PAGE FOURTEEN TNE fAWAflTM~ ~TATMA1L UflWMA1IvuTZ.~W. oerrAuu'm ~UTY~~flAV ~UWP flêl, i~ The Orono Mrs. James E Richards, Mr. aend Mrs. Robt. Robin- Mrs. Jehn Bigclow, Mrs son, Wallacetown, visited Mr. Reid and Mr. Philip Bigelow and Mrs. Victor Robinson. Port Hope, visited in Oronc Mr. and Mrs. Hen.ry Smith, last Thursday. Barry and Ronald, Graven- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. HancocP hurst, were overnight guests visited Mr. and Mrs. Haro] of Mxs. D. N. Myles. Hancock and family, Bellevi]l MrTs. Harold Hodgson and and Mr. and Mrs. Ulen Har. Mrs. Hector Marling, Toronto, cock and family,_ Warkwortl wcre guests of their aunt, last week. Mrs. Howard Walsh, on Sun- Miss Aima Cutteli spent thE day. long weekend with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Atkins Mrs. Henry Junker, Preston. attended Port Perry Fair on Mrs. Ethan Jones, Port Hope, Labor Day and visited Mr. a.nd spent a few days last week Mrs. Harold Forder and fam- with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stev- ilv. ens and daughters. Mrs. Madison Hall, Mrs. Miss Catherine Power, To- Frank Ardroia and son Allen ronto; Mr. James Power, Osh- returned to Toronto on Sun- awa, spent the weekend with day after spending the sum- Mx. and Mrs. Gordon Power, iner in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood Mrs. Ralph Thornpson, Tor- attended the 40th wedding an- .nrto;, Mrs. Clifford Terril, niversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.dupton; Mrs. Kenneth Hen- Roy Meteaif, Maple Grove, on derka Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saturday. BRansbery attended the Horn- Mrs. Steve Nicholson and cr - Hendçrson wedding on daughter Bonnie of. Cobourg Saturdami, September 3rd, in an'd ber nephew, Mrh. Gordon Lively.. Baptist Church near Bruneth, Montreal, visited Mr. Sudlbury. and Mrs. Jim Middleton on MT. and Mrs. Geo. Timson Sunday. of Kinsale visjted Mr. andl Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson IMrs. Jim Middleton on Satur- attended the mariage of her day afternoon. nephew. Allan Ransberry, to 1Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kingc Miss Connie Fletcher on Aug- spent the long weekend at ust 27th at the United Chunch, Mlountain Lake and had as Dorval, Quebec. thcir guests Mr. and Mrs. Jini Mrs. J. J. Cornish with Mrs. (Jarsby, Oshawa; Miss Mar- Milton Tamblyn attended Port ilyn King and Mr. John Gai- Penny Fair on Monday. braith, Toronto; Miss Marilyn Miss Ruth Gordon left on Cobbledick and Mr. Win. Bar- Sunday for a visit with her rabal,-- sister, Mrs. Elmer Mumford, New 5Ô0Wlppr ARE NOW IN STOCK from 45c up Corne in while the selection is at its best! J. H. Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 FREE! FREE! With every purchase of $1.00 or more of CASOLINE - OIL - ACCESSORIES you wiIl receive Bonus Coupons entitling you to FREE GIFTS!, For your convenience Service Station wilI he irnen from 7 am to, il D-» SUMMER CLEARANCE 0F USED CARS Continues at ROY w. NICHOLS 1959 VAUXHALL DELUXE 4-DR. 1958 VAUXHALL 4-DR. 1958 CHEV. DELUXE 4-DR. 1958 CHEV. DELUXE 4-DO Automatie 1957 PONTIAC COACH 1957 BUICK 2-D. H ARDTGP 1956 CHEV. COACH Many Cther models from which Io choose. 1950 up . . . Ail Makes. Ail the above cars have been checked and reconditioned in our shops *s.and are ready for many carefree miles of summer driving. U*smobile - Chevrolet - Corvair ad Envyy(British Dm111) Cars 8O WNNVILE ChevmsW Trucks C p'hone RA 34M3353 neN IU3-3922 I~l lUI1 adUiss.15 ii]ii est vis-J ited Mn. and Mrs. Donald -T«en- nant and family at their cot- tage et Kirkficld on Surdy August 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp, Tyrone; Ma'. and Mrs. Dean Hodrgson, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mi-s. Harold Awde, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Miss Mary Thoinson, Toi-- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex .Wfatson. Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor 'nd daugbtcv Nancy, Bramp- ton, spenbt thbe long weekend witb Mr. and M. Mai-shall Chatterton. Mn. Geo. Juîîkin who spent the month cf August in Fene- ]on Falls bas rcturned te the pansonage te be with bis daughten, Ms-s. Basil E. Long, Rev. Long and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell and fami'ly spent the holiday weekcnd et their cottage a West Lake. Resuits of Field Crop The South Ontario Agricul- I trla Society bas announced' i e winners cf the field cnop competitions of the Oshawa Fair. They are as follows: Oats ini Field 1. Boyd Ayre, Hampton: 2. Rober Down, Brooklin; 3. Jack ï3aken, Hampton; 4. Roy On- iniston, Brooklin, 5. W. F. Batty and Son, Brooklin: 6. Gens-y Glaspell, Hamnpton; '7. W. Parrinder. flrooklin; 8. E. Disney, Ashburn: 9. Jackson Brothers, Bsooklin, 10. E. f Iockaday. Hampton. Wheat ini Field I. W. F. Betty and Son, Brooklin; 2. Cccil Disney, Greenwood; 3. Gerry Glaspeill1 Hampton: 4. Russ Richardson,. Ashburn: 5. Bob Batty, Brook- lin: 6. Jackson Bi-others, Brook- l'in; 7. Bill Snowden, R.R Oshawa: 8. Heber Down, Brookîjo: 9. Larry- Bus-t, Brook- fli 10. E. Rleckaday, Uaznp- à ton. r News Editor s. Mi-. Muniford and family in v', McCord, Sask. o0 Miss Helen Hancock bas i- turned to Tomonto aifter spend- ,k ing a few days et ber home. Id Mrs. R. Waddell, Mr. and e Mi-s. G. L. McGee visited Mr. 1-. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton, Cat- h, leton, on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick ne- le tunned home last week fror id spending severel weeks in Leamington. e, Mns. Les Sainis and M. &Jim Middleton spent last jThursday in Toronto and vis- ited Mrs. R. W. Wilson in the Red Wing Nursing Home. The Orono Band played at ,h Port Penny Feur on Monday. r. Mrs. Jim Bal visited Mr. ,d and Mrs. Joe Smithb and tam- - ily in Buffalo, N.Y. Kenrs W. L. King and Mns. ýnKnGamsby visited Mr. and Mns. Jini Gamsgby, Osbawaý. d Linda Peats visited be: g9 cousin, Bonnie Pears. n Mr. and Mrs. J. Madison rAndron, Welland; Mr. and Mns ýnG. Wood, Mrs. Herb Cemeron, Tyrone; Mr. and Mvs. Alfred n~ Elliott, Toronto; Mrs. Wesley Elliott and Mrs. Fned Brima- combe visited Mns. Madison OHall. Mr' and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell spent thc long weekend witli 3Mn. and Mrs. Burns Kittmer t and nMrs. Wm. Reid and nMrs. J. J. Cornish attendec Sthe funeral of Mrs. Mai-gai-el rElizabeth McNally, wife of Mn. Norman S. MeNally of Col-borne and foi-merly of Blackstock, in Coîbonne Unit- ed Chunch on Sund.ay, Augusi 28th. Interment was in Salem- Cemetery. Miss C. Iva Linton, Toronto. spent thbe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Linton.. Congratulations to Miss V. Gilfillan on ber 87th birthday this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Rob- inson, Mr. and Mns. Russell Robinson, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mns. Wm. Robinson. Mr-. and Mrs. Tom Lewis visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Kay Lycetut at Mink Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and son Chris, Oshaw*a; Mrs. Gco. Crowtben and son Janîie, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mi-s. Chas. Wood on Sunday. Mn. Harry Gradry and son cf Pont Arthur visited bis mothen, Mrs. E. Gnady.. Mr. and M-s. A. A. Martin, Port Credit; Mir. and Mrs. Ai- Ian Snider and daugbten Mary, Streetsvile, Mrs. Ida Plumb,j Mr. Arthur McKay, Stark-1 ville; Mn. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclougdh and son Bill, Wesleyvile, visited Mi-. and Mrs. Geo. Morton on Sunday. Mr-. an-d Mrs. Orville Chat- terton, Car-ol and David spent the long weekend with Mn. and Mns. Bruce Cbapman of Ton- onte et their cottage at Bols- over on tee Trent Canal. Mri. James Ransberry is vis- iting bis daugbter, Mns. Donald MieKel and Mr. MeKell, Mont- real, and attended theen-ar- niage of his grandson, AJlan Ransberry, to Miss Connie Fletcher in Dorval, Quebec, on August 27th. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey and daugbter Kathy, Miss Bar- bai-a Batihgate, Mi-. and Mi-s. Lionel Tennant and son Mark, Mr. Wayne Hooey, Bowman- ville, Mn. and Mvs. Hani-y Mercen, Mtr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan, Mrs. Wni. Cochrane and son Reid, Wendy and Val- erie Mercer, Mr. and Mns. Lyall Lowery, Miss Shirley Vagg, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ten- nant and sons Randy and Craig, Mir. Douglas Gamsby, !r On Sunday, August 28. 1960, the death occurned of Frank d C. "Bai-b" Pethick, in his 89tb d year, following an illness of d tii-ce months. )f He was the son of the late dWilliam Edward Pctbick and dEmuma Brooks and, aithougli ; born in Oshawa on Jan. 28, ;1872, lived alinost the wbole n of bis life in Bowmanville whene he attended scbool. On *October 20, 1898, be mannied rthe late Mary Ina Paul and they celcbrated their di.amoîîd rwedding anniversary in 1958. yHis wife p'redeceased bimi on January 2nd, 1959. The deccased was onîe of the best known business per- dsonalities cf this town having owned and openated a barber sshop and insurance agency b ei-e for 66 ycars, retiring just eigh'ýt years ago. MT. Petbick swas a former mnem'ben of ToJrn Council ,mjany years ago at the time when the Seymour Power 3Company purchas-ed the Bow- fmanville Electric Comnpany. At one tiue he was a war- den of St. John's Anglican Chunch and be too.k an active part in Florence Nightingale Lodgc, I.,O.O.F., cf whicb lie was a member for 66 years, and senved as Deputy Grand, Master of the Grand Lodge ofù Ontarnio. He was aIse a mem- ber of the Sons of England for many ycans and of the Canad- ian Order of Foi-esters. 1&. Pctbick is survived by bis dauglîter, Mrs. J. E. Mc- Naughton (Ina) at home; and two sons, F. E. Pethick (Ted), Grosse Pointe Park, Micb., and C. H. Pethick (Bud), Toronto. Roy Tbomson. cf London, Eng., president cf Thomison -Inter- »national, is e nephew. 1The funeral service, conduct- cd by Rcv. Arnold C. Herbert i o St. John's Anglican Cbunch, was býeld et the Northcutt & Smuith Funcral Home on Wcd- nesday, August 31, 1960. Inter- ment was in Bo'wmanville Cemetery. Palibeaners were Messrs. John Maguine, L. C. Mason, G. L. Mantyn, Arthur S. Baker, A. W. Tucken ai-d Mer-vin Brocek. Among the many beautiful floral tributes fi-cm relatives, fricnds and neighbours were sons, Mr-. and Mrs. Jim Mid- STIIART Rl. JANqESý INSURANCE REAL ESTATEl 1King St. &. fowmanvinll Office MNA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 soir uw.ooSîORYI several broken ribi and a broken finger. Mr. and Mrs. John Bird and Dougie spent part of their hol- idays with her parents and then went on to Lake St. Pet- Also visiting with Mrs. P. Burley were Van- natta and Cecil, Bowmanvifle, Mr-. Clarence Moore of Victor- ia Harbour, Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred, Wesleyville and Mv. and Mrs. Shirley Vannatto of Port Hope. Mrs. Mary Luxon, Roy Mer- cer and lady friend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dudenhoffer at Orillia. After the game in Lindsay, Saturday, Mn. and Mrs. Gor- don Langstaff and Danny took Cheryl Vernon back for school at Alymer and visited Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Vernon. Mir. and Mrs. Bob Young- man were to Orillia Sunday to visit their daughter Frances. With Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux Sunday were Mi-. and Mrs. Leo Demontegzny, Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. Counoux and their families, Cache Bay; Gar-y and Ronny Moore of Toronto. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. E. Couroux took Ray, Marie and Terry Allen and the Moore lads to Toi- onto spend Labour Day at the C.N.E. Mrs. Lorne Paeden and Jean visited Mon d a y afternoon with Mrs. Bei-t Thompson. Mi-. and Mrs. Tom Stevens arrived home Thursday after a most enjoyable trip in Eng- land and Nonway. Sunday they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cathcart for -dinner. Mrs. D. Vannatto spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Perey Burley. Mrs. Janet Langstaff is spending a couple of weeks wîth Mrs. Jack Neal and the rest of her family hex-e. With Miss Helen Boyd and tFred, Sunday, were Mi-. and Mrs. George Palmer and Jan- ice and Pat Palmer of Eliza- bethville, also Alvin Boyd of Enniskillen. Mi-. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross were guests of Mrs. Mary Luxon, Thursday even- ing. Mrs. Swarbrick and Miss C. Stewart visited Mrs. Bob Car- - ruthers last Ivonday. Guests with Mrs. Swarbrick Sunday wei-e her son, Ross and hîs friend from Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Young aiso of Osh- awa, visited ber Monday. Mrs. Wilbur Henry of New- market is spending a couple of weeks wîth Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass. Mrs. Neya Little spent a few d.ays last week in Toronto with Miss Lenora Henry, vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Alec Little and enjoyed the sights of the Little and family who have just returned from. visiting bis uncle,' Dr. Ross Lang in Chicago, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Chai-lie Elsey and sons, Kenhy and Dennis, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer this week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Cy Elsey and daughters visited Sunday. Miss C. W. Stewart spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. W. Mercer. On Mon day Mns. Chas. Roach and famliy, Lake- view, and Mrs. Ted Coatham and family, Orono, visited their mother, Mrs. W. Mercen. Master Stevie Roach who bas been holidayîng bei-e, return- ed to his home at Lakeview. Congratulations to Mr-. and Mrs. Argus Curtis who have at last been able to bring home their infant son, David John Curtis. The baby was born July 15, prematurely and has since been kept in Mem- oriel hospital a littie oven six weeks until he attained the required weight. Mi-. and Mns. Gordon Met- caîf ai-e having the excava- tion made for the basement of their new home on the south side of the Sixth Line. Kendal Bantanis finished their fourth set of play-offs at Sunderland, Satunday nigbt wben they took the second straight game from Sunder- land Bantams by a score of 13-8. Until the 7th inning Sunderland was scoreless then they had a winning streak and tallied up 7 i-uns and add- ed one more In the ninth. «Kendal ifnoredae.a af. was conducted Friday, Aug. 19 from the Barlow Funeral Chapel in Orono by the Rev. R. C. White. John was the eld- est son of the late Wm. Cars- cadden and Elizabeth Maclung. A sister Nellie and brother [arper predeceased hlm. To mounbis passing be leaves Dne brother, Fletcher, to whom we extend oui- sincex-e and eartfelt sympathy. John was Df a quiet, retiring disposition 3nd is greatly missed fnom iF accustomed place in Sun- fay Sehool and cburcb where ie never missed a Sunday if iealth permnitted. MOA Y! »e ebiguiio e llî-timnesience hath aI.w et $119.00 -Martin F. Tupper. Most men and women talk J A CKil 3BROU v 19 el, and some practice what I'LUBINGandHEATNG o man would listen to, »ivbdoR Street South you talk if he didn't know it MIA 2-5615 ROWMANVILE"Iwas his turn next.Edgar W. How& j Several Acci Throughout 7flere was a two-oar col- ision on Thursday evening. September lst, at the inter- section oif Concession Road No. 3 and No. 6 Road in Dar-1 lington Township. The acci- dent happened at 5:30 p«m. Constable S. J. Rospond, OPP, investigated. The drivers of the twv) cars involved were Mns. Mary M. Brown, age 39, 242 Liberty Street North, and John Trem- ble, age 27, 176 Sussex Street, Oshawa. Mrs. Brown's car was proceeding east on Con- cession Road No. 3, and thei Tremble car was going northi On Road No. 6. There is not a stop sign on eitiier noadi there, and the south-west corner has a heavy growthi whioh obstructs the drivers' view.1 The cars met on the inter-1 section. There was approx- imately $400 damage to Mr. Tremble's car, and about $250 damage to Mrs. Bnown's. Mr. Trem-ible was uninjured, but Mrs. Brown sustained a broken ilb and bruises. She is being treated by Dr. E. D. Hubband at Memoniai Hospital, Bow- Inanville. There was a collision on thc For OdM Appliances Cet Cash Today througb S T ATE S M A N C L AS S F 1ED S Phone Arket3-330 48 SCHOLARSHIPS 0F $ 1,500... In the Spring of 1961, the top 16 of these 50 studcnts will cach be awarded a B of M Scholarshîp cf $ 1,500 for second-ycar university training. In 1962 and 1963, provided at least gond second-class grades have been maintained, thesc same students will cach bc awarded a Bocf M Scholarship of $1,500 per annum... leading tp graduation in 1964. 24 FELLOWSHIPS 0F $3,000... In tise Spring of 1964, the top eight cf these 16 students wiIl each be awarded a Bocf M Scholarship of $3,000 for one Year's study anywherc in Canada or abroad. In 1965 ami 1966, provided a satisfao- tory standard of work has been main- tained, these same students wil each be awardcd a B of M Scholarship cf $3,000 per annum for further atudy leading to tisait Ioctozatc. 2BANK OF MONTREAU CANADA CENTENNIAL AWARDS 0F $5,000 lit 1967, te culminate this .evcn-year plan, the two top students-one ine Arts and one ini Science-will bc chosen, fromn ali 50 original participants in the plan, to reccive the Bank cf Montreal Canada Centennial Awards of $5,000 cach for a further year cf study anywhere in Can- -ada or abroad. Thus, te each of these two winners - i they have been participants throughout tie plan -thec Bank wiII have provided financial assistance amounting to $ 19,250. 0 0 a - 0 a 0 0 . & a a a a a a a e .a5*&a**o Scholarship Students are chosen on merit alone - academic standing and charac- ter - by inde pendent selection commit- tees of faculty mem bers of Canadian Universities. THE B ef M HAS NO PARTÎ WHATE VER IN THE DECISIONS 0F THIE COMMUTTES. when thxe accident happened. îdentsGeorge E. Gomme, age 48, identset Amot, h D istricthis turn to No. 115 highways,, D istrictnoticed this, and started te make a turn, and was struckc east bound lane Of NO. 401 by the Eng car wliich he hadl hxghway just west of Mill failed to seec i his mirror. Street, Newcastle. on Thurs- Thene was about $200 damage day evening, September lst, at to Mn. CGomnie's car. and ap- 6:55 o'clock. A car driven by proximnately $125 damage ýe Donald Eng, age 27, 361 Frank, the Eng car. Constable L. R. Street, Ottawa, was east-ý James, OPP, investigated the bound in ttie__passing lane accident. Thanks . 0a frorn J/o wer S/iop We wish to thank the many customers and friends who visited us during our Grand Opening. If you were uriable to visit our new store last week drop in at any time and look around. Winners of Door Prizes: 1. M. J. KALISVAART, Oshawa. 2. MRS. STANLEY HODGSON,- Bowmanville 3. MRS. H. DYKSTRA, Bowmanville. Leonard Koenderman, Prop. These Outstanding Students have been awarded. BANK, 01F MONTRtEAL, cana(bacetnv1 for the Té commemorate the CentenaryPrvneo of Canada's Confedera tion and the l50th Anniversary ofON A I Canada's First Bank ... in 1967 MICHAEC ANTHONY CHURCH Northview Heights Collegiate lnsttul Willowdale SAMAJ ANNE DOYLE London South Collegiate Institute London RICHARD H-AL! ELPHICK Alderwood Collegiate Institute Toronto BRIAN SUSUMU KAWASAKI Alderwood Collegiate Institute Toronto MARY ELIZABETH KRUG Havei-gal Cellege Toronto UNDA GA!UI McFARLANE Burlington Central High School Burlington JAMES DOUGLAS McGHEE Thornhill District Higb Scliool Thornhill JUDITH ANN MILLINGTON Earl Haig Cellegiate Institute Willowdale CATHERINE ISOBEL REID EarI Haig Collegiate Institut# Willowdale JEAN MARY REILLY Richview Col legiate Institut. Islington JLEE SCOTT SIMS Maîvern Collegiate Institute Toronto ROBERT SPENCER DAVID THOMA$ Leauide High School Leaside ~k 4 OWEN WHITBY Eastwood Collegiate Institut. Kitchener r .. s. a 0 a 0s.a a a a a 0S 0 a.a 0 a a aS0 9 0 a a ae e 9easaea 0. .a.0.a.& 0 These thirteen premising young Ontario students arc among the 50 fi-cm aIl parts of Canada who wilI sboi-tly begin thei- college careers in the Arts or Sciences at the Universities cf thein choice under the Bank of Menti-cal Canada Centenniai Scholarship Plan. Each cf these students wil receive a schclarship of $750, in this, the first ycar of the Bank's scvcn-ycar Plan. We, at the Bank of Menti-cal, congratu- late these exceptional young people. We arc happy te essist thcm in thei- pursuit cf a highcr education in fields whcre thcy wili have the opportunity - through scientific research and pursuits in the public service - te, centribute in some notable way te the common goed of the nation in thse yeai-s ahead. To ail of these students we extcnd warmcst wishes in their endeavours to qualify for thc additional valuable sciiolar- ships to bc awardcd cacb yean until 1967, wbcn the Plan culminates in Canada'& Centennial Year. Obitua ry FRANK C. PETHICK HERE ARE THE ADDITIONAL AWARDS FOR WHICH THESE STUDENTS MAY QUALIFYs -JLJCLUIfflMIXg MWrJL* OZU Hues m -important iusunuoequestion for the moni with a mortgage If thathomeof yours is mon' gaged, the bank secs to it that your loan is protected withi insu rance. But, do you. have the protection you nced for the unmortgaged part of your home-the part yout've already paid for? Better cali us for a compicte propcrty insUra=c chnckup ... Ilww. those from Colonial Broach and Machine Comîpany, De- troit; Royal Bank, Toronto; Bow.manville High Sehool; Sons of England; Florence Nightingale Lodge, I.0.0.F.; Canadian Orden of Foresters and Bowmanville Bai-bers' As- sociation. On Tuesday evening, August 30, members of Florence Night- ingale Lodge attended in a body to Pay their last re- spets and hold a special ser- vice. IKENDAL Recent guests with Miss C. W. Stewart were Mr. and Mrs. G. *E. Lofthouse, Miss Mary Lofthouse and Douglas Hird, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris, Boston. Mass., Mr. and Mrs. E. Powell, Dorothy and Arthur and Bob Brirnbecom and Gaîl Manson. Mr-. and Mrs. Roy Kean, M&. and Mrs. Jack Kean and Kathy of Orillia, visited Bert Thornpson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper also called. Mr. and Mnrs. Paul Clancy, Milton Boyd and Brian of Tor- onto and Jack Boyd of Whit- by, were recent guests with Miss Helen Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Dean West, Mr. and Mns. Jerry Dost and their families spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sta- pleton. Sympathy is extended Per- cy.Burley who feil on cernent steps while fixing bis eave- trough and received a severe shaking up, a cut in bis back, 1- Is 1- TRURMAY. SEPT. MIL 10» ul lum TM CANAMM STATESMM -- CMAIM