Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1960, p. 7

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? K D R D A Y , A U G 2 5 t , 1 6 0 T E C N A D I N S A T ~ M N . O W M A V I I E . o rCm cSýocrI & £Personal Dknid A A V-11(I g-on mm aii ~*~ - java/ ter, Miss Philippa Gerry, Tor- Mriný faxnily reunion. Their onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. daughter, Mrs. Joyce Bingham, . McNichoi. Toronto. and granddaugh'ter Colleen, M$rs. L B. W'!lýams was a Toronto, returçed with tbem Hay g to f Mr. a nd Mrs.1 for a visit. HrTNew-nan at Brougham.I Mr. Alick Lyle sailed froni Mrs. J. Ross Stutt has re-' Montreal early last Tuesday turned from an extended vizntl morning on the "Italia." Mr. with relatives in Louisville.! Lyle wil visit Italy and other K~ntckv.Mediterranean countries and Mr. and Mi-_ W. R. Strike wil be in Rome at the time and Mr. and Mi-, Mark Roen- lof the Olympics. igk are hol:daying at their! Mrs. Giddus Jones has re- cottage in Algonquin Park. turned home alter a very Vincnt nd ailMý f fttýpleasant visit with ber son, Vcent and G.are IvloffattCliff Jones and familv in Scarborouh. ei a ndiarn a Ottawa. Whlle there Mis. Jones Meek athdtersrA .dpfacts, enjoyeâ a 'plane trip accom- Mr.andMr~ A E.Mofat. pailied by Ciiff to Montreal Masters Tommny anid Donnme and back. Martin, Ne-castle. have heeniM.at i.C .Dwe holîlang with'heandgirls spent Sunday with parein. an Mr.Gdo Mr. and iýs. J. Ricard and Mart n.girls at Bracebritige. Wbile Mrs. N. C. Yelilule es spent i there tbey visiteti Santa's the, last week with her daugh- Village. Anne Marie and Mar'- ter and soti-in-la, Mr. andj lene Downey remained for a Mis. Ivan Ellicott, in Peter-Ifew days. borough.1 Miss Lillian Hoar. Mis. M. MrTs. Charles Douglas and; Maindonald andi Mrs. Elsie Mliss Alice Davidson, New Waters, wbo spent the last Liskeard. spent a few days week in Ottawa andi Ganan- last week with Mr. and Mrs. oque, hàve returneti to Bow- ]Bill Burk andi John. manvile. Mis. Nelson Beatty, Mr. andi Mrs. Leo Connors Brarmpton, acco'mpanied tbem mo4iored to Montreal accorn- on their motor trip. panied by Margie Cowan andi Anotber award for the Orono Mr. Thomas Connors, visiting Fair Drama Festival bas been frientis andi relatives. donated by Mr. E. J. P. Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Flet- ley of Bowmanville. This cher andj Barry, Clearwater, pottery plaque, which is sim- Fia., have left fer home after ilai in design to those for best spending nearly two weeks actor, actress and director, with hais parents, on Queen wil be for diction. St. Ar. andi Mis. N. Luxton and Mr. Alex Carrut.bers, M.P.P. family visiteti Mont Apica for Durham was in town on R.C.A.F. Station in the Laur- Wednesday, renewing fnienti- entian Mts., Québec. Their sbxps and checking on local daugbter, A.W. Evelyn Lux- projects on which he bas been ton, returned bomne with themn woîking. and t4hey toureti Quebec City, Mrs. W. H. Birks, Mr,. E. Montreal andi Ottawa. V. Hoar. Mis. M. J. Hutehison Mix. and Mrs. G. Badger spent the last week as guests spent tbe weekend i Wood- of Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neil stock, guests of their son andi at their cottage., Big Hawk daugbte.r-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Lake. A. S. Batiger. David Batiger Messrs Bob Tuerk and Paul returneti to bis borne in Lon-. Letd'yhv rtredfo don after spending his vaca- visiting relatives in Phoenix, tion with bis grantiparents. Aniz., a.nd Ontaio, Calif. They Mrs. Geof. MIler.(Elsie Bun- also visiteci Mexico City and ner) andi Mr. Miler, Owen Las VTegas. Sound, were recent guests Mr. and Mirs. George Young with ber aiunt, Miss Vivian and Mr. andi Mrs. T. Wesley Bunner andi visited Rev. andi Cawker have returneti to Bow- Mrs. A. W. Harding, baving xnanville after a fortnight's necently returned from tbree motor trip through Quebec andi years as a missionany in North - the Gaspe coast. cmn Rhodesia. Mr. andti Mrs. J. L. D. Web,.Mi. andi Mis. E. R. Hanne Toronto, were guests of IU. and Patricia, Scarboiough; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moffatt last andi Mrs. F. Hughes, Jim and week. and attendeci the Moi- Donald spent a few days witb fatt - Varty wedding in Osb- their mother, Mis. Geo. E. awa on Saturclay alternoon. Pritchardi at Cleanview COt- tuMiS. W. E. Gerry. Qucen Sf.,i tadi as ber guests during the p ast week: Mr. Haroldi D. IrGerry, Calgary, Alfa,; Mn. Howaid Ger-. Twerton, De- von, Englanti. anti his daugli- Dr. anti Mirs. Albert E. Al- li, Fort Williain, bave heen visiting relatives hene. incluti- ing bei- two sisters, Mis. Rob- ert Stocker- anti Mis. Rance Dilling anti otheis in tfli rural area. tage, Cedancrest Beach, pi te leaving on a wcek's vac tien af Caribou Lodgc in t Haliburton Highlandis. rio On Montiay atterinoon man3 citizens were attractedti te buge swanm ef becs which hac gathereti near flie Amena. A long hast tbcy setflet inl a bij spîtice tiee on the St. John*. Cburch piopcmty. Ne local bei keeper coulti be locafeti, se tii becs stayeti for the niglit in - large cluster, but were gont Recent visitons with Mr. the next morning te parts un. anti Mis. Gordon Martin were known. Inspector anti Mis. A. A. Man- Rcn iioswi tin, Port Credif: Mn. FrankRanti Mis KylesquaiiwMr Bingharn.Toronto, anti Mi. ant V antiisJ. . umo wre Mrs. Jack Holmes anti family,teeSbuyaniM.n Nawaste.. Mis. Donald Dumentelle anÈ Mn. anti Mis. Gordon Mai- son, Falconbrldge, anti Mr. an tin anti Doris motoredti f0Mrs. M. I. Chesseir anti son Oillia Sunday te attend the North Bay, anti Mis. Jaieý Church Chuckles REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmauvil Stated Supply- MR. J. S. HIELEMA, B.A., B.D. 10 A.M. - SERVICE IN ENGLISH 7:30 P.M. - SERVICE IN DUTCH Sunday School imniediately after Sunday mornlng uervlc. "Back To God Hour"" Broadcast CKL. Oshawa, nt 3 pa. . very Sunday oi Roy Webbcr of 22 Ontario St., Bowmanville, whose home appeared in the Home, of the Week Contest lasf week, picked the envelepe centaining Cowan Equipment Ce. advertisement. As a resuit, The Statesman issued a $5 cheque made eut te the Cowan Company and Mr. Webber hîed his way to their place of business, King St. East, Bowmanville. This photo shows Proprietor Tom Cowan at îight suggesfing te Mr. Webber that lie add only $2,995 more and he ceuld be the ewneî of the new International Harvester tracter in the picture. Mr. Webber decided te buy some où and ether supplies, because his garden was hardly big enough te warrant the tracter purchase. TEMMAY, AUG. 25th, 1960 V Stephens. Balcarres, Sask. Miss* Mary Young, To-onto,l Mis. Geo. Hall, Toronto, Mn.ý andi Mis. R. W. Runtile, Wind-1 soi. Mr. anti Mir. EVerett Hann-ý ess holidayeti with Mr. ani Mi-s. Dennis Gibson at their cottage at Retistone Lake. They aiso visiteti Provincial Con-j stable anti Mis. Menvin Harn- ess, Acton, ton a tew tinys wlhen Mi1. anti Mrs. E. Rai- esa anti Constable anti Mis. M4. Haineas and Mn. Jack MVashall motoreti to Fergus Vo ganies.,1 Mr. andi Mrs. Herschel Dai-ch, ie New York City, is celebrating bis 70th birthday wbile on their annual trip to bis native y town. They are staying at a Mr. anti Mrs. Hubert J. Stac- dey's popular tourist home, dKingston Roati East. which 19 years ago was the palatial e- is sidence of Squire John Sim-p- e on, who bhad the honor of - e being the first citizen in Dur- s" a bam Countv to be appointeti a e Senator at Ottawa. Mr. Darcb ri is the youngest son of thec late Davidi Darch who was harness rmaker for many years with e: the firm of Mason & Dale, r.. which trade has now almost id become a lost art since motors id have crowded boise traff le id off the bigbways and fais .. nhave become mechanizeti. Her- es schel, aftcr 37 years with the Personal Trust Dept of the Guaranty Trust Co. at Walli Street, New% York, retired on' M.adMs Loe ae icewowr pension five yeaîs ago andi M.adMs inlJmsHceWowr since then with Mrs. Darch rnarried recently in St. Joseph's Roman Catholici spenti their winter mnonthts at Church, Liberty Street South, The bride is a daughter: Daytona Beach, Florida, at of Mr. and Mis. Fred Holroyd, Si., Hampton, and the' which resort thc3ï citen' sec bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mis. Michael Hickey.i Dr. andi Mrs. C. W. Sleinon. It is over 40 y cars since Mr. Oshawa. -Photo by Rudi Gerber! Darc'h first left Bewnianviilei in search of fame andi fortun-. ~ T'fTT art Lamb,- Enniskillen, \vas: He bas always kept close touChl YVEDDING the matron of honour. Miss witb bis native town by being Adele Planeta, Oshawa, was: a regular subscriber and in- HICKEY - HOLROYD the bridesmaiti andi Miss Susan terested reader of The States- Holroyd, Hampton, niece ot inan anti is fuîthier anchored St. Josepb's Roman Catho- the bride, was a junior bri- to the town being a property lic Church, Liberty Street desmaiti. owner. South, Bowmanville. wa s beautifully decorated with The matron of honour wore Dr. anti' Mrs. Geo. W. James, wire chysaîithemums a n di a irincess styled waltz length accompan'ed by Mrs, W. F_ green terris for the wedriing of gown of pale green organza Gerrv and ber brother-in-law. Miss Eileen _Nay rfolroyd, over celanese. The brides- Mi. Hoaward Gerry, from Tiv- Hamipton, and Lionel la.mes, maid's gown was in the sanie erton, Devon, England, who is Hickey. which was solemnnized attractive mode in mue visiting relatives ini Cana,-da. at 10:30 o'clock on Saturday1 anti the junior bnidesmaiti matie an interesting motor tripo mornhng, August 6th. The bri- 1 wore a frock, the replica of on Wetinesday îast tîirou4 I de is a daughter of Mr. anti the other attendiants' gowns,; some rough hlly, sceie;,,l Mrs. Fred Holrovd. Sr., liam- but in pale prreen. Each wore: wintiing highways in Nortlîwny-! pton. The , parents of the bride- a wide heibanti of white, berland County'. They repnrf groom nare Mr. andi Mrs. Mich-1 flowers andi tiny green leav- finding su-fh a trip oif tlieat' Hiý-k(,x O-ha\va. es. They carricti dainty nose- beaten higAwIiays. exhilirating Bey. F. [K. ,,alai)e, the par- gays af white andi yellowÀ, anti refreshinig, spotteti here îish priest, officiateti at the cbrysanthemums. anti there along the way wit anaghni at teN Glen Hickey, Osbawa, was fertile anti prospemous fari- tial Mass. James Fair was t he his brother's best man. The' featuning tiaimy anti beef catte soloist anti Miss Mary Fagan ushers were Joseph Thomson An unexpecteti but pîeasant was the oiganist. anti Peter Magna, both of cai wa maie t Hiewoti a Fred Holroyti. Jr., Hamp- Osbawa. callwasmad at are(>o, aton.. gave bis sister in mai- popular summer resort on the niage. The bride looketi lovely Following the ceremony a south shore of Rice Lake. Here in a gown of white organza reception was helti at the Can- they founti a lifelong frienti over layers of nylon net anti adian Legion Hall, Queen anti native of Bowmanville. celanese. The bodice was em- Street. The bride's mother ne- Hubert C. Higginbotbem anti broitiereti at the necklîne, ceiveti wearing a smart blue bis wife, cosy anti happy en- whicb was straight in front anti linen sheath gewn witb a: joying life i retirement in formed a V in back, with white bat anti matching ac- tbeir spacious cottage nestleti flowered metiallions. T he cessories. Her corsage was of Eamong the trees overnlooking,ý short cap sleeves were simil- deep pink roses. The mother the lake with a fascinatingj arly atiorneti. The graceful of the britiegroom, who as-* view that was restful to seuil full skint was also embraiti- sisteti in receiving, wore a and body. It is more thani 301 ereti with flowered miedail- gown of pinteti brown anti yËars ago they purchaseti thisi ions. She wome elbow length beige silk with a brown linen desireable property when Mr.1 white organza gloves which duster anti matcbîng bat. Her Higginbotbam was manager of1 camneto points over hem bantis. accessonies were wbite anti the Standard Bank at Cobourg. Hen vaist length veil of she hati a corsage of yellow, Acquaintances go back many French tulle illusion was belti roses. more yeax-s iban that when the by a becoming beatipiece M.at r.Loe ae Higginbotbam and James fam- fornet of white oganza pet-1 I îy eft by motor for a ilies weme neighbours living at als. The bride cariieti a loy- tptnug etrnOtno cither enti of Lovers Lane, con- jely bouquet of mcd oses andtiportrveligWeternbrido.e necting Liberty anti Centreý white carnations anti a white'a motiisb white anti black! streets. It is needbcss te sav bible adomneti with white rib- sbeath dness witb short bol- consierable rerniniscing wasl bon streamers. s t. ero anti white accessomies. Hem' indulgeti i n ecalling the happy The bmide's sister, Ms t-wbite bat was a turban style: mennories of their youtb ai adorneti with tiny peanîs, anti later when tbey roometi to-, year, so tlic migbt attend the she bati a corsage of tieep reti gather foi tAree yeans in To- series. One other thnilling ex- rose_. On their retuin Mn. anti rente. One of the bigbligbts perience was ecalleti by these Mis. Hickey will resitie at R.R. of Ulis vonveisation was when ventunesome youtbs when in 3, Bowmanvillc. Banker Higg anti Pmintcm's compa.ny with Dr. J. C. Devitt' Devi! George attenti&j the at Algonquin Park one sum- Out-of-tewn gucsts at the Pittsburg - Detroit Wold's mer their canoe overturneti wctiding were fromn Hampton, Senies basebal -ames in De-I they wenc rescuedti 6 the late Enniskillen. Toronto, Regan, trait ove- 511 voirs arao. A wLh! Wintatt Tod of Bowmanvil.Nwovleat saa Iwas expresseti that tbcv might! anti a beautiful youn.g lady' The bride was educa'ed at îenew their yeuth. if Pitt-burg 1 frorniRochester. Sweet meim- Nem P-ark Public School anti Iwins the Naiional League thisl oriesl Bowmanville Business Col- MSI Quick Relief fro. Acid Indigestion oeywhem, nytimel Ile a*30 lTablets 284 UTABIETSIU~ - U.uul.of 75 Tablets 54Ç touk of 200 Tabletssi$. oç Always carry TAB LETS I Vilalis Hair Tonic 89- - c CANNING Aul PRESEIVING NEEDS Certo ý-- --- --- ------ ------ - -M e Rubber Jar Rings.2 for 25e 1arowax---- 2 for 33e Fruit Freze --- -------- 1.01) COORS for the FEET Scholl's Air-Pillow Insoles 65e Scholl's Foot Powder 50c, 1.00 Scholl's Corn, Callous and Bunion Pads 50e Blue Jay Corn Pads-----39c, 43c, 49e Absorbine Jr.. 1.19, 2.39 Pretty Feet 1.25, 1.98 Happy Feet _____ 1.75 Step-Rite Footiets ~--39e pr. LD.A. Brand English Style Heali h Salis The Rcalth Saîts in the orange coloured fin One pound tiUn -- __ --59C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor We Deliver Your Local ID.A Drug Store P >oe'sdo o rea JEk ie&j P FNOBPI4O.LE U m m m d a e f- u m op y w - OeMA3- 579] X a lege. She is a clerk-typist il tic office of the Roy W. Nich els garage, Bowmanvillc. Shi is a keen bowler anti isi member of the Ladies Majoi Bowling League. Her husbanti was educateî at Holy Cross Public Sehool Oshawa, 0.C.C.I. Higb Scbool Oshawa anti Millbrook Higt, School. He la employeti b3 General Motors of Canada, Limiteti, Oshawa. Mr. Hickey is an expert bowlem anti an excellent swimmer. The young couple have many fiientsin thc district. S no danced a dashlng -Cari- locust trees have been plant- V R WInety Mayi. cd in the gullies te prevent ie A picturesque play "Little erosion. Ki and the Serpent" was well He stateti that during the 'I, P mog om acteti by a gooti cast. This past wcck Landis and Foi5. i (Cntîuetifro pa ee Kale Melcbou, was laid in ihave completeti an 85 foot y eae, ad dmonsratd thir oKia bWlaoVaniemeantd e spe i sfrtmeaîketithat Il ollwin nuber prsenedSing, Deug Firth; Ching Lee the fine hazard in Durham by childien fiom the Lions (Kis father), Pat Chant; County this year bas been helti Centre. A -cbarming duet wvas Chao Tong (the mother). Ri- tiown by the frequent raina sung by Lintia anti Dianne ta Vandemeent: Wealthy Wea- tiuring the sumnr. McFeeters. Donna Martyn ltby Ncigbbour, Rosemary He spoke ef Tower Hill anti gave a graceful ballet dance. Merkley; Wcalthy Ncighbour's the enigin of its liame. About Gail Hobbs was tielîgbtful Wife. Avelyn Lycett: Sînlg the turn of the century an 85 with hiem clever pantomiîîe. Lee, (Neigbbour's Deg) Glen foot triangulation towen was The Franklin Park portion Withenspoon; Headi ef the i built there. anti although this cf the programi was aise eut- Serpent, Sharleen Cain; Ste- woe tutueIstr standing. A fine Majorette mach of Serpent. Shawn Led- wotin structure nasetoer act was presenteti by Matir- dy; Tail of Serpent. Rosemany; Hill continuedti t be useti for cen Martin and Jili Nichols. Merkley, Property Man, Mau- the location. A bencli manker Two little boys tiresseti as reen Regan; Announcer. Rita of the geodetie survey for, eballeninas, Wayne anti Paul Vantiemeent; Deceaseti An- ihI the toweî was construe.. Martin, matie a bit with their cesten. Avelyne Lycett; antiw estirmanonlcbll diance. An entcmtaining skif Deceaseti Ancestress, Evan- lie saiti. ." 6Mary Hati a Little Lamb" geline Merkley. was piesenteti by Maureen _________ Mr. Yotingnaan referredti t Martin, Jill Nichols, Randyi the wonderful view from Tow- Sallows, Ross Mycîs anti DougMen er Hill, and asserted that on a Haye. Evîyon espciaHjLI@lS ~ fl ean day if is possible te see enjoyeti "The Dancing Herse"IbothafwyeRcete enacteti by Maumeen Martin,- (Cent inueti frem page one) on~ Lake Ontario. anti 25 miles Cle.Nichols, anti Gertrutie servation anti the importance iter a in tesoe Two diletn.skis ore etlong terni plans in eforeat- Ii1 4 fe o n C P b chvrtngiten e ation weîe emphasizeti by Mr. i1949 aftr±r a young RCAr presenteti y cir n fom Yuga.He spoke of tif- pleH sillrhi et aiToer the Vicent Masscy Playgro- fretaspects ef the work,,HilIafdterehis. jet airrf unti. Those in tbe cast ef "The adi. crdth ioswihashedth lere, n. ongma Haunteti House" were Billhiant imresset thedgLios wthe wanti flîrce planter wîowea Smale, Larmy Jusczski. Jobh i bog nowbetigeet therossrking the hlotetina Hendny, Heathen Moore. antisbd c.cosbann h ioanm Cathyý Etelier. This wvas ani The Ganaîaska Reforesta- te mai-k the spot, bie stateti. amusing take-off on the Thie i tien project starteti in 1946 Mr Youîîglnan aise spoke Steeges,. the popubar televis I anti new incluties 7.700 acres, ot the recreational facilities ion comics. Those who took fthc speaker saiti. He peinteti that abount in the forcat aiea, part in the entertaining "La- eut that this landi bat once anti lie inviteti the niembers zybones" werc Heather Moore, been classeti as sub-marina fe the Bowmauîville Lions Club Janie Cewle. Danny Cmrle, anti now lias become ava-te visit the Gaîîaraska Forest Calvin McCullougb. Cathy Et- uable asset estmmatedti t be! anti sec its bistonical sites. cher anti Paul Stocker. worth about $250,000. Farmng in this ceunty, and The dancing stars from flic Mr. Youngrnan tolti the Iniii is ewn inimitable way re- West Beach aise pleaseti the Liens that about tw&o anti lateti many anîusing incidents. audience with four other num- three - quarter million trees George Webster moveti a vote bers. "'Heney on the Moon", bave been planteti anti about of thanks te mr. Youngman by Mariloti Green tnd Truiy, 75 per cent ef this iuniber for lis inforniative anti witty Young. "Yankee Dootile Dan- bave surviveti. The frees arc 1 atidress. The presitient of tbe diy", a solo by Maniloti Green, mainly mcd and white pine club. Walter Runtile, also anti "Cossack", Tnutiy Young's anti hardi. He atiteti that some thanketi Mr. Yeungman for bis solo. The two young girls al- Carohina poPlar and black1 excellent address. Eight Births At Hospital During Week The report of Memonial Hos- pital, Bowmanvilhe, for the week of August 15th te the 2ist inclusive, showeti thai there were: 56 admissions, ciglit birtbs, thîce female andi five maie:. 64 discharges; 12 maijor openations, 20 miner, anti 19 cmergency. New HospitalI (Centinucti from page one) Ivan Hobbs, chairman cf the Boarti of Directoîs of Memorial Hospital, presitiet at fthc meet- ing. Others present werc Haîry V. Cnyticiman, chair- man et the building commit- tee; Rex Waltens; Glenhelme Hughes, Keith Jackson, James Stutt, Mis. Stan McMurter, Mis. Haroldi Gibson, Clarke, anti Mrs. R. G. Cowie. The Hospital Atinistrator, Stan- ley Wilkins, aise attend tei meeting. In fthe absence et Ray Dilhing. flic secretarv- freasurer, who is on vacation, Glenhoînie Hughes actcd. as secretary. TM CAIqADL&.W STATISM«. BOWMA»VnJý& ONTAMO imadum qvommom Pl

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