TE CANADIAN STATECSMAS, DOWMANVIL, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN, #SDNESDAY,_JUNEM gô~i8 l ewcas t/e I Soca/ anc1 £PersonalI Mr. and Mis. Bruce Whit-, and Mus. Eric Found tramn ney have îeturned home fol- i Little Britain. owing a two weeks visit with1 Sunday visitais with Mr. their daughter and son-in-law, !and Mrs. D. M. Bernard were Mr. and Mis. Ray NesbittIMi. and Mis. Adam Cassie of and family in Fort McLeod,lErampton and Mr. and Mis. Alberta. Mr. and Mis. Whit- Ivan Mattbews and famiiy of riey made the îeturn trip by Trenton. air.1 Weekend visitors with Mr. Mr. and Mis. Gardon Ag-land Mrs. John Voutt weîe new, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Kathleen Byam of Con- Mrs. Harold Mosley of Port cord, Mr. Leslie Kinnell of 1-lope spent Sunday afteînoon Lindsay, Mrs. John Stemp travellixng around Durham and Mr. and Mis. Sidney County and visiting with Mý,r. Voutt of Uxbîidge. end Mis. W. B. Agnew and Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- lai -iiiy in Millbrook. ton have moved into their Mis. Henry Bowen and new home in Waltona Park. Dariene spent Sunday with Miss Lois Martin of Toronto Mr. and Mis. Carl Todd nnd spent the weekend visiting fimily at Staîkviiie and vis- with Mr. andw Mis. H. B. Kel- Ited with their cousins Mr. sey and family. Expect Waterworks WiII Be Operating In Very Near Future Newcastle - Accoîding to remains constant. When fiiling Reeve Douglas Cunningham the tank 73,000 gallons of the Newcastle Municipal Wa- water had been pumped In one terworks System should ha put into operation during the day with veîy littie drap in ncxt week. Mr. Cunninghamn the level of the weli. When said the wateî tank has been not pumping the water level chlorinated, emptied and re- is about 6 feet below ground fiiled and samples of the level and when pumping the water weîe taken by sanitaîy level drops in a short time, engineers of the Ontario Wa- another 12 feet and has neyer ter Resources Commission for 4ropped below that level in enalysis on Tuesday. Me said ail the pumping that bas been the resuits of the test should done. be known an Thuîsday of FFn- Residents wishing ta haok day and, if favorable, the up to the new system are re- systemn will be ueady for use. quested ta contact Mr. H. S. Mr. Cunningham said tests Britton, manager of the Pub- taken of the water in the well lic Utilities Commision, eltheî had always been favourable personally or through their and there was every reason ta plumber, for a meter and have believe that the final samples their system connected up taken from the systema should and the Utilities Commission be f&vourable. He said the will turn on the water wheii 1Volume of water in the well it is completed and inspected. V.NEWCASTLE RECREATION COMMITTEE RED CROSS Swimming Class REGISTRATION: MON., JUNE lZth1 7:00 p.m. sharp Newcastle Communily Hall FEE: $2.00 for one child of a family $1.00 for each additional child ini saine family. NOTICE: Children MUST be 7 years of age by June lst, 1961 NEWCASTLE PROGRESSIVE-CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Lions Room of Newcastle Communif y Hall MONDAY, JUNE 12 at 8:15 p.m. Report tram Queen's Park: ALEX CARRUTHERS, N.P.P. Report frein Parliament Hi!!: DR. R. P. VIVIAN, N.P. REFRESHMENTS EVERYONE WELCOME 'Elect Carl G. Gould Lions Club President Carl G. Gould Newcastle- Carl G. Gould was eiected 1961-62 president of the local Lions Club at the regular dinner meeting held ln the community hall on Tbuîsday evening. In the ab- sence af the retiring presi- dent, Lion Harry Jase, the meeting was conducted by lst vice president Lion Frank Hoar. Chairman ai the carnival conimittee, Lion John Rickard reparted plans were under- way for a Square Dance Corn- ptia t be held in con- jucinwith the annual car- nival an July l4th. Members appointed ta take charge ai the variaus baoths at the car- nival ta be held in the com- munity park were annaunced. A complete and detailed re- part af the recent District Convention In Kingston was given by Lion Brentan Rick- aid, Governor-elect ai Dis- trict A-3, who said the parade an Sunday was one af the largest and best oîganlzed parades he had seen. In speak- îng ai the annual Memorial Service, Lion Brenton said the names af two former mem- bers ai the Newcastle Club were read from thc memorial rall, the late Howard Toms and Dr. John Butler. Pollowing the fine repart thîce cheers werc given the newly clected Govrnar by the members ai his home club. As an outcome ai the con- vention repart there was con- siderable discussion regard- ing thc Bowmanviile Legion Pipe Band, judgcd the best in the parade and the plans oi the Bowmanville Club ta send them ta the International Con- vention in Atlantic City, a trip which bas been estimated ta cost $3500. As the local club bad $30 îemaining ai their convention fund, the membeis decided ta contribute this ta staît a fund in Zone 10 sauth ta assist the Bow- manville Club. Zone 10 south includes 12 clubs within a 50 mile radius ai Bowmanville. The deliciaus turkey dinnen seîved by the Evening Branch af St. George's W.A. and the enteîtainmcnt for this meet- ing weie supplied by the las- ing gîoups in the recent gîoup contest for fund îaising pro- jects. Officers ai the club electcd for the year beginning July lst were as folbows: Past President Haniy Jase, Presi- dent Carl Gould, lst vice Pie- sident Frank Hoar, 2nd vice President Harold Gibson, 3rd vice President Fred Couch, Secîetary Chas. Megit, Treas-i urer Harold Falk, Lion Tam- ci Gerry Duvaîl, Tail Twister Gary Hancock and Directors1 Rod Carveth, Murray Pater- son, Phil Williams and John Koropatwa.P Gordon Agnew, Edifor Phonoe 3621 Window Commemorates Former Counties Clerk Native of Newcastle Newcastle-A stained glass Ceik ln 1891, a position he the higbest hanaurs. Later windaw was unveiled on Sun- held until bis death ia 1928. that ycar he was invested with day moîning in St. Andrew's Duîing bis liietime Coi. Mac- the CVO by the Duke ai Con- Piesbyteiian Chuîcb in Ca- Nachtan bad a distinguished augbt. The years 1914 ta 1918 bourg, in memoîy ai Col. Neil militaîy cancer, baving jaîned saw Coi. MacNacbtan partic- Ferguson MacNachtan wha was the Cobourg Garnison Artillery uharly active as a îecnuiting bain in Newcastle before the in 1868 and becoming its com- aificer. Incorporation of the village, mander la 1894. A promotion In addition ta his rnilitary The window, presented and un- in 1894 placed him in command career be found time ta take veilcd by bis daugbtcr Mis, ai the Medium Field Battery part ln humanitarian endeav- Norah Miliar, commemarates and in 1911 witb the rank of ours, haviag served an the Mr. MacNactan's great service Col. be went ta England as Cabourg High School Board,ý ta childien. The wboie emnpb- officen commanding a Canad- treasurer ai the baspital, andi asis an the window is Christ's Ian Artiilery team whicb won an eider la bis chuncb._ !tcstimony ta childien. 1_ Col. MacNacbtan was anc af faoun childien ai a Scotsmnan, E. A. MacNachtan wvha enter- ed the service of the United Counties Council service as Counties Ceik in 1836. Col. MacNacbtan in bis early years worked In bis father's prlntlng establishment and later In a hardware store before succecd- Ing bis father as Counties KENDAL Mrs. Chas. Thoxnpson, Mis. Mabel Smlith and Mis. G. Cathcart vlsited in Cobourg Thursday. Mis. Thompson stayed with Mis. Buiwash for a holiday and Miss MeBride came ta Kendal. Milton Robinson bas not been quite se well and was taken to Memorial Hospital Friday evening. We hope he will soon be feeling better again. Edna remains about the same In the rest home. The hydro crew encounteîed quite a job Friday when they iemnoved tbe two big locust trees fiom in front of Gordon Lan.gstaff's bouma In spite of the bigh wiind whlch was hlowing. Sympathy la extended te Mi. and Mis. Jack Neal an the accidentai death af bis grand.1 f ather, Mri. Albert Pallard of1 Orono. Tbe funeral service was held at the Lang Chapel in Orono cemetery. Mis. G. Catheart, Miss Me- Bride, Murs. Smith, Mis. H. Foster, Mrs. Stoker and Mis. W. Mercer attended and assist- ed at the bazaar held in New- tonville Friday afternoon to raise money for the Pauson- ge iund. Over $50.00 was realized. Mus. Russel Rusk, Toronto, spent a few days asat week wlth Mus. George Mercer. Mis. Mary Luxon spent Thursday In Port Hope. The Rev. R. C. White hem been in communication with the Robt. MlcCausland Co. re- garding the aider ai a windowJ iii memory of Mu. Elliott. If others are aise wisbîng ta put in windows thc Co. considersý it niost satisiactory ta aider them tagether through th e church se they can be arrang-ý ed te best advantage. The d- signs, pnices, etc. have beený leit wlth Min. H. Poster. Harvey Mclnnes and soný Randy of Spenceinville spent, Thuisday night wlth Roy! Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zeahandi and faily werc Sunday guests wlth Mis. Mary Luxon. Mr. and Mis. Stan Gray eailed ini tic evennig.1 Mr. and Mus. Ray Hughesý and Gloria vlsited Mi. and; Mus. John Thonipson, Sunday.i Miss Jane Thompson, Tar-1 ante, visited Kendal Sunday.1 The Peeweeu had gamesi Tuemday and Wedn esd ay. Tucsday Whltby played here, and Wedncsday Kandal lads went ta Cobqurg. The lads dkl net do so b.dly consider- lng they are .new at thc gae and their coach, Roy Poster, la confined ta Port Hope Hos- pital. There aie a lot of yeun'g lads eager ta leain the! game mc Jack Neal and Marv. Lunn axre taking over for Roy Foster. There was qulte e game here Saturdity afternaon between Kendal and Port Hope Mid- gets. It lookcd prctty blac for Kandid when Port Hope, J-i success of the recent ae of duction îervice of the new home bakLng. midter, the date tobe con- Mis. Douglas Smelt read theifirined later. minutes of previeus meeting Mrs. H. Ç. Rose pronounced and correspondence, aise re- the cljasing prayers, a f t e r porting for the Junior Auxili- which a social hour was en-. auy and telling of their suc- joyed with Mis. E. Smith and cessful sale of ciait woîk. Mis. D. Snielt assisting the Due ta the illness of Mis. hostesses ta serve lunch. Noel Wood, a patient in Pet- There will be ne meetings erborough Civic Hospital, Mis. during July and August. Emory Smith was appointed te assist with the work oi the Teatal rbbei Junior Auxiliary, along with aTethe apalyprntblyims Miss Robeita Scott, until Mis. sibetLe apStenl mp Wood is able te return. sbeLoSen A welcome was extended ta Few things are Impossible Mis. H. C. Rose, wife of the ta diligence and skill.-.Sam- new Rector of the Manvers uel Johnsan. Anglican parish, who has just Impossible Is a word only arrived fuom Halifax, N.S. ta be found in the dictionary Plans were made for the In- of fools.-Naïioleon. 1 1 COF Degree Team Visits Peterborough On Manday, June 5th, the Degice Team of the Canad- ian Order af Foresters No. 964 travelled ta Peterborough wheîe tbey performed the in- ltiatoîy degîce for the Peter- borough Lodge. Members of the Degie Team who made the jauîney was conducted by Rev. R. Prout, C. R. Bra. M. Steph- ens, P.C.R. Bra. M. Beckstead, V.C.IR. Bro. F. Thompson, Chaplain Bras. C . Bell, Wood- wards Bro. R. Jones and Bro. R. Simpson, S. Beadie, Bra. M. Mavin, Guards Bro. T. Clarke and Bra. C. Cryderman. Girls Field Juvenile Teamn Newcastle-A large group of girls have been woiking out for weeks naw in the cam- munity park trying for a place on the Newcastle entry in the Lakeshare Juvenile Girls Soit- ball League. Bert Kelsey is the manager and coach of the team which Is scheduled ta play Its firat home game in the park on Monday, June 19, when they will be meeting the Port Hope entry. This team will be doing its own financing, flot caming under recreatian cammittee financing and wiil be looking forward ta, goad crowds of fans at its home games ta care for the expenses of travel and equipment for the team. Soit- bail fans are uîged ta get out and support the juvenile girls team an June l9th and ta assist with transportation w he n passible for out ai town games. Ex-Newcastle Couple Wed Sixty Years Mi. and Mis. Alexander W. McLeod, 114 Farnham Ave., Toronta, formeîiy of New- castle, celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary June 6, five days aiter Mr. McLeod's 88th birthday. A tea ln their banor was given by their daughters, Miss Audrey Mc- Leod and Miss Doîothy McLeod of Edmonton, Alta., at the 'Uni- versity Wamen's Club. Special guests were the bridesmaid of 60 years aga, Mis. Ernest Legge ai Oshawa, who is Mis. McLead's sister, and her niece, Mrs. Wellington Brunt ai Newcastle wha was the flaweî- girl at the ceremaony. Mis. McLeod, who was Miss Lily Robina Heard, was 84 ln February. The couple were married at ber home ln New- castle in 1901. Mi. McLeod was employed by the govein- ment in the Department of Gamne and Fisheries, and the famiiy llved ln Belleville for five years bei are maving ta Toranto in 1920. Mi. McLeod retired in 1950 at the age of 77. Mi. MeLeod is a past presi- dent of the Durham Caunty Club of Toronta. The Statesman joins wltb their many old fîlends in Durham County in extending cordial congratulations on their Diamond Wedding anniversary. got 8 runs in the first innings. hospItal for several weeks, re- Thie Kendal lads were 'off' but turned ho>me on Thursday. they settled down the rest of M.and Mm Robelrt Gil- the game and got four runs o MlnsetSda in the at innings to et wmour, M.atn, r. sp unayr Port Hope 13-12. WithWMitedaMrs. R of Cr. The publie chol upsannbitHaroduWhte, of Mi. are busy these days practising bad h is. HrdWirte, cele- for Field Day on Friday. Mc- abîatonher sxt brtday wieth Lean's school woni the bail aprt nWeneay.ue Smth, gaine froin Starkville Friday Joye Ricwhe arn erSmih afternoon at Kendal park. PerGoi Richardson, eroic LMr. and Mrs. John Bird and ty Ann Morton, Debbie Marti- Dougie spent Friday with Mr. chenko, Nancy Morton, Phyl- and Mis. Percy Burley. Mrs. lis Youngman, Beverlee White Vannatto and Cecil were Sun- and Dawn White. day guests. Miss Lily Thompson, who Holidaying with Mr. and bas spent the past two weeks Mrs. Eari Burley are Mr. and with ber brother and sister- Mrs. Grady Cox and three in-law, Mr. and Mus. Walter daughters from Oxford, N.C. Thompson in Peterborough, Roy Foster was still in Port returned home on Thursday. Hope Hospital Monday and 15 Carl Smith is a patient in flot expected to be allowed Civic Hospital, Peterborough. home this week. His many friends are wishing Mr'. and Mrs. Vance Allun hlm a speedy retuin to health. vlslted Mis. Wmn. Mercer oni Mis. Orboe Wright and her Sunday evenlng. sons Glenn and Bruce spent Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Geach the weekend at their summer and faznily visited Mr'. and cottage near Burnt River. Mis. D. Suteh Tuesday even- Many friends from here at- ing. tended the celebration of the With Mis. Neva Little Sun- sixtieth wedding anniversary day were Mi. and Mrs. Ayl- of Mr. and Mrs. Sandfield ward Little and family, Mark- Stapies in Cavan on Monday.1 ham. Mrs. Noel Wood is a patient The housewlves in the vil- in Civic Hospital, Peterbor- la-ge are wondering when the ough, undergoing major sur- surface is going to be put on gery last week. Her many the stieet. Not much use try- friends are wvishing her a ing to houseclean with the speedy recovery. clouds of dust that follow the M i ndMs. Donald Lowes passing of the cars--especiafly celebrated their fortieth wed- the speeders. ding anniversary on Friday. The members of the Wo- man's Auxiliary of St. Paui's BETHANYAnglican Church were enter- tained aýt the home of Mis. F. The Rev. H. C. Rose, Mrs. W. Reynolds and Mis. Charles Rose and their two children Reyniolds for their meeting on have arrived here from, Hal- Thursday night, with Mrs. Ina fax, N.S. Mr. Rose is the new Palmer presiding and leading 1rector for St. Paul's Anglican the devotional period. The1 Church. An induction service scripture lesson was read by Lwill be held at an early date. Miss Mildred Sisson. Mis. Winnifred Fitzgerald, Mis. Emory Smith gave the who has been ini Peterborough financial report, stating the, 1 Pkg. of 8 'LEAF WIENER.S} ALL5 i k.of 8 1 ROLLS FOR JC No Waste - Meaty l. 9 PORE TENDERLOIN -I.9 Economical and Nutritions - Slced PGRK LIVER . m . lb45cl - - ----- ---- - --- No. 1 GRADE CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRIES 2 PINT 4 BOXES49 Julcy - Thin-Skinned Valencias - Size 138's SUNKIST ORANGES doz.49C No. 1 Grade - Garden Fresh - Original Bunches DUNCHf CARRIOTS .2for29c* Ifor 39c Recelve Free $6.00 ln Bonus Tapes wlth FutPunch - Grape or Orange EXTRA 191-CDRINES 3 8z.Tn ATOTAL 0F ]Black Flag Bomh Houle IlGarden ' s* ize $3 00 INSTANT CN 3-1b. Box zoo Purx Tisse IWhlte -YellOw - Pink Aqua - 2 Twln Packs '32 Recelve Free $2,00 ln Bonus Tapem wlth Goad Luck IN MARGARINE8SeO0f11b. Pg Hfoneày DOW Drinlk Fozenl ]BONUS TableRite Vacuum Bealed26-z Tn TAES Sliced Cooked Ham 6-o: P.E.I. PolatseS Caada o1 Grade SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanville IGAMarket DG WNAN VILLE *ONTARIO Toms' GAMarket NEWCASTEI onTAitio r! j j ONE MREASM 'TFU'W' ýS Mo MMM ot THMIS NO FOOL LIKE AU Ot FOOL., BEGAME 14EIS RAD LSO MUCH PRACTICE..l 'M Crisp and Tender - Size 24's CELERY-- r 7 USED CARS "60 Exivoy Sedan 9.000 Milem $1545 X. BODY SHOP 9A.M. - 6 P.M. QUEEN'S ROYAL STANDARD PEACHES Sliced - 15-oz. Tins 3 FOR 49c GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE SALMON %'s Tin Si1c IA SWEET RELISH 16-oz. Jar 25C IGA ORANGE PEKOE Tea -Bags - - Pkg. of 60 - 49c FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT Turkey » Chicken - Beef T.V. Dinners il-oz. Pkg. Ï59c _1: 17' Tornado Fibreglass Boat 60 h.p. Gale Kotor & Trailer Speclal - Reg. $2600 for $2425 with $240 down ., 1