Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1960, p. 2

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8VY -OROTqy AKER TIE CANADIAN STAMAN, EBOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO The. buzzer was persistent. gied ino my dresing gow It had awakened me frorn (the sleeves ore aiways ir that glorious sleep I aiways sida out when I arn in a hi experience aboard a train and r3o) and went in search of th I feit instinctively something porter, or the conductor. was decidedly wrong. Then, Minutes seem like hours as the signal was repaated, Il a time like thîs, yet I don ramembered that the porteri suppose five of themn hade usuaily went to the diner for apsed before the porter h. a cup of java after having1 the door to the bedroom a( first made sure his passengersj commodation open and I dfi had ail retired for the night. I creetly departed for my quai I don't suppose 1 would1 ters. have paid further attention to! Within seconds hie tappe the continued buzzing, except at my door. "Have you an that it had a plaintive, plead- candv ma'am he asked. YE ing sound. Not that of a crus- don't look at a CNR porteri ty passenger who had used up the middle of the night asj bis supply of towels and wants hae is trying to ha facetious b more, pronto, or a mother making such a requast. YO whose naughty child has spil- just rummage around in you lad tha contents of a thermos capacious handbag for tha ail over the bed. No, this pas- roll of chocolate peppermint senger, I fait, needad help. and give thern meekly to Suddanly there seemed to, perspiring angel of marc) ha a reason for haste. I strug- My hand shook a littie as IFLOYD HILMcKINLEY PAGE TWO 4w- - representative MUTUAL LIFE 0F CANADA Inquire About Our Children's Educational Plans Mearns Ave. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5372 SCHOOL OPENING BO WNAN VILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS CENTRAL LORD ELGIN ONTARIO STREET VINCENT MASSEY will re-open on TUESDAY, SEPT. 6 at 9 a.m. Ail childran rasiding within the town limits are eligible for admission ta Grade One if they are 6 years of mga during 1960, and te Kindar- garten if 5 years of mga during 1960. Proof of mga is required, Pupils wvho were transferrad in June or wbo have since movad will go diractly te the scbool they wil ha atten ding. fupils who have not yet been registered or who are transferring in tram other schools wilI registar with principal of the school they will b. -ttending. Kindergartan: A latter outlining Kindar. farten arrangements has bean mailed to al ,gistered pupils. A. M. THOMPSON, Suparvising Principal. Bowman ville High OPL'NL September 6, Buses will make their routes accordig te t] and pupils are requestad to ha at the roadaidesi Indicated : Courtice shift te arrive at 7:50 a.m.L and le.i Bowmanville shift te, arrive at 12:45 p.m. and The cafeteria will serve milk and sandwichasi ing and afternoon recess. The regular service ati available from 12:45 ta 1:30. Smnc. pupils have received their book listsa Tuesday, September 6th, will be a full school day. Some second hand books will be on sale i the the. flrst day only. Grade XIII and Senior Commercial studentsi arrve at the school at 9:00 and buses will return at ifriands an route. Bowmunvilie on Wadnasday. CtYu rc 19 6 0il ýMm. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip Mm.and Mrs. Don Stapletoni and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert By- and Iumily spent Sunday with For YorLvet ii ' ers of Bowmanville enjayad a Mm. and Mrs. John McKnight truhN 111trip along the St. Lawrence aI Miilbmaok. I 9 ý the following chdue nd into New York State. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Lana of S T A T E S M A N I ve~~ atedl 1:1sp.. a . JHsn lewaeants MOem ondreHospi BowmaC-A C L 8E 1LK FAN 1-- 9GLEN A8 te meet the buses as sons ware at Stoney Creek, with Mn. and Mrs. Cieland MrsV Hdso m to OenSondar3-l3dyi03 visiting hem sister and fmmily. Lana at their cottage at Part ~~ lre -3 -r.Js adr m nBimn Mrs. H. M Lughlin, Bruan' Mrs. Sdia Mollt bs latMD A I R ive at1: 15P.M.an Sundmy wîth Mm. and Mrs. !,ville, and is spending a Iew I leave t 5:40 ~Anson Taylor ut their Rice' days with Mrs. Ralph Baugh-YKT )/1 AIi y 11 I ,dleveat5:0 .mMr. and Mrs. George Bow- Mm. and Mrs. Hrtford and Axff y) f I[MmmmAà éli i I___ P_ during bath the moru. the cafeteria wili b. and form information, e Assembly Hall during will be picked up and tt 4:00. GOOD-BY SUMMER! The grass is nat quite so green, The excitement not Sa kean, But mamaries linger an Like the shadow on the lawn. Days are not so long The watar not sa clear And yet the niilling throng Hold an to you as ana dear. Sa Bye, aid faithful friand You will corne again, I know, For ta love thera is no end, - You wilI blessings a'ar bestow. -Marion Ford MiIk Bar 98 King St. W. li offered the sweet to hi, AI family are movlng lnt the I l isald.Alr. but I didn't ask any uestion. u l r' o e M o e. otg aatdb h Donoý'- 18 5 E lectric C ontrac eahligof lns tead. Ai Th a amuffled com- ghues. l'r H ardw areurer motion and I tried to imagine A L i r n r.Ga tpe l lhst ernfo at waousidgoing o iiTheat 1-iv ro N E ExhibU iIton and Dorothy motored to In l a d a e B d .te 12 oclock. Special arrange. aise otsde y dor Th IScranton, Penn., U.S.A., toat-: ment for aUl-night service. train made a stop. Then there1 tedheMrn-ie w was more rustling and muf- Visitors to the Canadian Na- . llluminated panals and dis-,tn h atnMîe e We are indebted te Norman The contract reads: "The It ls mutualiy ateeed tha fld conversation. Soon alwas itionai Exhibition in Toronto plays trace new developments'dng o S tu d y mo d RuAn fourngn.s n eri n d ae y g e t hs o ta hil a l quiet as the train gainad Mo- this yaar will ha able to trace in farm electrification and Mr. and Mrs.Ramn te ntr cp o eltrcsrcetthnary afmi-ruce who spent a few days, Mest nsa ouet atk from the Bowmanvilla from time to time and sh entum nd I dzed of, the ntire copé' f elecrie sevice t the tricy aLight- Co.,riorLtheiro. nottber terminatednat excacet ntmadIoedofknW: L nght ing that again I had witnas- anergy - from the first pulse lion rural customers supplledl with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wat- contract for Electric gn, oiapridofac ling3 ay o iprior to sedth eficenc wthwhich lof ganeration ta the final nma- by Ontario Hydra, and in 1 ters of dAsnile ari the Town of Bowmanviile, year, currant for- 16 Candia the expiration of any terni; the raiway's employees meeti ment when appliancs ara generation and transmission'homne on Fridy dated 1895. Mr. Rudmnan was Power Incandescent Electric otherwise the contract shal* an emergency. 1piugged in. facilities. Included is an exhib- Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jonies, one of the carpenters workîng lights at the rate per 16-can- continue upon the same tarms The next day, a rathar tir- ý ne of the Most comprehens- it Of the axtra-high voltage Douglas and Dianne of Bur- di owrapasinin nd conditions as haremn sta- ed, vary pale gantleman stp-v ehibtslee producied by (EHV) tasiio dvep-igtn sptth waknd on hardware store which is the foilowing schadula: For ted. wn ped at my open door andtHydro, models, maps and mur- ment pianned by Ontario Hy- with Mr. and Mrs. Willhs now Maher Shoa Store. Ha stores- 53 cents par light The Company reserves lI . asked if ha might have a chat ais, as weli as a life-size, ail- dro. North Arnerica's first Jones. onthcnra fmtukpe nh;FrRsdc,38rgttehtoftesl 0 ar- with me. electric home graphicaily out- major 460,000-volt lina, it will Racant visitors with Mrs. peudrhecotrct orttcpep r month rRaidne 38 ctrit ta sh t o the uppl haý "I couid quite easiîy owe lina new horizons in the stary deliver power from reniate Wm. Milligan wera, Miss Lor- ad in behind the large safa on prolight0par me otw er. - Eitectrlic Cureant for 1)ithr My life ta you," ha suid rath- Of electricity. Hlghlights ara hydro-electric stations on the raina Milligan of Lindsay, the premisas. over 3 lights, 30c par llght rapairs, (2) for nan-payment at ar startingiy, "or should I say a.modal of the coai-fired Lake- James Bay watershed in North- Mrs. Reg. Rabbins and Del- par month. , of bills. n't ta you and the employees of view genarating station, with a arn Ontario. aine, Mrs. Laura Hickey mnd______________ e-teCR"planned capacity uarger than To complete the story of Mr. John Barnard of Toronto. PONTYPOHotslal, Cuce Hls, etc. Ah.RadlitenshX ad Ha tod me ha ws a diable- any smilar plant now in ex- eectricity, Hydm'ls modl home Also Mr. Jack Ross of Argyla TesCuces al, t. ir. &Uor Sasp c- tic. Ha had reaiized hae was istence, and a modal of Cana- prasents the story of elactricai and Mr. Bill Ross and soni Scrry ta learn that Mr. Wi- spaciai rates.T1CK9T8 s- experiencing an insulin re. da"s first ful-scale nuclear- living. Bult around a tre a- Bob of Inglehart.iam R n i su f r d a s gh C st o i st l to : F r 1 EV R V E E r- action and was practicaly in electric station, fueled by shaded court, the home graph- A miscllaneous shower oir en esuAR erda iho"- w tngofdinalpcmlaten: aoronsuitWER com whn he orer aduranium. For the home-own- cally illustrates the modern ws held Friday eveninggat stroke o " chaHreI hp.wrngeaof $2.00willbetemada J RY &LOV L ed rrved Jst bi tamu- r, Hydro's homa-in-the-rudwyo ia the home of Mrs. Margaret ing for a speedy racovery for each light installed. For 5KaS. W. F&A 3-3381 nymur "cndy", ha knew lter is a showcase of the îtest Fourteen grceful hostesses Stacey for Miss Marlene Car- Bill. cncKidwi"ig cageot.muv ~u h o w lu c k y h a w a s th a t th e e le c tric l e q u ip m e n t a n d a p - a re n h a n d t a x p la in th e lisle , w h o se m a rria g e t a M r. T e a v c a io o t o $1 e x tr a w i i n b e m ch a g f o r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?uporter grasped the situatin. pliances. many uses of electricity in the Wm. Stacey will take placee r summer ouests t of$1he xr ilb maefr iHehad enaltegthm Te16 ipasnte home. At the press preview, in St. Paul's United Church, weekend decraased aur popu- ift c Ha be an bla t gt hm Ha 1960uidip yso n th a Ethe girls - ail high school Sterling, at 12 o'ciock 510011 on1lation considerabia. Soam e P R N U ou suckin ha c andst ti heHdro uld ng nedthe CNEseniors f r o mi Metropolitan Sept. 24th. very cool nights heiped ta trinracedasttinwhr goud wrauveie odyToronto - gave a polished 12- Mrs. Edith Peurce and Mrs. PAeREhNrTSur t haciy ýur a doctor was Maiting ta trat at a special press prevlw by mrinute description of the Alice Rowe-Sleeman of Tor pethirtunttecty îat him. James S. Duncan, Chuirman of homa's many feuturas. onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. AIE- However predictions of war- Y ts 1have bean riding on the Ontario Hydro, and Bertram Tsa ncue neatrc fred Redknap of Oshawa. an mer weather encourîged soma YU N G PEO PLE a. is aryfeunl uigMroTeeiluea ecr famîliies ta ramaîn for ana- a ril firy rauenlyduin MrsnChairmun. of the range with, a pull-out surface Saturday. Later they visited thrwek y. he astyaa an a aif i oroto ydr-Elctrc Sst an d a frost-free refrigerator. Mrs. Madison Hall of Orono toý I have been aboard the CNR More than 10,000 parts wre Switches throughout the home meet a relative Mr. John'i We were plasd ta earný Registrations are now behig acoepted for the when a baby was born; I hava used in building the large mod- an ha operated by a tap of iT on r m N w Z aa d htarlclthco go esFEa seanhonymonar hord hei aiof ta Lkevew eneatig ta kea.In the modal recrea-i Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Bru-' ara harvesting ana of their A I . I </ first "home on wheels" with station. This naw davelop- tion room, stress is givan to ce and familv of MacArthtir's hast cran)s with no ioss from FL TR glariaus anticipation of their mient is now undar construc- lighting affects and the latast Milis, spant the weakand with hail or frost. It is ta he hoprýd 1 OPENING years ahead together;, there tion just west of Metropolitîn in entertainment equipinant. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. that this good crop will all he hava heen littie children com- Taronto. Ti erteGl ealo The girls Ethel, Joyceanmd harvested without any frost qitw a ~ '~ u~ 'iea foredin har hmeicke~ Ascala modal of the Douglas Home, the naine confarred by Marilyn remained for a week. damage. £UN M58 -EKFAKA'DKII6, 1960 hy crew members and pets Paint Nuclear Power Project the alectrical industry onA Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross af Aohrciae akpaea h given affection while in tran- shows visitars the shape of the homes having the necessary Argyla, MrF:. Lana Wvley and A Sth irda nigtoow plen ath Isit by haggage car attendants;-saton oeM. d rs Btios m go u ofyunghtpeope a thare have heen patient por- stationting the services for major electricalMran s.BlRosndgupfyugpeleaia tesdaigwt epr-future. Different in appear- appliances and electric hait- son Bah of Inglehart ware, lite visit ta the home of Mr.!OHW mta rvlers and1wthvempeanca fromn conventional therm- ing, is backad up by a Medal- supper guests wîth Mr. and mad Mrs. Barry Stewart. OHW sen crippes and senior citi- ai plants, the Douglas Pint lian Court. Here, in an in- Mev. enilMrRodMbinadiGrnn US i n dL E zesgvnthuhfls statian's most impressive archi- formation booth, attendants ____________Mr.ha artnd mrs eilfteea ans gten th.Aofuhtflserice tectural feature is the circular will provida answers ta visitors'moh'hoia.Cclsau CNd attyention.Aldofthislayumaini building which housas questions about ippliiicas, CAopuharstatlionagentciEghlaySholCorssfrmwhc hos C nRtemployea o l tahyo the reactor. Ona hundred feet equipinent, wiring and other C DMUS ouastinagt.iEh DyS olCurefonwict hoe is n helia o dty'îigh, it is capped by a steel aspects af "Living Bettar We wera pleasad ta h;iva a: Modern Equipmaent and Methods grteu pasne dsrb dine 130 feet in diameter. i Elctricaly"l. The August meeting of chat with Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch. Personal, Individual Instruction in Major Iowthesorter when ohif.ae r _________________________ _Cdmus W.A. and W.M.S. met (better known ta us as Betty' Subjects - Over 100 Graduatas placed in 1960 with cold. wat towals, keptiMntaBeyad.hrus popping cindy into his moutht t oi Gray on Tuasdîy ers. ng band a Pharmacist in Ne EVENING CLASSES: utlha faIt the min on the e iq-st letoSion August 23rd. There weanî17,York. City, spent two weaklsTesa an ThrdyE nis bd had sufficint sugar ta On Wednesday vning a'lers took Ralph ta camp at mambers and 2 visitors pre a cae :0- :0pm ution $15.00 Parts Mody ndThrsayEvn n th caunteract the reaction hae was, most anjoyable occasion took Quin-Mo-Luc for a week. sent. The meeting wîs apaned e.7:0-90pm Tion$50PrMnt suffaring from, thît you rea-1 place in Forrastar's Hall, as The Langfalds and Ellis': with the singing of aur thema Mr. Harry Fisher is under Act Now! Get the Facts! Clip and Mail the lize how wiîîing empîoyees a farewall ta Mrs. Miidrad ,haiped Mrs. Mildred Colley sang and the hymn "Leaning tha doctor's cama. His manyCopn eowtay are ta go beyond the calaf Colley and thrae daughtems and girls ta get settied in their, an the everlasting armms" fol-; friands wish him a speedy me-Copnblwtdy duty., who are leaving Nestleton ta new apartment in Westan last lowed by prayer lad by aur cavamy.- - a - a - a- - - This latest expeiance has live in Weston where Mildred waak. president, Mrs. Sarneils. The OrCuclocsoal Iianitrse i heSeilzdBsns added a new sense of security tahigpoiio ndevotional was convened reciveOu rituniisin soata its ie n heSecaiz uins ~ bsateahig psiion inofMr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson MsSwiad h tes re, laitc ssabout ih ITalning offered by the Oshawa Business tran tavl. it myfaclt ý r.Bruce Haaslip was teand unclle Mr. and Mrs. Bruce repothws e nute s. a hCal,-,e fo etn nvolved in other capable chaîrman and Mrs. L. Heasiip. wr adb son or persan s deposited t\\a people's troublas, it is coin- Malcolm and Mms. Harold Nes- udyvstrswt r;Jmestig wrîy. rs.M eead fuiygowMpss rn.i Day School Evening Classes forting to know 1 have a bitt lad in community singing. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland wera aaarpoto h awtecn d dabr s w~- PIenr-e sand full particulars to: knwidgaiacrw aboard aMsnîcom îcmane.M d Mrs. Wm. McCabe dos o hacuch1h minutes work at home wou'.1 evary train ta corne te my lhemtwo daughters Gal1d f ots;Mm m Ms.CoirW.. taeîtion is T ahed have buried the-.Besie Namne ________ Tel No. rescue if I need assistance. jBannie in pleîsing duats and Hill, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Jack-i at Nestîcton on ctbe 26th 1 iusiilg terrible odors it en-' Address- Age ____ ____________ Bannie also played a piano son, Celia and Elizabeth Of! and each W.A. in the charge courages roîming dogs ta duet with hem mother Mms. Toronto. is rasponsible for an. item on 1wandar father fromn home. Grade attamfed at HIgh Sehool -____ Nesbitt favoumcd with piano M.adMs ebr c _________________ soos d pîya fo dacin CMbr. n the villaer ane-the program or provide a i Miss Doris Manetta is prae- ISigned sols ad paye fo dacin Cmb erein he illge n'speaker. It wîs decidad we paring ta meturn ta Canletonj catrpinythDo nald rose md riday ta say goodbye baera' would try ta abtain a spaak- University, Ottawa. Roy pan onalduitîr and a returning ta Kennedy, Sask.,: air for that day. The commit- lin, mter spending a month in On- tee namad for finding a speak- f lin.taio and supplying on the cm is Mrs. M. McKea, Mrs. M. 56Sars~ The chaimman mter a few Udora,,. Vrobmadton and Vic- Gray and Mrs. K. Gray. Plans 56Sak twell spaken words of ippmec- tomia Cbrners Tjnited Church weramdfoaufwlsn Ottawa, Ont., iation for Mildred's heip and circuWt duing August. par in October- the tumkey i August 24, 1960. cheafuinass duing hem yeîms A happy occasion wvas celae- committea being Mrs. M.:i Dear Mr. James: in Nestieton cîiled Mildmed, bated at the 7A Highway Gray and Mms. K. Gray. Mrs. Than yo fo sedin mePatricia, Lyndu and Virginia i Grill oparated by Mr. and Mrs. M. MeKea ta sec about the Thak yu fr sndig e seats an the platform. Mrs., A. Ellis when a Famnily Re- printing aI the tickets. "Hampton in 1899" from last Grant Thompsan rad a preý union was hl nhnu f Te meig wscoa wee'sSttema. m.Warvsentation addmess and Mrs. Mms. Charlotte Ellis of Tor- with the hymn "Day is dying bas been se thoughtful as toi Arthur Hyland and Mrs. Al. onto on Sunday altamnoon. in the West" and the Mizpah send me a capy teo.1 Ellis prcsanted a chroma kit- Mrs. Ells i1in hem 83md year Benediction repeted in uni- Yes. I want ta school ln 1 chen set, floor lamp and otherý and planning ta maya ta Cie-, son. The pragnain consisted of ' Hampton, 1912-14, a date near small gifts froin friands andi sarca in the near future, a piano sala by Mrs. Ken Gray, . * enough to 1899 ta maka mmny neighhours. Ail joined in1 sing-l Soma sixty members gath- a vocal solo by Miss Linda of the charîctars familiar. ing "For They ara Jolly Good; erad at the large tables spread' Gray and a cantest by Mrs. Frank Groat, of course, wi5 Fellaws" and Mildmed and the on the lawn and centred hy Sweet. A delicious lunch wa.s my teacher, Dick Avery was girls each thankad everyone a, lovely cake, "Ta Mather" semvad by Gmoup 4- Mrs. H.1 still seiling sugar and tea, for their kindness. Liter in the'and enjoyed the beautilul McMullen baing the convenar, IChimies Horn in the milad evening Mildred voiced hem1 weathem and gay alternoon. and a social hour spent. se onl. appreciation the second tima Those attending came from y Yours sinceraîy,f for the gifts and hippy occas. otaMcia; Trno J/"O w er 0 1o arnaion John E. Rabbins. io. Te uualsumptuaus 1 E FTPTf EdtrincifEcclpdi lunvhdand plaisant chat, fol- Aumoa, Willowdule, Wilno, N IL:t Edior-n-cief Enyclpeclla1, hy dancing brought ta Brooklin, Long Brînch, Bua- Canadiana.___ a losIe a mernorabla evenîng.1 ckstock and Ciesarea M.m r.Eda rs 55 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE __________ Mrs. Nelson Marlow motor- Mrs. Percy Williamson is cott spent a few days with the B u ut ed to Perth with har son Alvini vsiting with hem fmmily in J. Marris Iamily, South Mono-i WeddmngB u u t N O N E Y ta spend a holidlay with Mm. Willoughhy, Ohio.G.Ln- ghan. dMsHaodOm-an and Mrs. Jas. Ferrier. Mm. and Mrs.T.G al- Mrnd rsHrodOm-ad Mr. and Mms. Jas. Harris fald wema in Whitby on Sun-1 ton stmyad a weak with rea- F n r ra ge e t i AVAILABLE FOR returned fran, a visit with day whcre their 4ist wed- tivas at Owen Sound. i n ri A rn e e t I jMrs. T. M. Nicol and other; ding înniversmry wms celae- Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowrnan THURSDAY, 190 V

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