Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1960, p. 4

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THE -CANADIAN STA19ESMANq, BOIMANVILLEt OIRTARTO EDITORIAL COMMENT What Is Circulation ? Wheri a young lady ceases to date The standai Or be dated, she is referred to as being quantity and c Mout of circulation." When a newspaper circulations in ceases to keep its date with readers - Canada are est, or readers cease to keep their interest ative, industry-v In the newspaper - the publication is as the Audit Bi flot only "out of circulation," it is also This is a non-pru out of business. tisers, advertisir Circulation is the thermomneter lishers- many( which measures health of a newspaper publications, anc and each of its major departments. corne in contact Editorlal planning must be based this and other nc on the lnterests of readers. Paid circu- the ABC. lation is a tangible measure of that This associat Interest. News coverage, features, and of sp)eciallis- tri the use of pictures and cartoons each auditors who ar bas an effect on circulation - some- association and trnes immediate, sometimes over a long influience of anx' period of time. auiditors make i Advertisers are vitally concerned offices of publisl2 with the circulation of a newspaper. ai] circulation re( Circulation quantity and quality are the The fac[s on basic criteria for advertisers in the ity of eaeh puhliý selection of a medium for exposing their ticn a-do sales messages to potential customers. aso.fcciond Circulation is also one of the bases A~ uiû,are upon which advertising rates are set. -lt soî.un Businesswise, circulation is one oi hticre the two major sources of incomne for Vatscic a publication - the other is advertising. [t is the expr While circulation is secondary as a we have to say by source of income - usually under 251- voluntary vote of of total income - it is the reason for us on our pub]is. advertiser interest and advertisins distribution given Income. appear in our colu With virtually every operation source of incorne from pressroom operations to the bus- other revenues. iness administration of this paner Circulation is1 affected by our circulation, you might sparks the presses ask, "Who measures your circulation?ý" pictures those pre "The Year of Afri ca' When Khrushchev torpedoed the Paris summit meeting back in May it was assumed he was motivated by something more than anger at lte ad- mission by-the U.S. of spy flights over Russian territory. Now it seemslikýelv that his carefully-staged, last-minut*e cancellation of the Paris talks was primarily a move to influence Russian public opinion, to reverse the feeling of friendship for the West taI had been permitted to sprout. Previously tere adbeen a considerable contact be- tween Westerners and Russians. Thous- ands of tourist had been granted visas to visit the U.S.S.R. Cultural exchang- es had been extensive. And there xvas the widespread enthusiasm for the visit of President Eisenhower titat wvas to follow the Paris conference. But vwbv permit friendship to grow if, in just a few weeks, events abroad could he turned to communist advanlage only ini a climate of enmity? That such calculated manipulation of Russian opinion has occurred can not. be doubted. In a news despatcit from Moscow passed by lte Russian censors, Nora Beloff of the London Observer has reported "a series of events which are mounting up to give te ordinary Russian, depending only on Soviet papers and radio, the lerrifying impres- sion that the leaders of the Western alliance are preparing an offensive ,war.") ._The most serious of the Kremlin's irds for measuring thE quality of print media the United States and ablished by a cooper- vide association, known ureau of Circulations. ofit association of adver- ~gagencies, and pub- of the magazines, trade d farm publications you twith are, along with iespapers, members of tion maintains a staff ained field circulatior *e responsibie to the work indcpendent of single mem-ber. These regular visits to the her members to inspect ýcords. the quantily and quai- ~is(r mcrnber's circla- standards set by the as deterinlcd by Ile pubiished in dletail bv mlation? *essed interest in what your readers. It is the [confidence that keeps -hing loes. It is the iadvertîsements which îrnns. Il is an essentiai and the stimulant for the power plant whicit s- and the words and esses prînt. 1 I cynical misinterpretations of lte tru concerns events in the Congo Republi 'There is." says Miss Beloff fro: Moscow, "more excitement and organi ecd indi gnaiion over Western intervei lion inthlie Congo titan on any oth' isstue. As te Soviet newspaper 1 vi.stia says, '1.960 is ri.ghitly called ti vear of Africa.' Soxieët-Afican sol ciarîty lias heen expressed titis xveeki a speci ai rallv hionorîng the newly indf pendent states in lte Moseow Cenitr< Parlk. Tite picture presented to th Russians is of an imperialist plot hatol ed by Arnericans and colleclively cal ricd titrougit- with Belgian, Frene] B3ritish and W/est German complicity t retain imperialist control over Congc lese minerais." Alitou'.hi audiences at Soviet-Afri can i~nsi rallies in Moscow Centra Park xii neyer hear il, the truth i ltat Bo]fltunï's only aim was independ ence for tle Congo and lte 'Wost's onl, hope was ltailite new repuijli;c's 100.00! whtite re<oideruts could live in harmoni wit{h Ihoir new rulers. Tlie Kremlin on te otlher lhancd, xelcomed, and proit aitly helpced foment, chaos and riotin,1 If te white population can be driver ou.i of lte Congo, Russian tecliniciin. xviii be ready 10 step in - as tey havi elsewitere in Africa. For Kitrushcitev and company "thE year of Africa" means onlv lte yeai that titey hope bo establisit Russian im- perialism there. Pay That Visit' Now! Too often people deprive them- selves of pleasure because they fail to act on an inner urge to pay a visit to the place of their birth or that of their forebears, writes Editor Frank D. Mac- intyre of The Dundalk Herald in a guest editorial for the Toronto Telegram. With znany people travelling about with no particular destination in mind, weekly newspaper offices and elderly residents of the community have visi- tors seeking information. Invariabiy, they want to know the village's early history, who or what it was named after. Many want to be shown the birthplace of their ancestors, igiven in- formation as to the whereabouts of former schoolmates, and/or numerous other sidelights of the earlier life of the comrnunity. The weekly newspaper office, in many instances, is the longest establish- ed, continuing business in the commun- ifty. In various centres the newspaper Ia being carried on by the second or even the third generation of the same family. Those who have failed to 'visit the place where they grew up as youngsters express deep regret on returning to the old home scenes, that they have so long delayed their visit. They are elat-1 le ýa d tt m ýer l7- lIj- in ýe- 'ai r- h , to .1- il ed in reeapturing somne of titeir yout. Sentimental journeys sucit as these are too often postponed. As tings lurn out, many of tiiese journeys are nover made., MVay xve say: Don't xvait for a cen- tennial celcitration or an. old boys' and girls' reuinion bo lure you back bto t2 scýnes of your childitood. Go now, witile you stili have healtit, and your relatives and friends xvio rememiter you are stili there. Tite longer you wait, lte fewer titere'll be to greet you. Signs of the Times In an undertaking parlor: "Try our lay-axvay plan." On a cemetcry gate: "Piekinusy fioxvers proitibited except on your cxvi grav-,e." On a used car lot: "No car over $300 and unl.' In fi-ont of a scitool: "Use, your eYes and save lte pupils." In an optometrist's: "Eyes examined while you wail." In lte middle of a rond: "Rond Closed. Do not enter." On lte otiter side of te sign was painted: "Welcornc back, stupid." Also lncorporating The Bowmanviile News The Newcazstle Independent The Orano News N~~ C<, LW~ Authoiz.d cm S&cod Clan Mail by the Post Office Depi.. Ottawa JORN M. JAMES SUBSCRIPTION RATES S4» aYTom, atrlcily in advance $5.00 a Yearinl the United States COPFEE. '(4' Durham County bas a new anticipate good resuits, to Zone Foreman Les Campbell; Innaia bu a:ud nexv fire! which tbis scribbler adds a bbe tbree climbers werc For- tow ,,ci'ao on a bill, thir- devout "I hope so." est Rangers Keith Brannigan, toîîhudr:tfoot above mean The bottom of tbe ladder Brian Halliday, Fred Roîphe. 1:3(a Lvcl or orxmel is secured by two anchor Assistant climbers were Frank elc*ven îadT a1isitfe boîts embedded in concrete; Taylor and Mike Franke, cur- aboy 1--e w Oairo. It is1 goes upward for eighty feet, rently students at the Ranger about six air nmiles south east to a two foot square trapdoor Scbool at Dorset, who hope of Pciypool, four iluýs nortb lin the floor of the cabin, to become fish and wildlife east oi , txQo mîtâjes eLast lbrougb whicb the climber officers; bbe chap in charge of th, old oot toîvor site,I must go if he wishes to gain of nopes and pulîcys and res- and ,vili pro b.iJJ!y bzccome a the sanctuary of bbc cupola. ponsibie for getting malerial to'urit auoin Hoops, bolted to bbe ladder from bbhe ground to the climb- Cao imîgi sure, urîautb- every couple of feet, are sup- ers was George MacDuff. The crîz-d puopîo. who rnight climb posed to gîve the climber ad- cook for tbe bower crew was Ille toxoor xil do su AT ded protection, and is stanl- Ross Johnston. TIIEId OWN PIS1K. But any- dard safety equipment on ail Groun rwwr oa un 1 onpîthe bclimb xiii fire towers in this province. casluds, workg atD oal be en! it 1 cd b sigon the visit-, The cupola is weather proof, Forest, Herb Mercer, Roy or's bop1k, w.ioh c i oniy, is eigbi-sided, contains glass Litîle, Len Knigbl, Fred Wil- prove thaýt the signer lîad bbc: windows wbicb can be open- son, another valuable helper neaso~y 1i."yand goofi- cd at bb discretion of the was Earl Goodfellow. neo3 in21 lle Uictp. tower main. Each corner o! lhuhti a h is Aîtiipîiigyouir probable the tower is fastened, by ca- time I have worked with this quti.'ions, boere are te ans- ble, to an ancbor rod, ce rwîbtd osygo y wIere r fu cnreebedded in concrete, to givn ewIecau sy od y extrastabhityin cse o eun- se they wcre good mix- pio.,w'tQ w aco od -alyhg ins îb eic rs, cbeery, bard working, eînbodd 'd i11 anc, orwhich nosaah ilso stndard gtnngand cooperative. By this time, bibcltool iiis cf he tuoxvc id ar ent. ostndr equîp- you are wondering what my fastoiied. Thýe steel structure, M'ost people would sup contribu ,tion tothe pot o geai skyward for cighty feet, that, a qualified engincer and tewa ty, to kepwot to! on top cf which, is a fibre- spccially rained assistants other fellows dropped, carry glass cupola, which is a txvo Iwouid be required to ercot the walen bueket, and keep dollar word doncribin g bbc such a structure, instead cf place containirug instruments, wbicb, it was erecbed by per- quiet. and records pecr:iniing to fire sonnel of bhe Dept. o! Lands detoction, and xvhore bbe for- and Porests, whicb certainly cest pŽrx i make bis ob- proves their versatiiity.t TI, :Uv. ls particular The cbap in charge of the t type cf clapela is soilnet'hing entire projecl was F'orester t naw, h iii ( îr; its sponsors Earl Kelly; bis depuly was( In i20BooStW. a.te i Toronto, Aug., 19, 1960. Ms oga aeo a ~'iDear Editor: anoque, daugbter of Don ~~~ ~and Now that the fanfare o!Km o!Bwavle ï, Ji-o! grade 13 resulîs bas died the wxnner o! bbc 1959 Olds. I d~~~~~~cown, il migit be weîî formoiecrnbcdaw i '" some o! us 10 have a second annual carnival held by i~it n Pas \.> ~ ê~v4llook aI studenîs' accomplisb- Brancb 178 o! bbc Canadian I ments, and for bbc manner Legioti. e rom Th Statesman Files in wbicb tbey stand compari- D.Frank M. haly son.I hae ben axea anywho was recently appoinîco questions rgrigtedf Dog Control Officer, for Bow- 25 YeLars Ago 49 Years Ago ference betw eecn Toronto manvîlle and Darling to n Metr stdens an ou ofTownsbip, slarlcd bis duties (Aîîg. 29, 1935,1 (August 31, 1911) town students, espccîally bbc here on Monday. The iggey atthe oysmanner in wbich one studenl Th piggery hol a li Bos' Metro te1ieceKeitb Albert BilictO.D., Soîol ai xasmete o bc ieceAuto-, manville or Grmb tdn a mng bbe 25 Canadian Pr;L1ydesoo; oci by fire on mobile Cmay BfaoOpbT.y uuintwsaomris "[Lcerilen. Tie N.Y,. bas been visiting bus the students are bewildered cd bbc "Doctor o! Optomctry"I' lir j, e2evýjte bave stiart - mothran bhr essr.,o S temecibde-dgeea e ed i" r ,1 ý k from a stove Il. W . and W . E. je wcil s, ce I e p c c i e n c r e a eent convoca- in he oon-. Sa'. , I nc rqieetst n.tion o h oleeo p F- H. BunsIl. A vcry pretty wcdding took 1 versity stîpulate oniy nine tometry, Toronto. Wei3ounsaIci- lac ttehmeo r n and tbc Higb Sehools beachi After being held ta a 6-6 tic wellkaow Bovmaniil cil plce a th bore o Mr.andonly nine subjects in grade 13. in bbc firsl ae Bowmn iznei~:'ihi is 77ti birtli- Mn;1. W. Werry, Solina, on WeIl Ibere is a secret about ville Olympiaaoerpowercd d,':y on S en-,Au r. 24th, Tflursday aflernoon, AugList tbc malter; bbc local crop at- Cobourg 16-4slu bake a 1-0 whlie o c~I~c coi'gratu- 24tb wben their eldest daugi- lendslehools wbahicbrwrite2aor edge in bbc besl o! tbnee ser- lations fiem bis mony friends. ber, 'Della, was uniied in the 3 rde1 pprsnGrd C-:'railoi sl Mis s boly bonds o! matrimony! 12, and 9 or 10 in Grade 13ilr e aeatalyhdt 1Wr.ore 'i, ron obtainun- witb Mr. A. L. Pascoe, second Ta ae lpsil o avr we t he aclually btad >ber J.n're-xanin Or:l onofMr. and Mrs. Thos. student 10 sccm tLo excel when madvetis to bbc studnds oha F rench i îe atdn sum- Pascoe, Hampton. he aclually bas îwo tries aI oe a vilbe n n -,i r.N"nObreAnd Miss Gladys Westaway iS il. However I must admit in b'save esuil a! bis alio mr boi aI-o0,borneandaking a business course at some cases close lu me, bbchave use sndabof bulmake 1f.ad r. I'îry orne Remington Business College, studenîs bad 10 take subjecîsluse ormouands f ollyars. a1r.nd ':r. W y-'.71e r o n toToronto. wilbeut instruction as there Wiying hdormsa fo ycars nt '%~i Mrs.B. MtWaricaMisswas confliet in time o! clas-Wielteissaeole- M .Ms .M anIMs otiable aI lite banks, we lend iti. . . \boIa, mnaerKate and Master Day arc vis- ses, so wc must give them up to $500 a year bo a stu- of o3 l f Coriîu'o, as ne- iting relatives in Toronto. Ierde dent mainly on character, and ten'd ctyalerviitngc isGay edn a There may be a tendency aur belief in bis necd. Su, if bis paci\I1r. and Mrs. S. acccpted a position as Miii- for soine parents to wisb their you know o! nnyonc in Dur- Wba-c, R'i't- lJiee. Mer in Napance. children attend cd Toronto ham Counly wbo migbl needi C~"-i'.l îrAroib'ld ac Mis Mggi Fetcer asScbools wbere tbcy. would some help in meeting bbc in- do -l nd Lay VoMaec-, eenMisitinggfiendstchr ai sbave botter advantages. I cncasing costs a! Education ca! d an ad!kard. should point out that back in aI Toronto, dispel their imid- v. Ci arA Ms. . r. T .Kly b 1915 and 1916 my broîher and iîy and bave tbem cali me T r. . o un Jr. n ciprocity candidate, is spend-IScbool wberc il was the rule uine. Il. Torl "ow, ad ling a fexv days in West Dur- 1 b ref er bo Grade 12 as Junior 1 aeIe 13.~~~~~ Ilhed'1,Yin n am this week allending Maîriculation and Grade 13 as Ihae en watching bbc il. m 7,n!er't S'nd I ry wi meetings and getting acquain- Senior Matriculation. Wbat graduai change in your paper, lte. ri 2~-. C i. pc- ed with eleclors. the Toronto scoîls accom- its format, ils editoriais, and cor nt Big Barv Point. Prof. R. 0. Joliffe, 13.A., o! plished in 4 years for Junior ils rcadiness 10 !ight for Bow- Mr. ir î'nC ýinstock, man- Wesley College, Winnipeg, Matriculation, was finisbed manville and Durham inter- ager of Sliopoa,-rdi andl Gi wilh bis wi!e and Iwo boys, in tbree years at Port Hope, esîs. If I can bornow four dol- ~id us iccoi-npiiiyinl a 1lis visiting ab bis faiber's, Rcv. so unwitlingly Ibose a! us lars wben my subscrîption parýy cf Ontanlo cool deai- T._W. Joliffe. wbu passed tbrougb ils por- cumes up for renewal, I wil er.s t0 Scnant on, Penin. Principal T. G. Baker and tais became mental freaks so take il for another year. In Mrs. J. C. Camuns o! the.1 sons Vernon and Herbert are 10 speak, graduating abcad o! any evenl you may lic inter- Trajing ,ýSobool stlifr bas rc- holîdaying in Toronto. oun age group as compared bo esled ta learn thal having left turnedf frem ba2r cottage at Mr. J. B. Marlyn is having the rest o! Ontario. I bave bad lb in my waibing room one VieiTvle Lake Scu gog. bis barncss store painted; also a chance bu observe two others day by accident, I noticcd ENFIELD: A mu'-icale was Bounsaîl block . o! Ihat cra, Ken Pbiilips wbo people preferrcd il as read- gîveuur-ce'rbY bie pupdls Littlie s Jancy Mason came from Dale and wbo is ing material to other inaga- o! Mrs. G. Dowin-un at the entertained a number o! ber now presidenl o! bbc Ontario zincs. And many came from lion cf Mr. J.r'. Assist-- utIle friends Friday after- Dental Association, and Ciare around Durham,. Sa kecp im- ing ant-b were, Mis Alicelnoon. Carruthers from Garden Hill, praving bbc papen. Il is now Ashion and Mr. John Slem-on, 1 Newcastle: W. H. Gibson whom I sec quite often aI an office gem Enn' killon; 3?ihis Irone Leask, uculdown anc row o! pear Rotary meetings, and who bas Bil Bresli.i Wieck, and Master Neil Mc- 1Irees bo prevent bligbt from a sense o! humor. JusI lie- CulIcc'. I spreading. cause I failcd to necognize him Maple Grox'e: Congratula-1i Orono. Wes Thornion, dro- wibh bis bald head as com- lions to Miss Winnic Gibson' ver, had tbc fingers o! bbc pared ta bbc shock of hair and Mr. Wmn. Brown on their rigbt hand jammcd by a carl- e wore aI Port Hope, afler marrb.Mrs. J. D. Pikard drpngobemwnlad forty ycars lic remarked that th e (E entcntained about 25 mcm- ing hogs aI Newcastle. he kncw me way back when. bers and ex-moebers of the Solina: Mr. Norman Rey- Wc have since neviewed aid Busy Wnrkars Class wben a nolds will beach Mitcbell's limes and have agreed Ihat misceilaneous shoxver w as Corners School. Pont Hope Higli did wefl by given in bonor o! bbc bride- Hampton: Messrs. A. Tre- al a! us. i to-be. noulli and Norman Tbickson If there arc any students'n Couirlice: Master Donald1 caplured some nice fish aI coming to Toronto University, Jack:c~a underwent a bonsil Lake Scugog. tbey sbould be adviscd ta fam- openabion in Cshawa b ospitl. Enficld: Mr. W. G. Ormis- ilianize bhcmselves wilh al Orco.o: Miss Ed'th Dent, ton is at Toronto Fair in, the facilies available for dauitor of Mr. and Miýrs. L. charge of several horses. bunsaries, loans and awards. A. Dont, xvili enter the Osb- Tyrone: Mr. and Mrs. John, Every College and Facully awa hospital to train for nur- Tae Sr., Long Sault, bave bas some graduale funds ta sin.g. taken up residence wilh their administer, and anc cager and Hamnoton: M,%rs. S. Williams daughîer, Mrs. R. Hatherley . wiliing to assisl a studenl ln is confinecj lu bcd witb a1 Enniskiilen: Dr. H. Alex- need. There is no cmbarrass- scalded leg. ander atbcnded a convention ment, nu need lu louik hun- Tyrone: lIt the 1935 crop of 1inl Toronto lasI week. 1 gry, nu necd ta tell a bard clover, Miss Etheil Partner bas Maple Grove: Mr. Russell luce sbory in order ta be con- 77 four boaf clovrs, 24 five Perkins i aigi h a-sdrdfraBrayo on leaf clovels, 3 six lea.! clovers vetes Exauin inbbchn sdhed ora urssoriaLon. vesr xcrson ta th lubb Aumi soiaio and 1 seven. Wes with whlich 1 am eost fam- f t (August 27, 1959) les for bbc Juvenile League Fnom ail reports tbe village tille. of Hampton had an im- Newcastle: Mrs. J. Huiler promptu rodeo o! is own one wins Wellington Foster Cup day lasI week. A 1,200 pound at Hortîultuiral Show. bull awaiting slaughter at Orono: Mrs. J. Noden and the abattoir decided il was daugbter, Viola, wbo enjoyed too young to die and took off a motor trip to tbe Maritimes ;hnougb a window. Frank have neturned home. Grof and Leslie Jaggers o! Blackstock: Mr. Earl Dor- the abbatoir evenlually cau- reIl lefi Tbursday on a motor tripanavisit wILiti rios in Western Canada and points enroute. L Hampton: A goodly num- ber of community friend3 and neighbours met ai tice 1home of Mir. and Mrs. H-arl-vicl ,Truil on Saturday evening for La surprise and fareweli party for lbem prior to taking up nesidence in Bwmanville. JO +iE ROUND TI Going Tuesday, Auguc.t 23rdl toSaturday, Septemrbor lili.i.ý'- j Return irrii-Sctcm Lcr 4 For fares and train sorvica contact your local n-ent. '2-6C je z H'appy \. w corne :7 from they .. . ... . ... ..........- (ANKOFMONTREAL- ow to i e le ~4~ ~ aD puir incae f'de (-7 -- -- --- --- - Thousands f Canadi:n ful - î b~~ave found tJiuet the mndcrn ý-jjap- Bmiq ~ proach t 1 hr emcrsonai crdIît QRn noenecds is wrh a ow-cost B cf Mý' IJI~~~~~~ §itb4 ~4efîn Durham County s Great Farni)y Journal Esiablished 106 years ago in 1854 Yours for the asking ai your aeighbourhood B of M lile-insured lban. Ask abotl fle DBuel cf Monîncal Fanuiiy 1-'r)iace Plan at youn nch'lîhiiour- hoodBofM brancit oduyl Produc.d Every Thursday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIM1TED P.O. Box 190 62e86King St. W., Bowmanville', Ontario GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS ADVTG. MANAGES BUSNESS MGR. WOWKNG WJTH CAMADIANS M MEVRY WAIK OF LUTES UkJ PAM mu 1 J SUGAR and SPICE:-. This has been uite a sum- She's just had about ail she deliglît fui week's holi d a'y mer, in our fa iY. For years cau stand. And su on. with 11ll ]OvN-"" mii re 1 was certain that our dom- ** uniteü, and norto'n do for estic life was hectic to the So we sit up until 4 a.m. seven whole d:îvS. Lxcept pub-. ultimate degree. Now I know drinking coffee and stuff, and. ii a palier, Sein a Ioul,,c aind better. I have realized that trying to outdo each othlŽr bu-inc,ý, pa -,-'-ila 1141 "' t> our normal home Ille was as with details of the ordeai aio,' Wr towil 1C9, placid as a millpond. Perhaps we've been through. Accord- and igr out hIiw we -Co IR pond in which people wereI ing to me, I study until _' ing to get fk fr:. jc ro always drownin .Pr aa o'clock in the morning. and a licuse NV ýh 9 W ,Je r S pond into whi somebody am at the end of my resources. in' a luousc IvI,; 6sînl was always hurling boulders. According to hier, she's doin mroins. But nevertheless, a veritable the work of three womcon, ** millpond, compared to the running a house and a bus A ina]itbLilnu- rolling flood waters of this ness and bringing up a familv i i il f be a n summer. I haul out ail my schooibooks UO l Il r s No: b re ***to show lber bow much work I ln '11 r 1" 0 [L~' 1' dT My own part lu It makes! have to cover. She drags rïwl of r'iII but an eul h the celebrated Dr. Jekll-MWr. out to the Iaundry ronm and C' Iw. V 1 Hlyde look os weil-ad.iiust,-d Ps makes me look carefuly a ý"ltazw o a Sunday School superintend- the heap of washing she lui 'h i jj '0 let. In the city, 1 arn the to do. Neither of us %vill gi e lu1'-_ hv P' t umc'-id I, ak keen student, the dedieated an inch. Ail this gets the î bt teacher. Wth other student-Iweekend off to a refreshin«-01one e"il t C Pl teachers. I spend ours grave- 1start. Wheý I ni 1'b ly discussing the vital aspects***a i I~li îýý cf educa4ion, like l'how muce, h es f t e e k n a :.i i they gonfla pay you?" and' maintains the Pace. The h' y ri ieoMni . "Iguess we'Il hafta sneak ourý appear on t'le scelle e.-riv, ~ beer Ili after dark, when we' brown, hea!thiy. and jw'Lî start teaching." squirming . -viýh ecin e r -,y * * *They've h2d 10 houir.s I-cf P' On weekend.s, I rush homeTe o' ar 'eie and am transformed into' droin front slcer exuaustion, a r d le n t husband, devoted, as long as 1 go swimmniing if i bi-tme thein. There ziiý 64 tIiijn'is to btterfl, eiad ' t re ocal do at the office. Somneboy binvites us audtbe cottageefo estate operator. The theory is invts si te'otaefoi that I go home every weekend quiet supper and a plei'-lanL tN to get away from the arduous e"en'n» ron«li irp the cool, dlean, nortbern air.ohr 1petee vohv The reaiity is that I ciimb on no intenion o pnd the train Sunday night for the quiet eeig trip back to the city, looking b u e m n tsb tri '/ as though a cross word wu< time, Sunday cvening, w make me burst into tears, and raiew aehniccso feein a toug Iha benimportant things to discîuss ( keel-ha ied. *M y w ife bas anoth e su g > .1 **of self-puty. The kids wvlail1:i At the ther end, things "Hey Dad, you just gel here- arent much better. Wlen 1 And I wearily pack my un - i get home, the Old Girl has toucbed books back int th just been through a gruelingi suitease, forget my shavini- week lu the editorial chair.i brush and toothpaste, and wve She is firmly convinced thatlhead for the train. There is nobody appreciates hier. The a great orgy of waving as the .; klds have been getting lippy. train pulls out, and anothe r There_- bas- been- 16-- long- refreshing weekend is clownî distance calls for me, and the drain.i what It was ail about, which However, bad timcs, nu es infuriates her. --A subseriber than good, must corne- to Z nI il<~_' bas bawled ber out. She bas end. My course ends tij ' bawled out a good advertiser. week. And then wve have a &4 \ / DO YOU REMEMBER ' B RAYIAN FA Just One Year Ago ? OT y-- A y-% 0 TMMSDAY, AUG. 25th. i.qim u gl n ts kt y n 71 d r. n ýS .1

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