Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 16

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* -**-*-- **~-~*- ~*-- -* *-.--.---*~*---.--~-.. - * PAGESIXTEEN TEECANADIAN $TATFOSDLW,. -OWMANVILLX, 6ONTARIO) hdro omrvlec'A littie more reliance fi rnig ay ompâins urOjý MIllo0 ~ o On the God who rules above, D o ô i o i rthe winter,; Mr. -Hoskin* ex-t f A littie mr fgvn plained that the-situation WO teinns ehaetIgv the toWnn is ditferent frorn thatRlo i D i'cr m în a t eo nWud ak this world ah& M .lev FI4 4 A sks 0 à 'fica'fl o in àrligtoi Tonghi. 13w-'better place o t u A sk C l rif caton ToinAip.ow dito's. Note: The following. and we meet Christiana tram, would Ilke te live. lieli born For y'ou anld me to live Lr r DEog CnrlB3'-Law, but b' prize-w'inniing address was giv7.; other lands; when the radi1o,: without pi'ejudîce, Ths h a A little less of prejudice A I ~?f T'iv . D og ~y i..aw ' utionc ide flot fl en-, en ecentî3' at the;Durham the TV srenadthe movies ura egrw Sm a-A little est;f:: hate. ead tI 1Deme.Jiipý,FbtarClbof Toronto b Miss Jl bring u ls o h ae llesa eg tA ltl eso ridicule Geiera acouns aouningsecndebyCoucilor mit, ad Mrch Fo hi, -,,6rAs meq. daughter of Mr. andtwisted emotions found ln so ents do gro-at harm in refer- About aur good and great, th eral.979 passedt amu ttiseferred lrSthe anhe cdFsril! . Ralph Aines of Bowman-. many parts of our world, wvei rh in thah f Adlffrrc'nt A ltte less of vanity r l b a c îi l l ta er wsth.,wro ville. Miss Ames wvas the win- begin to realize wliat a big I'ftcO Or creerd Jn a itriirntal! A littie les of show C 'Idsra omsin lto, el0 ifl rivd.( ner at the Durham County thin.g discrimidnation has be-' wiY. A little less of telling tshmeingCofnc i elgtn A. J. Hoskin, the Dog Con- twM.1o ni.Publie Speaking finals in Or- corne in aur generation. Soine-1 We theuaijs>tùi<irAlthscnathtekow Effect of unity amngr-Coty Nrhmerad i IlmTon s t Tuni-hu d atr rlOfficer, appeared before Reeve 'Gnrnet Rivkard st11- o1o. For her achievement, times it*spilis right over aur Jet um rew>îýtjs îhut tIi wilî A litte Ics of wickedness wers of flue-cured tobcoi(ovaea fDra~ floon Rad accauns.ai $19,-: coul adakd htlegested that a% Dog L'Ûitro is se*rceieda beautiful trophy wn*boeders. neyer hlpJ p<. i, li îtînîi Durham and NorthuibradSihsi.Tecs l796.0wr loap oe.A.cauld tell.people who complain; dealt with hy the' townshiîp's presented by the-Durham Club.! *****Youlig peufflric iiiy wjinr thîrir, Would make this world a is beginning ta show, tne e cei 98ws$3, n inmbr o teconclweeta him about dogs. He- pointed B.aSCi1~ltC hsCO-~time ut ulîoo l tuî t(Iifca . picasant spotC.SicpedetathOnceaig.a$645 i19. out that he cannot even art. initte sh<'ullld n'i'rt witIh the By 3111 Amei l' ngiens and ftooîîltiih U'î'i, y,~t To be abîding lna. le -Crd Tbco nNrhme~adi 98 urobe.Ilig Co rlGrowers' Association odih ~edprar a 718 present. on a romplaint regarding aî Bowvl'INille 1i Cotrl Mr. Chairman, Hono i a 4l Y at heurt eaeji ytoiith ij iL tOt« Thafik You. some 250 tobacra grawr !rahn 791.I 99 a Recofimendations. receivcd1 dag in Darlington as the Dog Comrniittce tO dlsruss the mat- JdeLisanGntmndo tuornething worUwIl110li. ~ -- h ura n otu~br â aainpouto o from Alfred Harrel and Son,, Contrai By-Law lias been' re-. ter asthie Itwninmiti îcipa lities JdeLdisadGntee, t is worl hoeis n the glaDurasmocai o t iinrtbcowsom 19,0,0 Oshawa, in regard. ta supple-t scinded in the township until use the saine façilitles. Felo C1asmand: Inail i ustutu uIvs fo t Ari ît.Onmtin r oucilo:Have you given any thouhallICobourofushursday ties were nomeeprngducing five mnwr townsip garage fore Ai sdwantutionsOhe mirscoionedofv Dutv- ta the problem of Racial Dis- *s'forever towar tsi. j(ý 1MORRISH meighl tteLgo ansadteUie on nevtownshiupmgarage crimination? * will Impi<>ve lthuniis u nture.! enirg. discusscd. The !irst, aboosterl Reeve A. L. Blanichard, it vas pel'r sgi r oojrr(ll cent of the CrervieOP. fuel pump with a capocity o eie o et ommit Hoèv can we as today's youth us. Thenare d Mtions a'unont J 'e~lja 1 aornservce as Based on last yeanspîe.Wiesm rtcs a 15 gallon!; per hour, would teme ihteBwin-hl octtebrir hto 61 et o met itIEheBoD n-divide class, -race and nations?9tns -a oteteltî h êei e t. said, hE.ai.rodor- stands0 tnsalday his rire vleetsmmtth n'eber i Smihr K. thevalue teMrtig ordi viig illus e cnte membserst We are growing Up ini a world hihe r onimon taetor 'Ifi joan was in. charge. There' rsn crop in Northme-teerirsae iisdy would flot Include irng Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Simms d cs ectdcsoî e made up of whitè men black agreement that ls posgibiel wa'4 a goodnumber present. £land àand Durhamwo $4elpntM.Sihsd reur ar ucand .children, Mr. Frank'enrdindDmgnContrI and findamangst the rnations. To sw*n 'Thectheme ot the service was l649,000. Expected prcion a a on odjb Thul e e cd at me5n, red men, even Guifyrdllo.w soluion.the represcntativcs Or marv "Prepaingfor Christmas ini for 1960 was 8, 286,000 pu e undrco ids plete, it was §aid. :and Mrs'. Percy Lloyd, Sharon,l1 A By-Law establishing a the rich and poor, the educat- work fndraes weaei lgatOnspi n reangar to mainti-and arré a ail7a 4 oini hc lcDrun Councillor Sidney Cornishl were visitors at F. -Lloyd's. .Committee ai Adjustnment wVa5 cd and u.neducated. Granted,ý okfrtewlaeo lain nrgr o ananlnaraeo ,8 moe htti atrb e1M.LodCcrn iie "'en first and second reading that in-Canada, racial intoler-,[,,, people is a very encouraging! ing the financial burden ai 1farmns.adNotmbrad isic nioved t hatth is mad on mtte e ML . Llo yd C o h an v s te , th c u ci I t ance s n hought The sp endid gcn- ur share as m em bers ai the i e lo a t ba c gr w i in o p a ed s id t e u - fcrred ta the Raad re-I bv ri~~~~~~eles like UNICE F working for, United CIh11c1hhaofCanada" IcsirtsrtdnDuam yadefcicyabclca Commtte' te L Coiraes.membrs f-te rmmiteeas rc aeas aipreudie ad ~the -childrcn af the worldj The special musical selec-' for the Roand osuperionMnt and Mrs. W. fas ollwR W. Pascoe, for a isoîated cases of discrimina for~~~~~~mk stsd andconsderaionaMr.Pasce ___________of.__the_ The motion was seconded by! visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sar- anc year berm, R. Dccoc. two1 lion. . aeusraiettsmei'tin warsiip sevic promises tagoer a begiexigrta fi ycar term.esneyerebeenh re e asgiven bS'h ougiat h frtsocial eveigothfulscopraonath carricd. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Alex- r a tbrec benaclse ta us it is . eu htexaples aecoanvieZ rans.of aur W. A. accompaniedi Wednesday, November3,wsaoctin use awnsipeopleveconasybe sandanged.oo'on piano by the organist Mrs.1 the usual surcess. Lunc ih Oe 5 rwr eepe A latter from the Lake On-, ander, Oshawa, visited * at 1. thRue Towsip Clrk, WaIl- eyes asadbclo A change must be mode in the, Helen McHolm. coffee conrluded a VErpla-sn attednrmetn tario Development Association Ormiston's. trRniwsatoic y at others and judge tbem. It ersadnisofenni the êounril to, appîy for ap- is hard indeed ta understand 311 ifl es heîs n inds ai mand' eea us*eogn o.ateelg wvs ecied trtaeetatWeAimtinth ch.llsIprtl ! inerwrks r- owaChisin onpssbW. tin hem.tsîrmigeti inonocea the fart that sent in ufniform andork proceed- MrsristaMary Uglow, Newtonvillee, queen and Clarence Moore, ashort the organization plans ta pro- week with a gaod attendance. gram in the amount af $8000- diite gant a Itibrother arlngý acptte at the ecm ropwr re uiga hr îi îhCtyiotl ena oac mnole the area aI Sportsman Mrs. G. Bowman. condurted This was moved by Councillor o b grounds af race or thing ofaiahiis ta ind that auri AIl Menv Are Created Equal". cd ta join in their special ser- we were pleased ta eacofCsîtntbco1ig h Show intheUnicd tots th deotinalwhih hd aSidney Cornish, seronded by rolour. o wn Canadian people who arcj There will be no permanent' vice held at Welcome United! the many visibars ta Oe'wr hsna h rn during the winter, tai be held mission theme. Mrs. Rod Simp- Councillor Muir. In some countries white and fartunate enough ta be ablel peace omong the nations of hrh t1:1 ..Hause DaY" xvhen Rev .c areriri h er in Harrsbug, a. u cre,!so ae carnhatea one tai enjoy a holiday in the south- the warld until peac eters On unay,11:15cembr àsh'adMs ht eertd b,_______ Eaie Harsug a. ufl, snmd napelfri- A resolution was passcd coloured people con shop in cnm stabes, cont,!an Ms.Whtecee Ciciatiad leelnd crasd huci ttndnc.approving the proposai af bbc the same stores but have ta'r saes a be there only the hearts af MEnwhnei there wiil be the usual Christ-1 38th anniversary of thermr The communication askcdPlans were mode for the par- South Darlington Area School cat at separate lunch counters. a few weeks ta relurn and us rcplaced by gaod, when bate,ýmsSriea 0amwih ig.I a loM the council ta sand il 1,000 snge aar tEn kle.Board ta build, equip and fur- They con swim. in bbc sanie tl td' d . Oyo lsoecoe lvwhe;Rev.E. K. Norman afficiating.' birthday and vas ay copies ai tourist literatur The progranî was a reading. nisb, six additional scbocul- oceans bthv serged ont understand, youvc neyer envy is oversbadawed by good- 1 Sna calwshl t HpyDy o I ai cammunity folders for disri by Mrs. W. Bowman and a' rooms at a cost of nat more beaches tai keep. the graupsi lived there." will, wben sclfishness gives il a.m. There were 32 pre-J part. We xish Rev.M.an bton t the shows. On o piano dut by Mrs., E. Griffin thon $150,000. This was mav- apart. EvQn in sports there The bond ai fellowship was bwyta undcrta.ns nding. pet. Mrpeoge rnnM ss h the m tin iCanilo Mi, ndMs.G Bwan d by Councillor Muir, second- are special laws iorbidding tragically broken in threc ay1. ' apemwic!superintendent, ro nd ucrt ed. happune te Newovlc Mrs. Ivor Sprack-ling and ed by Counrillor Smith. mixed bowling, and football' American high scoools where MyIqoeope hc There was ana birthdav hon- iCharge of the Unibc Cumh i Air, Rail or Steamship 'Amy were pescnted with gits Two By-Laws ta provide and tennis teams must be mode prejudice against Negro stu-' 1 think expresses what I am[ ue-Saa rgh o h1 o aaa T 1 C K E T S from the W. A. members an for the lcvying and collection up enlirely af one rac -e. Lit-~ dents ran sa high that many trying ta, say: hapy yanWrglady.te MrsCaa.E. isntahrt TO EVERYWHERE the occasion ai their return1 ai special rates for the con- erally thousands of discrimin-' white students wenl an strike A litîle more ar patiencea O1brn Friday evening, Derem-, Welrome School, basbeno- ta, England. M.fr. Sprackling struction Of Courtice and Mill-l ating laws have' been enactedi demanding segregated schools. Wilh the fouits ai otherfs er 23rd, there will be the fined ta home with asvr EVC J UR Y & L OVE LL Bwmnfrhepsfieroetesuea debentures ientals and American Indians. when a baby entiers tbis world When a worldly art provokes, visiting Santa. The teachers! been subttin 15 King St. W. MA 3-361 years and the littie iamily for Darlington's shaeoth Surely this is flot aur belief he does not bave the chaire oail A litile more devotion and children and aur Sundayubsbituting trest sr flowmnanvillo will be missed from aur crm- rost, were passed b h in Christian Fellowsbip. wbat colour . skin be would iTa the anas wbom we shauld. Schoal.are responsible for tbe! vill soon be on the tabn .1 munity. Township Council. As the worîd grows smalîer] prefer, o-r ini whal country he love, miscelloneaus prograrn Which' staff as usual. Pretfy Slips for Ouff iving . . and wearlng Insgath Ohristmat Party Frooks Choice of nylon tricot or polished cotton Sizes At s to 14 Waiker's 1to-4 och 1.98 Girls Slips of polishod carton sewn En four tiers . . . lace trimn bodîce, od- justable shoulder straps and shirred in- serts for fine fit . . . white only -e 8 ta 14 . . . mach l..98. Girls Slips of nylon tricot witl, permaO pleat bodice and hem Une trinm . adiustobte shoutder straps . . . white with blue or pink and pink with pink and blue with blue. . 8 ta 14 . . . tach 1.98. . ' >HANDBAGS are such fun Smart to Wear - rosha b!e Too! oC oea it lenolla Plaid Slims To Co1 a ii At Waker'aand these by "Debway" of New York Choice s pair value for so little money, you'll want ta incîl favourite plaids f self. . . Choose f rom the casualvillage tyl Sizes 10. 1t. 20zo tops, the classic group or the Deb-Puffs that Slimns cf "Gleniella' plaids noted môst popular by discriminating women... tailored by a leading maker ini the fabric that looks, wears, and washes well . . . choose from Ancient Black Watch, Fontaine, Phantom Cameron, reutone, Hunting Mc K!nnon, Lensan, Ancient Hunting Fraser . . . Sties 10 ta 20, -pair 5.00. Girls alwoys love ISwatrs. .. ond thoe Shags ore favourites .J Drea i in . GOWNS or PYJAMAS of Arnel and Nylon Tricot WVaItz Length GoNwn AtC or Walker 's Baby Doli -ii S- such lde -your. ype, sheil tfeel and look like leatlier, yet ara butter soft and fluffy.., Colors include: Block, brawn, red ton or loden green. (Not every color in every style, but such o selection) At 2 8 Walke,'s - Only a t. 14 Frosted red, f rosted blue Sold or liloc 391 SLIMS FOR GIRLS Girls Lined Tartan O0f vashable combed cotton *"Sanforlzed" Kasha llninig *Suzes 8 to 14 At Walker's pair 3891 Girls Lined Corduroy Slins Girls' Lined Corduroy Slij Pitdcheck At *Kashalilned paikrs *Sizes 7 to 14 , ai9 Sfiîns ai hardwearpxg cordurov in gir colours af black, red, loden, or Carribea blue . . . Hall boxer waisl, anc pocki ...Kasha lined for warmftb pair $2. Regd T.M.afDupant k ...especially when they are cf %,0v W eaSy-core Orlon*-. washes and CARDIGAN of DOWflc washes, keeping their'shape and or q colour ail the woy . . . note the PULLO VER ' 9 new coller' styles end. fashion correct narrow rib knit waistbond. King St. E. Say Merry Christmas with Delicate Baytime Lingerie * . k Easy-Cure Tricot For that special lady choose slips in Arnel *, nylon or Arnel * and nylon ... sa fernininely delicote and easy-to- ~ care-for. . . Walker's artist has sketch- ' " ed the highlights of *a great Chrlstmnas selection . hop early forgreotest r' choice. (A) Arnel* tricot -slips Arnet* tricot witl, lace overlay bodice and hem, 0 and rich Iooking applique trim -*.white, lilac, A or lotus green . . . 38 ta 40. »aCh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 (B) Opaque nylon tricot slips ______ Trimmed with permonently pleoted fluted trim choose from white, honey or A willow green. . 32 ta 42 . . . mach 3VIGU (C) Hoff slip and panty set 0f Arnel* and nylon . . deep-lace panel tr m J white, lotus green or liloc - sm aIll, O O medium or large . . . set .......... 298 Hoif slips in eosy-core Arnel* tricot, ali 'round elostjc waist bond and lace panelled hemnUn white ...smoll, mcdium Regd T.M ChecelCorp. Give the Gift that's Sure to please Walker'*s Nylons B ,*Walker's nylons are produced inCanada by a top PK x non-run top and toc feoture (runs storting at thèse points con- tiot continue into the leg) . . . they have fine slimming sèans and fit neotly at the ankle . . . Seomlesare beautifufly cleor and streok free. as a Medium or light beige tartes eSîxes 9 te 11. 0 Short, average or tall iengths. Full Fashioned ~ 3pi *WaIklnq shoot, 4530 li risBoltte, wearing Shoot, 2.85 oan cet ~Seamiesa Skier 0 Micro Mesh Ploie :z"t ' 5dn.1 @29 2 Pair 400-fleedie -18 dnir9 pf 2.50 Blouss i. rip.uh'y *Codton or Terulemeh* inville , dmip-dry fine w eax e caltons,0 Terylene* . . . fabrirs that are eaSiE ta launder and iran . . . sea them j: the new split level styling ambraid ered aver blouse and regular sho; là.. sîceva style.' ~-a~--- w- -~ ____________ td- )rt Sa wi I s V~L White or Pastels... Sires 3 ta 6x, end 7 te 14 1.98 and 2.98 Rteg'd T.M of C.l. THURSDAY.. DEC. Sth; ime 9 . 0 --ýffl

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