Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 3

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THURSDY, flC ~th 126§ HE CAADIANSTATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIt> PG HE &MIT - DeVRIES !De Vres of Oshawa, and her brother-in-law. '%,r. P. Ver- ]Baskets of white and pink meulenl, Scugog Street. #mums farmed a lovely back- The reception wsheId at graund in the Rehoboth Chris- the Lions~ Comrnunùty Ce ntre. tian Reformed Church, B3ow- Bownian ville, wh er e the rinanville, on Friday, _Novem- g uests were received by the ber 18, 1960, at 7:30 p.m. Lbride's mather. For the oc- *hen Patricia, daughti-r of ca.-ion she chos~e light blue Mr. and Mrs. John De Vries 1 lace with beige hat and acces- Of Whitby, and Mr. Klaas sories, and corsage of white Smit were united in marriage. carnations. M.r. Smit is the son of Mr. I Fol]owing the receptian t'le G. Kap of Trenton and the'llbppy coup'e leit for their lat Mr. Kp.homne. R.R. 1, Codrington. Rev. G. C. Verbrugge was They plan ta visit the bride's the officiating clergyman and'ý brother in the United States the arganist was Mr. Henri 'next summer. Van er Kol.The bride attended Black- Given in marriage by her, stock Public and Hligb School brother, Mr. William De Vries, 1anîd for the past three years the bride wore a floor-length 'has been with Dr. and Mrs. bouffant sk'irted white gowýn Keith Siemon. The groom at- w!ith tiers af lace and net ruf- tended schoal in Hoiland and fies forming back interest, is employed as a carpenter in and accented by a front lace 'Trenton. panel. The lace bodicewa sequin trimmed. Ber fingeýr- tip 'veil feil fromi a pearl and! SUTCH - G E &*C H sequin heacipiece and she car-!St oehsRmnCh- ried a bouquet of white chrv- lie Joseh's omaniCa wth- santhmumsand ern.four vases af white 'mums an' The bride's sist,,r,' Miss Bet-i the altar and guest pews mar- ty De Vries, as maid af honor ked with white rosettes, was 'Was her anly attendant in the set4 ing on Saturday, Oc- prineers sty'lerJ Ireet-1ingtli,-e 9 90 t1:0am sky blue velvef fasl1ioied toor2.19,at0:0am with a self flat bcw aý t c when Rex'. F. K. M\,alane uni- front waistline. The short- eli araeKtle *eevd bdic feturd aFrFnces, daugbter ai Mr. and iscoop ne2cklin e eiding in a al Mr. a]phM. GDah id Ken- bu.ck. She wore a veiied mat- Sutaih.anheMrooDavidAndeeson .f--thng velvet bat trimmed Sth h ro stesr with seqins nd arrid iof Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sutch ..hite mui s xih pink 1 iPnyol 'mums. The wedding music was The grooms biother. Mr.! played by Miss Rosemary Sikke Srnit of Trenton, was 'Morrili and the soloist was best man and the ushers wereý Mrs. G. Prins afi M\aple Grave. the bride*s hrüther. -Mr. Jack ViTe bride, given ia marriage Fairi Food 1 WE PECIATI7P lIN: _M1r. and Mrs. Klaas Smit are shown signing the register foliowing their marriage in Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville, on Friday, November 18, 1960, at 7:30 p.m. The bride is the former Patricia De Vries, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John De Vries of Whitby. The groom is the son of Mr. G. Kap, Trenton, and the late Mrs. Kap.-PoobH.Bnea Setting Was St. Joseph's way Mlarket IFANCY FRUIT BASKETS al-,O are agents for JACKMAN'S FLOWERS I Phone MA 3-5674 44 King St. E. Bownanvillt [le ..~. v~ When in Oshawa mie ai C;Oïi cilw NJOY WELL %W COOKED iMEALS IN THE RELAXED ATMOSPHERE 0F IQUIET, PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. We also Caler Io: Banquets - Weddings PHONE lRA 5-9111 1626 SI11COE ST. N. No big sum to"Soc *- K -, for Christmc- LAYAWAY YO L CHRISTMIAS GIFT.< MARR JEWELLEI 43 1ting St. lW. P arties j Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. David Andrew1ý Sutch who were married in St. Joseph's Romani Catholie Church. Bowmanville, on Saturday, Octoberl 29, 1960, at 10.30 a.m. Thebe is the fre Kath-l OSHAMA leen Frances Geach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RalphI 1, E. Geach of Kendal. The groom is the son of Mr. and l'Ars. Aiidrevv Sutcýh of Pontypool. -Photo by Robert Aldsworth bk-Aber father, wore a floor-; ards, Jim Fait and David lace ernbroidered with irid- Damn was ring hearer. * escent sequins and pearîs de-i h eeto was held Ipednd xie.1ýnl-hasan Sittdtor: te ,Ukraoian Hall, Oshawa. opod fuil neanoi itte lor- The briole's mother wore a w an f l lngtn slevesfui skirted powder blue silk, ~ a ,inte, i over Qhe hands. The taffeta dress with beaded I i Rpliin izce fro i panel.was ac- jboclice accented by a bow, eÇ pteaied tulle and lace. A svhite accessories and corsageI oc~h trin ermaatd teof deep pink carnations. The NOW . lc acui paniel. i-hr grooms rns otlcr assisted and nreeuerd vel > ~shp chose- a pink lace sheath veilof fLr1Yembroidered with pearis and SN LY French* illusionx was held by sequins, blue hat and gloves, a queen s crawn i fglittering andcorsage af white crn- aurora boreal1s crystals and,~dcaa he crrîerI a cascade ai deep iOfS tci -kIro, e,, and white 'mumris. As the newlyweds leit, on R Mrs. \'rchica Opsitnik 0 otor ta oFlorida the bri- !?,ity-pùol was matron ai bon- sheath accented by a light oir aiil the bridesmaids wereraestnbivhe I Mss Jaiiet Streefkerk, Lyne- pîadlîbe ad osaeof cicck, Miss Sue Faster, Kenha adgov1an a sag a i <u, INSs~ Peï,,-yý Sutclifie, Les-I white carnations. The groom's '=~d, maidth e brides'itl lfa n aurara barealis neekiace and matching ear-i 'Miss IlLne Geacl i o KendJal. rings were also worn by the 1,o -- ise f n bie bride. They will reside at ESERVES A litt!e àMiss Bo'.nie Ceach. wvas'RR ,Pnyol 1 1cenj~alv The bride is a teacher and Tc iedac a] d ,reattenided Orono and Bawman- lidntiall de1gnd gown ofville Higli Schools. The groom' 1 %ith b". leetlîeart necklines i oac amr LO V A 'and flared skiris. Back inter- Out-af-tawn guests were, est xx as creatied by shoulder prescrnt from Welland, Brant-, -~capelets aecentedi by centred ford, Port Hope, Lindsay,) ki matching bows. Their shoes Lloydmninster, Alberta, Para-, Cet the and eflox'es were ai matching dise Hill, Sask., Oakville, ettecolour. White scalloped cara-ý Sherkston, Crystal Beach, jump nets held back veils ta match Part Caîbour n e, Norwich, Jupon their dresses. The matron of ' Delhi and Kitchener. hionor w as in turquoise and Several parties were held Christmas. carried a nasegay of pînk and in honor ai the bride priar ta white (carrations and the bri- her marriage. A showver was reserve aur de.sm idés were in shrimp car- helJ by the wamnen ai Kendal jr,"ng noe,ays off pale yellow, United Church and Mrs. Hellen BULOVA nw and white carnations. The, Maînar was hostess for a small ilovwer girl was in tur- shower in Brantford. i quolse and c-irried a basket Friends and relatives in the iiS 'af pink and wvhite carnations.. Ponlypool area held a shower The senior attendants wore at Mr. Jake Van Dam's resi- sthe bride's gii t, matching, dence and former schaol aurora -borealis necklaces and friends held a shawer at the ecrrn:s.home ai Miss Jane Knox, RY j Mr. Andy Sutch, the gro- Orono. The bridesmaids were I !ors' brother, was best man hastesses for a shower at the Bowmanville'and the ushers were Messrs.' home ai Mrs. Veronica p Peter 4Igüler. Morley Ilich- 5lqtaik, Pontypool. Shown cutting their wedding cake are Mr. and Mrs. Edward John Blake who were married in Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, Ocýtoberý 15, 1960. The bride is the former Margaret Emma Lapham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lapham afý Camel Chute, Ont., formerly of Bowmanville. Thel groom is a niephew of MVr. and Mrs. Norman Pinch, Ma pie Grove. i n RO N'Sentertained their husbands a Wilson. Five tables ai euchre Cuiprits broke into aur were played. The high ladies' schaol again last week, but score was held by Mrs. R. luckîly were apprehended by Simpson and the high men's the police. We hope this will score by Mr. W. Cali. Low be a lesson ta them before it prizes went ta Mrs. J. Curson is too late. Sr. and Mr. Stan Couch. Sorry ta repart a case aof Each persan then chose their whapin coghin he chol wn partner for one game Whith cohi the utat rcutiar nly, and in this Mm. and Mrs. ant the patof theparentsio J. Curson Sr. were successial on te pat o theparetsin securing the highest score perhaps this can be contmolled and Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson without iurther spreading. Jr. the lowest score. Lunch On Saturday evening, Nov- was semved. ember 19, Brown's Busy Bees A delightful - little compost- 7 Kii Married in Rehoboth Churchl Recently Wed in Os Since the war. with greater and greater emphasis on land- scaping ai homes and new factory locations the growing and shipment ai nursery stock bas became big business. Fig- ures for 1958 show 495,321 ornamental trees shipped, ai which 381,068 were domestic and 114,253 imported. FIRTH BROS. 5 QATTYMEAS 47 KING ST. E MA 3-5081 Order Now! CHRISTMAS Turkeys - Gee- Ducks Chickens and Hams ECONOMY CORNER! LEAN, BONELESS STE WING lb. 5 9C BEEF 0 0 w COD lb. 5 PRE- CHRIS TMA S uurniiu urama woricsiop irays BOWMANVILLE - DEC. 9- ORONO - DEC. 10 84 KNe ç W.MA. 3-ejA' Steak Sale! RtED AND BLUE BRAND BEEF ONLY Boneless Round aund Rocust - AND - Bone Un Rump Roast IL.79 WE CHEERFULLY ACCEPT PHONE ORDERS have we known a season that off ered so many extraordinary WOOL DRESSES How hard it would be to choose but one win- ner f rom such an array of appealing s t yle s, colors and f abrics: " SHIRT DRESSES " CO.AT DRESSES No Exchanges or Refunds 9s L, Bowmanville IULMSDAY, DEC 8+h, 1961 1 gt-. à gtion was rte eelyb one af aur local young liter -_________________________ sa a ary genii, which is really too H VE I s I TH S O E good flot to be shared with others. He entitled it: «'Littie GeronhZ 390 "l'il teach you to kiss my Mom and I went to the, daugliter," sald the irate fath- store to get some meat. er coming upon lits offsprlng IWhile she was getting the and lier young beau tussling meat, I was playing cars and on the family sofa. trucks with the shopping 'carts. I rammed in ta the cans "I wish you would, sir," said of peas and inta the soup and the young man. "I've been ' the jam. I hit the grocer with aieengadfrkl my arrow. tYn ohr. The grocer was very mad. Im etig Hie ran after me ànd caught me and put me in a paper If you've had the feeling that bag. The other bag was the ýyou've been getting nowhere jmeat. lately with your present dry * 1 Mother paid for the meat 1 cleaning service . . . then I'd and the damages. The grocer like ta suggest yau give us a set the meat in the front seat try. With aur years af ex- and threw me in the back perience wve knowv every trick seat. And Mom took me home of the trade to assure you of and put me ta bed and I stay- the most gratifying resuits on ed there tili morning. every dry cleaning job we do Editar's Note: Fie must have for you. Let us prove thisCalLsi ibeen watching "en. h on Menace" on TV. THE CANADIAN PAGE T -il RE

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