Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1960, p. 14

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - *~'.-, - PAGE FoTJRTEEN oe CANAmAN 8TA1~MMg aowu~mLgA oeTA BirthsCommng Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sae Help WantedCasfrSl elEsteoraeRelstefoSle PROUT-Ro s and Mrgaret Decoration Day at BethesdaM OFFAT gas range. Phone XE N O E al pa e ete. G L fo g ne l ho ew k '4 D D EC n n o< n e at )e a r h a p to a - e et r w ll b on S n a , A 3 3 5 .3 2 P h e O 1 0 0 1 9 . 3 5-1 liv e in , S u n d ay s o ff. C a l C O d i to n , reaso n ab le. M A 3 5 7 . .er . lim its o f O sh aw a. $2,000 on fo u r ac r s l n i la e noune te brthof their Sept. Il at 3 o'clock. 35-1- G -IRL'S bicycle, fair condition, USED baby carniage. 7. el- 3-2615. 35-1 _ 35-1 down. CO 3-2764. 35-1 with twogrnhseadi daughter Kathleen Margaret Fe rnpraio o îp 1.Phone MA 3-3857. 3- hneM -935-15- ___-plastic andi cohhue on Wednesday, August 24th -rà--raphonetio forBap-915..___ 4-1 HIGH School girl ta help in 1951 NASH sedan, overdrive, SPACIQUS brick home in good Workers comtRoOsaa h 1960, ai the Queensway e' tist ChUrch Suflday Services. WATER for sae and elivered. APE- . , aduit home in exchange for radio and heater. MArket repair, centra] *wavil Price for aoe.wv us erai Hospital, Toronto. 35-1* Phone MA 3-3844 Saturday ev- Cai l Ciff Pethick, CO 3-2131. PLEbxes, 75e each. ±ele- 35-wmalcatione b ti tho ,privaM ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ en ngs __ ___ _23 tf32tf p h on e O ro n o 1 r 6 . 35-2 *- roOM and b oard . P h on e M A 3-5682. 3 * l c t o , n ar s h o , p î a y and al i 1958 VOLKSWAGE-N3-3Ai0car5-1assured, ail heating, full base-d olasfietusn Speca eoainDySr- E"ay washing machine, WOODEN silo, standing, coim- PERSON able ta do bookkee-dto.Piedfrqik l.meut. Cal] Oshawa RAinaolpn on ï OnwIlltk aac Engagements ice to be held on Sunda.y, good running order. Phoneiplete. Telephone Blackstock oep iio.Pie frqik 5-345. 35-2* eupetmyb ucae ________ _160,ai3__ni, i MA3-141 351*82r_.35-1* ing and typing. Knowledge of MA 3-5443. 35-on fqirstmrtgaea .Co g *Mrs. Arvilla Lane wishes N ept. t, 160,ited p.. IC A3-14.3src8h . .German ianguacie referd. -NEW modern bByk uegaiwsaMiii a n n o u n c e t h e e g a g e m e n t o f N e t i e t o n U n i t e dR .ur c h .Pp r r e . 1 9 5 7 P O N T I A C D e l u x e S e d a n , i r o 0 a c h e br k b u n a w a t o t . 0da y p s s s i n . ________thenageentof 5-1-OAOE YateRR URGTpano igtwood, Please caîl MA 3-5012. 35-1 27,000 miles. One owner. naa hdree wa WriAdvtScr6,co'e1 eeteioi h her youngest daughter Bey-- 3, Burketon. Phone Black- good condition. Biackstock 33J' h M32 aag;mdrately priced Canda ttsai ..o~1b n al erley Ann, to Robert David Sauina Community Hall are stock 82 r 12. 35-2* D. Dorreil. REQIRDful im prmn-PanecMA3-2201 after 6 p.m with Iovely central landscap- 190, BowmaniiOtz42 cle rm aot 'Robert Moring of Parry Sound' Saturday, Sept. 10 with Jim SEVEN auiu storms and BALED wheat straw, threshed Apply in persan, The North- ;- c_ gouds Sam Brown, Sta-_ ~ M r i g s n o f M . n M s s a r i g h i r f î l d n c s s c r e e n s , 2 " x 4 ' 4a/n d e n t 5 9wa i t rB eleise sd ana nu o - h o m ei .,he l p . O n.35-1 P d I I i i selD e The marriage to take place Fisher's Orchestra. Admission ' "and/" lk shredded. R. W. Pascoe, way Restaurant on Highway '59 CHEV Beadir, sotoea, auto- to tOoo n. 3- quietly in St. John's Anglican $1.00 per persan._ 35-2 new. MA 33394. 34-tf CO 3-2458. 35-1* 115. Phone Orono 107. 3-1ln odiin n MODERN three-bedroom brickjPCAL-4rnibue awGieiDgHa ark Church, Bowmanviile, on Sat- Woodview Community Centre KEYS eut automatically, while PHILIPS combination radio OUR produets are well known 1 Oshawa R A -84554. OW35-1bunadlowilnheaoed, largecL- a5d.garag, oz ar oe, j urday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. -Manster B î n g o. Twenty 3you wait, at Mason & Dale and record player, console. in Bowmanville. We need a 1'sae îigro,3pee7'~40,~$300wt so negnyFreiiteCn 35-1* gamnes-twenty dollars, five Hardware, 36 King St. E., Phone after 6, MA 3-5671. riew dealer ta start there ati1950 MERCURY, good tires, bath, laudscaped, maderately dlown. Actqicl.g.Tedtoilôpane thaiMr.Dieeubkertoobtc Mr. and Mrs. John G. Aal- jakpot, andy wo 1-140-GAi, 4005 Richelieu quick sale;,aloane barre] 32 Third St. after 6:30 p.m.. good gardenImlrot f d o llao o m a v l e n o n c 2 0 . D o riz s eS;A1 5 V Ew a nioen- l3 - 1 o nemW it R w e i h ' , D e t. g odiore ca d o;te a f r p r c e o r q ueSs l e A p y Er o h u sceo rn ,a g w k s t a d c i e o s e d u bh aers o m a le nunc t er on a y, 8an d t w R edj a rn otst aV E on u ie l i r L e f om S E ato, orke tak en , an d M on treal. 3 5-1 tan k , $3. N ew castl c 3761. 3 -~ N ew castle, c l s ta 15 S m l t O ' sî al c a d u p y Do r pnzs N x ii a o. Phiî s u be o at e, ba k to n hamper. 35-i dow u paym t . E y rm on p îo ie b bc Af ca dabe engLi agementaoftherMsawayp.m.,RedBariCo., Kinmount, Ont. Phone Phone MA 3-2234 or 3-2111. PART-TIME lady janitors for -Àt----s--a-n Tn. e1y k Rel sl balance. UE.E'nii nycm Edaghter, LiJan, son oswa4-17 r i1. -f1ALLSTATE SAutonsutr ac. 4Eiaieh EdadSmlnls o fThe Bowmanvil Choral- -13t 35-1 Bowmanville H i g h School.1 av 2%.6 oo uglod Mr. J. Semplanius and the late Soity__ oc___nGODsleto ue V esDULPHours 12 to 2 and 6 - 10 p.m. Foave 2%.Solsixcenh t aiy. oaunaowdublewav East o ecatal4 O~M Soiey il oceaginbelGO eecinuedT1es ULPstnawbenry plants for Apply stating experieFrpesni evceaeou and;sII . tîe uu * Ms.S.Semplonius, Bowrn hiTln 'Sotfor rea-onable pnices. The sale, 2o e ude.H aayepce a~BXhm alOhw A520 garage, 3 bedrooms, hot water with $500 dowes e-s awaenroewst plac Te e Stday teptembe 7Contest. The contest wil be DtcaMrcant, 171 Bond St. Vander Beit Sr., King St. E., 1378, Bowmanville. 35-1 collect. 2-tf hlan $12 i,00 ateris.oibwy 5romhus it ecucacrepofsioa 196, ýat 2:30 'cock in er 7,held in November and ail East,_Oshawa. 1_ i-tf Phone MA 3-5026. 35 -tfDUC gr-t e---te 15aFR Tdr.2o ner 1000. ericbose, atacb baha,0,$10dwprsne dCaiiaCpi C19r0h. The30 Vlkinte entries must be sent ta the LAWN Grass SS -SatFalMVEcmea rjcoradfinîydoe heeshr.a; 97Ce 1-oVa d aae iise e.rnî,3Mce gre at, egrtijîvsîetlubscuty hobnh hrstia JefomedVecr- ery MrsB. ak rshaa, atignw Byte ctsren-8 mvoakBonî,a children. InCeta engine, gond condition; lO4!91new gas furnace, $14,000. house, bank bm,4'x6' n M.Deeiae-sol brugge officiating. 3-* coe 5hTh inr SesBwavle$390-TrnoOnromndbt.1 tbe r Stt he w i nnefr 'th e es B wm nie. 3 t Best offer. Phone MA 3-5445. Phone WA nut 2-9562 Toronto 2-ton truck. Cowaiî Equi)-i We ave ranh bungalows, Hope. Choral Concert on Wednesday, ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt __3. after Sept. 5th, or write Ad- ment Ca., 134 King St. East, houses, fartrs, etc. We have go aial vcIestain ei o Mca-age -------February 8th, 1961. 35-1 service ta electnical appliances, QUAKER ail space heater, vertiser 66, c/o The Canadiani Bowmanville. MA 3-5689.M.E ASisewatn GiLROY SAMIS - Mn. and - -- large and small. Landen Hard- lange size, lîke new. Oul drum Statesmnan, P.O. Box 190, Bow- 35-alM.E. Lte rk sizsHAitnoOLDr. dcaor o-sh. iePei Mrs. Milton Samis announce avle 35-2 BUYING OR SELLING th mrrag o her auhtnNotices ware. Phone MA 3-5774. and pipes. Also one FindlaymavleSE 65 Ontario St. NomnvlewatePoe35 -the mariage o their aughter 43-tfannex, white. Phone MArket ATTENTION' Reach success Ca - Aret3-9Newcastleusd ased rop Elsie May, ta Morley A. Gil- The Women's Service Com- FOR best in Mluminum Doors, 3-5903. ---- 35-1 and increase your incarme. Our ±eu mp I'Oirs 5-3-o591C9go roy. The marriage took place mittee of the Bowmanvilîel Windows, Railings and Awn- USED Farm Equipn Company is natîonally adver- 3449ampiR- tRA 57s -35_1l1heGoeaîdMilsee an AAugustth inOthmin BBowman-theBranchn Conerthe. CanadiannviCancer Getgeresher încher 28 ich Ssed-ad thelarget orgn z'- RA -4494- RAs RA 5d'te vil.35-1* Society will open their Work Improvements. P h o n de MA on rubber, good shape; Case' tion of its kînd. Be your own 60 in i.EstPte edeaA Deaths 6th ai the Lions Centre. AITCse6 - ngn rie c onadbou: i29-tfo-OSAA o 87 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ladies w elcom e. 35-1 G L A D IO L U S a d e t flow rs C s f. e gî e d ivn c m- an anont c , us Vita ins po - G n t em n -,HA W A .5 ac for al occasions. Daily hos- bine; 3-section sping-tooth lcs,csmtchueodpo 0fGntea' tm.7ars Oics.araceCndabcsei LUNNEY--At' Oshawa e- The Kinsmen Club af Bow'- plIdlvr.Ms .Psat, harrows, John Deore 3-fur- duets, etc. Frer catalogue on nWork s inx99 ingnSt Gen-! ____ r. .Èàsi eue amlx rdut,- 8 rooni fulîy mode'.os n9 igS. .-M -88 isbakion a iua eral Hospital an Monday, manville would like ta thank B3ownianville. Phone MArket row plow oni rubber, Case requet. FmuleeProuxtsellente repair. bank baro, 52 King St.W.-A 45taieCnosithtbhd August 29, 1960, Marjory E. ail those who helped ta mke352 7l' 2-fumrow plow,3-on Dept. R.S.-5-, 1600 Delorimier, RK~r.-* nice streani. - A ver3- scenic 4 de nHgw'41 me-e rn ooilsau 1 " -2.2-03pithitch; RC ok Norman Pingle, farm. Pric $27,000. Teris, Hfarris it' her 5lst year. Be- annual Carnival the succesr il-- International tractor spreader. Montreal. 3- 72 Elgin St., Phone MA 3-5518. 7 roibckhoela-obn.tfrdoindclduo- lovcd wife of Bruce Lunney was. Also ta the public v-ho INSULATION, blowing meth- Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 REPRESENTATIVE 26-tf Trade or sell - 2,5 acres 1 Excellent potnilcabo tn i adspolm. Sand dear mother of Harvey. SO generously supported thejod, with rock wool. Work- King St. E., Bowmanvilie, MA __16 rooni house, barn 30 x 80- omnil.26900.Go c uiîîaaddta Service was held at the Morris Carnival and Draw. manshîp guaranteed. Free esti- 3-5689. 35-1 REOUIRED NEW andi repair contractizng.f imploment shed, garage. Price ternis.aoïgteonosCn- Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville __ Carnival Chairmat. rmates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- -- We have a mucb needcd serv- Brick and Mason work. Phono $9,000. Down $1,000. $750.00 dowwi u -*das eeîoadda hn an Wednesday, August 3lst at BOWMANVILLE phnoCdre 40. 39t ThoU CRakK 4E0.Y9 S ibe for farmers as well as town MA 3-5820. L. Turner. .3-f Eigbt acres, srnall barni; 2,00 1 rooni brick semidtcc oeietai icîopol"Tuh 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow - urer UWOK oosan soe a br-u ci y dweliers. We require $2 Ons re.Fllpiergh nt, reprebootsatndeshmnsyoirbar-aPUMBING, heating. Froc Crsîa re.Fl rcfîh ntw.-i ovn'e yti tl ltey b ggnai ien bowpndblck CHICsONGB'DSA-a I esetil ndte aIesimte.BettB Sleaadtyo SalnessHry 'ce. ndMilsad,"Hmej A a sesniladtemnService. Hre ate.Oronof Near Hanipton--.5 acres with Lot on n tamaS.Go a oltîýd nn us PETHICK, Frank C.-At Bow- Opening Thursday. Sept. 15t al sizes. Bowmanville Shoc 12 ta 20 ibs. selected will bave the oppor- 18.Hre ate.3-f on ul oe os.cation. Pricedtso.tinwpae.Asaidl manvil, o leay anus FunInoaytin Aduguslen eFor,80Informationo- DESSDaadrDiIEenroîmento st Ropairslf n 802--King St. Win., Bomderw-ose 28, 1960, Frank C. Pethick, bus- Phone manville. East of Bowmanville bESDad EIEE unit aes blishphys elf aewastl Pi e ---2A000.00. T es SI.AI]oonibuglwoDkePar iihasnvrhd a busnessshat ays wll1ad Van Bel band of the late Mary Ina MRS. ALAN OSBORNE laer.___14-t ITTr11T' as repeat business coming n i-erman VanrDhome 4 - lot. Garage. Pie o uc al b rniinfoicl Paul and dear father of Mrs. MArket 3-3287 HE-ARING aid service. Testing, L4UJ.1.J~, regularly. Tht. is a full in EEA CN UO ment - 9 onyta naiom.,anadabas a J. E. MacNaughtan (Ina), ati__ 35-1 service and complete stock ci MAPLE GROVE nosition but we will start a Brick. Block, Concrete and mont, 2ailfmac.et o.6rooms ul ae, om2 stoe-hm motn oe( lyî e home;, F. E. Pethick (Ted), q-z R HOPO batteries and cords at Higgonl man on a part time "earn as marent P i ] 2,00.0. e ra , lostthpigadscal aint u- aijsta r Grosse Point Park, Mich., and wI L R.e tMeolHosONita, Electrio Limited, 38 King St. E., M 3558yu Iearn~" plan. Write at Ne Wr and repaîe$1,0000 eri, Alse t21,000.Tam t asdhbenoor oto C.H Ptic Bu) Trnt.Bwinbcaille unil aor Day. MAwketi 3-5058 * oiietime coloies. C.H.Pehck(Bd) ornt.Bomavil, ntl aorDa.Bowmanville; Phone MAktioce for full information to Highway property - 4 room suit. Rested at the Funeral Homne of Office Rotins: Afternoons 2-4 3-3305. 1__ 7-tf 3- ae Manager. Box 817, Lon- PHN Akt369 buglwhyrel.ri Mnohn ------____ _ als7HOEMl are 3-394 4,bungalow hydr, wel. PieMn tesfryu isc- u aîd a ltrpd Northcutt and Smith, 53 Di- Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayBOY'S sdwl iyl,$;al IL losdn aaa 44Orono - 5 roani house, bath, ton vision St., Bowmanville. Sonv- and Friday. Evenîngs: 7-9,iConnor washing machine, $15; RepairP Plastic Te SoweR---al ice was held on Wednesday, Monday, Wednesday adFilrebb rb ypanndWacs5 No lastte Svork ed o Rn lstrn epairs furnace. Pniced $4,200, cdownSaemnconilttu.Ternsin Fri- large__aQUICriSERVICE $loand C. Sapero-laMAer w:rk neededa Frrduei, -au0iousC. cou- August 31 ai 2 p.m. Inter-da. eend:Erenishg car,$5 daveripont CERAMIU TILE FURNISHED room$15;brekfast STIJCNSEWVIRE Two acres - well shaded. J. A. Bairton -MA391sdrd npeculpcs, lrnit 3awmanville Cemetery. onfr. No appolftment needed. spring, $5. Apply 77 Elgin St., CRMCTL UNSE om rafs TCOADNWWR 35-1 ___ 27-9* Phono MA 3-5617. 35_1: KNOWLEDGE SKILL opitonaî, central location.1.38 Price onîy $2,000. Down $500.ei lacOpmso e F~~ COPLEE CRN3ocperdozn, ic do it permanentiy Queen. 35-I1 " "'"' ighway Na. 2i Reception Insurance Coerg your own; carrats, 75e busboî;i f.G.HA CENTRALLY located apart- à4 King St. F MA 3-5030 cuyadKd~ oîee~îo~iiCndt ~ov ra e Spanish onions, 8c each. Bring ment. self-contained, Aduts 16-tf Telephone MArket 3-3644 REALT R sta li o ed o w and hMe taRotheir neigh-containers. W. Eymann, haîf ?t.R. 1, RAMPTON only. MA 3-3394. 34-tf -____-Salesmen: Members of Oh0 ititcpbi fidpneta Mr. e t o andMr.Rohetcalf h-See Bill Morrison imile cast of Nichais' Garage, (n~hP.min HajnG llvn hn A350 Real EsteBortifi cetdalbcdmns bours, friends and relatives an I Courtice. Go narth ta f îrst CO -2531 NEW 3-bdrom busewit- Hei Cg. R.Lolven, PhnewMAtc.3500,a cefn narB baiehl, nldn c t-ýatturday, Septemnber 3rd, 1960, 26 ataCeOM.H.Pd- EaSSIOgNn 5-; toSTB.n3 W.9',2stevccornear.s tahes n froni 2 ta 4 and 7 ta 10 p.m., COCSSO T.W ore.35-tf 35-1 well, Newcastle 3851. 35-1- Eiasaista hoseoingte on the occasion of their 40th MA 3-3048 UETmrsor salo--B.C. h51somez. ABare agana o3 .,edn niesr. 3-*Fr hf uooiefin in A-I conditionî, Io" x 12,LANT NOW HEATED apartment, three AK. BAARS De With Real Estate$1.0 witb 150dw. a-cl s~ ol eeîtt -i w e di ig a ni er a y. 34 2 F re - h if - u o m bi e 10" , x 14, an d 10"' x 16 in 13, ro m s, k itch en ette an d b ath . an c o at 6% . Tra el - Lfe26 and 39 foot lengthis. Timbers E E G E N Appy Apt. 4, 63 King St. W est. MA 3-7127 20310' saareu. ______ _____ ____ ______ _____ 30-t 66 R ng St. W., B-manvlle O Acre fmni 8' ban, 310 acres00veAcard wîh' I ihe7G obe 30d'Malarn, C cR rd s o f T h arik S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 t l a ed n a x, T o nt. o r par- Com plete Stock - 22 V arietes B R I K-Ë - Fr l er E sti nate 21 lien bouse, cernentaxsntlooetar-river.4 fExcellentSistone bouse I gesting that Canadail tive .ke aven Tw sh toth nk t ro gh ths2-5319. 34-2 on___ 8 roui e bric.I. home' wî wit h hB rîIa p r wn rhp o b o g 1 is a hnk hruh hi- In ticurs cailTorontoRUsseourCK osead St, ete. Smodern120' venAsk- wbcn t savs:M'Cnada0sband columuri, ahl my kind friends ALUMINUM Or ANSEDfuBrosan ah etd ACKHOE WORK mdcucnoîoo.Akn Dor n d oCag frSee) Avaîlable Sept. 1sf, Phonoe il,00 on s,~ ng less than 11peatc, vebe hfmscuny *and neighbours for cards, Jet-1 CREEPER-In loving memary Windows at oconomical prices. (oCag frSe) M A 3-7053. 35-1 T* chn $Bekillg 1,0Acre.ao$, 0 aces.2-storey 8-roo( bikbu't le t-asfrIeArci ý'ters and flowers during my of Albert B. Creeper (fammerly Buy now and savenEstiateBaotted lum, er162acAire Newcstîe u12y mdemesTanksOrono witb xr uldn NF usîa, aaalg - 1tay in hospital. of T r n ) b ased away given n inquiry. Cowan Se tcw r ab e te un a n ,ot. Central lo ain1,i g e iîd '1 - l c a d h c Mrs. Ervin Atkinson. August 17, 1959. Equipment Ca., 134 King St Foliage Plants Monathly Photno MA -50 9,AN6OUNewupeT.JOYe c.;l oonrhiesedwtbsil, lresae iaielh ciso.W -n n hudd .35 1 * "His m emory is as dea'r to-day1 East, Bowm anville. M A ket B w a vle 35-1 m d r o v ne c s f As in the boum hoe passedi3shB9 g.23-tf ~~A~uresBwavie Blackstock 87 r 4 moe oneincs nce Bowmanvillc. Asigolbbîixi -vianidf'bb Wewudlk otakoraway." VnBel- resFIVE-room tsairaatet, uurde 8 amn. or alLer 5 p.m. $7,00with $6,000 clown, '$3300eaeh wit 30ti on eranf Ebeneracdmmuiyfo heor sisize. Frocicstimates Highway No. 2 M 55 eaaeontrance and bath, 15-tf 92 Acre farci, 87 acces work- 2-storcy 9-rooisuobusjteslilîppocud- farewell Party and the~hated adults preferable. 175 able, excellent soul, L2ponîds, L- in Bowmauvil.Dobeotmcivi-thcghieUid lovely gîfts received. We ap- loviug husband Lambertus (;e. on out ta your homo for colour ' 351iberti* u StreetsurNositoet35;2* Ws preciate -very niuch yaur kind- booms, who diod an March BIh, and decorating ideas. F. OENfurro r-SALES.ETC. Wate dhoe,- rsureilo, tc;ter.12 ni a noss and gcnerosîîy. 1959. Kramp Ltd., 37 King St. E., -T-____mont wîth bath, heated, central f1~7~nPie$60 ih ~ bnao * dslvdiu-saemîsi Mr. and Mrs. Elton Werry. I have only a memoî'y, dean MA 3-7071. 34-tf.L1vestock iorSlelcaioimmiediate possession. BERT TOMPKI185 cre 6 fanwth$,0120 dacres ungouwandimsio iuto c i og n b 35-1 husband, _____________forsal,_Phone___ Appanl 0Diiin t, o- P130NE CLARKE 4721 workablc. large streani. L- Bowmanville.Asig$0.0. ttsoAfias To keep my w hale iîf 3- NWONIL l___ms 1IGS for sale. Phno COîfax manvill. 35-265W8.N35L1Eshaped batik barn. watcî- bowls,Tensawol.b'cli utuy ta ~ ~ ~ il lt-T I.3Il58.E3-iIN Newcastle, one t ree-room- 1A-f sel stn hon1div h d-a y mo-4a ms - -g s c ni er d (ie s mau u s fre d , relatives and neih- But the sweetuesýs w iIi .-l xr 35-1 ana t niily. 35- ' G R A D E Nne H igh S ho l m p e storage w ith fl o De_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ivil e. ail enio t - i, ard w cÇ(l R iCL ES FO S Li I woud lie tatbau my epair --- Dulc Nerhani books for general. Telephone and garage snace and parking. Dî1 e aenct advo o ET HL ATDZO fneusneghaus ndr 1- 1-__ __ _71BndSt ast MA 3-5139. 3-fEtac yailey fMn.K1- u and fie I orrs Askin12 i$4,000l),1 CARS 170 SAL Repc mat F1 3NOMis.EFurclnCeiiyi ynfult-me t f orie feihowers, andrs and A- O nde1v- 1 reai 08-HAWA «A g-605.1 OLU style high bokase, glass Street. Possession Januar Down-cS4,000 ru gift duiug iy tay n hspitl srvic. Pck-u ~r~ fdoans above centre draw st 16. Scowner L. C - 6 Roovied houne ni!No 11 W1h 4 pmwod lin b- irp iI r- .'- gitsduin m ta i hswoodenPtsevie Poors-belond M Masan, .30 RngSteWePor- igl'way al Biackvatcrr with Must he paud l'y doE n n't and since caming haine.Also deIivery. George's, 85 King St. ________________________ wM res, l ur[luandn5. WuI 'Jr .x, Crae, an- those wha sent in home cook- E. Phone A 3-5713. 29-tf iî-u 3-577. 35-tf Office MA 3-5688; bouse 3-55 Pic 5,00wih$1.500 dowu. A chUftbuwcl oddd.ouybllu. ing ta Alf whi]l a wy U&LJTm eei* d. ~ ~ iTpie paid for usd _________.__._. __A_ .h a i of2bc wii emd a ,With pecia thans ta rs. rdia in N pices ATTE TIOforooud baine5ic1NIw i eli êies directe( aii fie Ms-Juc 'sii sh wasawa. GARNTED tleisin ad urnvîitue pl ne te e- IEc a stieR owi th da Il 01 mod emrn counv- 'iCS OMG 1NT daiywiisMaly .Wt pca hnst r.rdoservice, teaial makes. Frme uritne g mchns ecvninespotless condition, T ICES cdcBomciile Morison, the nurses and staffiSame day service. Televis ion GENERAL Asseh n hne.Il5â Apple Growers- garage. Close te ain srANO c a or tIIN of ~ ~ ~ ~ o MmnaHoptindSrieC.Phono MA 3-3883. Zr King St. W. Phone MArket G - - main siet1.00a wor25wiamtinu i -W-i BotosRudltndThnpsB.rown,____R Q______________ Stplea.age.Bty--on Qee7231FR.E . 42-3. 2-f- ow ayot 2,0. nie SiDOfr 5 odgO iarlkeaid(anis Stia wr 35-1 REPAIRS and rewnding, ar . ALL kinds o;f lve poutry, C À UAp le S .ar 5 Rooned bungalow v orîb MARWAGES EQGMNE Snu vuîi iios a ________________________t__ail ae m. w ith autom atie Interior Ililit f a1e s n w go s.nd d ck» r~ ~N ew astle, ardw ood !icirs.f D AT t e ilsnPet-ih me tumned.ta alI akes9IN MEMORie4s and Maria s ent andweekcn eleodecu otrs. Higon EeMcauantîde Mis.g lI-t i.eol'.eatetaickswtoed. _______________ trie, 38 King East. Phone MA,Adjustable temperature control ighs ncs paid. M. Flatt,_esî -335.7-t Bthny .R 1.Phne7 r13tu rie 5,000 with $1,000 o ,. î.0pls;I SOUTH Hayon Nursing Home 330. -f Fibergiass Insulation cBetn . R21t 51. Phonoalw 7 rail i3Yj r a n d semi-pnivate Faintig machines. Free piok'..p and APYDVDLNOI~I moemtov ces fnd.ilobs -- l.ounge TV. Fuliy 1iens, Md n aaaPolrgos et efath- ln. lret)a Biin itessm ibrsuudîg aw-k wt -- fveryh .avety'f Picg.iiiNo. 2 Highway. Askîug $10,500n welcome. Reasonabe rates. MA 3-7231. 2 O.ft. Chest - or 0 m tks caan rg s , O ch rdonet t 2,50 owuoDaî:- cp, 01u k C e nt e, eîe p o n e $ 2 2 .0 0 m A l3 2 4 s h a w a f rs h o e P IC K E R IN G , O N T A R IO 4 R o o rn d h o m e , a st N e vj - it - a ic ' fo t le th niî . - e iv - t u , x i c S U -r Phon Newcastle 4441. 8-ti --4-f17O.$.Chs - 259.00 H -03 saacoîlect. cslhdo mi an1 ý3 .i REPAIRS tea ll m akes of e- 22 u. ft. Chest - $319.ooj 48-tf W H 2-1247 33-3 seuo r P i e 3 5 0 w t $ 0 o n - nd lae n îany. nc Forty registered Guernsey gon Electrie Limjted, 38 King Easy Ternis Arranged Room and Boaz-nd John P De W Ihiouilihnd eoene M.Wila aula.Wat - cate rf olrand dairy St. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf tF. iMlnorcOUSyMs uaH;ki.1'or- equipment. property of James ____---------- Bw FOR 15 or 20 mn.Anket HYGENIC EmfilOs - (Rubberl Phone Realtor and General Insurance 8:30 C.M. b Sp.m Batty, Highwa.ys 7 and 12, 1 IaedTnelpewih rie is. a tiru r idOytn ares.wr oia mile north of Brooklîn, on wno.A~ r Lce 3'*-fsae neoewt nc it hn 31 53 r.t 2Mc Thursd1ay. Sept. 8.TOBARER Treo igid Lce SystemLARE raom, gentleman; Six samnples 25c, 24 samples -30 Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 r JndaSaena M.,dMs asGis RosaMDavidu3303Behny Th32R31 Dia Akî330 ege r n an r *-,jakj 1:30 Selby. Mii ONEMA 3557 East. Phone MA 3-3186. Nov.-Rubber Co. Box 91, Ham-A. Perrault, Clarke, 22311, tle Pon 246.3518-tg Umon.(ont. sz54ataery ---------------- lui "M emmm MATUMAX »WUAMU&X SffmS TRUPMAY, SEPT. ist IM

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