Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1960, p. 2

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PAETWO Religion for Today A Miser of A 1 A Weekly TaIk by Rev. . R. I The biagrapher oi Jonathani other classical authors, Brienly, fami..iarîy known as laid the foundations ai 'J. B.", says that when he subsequent schalarship. was a student at college that Elihu Burritt wvas appi "he becamne a miser and usur- ticed ta a blacksmith and er af his minutes"., This was ti tvork long hours ait characteristic of bis whleforge, b ut he always cari lufe. Again bis biographe r'l a book in his cap. to stud: says: "Me reganded his men-1 spare moments. At th tai powers as a most sacred j ears of age hie was ma trust, and time ta him was a ficvrviportant lflngu potential fortune, every mom-' in Erp and was stud3 ent ai which must be valued those of Asia. as a grain ai gold." By bis dilii f nt use af the precious hours 'J .B." avercame the great handicap of ill-health, and be- Came a distinguished preachier, gchoiar and essayist. The words ai William Ew- art Gladstone are well wvortil .ondening: "Believe me, %%-len XItell you that the thnift of! ie will repay you in after,' lufe, with an usury ai profit " bendyaur most sanguine dreams, and that waste of it. will make you dwindle, alike! lii inteîlectual and in moral itature, beneath your darkest terkoning."1 * ie means education Io those who are eager for it. Many a man bas become a, Écholar by using his sparel Moments. David Livingstone had ta work as a boy in a cot- ton factory, from 6 0 clock in %e marning until 8 oMcock at jàight, with intervals for bre- 4kfast and diriner. Me would Rev. R.L R. Nicholson place a book. on a portion of the spinning-jenny, sa that hie Time is aur most valua' rould catch sentence after sen- possesian. Benjamin Frar tence as hie passed. The ut-I lin's motta was, "Time rnost interval that bie could money" but time is more tih have for reading at one time money. The sands that f tinie was less than a minute. through the hour-glassa Ie also attended night..schaol, diarnond-dust. They stand1 and uponi return homne he opportunity. Once gone thi would study until midnight. are gone forever. In this way hie read the works History is full oaililustr of Vergil and Horace, and tions of the ainazing thin ProgressCnine E An era passes Into history . .. The lasi of the faliliful delivery horses vanishes from the streets of ]Bowmanvile .. with the appearance on the sre this week of a second Smith Electric Truck ... Glen Rae Dairy is now completely motorized. A staff change iuncilso beimg made when Wilson Abernethy, who has been with Glen Rae for 13 years la r.tlrlnq, and Don Green la taklng his pae GLEN RAI DAIRY -M j D IRY BOWMANVMA^ CUTAMU TliuiLt tening ta the radio and watch- !trkoeace Crsh.e6!der, B asoc, Hard For. i le iin pesrs ta e- e V 1/inners at Pea sne, 6 bIoOT16-- of th der lcesed, Hoard For.. tings tl evon, othlP rieeekie s g Petunia, double, 6 bloom-Hil- der, Port Perry, Donald Rutu twhile ng Psrs that rde ot lier, Curson; Parker* 17-! MARGARET ELIZABETH ledge, Oakville, Robert Rut. plete and destroy our strength, f cu fu al-ursni, silerle, 6 r 18ryRutede, an R a: Show etuna, sngleruffed, blom McALLYledge, Detroit, Michign instead of building it up. Time iiO r -alvia, 6 blooms-Parker,l The death of Margaret Eliz- Weldon Rutledge fBni eis capital, but we do flotHo c lu a h wýn li gurd or miutesCurson, Rickard; 19-&Sabiosa,: abeth McNally occured on Fni- Interment took place In in t sguard our minutes, a wnAh 6 blooms- Parker, Allin,ý day. August 26th, 1960, at Co- lem Cemetery.il ' a mtl frobt df1 a Ivdin ew castle Werry. 20 - Snapdragon- bourg General Hospital. In lier Friends and relatives at and that have been done by men, 'a result of aur investment of orative basket, Donna Ought- African Violet, best single, any: lier -w eetPeasAlin,ý en months. awa, Blackstock, Port Perry, his who formed the ha bit of us-1 time we have only a sense of red. 2-Basket of Glads <flot colour-Mrs. Hiler, 2 Vrs.D.arO' ilier. 23-Zinnia,ý She was born in Monteagle Orono, Millbrook, Elmwoad, ing their time carefully. lexhaustion and desolating va- more than 20 spikes, any two Cunningham; 23-Collection of! large, 3 blooms-Hillier, Werry, 1 Valley, Hastings County, Jan- Bowmanville, Bancroft, Pet. ren- When Thomas Edison was cuity. colours, Donna Oughtred; 2- African Violets-Mrs. Curson,, Rickard. 24 - Zinnia, large.j uary 26th. 1895, the daughten erborough, Campbellford, Bel. had a newsboy, sellinig papers on Getting an earîy stant is one W. Farrow. 3-Basket of 2 Mrs. F. Parker; 24-Two- collection - Parker, Butler,~ of the late John P. and Kitty leville, Palmer Rapide, ew- the the Grand Trunk Railway, he of the essentials n the con- Glads (flot more than 25, mixed colour Arrangement ini vase- ikrdi5Zina mpmAnn Eutledge. Following lier castle and surround.ing7rdis ,ried fitted up a laboratory in a servation af time. The late J. colours, 1 Donna Oughtred, 2 D. Oughtred, 2 Mrs. H. Jase; -.Cunningham, Butler, F. Jose.ý marniage ta Mr. Norman S. tricts. y in baggage car, where he used'Macdonald Oxley, the papular Mrs. H. Jase. 4-Twelve nam- 25--Flower Arrangement in 26 -Phlox, annual - Hillier, McNally in 1916 they resided irty to expet iment in spare mom- Canadian writer of stories for ed varieties-1 Mrs. Jase, 2 cup and- saucer-Mrs. D. Cmi- Oughtred and Farrow. 27-l in Blackstock moving ta Col- ister ents between stations. Today boys, told me, when he was Donna Oughtred. 5-Centre- ningham, 2-D. Oughtned; 26- Verbena - Farrow, Bridson,ý borne in 1939. She was a mem- aagc hie is honored as one of the in the insurance business in piece tips)-Donna Oughtred, Arrangement of white flowersiParkcr. 28-Clarkia-Mrs. L. ber of the United Church. ying gre test benefactors of man- Tnno hth îasrs 2 Mrs. S. Afin. 6-Vase of 10, -D. Oughtred, 2 Mrs. B. Rick- Stephenson, Mrs. Hillien. 29- Surviving are her husband, kind, because of his marveil- early and did his writing be- anyv colour or faliage-1 Donna ard;* 27-Decorative Arrange- Calendula-Butler, Bridson. one daughter, Verna M. Steele, ousscentfi dicoeris nd or hewet t hs ofie. Oughtred, 2 Mrs. Jose. ment for coffee table-Mrs. Vegetable Section Ottawa, one gnanddaughten,I inventions. 7-Single Spikes Class: a- Jase, 2-D. Oughtned; 28- 1-ee.1!iguon Hller We should accustom aur- W ýi e or cream-1 Donna Centre Piece-F. Jase, 2 D. 1-Beets -eguso, Hli-ersEainRuthn teellae, fie@ro9 Sometime ago a newspaper selves ta the wise use af îrag- Oughtred, 2 MrsJase;b lYl.Ogted 9.Arneen arw -eas eîw e Davidfanro;Joneh, Wak-ce, hakRie, gav a acout o aYal po-ments of time. Theodore Ro- low or orange-1 W. Farrow, uusalcntainer-Mrs H HiirPner aro. v1a iBilacerot. oseph siOs-RR.o.2CakRvrOn. fessor who noticed the lad aseveit, had the habit ai car- 2D. Oghre;c-in nus,2M .Cro..Carrots-Hillier, Farrow, Park-ile, Iblamri. iveis-)Sptm 2 9 who vas shiining bis shoes, Irying a book in his pocket sahon-1 W.Farrow, 2 Mrs. Best Flower Ganden-1 Mr'.:r 4--abber -Huiloer Fn:ters, sel Ms . arlof gt, eptrber 2n196 ward goao. It prod t1forsh in odd moments. When Millier; d-Red-1 D. Ought- Hillier, 2 Mrs. Curson, 3 Mss Park ilFe. C uiowe ie Klsk6BacofMa Please accept my icr wa agbro. Theproe or'slitiontna uhhunting exped- red, W.Farrow; eMueor Horrocks. Cuubr-FroHlir(Mrs. Finlay Suthen l a n d) 1 tlanks for so pnomptly com. an lgbr. heprfeso'sitontoSothAfnica, hie taok purple-Mrs. H. Jose, W. Fan- Best Wmndow or Flowen Box ' Ccme arw ile, Bancrot hrot Ms o-pyn ihm eus Y department was mathemnatics, iwith him a emal "pig-skin" rmw; î--Smkey-D. Oughtred, 1 Mrs.Bridsan, 2 Mns.Car- Ferguson. 7-Lettuce-Hillier. roft, harl) ott er(rs. as- ling mwith m equooes bf and lhe asked the young iellow ibrary. Mrs. Jase. veth, 3 Mrs.Rudel 8-Onions, 12 pickling-Mrs. iph a(rer>alPatcenny, m- mailing m fie pew icis1o Sif lie could hclp him. The eagoer 1Hlie'9Oios -Fro Oshawa. received yesterday contain. 7 lad explained that he had al St. Paul, in writing ta the 8-Decorative Arrangement Sweepstakes: Gladiolus M illier, .- orn, -Far Ms alc oms ou eyfn ae hc polmtrehaheoudChristian disciples in Ephes- af Glads and other flowers Mns. Jase; Asten-Mrs. Wenny; Millierrice Alun. iniO-Cteann, 3otic earsb nrotsle. Theresso she ow- us says, "okcriul hnsuitable far a mantel-1 Mrs. Zinnia-Mrs. Werry; Dahlia- -Hillier, Farrow. 1ll-Squash CoFuoneaUseriewaheld ion inthe Do o eat aNtieand o- ed himi the solution, and at how you walk, nt as unwisý Jse, 2 Donna Oughtred. Mrs. Werry; Rose-Mrs. S. -Millier, Farrow. 12-Pep-Cîbre1nie Cunh o taya u eltvEs v a r i u s i m e a f t r w a d s a v e . m e n b u t a s w s e , m a k n g t e G n e r l E x i b i s A i n ,p e r s - M i l l i e r , P a r k e r , F a r r o w . , S u n d a y , A u g u s t 2 8 t h , 1 9 6 0 , t w o t M a j e r r i s o n . variolis tim es a terw ards gave ý en but s w ise, aking t e-Ponato Es--Fanno winPanken, 2:00-- rr.m. withr the pRev.wF. tW. Iv.can.assureass re uyIu apprere . the yotiig ,fcllow directions. A ýmast of the time, because the 9.-Basket af Dahlias-Mrs. Section B Millier. 14-Pumpkin-Al Mný.:ff v officiatig aeyu ides om iew ycars later that bootblack days are evil". R.S.V. Jase and Mrs. Simpson; 10- 1Alhin Mah3 lting. iate your kindneus( to me aws Bas et i m xe Asers Mrs 1 Ast rs, 3 boo e-Hlli n, arow, Milier 1 -To ato s1 Palîearers were ne h w total stranger) more than you 11m600couId flot have known more, il-Basket ai Zinnias-Mrs. with. 3-Asters, pink-Fer- -Farrow, Millier. 17 -Dis- Boyd. nleae bdeided inwouhd position that pald g 6,0 and achieved mare, had hie Millier, 2 Mns. S. Allin; 12- gusan, Carveth, Cunningham. play ai Vegetables flot on prize 5--d-Large Zinnias - Eliza; mnlepap er bied In Bow- ayear at the head ofain:m- een wise enough ta seize and Basket ai Cosmos-Mrs. Hil- 4-Asters, purpie - Cunning- list-Hillien and Farrow. beth Pearce, Jack Chard, Nefl, write aflyway. portant electnical establish- ili the moments as they came, lier, 2 Mrs. F. Butler; 13- ham, Rickand, Farrow. 5- Allin. e-Marigolds, African- With aIl good wishes ion ment. Success is a matten ai redeemn- Basket ai Perennial Phox- Dahlia, cactus-Butler, Parker, Junior Section Anne Clark, Ken y Boyd, Wai- I continued success in YouW F r e u e n l y wene a r p e p le inet hhti e. Wepe o p leo o k M r.iM ll e r,2hM s. A n d r s o;.a s e 6 D a h i a , d e o r a i v-loD ekr a i v e A r a n g m e n t n R c k a d . i- C s m s - W y n e w okA ndd ewr's oe anf o g e excn uethees from c tatthen up onrym omet s ha gd- 1Bowl of Roses-Mrs. F. Butler, Wenry, Jase. 7-. -Rosemary Mahkiewicz, J. Mancock, Arlene Allin, Gleii yau. taienote ysn ht t hm.Bte eyen itia a' ad Butler, 2 Mns. F. Panker;' 15- Dahlia, show-Wenry, Jase. 8 Cunningham, W. Hancock. 2- Farrow.1 Yours uincerely, ave fusloa th time teroe One Rose-Mrs. F. Butler, 2 --Gallardia, 6 bloom-Fanrow, Pie Plate Garden-J. Cunning- 6-Best Garden Plots-i Ar-'~~Gesn ble ai s hs ai te tme hee i Goo nes neer eusta e-M s. R. Boyd; 16-3 Roses, any illier. 9 - Hydrangea, 3 ham, R. Malkiewicz, Glenda lene Alln, 2 Elizabeth Pearce, _________________ nk- is- twenty-four hours in the G desnvrfist e colour-Mrs. F. Butler, 2 Mrs. bloom-Butler, Allun, Farrow. Johnson. 3--Salad Bowl ai 3 tied between Douglas Wade ,ais .ofaeind minuebt lina ev tsrwrfr odesS Allin; 17-Flower Ginl's 10-Lily, any variety-Fengus- Vegetables-Anne Clark, Beth and Walter Rickard. ne sec f happy mai- fanl aire os areminutesstnas makes lufe a blessing....Ma,,y Basket-Mrs. F. Parker, 2 Don-onTewih 1-aiglP elDuas ae.4 7Esy CntslBiy ire hnits.We hro awy ake r Edy. na Oughtred; 18-Tuberaus French, 6 bloonis-Butler. 12 Bindhouse - R. Malkiewicz, Kent, 2 Mary Dean, 3 Domen-ng suml.li epo for rodgal, te pecius om-Begonias in pt-Mrs. H. Jse, -Marigold, French double, 6 Grant Williams, Janet Graham. ica Galele, 4 Barry Pedwell. being as polite to each otker for proias, hrcasmm The longer I live the mare 2 Mrs. S. Aflin; 19-Corsage-. blooms-Butler, Millier, Werry. 5-a-Beets - Annie Clark, Poster Contest - i Vicki as ya are te youI' beot keenly 1 feel ta whatever D Oughtred, 2' Mrs. B. Rick- 13-Mar i go1 d, Afican, 6 Wayne ancock, John Cun.. Chard, 2 Rocky Mkolie, 3 friends.Robert Quillen. We waste time in gossip, in was good enougli for aur fa- ard; 20-Display of Pansies- blooms-F. Jase, Parker, Hil- ningham; b-Canrots - Janet Lynn Brown. Juniori1 Judy It is necessary te b. almost ra-. reading newspapers, in fool- thers is nat good enough for Mrs. B. Rickard, 2 Mrs. Cur-. lier. l4-Nasturtium, 6 bloomi Graham, Neil Aflin, Anlene Alldread, 2 Danny MeLean, 3 a genius te make a 900d hti- 'gs ish social engagements, in lis- us.-Oscar Wilde. son; 21-Dish Garden-Ms...Rickard, Farrow, HUiler. 15 Ain; c-Cabbage-Joan Kim-jBeverley Aldread. bdBla,- --- THE MOST MODERN IN DELIVERY v CLS ELECTRICALY DRI yEN i IM CANADIAN ST,&14MUàm É%wfflàiwwu ï1h. lem

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