«ITARTO SPORT0i5~E Dy Frank Mohtm MA 3.7234 MEN'S SOFTBALL STATISTICS Statistics of the Mea's Softball League, which were released this week, showed Surplus Sales ta be the heaviest bitters in the loop. "Archie" Crossey won the batting crowvn with a lusty .515 average. Teani-mates, Ted Hoar with a .A29 and Maxie Yourth at .410 held the next two spots. Laurie Garbe and Harry Snowden of Stephen Fuels were next with marks of .361 and .355. Ted Bird led Sauffy's Auto Body, batting .344, whfle "Butch" Cole's .304 was high for Ken's Men's Wear. Snowden, a double-threat, had the best pitching aver- age, racking up five wins against a pair of defeats for a .714 percentage. "Red" Davey of Surplus had the most victories,1 winning six, while dropping three. Kea's "Ace" Richards and George Stephen, Fuels' sponsor, each won tbree. The Sales showed why they scored the most runs. Crossey, Hoar and Jack Parker led with 16 apiece, wbile uB]uck"~ Cowle and Clint Ferguson each crossed the plate a dozen times. Ail piay for Surplus Sales. Laurie Garbe ucored 12 times for Stephen's. Garbe smashed three round-trippers ta capture the home-rua title. Six others tied with two apiece - Bob Abbott and Jim Allun of the Fuels, Cowle, Snuffy's Russ Lane and "Moe" Richards and Lloyd Hamilton of the Men's Wear. Ted Dadson of Stephen's fanned 16 times ta have the dubiaus honour of being the strike-out king. Abbott wbiffcd 15 times, Cale and Lane 13, Ted Fairey of Ken's, 11, and Fuels' Vince Vanstone, 10. Ferguson drew the most bases on bals with 12, fol- lowed by Yourth with 10. ti. t ~ t SOFTBALL PLAY-OFFS TO-NIGHT After winning last Thursday night, Surplus Sales could be meeting defending champion Stephen Fuels to-night In the fîrst game of the best of five league finals. That 1- if Surplus downed Snuffy's Auto Body Tuesday night. Should Sauffy's win ta even the series, a sudden-death tilt will go to-night between the two clubs. t t t t t WESTERN TIRE JUVENILES FLYING HIGH Bill Osborne did the heavy hitting and Jim Moorcraft held the opposition in check as the Western Tire Juveniles hammered out an 18-4 win over Merriton ia the first game of their best of three O.B.A. series. The return contest will be at the Vincent Massey Park, Saturday afternoon at 2:30. t t t t MIDGETS PLAYED LAST NIGHT The Midgets, who trounced Napanee in the opener of their series, were rained out last Saturday, aloag with the Juvenies and the Bantams. Tbey tangled with Napanee in the second, and probably final game, last. night. t T t t i. t LEGIONNAIRES BATTLE NEWMARKET The Bantani Legionnaires were scheduled ta play Newmarket Monday and Tuesday nigbits. Results cf these gaines appear elsewhere on the sports page. t t tl t t OSHAWA JUNIOR GOLF CHAMP. Congratulations ta Bob Watt Jr. who won the Oshawa Golf Club Junior Championship on Sunday. Bob, aaw 16 years oid, lived in Bowmanville until 1952, when the family moved ta Oshawa. Goodwil Use d Cars 1959 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN A-1 condition. 1957 DODGE 4-DR. STATION WAGON One owner, lccally owned car, low mileage, A-i. 1956 PONTIAC DELUXE 2-DR. Locelly owned, new paint job. A-i condition throughout. 1956 OLDS. 4-DR. SEDAN Automatic transmission. Coinpletely rcconditioned including new paint job. 1955 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN Locally owned, radio, two-tone, in A-i shape. 1955 BUICK 2-DR. HARDTOP Two-tone paint, radio. Locally owned. Conîpletcly reconditioned. 1954 PONTIAC Laurentian 4-Dr. Sedan One owner car in exceptionally good condition. 1953 FORD 2-DR. STATION WAGON Reconditioned. GOOD CHOICE 0F RECONDITIONED %/-TON Io 11/2-TON PICKUPS MANY MORE RECONDITIONED USED CARS DOWN TO 1949 FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. We invite you to corne in and see our UNDASPRAY O uardiîan Equipenl fMaintenance Prevents Rust and Corrosion! For convenience of Oshawa customers Phono direct RA 5-2712 It Pays to Buy From a Certified Dealer LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY GMAC TERMS Pearson's Tcake Lead in Series Bowmanvile P e a rso n's 7-6 in one extra inning ta even ta lead the Smake-Shoppers ta Smoke Shop downed Newcastle up the series. Newcastle came victory by a 7-0 count. The twice last week, after dropping from behind throughout the ace pitcher camne Up with per- the opener of the best-of-five game only ta have the visitors haps her top effort of the seas- series, ta take the series lead. move in front again. In the on, facing 23 batters and al- Newcastle, hitting at the botmo h eet h oig but three Ilits over the right time, upset the Smoke- homesters rallied for a single distance, while fannxng five Shoppers 9-6 ini the opener, run ta send the game into and walking fine. At the despite being outhit 10-8. overtime, and nearly won it, plate, Brock starred again, when Gillis was nailed at the clouting a single and a two- Adams was the winning pitch- plate for the third out. run homer. er, with the loss going ta Marg. Brock tossed a five-hitter ta Huge an lnPns Pickard. Wager and Adams ga teghewt Aasta a s an each had a pair of safeties for ig ,bthe win, th Aastak1- srkd hlen nas the winners, while Sandra hit attack was led by P eg one on, as the locals used the Chaskavitch and Broc k bit Haynes Barbara Hughes, Do big blow for most of their runs. safely twice apiece for Bow- Kelly and Brock, each with a Dot Kelly chipped in with a manville. pair of safeties. Parker col- double and a single. Last Monday night ia New- lected two of Newcastle's five Losing hurler, Adamis, Wag. castle, Dot Bond's single push- hits. ar and Parker were the only ed across the winning marker Brock turaed ini a tremendous Newcastle batters ta hit safely. as the locals edged their hasts performance Wednesday night' safely. Surplus Downs Snuffy'S In Town Playoff Opener With "Red" Davey throw- ing a perfect game over the first six innings, Surplus Sal- es dowaed Snuffy's Auto Body in the first game of their best of three semi-final series, last Thursday night at the Central School diamond. Davey faced the minimum 18 batters, before yielding a waik and four singles in the final frame, as Snuffy's made a belated rally. Left fielder, Clint Ferguson, made the big play in ýsupport of the no-hit bid, racing with bis back ta the infield ta, haul ia Russ Lane's long smash. Bua Welsh, lead-off batter "Buck" Cowle singled, ad- la the seventh, ruiaed Devey's vanced wben Terry Masters no- lb n h eenhwt bobbled the hall, and scored .tehihesvnh it the Sales first rua on an in- a single. Piach-bitter, Mel field out la the opening in- Burgess, drew the lone welk, aing. The winners went three but first baseman "Archie" Up ia the second, on an error Crossey forced Welsh at third by Shortstop Bill Nicholson, no-bitter in the seveath with a walk ta Jack Parker, Ron bauncer. Singles by Ted Bird, Poliard's sacrifice fly and a Jim Oliashi and "Moe" Rich- single by Cowle. ards accouated for the Auto Surplus wrapped it Up with Body's four tallies. four fifth ianing markers on Bill Marshall went the dis- Mexie Yourth's single, a walk tance for the lasers, aliowiag ta Ted Hoar and two-out! cight safeties, walking four doubles by Ferguson and Par- and fanning three. Davey had ker. 1 three strike-outs. Soccer -Highlights Courtice Drops Opèner For First Loss of Season Loses im-O to Zion Squadj Juvs Win Series with Port Hope Bowmanville Western Tire pounded out il safeties ta down Port Hope 8-2, last Tues- day night, Aug. 16, ia Port Hope, winning the best of three juvenile series ia two straight games. The local club now meets Merriton in the next round of O.B.A. play. Bath starting pitchers went the route. Jim Moorcraft on the hill for the locals, pitched After going through an un-1 defeated regular seeson and i, capturing first place, Cour- tice picked a bad time ta drap their first of the year, losing 1-0 toaZion la the opening game of their best of tbree semi-final series. A goal by Garret Bowmeester la the first tea minutes, stood up ta give Zion the upset decision, Saturdey night. Hampton decisioned Bow- manville Hooper's Jeweliers 2-1, ia a mid-week attraction, ta grab the first game in the other semi-final set. Heinsi Nettea and Charlie Terpstre gave the wianers the lead,i 1with John Baker scoriag Bow- imanviile's goal. All the scor- ing took place in the first haîf, but Cliff Dejong* missed a "sure"' shot for the tying mar- ker when bis close la effort sailed over the top of the net. In Thursday night's Junior League, the four playoff con- tenders knocked off the four also-rans. Courtice blenked Hampton 9-0, Maple Grave shutout Bowmanviile 7 - 0, Zion downed Eaniskillen 4-1 and Sauina won over Tyrone 3-1, Toaight's play will mark the end of the regular sched- ule, with junior play-offs get- ting underway next week. NE WTON VILLE a steacly. five-hitter,- while Mr. Bart Ton of Brampton Mrs. Gea. Ovens. claiming aine strike-outs. Las- and Mr. Jon Ton of Betbany Mrs. Victor Wagg of Mark- er, Kemlo, allowed il safeties were home for the weekend. b ani who bas been spending and fanncd hall a dozea. Mr. Victor Bourgerie and' a few days witb Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville opened the Mr. Gea. Ryan are ia Mcm- Sid Brown returaed home on scoriag with a rua la the first oriel Hospital, Bawmanviile. Sunday. on singles by Grant Wright Mr. and Mrs. Chanton Brown Mr. and Mrs. Murray Par- and Terry Black. The teams and famuly picnicked et Little ter and famiy, Mr. and Mrs. traded a pair of markers la the Lake on Sunday. Hugli Stapleton and family second, with the locais scaring Mrs. J. T. Peerce who spent and Mr. and Mrs. Melville on Don Bagnell's single and a the past week with Mvr. andl Semis picnicked et Trent triple by Bill Osborne. An Mrs. Walter Whittaker Of River on Sun day. error by Bagneli and singles by Toronto, returned home on Miss Betty Skeiding is bali- Terbeache and Jay eccounted Sunday. deying with bier grandparents for the Port Hope ruas. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Saules Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Skelding I Western Tire blew the garne and daughter Jean, of Lea- of Prince Albert. wide open la the fifth, scoring Lsid n r a r.Ga Misses Barbare and Li Lwsof Part Hope, were Stapieton are visiting Mr. and five times ta take an 8-2 bulge. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stepleton of Bow- A pair of errars, a walk, singles Mrs. Jack Elliott. avle by Moorcraft and Ray Crombie Mrs. Allen Preston of Tor-maile and Wright's double, did the onto, spent e couple of weeks damage. with bier sister Mrs. R. C. TT'Ar1WTTTT The lasers' final tally came White. L.LILADLIVJjLL in the sixth on a home rua by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton Jay. and son Gerry of Hamilton, Decoration services were' spent the weekend with ber held et Port Hope cemetery, parents Mr. and Mrs. Norma lest Sunday and several vis-. .1 Scott ted the cemetery as well as, M d es L o n Congratulations ta Miss Weicome cemetery fromn this1 Joan Walkey who bas passed area. bier Grade 13 exams and is Mr. and Mrs. Sam Minis, Napanee 22 -7now ready ta attend Teach- Wbitby, visited bier sister and ers' Coliege et Peterboraugh. famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Mr. Stewart Gilmer of Tor- ence Mercer, Sunday. In O pener onto, is bolidaying with his Mr aend Mrs. W. Muldrew grandperents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. L. Muhdew, Bowmaaville pouaded 23 bits Frank Gilmer. Oshawa, bave beca spending offNapneepithia tasw Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade their bolidays et Sunnyside. anfeasy 22-7 icito la p spent the weekend with Mr. Mrs. Nick Long, Patty anid anrstsgame-of a best cf threeandrrs. R. K. Holdaway of Kathy Long, Rochester, vis- idstgaet ofBa. peytoffseres.DetMisDrt. acstrbsited with lber parents Mr. and, Midgt OB.A plyof seies Mis Drela LncaterhasMrs. W. Lewko lest week. 1 The locals led 22-1 before eas- lb en spendiag e few deys Mr. Jim Heron, Coiling-' ing up la the final two frames~ with Miss Jeanette Tozer of wood, bas speat the pest week of the Wednesday afteraoon Port Hope. On Sundey Mr. et Thickson's. tilt, when the hometown Nep- and Mrs. Sid Lancaster pick- Miss Darlene Thicksoa spent, ance club did most of their ed up Dorella and Mrs. Wmn. a few days in Toronto this' scoring. NichaIs and together witb the week. Wbile the Bowmenville batsi Tozers iicnicked et Garden Miss Gwen Mercer, Toron- were boomiag, Blaine Pickard'Hili Park. to, 'pent bier holidays et home. bad the lasers compieteiy sty- Mrs. Nellie Maidea of Wind- Congratulations are extend-!1 mied, until Paul Hancock took sor and Mr. Herb Ward of ed ta the Kendal Bentaisý over late la the game. The ýDetroit were receat visitars Basebaîl teeni who defeeted' locels weat ta towa early, scar- with Mr .and Mrs. Norman Courtice la tbe piay-offs. Tbey ing four in the first, five in Scott. were eaterteined et Roy Fos- the second, a single in the third Mis Carol Relchretb speat ter's with a weiaer roest lest and thea really breaking baose part cf ber holidays with week. Bob Trew and John i witb eiglit fourth-inning mark- friends i Toronto. Quantrill from here play la crs ta leed 18-1. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White, the teamn. Six batters each collected Calvin and Mrs. Preston took Miss Arlene Gardon, Peter- tbree safeties ta pace the hît e trip dowa ta the St. Law- borough, spent the lest week parade, as every regular in rence Sewey lest week and et home. the lie-up picked Up et leest while there crosed the bar- Sarry ta hear that Mrs. onc bit. The big guas were der and visited several towas Meggie Olin la confined ta ber Terry Black, Dave Werry, Ray on the American side. bcd egain. Crombie, Mike Johnson, John Mr. O0.Robbins and bis son MradMr.R erGy Twit ed Pckad.Donald cf Roseneetb, will take and baby deugbter, Kipling, Coach Bill Nicholson bas the charge cf the service in aur Sask., wbo are spending their club piayiag fine ball, and be cburch ncxt Sundey, Aug. bolidays et ber parents Mr.!1 expressed bis confidence re- 28th et 10 o'ciock. His daugh- and Mrs. Herb Reid. Stark- oently of going ail the way ta ter, 'Miss Marie Rabbins wili ville, visited witb Mr. and~ the titie. At any rate, it wili ,bethe soloist., Mrs. Harry Trew rerently. take a very good teani ta putý Mr. and Mrs. Keith Steph.' Several attended the qer- the Bowmanville Mfidgets outI enson, Debbie and Jil of vices et Perrytown, on Sun-î ]of the runng.1 Clarkson are holidaylag with1 day. i Fu elers Wind Up First Defeat Sales 10Oto 7 Stephen Fuels ran up an Both players hit together hard, early 8-0 lead and then with- but were up again in a few stood a comeback ta defeat minutes, and played the rest Surplus Sales 10-7 i a post- of the game. season sudden-death playoff The Fuels increased their for first place ia the Men's lead ta 8-0 i the second on a' Softbail League. The Fuels, two-bagger by Abbott and a defending champs, capitalized solid wrong-field borner by on a two-out error ta score six Laurie Garbe. unearned markers in the first Maxie Yourth and "Buck" inning of Tuesday's attraction, Cowle singled and Erv. Brooks and neyer looked back. walked ta f111 the bases i the George Stephen went 6% bottom of th~e second with one innings ta register the wia on out. Stephens walked Ferguson an eight-hitter. He was con- and Jones ta force in a pair, tinually in bot water, allowing but bore down ta get the next 10 bases on bails, but he also two outs on an infield pop and fanned ten, mostly ia tough a strike-out. spots. "Red" Davey went the Stephens got the ruas back route for the lasers, giving up i the third on Vanstone's eight bits, three walks and sigle, a two-bagger by Cowl-1 claimig four strike-out vic- ing, and Stephen's sacrifice fly tinis. ta right. Catcher "Jiggs" Cowling was The Sales picked up a single the hittig star with a grand in the bottom haîf wben Garbe siani home runanad a pair of dropped Cowle's drive ta left, doubles. following Davey's single and a Walks ta Bob Abbott and double by Ted Hoar. A three- Laurie G a r b e sandwiched run rally in the sixth cut the around Ted Dadson's single, lead ta 10-6. Jones was safe loaded the bases in the open- on first baseman "Duke" ing inning with two out. Sec- Brunt's error and Crossey ond sacker, Ron Pollard could walked. Stephen retired the not find the handle on Vince next two batters, but Yourth Vanstone's grounder, and the singled in one rua, Hoar walk- Fuels went on ta tally six un- ed and Cowle's single scared a earned ruas. Jack Bond singled pair. in the second run, and Cowling The first two batters, Jones capped the rally with a grand- and Ferguson, walked i the slammer on a let-up pitch. final frame and Harry Snow- Centre fielder Clint Ferguson den came on in relief to. put appeared ta have the best out the fire, with an assist ta chance ta make the catch, but Cowling, who nabbed Jones, a collision with George Jones, away off base. Bruce Mac- who was also digging for the Donald's single scored the final bail, spoiled any opportunity. marker. Town League Softball Averages Men'à SoftbaII Eattlng Ave AB H Avi Archie Crossey - 33 17 .51 Ted Hoar- - 42 18 .42 Frank Mobua 12 5 .41 Maxie Yaurth 39 16 .41 John Steinton 20 8 .40 Pat Cornell - 18 7 .38 Laurie Garbe- 36 13 .36 Harry Snowden 31 il .35 Red Davey - 34 12 .35 Ted Bird ----- -32 il .34 Peenut Jackman 35 12 .34 George Stephen 18 6 .33 Bill Nicholson 24 8 .33 Lloyd Hamillton 33 il .33 John Ford - 16 5 .31 Erv Brooks - 36 Il .30 Butch Cale --- 46 14 .30 B. MacDonald 10 3 .30 Jack Bond 40 12 .30 Bun Weish __ 27 8 .29 Buck Cowle - 44 13 .29 Ted Dadsoa . 41 12 .29 Viace Venstone 35 10 .28 Don Masters- 42 12 .28 Jim Olînski -- 36 10 .27 Ace Richards- 18 5 .27 Terry Masters 19 5 .26 Bob Abbott -- 46 12 .26 Jiggs Cowling - 31 8 .25i Dan Girardi 31 8 .25i Russ Lane 36 9 .251 Clint Ferguson 28 7 .251 Bob Marjerrison 37 9 .24: George Jones 21 5 .21~ Everett King- 17 4 .23! Ken Kelly 43 10 .23: Jim Allin . 30 7 .23: Jack Parker- 40 9 .22! John Bird-- 9 2 .221 Doug McNeil- 10 2 .201 Snuffy Hunt - 15 3 .2W1 Bob Williams 41 8 .191 Gary Tighe --- 26-- 2 195 Moe Richards-- 16 3 -.18 I Cliff Trewin- 12 2 V1 re. Tim Cox -- 25 4 If 15ilRon Pollard- 28 4 .14 9 iMel Burgess 28 4 .14 7 Ted Fairey 32 4 .114 17 Jim. Castle 25 3 .1,1 Doj. Alarjerrison 10 1 .1( 39 Bull Marshall - 10 1 JG~ 31 Duke Brunt --- 12 1 .08 55 Pitching Records 53 W LAvi 14 Harry Snowden- 5 2 .71 13 "Red" Davey - 6 3 .6e 33 Ted Hoar 2 1 .6E 33 George Stephea 3 2 .6( 33 "Ace" Richards- 3 3 .5C 13 Pat Cornell 2 4 .32 )6 Mel Burgess - 1 2 .32 4 Bill Marshall- 1 2 .32 )0 Cliff Trewin - 1 3 .2, )0, Bob Williams O-- 2 .0( M Home Runs )5 Laurie Gerbe ý3 Bob Abbott ______ 36 Jini Allia _______ 36 "Buck Cowle ______ 18, Lloyd Hamilton_____ 78 Russ Lane- 33 "Moe" Richards----- 31 Ruas Scored 58 Ted Hoar-------- i j "Archie" Crossey iD Jack Parker -_____ 50 "Buck" Cowle _____ 13 Clint Ferguson Bf Laurie Garbe ------ _ ý5 Walks .3 Clint Ferguson IMaxie Yourth 15 Strike - outs ,2 Ted Dadson ___ )0 Bob Abbott ___ M"Butch" Cale _____ )5 Russ Lane _____ 2IlTed Fairey 1 Vince Vanstone 167 L60 [43 L43 125 L20 100 10o )3 ve. r14 i67 167 DOo iOo 33 133 33 M50 )0o 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 16 16 12 12 12 12 10 16 15 là 13 il 10 PA= EIGHT LIBERTY BOWL LTrD. BASE UNE Featuring AUTOMATIC PIN-SETTERS OPEN BOWLING EVEIT DAY Phono NA 3-5663 lme Available for More League Bowling SCHOOL VPENINR SPECIAL! WESTERN TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO. BICYCLES BOYS' AND GIRLS' $37*95 CLEARANCE SALE 0F ALL Camping Equipment' INCLUDES: SLEEPING BAGS - LIFE JACKETS BARE-B-Q - PICNIC JUGS - ETC. IO04> OFF LA"N CHAIRS, »eg. $5.95$5 9 CLEARING AT _____ 7 ELS UOSU*Y I4 lm-am 85 RING ST. W. F. A. Boyd, Prop. MA 3.313,1 DON'T MISS HIGHLIGHT 0F YEAR. BOWMANVILLE KINSMEN MEMORIAL PARK GROUNDS Feaiuring Canada's Rosi Thrilling Sport GO-KART RACING SERICE CLUB RACE - LIONS - ROTAIT - LEGION SATURDAY, AUG. I7th Stan: 6:00 p.m. Nmmy new lu.ths wilh back-lo-canival 1h... Plu lefre"emnl - Singe - Cames of Chance -, Etc. BIG DRAW for $,000.00 in CASH SPECIAL DRAWS: LAU-Y-O lHM - TRAIN CASE PROCEEDS FOR KINSMEN COMMUNITY PROJECTS p. - ELCTIIC ILAMKE 771, 61E DUCATED SERVICE PAYS 1 -- auw,ý% m TM CAWADIM STATESUM, BOW WANVILLlt CUTAWD TKUBSDAY, AlTO. Stb, lIM Town Lge. Softball Star of the Week A bitter and a pitcher won the Surplus Sales' Stars o the Week Awards in last week's Mens Town League action. "Jiggs" Cawling paced Stephen Fuels ta a first-place finish, batting In half of the Fuels' 10 runs with a grand ulain home rua and a pair of doubles. E "Red" Davey, the loop's wiaaiagest pitcher ini regular season play, tossed a perfect gaine for six mnnings, befare allowing four hits and four ruas in the final freine, as Surplus Sales took the semi-final opener. "Red" also coilected a single. Honourable mention goes ta Clint Fergusan who puiled off a spectacular catch in support of Davey's no-bit bid, and clouted a two-run double.