Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1960, p. 6

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98c Colgates 79e $1.09 size Vitalîs _ 89e 63e Colgates _____53e1.5szHaoS mp .2 70e Pepsodent -____59ce .5sz ao Ispo12 98o Brisk -_____ 79o 1.29 size Silvikrlu - 98a Bufferin One-A-Day Multiple Cutex 1.89 Vitamins lptc 1.49 - 2.75 - 4.49 - 8.75 Slptc 1.23-79c-39c Wampoles 69e VI Cal Fer - 1.95, 4.75 Anacin Nyal Pond's 1.29 Multiple Vitamins 3.50 Llpstick 85c-53c-26e Geritol Vitamins aud 49e - 1.00 Minerais 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Bayer's Wyeths Vitules -- 5., Hazel Bishop Aspirlu Tri VI Sol Drops for Lptc 320-53c-89c Children 1.69, 2.95, 4.25 1.00 -1.50 New No-Mix Toni --- 2.00 Desert Flower Hudnut Quick -- 2.00, 2.50 Cream Deodoraut 1.25 Size - Special 2 for 1.25 Touette for Child - 1.75 Ban Deodorant- - 1.25 1.40 Value Yardley Hand Cream Special - $1.00 COWLI NG'S WE FIT TRUSSES NGW PLAYING TILL SAT., SEPT. 10 MATINEE SAT. 2 P.M. ALSO ##GALA DAY AT DISNEYLAND## Conipiete Shows at 7 and 9:10 p.m. NON. - WED. - SEPT. 12 - -14 SATS Tmi? MOI TITOITSNTI BURKETON Choir practis, will b. held in the. church at 8 p.m. ori Thursday eveuing, Septembe: 8tii. Church Worship at 10.3C a.m. sud Sunday Sciioal al 11:30 a.m. Tii. C.G.I.T. wiîl meet on Tuesday evening, September l3th, at 7:30 p.m. in the churci hall. The Woman's Association wihl meet au Weduesday ev- eniug, September 14th at 8 p.m. iu the. church hall. A Baptismal Service will be held soon. Auyone having children to be bapthzed, please contact the, minister as soor as possible. W. welcome Mr. and Mrs. Browning sud !amily o! Bow. mauville ta aur community. Sorry ta report that Miss Gloria Oliver underwent an appendix aperation in Mem- onial Hospital, Bowmanville. on Thursday marning. Mr. sud Mrs. L. R. Argue sud family spent a couple af days in Toronto witii rela- tives sud attended the. C.N.E. Glad ta report that Mr. Wal- ter Ferguson is recovering slowly after uis recent opera- tion lu Oshawa General Hos- pital. A barbecue supper was held on the lawu on Saturday at the home o! Mrs. A. Carter with ail the familles, before 1Mn. and Mrs. Robert Carter sud family returned ta their -home in Windsor. Mr. sud Mrs. Robert Carter sud family spent a week's vacation visiting relati v e s here sud in Kingston, and sîso called on friends lu Pet- erborugh sud Whitby. Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd, Terry sud Lyle, Oshiawa; Mr. sud Mrs. Stanley Moffatt, Oshawa; Mr. William B3erry, Bowman- ville, were Thursday dinner guests o! Mrs. Greta Bailey. Mr. sud Mrs. George Wolf have returned home atter vis- itiug relatives lu Ireland. Sciiooh will resume ou Tues- day witb Miss L. Knight as aur teacher. Mr. Leslie Taylor is attend- iug the. C.N.E. tuis week. A number from here at- teuded Port Perry Fair ou, Monday. Mrs. Tom Smith returned home ou Wednesday evenlugý from Memnonial Hospital, Bow- manville, feeling much im-j proved. Mn. Thomas Trick spent a week with relatives iu Tor- auto. Mrs. Celina Lavery, Tor- onto, speut s few days with Mrs. Esther Carnochan. Mr. sud Mrs. E. M. Adams wss Sunday guest o! Mr. sud Mns. Ivan Cochrane, Nestle- ton. Mr. sud Mrs. Lambert Sun- derland sud sou, Toronto, werc weekeud guests o! Mr. sud Mrs. Frauk Holnoyd sud !amily. Mr. sud Mrs. A. E. Ribey speut the. weekend witii rela- tives in Milbauk sud Toronto. Mr. sud Mrs. Cyrus Ashton sud Roy visited in Bowmau- ville on Sunday. Mr. sud Mrs. James Lavery. Toronto, speut the weekeud with Mrs. Esthier Canochan. M r. sud Mrs. Jack Pceling sud girls, Oshawa, were Sun- dy guests or Mrs. Greta Bail- loi. Chartered Accountants RA 5-3527 Bowmanville Cail ZEnith 45750 Partuers: Hon. J. W. Montelth, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., CA. G. W. Richi, C.A., R.LýA. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot. C.A. C h ir o p ra c ti c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin St.,,cor o! Horsey St Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment ---D e ntf-al- DR. W. M. RUDELL. D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubile, Bldgs. 40 Kiug St. W. Bawmauville Office Hours: 9 s.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday sud Sunday Office Phone - AM 3-5790 Hanse Phone - Newcab5tle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bewmanville Phane MA 3-5604 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily CIosed Weduesday - Suudays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmauvile Office Houns: 9 a.m. ta, 6 p.m. dalîy Closed Saturday sud Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le g a STRIKE sud STRIKE- Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowinanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvifle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Resideuce MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Tenperance St. - Bowmanville F. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E, B.A-, LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle P1tue Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointmenî only. W. KAT LYCETT, BA. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices o! R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Mo r tgage s SADIE HAMILTQN - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 FIrst Mortgage Funds Residences - Farins Business Properties Op to m etr y KEITU A. BILLEIT. O.D. Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanvi.Ue office Hours: By appointment Tephone MArket 3-3252 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Saturday r Thursdav evenings a Wednaesda.va: 9 te là. E er, Is given to penitenti- ary authorities acting un- A MacDuff Ottawa Report dNatonal iPaole th dertinaliaoeoarth. There O no basis for the suggestion that hie wouid b. treed ln due course te repeat hMs crime. Merc m M ",su dersoodThe argument over commnu- The Diefenbaker Govern. - -sometinies, we suspect, with lu any way to the Cabîn- tinue until the government ment has been taking a beat- the purpose of belaboring the et's whims, wishes, die- has the moral courage to test ing in the Albert press_ and government, pure and simple tates or directions. the case for abolition of cap- elsewhere in the country as -is that commutation and Another incredible feature adpnihenut ingPrlamn well- for its action in spar- pardon are two different of the case was the subsequent ado h utns ing the. life of a condemnpd words with entirely different painful discovery that McCor- Meantime the safegua- flaYer o! a small Calgary girl. meanings. Parole is yet ano- quodale's lawyer had filed rds remalu, and Canadiaus The entire policy of thr notice of appeal from the eabesurdhttei * grnting commutations te The simple issue Iu the murder conviction, but the protection from convicted lfeIeimPrisoument at the MrCorquodale case, wblcb federal justice department criminals la adequste lu- cabinet level has been at- threateus te become a a nyr normed. This was de. Stacked. The Government cause celebre for the ad- the fault of the Alberta pro- Capital Hill1 Capsules hms been aecused of by- vocates of capital puuish- vincial authority, and it was Strengthening o! Canada's Passiug, and trying to ment, was whether the duly admitted with some em- representation in the Congo substitute itself for the man wss insane at the barrassment. If the informa- by establishment of a full 15w enurts. time of his act. The trial tion had been forthcoming as consulate-general in Leop- Perap th pblc otcy udge and jury pondered it should have been, the ques- o ldville is expected to sharpen Perhapderthend blenthecase this Issue aud found hlm tion of commutation would'1 up communications, and avoid la unertnadabcC inrtheae h sane. He wau seutenced to neyer have corne before the the embarrassment of govern- b01Rutalyrnurdered al1ear- hsling. Cabinet until after the îast nment authorîties commenting Ibaid child xteebasement of Acting independently, as is avenue of appeal had been on developments on the basis . algary chuc h. asmNofe its right and duty under law, exhausted. Whether the kili- of press reports. William M. artCulgary a pre.Nio-e the Cabinet sought advice o! er would in fact have been Wood, a Montrealer who has into welcome the prospect a renowned Ontario psychia- hanged before his appeal had seprdte ternarslsAfairs of a deranged man with crim- trs, h diagnosed the kil- been exhausted. Whether the Dtes artment l Brssged Inal tendencies wandering 1rsmna condition as "in- killer would in fact have been Ahnhsbe sindt leese ini society. But the point sani'Ly o! long standing". hanged before his appeal was tih. critical post. ta srpael vrokd Both Iaw aud social heard if the. Cabinet had flot** tIn isrepatdlyovelooed pratîce say tixat an Insane acted is really beside the point. An i1 percent rise ln -zrperson cannot be execu- utcalo se- Federal revenues at a ted. The Cabinetthdecre-d>Urne of high unemploy- thatThe Criuodale must traneons confusion, which ment and minimum in- ser lt e mpiodl uset mdefor a plentiful diet crease in the gross nation- Wherc the Cabinet made but littie informa tion tifying as it seems. Fin- GIV t TE OBits mistake was to allow the about the central issue, suce department spokes- imprssinUtogTHE JOd tat has made it much more men explain the revenue ANI) VOUULL GREE themsin oulg e areontht difficuit for the reformers gain represents the per- OR STANDARDS 1rnru pathe imas coul e a f ree . to modernize our ap- lad from April 1 to July BUT~ FE.. paoleinas itte a 10yeas. proach to criminal punish- 31, while the GNP rate OfDRFIn fact, hie could- but only meut. Tear awaw al the wsreotdoyfrth clu te eetta hscr sham verbiage of om period January 1 to March cmLete.,atn napr editorial writers and you 31. The two rates may Late, atin luappr- ind that the Cabinet, in vary widely during the eut panie at the hostile the McCorquodale case as yabtFnneMns reaction to the commuta- i 4peiu omt- yabtFnneMns tio deîsin, he abiet n 3 prvias cmmua- ter Donald Fleming is maondec anthe aier tions, acted entirely in holding te his prediction madeothrstoping to on accordance with its un- of an il percent rise iu sier the limitation on Us questiudrgtto rvnde-o ttl N cide between life aud inreeefr6perat oGN powers- or perhaps lbe- dhfrt ~lices f6pretoe lieviniz it could hoodwink deathfrte kxler. the entire fiscal year.__ a gullible publi- it is This right, exercised in the sued what t caled an nae fthe Queeni know Business Directory a 6ore" ote aioa ornll sthe royal prerog -______________ Parole Board, directing ative o! mercy. It dates back ELCTRUC LTD. that the slayer be kept lu to autiquity, and has neyer Acc o n ita nc y COTATIOREAR confinement for the rest been subject to serious cha -______________ of hs naura hf ,RwOR;u lenge. Nor, does it constitute RAY J. DILNG CIEOF ohndera ifparh oe a review of the judge and Certified Public Accountant REFIGERATION-ELECTRI That was immediately ex- Jr'sdcsoranhîgi 93 Church Street MOTO -SALES -SERVIC posed as a bit of patent the nature o! a new trial. It MArket 3-3861 T.V- RADIO -APPLI ANGE nonsense. T h e Parole is a pure and simple, perfect- Board's duties sud powers Iy legal question o! whethcr WM. J. H. COGGINS - .0 are assigned to it by Par- mercy should b. extended. Chartercd Accountant liaiment; it is not subject The practice was refer- Second Floor - red to iu the McRàuer Roy- New Library Building ai Commision report on Cr King and Temperance Sts. criminal sexual psychîo- Phone MArket 3-3612 Dristan Drîstan Co-Pyrouil Privine paths as a "«very essential YALE, FRIEDLANDER i lt pa asue rp aof tceain ianaa" n AccuntutRa&AiOrs Tales pry asues Drpspaof uttce iamniation HccUNTER &ad CdiO. 1.25 -2.25 1.25 2.25 950 Commutation to life impris- Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy ______________________________________ nment does not connote len- 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 iency, molly-coddling o! the Oshawa, Ontario S ~ n.coudemned man or even, nec- B. L. Yale, C.A. Tooh ase ow rrices esarily, an expediated return P. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. of the. criminal to the rauksMOTTH - OTET Spcasof society. RIEHL & CO. Spcil Vacuum Bottles 79ec1 Hlm care, as a life-term- 13MiceS.NOhw Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Gow, plauued cana. trip through Janet sud Ken spenit the holi- the rivers sud lakes in sud day weekeud at Sturgeon near the park, last week. Lake where they eujoyed fish- Kenneth, Wayne sud Paul iug. Martin, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Del Heudsbee, Vernon, their grandparents, Mr. and Anu and David were guests Mrs. Charles Greenham ou o! Mr. sud Mrs. Elmer Des- Labour Day. roches sud family in Oshawa, Mr. sud Mrs. Frank Moore, the occasion beiug Anu's 2ud Oshiawa, spent the. weekend birthday last Wednesday. with Mr. Jim Calliss. A jont eetng f Mple Mr. sud Mrs. Sam Seymour Grove United Church Circlesan mlywrSud get will b. held at the ciiurch ou of her sister, Mrs. A. Umbel Tuesday evening, September sud family at Gore's Lsndiug. 13 at 8 p.m. Will the. ladies stitue wiîî et i tienchurc- please bring the wrappers bse eut on lMoe nayhevening they've been collectiug for ae ntoMndyvnig the offe ur. Prgramwîî September 12. The pnagnam the offe un. Pogrm w will be in charge o! the. Citi- be in charge o! the We Need zeusiiip Couvener, Mrs. Har- You Circle. - oId Cooney. Mns. Aiken of, Mrs. R. L. Wordeu, Bow- Oshawa will be guest speaker. manville; Mr. sud Mrs. Gordon Mr. sud Mrs. Dawson Beck- Martin sud Lynda were guests ett sud family were weekend on Saturday eveuiug o! Mr. guests o! her brother, Mr. sudr and Mrs. Mark Marchant, uew Mrs. Vernon Fawcett sud resideuts o! aur commuuity. family, St. Catharines. Mr. sud Mrs. Charles Green- Mr. sud Mrs. Howard Hage- ham attended the. C.N.E. ou dorn sud family, Petersburg, Saturday wheu their daugh- were weekend visitors wîth ter Carole was a bronze medal her parents, Mr. sud Mrs. wiuner in Solo Baton Twirling Alan Suowdeu. Competition, there. Maple Grove Cubs lst pack Mauneen Martin, Bowman- wiIl resume meeting on Mon- ville, Barbara Brown, Linda day eveuiug at 7 p.m. on Sep- Scott sud Carole Greenham, tember 12. members o! the Tartanettes Mn. Yvou Turcotte, Malar- rwirling Corps, were iu Ham- tic, Quebec, is visitîng his sis- ilton on Mouday, when they ter, Mrs. Roger Lebel sud took part in the. Twirlerama, family. at the. ATgos - Tiger Cat rugby Mr. sud Mrs. Bob Labrc- game there. que have left our district for Mr. sud Mrs. Bert Suowden their uew home lu Oshawa. and family, accompauied by Mr. and Mns. Day. Bothwell rier motiier, Mrs. Ross Grant spent the. holiday weekend at of Bowmanvîlle, enjayed a few their cottage ou Twin Lakes. dsys holidays at a cottage ou Sunday guests witii Mr. sud Baptiste Lake, last week. Mrs. Ed Leslie were Mr. sud Maple Grove Suuday Séhool Mrs. Carl Leslie, Bowmsu- wvill start again Suuday, Sep- ville; Mr. sud Mrs. William tember 11, at 10:15 a.m. a!ter Leslie, Toronto; Mr. sud Mrs. recessing for the. summer AI Leslie, Wiiitby. montiis. Mr. sud Mrs. John Wihlidal Ken Brooks sud s !rieud sud family, Oshiawa, visitedý from Oshawa motored to AI- Mr. sud Mns. Ewald Wihlidal gonquin Park sud enjoyed a on Mouday. h s ti lm c v s t( a gi a: h 0. d tE r( Ir. fi gi ENNISKILLEN Master Roduey Irwiu speut1 the. weekend at Mn. sud Mrs. Bruce Irwiu's cottage, Stoney Lake. Master Bob Scott sud Miss Sharon Scott, Kedran, had s holiday with their cousins, Master Roduey aud Miss Don- na Gail Inwiu. Mn. and Mns. 0. C. Ashton, Lois sud Charles spent the weekeud witii Dr. sud Mrs. C. J. Austin sud family at thein cottage, Crowe Lake. Mn. sud Mns. Floyd Pethick sud Robin, Toronto, were vis- itons with uis parents, Mn. sud Mns. S. R. Pethick. Mn. sud Mrs. Banl Parrôtt sud Helen sud friend, Chalk Lake, were Moudsy visitons at A. L. Weamu's. Mn. sud Mrs. Irvin Cook, Mrs. Effie Lutes sud Gary, Scarboraugii, were Saturday visitons at Mn. sud Mrs. C. Avery's. PONTYPOOL This community was shock- ed sud saddeued by the sud- den accidental death o! Mrs. Percy Robinson. ou Friday night. Deceased was returniug home after s day's work lu the village when she was uit by a car driven by Herbie Curtis. Tii. accideut occured in the. west end o! the. village in front o! the. home o! Gar- don Kirk. W. extend oun sym- patiiy ta tiiose wiio mouru. A large number attended the presentation sud dance for Mn. sud Mns. Alan Bazinet on Friday eveuiug. Tii. young couple ncceived a Television Set from their mauy fricuds i the community. We are glad ta se. Mr. Bill Reunie out again after su!- fcrng a slight stroke receut- ly. Favourable reporta corne from hospital that Mn. Ed Cain i. making astis! actory pragress. Plan ta, attend Manvers Churcii Anuiversary Service an Sunday evcning, Sept. Ilth, with the Poutypool Meu's Choir in attendance. You cram these words intel mine cars against Uic stem- ach a! my seuse. - William Shakespeare.1 Miss Diane Avery enter- taiued s number o! girl frieuds ta hen birtiiday party on Saturday. Mn. sud Mrs. w. Howell sud famiîy visited Mn. sud Mrs. Norman Moore at Tren- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Che- eseman and daughters, Osh- swa, were hostesses to a going away shower for Miss Phyllis Howells, who leaves on Wed- nesday for Western Hospital, Toronto for uurse's training. Hrmny frieuds wîsh her the best o! luck. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtou, Ronald and Ray, Mr. aud Mrs. Ross Ashton and family, Hay- don; Miss Florence Werry, Hampton; Mr. sud Mrs. Ivan' Sharp and Linda were Sun-! day dinner guests o! Mr. and, Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. aud Mrs. A. L. Wearn and Susan visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Acton, Uxbridge, and also visited Mrs. C. B. Wagg,1 who is a patient in the. hos- pital. Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto,' spent Labour Day with Mr. aud Mrs. Ralph Virtue. Mr.. and Mrs. Ken Bail, Susan sud Bonuy, Orono, were callers at the Virtue's. Miss Jean Northey, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor-, land, Bowmanville; Mr. and' Mrs. Stan Turner, Mr. sud Mrs. Ron Hotstou, Oshawa,; were visitors with Miss Elsieý Oke and brother Albert. We are sorry Mr. Walter Ferguson has been in the Osh- awa hospital for the. past tiiree weeks. We are pleased te learu he is improviug uicely. but will be stillinl hospital for some Urne. Sorry te hear Mr. Lorne Simpsou is lu Memorial Hos-' Sital, Bowmauvillc. We wisii im a spcedy .*"get well". Miss Susan Wearn spent a' !ew days with her grandpar-' ents the. A. M. Wearns, Clare- mont. Mr. sud Mrs. A. L. Wearu and Susan were in Oshawa celebrating the. first weddiug anniversary o! Mr. sud Mrs. Donald Wearit. Mrs. Verna Forsyth sud! Ronald, Toronto, spent tii. weekeud with Mr. and Mrs.- R. J. Ormiston. Mr. sud Mrs. Garry Vick-ý ars, Hamnilton, were weekend i Two New Members Join. Rotary Club Twe new members, John Children to paint cabins, sud Bairn and Murdoch Beston the Rotarians gt the tree trlm- were inducted at Uic luncheon ming work party at their meeting o! the. Bewmanville Christmas tree praject acre- Rotary Club held lu Uic Fly- age, north o! Tyrone. in# Dutciiman Mater Hotel on The scenes of Uic "Car Friday. Mr. Bain la Uic sup- Wash" showed the Rotarians erintendent o! the Ontario busy as beavers lu an efficient Training SchI ofr BOYS, frenzy o! work. They washed Rowmanville, sud Murdoch 233 cars that day. Jesse Van Beatoni Is the director o! Mu- Nest as Uic skilled chef, sud sic for the. Bowmanville Pub- BillMerrison, Bill Theisbur-' lic Schools. ger, sud Rex Walters as the The induction was carrled walters were pictured lu the eut by three past presideuts midst ef their duties at theiri o! Uic club, Rex. Walters, W. successful talent money lun- David Higgou sud Morley cheon. Vanstone, sud Art Ribey, chairman o! the magazine sud Tere were a number of ex- pubie nfomaioncomitte.cellent views o! Blue Moun- The birthday o! Frank Jam-tanCmfo rpldhid iesauwas clebrted b us which showed the spac- fellonwRa ra. Gue sts at ,shingled cottages beiug tii.o Rouncia meestin wreainted by members o! the th uChe!Bmeuingd R Kt manville Rotary Club. Tii. Police Che enr .Kt pictures o! the Christmas tree ney, Bowmsuville, N. Rich- trimmiug accompllshed by the. ards, Oshawa, Rex Wyman, local Rotarians were also good. Brantford, aud Charles Reed, George Robinson sud 5ev. R. P. Rickaby, president o! Perssous, aIl o! Ajax. Uic club, tiianked Mr.Thues- Bill Thiesburger, chairman burger for the. entertiun o! Uic Special Eveuts Commit- program h. had preseuted. He tee, was in charge o! su cx- remarked that Mr. Thiesbur- ceedingly iuteresting program. ger's runuing comment was, Coloured motion pictures parti.cularly worthy o! praise. taken by Dave Higgou, Dr.Tii. president also tiiankd Dr. Bill Rudell, Jim Stutt sud Mr. Rudeli, Mr. Higgon and Mr. Theisburg.r were siiown with Stutt for takiug the fine mo- an amusing sud witty com- lion pictures. mentary by the. Special Ev- Stewart McTavish, chair- ents Committee Chairman. man o! the. International Com- The films depicted the fund mittce aunounced h. had been raisiug "Car Wasii" ield by informed by Ian Smith, chair- the club hast year, thie "Tal- man o! the Program Commit- eut Money" luncheon cooked tee, that October 14th had sud served by s group o! local been selected for the. club's Rotariaus, thie sortie te Blue International Studeut Week- Mountain Camp for Crippled end. MA.PLE GROVE 16. 79C guests o! Mr. sud Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. sud Mrs. Walteri Loveridge, Haydon, Mr. sud Mrs. Brian Lee, Kedron, Mr. Allan Stainton, were visitors. Mrs. Gordon McLean sud Mrs. Fred Toms in company witii Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd SI.- mon, Haydou, attended Decor- ation Service at Nestîcton sud were tes guests o! Mr. sud Mrs. Ralph Sadler on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vaumeeri aud family, Providence; Mr.1 sud Mrs. Lyai Brock, Mr.1 sud Mrs. Reg Brock aud girls, Mr. sud Mrs. Herman Haass aud Rouhy, Bowman- ville; Mr. sud Mrs. Sam Piper Mr. sud Mrs. Charley Lang- 8Oth birthduy Frlday. S 1: 's SWIFTS EED AN» BLUE BRAN» BEEF PAGE-Sut Rump Rasts Round End lb. 79c Sirloiu Steak or Roust WING AND T-BONE Steaki or Roust 1,. 89c lb. 89c SWIFT'S VUE VAC COOKED MEATS Macaroni & Cheese - Dutch Loaf - Beef, Veai, Pork and Chieken ào Pickie and Pimento - Your choice, 6 oz. package 2 fo4 9 BEST BUY - SAVE lic York Brand - 16 oz. jar PEANUT BUTTER 2for 79c BEST BUY - SAVE 16e Kam - 12 oz. tin LUNCHEON NMAT 4for $ BEST BUY- SAVE 8c Van Camp - 20 oz. tin DEURS WITH PORE 2 for 35c BEST BUY - SAVE, 6a Raspberry or Strawbeitry with Pectin - 24 oz. jar ROSE BRAND JANS 43C BEST BUY - SAVE 15e - Giant 8 oz. jar RED & WRT INSTANT CGFFEE 9Y9 7 FANCY GRADE No. 1 - Heapimg 6 qt. basket Bartlett Pears Now at their peak No. 1 Grade - 11-qt. basket CUCUNDEIRS 79c Ail purpose - No. i Small - 10 lb. bag YELLOW ONIONS 49c $1019 Fiavourful home-grown No. i Grade - Heaping 6-qt. basket TONATGES - 49c No. 1 Green Sweet - Extra Large PEPPERS 6]or25c ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PICKLING: Cauiffiower, Silver SkIn Onions, Sweet and Hot Red Peppers, Celery, Diii, Garlic, etc. FEATURE - SAVE 13e Maple Leaf - 3c Off Pack - 8 oz. pkg. CHEESE SLUCES 2 Fer 53c FEATURE - SAVE 8c Kellogg's SUGAR FROSTED FLAKES - 10 oz. pkg., or SPECIAL "K", For E 6%o.pkg. -- 2 SIC FEATURE - SAVE 4c Fresha - 64 oz. jug ORANGE DRINK m 41C1 White or Cider - Gallon jug CANADA VINEGAR Sifto - 3 lb. pkg. PICKLING SALT 75c1 m 21c1 Supreme - 3 oz. cello PICKLING SPICE 2 F«r 25c Charcoal - 16 oz. tini àmaàaa iaa IuxW- uc 1 rIUIiati G uMaI n FROZEN FOQDS Save 10e - Scrumptious . 24 oz. pkg. PET RITZ BLIJEDERET PIES ..3 9c FEATURE - SAVE 25e Unico - 14 oz. tin SPAGHETTI SAUCE 2 For 29c FEATURE - SAVE lie Goid Seai Solid White Meat - 7 oz. tini TUNA FISH - 3 ïor $ 1.0 FEATURE - SAVE 20e Maple Leaf - 1% lb. tini CANNED HANS -$ 1.39 m 45c 39c m 19C DOUWAN VILLE NAPLE GROVE -~ ~ - ciluinn's Narkel - - - apis Grave Groceleria I GONO - - - - Cornish Narkeleria ELACKSTOCK E --- lyIh's Nakel TEM CAMADIANSTATESUAN. DOWNAUVLLE. ONTARTO PHONESTR KA 3-5695 DRUG STR ROYAL ROWMANVILLE MA 3-5589 Beaver Brand - 5 lb. bag CHARCOAL - - Kraft - 14 oz. bottie BARBECUE SAUCE Aunt Mary's - 24 oz. load SLICED BREAD - Golden Hour - 1I L. ello pkg. THURSDAY. SEPT. 8*4 leu9 maid and famlly, Mr. snd Mms Roy Langmaad, Solina, Mr, imi Kinsmnan, Courtioe, M. sud Mrs. Keith McGill aud boys were Sunday visiter. a~ Roy McGili's. 't' v Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ric.. London, were wlth Mr. and. Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mrs.Ma ' Rice returned home wlth them. Mr. Herb Rogers and Mrm Win Morrisen, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore's. Congratulations to M W H. Moore who celebrat*her sud girls, Maple (Irove; Jlm Kinsman, Courtice; Mr. sud Mrs. Roy McGill, Miss Reva McGill were guests at a corn roast on Saturday nigiit at the. home o! Mr. sud Mrs. Keith McGill. Miss Ruth Pethick spent a few days with Miss Joan Ad- ams, Bowmanville. Mr. sud Mrs. Alsun Werry sud girls were Sunday tesl guests o! Mr. sud Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron. Miss Loverue Orchard, Bow- manville, spent the weekend with Mr. sud Mrs. M. Stain- ton. L l Round steak or Roast la- aie. 1

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