f Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGUI, wvin Enniskillen. Ip tto tOA C ic SOLINA M.th rs e ilsan assie CmeuEon ' ~w' mers of theThree tended tne ±tn edn n hide teddth ils> tei 'ad an interesting conductedi latter's uncle an.d aunt, Mr-. Carol and Anne returned home ces tour of the Bell Telephone and Ms-s. Roy Metcalf, Base after visitingr their grandpar- osg 'tbuilding in Oshawa on Mon- Une, on Saturday. ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- *. day flîght. Mr. and Mrs. O. Cruîck- Cari-ell, Omemee. cOr Schooî re-opened on Tues- 'shank, Ms-s. Ida Wilcox, Mr. Master David Sherwin, Bel- daY with Mr,. 5S Snowden and and Mrs. Graham Horton and, levile, was with his grand- h u Mrs. W. Ashton teachers at Jon Peterborough, visited parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. at radey' scooîand Mr.)Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Taylor, several days. Dion Skeats at Baker's school.. family.d Mrs. Emily Darch is with Hono Women's Institute wiiF Mss H . ik iitd Mr. and Mrs. W. Darch andm at nght (tonight)r n Ms Hilton Tirk, Eben:' family. led at815 'clock when Bowman- ezi M.and Mrs rvnRany Vil .I ais ilh guests Herbie Tink holidayed with Orono: Miss Lena Taylor, Bow-MsL and the 4-H Club girls will his cousin, Carolyn Dewell,l manvile, visited M. and Mrs ian i ss Pat nox s atnîg BObby and Jean Brown, Osh- Mrs. Howard Hartley. Laura CJUflchgioFamrs ÇnpatLk awa, spent several days at Mr. and Christine. Mr. George atr in e ar n e pr gram H apoLa g ] reprUheshn thîs week as aland Mrs. Bruce Tink's. Marlow, Mr-.an and Mrsi. vn Cony r n r.RYLnmiden and family, Mr. Jack Grey, Davies, r .resn tat ve r orn urWM . and M s-s. C . Langmaidn O shaw a: M r. F. R. Cook, M r. L nsgeU Count Mr. and s-s. C. La gniad aanEdwnCoo Mr.an Mr. es Werry at- childrn were Sunday guessiEdwi ok Bowmanville, vis- M-.J itdM.adMrs. F. Westlake, Falls;1 Jr. and family. Gny Granty, Mr. and Ms-s. Harvey Yel- lowlees and childi-en visited Mr-. and Mrs. Jim Wood and S P C A 45famifly were Sunday guests of R E SPE CIA LS ~Mr. and Ms. D. Flett and Seven charming young ladies were selectedrcnl tthFnaj gi PRE-TEEN - 8 to 14X childi-en.e entyath OtriAg- M. and Ms. Tom Westlake, cultural College by members of the Ontario Shorthorn Lassie Association as .~8 Dwight and CecilMilbrook, contestants for the title of the first Shorthorn Queen Of Ontario. The selection D 1 E s s- $3 * Mr. Bl aminn saa of the Queen and ber coronation will take place at the forthcoming R~oyal Winter Children's I Balon nd Olonr. atr i.Ia The "Bonnie Lassies" are selected from over 50 representatives from al I alter and Mliss Jean Walter, parts of Ontario on the basis of personality, appearance, and ability to judge BOU E C AT I W AT EE S Owen Sondvisited at Mrs. J. and show Shorthorn cattie. The selections were made by a panel composed of I IMr. and Mrs. E. Spires. Ken the wives of prominent Ontario Shorthorn Breeders. Ail Sizes Ail Sizes and Colours and Sharon, Joan and Allan The Shorthorn Lassie Association was organized last year by the wives Westlake attended the C.N.E. and daughters of the Shorthorn Fraternity, with Mrs. John Rickard of New- J ~ ui U & - - --on Satu i-day. castle as president, to promote greater interest i.n the breed, and to assist in J U y!Mr. and Ms-s. John Law, various public relations projects. ThrnhiE.,Spisitda'M. n The Lassies shown in the photograph admiring one of the College Short- --Miss Sharon Lucas, Mr. and horns were selected as reserve winners in the competition: Left to right-Gaîi Ms-s. G. Marsan, Ste. Sustace, Baker, Hampton; Mary Hyatt, Inwood; Gloria Leighton, Orangeville; Joan Beath, *SH O P P EQue.; Mr-. E. Ormiston, Eben- Oshawa; Norma Howse, Anis; Evelyn Pegelo, Cargili, and Monica O'Shea, 15 K ing st. E. B ow m anvil z vited ake's . a d M s r n o . M s o n R c a d e c sl ,P e i e zes-, visied tM- adM-.GrnoMs. Jh ikrNwcsl Peiet of the Ontario Shorthorn QU Ms-s. Tom Baker and Elaine Lassie Association, is at the halter.QU _____ ____horn Lassie Day. Pietu e hat and a cessories. M.ad Ms-s. Harvey Hardy, Her corsage was of red roses. 71 Bowmanville, visited Mr. andT e groo mn's pare nt e- END SH E R PAR B ISMs-s. Isaac Hardy and Stanley. uTabe t e r nt bs ent END SHOE REPAIR BILLS Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy ual ob rsn u et j and Stanley visited relatives teeg a « cng atlti n - at Claremont and Goodwood. * VVC4L g s whioh was i-ead at thse recep-1 s esBrooklin. vîsited Ms-s. Rae The dinner, reception arnd: M1 P s-s. a . Sc ks ar n d avddance w as lsel at Clark's~ Mr.-- asoeand childi-e so il nGldnLkatne fi SER-TZ% and childien, Mr. and Mss. lsY ves- 150 guests. by~~~~~~~ , apode[ praus te combo 1' George Gilsoy and sons, Col- Laigo hi-wdig M boi .e growth. ExgIusve on ubu ejye ici ttrip to thse Laurentian Moun- - % %- - - - 4 1 . f hoot. 4 /4e Caesarea. tains_ and through the pro- à SLE ND EEL' . Ms-s. L. B. Williams, Bow- * GARATEE I <-~manville; Mss. L. C. Snowden GUARATEEDand Bob, Maple Gi-ove, visited % for Ihre. m.nths.Mi-. and Mrs. M. C. Wotten. Mr. John Vos, Oshawa; Ms-. MCCOLLUM- WANNAN 'and Mi-. Donald Wannan were Completely boy proof 1 QualIty Albert Vos and childen, ushers. Brighton, visîted thse Wer-' nAgs 7h napet A reception was hield in St. hale upr Thermo-Weded' 1 at Roselandvale, wedding in St. Paul St. United Paul St. United Chureh par- la "boy-proof" sole by newSERA SMART STYLES! Miss Judith Dsynan, Oshawa, Chus-ch, St. Catharines, Ont., jours. Thse couple left fora prces:nosoe tichnqvisited at Mr. and Ms-s. j. Carol Margaret, daugister of trip to H-alibut adQe- focoe bae o rot Sizsi8 for S4ysano n os.Ms-. and Mis-s. Loi-ne O. Wan- bec. For travelling thse bide y0fl 4mMr. and Ms-s. Har-old Pascoe nan, became thse wife of Mi-. wore a gs-ey Italian wool Thegretes avane i bos ho«so «maccompanied Ms-. and Ms-s. C. Thomas Alfs-ed McColltum, son sheath with bs-oiwn accessores 7h.gretes a van. i bys fio, .50 y.oa.Sm ith, O shaw a, to visit M i. of M s. and M s. Thom as Ed- and ye ilow rose corsage. From authorized dealers across Canada or and Ms-s. L. Truil and fansily was-d McCollsîm o! Port Ci-e- Out-of-town guests attended ,~ for nome of nearest dealer, wrie- at Chemong Lake. dit, Ont. Rev. George P. fo igtn oonBr E W TII!SUNEEAM 5H01 COMPANY LIMITED, ort jom , Ms-. and Ms-s. Clare Allin, o-e ofcae bfr raKngvoneCoTor, BRam-16Bh Rober-t and John, Bowmanviîîe, setting of pink and white glad- ilion, Ancaste-, Blackstock, M* nuL couom rAlso Children's, sizes 81/2 to 3 ,$495 Ms-s. WsYellowlees and sons. daiighter innsar-iage. Pane! M ei dMCC1Imill.Ae.. Mer.uay usao .n der joli.heMbri. L. osW a nn ae lo or iedi ootod. am le L o d E l s S o s Montgomnery, Mr.C. Harner long sleeves and flowing ski-t PRUSSAK - PASSAW ef Q ai m* 49 XIG T. W gusts f M. an Mr, M-haning romthewaistline initokpAwedin Gol wde ntLake on 40 K I T .M A 3-5941 Bird a a sae .the front. A fn ertp veil at usdpac, e pt G en e , ohn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S u n ca y , S ep te înb e s- il, o f tu lle illu sio n w as h eld b y S a uDl s e a riS p t e a 3,aw, daugisA T tecombined church service a coronet of orange blossoms.1Dte o!Ms-.arrue Passaw uh She carried a cascade bouquet and tise late Allan Passaw be- ... o! white gardenias and cama- came tise bride of Helmut tions with ts-ailing ivy. Frank Prussak o! Tos-onto, son Miss Marlyn Loft and Miss 0fM-.ad ss. Fs-anz Psussak Sandra Aitken, both o! St. ofB etel feld, Germany. Catharines, wes-e bridesmaids. Tise Rev. J. R. Korcok of- They wore identical dresses o!ficiated for thse double ring moss green peau de soie with cex'emony which was held in sleeveless bodice sabriina neck- St. John's Lutheran Chus-ch at lines and bell-shaped skirts. G.es-manicus. Tise churcis was Theis- rose head-ds-esses match- beautifully decorated with bas- ed tise trim on their cummes-- kets of gladioli and autumnn bunds. They cars-led bouquets flowes-s. o! red carnations and ivy. M-.SalyMntpae Dr.Du.a.Beano! tise wedding music and ac- Barrie was groomisman. Ms-. companied Mr-. J. R. Bestvates- Bruce Hutchinson o Kingston singing "Jesus Lead Thou On." Following tise ces-emony teIACoc aeO 8o.tn wd&Fbetthe:30 'clock ith youg coupl partoo o!iio- enL'SDAYsEpT8th,1960 D aviers, pietedby Rtises-onoMissSrey redef but she'Il have one som ~~~~~Fluttes-; "Oveslaid" by Rob-! autun ncolos-s ogi-enoeLn aly-Sveg 5o. Lpo' bu se'l av oe ooMi an engagement ring. ertson Davies, presented b ' and goil satin, siseath syleDarileff Pears 2/33c SOUE1 Likemos girs se ha piua fr *Bowmanvillc and dis-ected by wtis fu1 matching ovei-skirts Liemstgrssh a pasfrma.rriage and Jean Sheridan. Thse last piay1 of net, matehing shoes and IGA - Save Se - 16 oz. jar Detergef her growin Savings A count in T e Canadofntie evening will be "Stoim gloves, witis whimsy iats o! e i u u x e A hergroinglavngsAcuntin he anaianina Loving Cup" by Philjp; satin and net in matciîing Den i ter 3c ICA 1 Johnson, presented by tise colos-s, their "Harvcst Time" Bank of Commerce is earna.rked for wedding Peterbor-oughs Comm un i t ybouqu etts twere o! chrysan- a' Theatre and dirctd by Wul-'themaums, pomIprns, wheat as Oatmeal - 12 oz. kgs. Christie' expenses and purchases for her lirst home. liam Boyd. so n'satin wrapped rings COIS 2Fr4c PE Friday ight thse Orono Ijighisgroonisa a icgio Preejous jewels from the pat... happy plans Tev on Lo"b .of Bctiany. Ushers wcre Black Diamond Old Coloured or White BarreîecteudLok by WJndM. Norman Passaw of Hoyle, Ont. for the future ... The Canadian Bank of HBrre,. Thed y anseda an Earlc Saas- o! Pemibroke, Commerce helMps rotet both. Whatever ban k- Prescit "Sun day Costs Five and reception Ms-s. Passw was l Pesos" by Josephine Niggli, waring a dusty rose lace Ce s f mlg servies you need you cam be sure they directed by Roger Davis and sheatis gOwn witîh rnatchiing &re readly available at any branch of The Theatre wmf present "Tise Pin- bu ger of God"l by Percival Wilde, Canadian Bank~ of c<>jywxmj~ directcd by G. G. Dallin. SHO P AND Si Satui-day's programme will COnsist o! two entries, tise fis-st by thse Whitbv Theatre Gulld THE CANADIAN h ilPeet'eDa Departed" by Stanley Hougis-o u ton, dis-ctd by Bert H-eaver BA K O O M R Eand "Tise Valiant" by Hai- -N BANK F CO M ERCEwo-tis Hall and Robet Mid- CaU u u8 bc&WmteOsaaritls di-ected by Art Elliott. Tise1' mIG adjudicatos-wilbe AL-. JamesiOS G of! Quebec, the bride was Mrs. Lc>rne Graeber, ailo Sugden, Fliint, Mch.; Mms mg a smiart pine greeni North Bay; Mrs. Jackc Griffih Myrtie K">o6ke Hamiliton, suit with beige and Miss Doris Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Ont.; Join Fenton Ottawa; mink colla-. green fea-J Chuck Stattie. Mrs. Pat James, 1Mi-. and Mrs. Ross 'Carr, Mr. 1hat. beige and brown Baltimore. U.S.A.: Mr. andj and Mvrs. Creighton Car, iries and white orchid Mrs Normani Graeber and BethanY, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ïe. farnily, Mattawa; Mr. and Mrs.1 Walter Alberyski, Niagara return they will live min Henry Graeber, Croswehl,iFalis; Nornman Passaw, Hoyle, 1o where Mr. Prussak is Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ont. aperintendent of Disher- -__ _____ nd Construction Co. ired guests from out-of-; were Louis Macedo andi l1ool E S N do Gonzales from Are- IN YOUR OWN HOME Perus, S.A.; r n I N Lang Farradrand »&CCORDION - CUITAIR -PIN David Campbell, William1 and Miss Jacqueline TOWN or RURAL Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Over 3,000 Students Throughout Eastern Ontario Mirs. Lillian Kearneyý INSTRUMENTS INCLUDED IF NECESSARY iss Carol Kearney, Bert ; ail of Toronto, Roberti Anyone from 8 to 80 can Iearn to, play U, Porquis Jct.: Mr. and ýBilecki, Whitefish; Mr. WHY NOT ENROL NOW 1 rs. E. Dalgleish, SmitVs WRITE BOX 65, c/o CANADIAN STATESMAN Mi-. and Mrs. J. Me- Mr-. and Mrs. Paul P.0. BOX 190. Bowmanville, Ont. e and family, Mr. and PAINTING INERORORnXdRO DEORATI NG WALLPAFERING A SPECNALTY ALITY MATERIALS GUAANEE WRKANHI La-ee-adwr Landeri ardwar and Electric Ltd. 3-5774 RnexuLP YOUE CHILD l SCHOO] WITH THIS EXCITING NEW WORLD 0FVOLED VOLM -77' %g. of 60 73 C 2for 2 7c 2for4,5c is Chick. Nood. - Save 4c P MqIX 2 "-kg 23c 'nt - Savec 24e - 24 oz. Uin LIGIUID 45c: e't - 1 lb. pkg. le - 8 oz. rs Frozen - 40 Fathomn OLMS2YUE1 ORLY 99C EACH Table Rite Red or Blue Brand Beef > DONELESS ROUND Steaks,0 OR lbM Roasts 7i 0R RUNP ROAST Sirloin - Porterhouse or Wing IL c c Burns Daisy Brand Rindless Sliced SAIDE BIACO FN--TABL.RAM U.S. No. 1 Grade « Seediess ORAPES 3s'39' Plump, Milky Kernels - Good Size CORN 12 for 49c Thin Skinned - Juicy - Valencias - Size 138's Sunkisi ORANGES z.49 U.S. No. 1 Grade - Crisp Garden Fresh LETTUCE--2 F,25C I h P i 39cIC;d Fluets Ib.19c miVe AT Market MilletAMre Ma rket -ASTLE~ SITANNO il' ) K jOAGE FM i THE CANADMN STATESMM. BnWMAWM.'r.lie nomjkuvà% a 3-5774 59C 0 a 0 BOWMANVILLE 2fo,43c ý AVE AT m CITAMO