PAGE Tm? THE CANADIAN STAT!lMAN, BoWMANvILLEu ONTARTO) on the rad hose. He also wvork-! A. V. Dam ant ed on the cressh'-arI tuber for several years beforf' hc trans- ReeiesHiferred to Dclpirtriment 275 t He is quite ver afilv che i e fhidé)" mnJr iations 25 - N<r. A war n the deparimnoit. Hi, princi- Pal hobý f boating. and he Arnold V. Damant, 18 Duke has biiut matny oats itnel-ud- Street, who has completed 25 ing one houJse-boaf. years at the Goodyear plant Mr. Damant is narried and here, was honored with the has three sons and one dau- preseritation of a 25 year pin ghter. One of bis sons and bis recently. daughter are marri'-d. and) Mr. -. - *. ~-.. ..- Damant has twn grandchild-ý HAMPTON Mr.-and Mr. Il iir il1ii)', Peter. Pa t ri c la rmri ficlnr ~, ~'Montrua. l ir, i bntio iDay ..eeedwith NMr T.S. Mr i Ni l- -i i ivr i TîîI.1 - leu. r;îgltîLi. nrl on Fuil it n ndIll ~n .. and fauînî- l ;iîd NVli S;nubalI 'iiN11. V. i :- i-i' l la d 'î i I ;îid .iit, Isk 'i , (0lîotî(,. 1\e.i'i l.I. \n tilti ail i I l<t1 Sui .îî- Mr. Damant was hbon) its 1 , tiIt vz Richmond, Queber on O(JuIN. Mss 1)î'ihbîiti;îî t ber 3th. 1911, and w is (-itt- VÙi:îi-ttit 'i i cated theie. He simrted u-:111-Tot utin, pt'rti 1111,ett lng as a cal]) x for tflic ail_ wtlt i G Ni.t, andut road as bis [1iý t job, i ater. Nj, il after earning bow tb usc a Ms tts ftîliti telegraph key and gainiing c\- (tlti~i ie l, perience. bc became a a ln n wttih Pt îsti;ild Iiillici- dispatcher inOta înIi la. MIrt tcl\i us \ I lait on JanuaryVith. 19:35, l\lî.; Pzktk- Damnant started xnkfor Ithe Is t1iti) Mr:'ltil eii Goodyear Rutibbr ('onipitil (I ioiîltîttx.S ut th t-i Canada. Liimited. at thIlocalIte hîlîit tdtlit..m t!; plant. He xvas first i enîploy-ed IrM. and M-i .S . is M. ctring V IJelîs. and then on anîd Mis. il'K-1 ;,i11c)lu n1i running boards. H-e also woirk. ilY. )ti;. wî'ue Stii;v ed in several other depart- \'îsiit)s. mnents before the oîtbreak of Mr. atitn l ...I1, . Vociden World War Il. anour îîîrialîtiglers Il' Vbit- Mr. Damant joined the Cao- by. vizitî'd i i. anîd Mis. Kein adiaitArmy on September lst, îCavurl Yon Siîî 1929. On his return ffmn miii-: Mr. .uknîWuuvý, (Oshawa, tary service on July 3Oth, visiteif bis parenîls MVr. andi4 1935, he again joined the staff: Mrs. T. Wray on Sijiîîdav ev- of the Goodyear's Bowman-lcoing. ville plant. He was employed' Miss Mary Peters visited' the' Salters on Sunday. table and has continued ini~L . and Lorie and Mr'. and Mr s. MVr. and Mrs. W. Harrison s n this position ever since. He, MurceSamluead O fln, -and diaughter Kim. Coîborne,lP esbtias a record of employment e t e o t t o of Peterborough. setthe weekend with bIl :5r" Pin of which he should be proud. Missý Lynda Middletuîî of iMr. and Mrs. Arthur Hy- iMm. aoc) Misý Carl Elliot parents Mr'. and) Mrs. G. Ad It is reported that hc has Stonev Creek, spent a week 1 and andMi'. and Mrs. Clif-' havc beguni construction of c*k 3 -Y . P n neyer been late for work and with her aVnt and uncle Mr. 1 ford Hyland of Toronto, at- their new borne east of the Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters . seldom absent in 35 years. and Mrs. V. Hudson and Day-; tended their niece's wedding John Diekev house bir 1 i( vil- aond Mr. Ralph Peters, Toon-ýý r Goodyvea r Mr. Highfield is marmied, id Hudson spent a week in: in Omemee on Saturday. lage. to. were visitors with the Sal- and bas tvo sons anc) one dau- Stoney Creek with the John Mrs. Emerton spent the Arthuri libert acoîînarî- ters. Ralph bas recently re-al ndLstrH ghter. His main hobby is bis Middleton family. weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. led Mr'. anc) Mrs. Pemey Hul- mornths'roapean turw fRayon HllcomLesteion o fine workshop. and lhe is an Ken Hudson accompanied Gordon Collins, Scugog Is- bert on a weekend holidaY years service at theoBrwman efficient and) talentedi wood- the George Prosser family on land,, anc) attenc)ed the wed-' at a cottage intuthe Mindent- company with Mr'. Ross Met.:yassriea h omn worker. a week's camping trip to Lake' ding of their daughter Evelyn Haliburton area. caîf, Maple Grove. 1 il ln fGoya Roy Hall was born in Mon- Dairymple. in Toronto at St. John's An- - and Rubber Company irof___ Mrs. H. E. Tink. Solina. Canada, Limited, were recent- mouthshire. Wales, aoc) came' glican Chureh and reception' 'visiterl Mrs. Joe Chapman 00: ly made th1eiiet fto Canada finsbng b yasbrdeis cdi- eeek built over the! at St. Andrew's Golf and LUN Mon day. Goodyear 35-Year Pins. oId. Afte iihn i d-cek onr lb Ronnie Galiant bas returnced: cation he worked in a lumber Miss M. Vondracek bas lefi Colntry vstrClub.. rý adMr.Cci lt [rmvstigrltve tNwcamp. and) later on a tarinifor Belleville, to take up bcr MHolidG. ay vistur.wrtheM' iac Ms Cc)Pe Imonivisiing elatves a New~ * efor comng b he God- ositon, a oneof te tecb-1 andageMiwssetheind Mis Los F OtthOawa. Brunswick, wheme be has beore bomIl o te ith postnTh oe o trio cholPhîlip Langfeld family of Toi'-:werr WAec)nesday s Li p p e r' spent sevemal weeks.yrpln eeonu .Cr a f. onto and Mrs. Miidred Colley,, usso i.6b Mns. S. Kersey, Mrs. G. Ad-. 195foth Patricia, Lynda and Virginia!rie) Knvacs. couk aoc Mm. aoc Mms. W.His first woirk ai fthc plant Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barni- etn Harsn o)Knivste c-was uncbing heels. Twvo vey sesand) gradag rMisses r ad laerh bga or o ite Janet and Elaine Guenette. ogDvsno!Otw, Mr. Learoc wcekenni owing bn the dahhc)îîr Çt, ngersol wei'e weekenc guiests pentsthMrhoaiday wiR.tD.his 1Bradley o)M. enr ativez ai anetvlle a the1928, he was nmade anl iinsoc- uMr'. ManpretdM rades. Bonn ilule Mm. of their cousin Mms. Stinson. 180fbrte1a1,oc r. enthRnieac Rev Clin îîddof Tmoît î .. A. Barnes. Grace anc) Ted. t. Mr'. Alfred Richards. Salemi, <îî'<tî~twd 'OnIy a yea- lafr ini I5eb. i o)Ms.K .Hpis r o)Mr rsi a)-wr ud evening «guest Ille plilpit very i('se-,ý-irvioldytn. sitbfamîly ais IVîrs. C eep.tly n undy ontîn .ruary. 1929. Mr. Hall s ap- lf oaof rila caed oth of Mr. Robemt Sini. 1 'Vî o IrSeiitc)a iniiig pointed Nigh Iispeetor off Miss ,anice Beecb iie eit r aî r.Wlo f Mm. Tom Hill. Toronto: Mi. ttlessdae ofn fbic work of the e nibi o nt1hrasrM Dort-y Foley last week. Port, Perry on Decoratîn erg adm 13i it' Suociet y. t ak îog for bisMrad sJR.Mtlf ess.Ein ad avn Thenr "oci meaiog otoferred to the Stock Rooli P i. o)MsJ1.Me11 Msr.Ele o) avnPornypol:xi heKaocMs. Fred iii raigMarch, 1944, Since Septetober were at home to theiîi rela- Nesbitt reccîved word of thePane tbteKvs u- )iirnaî lte. I îsexeetci f hatyea b ba inke l tives,. frienc)s and neighboums deatb of thieir cousin Mrs.: day evening. flIal ont.î pastor xii) hrin the Slîippiog Roon'. on Saturc)ay wben they cele- Arthur Nesbitt of Oshawa. tMr'. andi Mis. KenitiîHum- chiarge nîeyi Stîoday momrning . 1 smmit scra w îatcd their fomtieth wec)ding Miss Dorotby Harris, Tom- nier. Judy aond Ted. Eindaie, ut il ~~tfl. *: ~daugliters anrd sson. ;1aimai'-!a vray nosetbchldy with; werc Sunday tsupper guests n Wie welcoeoIbo 0111tiîîlag.. r.4 ec). He raills as, one of Bow- IMr. andi Mrs. A. C. Weî,,i, ber* parents. Mr. aoc) Mrs. Jas. Mr. aocd Mis.F. Smith Mr.- andi Mis. Peamo Llueîwood mranvîll&s top spor'ts fanstc Petorborouigh, werc1onday Harris. Mr. and) Mrs. Fred Bi'oad of iloc)say. wbrio ar~e resicling is a devoteci gardener. lile(,aller,, wîtliMr'. and) Mrs. A. Mis- dos. Farder visited ber aoc) Lesley. Mr. Stanley Flet- ini Mu.- ir Mis. I larolci Sut- .also takes mitich pride in bis[Bansacfauy 1ve'slutne Mi. Lut-k xnorl l h home and car. Mr. anc) Mrs. Herbert arei. supper gi.ests of Mm. aoc Mm5. bultuc'liog school aI Maîîhe Lester Higffîfeld _______ Wright anc) faiîuiy, Toronto, Mr. aoc) Mrs. L1 C. Thorn- G. Fletcher-. Gr mhve. st nit flhc Labour Daiy week- liilltif Vereeniginug. Unioni of Mm. aond Mrs. Englisi.Pe-i - fcî'i aîers al A. W, Althotiglb Mr. Hîghifi e ic)B1 r ' endi with bis brother Mr. aoc) South Africa. arc visitiog Mr.aaw.spent a colîîmîc- f )'estitŽ xe. .w>..,omo in Port Hope and. BASEJLJIJ.1.j Mrs, Fred Wrigbt sac) fsmulv'aoc) Mms. Grant Thoropson and ds wihMr a. Ps E W. aiiîii M. -aidMi's. startvd to scbool theme, liej Mi.'.s Marguierite Wrighît, :. eîjoy'ing theit' Lake Scugon 3',it: per. i'.1'.))m W. ziiiiii, r.anc) Mis. J. moveti to Bowmanville with Mr. and Mis, Edwamd loley Catharines aoc) Mrs. Pst Tri- cotbage. On Saturday eveigpr S. l:,c)vveýi", Oroimut; Mi-. sud bis parents wben lie was a aoc) Dorotby iweme Monday sise, Oshawa. werc Monday bbey showed coloureci sIides 'Mr. aocd Mrs. Wnt. Sit. ani Mms. Earl PresccTtb. boy. le completeti bis educa- eveoing visiiors of Mr, and) guests of Mi'. and) Mrs. Fred of Africa bo a few of the neigb - Oshawa; Mr'. and Mis. F. E. utiti: I'Mrs. A. l3minit aso rtm. lion in the Bowmanv i 1 Ms Lawr'uenc~e Staples anti; Wight. iors Alexande-r. Bowînanville. wcre andEiii, iiisk. llecon . Ro escooîs. famnily, Bet)iy. - Donald Lansing of Oshawa, Mondlay evening callers ofM. Mr.r and Mi.. Jackskilen. enileci on Mr'. aoc) Mrs.Don-!I Robert Sîm. Mis Rytom thendMr. Asa ooka le w ngsxv or Whitby, weme Wednesdalsv - MEMORIIA4LHOSPITAL aid- Thonîpson on Sunday. Mr'. sac)Mis. E. Peîîwardei l?ot.s Meitcaîf, Maphe Grove, Nrsteies 11e le there ay coning dinner guests of Mr'. WEEKLY IREPORtT Mi. and Mms Ambi'osc Ly- :aoc) familY were Siida stIer ai' tif Mrs. A. ('bai aurseanesMrHe K. C. Hopkinnd sbire]Mola.ýated work at the local plant anwoo .CHpkn.d and Mr'. aoc) Mrs. Win. i suppeî' guests of Mr. sacd Mis.: tintr o Momuly. n Jdy ltb,192r.Hs andt Mr )Ms. Benniv Wood- 1 For the wcek of Aug. 29 tf Lywood of Lindsay called on I1-B. Murphy. Mrs. Penwardeîî ifaniton frieimds îxtend coon-a o wsi teHe wamd. Toronto, spent bbec Sept. 4 inclusive. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. lis spending a few days with' gratcîlat;ois aond best, isbe oya o asi h esween ihhrprnt.M.Amsin to M. ac) Ms."oy esl Department, but he transfer ee---i--e-arns.M. disin 49 Miss Pal Payne anc) friend Mr. aond Mms. M. KeilettIn (the' former Lvi' mnothoUec after two weeks to the and Mrs. George Cooinb :ï Births 2 male, 4 female ..61 of Toronto, cailed Sunday on etville. lrnothofBet epnten t wrk~ Jackic rcturnec) borne with bis Dischamges- ------------- - -57 'Kitchener Burton. Mr. aocd Mis. C. Penw~.arc) Hampbrtedl who on tudttbuilding transmission anc aet fe pn)n h ao pmtos.. . 5 Sunday visitors witb Mr. 1 en aoc) family anc) Miss Sanîd- celeratel Ibir tb wc)c)nl oiidays witb bis grandpar- Minor opemations - --- 19 anud Mrs. Larmen Hyland Ira Gibson weme Fida v e' annivcmsairy. A flamber froi n eorbts ents. Emergency treatments 25 were Mr. aoc) Mrs. Jas. Me- ing guests of Mr. anc) Mis. C. here attenc)ec the neception at In February, 1949, he trans- Hoît Road is thc scene of 1 j 7 b 8:30-4p.. nd ad Vsitng ours3-4p.m.andMullen and Carl of Ballydtîff: Brown. Mrs. Allait Brown ac their home.--. f--erred to the final inspection- muchactivity, where a new 1__t 83 Mrs. Howard Sutton, Debbier boys, Hampton, wene Suniday Ti The CanadI'an Statesman 15 cil. ft. Gilson FREEZER 628 lb. capacity Reg, $30900 s279.oo COWAN Equipment Co. 134 KING E.- MA 3-5689 MURPHY FURNITURE Chesterfield Suites from $129. Used Studio Couch with 2 chairs; 4 ft. Mattress, 9 X 101/2 RUg. 47 KING ST. W. MA 3-3781 LLOYD ELLIS SHOES Complete uine of SKATES for boys and girls. men and womcîi TRADE-INS ACCEPTED 49 KING ST. W. MA 3-5941 Robson Motors Lt d -Buick1 Vauxhal GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MArket 3-3321 "Se. Our Fine Selection et Used Cars" Associate .Store, BATTERIES - TIRES MUFFLERS INSTALLEI) 160 Chimrch St., MA 3-7111 Den hertog's Clothing SPECIALS Ladies' W.iter Slaçkts S 10uu-1p, $4.77 Fe' lannelette Shirt'. AIl sizes ,;$2.25 43 King St. W.- MA 3-5041 Laonder Hardware CXI. L. Elnatnels ('illux - supii'eîWhite Phoura%,l 3- W5774 KINC l. F ST EP)HE N FUELS F~amois Readinz Anthracite Hiel 091 - 'Stove Oil Cail îmi.Xt or .Sumrn t)îscotiit mil Qiality Fuels Bowî vii.iiile. Ontario MArIkel A-5410 Gre.t Isav!ngs iîn Our Ciiirreiný- fl-partnment 5 King St. E. MA 3-5451 LIBERTY BOWL LTD. For Clean Fun and Family Recreation VISIT OUR NEW AIR CONDITIONED LANES Base Lino Rd. MA 3-5663 USED THRRESHRING MACHINE ]BARGAIN! W. H. Brown . 1. Case Dealer PHONE MA 3-5497 McGRECOR HARDWARE LIMITED VOUR ONE STOP HARDWARE SHOP PHONE MA 3-3386 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. WESTERN TIRE& AUTO SUPPLY Co. Clearance Sale of: ALL SPORTS AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT 85 KING ST. W. MA 3-3134 LET GEORGE DO IT .50/o OFF on ail Sunîmer Merehandise TUE BEST FOR LESS BOWMANVILLE SURPLUS STORE 42 King st. E. Rowmanville MA 3-3211 J. BROUGH DUIRO WATERt PUMPS AND SOFTENERS Plumbing - Heating 01; and Gas Burners MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE "Hom of the Do You Lîve In This House? If you are the householder of tbis home, cal) at The Canadxar Statesman Office and you will receive FREE a $5.00 cheque good at one of the places of business shown here. BONS lNONTHLY PRIZE POLAROID LAND CAMERA Yes, you too may win a Polaroid Land Camera. Siniply visit any one of the stores listed herc for your free coupons.The' nothing to buy, no jingles to write..rsniply sign yoLi1r naine and deposit the slip. A local dmaw wilI bc beld nionthly. The custoiner whose nainme is oit the couipon wili wvin a new Pnlarojd --- and so will the merchant whose naine is on lhe coupon. Satisfaction ¶tMBE SHEPPARD & GILL II%.%I#WLUMBER SufflEDCOMPANY LIMITED Guaranteed 'Everythinq for Builders" Phone MA 3-3388 BOWMANVILLE 96 King St. E. NAiPLE GROlE Tw - FREE - 40' No, 1 TOWER Double Ail Channel Aerial with Rotor - Installed with thec purchase of new TV at regular list. Limited quantity. PHONE MArket 3-2312 ilO WNANlVLLEz SEDES & ]REPAIR Repairs While You Wait Repairs on ail types of Canvas 80 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5073 F. A. KRAMP LTD. «OME FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS 37 King St. E. Bownîanville Pine MA 3-7071 Contest COLLISS ELECTRIC SPECIALS on all FRIGIDAIRE Advtanced appliauices designed witb you in mind. P -oducts of Genieral Motors SALES & SERVICF, Variety Foods POTATOES 10 LB. BAG - ONLY 39C 77 KING W. MA 3-3541 HWIGGGN ELECTRIC Sale% and Service PHO>NE MA 3l-3305 42 KING ST. E. ROWMANVILLE, OT SPECIAL! 21" C.E. TV Ultra vision., front tuning, front speaker $1 99witi your set NEWCASTLE & NEWTQNVI LLE MERCHANTS P. G. NEWELL Lumber Comupany Wc Seli the Finesi. in Building Materials NEWCASTLE 3456 LUCKY'S BA. Lubrication and Towing Service Your Hi-Way Location for Preventive Maintenance Perey S. Luxton, Prop. PHONE 2081 NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO SID LANCASTER YOUIR MASSEY-FERGUSON DEALER FOR CENTRAL DURHAM See Our Eassey-Ferguson Display AT ORONO FAIR NEWCASTLE (MLARKE 2703 EN.RICKARD FOR PLUMBING & HEATING SER VICE General Elcctric Appliances NEWCASTLE PHONE 3938 PAULINE'lS SPECIALTY SHOP for Back-to-School and Fali Merchandise Newcastle Phone 2021 CGODE'S MARD WARE NEWCASTLE HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS PHJONE 3021 CAR VETH MOTORS F~ord -I'ds(l Sales and c)rveîv Used Cars -Expert Repuiis 24 HI'. O.M.L. Towing Service NEWCASTLE :3251 NEWCASTLE GARAGE Dependable Personalized Service FRANK HOAR, Frop. PHONE 2671 PORTERS GENERAL STORfrt SNACK BAR Quaiity Merchandise Personalized Service' NEWTON VILLE CLARKE A30241)' J. H. ADERNETHY TOP TuIAl' RUST! ...Use Treiu-Cad Rust Paint fo0r r-aiitings, roofsu, boilers, tanks, trucks - Ail metal surfaces. 33 KING ST. W. MA 3-54311 HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & Gif t Shop 29 King St. E. MA 3-5747 BO WNAN VILLE LGCKER'S S P EC 1A L 17 Cu, Ft. New GENERAL FREEZER s259.oo LIWETIME WARRANTY 73 KING ST. W. MA 3-5578 Il. Week"f ROY W. NICHOLS Oldsmobile, Chevrolet, Corvair and Envoy (British Buit) Cars Bowmanville MA 3-3353 Courtice MA 3-3922 FRANK'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Dealer in Sheli Produets 72 SCUGOG ST. MA 3-3231 JEWELLERY Ad» GIFT SHOP 43 KING ST. W. BOWM ANVILLE Phone MA 3-5463 FREE S heaffer 3.44 VAL Pu 3.44tridE Pc witb every Zippered School Binder Ptircliased 27 King W. - MA .35556 Pontiac A. IL STIJIOCK ..i SONS Ltd. (~) Fuel 011 BO WMAN VILLE MArket 3-5516 !JADJSe' WEAR IBOWMAN VILLE Clothes for Discriminating Women SEE OUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS ---»i .RURSDAY, SEPT. Sth, 19MS visitors of Mr. and Mr. uW. Brown. Mr. ai-d Mrs. J. Smith, Bri- an and .iackie. Ajax, and Mrs. .Jackson. Toronto, were Sun. day visitors of Mrs. McLag, gan anmd family. -1 lvir. and Mrs. E. Mue Trenion. were S Moudalei itors and Mr. and Mrs.- 1 tant, Sarnia. were Monday ist..or Mr. and Mrs. Bert .Johnîsonî. Mis. D. Roberl:soin, Houston, Texas; and Mrs. T. Bryans, Ajax. spen't Thi v ay with: Mr,. and Mrs. R~ Gibsoi. Ms. Robertson is -'Mrs. Gib. Fý son's sister and is on the Nur- sing ;taff of St. Luke's Hos- pital. Houston. Texas; she îq on tbî'ee w%ýeeks, vacation andi is .-pemiiiig it with her dau. ghite"s. Mrs. Ray Thompson,, Brampton, and Mrs. Ted Bry. 1 ans. Ajax. On Sundav theg famnily had a get-togethex fort a reunion and Mrs. Robertsomi her daughters and their htis- < bands. lier grandchildren 'nid great-graîîdchildren and MI- and Mrs. Ryc Gibson, Ms, Pat Wiiht. Muriel and Shir..'- Iey-.lean, Bethany, Miss Sali. dra Gibson and Mr'. Nornian, Davis. ail bia a lovely day agi Gree'îwood Conservation Ar.: ea. Thimty inembers of tlei farnil ail] sat down at a heart)r- supper. Games were Played.f afterwards and everyone thor., oughly enjoyed themselves. ~ FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND) MARKERS 0F'STAFFORD BROS. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works ,-' 3118 Bandas St. E. Whitby . Phone WhitbY 11Ohawk 835