Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1960, p. 3

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k ~~ISAYSEPT. 8th,1960 Weddinl Hiampton, visiteci Mrs. W. Mn. and Mrs. Don MacKen- zie. Toronto, visited ber me- ther. Mrs. A. McNeil, on Sun- day. Mrs. MeNeil accompan- ied Mr.and Mrs. McKenzie and called on Mn. and Mrs. H. Stainton. Hampton. Mrs. John Hoyiand, Oshawa, called on Mrs. K. Cowling. " Mn. and Mns. Harry Milis- and Patricia, Montreal, Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hampton, called on Mrs. Rd. McNeil and Mrs. Crossmnan on Saturday. Mrs. Rita Tennant, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead at their cottage. Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Reid and Elizabeth, Bowmnanville; Mrs. Hebent Reid, Newton- ville, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard's., Rev. and Mrs. Robent Gay and i. Linda, Kipling, Sask., visited7I at the Garrard home aiso. Visitons at D4r. and Mru.. Married in Hamilton de JONG -MULDER stephanotis. ý The arrige o Jan Mul Mrs. Henry Mulder, the mat- de dageof Mr.and Mrs. ýron of honor, and the senior Aderew uer of M BowndMrsattendants, Mrs. Henry de a-Jong and Miss Theresa de ville, and John de Jong, son Jong, were ail in turqu'Oise of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Th. de organza over taffeta designed Jong of Newcastle, was sol- with scooped niecklines, short emnized recently in the Chris- sleeves and fully - gathered tian Reformed Church, Bow- skirts. They wore matchrng eU manvîlle. picture hats and white acces- The Reverend John van sories and carried cascades of Harmelen officiated. The wed- tea roses. ding music was pleyed by Mr. The junior bridesmaid was Albert van Belle. Miss Klaasje Mulder, identi- Given in marriage by hier cally dressed in white organ- father, the bride wore a full- za. She wore a flowered crown length gown of white silk or- and carried white carnations. ganza over satin designed The Misses Ida de Jong and with lily- point sleeves and Irene Kraay were flower a scop neckline studded with girls in melon nylon over taf- sequins and pearîs. Lace in- feta. Their headdresses were serts styled the fully-gather- white flowered crowns and ed skirt which fell into aithey carried nosegays of ros- chapel train. A crown trim- es. med with pearîs, rhinestones Mr Henry de Jong acted as Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joseph Robson are pictured and sequins held bier fingertip, best man . Ushering were above following their wedding in Hamilton on August veil and she carried a cas- Messrs. Peter de Jong and lt.Tebiei h omrLneJ-n ani cade of white carnations and [Thomas de Jong. 1td he brie i andfomr W W B'nne ll Bow an- A reception was held in the a dauger of M. ad r. W .Bgel om Lions Centre. Bowmanville. ville, and the bridegroom is the sôn of Mr. and Mrs. Go By- Train to the For the occasion the bride's John Robson, Hamilton. Archdeacon R. C. Blagrave mother and the bridegroom's officiated at the marriage ceremony. mother both wore blue silk __ ________ wihpink accessories. C n e to uvai UVAl As the couple left fo r a U AI LONDON ~wedding trip to the UnitedPlwla .W.L. Cneto States, the bride was wearing pink nylon with white acces- nN thB yS p.91 willive in Bowmanville. Sept. 12-17 Word has been received by1 begin at two o'clack on Fni- LOW RAIL FARES ROBSON - BAGNELL Mrs. Stewart Chisholm, presi- day afternoon, September 9th. A wedding of fnterest to dent of the Bowmanville Mrs. George V. Davis, Toron- v44$915many friends in Bowmanville CWL, fram the Peterborough to, the provincial president $9.15and the district was solemii-I Diacesan Council that the 13th will preside at anl business Coachi ized on Saturday, August 13th, annu a 1 Ontario Provincial sessions. Returu flrst class fares when Lynne Jo-Ann Bagneli Convention of the Catholie, The pre-convention meeting aiso available a daughter of Mn. and Mrs. W. Women's League of Canada, of provincial officers will be Goo gin St.,Set.10 W. Bagneil, Bowmanville, was will be held in North Bay called at four o'clock, follow- o og Sata, Sept. 10 ntdinmriget oet from September 9th to l2th. ed by Mass at 5:30 p.m. Most 1 Joseph Robson, son of Mr. The theme will be "The Rev. B. I. Webster, D.D., Returu Limit - Sept. 19 and Mrs. John Robson, Ham- Christian Family Apostolate". 1 Bishop of Peterborough, the ilton. Archdeacon R. C. Bla-. Convention headquart e r s provincial dîrector, will be Full information from grave officiated.- will be at the Empire Hotel, the celebrant. any agent The ceremony took place at I North Bay, Registration will Most Rev. Alexander Car- the residence of Mn. and Mrs.1 -- ter, D.D., Bishop of Sault Ste. Ernest C. Delorme, 400 Queen profusion of white gladioli. Marie will be the guest speak- Street South, Hamilton. The, The beautiful bride, Who er at the convention banquet spacious drawing-room was was given in marriage by hier at seven p.m. in Scollard Hall. effectively decorated with a father, wore a lovely gown of white satin., The fitted bodice, had three-quarter iength sle-' at the cuffs and neckline with Frien ds Honor lace and pearîs. The graceful The dlstraught Young woman skirt was full. Her circulan Browvns on explinedto ixe sycxiatistshoulder length veil of tulle thather lckhusbnd hougt -illusion was beld by a JulietteA lie was a refrigerator. cap formed of peari tipped 25tn A nI v. white satin leaves. The veil nn~ 'I vouldn't let that bother was worn over lier face dur- Mr. and Mrs. Brown wene yen," the doctor soothed. ing the cenemony. The bride's at home on the evening of IflVell, lt isn't that alone," she. flowers were attractive white Aug. 24th, 1960, to mark their "->ent on. "You see, he sleeps ~ and baby pink roses. silver wedding anniversary. ýrith his mouth open and that y::- r.HgiBon Hml The guests were greeted at; littie light keeps me awake." ton, was the matron of hion- the door by their eldest son, Somepeole o hae teiroun. She wore a pretty frock! Bob, and their daugliter Bar- polm!But here's one prob- of deep blue sheer over mat- bara was in charge of the blem s!uned' av n ching taffeta. Her small bat guest book. Their other two tbat's selecting a dry cleanerr was composed of white flow- sons, Donald and David, were you can thoroughly trust your ers, and lier accessanies were also present to welcome the most precious garments to. Just wbite. She carried a bouquet guests. send your dry cîeaning to us of pink and white roses. Hughi The tea table was attractive- adwe'll do your worrying Ed. Leslie Brown, Hamilton, was the ly decorated with a bouquet of' aor you. best man. pansies and white candles ini At the reception following silver bolders. Centering the CAR AH EPT 17 the ceremony Mrs. Bagnell, table was the ]ovely three- ]O A CRU I 111E K WS17 the mother of the bride, re- tier wedding cake, madç and ceived wearing a becoming decorated by Mrs. Howard gown of pale blue lace with Bradley and Mrs. Cecil Milîs. matching bat and accessories. Pouring tea were Mrs. A. Her corsage was of pink roses. Gibson, Mrs. Floyd Mutton, Ki* srWMA. - ' e She was assisted -by Mrs., Mrs. Jack Brown and Mrs. Rbothe mother of the Ivan Rogers. Serving the ___________________________bridegroom, whose modish guests in the dinîng room were gown was of pale green Swîss Mrs. Wallace Munday and Mrs. batiste. Her hat and accessor- Russell Gimblett. ies were white, and she wore1 Four friends of the Browns, a corsage of yellow roses.1 Mrs. Cecil Mills, Mrs. Howard H e1na Rubinsin's Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joseph Bradley, Mrs. Ivison Munday OFFERRobson left later for a hion- and Mns. Jack Hurrie looked Ieymoon motor trip ta the Lake, after the kitchen preparations. UHIC-A-YEAR F râB of the Bays. On their return Many beautiful giftsofsl they will reside in New Tor- ver, aluminum, crystal etc. onto. For travelling the bride were presented to the couple wore a white sheath dress.: on this happy occasion. Its large collar was lace trim- IU)atr £ ilmed, and narrow red velvet ns t n ~ iey riboses, os at n. andMrs. . Cam Lea ,J~1 minserts in the lace. Her smart T ~oHAYDON Hrig sho. She ia os angex-f Toonto were Sunday alest Uert figue skater rdosesstors t. adPerger aD.famy, C/erdea sedin te si- Mrs. M. Siland family, NOthawa Skai lb.PLater1sheFriland vitedMn ars. was aolso anmemberof thle O r Ray Grhm n Mn.oandm-s - glIMTE TM OLY -an SaintCu, ndfllw-C eRahm n iday a nd ighe fhomon ofhe i a -Study $ea 2.5ou0 sk$1s.95s asa ateelly anigue Skatg Club isi 5 n Mrs. McCrg rai and ml ----------bear. Se wsauateith starday rsM.s ithMrand fmily. Walter Leveridge's were, Mr.: DO YOU zrMdzN and Mrs. Douglas Strawbridge' and family, Hampton, Misses Anne Martyn and Judith Tre- J s n win, Bowmanville. .us O e Mrs. J. Martyn, Stephen and (Sept. 10, 1959) 1 Glen, Bowmanvilie; Mn. and Mns. David Monrow and Alex- It should be a wild, wet1 andra, Toronto, visited Mr. day on Satunday wben mem- i and Mns. Arthur Trewmn. bers o! the Rotary Club stage Mr. nd Ms. Jm Grhamtheir first annuai Car WashJ and boys, Bowmanvilie, were tRboMtrsE Tuesday evening caliers at A fine completeiy destroy- Mr. and Mns. Leslie Gnaham's. ed the Holiday Inn, a restaur- Mn. Henry Ashton was sup- ant and dance ball,i Caes- per guest Sunday. area, last Wednesday evening,1 Mns. Bernard House m a n September 2nd.1 and cbildren have returned te Council initiates action toi Petawawa, baving spent a salve school probiem- invites1 month witb ber parents, M~r. municipalities to meeting hene. i and Mrs. Charlie Garnard. Bowmanviile Higb School Sgt. Houseman wiii return to students were gnanted a half Petawawa at the close of the holiday, Wednesday, due to C.N.E. excessive hot weather. Lynda Potts returned home Ajax downs Oimpia s- on Monday having spent a team bas error-itîs in opening week with Mr. and Mns. D. O.B.A. Juvenile playoffs. Ash, Oshawa. Darlington's Reeve Roy W. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Nichols had the honon of pla- Ronald and Ray, Mn. and Mrs. cing the first caîl from the Ross Ashton and family were new Colfax Exchange at Ham- Sunday dinner guests a n pton on August 29th. He ealled atM.Mayor Lyman A. Gifford of and Mns. R. Onmiston's, En-Oswa niskille1.Mn. M. W. Nowak, R.R. 1, Mr. W. Blackburn, Wayne Bowmanville, entered four and Dougie, Mrs. K. Cowiing, crates in the current C.N.E. Mns. M. Cowling, Salem, at- egg classes and won thnee tended the C.N.E. on Thurs- finsts and one third. day. Orono: Congratulations tol W.A. September meeting Mn. John Moat, Oakville, for- wili be held at the home o! merly of Orono, who wîli be Mrs. F. Toms, Enniskillen, on i"101', on Sept. 16th. Thursday evening (tonight) Newcastle: When the school Mrs. Arthur Trewin's group in bell rang at nine o'clock on Lcharge. Sunday Schooi having been Roy Metcalf, Maple Grave. elosed for two months willI Decoration Service at Beth- stant this Sunday morning at esda Cemetery Sunday after- 10:30. Church service Sunday noon at 3 p.m. evening at 7:30. 1Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Siemon Mn. Charlie Garrard attend- attended Deconation Service ed the C.N.E. on Friday. at Nestleton Sunday, and were Sunday School Rally will be supper guests of Mr. and Mns. held Sunday, Sept. l8tb. Ralph Saddler. Haydon Thank-Offening Ser- Mn. and Mrs. Clem Rahm vice wiii be held Sunday, and family spent Saturday and Sept. 25, at 7:30.I Sunday with Mr. and Ms Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton' Leonard Wilson, Lýakefieldàý, attended the 40th wedding and Monday witb Mn. a nd Mns.' annivensary of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Four-Mile Lake. spend a mou ghter and so ~ M go.Nestleton: ruesday niorning, 211 pupils answered the cali. 31 of them Gv for the first time. Gv Blackstock: Mn. and Mns. Amid i Archie Dysant, Caesarea, hàd To tea a great deal of damage done by lightning to thein home And hi iast Wednesday morning. HeJp i Solina: Mrs. Ken McMinn of And t] Oshawa entertained about 30 friends of Donna Vice, bride- To poi ýto-be, at a miscelianeous And t] sbowen at the Home of ber mothen, Mrs. E. Cryderman. Then, Bethany: Mns. Clarence Ro- To I1 wan left on Thursday for Fin- nie, Sask., whene she will 47 KING ST. IL - MA 3-5081 Aylmer Frozen - 9 m .pkg. FRENCEFIlES 2 For 35c LEAN, FRESH O viili .2 165-Ig BACK TO SCHOOL IJS! Fresh Chicken LEGS and 16.49Ç BREASTS Lean, Loin PORIKb. 5 c IR O65Ç Look for this Seal on your Beef! Only at Firth Bros. can you buy "ProTen"i 1'ENDERED BEEF Swift's Guaranteed Tendened Beef at Regular Prices. Why Pay More . . . Get the Best for Less! Now's the ffne to frade your old refrigerafor.. THE NEW p4 tua a FREEZER-plus-REFRIGERATOR ...eDOES MORE THANAN! REFRIGERATOR EVER COULD DO Why bar t*D ' Smi U um cmevZ l i 1%sw -Amana Jzeem-phw-efigemte gwe you a azuine Amana quality fepus a uIIfaznlyuizrrgexto... boflin ua single coin- padcabintthatmeauuoeoey 32 ind awidt(takesno more ThegoeuieAnmhw.o ambola wholemont's sup. euyf Eo food. GivSym eidudw eAmana-Matic freezing -up bD2% ibuatoerth=nordînazy motIxbd- capture peak flavor Mda goodn. Evai %areo" sLMPs -.nat.gkoep foods The &fifmuly mim Irigi.. e ti le-out shelves, af3mbiatie ddrng, Il . Rlaically aulzoflebutter keeper, vqefabbele , .mmut Iuqom txipi hunina.m-oven a tau! bottk abBIL Excimiffl mu-Mer dom n bo& i fr analrerigerator - a aomum --m i= - mA OINDRE AMANAF MUL Mm »à apacfly cf1628ce.. (t. uli, erw'102 ~~dsd fom.d.F,1J frniy am -,gwaioe oil!, n«»ef' *=.OFFE.A O PE7 SIE S)Z 'FR8E Ea 8 -AM LY mm -Mr =mm MuM mm 32 Picmu WRI,. Xum 5 3 a on-95. Toi.! ;epat 13.9 cm,(t uidi spaoe foef 182 Pomd=1Nk f baL Sc' Mar dkoar on bu* i remd.cruir meus yoa h&tu"shag. I l mI UEMMMMA V WW SIlm! -3aElc UILTIaIdlyDi17 g,.ft..w1f fur 290 - 3 (cbi fxo cab AmmjAct - w m I& u J fà 1w182 p- u i r bef o* 66 "M b0a REF RI.GE - ATO *.PRS -u b2W ti mmd - unmp-n - awlA- et uy - p * - . mm Cuba mue-fut v5wd.bo& £m 5IM~oel - -~ ~ a awboobe. the-Rat Vmihd cm-a mîdes. Euliur 1clemu- ~. ndmttipwmm r-T lhvmslteuIyo VIIY O imbflieu-no dork Uaeflud butter b e.p'. ots, you con ses end -fl b~ i v .& -' uvmyilsng fait et. id 1,umd ur f.wwktobl. us». TOP *i, s uS! t-"OW AYM NT I Ts! Os.N'ODY - bms l .mUm . uay m.. Us y wsId. mo-es madb Bowmanvi*lle Frigid Locker System Exclusive Dealer for Bowmanville and District Eug Si. W. Bowmanviils TEE CANADIAN STATESIUS. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO âmmuns 0P CANADA LUS »huron etr*esTroote, 1 PAGI TEMM vroien KUJFtAIURtU t l - w m- ntl with ber dau. Lee bas closed the Williams :n-in-law, Mr. and Point booth and post offcO ySalter. whicb she operated during tl* Mrs. Dorothyisummer nonths ... A MOTHER'S FRAYER me the strength to guide tiny feet, the Sun and rain and sleet, ich the wisdom of right and wrong, tw to gain happiness from a song. ne to show you true humility, ie very first buds on a Maple tree, nt out kindliness, grace and dignity, he satisfying-love of humanity. at the end of a long, long day, kneel with you, yes, kneel to pray. -Marion Ford BAI-B-B CHICKENS JOAFDLYy&gCea. 1

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