Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1960, p. 5

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TaLTRDAY SEpT. Ist,198@ TheN CI KING ST. E. Orono News MA 3-3211 9ME CAIiADIAN SATUSMN. OWMANVI 1Lovely Two Year Old Girl ames E Richards, Editor "LET GEORGE DO IT"i ýýqmL. »Àmàm IrO SCHOOL SANX on BEM FOR.. Smart clothes for smart boys at pre-sehool savings NOW! Everything from jackets to jeans for tykes to teens! Top-notch value! BOYS' SHIRTS FLANNEL Sizes 6 to 16 Reg. $2.95 $1.25 VY LEAGUE Ail Colours Reg. $4.50 BOYS' "eCONTINENTAL" #SLACKS $1.9 BOYS' JACKETS Ail Shades Reg. $5.95 SPECIAL! - THURSDAY - MEN'S JEANS 10-oz. Weight - Sanforized Heavy Duty Zipper - Reg. $3.95 MEN'S DRESS PANTS Brown, Blue, Grey ioc Wash 'I, Wear Self-beIted - Reg. 6.95 ON SALE ___ $3.49 FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY on sale$ 4 BOYS' IVY LEAGUE DRESS PANTS Stripes, Soluds _ Wash "W War Reg. $3.95 ON SALE Congratulations to Mir. D. G. Mis. Roy Smees andi son eti Mis. Madison Hall on Sat- Hoo0per On bis 8&.th birthday. of Stoney Crack, are visiting urday. MnZ. Frank Reader is a pa. lier mother, Mis. E. Grady. Mr.andi Mis. Jim Linton t n Mémnorial Hospital, Mr- A. G. McGee, the new' and Carol, Don Mils, visited Bomanville. principal for Orono Public Mi1%. and Mis. G. M. Linton. Fnak Adra an MiSchool and Mis. McGee, Lions Mi. and Mis. John Shetier F.ranchard visatd tli, Head, moved into the Awde andi daugliter Maureen are 'Pe e Memnorial near Ux- oseadMi Sreto.Mn visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt. bridge on Thuisday andi callad Rbday,.alceoïn On Miss M. Davey in Port Mr. and Mis. Jack Cox, rbisonCWcilaown.istn ]PeryHositl.Mis. Tîenouth, Bowmanviile r nMis.Cecl oyn Poweiiri, Peny Hspial.Mî.and Mis. Ken Gray, Cad- Scarborougli, tiis week and Bonnie Bail visited hler mus- Mr. andi Mis. Reg Sut- hywlvsàinRcetri îCousin Linda Peais last week. tan eVisited the Elford cousins thy wilvisiti R heten, avenLabokweeend at.Oanod . Ca.Smt, Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Johins, Mn.ant Mi. Cas.SmihBowmanvi.lle, Mr. andi Mis. Annrointment Blackstock, with Mn. and Mis.ChsWodvit M.a Gordon Cotter visiteti Vickie Chs. Wo iie i n Cotten, Mis. E. H. Sameul antiMi.Loienz0 Truli at their daugliters at Stoney Lake. cottage at Williamis Point, Lake Mi. Bill Tamblyn is a pat- Scugog. ient in Memorial Hospital, Mr. anti Mis. A. J. Jakemnan, Bowmanville. Mi. and Mis. Orvulle Chatter- Mi.andMis Tm Bbbig-ton, Carol and David spent tan, Toronto; Mis. Tom Lewis Sna tM.adMs m anti Mis. Harry Lewis, Roch- Reid's of Kirby cottage on ester, N.Y., visited Mi. and Clear Lake. Mis. Alex. Watson, Mr. and Mis. Ross Taylor, Mn atiMi,1. L. King Dale and Diane, Ottawa, visit- spant Sunday with Mi. and ing Mi. anti Mis. Chas. Tay- Mis. Melville King and farn- 1 loi. îly, OuIllar Ms. Neil Smnith visiteti lier Congratulations ta Mn. and sîstai, Mrs. A. Saunders for "Mis. Howeli Rowland wha a few days. celabratad their 5th wedding Mi. anti Mis. Harold Awde annivarsaîy last Thursdy and their daughteî, Mis. Gor- Mr. and Mis. Stanley Ad- don Berry, Mr. Berry and son ams, Jimmy and Susan, Tor- Scott, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. anto, sent Sunday with Mis. Maîiboina Phulips and sons Gea. Hutton. Lloyd anti Alan, Maidistone; Mn. John Thorn af New Mi. andi Mis. Frank Werry, Zealand, spent the weekend Tyrone, visiteti Mr. and Mis. c with Mi. and. Mis. Claience D. G. Hooper.c Oakah L. Jones, President Allun and visitati Mis. Madi- Mis. Fred Tamiblyn visiteci andi Genarai Manager af Thel son Hall. Mn. Thorn spent the lier sister, Mis. J. Cowling, Consurners' Gas Company, an-I summer af 1907 in Orono and Bowmanville. naunces the appaintrnent af: woîked with the late Mn. Wm. Mis. James Bail is visiting John E. Lee as Vice-Prasident Walter learning the trada af Mis. Taîbert Findlay, Thor~n- mnd Genarai Suparintendent, painting. bull, andi Mn. and Mis. R. G. Uas Supply. Bain in London, Mn. and Mis. R. E. Logan Hodgson, Toronto. Ont., in 1915, Mi.- Lee graduat- calleti on Mn. and Mis. Wm. Mr,. and Mis. Jack Hudson, cd from the University af West- Founti, Bowmanvile. Mi. anti Mms. Jack Gibson vis- arn Ontario in 1937 with a B.A. Miss Kate Fostar, Oshawa, ited Martyn's Shnine at Mid- in Honour Physics anti Chern- spent the weakend with Mis. landi on Sunday. istrY. Whule with the Chern- T. Wilson and Mis. E. Gîady. Mi. andi Mis. Neil Wood, ical Division af the Ontario r M. Ed Farrow, Oshiawa, Sandra and Gai], Lakefield, Researchi Foundation lie corn- visited Mi. and Mis. Reg Sut- visiteti Mi. and Mirs. Chas. pleteti the University of Toron- ton. Wood. ta requinamants for bis M.A. in M. and Mis. J. C. Gamcy Mrs. William Martin, Mn. Cheristîy. He joinad Consum- visited MT. andi Mis. A. L. and Mis. Milton Tamblyn, ens' Gas in 1940 as Chef Cham- Hooey of Bowmanville at theïi Mis. Ernest Bryson, spent a i, Wonks Depaitmcnt. In 1948 cottage at Kikfield. veîy intaîesting aitaînoon on lie was registereti as a Pro- Mr. anti Mis. Lew Cryder- Wednesday of last weck when fessional Chemical Engineer. mani Mis. L. Hewsoii, Mi. andt tey visited the Elford family Mn. Lac became Genaral Super- Mis. Wn. Wilbui, Hamnpton, at Oakwood and Cambîay. intendant of Woîks in 1952. As visiteti Mis. Fred Taniblyn. The agas of the 8 mambaîs af Generai Superintandant, Gas Marlena Graham anti Gail this family, five sistens and Supply, anti Superintandent of Willis aie bath patients in threa brothaîs total 743 years. Niagara Gas Transmission Lirn- Memnoiial Hospital, Bownan- Mis. Martin is a great niece Itedrl,.-e la responsible for gas ville.. and took with lien an enlang- purchase, underground stonage, is. Alice Rowa-Sleernan, cd picture of bier great grand- Peak sbavig, maintenance af Toronto; Mis. Albert Redknap mother Elford. Slie, the grand- gate stations and aIllage andi son Douglas, Oshiawa, Mis. mother af the Elfards, who volume nieasurernent af gas. J. Pearce, Newtonville, visit- hati taken care of lier mother îîàb Some weeks ago, a tracter ran over 21 months- old David Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. "'Mick" Brown. He spent several weeks in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, and returned home recently, just in time to help his parents celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. David is recovering rapidly and soon should be on bis feet again. Both he and his parents are most appreciative of the interest that friends and neighbors took in bis welfare following the accident. Here, he lives up to the, family tradition by having a Case model tractor for his favorite toy. ýFormer Coiborne Couple Celebrates 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. James Coch- Later they came to Oshawal ranle, Rosehili Boulev ar d, where Mr. Cochrane has been! Oshawa, pleasantly surprised an employee of General Mot- when a party was held in their ors for the past ten years. honour at the Lions Commun- The couple have two child- ity Centre in Bowmanville re- ren, a daughter, Barbara, and cently. a son, Charles both living at Close to one hundred rela- home. tives and friends gathered To commence the evening's from near and far to extend festivities a mock wedding best wishes and congratulate took place. The bridai party them on their 25th wedding entered the room through an anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. arch covered with green cedar Cochrane were married in Col- and white flowers. Members borne, July 25th 1935, with, of the wedding group were as the Reverend Roy Rickard of- follows: bride, Ernie Taft; ficiating. groom, Cora Taft; bride's fa- After their marriage they ther, Bob Mutton; best man, settled in Brighton where Cassie Ives; flower girl, Bren- they lived for severai years. da Chatterson; minister, Glen Turney, bridesmaid, B e r t from the age of 5 years, and Mutton. the Elford family were de- After the ceremony a pres- lighted to meet Mrs. Martin i entation of gifts were made and to see the large picture including a case of silve- (a very fine looking lady) asi ware and a silver tray. After- they had the small photo! wards, pictures were taken of from which it had been made. the couple as they cut the When the Orono people ar- beautifully decorated three- rived at Oakwood, 2 of the; tier wedding cake. girls Lizzie 103 years and ? Following, refreshm e n t s Mary 95 had gone up to the were served and an evening homestead at Cambray to of dancing was enjoyed. spend the day with the two Out of town guests were brothers and sisters there. present from Trenton, Brigh- Katie 92 years insisted on ton, Coîborne, Castleton, Cam- phoning them ta corne home pbellford, Toronto, Albion, but the visitors decided to 1N.Y., Port Hope, Peterborough drive Up and see the comnplete and Whitby. family. They found Lizziel coming i from having a look1 around the farm barns andiZO garden and Charles 80 years,ý O the baby of the family, who1 operates the farm coming in. -Mr. Russeil Perkins and from the woods with the trac- Margaret visited at Arthur tor and a load of wood. Rae's, Markham. It was with difficulty that Jim, Chuck and Lori Halli- the Orono friends came away day, Oshawa, have been vis-! as the hospitable Elford's in- iting their grandparents Mr.i sisted that they remain for and Mrs. Lloyd Haliiday, supper although they had four while their mother is in Osh- guests from Oshawa visiting, awa General Hospital. them and altogether it would Mr. and Mrs. John Barlow have made a party of 14. The and family Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elfords and Mis. Martin posed Stainton and sons, Clarke'r for a few pictures with the Staihiton went on a picnic to delightful farm home in the, Cartwright Park on Sunday. J background. iMr. and Mis. Gordon Iier,!1. ILIX ONTAMU M--M" With Meat Balls - 24 or. tin IGA SPAGHETTI 1%-Pound Pear-shaped Tin NAMS 29Ç $1.29 il-or. Bottie Helunz KETCHUP 2For3)Y IGA Liquid - 32 oz. tin FLOOR WAX A Hearty Energy Food Canada No. 1 Grade POTATOIS 10-1. ba35c Crisp and Tender No. 1 Grade - Large Staiks DEADFGED CELEIT 2 For 23c Garden Fresh, Snow White No. 1 Grade - Large Head CAULIFLOWEI No. 1 Grade - 6-qt. Basket MfIAcàulA PEACHES 19 19 99C1 For The Family Fruit Bowl U.S. No. 1 Grade - Good Size DITLETE PEMARS F-r 35c 49Ç 1 I BE SURE TO1 VISIT THE 1...1. IGA 100TU Pineapple - Grapefruit - 48 oz. tin lU DGOH ICA JUICE - - - 29« Food Products Building1 C.X. E. AND PLAY ""LUCKY SPIN"E FOR FREE FOOD CERTIFICATES Clark's - 20 oz. tins DEANS wilh PORK 2 For 35e White Swan - Reg. Rolîs TOILET TISSUE 4 For 49c Humpty Dunipty - 10 oz. pkg. POTATO CHIPS - - 49a Sunbeam Soit Roll Featureu BGLLS & BASKET Sunbeam Lemon FiIIed Coltate Glant Size - 10e off1 IGA - 8 oz. jars McCain Frozen - 2 IL bag CIIEEZ If59 OLY39 54a 0 Ba. 39o Reg. Price Bowmanville IGA Market BOWNARIYLL m TayàS 1Toms' IGA Market m u=EWCASTlE.oNi Pre-Dresed, Oven Ready Grade "A" - 6 - 10 IL Average Trurkeys- Ib.49C IGA - 2-lb. Poly Bug Tablelite WINRS 79ý Burns - Lean, Mild Cured, Sliced Peameal - 6-or. Vacuum Pack Bowman ville Surplus Store SHOP AND SAVE AT à 1 PACZ Fm.ýl Oshawa, were Sunday supper ut toprdwrehvryma guests at Allan Fisher's. ec w u o er attendance. Mr. Jack Lavergne, Oshawa, Blackstock Fair was agait was a Thursday evening vis- lucky in its choie of day - itor at Eldridge Perraults. G o ye rRercto Mr. and Mis. Howard Ab- weather and gate being most bott Buketn, ereWedes-favourable. A wonderfiil show. bott, ButretnPerey Weds The resuits of the ectionJack Bond filling the two ing of horses, especially heavy day~~~~~~ iiiosa PryDv of the Goodyear Employees! vacancies. This is Mr. Bondsdat-arcdfothsisic 'Recreation Cu xctv is ieo h or. o ih orhretas l MrS.Alflx cMaterJoa Bord how seven af last The Hose Room will have the Go-Karts on Friday even. and Ross visited at Geore year's officers returned, while, two new representatives for ing were in splendid attend. Hilts ,Williams Point on Sun- four members of the board de- the coming season, bath have ance. day. cided not ta seek re-election. served in priar yeaîs. Alf In District 2 and District Randle and Charlie Vanstone Nestieton W.A. Mi. and Mrs. L. Knapp and; 4, the five representatives came out on top in a close el- August meeting was held at family, Pontypool, visited at weîe retuîned by acclama- ection. Mrs. M. Emerson's home on Orville Knapps on Friday. tion. Rose Bate, Jack Dunn The officers elected weîe: August 18 with 18 ladies and Mis. M. Heard, Enniskillen,' and Ray Westlake were unop- District No. 1 Stuart Carson some childien present. The visited at R~ay Cameron's on posed in District 2. Carole Oke Department 213; Art Brooks meeting opened with themW Tuesday. and Jim Allin will represent Departrnent 271B, Ron John- song, followed by the W.A., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dart th salaried gîaup in District son 202X, and Jack Bond, prayer. The scripture and de« and family, Waodville, visited 4 r. rokwoprvosy Department 232. District No. votional were taken by Mr&. at Henry Dart's on Sunaay'. 'At arDisit 3Hosevoorn 2, Rose Bàte Departrnent 271C, A. Hyland. Hymn 351 wau wasa Dstrct Hoe RoniJack Dunn Depaîtment 271C, then sung. Minutes were read Miss Bertha Geissberger executive member, lias been and Ray Westlake Depaît- and approved. Several letteru spent a few da ys at Rice Lake employed recently in the Mat ment 274. District No. 3 Alf and cards were read. It waU with Mrs. A. Scott and Ellen Department. He was elected Randie Department 273 and moved by Mrs. L. Malcolm, Oshawa. this year as a representative Charlie Vanstone, also De- seconded by Mis. G. Camp- Master Brian Hircock, Osh- of District 1. Stu Carson is the partment 273. District No. 4 bell that we have oui circuit awa, is spending a few days lone holdover on the first Jim Allun Production Control convocation on Oct. 26. Mr&. at Fred Cameron's. floor, with Ron Johinson and[and Carole Oke, Office. L. Malcolm read a letter frora Mrs.J. Hnds Bowan-the Huttons, which we ail en- ville, spent the weekend with jydhaig Jr.F . Hynds, owanlS ato Mis. F. B Glaspel. .Sation It was decided we would Mr. and Mis. Chuck Terry, edfrifraino e Laurie and Edward, Maple Visitors with Mis. Malcolm r motar trip thîough parts of thesedfriomaon nRd Grave, visited at Percy Day- Emerson last Wednesday were United States. They visited moved couse Mrs. easni- isMrs. Jas. Isaac of Lindsay and1 with his parents, Mr. and Mis. e ht Ms dm eod ion's on Sunday. dta we buy locks for cupoý Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fisher Ms nehl fOila Malcolm Emerson during the boards and Mr. Bowers be ask.- were oveînight guests at Ar- Mis. Eunice Hunter and Mis. weekend. ed to put themn on. There were chie Paîrinder's, Myrtie, alGacoalrnfPrtPry three calis made on the shut- Friday ta visît bis sister Miss were callers at the Steele's, The Rev. Wesley Harding of Emm Fiherfro Ne Yok JcksnsHealîp an Mi.,Bowmanville canducted bis ins. Our September meeting EmmaFiser rom ew ork Jacson, Haslis ad Ms.,will b e on September 28 at City, U.S.A. . Campbells, ail of Nestleton. Ilast service for this term* in Mis G. Campbell's home i Mr. and Mis. George Coch- The Grant Campbell famîly Nestietan on Sunday marnîng. the atron rane and Douglas Fice visited visited the Bannie famiiy ofifapprecaginatd ha ing Mr .P oei aeavr at Fed Drt's Woovie. O Gaît during the weekend. fo igaanadtak i Mr.PRmeigveaey at Fed Drt's Woovill, onýforhis services tendeîed. Serv- interesting taik on Christiait Friday niglit. The Laureice Malcolm fam- lices fîom naw on during the Education. Prograrn consisted Mr .and Mrs. Norman Leach ýilyi with Clara at the Malcolms IAuturnn and Winter will be at of two piano salas by Patricia* were supper guests at John for a short time, Sunday. 12:30 in the afternaan with Adams. Collection $3.35. Hymn Kivell's, Sauina, on Sunday. Stanley Malcoirn is presently'Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. 386 and Mizpah Benedicticun Mi. and Mrs. Orville Knapp at Neil Malcolm's whie the Next Sunday Is the special closed oui meeting. and famîly vîsîted at P. Lam- latter patîently awaits the i e-ý Decoration Day Service for Mrs. G. Campbell moved a bert's, Haneywood, and atI moval af a cast from bis leg. Nestieton United Church Cerne- hearty vote of thanks ta Mis. Norman Galbraith's, Brad-1 A speedy îecoveîy is wishedieya 3:00 p.m. Rev. R. B. Emerson for the use of lier ford, on Sunday. for Mi. J. A. Jalinston wh? is 11rrson of Wilfrnid, Ont., will home and Mrs. Rorneril and Mr. lmr ow, ary recuperating fîom a mnrbe in charge. He will be a Mis. A. Williams and group and Rager, Ebenezer, were oita n ar busy man, having completed for a good meeting. Monday visitors at Percy Da-, Pit l n is ent!aIl his own services during the _________ visns r. ad Ms Knehmaining. vitisons.Sarnelîs have moved fnorn Mi. and Mis. Alian Fisher Nestieton ta their new home in A special service with film The Canadian Redi Cros, andi George Fisher visiteti atiBlackstock which was faim- showing "The Potteî's Wlieel" Society has been senving Can- Harvey Webster's, Little Buit. erly that af Mr. and Mis. sponsoîed by The Bible Sa- ada and the world since 1909. ain, on Satuîday. ,Perey Collins and farnily, now ciety was enjayeti by those*** Mr. and Mis. Keith Stain..!of Oshawa. attending the Nestieton Presby- Sickroomn supplies are loau- ton visited Scott at the Osh-,1.Mi. and Mrs. Edgar Emnerson terian Churcli at 7:30 Sunday ed free by the Canadian Red awa General Hospital on Sun- 'and farnily have returnedti taevening. The Royal Black Cross loan cuphoards i 549 day. He as improving nicely. j their cottage at Scugog alter aPreceptory who were expected communities of Canada. SK 1 This charming photo shows two-year-oId Terry Lee Firth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Firth, Division St., Bowmanville. Her grandparents are Mrs. Margaret Firth and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher. There are also several aunts who are extremely proud to act as baby-sitters at any tù-me. -Photo by Rudi Gerber Back Home in Good Shape m m - 43Ç a a a BAM BACON .49

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