school and the- o w a vl l m s t e H i g heSe h oo, Fo h n . o d grounds on Tuesday, Wednes- cessful in dawning the Salem team 4 ta 1. Accardîx day and Thursday, starting HAYDON spakesmen this didn't happen very aften during the sea time- 6:45 p.m.1 Playofs- Top four teams ta Note the change In time of: left at Mis. Don Cameron's.Da Seo -M s V enter playofi s.1 This will cansist af used cloth-D nSt -Mot i Sem Fials SeiesA -eamSunday School and Church ' No.i inas v s erTeam Service. Sunday School wil ing for men, also children up__ No.1est u Tai 5. Serieaybe at 10.30 o'clock D.S.T. onito two years old. Mrs. Jack Team Nau o . 2 sTeam NoB. -Sunday moîning. Church ser-'Jons gave the devotional tbll Play best 3 out of . 'vice at 7:30 D.S.T. Sacîamentt rogAred wa i arge oic aik t a l ; will be adminstered and there Christian EduGarrard tor sc Finals- Series C- Winners wiîî be the dedication af the ldcain r cf Series A and B play b est new Communion set. Draper of Enniskillen spoke L 4 out of 7 for league titie. All ion Christian Education in the I I i ef~ I playoffs must be campleted by U.C.W. April meeting was home; reading, Mis. AithurW -h mmemm Leptember 5th, 1963. iheld an Thursday evening atI Read; contest in charge af Tearn Membersth hoea Mr. halsMr.ATevnadMi.j Garrard. Presîdent Mrs. J. Potts. Lunch was served by i an Seto, star forward on[I George's Sales- M. Bur- Potts opened the meeting with Mrs. A. Garrard and graup. Coronation Cafe's champion-' gess F.Cowe, D Giard, A!thee hmn nd paye. R-' ship team, won the most val. ges, F CaleD. iradiA.thee hmn nd rayr. e- Mr. Bert Ashton, Taronto,iuable player award at thel Ciossey, G. Jones, R. Cram-!jparts were given. Clothing1ýa udyspe us lMnsTw aktalBn bie, Cooke Colin, Ray Pies- 'for the U.C.W. bale is ta be was Sud amy sppr uet en' Sawudn asktal Ban Mr.Mjlsn~a tea Bowmanville Hatel. Bill Cale guest ai Mr. and Mrs. J. Patts made the presentation ai the and family and Mis. W. Mai-' Kenýs Men's Wear trophy ta tinan Sunday. i Dan, in the first year a M.V.P. MAKE $5OO0*O0 OR Mr. CandMia Arthur Tamb- ha be slete.Ted Fie Russell Ormiston, M.anwitNrtrpyfo lmei Mis. Ivan Sharp, Linda and ainnot e a foas petiec- Janet, Mr. and Mis. Roy Mc- ionnx eî steeeu tive mayseft M ORE PER ACRE Rol nnsilnM.ald' Scated et the head table IMis. Jim Kinsman and Lisa, , were- Ted Dadson, president; Courtice, Mr. and Mis. Ra'ss Tom Pearsai, vice-president; Ash4un and family, were Sun-' Don Martin, secîetary-treasur-1 day guests ai Mr. and M)rs. er; Recreatian Directar Dau.c Llayd Ashton, Rnl and'ý Rigg, Art Hoaper, Gearge Ste-I Ray.1 phen and John Seto. Grow Cucumbers for 1Valriîe dThopo, Bowman- Manager Doug Rie an Hampton, spent the Easter sented witb the Hoopei's holiday with their grand- Jewellery trapby, emblemnatic mother, Mis. A. Thampson.. 0f the' league championship B ick's P ickles ýMr and Mr.WltrBide by Ait Hoe.TdDd.n i an L n y, owmnvil,ý,1 aardd mebe aiofthe win- weeWednesday visitar is lning Coronation Cf team I le Mis. Thompson.1 individual rpis Mr. and Mis. Wallace Grif-I Treasurer Don Maîtin's f in- lfin, Heather and Dale, weîe' ancial statement showed aj Sunday supper guests af Mr.i' YCiy favourable aperation dur ¶Nill contract acreages from ;and Mis. Alfred Gaîrard and! ing the year, aiter which. the league president expressed Bairy. ppreciation ai the assist- 1/4 Acre and up ~~Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Tilley,1 iap fJh ery cr Acr an PJohn and Susan spent the1 Len Lucas, principal ai Bow- weekend witb r and Mis. manville High Schaol, Frank Salmon and iamily, Toronto. Mohun, Statesman Sparts Ed- PIC ..U SE VIC IF NEE EDMrs. A. Thampson was Sun-' itar, and the foui sponsor- day dinner guest and spent the Stephen Fuels, Caranatian nght with Mi. and Mis. F., Cafe, McQueen's Mtais andi Osmond and iamily, Baw- Bawmanville Hotel. Contact manville. Art Hooper stated, on being Mr. and Mis. Charles Gar-. inioîmed the Hotel wvas dropp- raid were amang the invited ing out, that Hooper's Jewell- guests at the supper in hanor1 eîy would take aver the span- ai Mi. and Mis. Mervin1 saîship af the club. Robert R. Carruther s Mountjoy's 50th edna-,Texeui wsrtne R.R. 1, BOWMANVILLE the Township Hall at Hamp- iWinneîs ai the dîaw were- tan an Monday, April lSth. lst Jack Reid, 2nd Ed Wild- Phone 623-5485 Mir.and Mis. Alfred Gar- man,_3rd Bihl Morrisan. raid met with Mi. and Mis DistictFiedsmn fo Bik'sPiclesM. Mauntjoy in the evening*Meet in Newcastle Ditit ilsmnfr ik Pclsin honar ai their Stb wed.>______________ ding annîversaiy at the tawn- Ssh~~~~cip hall.___ ___f - the perfect finishting touch *MANOR ST. DAVJDS SAUTERNE!1 Manor St. Davids sauterne is a white table wine aged in Bright's wine cellars, and mnade from a blend of special grapes grown in the Niagara Peninsula. (BTUJttS FINE CANADIANWnes 3INCE 1874 4. . .. ae0. from Salem )ponents that ey were suc- ,g ta Salem son. In any event, the rivalry has been keen ail winter and until next season. The Mitchell's Carners' teani Oyler (Schaal Trustee), R. MacLean, E. Kuzenl Fountain, A. Kairetz, J. Hiîcock, B. Hircock, J. Mi. Griffith (Principal), B. Howse, J. Qyler, D. Ba-i 'aluable Player rfs Cilose Season isiastic Banquet DAN Most Valuable SETO Player Award iviinor t5aseoaii League Refurns Murray Bates as President for Second Year Lakeshare Minai Basebal Murray Bate xvas îeturnedi Bantam (uinder 14), Midgeti Assec. held a well attended'as Piesidient for a second yearil.(uinder 16), Juvenile (uinder meeting at the Elmhurst Ho- along with John Ryan as lst 1 18). Any one may enter aJ itel, Newcastle, Friday, April Vice-Pies. Cecil Caîveth bas- team i romn Ajax in the west 1 9th. There weie repieserîta- again taken an the duties af ta Cobaurg ln the east and tives f rom Cobourg, Part Sec-Treas. 1 orth ta Peterborough. For; Hope. Newtonville, Kendal, It was tht' unanimous de- details phane Bowmianville! jNewcastle, Orona, Bowman-:cision ai ail members of this 623-3249. 'ville, Courtice and from the organization that Arnold Wadei It is the aim ai this assoc. Oshawa Legion Minor Base- should again represent thet' t pravide more basebail for bail League. local group an the executive mare boys af ahi ages. Anyone i JSpero Annis, Secretaîy- board ai the O.B.A.j or any graup or arganization' 'Treasurer ai the O.B.A. prov- Closing date toi ail entries! ishing ta help this group cd ta be an interesting speak- is May 3rd. Entries would be iinanciaily please contact Ceei: ci. His knowledge and under- welcamed in Tyke (Linder 11 Carveth at Newcastle, phone' standing ai the problems in 'yeaîs), Pee Wee (nder 12), 3481. oiganizing and maintaining' the interest ai young people T e a e B w i touched off anc ai the mast Te n g Bo l g inteîesting discussions thatg has taken place at one' ai these meetings in same time.' Teenage Boys 'S. Etcher 236, P. Jefiery 230,1 -- Gay 7 - Charles 0, Virtue H. Vanstone 2128, E. Hîghiieid1 BoWlinq 7 - Calville 0, Cailan 7 - Pet- 218, V. Adams 228, 217, K. erson 0. Oke 215, J. Bennett 202. M ixed Bo ln Teamn Standing High Triple - V. Aas 069B.Brown 619, D. Morris Prout registered a canvinc- Colvile -- --- --------- .70 603, S. Bail 600. ing 2983-2605 victory aver Gay 59JnorBy IBennett Fîiday night ta cap- Virtue 53Î ture the 196-2-63 Mixed Bowl-- Callan 40 Wilson 3 - Nowlan 2, Rich- ing League Championship. AI Peterson 1,1) ards 5 - Dodds 0. Lobb was the pacc-setter for 'Charles --------------------- 1 3 Teamn Standings the- new champs, roliing up High Single- D. McKnight 'Nowlan - 54' a 730 triple that încluded a 267, J. Cailan 241, T. Callan Wilson -_____35ý 'big 302 game. Captain Vince 238, 210, B. Colvilie 236, 201,: Dodds - ____ 27' Prout added a 656 total, as R. Etcher 233, 225, B. Caom-' Richards---------__i Bennett stayed close anly in bes 225, 203, G. Clark 221, L.'i High Single - G. Wilson the opener, losing by 44 pins. Dunn 213, 208. '237, D. Nowlan 220. Prout put it on ice, cracking' High Triple- D. McKnight High Dauble - G. Wilson out a 208 majarity in the,645, B. Coambes 606. ý402, D. Nawlan 392. secand and wrapped it up with Teng ill Jno il au 126opi thrdoga te wi Brown 5 - Vanstone 2, Pae- Samelîs 3 - Masters 2, Hat- But ookwhawonthecon- den 5 - Oke 2, Jefiery 5 - Gay 'ely 3 - Brine 2, Gould 5 - solation titie - none other 2 King 0. than cellaî-dwehling Luxton, TanSadn as Ruth Gîant's 645 triple led Tearn Standing '"Lucky" ta a 2936 series. Brown . 63 Gauld - __ _ _50! IMatt Harrisan rahled the 'Jefieiy 62: Masters -. ____47' night's top game-323, aisa Vanstone --_ __ 45 King-_ ___ 29 'adding a 727 triple and Joe Oke - - - -37. Hateiy 25i I Nowlan totaled-715. Gay ------35, Sameils ___ 24! iDon't farget the banquet' Paeden --- ------------ 31: Brine -.----- - ----- --- 20' this Satuîday night, 6.30' High Single- S. Bail 275, High Single- M. Hately ý p.m. at the Memorial Park:,D. Morris 256,214, B. Brown i 212,S.* Mitchell 199.- Club House. 244, 237, S. Burgca8 243, 200.1 IIgh Double - N. Gouldlt 373, M. Hj Bantam Girls Burns 5 - Bromneil 0, Goad- win 3 - Lewis 2, Majar 5 - Bradley a, Edmondson 5 - Sellers 0. Tcam Standing Burns ____58 Sellers - - . 33 Bromell' ____33 Goadwin 29 Major 29 Lewis 281 Bradley -----25 Edmandsan 23 High Single- N. Edmond- son 191, F. Burns 189, D. Sell- ers 179. High Double- N. Edmond- son 340, F. Burns 331, D. Sel- lers 319, J. Bromeli 310. Special Ntice- This Sat- urday there will be no teen-' age bowling. Bantam girlsi bowl at 10 a.m. and the Jun- ior boys and girls at 12:45. : d fandlyEakteygt. fed a r on Oke's. Mr. and Mis. Mura rs Catharines, were at Messrs. Donald and Edgar Prescott's. Mr. Percy Peters, Toronto;1 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Conlin, Osh-, 4 'awa; Mr. and Mis. Rae Cow- ling. Whitby, were with Mis. ___IR. Griffmn. Mr. and Mis. Wilfrid Bow-1 mnan, Miss Laura and Erie were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mis. George Bowers, Oshawa. Mr. Godfrey Bowman ac- companied Mr. Art Catton of Raglan to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robson Bowman, Barrie. Mrs. Richard Jones, Peter- boraugh, called on Mis. Wl!. frid Bowman last week. Mr. and Mis. Bradley Sinims and family, West Guildford; Mis. Percy Lloyd, Sharen, visited at Mr. Floyd Lloyd's. Mr. Frank Simms who has been convalescing at the Lloyd home has returned to West Guildford. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pies- cott and Marion visited thel Harris family at South Mona- ghan. Mi. and Mrs. Gordon Tay- lor and children visited at Mr. Keith Taylor's, Janetville, and Mr. Walter Bridgett's, Bowmanville, where Colleen remamned for some holidays. Mr. and Mis. George Baw- ers, Oshawa; Miss Marilyn should carry over Tamblyn, Orono, visited at i includes: Harry the Bowman home. ko, J. March, D. M. and Mis. Walter Brid- Howse(Coaces),gett, Bowmanville, visited at Ho Vse(Couceko.Mr. Gardon Tayloî's. ragar, M uk. The J. W. Bowman family visited at the home of Mis. ately 324, S. Mitch- I R. Best, Orano. ENFJELD Easter visitors and ethers Mi. and Mis. Bob Smith and family, Searborough; Mi. and: Mis. Les Johnson and child- ren, West Hill, were with Mis. T. Taylor and sans. Mi. and Mis. Allan Taylor and David weîe with thel Haitman familles, Enterprise.' Mi. and Mis. Keith Habden,J Gail and Beth. Kinsale; Mr- and Mis. Haiiy McKeawn, Arlene and Gary, Whitby; Miss ]Beverley Sutton, weîe at, Mi. Leslie Cochiane's. i Mr. and Mis. Heib Pies-' cott, Rodger and Erin weîe at Mi. David McLean's, Bhack- stock, alsa wîth Mi. and Mis. Jacob Kessler, Toronto.J At Mi. Lloyd Smith 's were: Miss Carol Barry, Toronto; Mr. Warren Egan, Whitby; Mi. and Mis. Jim Cooper and, fnrniiy, Mi. and Mis. Basi.l Coaper & family, West Guild- fard; Mis. Ted Leahy and fm: ilY, Scugog Island; Mis. Paul' Espie and family, Prince Ai. bert.1 lvii. and Mis. Joe Wijgeide' John &. MacAulay, Q.C., LL.D., of Winnipeg, Chafrmnan of the Board of Governors of the League of Red Cross So- cieties, is the first Canadian to hold this position. He was re- electedi for another term la st October. If You're TIRED 'Ou'y Now and then everyol gl -trdout" feeigad niay ho bothered by hackaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder disconilort. That'à the li.e tu take Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Dodd's belp ê stimulale tbe kidneys to relieve this condition which may ofien cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you fled QUARTS - 20c, 2 for 39e better, rest hetter, work better. Get SIX 12 oz. Bottles 46c Dodd's Kidney Pilla now. Look for the blue box with the red band aI ail drug Plus Deposit counters. You can depend on Dodd'à. eo WG 26-R ONTARIO On behaif of the Ontario Department of Health I cordially invite you to visit ONTARIO HOSPITAL, COBOURG It ls the belief of your Departrnent of Health that limnes, of any klnd is a conmunity affair - that every citizen bas a basic Interest, a basic desire, te under- stand and help. To help yon become fully aware of the professienai heip available to thec people of this province we welcome the oppertunlty te show yen aur facilities and how they are being used. My staff and 1 wlll be pieased te> receive yen eat the followlng Urnes and dates: TUESDAY, APRIL 30th 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY lst 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. 7:30 - 9:30 P.m. THURSDAY, MAY Znd MENTAL HFEALTH WEEK APRIL 28th - MAY 4th DR. M. 0. L. BARRIE, Superintendent Ontario Depariment of Health Hon. Matthew B. Dyinond, M.D., Minister ALL CITIZENS Boéwuanville and Darlington The Lions Club of Bowmanville is seriously con- sidering sponsorship of a new Public Swimming Pool ta be constructed in a central location in Bowmanville. The f irst step in such a project is to ascertain the need for a swimming pool in the town - in addition ta present f acilities. To gauge public reaction and support the Lions Club requests ail citizens, both in Bowmanville and Darlington, to f iii out the f ollowing brief questionnaire as quickly as possil3le. The completed f orms should be mailed to the Lions Club of Bowmanville, P.O. Box 303, handed to any Lions member or deposited in receptacles which will be placed in ail town banks. r- ---- -- - - - --- 7 ý i QUESTIONNAIREi 1. 1 feel that a centrally Iocated swimmning pool in Bowmanvillej 2is necessary and would be a great asseti 2. feel that a centrally located swimming pool in Bowmanvifle Is flot needed at the present timei 4 1~1 I i p1' 't' j 1

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