7~ieCanaian tat,--manEowmantelle, Apr?. M 1903 LOW i,..... .11 ME-E ..* -w-.-. ..~.. '...,..,.."............~.... ....~**, .'..............~.......,~,...........~.........**~.."-.. ALL PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 2Oth, 1963. I res Fruts ad Vege tables - Arriving DafilY I I MEXICAN, FIRM, RIPE, NO. 1 GRADE I 14-OZ CELLO TUBE M,Çm.FulIy Mttured, Sweet and Tasty, Salmon'Flesh, No, i Grade- Iuml'n "el CANfTAiLOUPE 'éch 3 5 Nu. 1 Grade, Solected and packed Under A&P Label, P.EI, POTATOES 15-lb poly bcig99 We have a complete line f ail Garlen'ng Supplies. . . PEAT MOSS, GRASS SEED, FERTILIZER, ROSE SUSHES, ETC., ETC. A&P QUALITY BAKERY PRODUCTS JANE PARKER RHUBARB PIE LARGE 24-OZ SIZI 9 Reg. Price each 59c - SAVE 1 Oc 609c, Whdle Wheat JANE PAFRKEI BREAD JANE PARKER SPANISH BAR CAKE JANE PARKER PEACH PIE Reg. Price Imaf 2IL-e. AVE. 7'. I24 -oz loaves 35 C Reg. Price eâcl, 39c-SAVE 109 euch 2.9 Rpg. Prieoq ,ach 65c-SAVE 10* Sixe ecch 55C Reg. Prîce pi'g 211C-SAVE 64 pkg of 1i22.3( Large 14-ou JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGARED OR CINNAMON CAKE DONUTS PEACHES3 CASE 0F 24 TINS $8.00 - SAVE 88c 110 Fancy Quality Whole Kernel Reg. Price 2 ins 3 3 - SAVE 16c A&P 00 Reg. Prie. 2 tins 6c-NAe . Hanley Ctciice Quale IONA PEAS 6 20.11oz slO0 FRUIT COCKTAIL CASE 0F 24 TINS $400 - SAVE 20e CASE OF 24 TINS $6.32 France American SPECIAL 1 MACARONI 2 cZoi 35< 3 20-fl-o7 fin& 79( -SAVE $1.12 Pu r ita n MEAT BALL STEW SPECIAL! burER-IGIT, PURE BAC BASCHNEIDERSVAC pAC BACK BA ON SWEET PICKLED O pkg 9 Choie. ualty 8kînlp Slsce Q ult BEE i VER bad47c BEEF KIDNEYS 133 Bur a lîîdSX Brand3 C OaleLE LA lb99 BOLOGNA SECTIONS ib35 M a p E NR L e af gA l lg o o d - S rn ok e cie S li c e d e R in d ie >s5 WEd nERS Zlbecg39c SIDE BACON llbPkq57c C AOe arid Brea C oo ed an d B readed SCALOP 1b9c SOLE PORTIONS 1659C ibd5rf * f o i A : A Crnation (Skim Milk Powder) INSTANT MIli Rotoi (nogular MARGARINE Dr. BaiIArrls CniAmpio, 3t FlavL,,r,*) DOG FOOD Pue-ex, Whijte or Colowred TOILET TISSUE' RoI, n Hond. Royal Deluxe îWhc., Cho: CAKE MIXES Vn Kirk CHOC. CHIPITS Sunniyfield Salted MIXED NUIS Sée 7080s PRUNES Reg. Prie* pkg 89c-SAVE 6c 31bpk 83 C PPOp@ r;rol4-1hs 95---SAVE 1%, 4 1flb km 8À5C Roc. Pi-ire 2 tims 2gr.--SAVE ýr 4 16.oz tins5 3C Reg. Prie@ pkg 27c-SAVE %. 2pkgs oflroIk 49C rclate, Spire or Bananai 2 i 0pkg 7 5 C 12 oz pkg #5 5C Roc. Prit@ Plýg 79c-SAVE 10f 1201z pkg 6 9 C Rp I,îj pkg 53ce-SAVE 4c. 2-16 rkg 49C White, Pink or YelIaw KLEENEX K raft Parka.y i c Off Dr.ali Motlier Pa krr TEA BAGS Mastet, Stew DOG MEAT Frozen Food AIl Purpose, Liquid Cleanier (10c Off Deal) 2Ikqe r,( 4059c LESTOIL 2 llbkg59c MIXED PICKLES In stant Cl occ, ate Orml k60 79c NESTLES QUIK 28 fi-mri PI 69c 16q-07 e 33C 2-lb tart'in 99 c Deep Browned in Tomato Sauce 2 14,1-0 ttf,ç 35c LIBBY'S BEANS 2 15-îtîtns 35c Cold CreareM oît ro Dry SI-n Features FACE CREAM PONDS Spuait a49c A&P Mit.ed Reg. Prie* hag 49c--SAVE 4r. W ei Bone Deluice î4c Off Deal, VEGETABLES 2-lb poly bagi45 c FRENCH DRESSING 8 0oz btl 2.9C York SPECIAL!1 RASPBERRIES 3 l5oz Pg .0 CHER DETERGENI kiang stze box 1.09 Se& Soold Haddock Reg. Prie.. pkg 63c-SAVE 4c' Cîarks Fancy Quality FISH STICKS 1607.pkg 59c TOMATO JUICE 3.80oriS 9 TUE STATESMAN SOLD BY THESE D)EALERS: W Reid, Bethany Johnson Drug Store, Newrafls T. Enwright, Newcastle Newcastle Taxi S.FBrown, Newtonville Porter's Store, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen .1, H. Slemon. Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone H. A. Baîron, Hampton TrulI's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribry, Burketon H. L. Martyn Store. Blackstnck Keith Bradley, Pontypool Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono Wrn. Turansky, Kendal Henderson Book Store, Oshawa Mike's Place, Oshawa }loîîse That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa 0 * * Bowmanville - Rirkabys Ltd. - "Big 201) Frank's Variety Store Jack's Smu1xe Shop Pe-arson's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Lovell Liberty Bowl Oke's Smoke Shop The Flying Dutchrnuft I[earl's Store C'rysta] Dairv T1he Statesman OtIùCe I CORN 70 CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.42 - SAVE 54e DflilDv jquAuuea !,Release Na mes for T B Survey Latest reports from Mr. Michael Wladyka, General Chairman of the Durham County Tuberculosis M a s s Surve, indicate that organi- zatioîî of the survey commit. tee is progressing raoDidly. In a statement issued this week, Mr. Wladvka announceci the anames of his Executive Committee as follows: Vire Chairman of Districts, Mr. Reid Budge. Port Hope; Vice Chairman of Public Relations, Ivc. John James, Bowmanville; Vice Chairman of Training. Mrs. W. A. Heberle. Port Hope; Vice Chairman of Labour. Mr. Walter Osborne, Port Hope; Vice Chairnian of Professiong, MINr, Austin Burch. Port Hope. Vice Chairman of Allied Ag- encies, Mrs. B. H. R. Mack, Port Hope; Medical Advisor, Dr. Charlotte Horner, M.O.H. The dulies of the commit- tee were outlined, and basic plans were laid for a thoroughl door-to-door canvass of all conirnunities in Durham Coun- t ' . Mr. Wladyka outlined the importance of the proposeci sur-vey, and added: "In order to make the survey success- fui, Ihie active co-operation of i1he local citizens is essential. We are calling on you to pro- vide the mieans of our reach.- ing the public and educatinz thero as to the importance of a large-scale luberculosis case- finding programi. You arr now con fronted \vith ani uniqLle and stimulating oppo- tunity to bring the time clos- er when tuberculosis wJ (eae to be a public health The tuberculosi.i testing and x-rav% survev wi Il begin on June Il th. AIl persons will hm eligible for testing, and it ix hoped that the residents ilf Durhamn wil! al]take advan - tage of this necessary and 1worthwhiJe endea ou ir Conference to Be HeId by UCW "ý7he Christan Woman and thie World" is the theme of a Regional Conference for Unit- ed Chu.rcli Women of the Mon- treal - Ottawa- Quinte Con- ferences. to be hield at the Mo0unt Aireyv Motel. Tvy 'Lea, Ontario, ori Septemnber 20, 21 and 22. Plans were completedi this week at a meeting chair. ed ,iointly by Mrs. W. A. Wea- ,Iherhead of Sharboi Lake, president of the Bay of Quinte Conference United Church Women, and Mrs. E. L. Shenk%- weler of Mon treal, presîdent of Montreal-Ottawa Confer- enre United Church Women. and held at Wall Street Uni"- ed Church, Broekvilte, Ont. -What 15 this World il wvhicib the Christian Fi.nds in three sessions by Miss Li!- ace Barnes of Lake Forest V. linois, immediate past presi. dent of the World Y.W.C.A.. fand also imniediate past pre- sident of the Y.W.C.A. of U.S.A., who has had wide ex- perience in many countries. What the Bible saym to iu- ae; t what is a Christian, will be studied in three sessions led by' vMrs. Bryant Kirkland of New York City. who is the %vite of the minister of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church of Nevv York City, and whin lias hart wide experience in Bible studv teaching and in ieading large groups. 1Accommodation is limited hto 175 members, and 12 dis- cussion groups will be formed foi' further studx' of thenie questions. Mrs. J. D. Macln- tosii or Kingston is in charge of the discussion groups, and the leaders will be the 12 Presbyterial presidents of the two Cneene.Mrs. B.TH A &P Food Store locoteo' ut 185 m187 KING at LIBERTY Bgo wmonf ville 0 LOTS 0f FREE PA4RKING BEEF SA&LE! BONELESS ROUND STEAK or ROAST, MINCED ROUND STEAK, l IBONELESS RUMP oro POINT SIRLOIN ROAST i 1 'l 1