-- - - j- - .~, ~ . - w 4- stan MXTM MAPLE ' f.and M .lirs E Schumnr î rck- and Jimimy, Girard 0h10, spent Iast week witi tI. and'-Mns. Tom McGufr] and fanily. MrW and Mrs. Stan Aunger *dmnton, Alberta, visited Ifr.and Mrs. Gardon Beech 4nd faznily, last week. Mrs. E. Ashton was a week- idvsitor with Mr. and Mrs ~aTraveil, Oshawa. t% Miss Carolyn Carr, Bow- *ianville, visited lier grand. other Mrs. Aylmer Beech ]hot week. Mrs. George Collacutt, St. tatharines and Miss Marjarie Collacutt, Salem, visited Wr *nd Mrs. Les Collacutt last Wednesday. SMns. Rose, Toronto; Mrs. S. Tyler and Mns. Alfred Lee- tooze were recent visitors witki Mrs. Aylmer Beecli. Miss Diane Hoan entertain- 4*d eight girl friends on the ocasion of her Ilth birthday on August 15. Mrs. H. Greer, Oshawa, and Miss Gloria Eaton, both lea- chers at Courtice School vis- ited Mns. Ted Hoar an Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert La- brecque and family visited Mn. and Mrs. Charles David- son in Cobourg an Sunday. Little David Brown bas re- turned home afterbeing lias- We'n faster thoan oreased Iightning when it cornes ta service! 'We always make it a point ta sjive oun policyholders. fast, ithorough insurance help 'when they clli oh ud. If 3rou're thinking about protec- tion for youn family .. . home car ... . business, be sure to $ive us a cal-today. STUAIT E1 JAMES INSURANCE REAL ESTATE LiaS.L EL owmanvile Off lesResidence puA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 FREE! FREE! With every purchase of $1.00 or more of GASOLINE - OIIL '- ACCESSORIES yo>u wil! receive Bonus Coupons entitling you to FREE GIFTS! Catalogue Available at Service Station For your couvenience Service Station willbe openfront7 a.m. to l p.zm 'lmC 1 NSTTIEN UWAWUX MARM Lifting the Final Section of the Cupola- - '~ - ~ i GROVE n,j pltalie iToronto following d,1 an acdent thnee weeks aga. Lh Mr. and Wrs. Elnier Haw',, ,kWhitby; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Grahiam, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swal- ýd law and Mrs.'F. Ashton Iast ,h Tuesday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Bill David- c- son, Toronto, spent last week- 9. end with Mn. and Mrs. Ron Rogers and dauglitens. 1- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snaw- 1- den are visiting Mn. and Mrs. ýh Howard Hagedorn, Peters- tburg, this week. ýe Miss Janice Beech enjay- red last week at the Scliool îfor Leaders at Wliitby Ladifes College, as a delegate fnom the Oshawa Presbytery, Jan- Ice reports a wondenful week hand was glad of the company of lien cousin, Miss Lois Ash- tan of Enniskillen. e Mn. and Mns. Hanold Rich.- yardson and Miss A. Ringland, Scarbarougli, wene guests of jMn. and Mns. Clifford Swal- low and Mrs. F. Ashton on Wednesday. *Mn. and Mns. Sam Seymour, Sheila, Wendy and Wayne 1 spent their liolidays at a cot- -tage on Redstone Lake with Mns. L. Fowler and Len of -Bowvmanville. Miss Lenore -Fowler Bowmanvile is spend- ing this week wvitli her aunt, Mrs. S. Seymour. Congratulations ta Laird Wilton, wha received the Royal Canadian School of Ar- tillery Tnopliy fan the Higli- es'. Militany Standard, when be graduated at Camp Shilo, Manitoba. Mn. Russell Penkins and daugliter Margaret, Zion, cal- led an Mn. and Mns. Cliff Swallow on Thunsday. Mins. E. Ashton, Mrs. Gar- don Beecli and Bannie and Danlene Webben attended the Stainton picnic at Enniskillen hall on Saturday.j Miss Sandra Snowden and two girl friends fnam Kitch-,- enen, wene weekend guests o!' Mn. and Mrs. Ron Rogers. t Mn. and Mrs. Robent Smithla and family, Bnooklin, called a on Mn. and Mirs. Del Hends- h bee dn Thursday.h Mns. Fred Ashton bas ne-a turned ta lier home in Ton-h onto, after a five week stay e- with ber daugliter, Mns. Clif-T fond Swallow. M Miss Janice Beecli is a guest of Mn. and Mrs. R. Rose- borougli and daugliters' in Ot- a: tawa this week and plans ta t take in the Ottawa Fair for aP day. 0: Mns. John Aitchison and o: Billy, Blackstock, wene guests o! Mn. and Mns. Ron Rogers and family on Friday. di Mn. and Mns Del Hendsbee a and David called on Mn. and ei Mns. Fred Langie, Oshawa, 1ý on Thunsday evening. b: Mn. and Mins. Clifford Swal- ai low, accompanied by Mn. and .ai Mins. Will Ashton, Ennishîllen; F Mn. end Mns. Harold Ormîs- ir ton, Enfield, spent the week- p end with relatives and friends P at Owen Sound, Kemble, Cal- tI lingwood and Barrie,1 ei Miss Mary Jane Lavertyt tives in Dunnviile, Wella: and Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. Weldon BroN and Pamela spent two weel holiday visiting lier parer Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tapl at Ripples, N.B., and Mn. a: /Irs. Thomas Brown at Lo, er Soutlihampton, N.B. Mv Thiomas Brown returned hai with themn for two weel On Saturday evening b and Mns. Del Hendsbeee tertained twenty young pe ple at a corn raast in banc of hen sisten, Miss Dora O'ni of Oshawa, wlia celebrat, hen l8tlibintbday. Mns. H. G. Freeman ai [auglitens were liostesses f adouble miscellaneous sha' nr on Manday evening, Au 5tli for Miss Gail Snowde bride-to-be, Mrs. Gary Pic nrd, who came from Holai and lias been nesiding Fredericton, N.B., are spen ing their liolidays with 1 parents, Mn. and Mrs. Denr Pickard. The guests includi the immediate relatives, se eral o! whomn had neyer ni thein new cousin, Mrs. Ga: Pickand. Bath neceived a le ely lot o! useful gifts, aft wîich a deliciaus lunch w 3eved and a social time ei ,yed by aîl. W.M.S. Meeting The Apnil meeting o! Vl W.M.S. was held in basemei )n Apnil 6th. President Mi Creenliar opened the mi Ling and conducted the bus iess. Wonship and progra: vas in change o! Mns. A. Lai: ind Mns.- S. Morton. Mr mmid took èharge o! wanshi ssisted by Mrs. C. H. Snov ln. Mins. Cecil Jeffeny nea he scripture. Study Book t zen by Mrs. S. Morton an Vs. M. Burgess. Meetir Iosed by ml repeating ti Eizpali Benediction. The May meeting o! W.M.' iet in tlie basement on Wed Eay 4th. Mirs. S. Morton ai îed the meeting in the ai ence of Mrs. C. Greenhar Ires., and conducted the bus iss. Wonship and prograi r charge o! Mrs. F. R. Stei ns, Mns. L. Collacutt, wh ok charge o! worship an iognam, assisted by Mrs.( effeny. Mrs. H. Brooks, sul: ýct being on "Wonld's Refu e., Year". Mns. F. R. Stever xpnessed ber views an peaci ns. L. Collacutt, a readînj Sel SE C et n a: Le dE th: kE c]i lmi en se: Pr ne in er tai pr Je jel gel Mi ,Weekly Newspapermen To Meet in Vancouver 1 More than 400 representa-- bia chancellor. -tives a! weekly newspapens Presentation will be made ýfrom acrass Canada are ex- during the convention a! the 2 1960 Betten Newspapers Aw. pected ta attend the 41st an- ards, given annually by the nuai convention of the Can- CWNA in recognition o! out- adian Weekly Newspapers As- standing achievement. Indlu- sociation in Vancouver, Sep- ded are awands for the best rtember 12, 13 and" 14. ail-round papen, best editor- Theme o! the confenence is ial page and best front page "Pacific 60" and delegates in the vaniaus circulation wiil examine the importance graups. of trade with Pacific count- Chairman a! the sessions nies. wili be CWNA President Les- Among canvention high- lie E. Barber of the Chilli- 7liglits will be a report on Rus- waak <B.C.) Pnogress. Con- sia by Dr. A. E. (Da1) Grmuer, ventian prograni clainman is B.C. Electric president and Cecil Hacken, o! the Abbots- University o! Bitish Colum- fond (B.C.) News. Must Have Permit to iMove Wide Machines Along Ontario Roads Recent c a s e s involving fanmers maving extra wide equipment on the bighways without a permit bas pnomp- ted the Ontario Federation o! Agriculture ta look into the matten, according ta Gardon Green, President. "Secti o n 19 (1) o! the Highways Traff ic Act states that traction engines an dthneshing machines hav- ing a total width o! 110 inches are permissable, but some o! the modern day machinery exceeds thîs widtli by several inclies". "Howeven, the Ontario De- pantment o! Transport reports that it lias a new policy in e!- fect, whicli allows farmers ta get a spocial permit ta move their extra uide ar,r.n-.an+n ways.99 "Possibly the pnoblem calîs for a study o! the Act with the idea o! requesting amend- ments, so that farmens need not obtain special permits,"1 Mni. Greer continued. "4The only othen recourse is fan the machinery designers ta pro- duce frm equipment that is xithin the nequirements o! the Higliways Act. In the meantime, I urge ail farmens ta observe proper caution on the highways ta avoid acci- dents ta tliemselves and other people." ENNISKILLEN family visited Mr. and Mns. Blake Cox, Orland. Mns. Harold Skinner, Ty- rone; Mns. L. Goodman, Bow- manville, wene Sunday visit- ons at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sliarp's. Miss Anne Skinner, aTyrone, is holidaying a few 9days with the Shanp's. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Zilven- smit, Maple Gnave; Mn. and Mns. Grant Wenry, Mn. and Mns. E. A. Werny, Bert and tBetty Jane, visited Dr. and Mrs. Câark Danland and John mIsa Dr. and Mns. Clark Wer- n y, wlio have been enjoying cottage life at Williams' Paint during the montli o! August. Mn. and Mrs. Fred, Toms were Sunday tea guests o! Mn. and Mns. Wm. MeCabe, Yelventon. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Butson and fmmily wene at thein cot- tage on Pigeon Lake, visitons at The Butson's wene Mn. and Mns. Joe Crawford and boys, Orono; Mx. and Mrs. Ga Cawker and !amily. Visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Avery's wene Mn. and Mrs. Max Johinson and Scott, Oshiawa. Thursday ev- ening callens, Mn. and Mrs. Irvin Cook, Mrs. Effie Lutes, Scarbonougli, Friday evening visitons, Mn. and Mns. Norman Avery and family, Salem; Miss Margaret Rombougli, Aj- ax; Mn. Alfred Skayies, Gaît, were Saturday evening vis- itons. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin and' Rodney with Mn. and Mns Russell Gilbert, spent Sunday in Bobemygeon and Fenelon Falls. Mn. and Mrs. R. Burns,1 Oshawa; Mn. and Mirs. D.' Racklimm, Lee and Linda, Missi Joan Ormiston, Bowmanville;! Mn. and Mrs. J. Lyon and , fammly, Mrs. G. Adcock and' Harry, Mn. and Mrs. S. Ker- sey, Hampton, were Saturdayi evening guests a! Mr. and Mrs. d., Murextr .ia equpm .. iiaruiu AstolDf n onour Il/r.1 13 withcut being charged for vio- vnîday evening seve r a and Mns. D. Rackham on their b- lating the Act," Mr. Greer friends and relatives were 2th wedding annversary. nsaid. "Ail a farmer has to do, presenit at the lion-ie of Mrs. Mn. and Mins. Ivan Parrott Mi epasonmvn qi A. Leadbeater when Miss Car- and Jeanne, Oshawa, in com-; M- ment by road, is ta apply to roi Wright, bride-to-be, was v- the Speciai Permits Division, the honoured guest of a mis- ÉM-4 -. no Depantment of Transpo rt, cellaneous shower. U.,Ibank F'icnic id Parliament Buildings, Toron- Two car laads of ladies at- C. to. The permit is good until tended the Thursday even- bOctoben 14. After that, hie will ing sessions of the School for Hield at Solina' U_. have ta nenew the permit if Leaders at O.L.C., Whitby, ns he wishes to continue moving and heard an address by Miss The annual Gilbank reunion, le is equipment on the higli- Christine Baxten, retired Mis- was held Saturday, August' _____________- sianary from India, and Miss 2th at Solina's Community, Mns. Stevens also gave a M. Stevens who is to begin Hall. reading on Africa. Meeting her Mission work in Angola, A few clan members gather- closed with.a hymn, Mizpah Africa. ed for dinner and more gath- Benediction. Miss Lois and John Hope, ered during the afternoon taý The June meeting of W.M.S. Port Perry are holidaying with enjoy the suppen meal together. met in the basement on June1 their cousin Miss Gail Hope. Sixty-nine ti ail attended.i lst. Meeting apened with pe Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Relatives came from Sauina,! sident in the chair, who con- osadCalsad cousin Hampton, Bowmanville, New-i ducted the business; no fur- Robert Dalton were visitons castle, Oshawa, Orono, Belle- ther business. Mrs. H. T. at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ash- ville, Blackstock, Midland and' Brooks took charge of wrhpton's, Purple Hill. Vancouver, B.C. ana pnogram, ass:sted by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lock- The resuits of the sports pro-. L. Collactitt, Mrs. S. Tyler, hart, Misses Ina and Mae gramme were: Pre-school-11 Mns. H. Brooks, passages Of Lockliart, Toronto; Mr. and David Larmen, 2 Billy Gilbank;: scripture. The beatitu des Mrs Frank Dorland, Bow- girls, 6-8-1 Donna Gilbank, 2 wene read in unison. Mrs. M.* manville; Mn. and Mrs. Stan. Karen Yeiiowlees; boys, 6-8-1 Burgess gave a reading onl ley Turner, Oshawa, at Ai- Tony Balson, 2 John Larmer;. Afnica. Meeting closed by all bent Oke's. girls, 9-11,-Virginia Balson;1 dicetin the Mizpah Bene- Gog edeae oia~ boys, 9-11-Donald Huribut;' dicton.Geore Ladbeterholiay-girls, 17 and aven-Margaret of .M.. ~ ed in Toronto for a week with Larmen; boys, 17 and aver- July meetingofWMSOP his cousins, Murray and Dale Hanold Balson; wheclbanrowl ened in the shied, as the piano Leadbeater. o race-Donald and Linden Huri-! bad been left there from an- Miss June Irwin, Toronto but; tlinee-legged race-David! niversany, while some decora- is having a week's holiday Larmen and Brenda Yeilow-' ting was being done in the with lier cousin, Miss Donna lees; ladies' slioe-kick-Eldai' basement, with Mrs. C. Gre- Gail Irwin. Hrbt e' hekc- enham in the chair, conduct- Mr. and Mns. Eanl Trewin,1 Hunîbu; ymen's st oeic- ing the business. Worship Doneen and Donald, accom- Dou Cnch; yttande lter.n pragnam in charge or Mrs. C. panied Mr.and Mrs. E. C. Haoresn-AnteMnrolte Greenham, Mrs. A. Beecli. ta Belleville, Picton and Wel- Taylor, twin daughters ofMn Scniptunes wene nead by Mrs. lington on Sunday. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor; oldestj C. H Snowden; solo, Mrs. C. Mn. and Mns. Ross Page and persan pnesent-Mrs. Albert, Russell, "The Lond's my Shep- family, Hampton; Mn. and Balson.1 herd". Mns. H. G. Shaw Of Mrs. Dawson Beckett and In the absence of the presi- Bowmanville, gave a taik on. family, Maple Grave; Mn. and dent Ernest Gilbank, the vice- "Art Galleries", most wvon- Mrs. Dan Fletcher and Ken- president Mns. Everett Cryder- derful Gallery we have ever ny, Mrs. C. B. Rice, Landon; mari conducted the business. known, found in the Bible, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Moore The picnic for 1961 wlll bel portrait of ideal womner found wene Sunday visitons at Mn. held on the third Saturday aof' in the last chapten of Pro- and Mr$. Floyd Beckett's. August at Couchiching Park,l venbs." Mrs. Sliaw closed lien Tommy Beckett remained fan Oilila with dinner at 12:30' talk witli a prayen and all a visit witli Wayne Beckett P.n repeated the Mizpah Benedic- and Mrs. C. B. Rice is spend- The afficers fan 1961 are:1 tian. inga couple a! weeks with Past Pres., Ernest Gilbank; The Aug., W.M.S. meeting ber brother Mn. and Mrs. W. President, Mrs. Everett Cryden-' opend in tlie basement with H. Moore. man; Vice-Pres., Carl Churci;ý Pnes. Mns. C. Gneenham con- Mr. and Mns. Floyd Peth- Sec'y-Tneas., Mns. Clarence i ducin the business. Wor- ick and Robini, Toronto, with Trigg; Sports Committee, Mn.! shpad prograni in change Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick. and Mrs. Carl Churcli; Tableý Mrs. C. Jeffery, Mrs. H. R. Miss Olive Luke, Toronto; Comxittee-Mr. and Mrs. Allen~ Foley. Those assisting wene Mn. and Mins. Harvey McGill, Hurîbut, Mns. Mildred Wheel- Mns. A. Beecli, Mrq. H. J. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry anden, Miss Stella Sharp. Braoks, Mns. C H. Snowden.lIBetty Jane, Mn. Jas. A. Wen- Following supper the cbild- iMrs. S. Tyler, Mrs. M. Bur- 1 ny wene with Mr. and Mrq. nen bad a candy scramble and1 gess. Meeting clased by aliIRaIlDh Vintue. ýthe adults visited until tinie to Irepeating the Benedictions. 1Mr. and Mn..Bd Coi and part fon anather Year. ~s.:.- '*---...........'T~.- r 111/ s 4 k '5c *4 *1 I For Old Appliances Cet Cash Today through ST A TEÉ S M A N C L AS S 1F1E DS Pbone MArket 3-3303,. BEST BARGAINS! 1959 CHEVROLET V-8, 2-DR. Autommtic, padded dash, O.K. condition. Two te choose from ---- -- 1958 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. 6-cyl., radio, dlean inside and out, new tires 1955 MERCURY 2-DR. V-8, sports tone 1955 PONTIAC 4-DR. V-8, radia, new rubber______ $1,995 $1,595 $ 895 $ 8951 1955 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN 6-cyl., radia, new blue $___895__ 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-D&. 61-cyl., radio. New white$ and green -$69 1953 CHRYSLER 2-DR. HARDTOP 6-cyl., automatic, small mileage. Original 2-tane green $ 595 20 mIg St. L TUU5MAI, AJU. 2804 10 1 pany with Mn.and Mrs. A. L. Wa and Susan, spent a zcck at Lake Skootamatta. Mn. and Mrs. John Slemon and Robert, Mn. and Mrs. John Gniffin, Muriel and Robent, spent Sunday'at Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jack- son and Stanley, Toronto, wene weekend visitons at Mn. and Mns. R. J. Ormiston, wbo ail visited Mn. and Mns. An- thur Tamblyn, Cambnay. Missz-es Marie Beckett and Mantha Boyd spent a week at Camp Pretoria. Mn. Claude Vanhoizen, for- nierly of Ceylon, now of the Renabie Gold Mine is spend- ing his vacation with Mn. and Mns. F. A. Boyd and family. Mr. and Mns. Milton Stain- ton were visitons at J. D. Brown's and Ed. Millson's, Orono. Mn. and Mirs. C. Avery and family, wene Sunday visitons at Mrs. Cynil Avery's, New- castle. Mns. T. Cowling, Haydan, was a guest of Mns. E. A. Wenny on Wednesday, also Mrs. Clarence Marlow. Black- stock, was dinnen guest at the E. A. Wenry home Thuns- day. Mn. and Mirs. A. L. Wean and Susan were Sunday callers1 at Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Green, Brighiton, and wene with Mn. and Mins. A. Telfer, Toronto. Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Harvey MeGilI. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, 1 visited Mr.and Mrs. H. Stev-: ens and attended the Stainton picnic. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt' wene visitons with Mn. and Mrs. H. Carnochan, Broôklin. Mn. and Mirs. Carl Ferguson wene visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Don Carr's, Bowmanville. Mrs. Fred Wright, Maple Grave, visited Friday evenîng witli Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Miss Sandra Werny spent a few days with ber grandruan- ents, Mn.' and Mrs. . A. Wer- ryMn. and Mrs. N. E. Wriýght, Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wrighit, Lawrence and Betty wr Sunday visitons witliMn.: and Mrs. Joe Muller and Mn.1 Jim Muller, Castleton. Lune Auto Body 24 HOUR TOWING No. 2 Highway, East Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3073' Complete Collision Repairs Portable Electric and Acetylene Weldiné Refinishing SATISFACTION GIJAEANTED ON ALL CARS a 0 . OnIy 4 New 1960 Cars Leli 1 PLYMOUTH FURY V8, TORQUE FLITE SEDAN 1 VALIANT 6-CYL 4-DOOR SEDAN 2 SIMCAS, 4-CYL. 4-DOOR SEDANS 3 DENONSTRATORS. a0Like New 1953 METEOR 4-DR. V-8, new green 1953 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. 6-cyl., radio,. 2-tone blue --- 1952 PONTIAC 4-DR. 6-cyl., new gney. Clean ------- 1952 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 6-cyl., new black. Clean --------- 1951 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Bowmanville $ 545 $ 495 $395 6-cyl., black. O Very decent --_____$ 8I 1951 DODGE 4-D&. 6-cyl. AS is..._____ $ 95 50 - 50 30-DAY WARRANTY MA 3.50 87 5fr * ~t j k USL'D A REAL CLEAN mUP SALE!l Bowman ville High School September, 6, 1960' Buses will make their routes according to the following schedule and pupils are requested to be at the roadsides to meet the buses as iudicated : Courtice shift to arrive at 7:50 a.m. and leave at 1:15 p.m. Bowmanville shift to arrive at 12:45 p.m. and leave at 5:40 p.m. Thse cafeteria wil! serve milk and sandwiches during both the moru- lng and afternoon recesi. The regular service at the cafeteria will b. available front 12:45 to 1:30. Since pupils have received their book lists and form information, Tuesday, September tis, wil! b. a full school day. Si>me second baud books wil! b. on sale in thse Assembly Hall during &ie flrst day .uly. Grade EUI and Senior Commercial students will be picked Up and arrive at ths chool at 9-00 and buses willI retura at 4o.00 1 SAVOY V-8, TORQUE FLITE, 4-DOOR SEDAN 1 SAVOY 6-CYL., TORQUE FLITE 4-DR. SEDAN 1 VALIANT 6-CYL. SUBURBAN 4-DR. SEDAN, TORQUE FLITE Used Car Bargains Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PYMOUTH CARS . . . FARGO TRUCKS VALIANT AND SIMCA CARS BASE LIRE. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Cny- derman and family visited ne- cently with Mr. and Mns. Wal- ter Lord and girls at Mil- brook. Misses Barbara and Bever- ley Wright spent a few days witli their aunt and uncle, Mn .and Mns. Mel Shiels, Bowmanville. Bnian and Les- lie joined tbem on Thursday. Mr. Sam Battams spent the weekend in Elgin. Master Jim- mie Tunnbul neturned ta bis home aften spending same, boiidays witIf bis grandpar- Part of the ground crew at the new fire towerl in place. The gentleman, with the wide beam, in the near Pontypool is swinging the last section of the fiber-1 overalis, at left is our grass roots columnist, Ed. Young- glass cupala into position to raise it ta the top of thel man who gives details of the operation in his article Etuge tower. The aerial crew were waiting to put itl on page four. ____________ Mns.Fre Wngbtattended ers with Mr. and M ns. K. a sowen for MisshCanal Wri- Hopkins. glit leld at the home of Mns. A. Leadbeaten, Enniskilien. IMn. and Mns. R. Dernia wene Sunday evening dinn Mn. A. Bannes and Ted guests of Mn. and Mnýs. Ne matored ta Picton on Satur-IBnawneil. î day ta attend the Hanmsworth 1Mn. and Mns. Donald Wa Trophy boat races.naaeDvi adDn' Company at a barb~ecue he1 at their. Expenimental ai at Streetsville, on Thursda Mr. O. L. (Dick) metcl Toronto, spent Sunday Wif 'bis brother Mr. and rs. R. Metcalf.1 Mn. and Mns. Howard derman and family I Mn. and Mns. Don Jose, ry West, on Sunday. Thep spent some time at MaltuS Airpont on thein way home. M . and M s. Peter M u I Wm. Murdclihns.; rdoc and daughten Lyrn xIete* _______ _______ * Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wnight, Dawnsv~ew, spent Sunda Wayne and Kenny were tlie' with M~ and Mrs. K. C. Ha guests o! the Campbell Saup I kms ___________ IOPENING ind ýwn ýk's rits, iey nd )w- nrs. mie &s. LW r. n ieil ed nd for W- îg. k- ind in id- ais ais led net ry )v- er 'as n- he ?nt 1'5. ie- si- lm ýrd "- ad ýa- id .S 1.-- leuv»MOVA-» Aqmm tàmàgL . 395 1