Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 12

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?AGE TWELvE THE CANADTAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Close Bowli During Min mrsF. jm s t Ki-Cfards, Ec I Newcastle-On the requcst; o f the Community Hall Be-ý 1ard, the Bowling Cornmittee! Mc. nd rs.Nei Raneythe usial emoialin ron Mrs D.G. oopr o Suday have agceed to close the bowl-1 Mr. ad Mrs Nei Rainy, th Muscal Mmoril in rono rs. . G. oopingn alîcysingonle Saon urday, inin r'r- and son Charles, SundcrJand, United Church, given in me-! Mrs. Mlton Birch is ai der te assure the noise of the werc Sunday visitors xith Mr. moi c1i aensCalspain iMmoilHsia,! alîcys will flot interfere with! and Mes. Wý. B. Hloar. and Susan Awde, and wecc Bowmanvîlle. the minstrel show being, spon- Mr. and Mrs. Cary Hancock ninner guests of Me. and Mcs.! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor; socod in the main auditorium of Newcastlec have moved into D. G. Hooper on Sunday. 1 spent the weekend with Mc.cr lchl b h ecsl the bouse thev pucchased Mes. E. Graham lias beeniand Mrs. Ross Taylor an Lonsth Calub h ecsl from Mr. ai-d Mis. A. J. Jake-.'iii at hec home. family, Ottawa. Wveekly Scores ma o CbbedckSîce 1 Mr. and Mcs. Harry Jewell, Dr. and Mrs. Keith.Taylor' Following is the Jist cf topi Con"rraI-3turtns te Mr. anci Sundeî-îand, visitcd with Mr. and* daugliter Nancy, Bramp- scorers foc last week, listing Mrs. lmont 'M. Euijc- \výho and Mrs. Wm. Irwin on Frî..!ton, visited Mc. and Mrs. Mac- those rolling over 225 in the celebratcd ti-oir 2.5th %wc'dding oa1y. shall Chatterton on Sunday. Men's League and those roll- Anniversary on Satucday. -Mr. and Mrs. Wiîn. Mitchell Congratulations ta Mc. W. in- over 200 in ail other lea- Mr. and MeIs. Barold Awde and granddaughte'r gae C. Ccossley on bis Bth birth- gues. and lier niece Ann Reid, Tor'on-Micelistd c.adMs day, Dec. llth. Mo1y aisLau to, attended the Dectication cf C. Taylor, Bowmanville. on, Mc. and Mrs. Don Stephens A. Rowe 270, G. Coucli 23.5, r Satucday. !and family visited Mr. and! R. Couch 233, D. Mercer 222, Mrs. Chas. Wood spent thelMrs. J. Hawkshaw, Bowman- T. Langstaff 207, K. Couroaux V/~' weekend with Mc. and Mrs. ville, on Sunday. 205. B. Majoc 204 and M. Gar- ~ h'~ V ~ Neil Wood and daugliters,1 Donnie, fcur-yeac-ohd son fl0' cd 202. fà, Lakefield. Mc. and Mrs. Keith Wood, ce- Tuecday, Men's Leýague- E2~PERT Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGilli turned home on Sunday from KnWiny25 iv c YMR PM AGLPR Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs.' Memocial Hospital, Bowman- Clogi20 rc iîo -YrL itiEZ) Chas. Taylor attended the fun- ville, aftec an appendix opera- 239 nedayGo dieasn 235. 10,A 'QfW eral cf their cousin Mc. Basil tion. WcnMariy. Ladies20.League ýr j~ Wilson in Toronto ]ast week. Mc. and Mcs. Albert Mitchell -MrlnCici20 lr V.MV0Mrs. Carl MeMullen, Tren- and family visitcd Mc. and ec iîo 2,W oei ton Mihign;Mcs Ja. Wl-Mrs. Wm. Emory, Whitby, on21,Ja Mcuouh 14 "/'~~'~ ~ lace and Mrs. Harold Willies, Satucday and Mc. and ren unnlin 1 n ~-Jj~/l1df Ms.1Helen 1-ancock 200. _____ Lindsay, visited Mc. Wm. Wat- Gordon Chant and amily,' Wdlsa' cn.eLa A son and daugliter Miss Alma Hampton, on Sunday. agu-LryP7rc7.Bo Watson on Sunday. Mc. Amberson Gercy i u-Lr eý,c'18 o Mes. Fred Tamblyn visitedi patient in Sunnybrook Hos- Deon Dick inson P8arcd 221, 1 ffl lier sister Mrs. John Cowling,' pital, Toronto.BnDikso 28adJi Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Steohenson 213. Miss Shelagb Waddell who Niagara Falls, attended the Tliursday, Mixed League- h!is heen studying at the Uni- Silver Wedding Anniversary versity of Toronto, spent flic cf Mc. and Mrs. Carlos Tamb- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. lyn ]ast week, and visited Mrs. O.P. Congsl to erore n omiio Cty Ms.D. N. Myles has been h PLUMBING-HEATING Manitoba. Dmnin ilat her home. Chil u aet .Z~..".. Mrs. James Bail is staying The Ocono Post Office wili S ~soBURNER DEA LER E- ith Mrs. Acthur Rolibins. remain open Wednesday aftec- Mc. and1 Mrs. Raymond noon on Dec. 2lst.A i n l OOINO1782 Clapp, Tyrone, vis ited Mc.-and Mes. Lettie Keat,_ widow -,frj lNewcaste- Constable Pat, Cornnelcf the OPP xvas the guest speaker at the regular dinner meeting cf the New-. castia Lions Club on Thurs- day evening, speakinsg on "Child Safety" and showing a film on "Driving Habits cf John Doakes". Intcoduced by Newcastle's constable Bruce Tilîson, constable Corneli said the ficst thing any cliild should leacn te do safeiy is te cross the street. Be said ail pedes- îW. W. Keat, Watertown, N.Y., formerly of Orono, passed away Nov. 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keat, Mrs. E. Keqt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mowat of Toron- to attended their aunt's fun- cral on Friday, Nov. 25th in Watertown. Dedicate Musical Mernorial A Musical Memorial lias been installed in Orono Unit- ed Churcli, a gift of Mr. Har- old Awde of Toronto, in me- mory of his parents, Mr. and ýMrs. Charles Awde. This Memorial will broadcastl sacred music over three Uni- versity B.L.C. Projectors and amplified by a Bogen Ampli- fier, connected with an auto- matic Garrard Record Changer equippcd with a diamondýi cartridge. At the time of Mr. Awde's death, it wvas the wish of Mrs.ý Awde that she place a Memor- il in the bcautiful new church, and consideration "vas given to a Memorial sirilar 'te the one installed. This desire was not completed before lier passing and it is w-ith ap-ý preciation that the Officiai Board receive this b._,autiful gift from lier son ni memory of his mother and father, Charles and Susan A\,vdc. Mr. and Mrs. Awdc hadi I been life time residents of the1 rural district and village of Orono, had operated a rotaili business, and Mr. Awde \%Vas for rnany years a memnber of1 the Township Council. it 15 hoped that mnuch pleasure andi spiritual inspiration -will be de-I rived as sacred recorded musict is broadcast over the village atorganized intervals andc upon festival occasions. c AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGELSý 1I i IBarrister and Solicitor 1( 130 King St. E, Oshawai S RA 8-6246j i'le Orono News r »U%2a Ný ub. Dinner btrians sliould look first ta the left, then te the riglit and back te the left te make suce ahi is clear beforccccossing the street. Be saîd adults should set the children an ex- ample in this, because lie saîd, children lcarn !rom watching their elders. Be said children should flot lie al- lowed te play on the streets, but shouhd do their playing at scliool or in their yard at home. In speakinig cf bicycles, conistable Cornell said a bi- cycle is considcred by law tei lie a vehicle and is required' to carry a bell or hem ,a lieadlight, a rcd tail higlit or reflector and the bicycle must lie in gcod wocking condition. Tlie speaker said lic had cie- cked the bicycles at the local public scliool this faîl and had found oniy thee prcpcrly equipped bicycles out cf a to- tal cf 80. Constable Cornel said there were ne fatal accidents in Newcastle in 1959 but there had been four in 1960 and il in this area. Follouwing lis tahkc, constab- le Corneil p resented a film de- pictinig the drîving habits of Joe Doakes (the average dri ver) and tlie resuits cf bis actions in tlic loss cf pceperty and life. Lien John Riekard expressed flie thanks of tfl club te Constable Corneli and presented hîm with a gift as a memento cf his visit te the club. Candidate for District Gov.' Lion Brenton Rickacd ac- cepted the challenge of the Club and xviili e a candidate for the office of District Gv ernor at flic District Coniven- tion te lie held in Kingston! next June. Lion Brenten said lie wculd do lis liest te run a good campaign for the pos- ition, but it would take the, support cf fthc entice club if 1 lie wis te be successful. Lion Irwin Colwill, report- ing for the Minstrel Show on December lOth, called for vol- unteers te lielp prepare the stagýe for the show on Satur- lay, afternoon. Lion Presi- dent, Harry Jose told flie me- thod by wÈicli the four groups of the club had been chosen and a motion was phssed whereby the two gcoups rai- sing flic most money for flic' Welfare fund liy the end cf M7ay viiili e fefed by the two groups raising the least moni- ey. The memlcers feel this r conpetif ion will sfic flic groups and cause them te faîte a keener înterest in bringing forward prejects te raise mon- y focrflic weiface fund. At least ene grcup lias aiready tarted on their first project, elin urnins to fthc heuse-' holders cf flie village. A miotion was passed with-: just Arrived - New Crop No. 1 Mandarin - Zipper Skinned - Easy to Peel - Kiddies Love iem SPECIAL 9 lb. Wooden.8 And"RANES.Box EMPEROR SPECIAL PtDGRAPIb.1 O CALIFORNIA - JUMBO Stock tJp at this Low Price PRE-DRESSED ROASTING HEADLETTUCE 2forl9C' 2%/ to 3 lb. Average pound 1Devon Brand iÎnls A O EXCELLENT SELECTION 0F CHRISTMAS CANDY AND BOX CHOCOLATES Dare's Satin Allan's Satin 16 oz. Pkg. MIX 35c 14 oz. Pkg. 13 oz. Pkg. LS35c 16 oz. pkg. 35c 11 Inch Dare's French iCREAN Dare's Creain ani GUAI BELLS AIlaîi's Santa Allan 's CANDY CANE Moir's Town TaIk CHOCOLATES Moir's Town Talk Family ASSORTMENT rdoirs Town TaIk CHOCOLATES S Pkg. of 6 2 5c 2'/2 lb. Box 1.59 % lb. Box 1.49 16 oz. Box 75c BONUS., ïf DOMINIONI VINYL ' ýCOVFRED SAMSONIJE FOLOING CARD .,TIABL.E," staiq * ýMistant '.ýciitch-R esistare. IAil merchandise sold at your Domiion Store I is unconditionally guaranteed to give 1 100% satisfaction I1 SPECIAL pkg. t59 - BEST BUYS - Chill and Serve - Allen's Serve Often- Alleii's Grape and 48 oz. Tin Orange Drinkl 3 for 79c Serve Soup and Crackers Mushroom, Veg. Beef, Creain of Oyster, Chicken Noodie, Creain of Clhicken, Cliicken Rice 10 oz. Tin Ayl mer Sou Ds 6 forl1.001 348 oz. Tin GOOI) SELi CT1ON O w NUIS Beaver MIXED NUTS Diamond Beaver BRAZIL NUTS IN TH1E SHELL 16 oz. l'kg. 49c 16 oz. Pkg. 16 oz. Pkg. AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION Riclimello CHRISTMAS CAKE 1lM. 2 lb. 3 lb. 4 lb. 59c 1.18 1.77 2.29 PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS TURKEYS PRE-DRESSED - AIL SIZES Values effective in Bowmanville until closIng time, Saturday, December 1Oth, 1960t< DOMINION STORES LIMITED r 1- - -- r Let's Be A...0 TWO MILK FAMILY Ask your milkinan to leave a quart of skim milk with your regular order tomorrow! SKIM ES OOD...and GOOD forYOU! ECONOMICAL... VERY TASTY! A low calorie, reduding drink containing a high percentage of protein ... in a highly digestible and nutritious forni. The only element missing in this . . . nature's inost perfect food *..is the fat! Especially suited to aduits and children requiring a low energy intake! ONLY ONE QUART 0F SKIM MILKC Good Only 1 Until Dec. 10 GLE RAE DAIRY 98 KING ST. W.MA354 I THURSDAY, DEC- Sth, 1M AA,.r 1 - pound 1 frrmTIDOTAIV Tvm etik ô 1 n*.-I-- -A- r -i-o il 1 1 MA 3-5444 crawing the Lions Annual who might wish ta join fn thel Just three more Sundaysl er and fainily, Cokstoq ' ing lle Chist7asPary ad uingmeatim. 'left before Rev. W. A. Logan l and Mrs. Cyrus Ahtn this money nta oadtFloigtegie ers-itksu uisiLodn 1Ro e Sdy ~N. the fund foc Christmas We]- ments were served under thel Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hicks] Mr. and Mrs. Le~hèT istrel Sho w farefor the needy and shut- dicecton of the convenor, and family arnd M iss re n aiy ins. Helen Hancock anda social Iroîîs have taken up rsdne M. and Mrs. P. W. '])ýd Brian Rowe 248, Russell Pow-! Lion George Walton, chair- itimne was enjoycd . in Toronto. son, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. George eh 13an MriynCochman of the Civie Improve-' Our church hall was welli Davidson and Pti hty !206. ment Comimittee spoke briefly filled on Tuesday eveningl were Sunday callers of Friday, Mixed League- regarding Historie Sites in, LONGILJ AUb1 when the C.G.I.T. presented ai and Mrs. B. Hubliard. jKen Whitney 322, Irv. Mc- Newcastle and asked the' film skit, and a ceremony 1 Sympathy is extended to the Couh 20, Stan Powell 22 history of the village and; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Half- 1 vhich was greatly enjoyed b'y relatives and friends i the Geo'Kmbll22, ou Dw-mak smesugetinsre 1yard anci son, Buringo<al passing of Mr. Bull Hudson of Geo. ~ ~ ~ grdn Kith 2,DogDw a e ome sugtonsPre- with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Mii-1 Mrs. H. Galley, Orillia, spentý Ottawa. ,dney 227. Ross Montgomery grig h lcigc la- h ekn ihMs lr-iM.adMs lnLwe ' 225, IeeCniga 2 ques macking some cf the his- 1r h ekn îhMs lr~M.adMs lnLwe Jean Rickard 210, Tracy Em- toric spots in tlie village asi Mr. S. G. Hariner, Mr. and ec agil n aiy r le ui bley 206, Mary Dcwdney 205, a tourist attraction. Mrs. Allan Harrncr and Lily,ý A n-iisellaneous sliowec wasl bard spent Monday in W d- iKay Kimbaîl 201, Fred Couch, Erindiale. were Monday after-I held on Satucday evening aty ille and Lindsay. 200 and Hazel May Munro' foofl guests, of Mr. and Mrs.1 the home of Mr. and Mrs.i 200. F. G. Smith. .:George Allison in honour of' League Standings BadintonIJI Mr. Stanley Fletcher. Toir- Marlyn and Frank, bride and' Twenty-four plants make up' Men's League- Mustangs onte, spent the weekend with ýgroom ta be. Those present Canada's musical instrument' 53. Sabres 53, Wildcats 53, I.k 11od is parents. wece from Oshawa, Maple, business. Togethier tlieY do an Avengers 38, Typhoons 38, Clb Hi Mr. and Mrs. WVin. Sim wth Gi-ove, Bowmanville, Janet-! annual business of lupwards of Hurricanes 30, Spitfires 24, Mr, Robert Sim Suindav after-1 ville, Lindsay, Blackstock and ý$16,000,000. Pianos and organs Aros19. Round Burketon. are the big items. Ladies League:Ro n Robin Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Webb Our Christmas School (Con- - ___ Moda- Corvettes 64,!ý and Jean. Orono, were Sun- ceci will bic held in the church, ThLnderbirds 50, Wildcats 44, Newvcastle - A very good, day supper gucsts of Mr. and on Thursday evening, Decern2 FINE QUALITI' Czidillacs 33, Kendalites 22, turnout xvas on hand at fliMrs. G. Baker. ber 22nd, at 8 p.m. MION UME NTS AýNi) Pontiac's 15. Commiunity Hall on Saturday! Gîad to report Mes. May: Glad to sec Mrs. E. M. Ad-1 MARKERS Wcd. Aftecnoon - JellY evening foir the "Round Robin" .ohns isq much improved in! ams home again fcom Memnor- Beans 47, Aýlîsoris 42, Gumn- spon.sored liv the Newcaste 1ati jal Hospital, Bowmanville,ý1m " dro)s 34. Candy Canes 31. Badminton Club. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith feeling much improved. fffk TeaeLeague- Sharp- The wiirners of the fin~al1 and Mr. Robert Smith-, Bow- Mr. Glen Lowrev underwent O F STAFF0RD sho ot ersg4.3 Rascals 33, Flyer's round were John Pluister and inanville. Mr. and Me-s. J. C. surgery iin Meinorial Hogpîttal, rRIO 32, Headpins 18. Bill Lake who defeatted Tracy, Cookz were Sundav Luests cf Bcwmnanville. iMixed Leagues, Thuirscay- JEmblev and Miirray Paterson.1MiAI n-i Ms.F. .C"ih 'M.15udKecipE Cat-~50 Ips 36. Bugfs 34 Th, co)nsolation winners ,v(,re' ___________ r Vall(e., was a recent guest ý4!h~ rt'0 Sharon iano and Erie of Mr. and Mes. K. G. Robini.' ' Dia~W i~ï.e Posebuds 57, Su- Johnson wvho won froi Nancy, B R rrlIV1Mr. and Mrs. ruSm-h ,gar Jets 52, Misfits 47, Alley Stephenson. and Bert Kelsey. BURKETIN and fainily, Oshawa, were Stfod as Cats 43, Bot Shots 34, Under The committee in charge cf1 weekcnd gucsts of Mr. and dlogs 31, Shreddie s 25, Hi the Round Robin was Mvaryi Plans have been made te Mr-. Jack Smith. Jacks 23. Dewdney, Bill Lake and Bect hold our C.G.L.T. Vesper Sec-i r and Mrs. Ross Hubliard M nm ta Wok Kelsey. vice on Sunday evcning atl and Janice, Trenton, were Sun-r: Ni ~.The club is planning a 7 p.m. December l8tli. White day gruests ofMcn Mr s.3B. Dundas St. E. Wbitby tablee uives tournament with anoflier club Gift seýrvice wiîî ÎIso e ob'Hub a ad Ad , Phone Whitby Il MOhawk 8-3552 in the New Ycar and wouldý served. A cordial invitation is JMr. Tom Ashton and family,i' , A rUA .~cc welcome any new members extencled te ail. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. B. Pow-' __________ SPECIAL 1 LHICKENS

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