Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 13

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TR~3SDAY DEC 8th 198 -~THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN I A DURO PUMP Mean8 Better Living 1 ! 0 URDURO WtrSs tmgives us fresh, pure water when and where we need it ... adds ta aur con- veaience and coaifort of daily lii e. DURO Pumps are avai- able ia ail sizes ta meet in- dividuai needs. Sec, your Plunîber ar DURO dealer for fui! information or write for FREE~ foider, "Rununng Water, the Farm Necessity". PUMOPS & SOFTENERSI LIMITED PF82 IOND 0N -CANADA JACK DROUGI! ]PLUMBING and HEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMAN VILLE, McQ un 55 KING mrc" ,w V FRESH Wieners 2.Ibs.69c Tuesday, December 6tb. 1960 Edward Kimmerly, 17, R.R. No. 4, Bov.-manville, had been convicted at an earlier sitting for theit ai a tire and wlieel irom Robson Motars and the theft af a tire and wheel sfrom Cliarles McIvor in New- castie. He liad been remand- ed out ai custody until ta- day, ta sec if lie could get steady work and thus be a good risk for probation. From the reports, Magistrate R. B. Baxter decided lie would place the boy on probation for one year. He must be home ecd and every niglit by 9 p.m. "This condition is flot ta be mean ta you, but If you are home each niglit at 9 o'clock you will not be roaming about the country. Tliat is liow these ofiences accur," said thc court. Leigli Somerscales, 16, Ca- urtice, was remanded out ai custody until April lltli, 1961. He is on probation from the Peterboroughi Court for the theit ai a motar vehicle. He was advised ta continue at Higi Scliool and leave tic Rayons, a club of sorts, wliere, according ta the Crown At- torney, a pre-requisite for membership is tlie conviction ai a Criminal Offence. He, witli James R. Vongun- ten, 17, 1226 King St. E., Oshi- awa, was convicted ai at- tempting ta steal gas from the Soutivicw Golf and Country Club, at a previaus hearing. Vongunten is on pro- bation far ane year. He is on a 9 p.m. curiew on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Tliursday nights. His fa- ther was required ta sign the bond which mentions a penal amount oi $500. It was sug- gested ta thec court that the company that Vongunten was keeping was responsible for his actions. The Magistrate rejccted this, "That is not an answer or an excuse for tliis offence. You are responsible for your own actions. While you are on probation you will observe the recommendations ai your parents. If they advise you FOOD iST. EI A KE PURE PORK Sausage lb. 39c COURTICE nat ta associate with sucli and such a persan, you will flot associate with them." r Henry Shirk, 46, R.R. No. 6, Bowmanville, had pleaded Not Guilty ta a charge aiflie- ing in possession ai stolen goods, at an earlier sitting. He iad clected trial by the Magistrate. Alter the cvi- dence taday ai Bruce Bur- gess, Constable Tracy Davis and Prov. Const. H. R. (Pat) Coracîl, lie was coavicted and the Crown Attorney recam- mended a stifi fine, saying "If there were fia reccivers, there would ie fia theits." Said Magistrate R. B. Bax- ter in convicting, "These goods were stolen by Bruc ? Burgess. You say that you have known Burgess for the past five years. Yau sliould have known tliat tie tent you bouglit for $5.00 was stolen and I amn satisiied tiat you knew it was stolen. I agree with the Crown. There would be less theft if people didn't buy stolen gaods. You knew wliat yau were doing, wliat you were getting into, and yet you took a chance. "In view of tlie fact you are on Winter WVorks, I arn re- luctant ta impose a fine. I will remand you out ai eus- tody until February 7tli, 1961, and see wliat the situation is then." Alexander A. Clark ai the Ajax Hotel, Ajax, was given nine days ta raise a fine and costs totalling $53 for !im- paired driving on King Street on December 3rd. Douglas Pickering, formerly ai Enniskillen and now liv- ing in Burlington was re- turned ta this jurisdiction ta- day because two years agi) lie was placed on Probation and ordered ta pay ta Clare Garton the sum ai $1.000 whicli was a srnall portion ai tlie money stolen wiile he was bookkeeper for Garton Coachi Lines. Notiing has been paid ia the twa years. He was remaaded until January 17th, 1961, ta raise $1000. One parking meter viola- tion cost $6 and 39 otier char- ges under tie Higliway Trai- fic Act brouglit penalties ta- talling $509. Juvenile Court brouglit convictions ta a 23-year-old for supplying liquor ta a 15- year-old and ta the 15-year- aid for drinking. Roy Eng- lish ai 57 Liberty St. S. was convicted ai contributing ta Juvenile Delinquency aiter BOWMANVILLE 1959 CHEV. 4-Dr. Discayne Custom buiît radio. One owner car. 1959 CHEVU 2-Dr. Discayne Real clean car. One owner. 1959 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Hardiop Power Glide transmission. Custom buiît radio. White wall tires. * 6One owner car. 1957 CHEV. 2-Dr. Hardiop Custom buiit radio. One owner car. 1956 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Custom built radio. One owner car. . r 1956 OLDS. 4-Dr.' Hydramatic transmission. CHEVROLET - COR VAIR - ENVOY OLDSMOBILE CARS CHEVROLET TRUCKS i ~,- pladn ch ogfa 15-year-lJc -The cas giving liquor toNtGulyto'ao lr e was adiourned OBIWATE S i ne dàieè and E'ngÎis h was -wa àr- ned ta stay away from the Juvenile and the Probation Officer was instructed ta write ta the Liquor Contrai Board and ask for the suspension of English's liquor privileges. Nesileton Station Mrs. Mildred Colley and three daughters, Patricia Li- da and Virginia, of Weston, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland for dinner and spent the weekend with the Oliver Rohrer family to help celebrate Dougie's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Staples of Lindsay were Sunday guests of Mrs. Wesley Campbell. Callers with Mr. and IM'rs. Bruce Heaslip were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Irvine, Bow- manville, and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Strong, Blackstock. Miss Chrystal Fallis, super- intendent ai Port Hope Hos- pital, was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thampson. Welcorne home ta Mrs. Har- old Crawford who spent a week in Midland with lier parents Mr. and Mrs. Hoy, following an appendectorny in Part Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sonley of Port Perry visited Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Sunday visitors with the Grant Thornpson's were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thornpson, Brian and John and Miss Jane Dorty of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Hudson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Camm Thornhill, Lindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. John Siernon, Enniskillen. Mrs. Wilbert Drinkie ai Oshiawa was well enough to spend a day this past week with her sister, Mrs. George Bowers. Friends wili be glad ta know that Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt is improving slowly in Port Per- ry Hospital and hope she is able ta return home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hy- land were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock, Blsickstock. Sunday visitors witli Messrs. Elmer and Marvin Nesbitt were Mr. Leon Brayley and Mr. and Mrs. Hatch of Toronto. Mrs. S. McKee left this week ta spend the wM3ter months in an Oshawa apartment ta be near the members of her faxnily. An enjoyable gatliering was hcld on Saturday evening in the Forresters' Hall wlien the community tendered a pro- sentation ai studio coucli and chair ta the nowlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marlow ai Toronto visited lis nother Mrs. N. C. Marlow an Mon- day. The death accurred af Ber- tha Reaman at her home, Bowmanville, an Tliursday, December 1, 1960, in lier 66th year. The deceased had been in poor health for the past four years. Bora in Whitchurch, Ont., the late Mrs. Hackney wvas the daugliter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reaman. She attended Pickering Township Scliools and on An3ril 21, 1912, married Charles Walter Hack- ney wlio survives. Mrs. Hackney was a mem- ber ai St. Andrew's Presby- terian Churcli. Prior ta com- ing ta Bowmanville 40 years aga, slie had resided in Mark- IPN1TIýTTT.T 1U Magistrates Courti On Sunday, November 27tli,, iriends and relatives gatliered ELECTION CAanuOFui AAIII at the home ai Mrs. C. Boyd, Enniskillen, ta lionour lier on]~ tic occasion aiflier 85th birtli- My sincere thanks to the Electors of day. She received many lovcly ' Darlington for the generous support which you ilowers, cards and ather gifts. Durng he itenoo an ~gave me at the polis on Monday. evening, tea anîd lunch was,!I As a new member of South Darlington Area served by lier daughter, Mrs.~ Clarence Grahiam, assisted by ý4 School Board, 1 shahl do my utmost to represent Mrs. John Elliott. Mrs. Boyd ýr1 the wishes of the people of Darlington, and also liad tliree aiflier great- ~salwr grandcliildren, Raymond, Stev-IR'hllwr in their best interests. en and littie Susan DeNure aif Lindsay, cali ta wish lierý. Best wishes to everyone for a Merry Christ- "happ birhday. ý9mas and a Happy New Year. We were sorry lier son Alvin 1-4 was nat able ta be there, lie being confined ta Memorial H a r ( y e Hospitab alclebrateH Hopi tal omavl ole Wte I9 more "hiappy birthdays" witliar y O y e Mrs. Boyd. jr#Àoly(ANOTHER GENER4 ON CARD 0F THANKS anks to ail those who supported nie TRUMAT, DEC. eth. JA R yChurch. Interrent was ieeOwvw :R HACKNEY Palîbearers were Messrs. Donald Kernp, Wm. HarrisonV L C C liam. The deceased was for Jr., Frank Calver, Frank Y, 38 yarsa meberof Behie SithWm.Cordn ad Hr. ýq' y sicer th Rebekali Lodge and twice was ry Wade.I Past Deputy President of No. Evidence af the affection ,g 7 and 8 Districts. and esteem In which the de- Surviving besides ber hus- ceased wvas held were thle band, are a son, Newton aOfrnany lovely floral tributes Souti Highland Creek, and four from relatives, iriends, neigh- grandchuldren, Donald, twins bours, Beehive Rebekali La- Joanne and Dianne, and Paul. dge 125, I.O.O.F. Florence Yf Also surviving are seven bro- Nightingale 66, Bowrnanville ý9 thers and two sisters. Fire Dept., Engineering Dept.y H e i Members ai the Rebekali Goodyear, Bowrnanville Can- i; Lodg hed aservce nd veradian Legion, Highland Creek IV 200g atendsei anoup F-Canadian Legion, Kinovcn MERI d00a eeina upFr Rebekali Lodge, Brooklin, i4ý E Tli efnerl eric wsTown ai Bowmanville, Scu-ýý The fneralservie wasgag Group W.A. Trinity Uni- lield in the Northcutt & Smith ted Church, staff oi Hackncy's. Funeral Homne on Saturday, Drug Store, Higliland Crek,,, December 3, 1960, and was Joy Rebekali Lodge, Brough- le, conducted by Rev. A. J. Scott arn, and Club 59 of Reebekali______7___ ai St. Andrew's Presbhyterian Past NobleGrands.! __ ELECTI ON CARD 0F THANKS -,Il My sincere thanks to the Ratepayers of the e% X P Township of Cartwright for placing their confi- den ce ini me by re-electing mie as R~v for : Sana ther year. ' Wishing you ail the x Compliments of the Season. Bruce AshtonI 4L MOTORS VALUE)! Ezvoy Custom Sedan (whtewall tires optionot 0f extra coti. THE CAR THAT OFFERS YOU MORE ECONOMY, MORE CONVENIENCE, MORE SHEER STYLE! ýHere it is-the feature-packed new Envoyl Here's the car that really saves you money- the initial cost is low, low, low-yet gives you standout styling, a glamorous range of color choices, and convenience features you don't find in many more expensive cars! There's a new Envoy to fit your needs-three superb sedans and a dashing station wagon -ail with four-door convenience, five- passenger cornfort, rock-bottom economy!, Sce your Envoy dealer-see the standout car, of the year-the new Envoy! features *.4 that make drîving au Envoy even more fun! MORE CON VENIENCE ..:" see how the smiart new rcar-deck styling enhances the newv Envoy's appearance . .. aind se how the big trunk givcs plinty of iuggage space for ail thc family's gear- plus "cxtras!" As an idded con- venience, the igniition key opens bath front doors and the trUnkl BETTER SEEING . .. ai] new Envoy Sedans have even more window area! The laminated wraparound windshicld, together with thceflCw cniarged rear window area, makes viewing casier, driving saferi EÈ,SRAL j AU a ERSPAI tt MAIL T OOUT-OF-TOWN POINTS CONSULT THE POST OFFICE LEAFLET* WHICH lIAS BEEN DELIVEREO TO V9UR HOME. NOTHINS ID S& DISAPPOINTING AS CHfRISTMAS MAIL THAr, ARRIVES TOO L.4TE. à,, CANADA '0-39--c POST OFFICE ~tN~~~W The elegant " The fun-fi!Ied WEnvoy Custom Sherwoad Stalion Wago04) Prîces quotidinclude delivery, liandling charges, Federal Sals and Excise ,.axes. (Provincial and Local Taxes, where applicable, are addilional.) THE BRITISH CAR DESIGNED AND BUILT ESPECIALLY FOR CANADIANS EN voYI MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRDDUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED BY VAUXHALL 3.9 MOTORS, LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND. PARTS AND SERVICE FROM COAST 10 COAST. S9EjE 17» *TV... .. U J7 .. T DAV 47» YVO URI5VVV OEA L E "s I E-161D ROY O NLS Gldsmobile Chevrolel Corvair BO WNAN VILLE Chevrolel Trucks' COURTICE PHONE MA 3-3353 and Envoy Cars PHONE MA 3-3922 for School Trustee WLELXYL~AII OPEN BOTH THURS. AND FR1. 'TIL 9 P.M. r"vulgiffANPTmur' ORDER NOW!ABU X'masPoultry FOR BEST SELECTION N TURKEYS - GEESE - DUCI<S CAPONS - HANS CIrREAS New Phone Number RERGERATION -ELECTRIC IMOTOR - SALES - SERVICE T.V.- RADIO - APPLIANCES MA 3-2431w GOT YOUR EYE ON A BUY IN A.a.. USED CAR Cone Io Roy W. Nichols *Suggested maximum retail dellveredprice with Ou1-Bath DO'WIAN VILLE Air Cleaner, Heater and Defroster and Antifreeze a: fi Darlington School Area rb Mackie RY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR iriM -D'i' ib

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