-- D CANADIAN 8TA1~MAN. UOWMAUVDJN, CWfA~ g] rHURSDAY, AUG. 25e, 18W - Brt1 Coming Events Notices Articles for Sa -LUXTON--Jobn and Camai! Free transportation for Bap- U. C. Mason Law Ofc AE o aeaddl - (nec Hilts) are bappy to an- tîst Church Sunday Services.1closed until August 3th. Cail Ciif Pethick, CO 3. nounce the birtb of a son, 'Phone MA 3 -3844 Saturday ev-I _____- _______32-3*1 John Archie, 7 lbs. 13 ozs., cm 'enings. 23-tii The office of Dr. Allan B. SEVEN aluminum stomni - Monday, August 22, 1960, at' Salad Supper with turkey1!Sylvester will be closed during seens, 2' 4" x 4' 43,J" Memorial Hospital, Bowman;- and ham will be serx'ed in thei the xnonth of- August. 31-4 new. MA 3-3394. ville. 34-1 ;United Church, Blackstock,i Ladies wishing te bowh in BOY'S C.C.M. bicycle,J PRECOT-Heb ad Mr-Faim Day, August 27. Aduits1tbe Monday Night 9 o'clock size, 24" tires. Good cond PcreS<nec Meband rcpîar-I150, sebool cbildren 75e. iLeague Phone Daisy Bell, MA Phone MA 3-2191. - d ta annaunce the bîth of ai ____3.-1~3-3559. 41 son Emba David on Fia, Blackstock Faim, tomomrow,j Anyone wisbung to bow in Gde OL, ofrsieh dai August 19, 1960, at Memnorial' Satumday. Go-Kart show Fmi- Women's M¶ajor League, 'phone dBel, opposite0Cre Hospital, Bowmanville. A baby dav night, big parade at 1 p.m.1 Liberty Bowi or Bernice BRu- BreM -06 -brother for Rager. 341 Satumday, livcstock show, barn- day by August 27th. 32-3 CHESTERFIELD suitabb ess racing and many ather- Music - (Vocal). Mr. M. L. reereation room or co VAN CAMP - Ricbard and features! Don't miss it! 34-1 Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Phoan-e MA 3-3755. thRub are appof ta annoaunte, Wovc nmnt eteL.T.C.L., bas a fcw vacancies KEYS cut automaticaily, the arrival ai2, 190eir Port -Monster B i n g a. Twenty for students. MA 3-7283. you wia ao Pemry Comînunity Hospital. garntvny doars; five 33-2____________ Hardware, 36 King St .4-1' games-tbirty dollars; $150 Dr. G. E. Mann's office will Bowmanville. _______ jackpot, and twa jackpots at be closed for holidays from AEonumedrc WHITE-Ted and Karen ( $250. o D oor 8 p ize.Banext Saturday, August 13 te Wed- mül toy' .Phi"lps'L Bragg) are bappy toa niel - y,8pm. e Bm.ncsday, August 31 inclusive Oyu J7iÂl5L ananeOshawa. 46-tf 32-*3 Co., Kinimount, Ont. the amival ai their daughter,' 1R ..H MSN 7 r 11. Nancy Elizabeth. 6 4iounds.1 DR.s f I'J. R.wlI e t eMll osp ODsleto sdT 14¾; ozs.. on August 17.16, cfi fT ais 1ilb tMmra optl ODslcinue at Memoial Hospital, Bow- -,J ~nW~ Bowmanville, until Labor Day. for reasonable prices. manville. 34-__ 1* .ieh xrs e Office Ilours: Afternoons 2-4 Dutch Merchant, 171 Bon tio an thnksto app rieca- Monday, Tucsday, Wcdaesday East, Oshawa.___ - ~ Deaths adnk br1finfd Friday. Evenlngs: 7-9, TWO-storey barn, 22 3 tad eghor orilwrs Monday, lVednesday and Fr-haytmbrgo - My-A th 'crIsamî gis ecevedou he ay Wcckcnds: Emergencles ideal for garages, etc. HAMER, Maude MyAtteoccasiomiofaihem 8th hirthday.I Oshawa Genemal Hospital ain 34-1 lonly. No appointment needcd. Ripîey, MA_3-2563. Thursday. August l8th, 1960' __ _____ ___ 27.9*ELCRAL episP Maue My elI blovd i T wish to thank my friends, FOR COM-PLETE service ta, eleetrical apph of Campbell W. Hamem andýni9br and relatives. also r large and small. Lander1 dear mother of Dorecn Don-iltlie ladies ai Bux-keton W.A.1nsr ce oeag wre Pon MA35 aid, David, Shirley and Kaefor aIl the gifts, cards, fruit!isrle o ra we.PneM 3-7 in hiem 39th year. Rested at anci flowvers sent ta me since- ê 1 the Robunson'Fîîneral Chape],,1 avSben11 BiAll UÂLAisAL FOR best in Aluminum I Brooklin, until Sunday floon.j Mrs. Cymus Ashton. 6CNESO STW Windows, Railings and Service at Eldad United!l 2 ONESIN T.W ing. Cail Bowrmanvile1 Chrc, aua o Smia,j ___-- MA 3-3048 Improvements. Ph oan e August 2lst, at 2:30 pain. Inter-,I We wisb ta thank Dactors Fire - Thft - Atombl 3-2753. ment Eldal ChuicI Cemnetery. -Thionpson and Hubbard. Nur-se: GLADIOLUS and eut fli 3-Martin and mî-s. Tom Bu'tervi Travel - Lite :for aIl occasions. Daiy for came and kindness ta David,- __22-tf pital delivery. Mrs. E. Pa HOGLE-At Kingston on Tues-; also aur triends for enquirie Bwmnanville. Phone M. day, August 23. 1960. in hiem made xvhile he was in SickL Help VVaftea 3-3527.2 -83rd year, Catherine Hogle, 1Childrenýs Hospital. wite of the hate Jamexs Hogle: Mm aciMr.W.H.1ioxnkINfDLYldyt am orsï GIRL'S sehool clothes, si2 dear sister oi Mm. S. O. Mirtiru.' boY in my homte. Phone MA 1 pair green dainask di Orono Restng a the ones-4-1 34 -1 tap dancing shoes. si2 Orono.Resti-g at-he..ons...-Grade XI books: al Funeral H-lme, Odessa. Fou--'1 Iwmslm ta express mv sîjnecrc WO'MAN for lighît boîisekeep- Phione MA 3-3050.' emal service at tîe chapei an!thianks to frietîls. îeighbors' îuw duties. Wîite P.O. Box - ---- Thumsday, Augîîst 25. Inter-,ac eaie o iuns nd 2 ovavle mt 41 TWO 11-28 tractor tin metYarker Cernitery. 34-1 reînemhî-aîces dtîîing Mx- stay -- -I-R- -- - for i - ----1124 tractor tires,26. ment__GIRL-i requiredfo general tractor tires, 8 8.25x20 ___ - - ----- in hospituls. My appreciâtion i lerical duties. Apphy in per- tires. Virtue's Garage, Tý Enqaaements ta Dr. Miklos anI nursinig staff' Csn Canadian Banîk Of Coin- Phone Ca .3-2431. for eourtesy and attentionî. imet-ce, Bowniianviihe. 34-1 u~I N blin Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Hale,! (Mr,.) Reta meyIN LA Oblwn i R.R. . Newtonville, annaunce En «34 -1 * POSITIONS in offices open taoGd, with rock wool. Il the engagement of their you aiter completbng a course manship guaranteed. Fre- youngest daughter, Agnes Ber- I.1xxould like to tale thîs lat Bowmanvilhe B us i ness -mates. llarry L. Wade. ice, ta Vachav (Victor)4 Pros-' oppar'.uiity ta thank ai] iyool Registrations for Fail phone Clarke 2420. ck, Jr., Fait William, Ontario. fmi en ds, neigahbours unlt,-rm now being accepted.------ The arrige o take plceacuaintances for all theiri Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf COURSES at Bowmai quietly. September 17,1. Buscarneansoter lelsof ford '14-1 * nsadriothnyr ecent f iîîessDEPENDABLE cleaing WO positions of youm choice. -1*,nqs dringmy rcentillnssian for hait day cacb week istrations now beinmg ace Mr ad r. lgrWrgb, Ken Henderson, 3-1on.o Concession West. Write for fail terni. Telephonc Mr.andMr. Ega Wrgh, 1-1Advemtiscr 62, c/o Canadian 3-5434.__ Enniskillen, annaunice tIheden-' Stutesman, Box 190, Bowînan-- - gagemtînt of their daugliter.1 Doctor anud Mrs. Douî3las Bul- ville. --.414: WORK boots and slîoes at Audrey Cut-mol, ta Mm. Ronald, bey <(nec Pearl Itee( Wii;t)>ECLLN gain pibes, brown amnd1 Laverne Cleinens, son of ir'-Io luIhauik ihelu- tiei's,,,,IuIEXELEN Op uit -ail sizes. Bowînanville anîd NIrs. Lax-emue Clemens1rcla-esf eh reu b1Iniiigs imû-ediatehy ta sell liepair, 80 King St. W., Hampton. The inarriage wvilh1 ness in i'ing theun a ecep- I fanous Rawleiglh Produets. mnanville. East et Bowma take place ini Enniskilen Unit-ition and presentation at ',,Also somne spare tinie vacan- Cleaners. Sp.Blackstock CmuntCalý_ 17, 1960 at 4 o'clock. 3ý4-ljpi'ior to tlîeir departure 'H _140-SS, 4005 Richelieu, HAIN i service. mlTEt ______ tOîd. 4- Mtî a. 34-1srclnîcmlteso Mr. and NexvfoMorleyd. 34.1*1- - -----_L1jbatteries and cords at HF Mm. nd rs.Morey keI HUSEVIVS Electrie Limited, Il King1 Bowman ville, wi sh ta announice -Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Scîlair' Without previous expenicmmce Bowinanville. Phane Mi the engagement of their! wislh ta express their siacere yen can carn to $10 per day- 3-3305. daugbtem Carole Diana, ta Mm1.: appreciation for aIl their gifts, selling Aven Cosmeties in own -L-I- D om Patrick S. GoulI, son of Mr., tlowers, carIs und hetters e-1jvicinity. Earnings begin at WLUinwsat ooica and Mrs. Perey Goul, Bow-Iceived, uand the tniencis whol once. IVite today te Miss K. Buy now and save! Estii manville. The wedding vil iclled oui the occasion of th-eirl MacKeam, Aven Manager, 528 given on - inquiry, ( take place Saturday, Octaber 'tw'ýenty,-fiiih xedding uîîni- Gilmour Street, Peterborough, Equipment Ce., 134 Kiri ist, 19600ut 3:30 o'clock in St.!,-ersary unI ta the ladies ai the RI 3-4006. - 34-1Eat Bwnavle M Paul's United Chummel. 34-1 *iHaine and School who catered DO--at--antatatuld securiy 3-56M9 Mr. ai-m Mrs. Carl Ferguson, 5 tiiity 41 for your famiîy? Be aur re -______________ Ennikilenannoncetheen- We ,vih t extnd ur in-presetîtative in your surmound-1ý aenmîkenaîof t eir tuh niW il ateî OU i . Possibilities at cvery * T I R E S gagmen daigtrcere gratitude ta the resýiIý-ruts.door. Gated produets con-M Iirene Lillia. ta -'\,I. Keniietliiot Pontypool anI sut-rouaclino i * " mostly in: Cosinetics, Too Good ta be - Williarn l-errington, son of Mr. !coi ninunity, iichîdiig t h eci niments, tonics. brushes, [ :I!R:t re aildd ead Mms. William -erringtaiî Ponit x-pool Fire Biigade, xvho 'househiold and tarin praduets. $3.95 up et Oshawa. The wedding xilIrîespoîided so prouîptly t o oui, High comnmissioni and bonus, JAIRESON TIRE take place in Enniskiilen Unit- cail for help on the nigltof 9 > ed Ciîumchî, Septeniber lt,'Atgiist 15. ' trial perioci, exclusive terri- 4 -tory. Catalogue on equest. 1960, at4 o'clack. 34-1": Mrs. William Couiter Faînilex Produets, Dept. R. 14, ______ Mr.ad1\Mrs. Har-ld W.'and Jean-. 34il1600 Delorimier, Mantreal. S N Honey ai Port Perry uniîbuice; i evould like to thîauk inyl rc ndPatrn the engagemnut of their, itieîîds, nieghbours ai-m. relu-! REPRESENTATIVE AieF1 -Prmte daughîter, Helen Joyce, ta John, tives for flowems, carIs ani-m REQUIRED As il-Pop e Maurice Green, son of Mm. undgis; nur~ses anI staff ai theI O MNIL A Mrs. Normn Green ai Black-ýMemioria1 Hospital, Bow!'In-'lWe have a much nceded serv- BWAVLES stok. heniamige vii hlte vlle tm kndies Irg - ice for farmers as well as toivu AND GRAVEL place on Satt-las'. Septeaiberirecent stay. Special thanks ta and city dwellers. IVe require phone j. C. Cook CO 3 10, 1960, at 3 o'clock in Part, D. McKenzie, Mrs. Ahf Per a representative in your arca. after 6 Perry United Cbîirch. 34-1i ba nI Mms. Clinton Farrow. A car is essentlal and the man - 1- -1Mrs. Alfred Dohson. .ielectcd wlll have thc oppor-TIL E Mm. and Mrs. AustiniTrnmen. 34-P. tumîty to establlsh himself ln Newcastle, Ontario, are happy e oudiktahui a business that pays well and W ls - F toauniîounce the etîgagemnent W ol lk ot a urlhas repeat business coming in W ls - Fo et their onlv daugliter Heleinnny frierds undne a. gbours reguiarly. Thmis is a full time ANY KI? D Marie, ta Bruce Nouris. sol'ot, for the farewell parts' given foromtnbuwe ihsat Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Norri«s, ls ut which iv'e receix-ed a, man on a part trne "earn asl Ceramlc - Plastice-Ri RichinuHill1. Thc niarriage beaiîutifu] bronze lunette suite;yen learn" plan. Write atl Vînyl - Asbestes ___ __- - ____-Wife Amy, son Jerry und OSHAWA t FRBEE ZER. -FOR 15 or 20 men. MAmket Mymie. ________ 4-1-twîa uomientio L A G r3347.«____ 33'tt - - 1957 FO R D 4-dr. station xvg- ,bLarGEi dre mgenlem:i  a edt Bu on, one owner; 1956 Ford Tu- automnatie wamnn lg l bordifdeirl.20 'Kng 1 HIGIHEST prices paid far used dLom, 2 Owner Car. Ail above Adinstable temperature co: East. Phone MA 3-3186. fummîture, uppiances, tele- -cars arc carefulhy cheeked and FibertiausIasu.latloii 33-tf vsin sewing machines, etc. in excellent condition. 1957 aiFo nua Ais sel ad echage.59Ciev. 3-ton, V-8 -nin goodj UnitanFodIsr( - Nursing Home - Kiuîg St. W, Phone IMAket- condition; 1949 Chev. 2-ton' Made In Canada 3-7231. 42-tf truck; 1947 Ford 2-ton truck. MSUTH Haven Nursing Haine'--L- -ds -- '~ outy oanîEupeîtC. 3 12 eu. ft. Cheat___ -Accommodation for private-ALknso ieputyo. EupetC. 3 a nd semi-prîvate patients,'feathers. new goose and duck King St. East, Boxvmanville. 17 eu. ft. Chest - louage TV. Fully iceiîsed ialsa old feathes ticks wantcd. MA 3-5689.- 34-1 2z eu. t. Cheat___ -ncwbuiling.mode. prices paid. M. Flutt, ~28 m Mft.Chesi _ $T_ .welcome. Reasonable rates.BtayR..1 hoe7r13AAJ.'A a&y Terina Arranged ;Phuieewestl44 =j 41'_U-t.-141 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber Bo m nil -IHS Founds pald for livel goods) mailed postpaid in plain o m nil Fo n olrgoefeuthers, feath-1 sealel envelope with price list.T ______ -- er ticks, scrap iron. ags, Six saînples 25c, 24 sampl ~RACING pigeon, band number mietals and raw furs. Ph-one$.00. Mail Order ]Dept. T-~28,1 igi okrSs ,718l CUC. Apply John Tend- RA, 3-2043 Oshawa coilect. Nov -flubber Ce., Box 91, Ham-. PHONE MA 3-5578 ',ain, Newcastle 3781. 34-fli48-U 1 tOnont. is PAGE FOURITME Trenching - Baekfluing Célose ta ' main street. l- C. Soîa'r - M :--cl Fox RETi HELP WANTED il REPAIRS and rewinding, armn- Septlc Tanks maculate condition. Asking : - CR FO SALETC electrie motors. Higgon Elce- [VAN MOUNTJOY 5 Roomed bungalow, located' V/atedb Rnt i i n inmum 60 0 tre5t1ed t almaesat ewEqlmet o ,Rentwth$200d Muî~rt ecidbydcrOo n seto. ti38-305 Eat P 7-tfM Blackstock 87 r 4 north east Newxcastle, running utLpcdbdlioinein 3-51 5 trc,38Kig asIfhoe Achaiyud, un cdciionai 25c j i before 9 a.m or after 5 p.m water, attached garage, guod GRADE Nitie 1b "!1iý i l cfîbks will W, arded. tf REPAIRS to ail makes of scw- 15-tf, poutry bouse for 2,000 broil- for genpra]. FI.ne ;VIA 3-5î,. A chnîqe of 25c will be mode lm - i- ng machines. Free pick'ap and ers. Asking $5,000 with $1,000 ] r 1 repi.es duccc'd b flua ooie- delivcry. Laverty's Bargain, WHI1TWASHNir<b dawn. ' TW() or tbc.-' --c (ý n n cri< OTicES C OMING EVEMT on Cntr, 5 Kig W Telphoe1 TC.4 Roomed cottage in Ponty-' f~*mi )1. fAI) iCiIDS 0F THANKS MA 3-7231. 44-tf TBEpobdaisal ood. plinu iý 1%-fl; 0.1-2 (a u,rtilv'th ao innrnum osf well, paved road. Price' $2,9-00.,- $1 00)!or '2,,worcts or lets. <i REPAIRS toalal makes of re- BERT TOMPKINS Down $500.um- u -m rnrei IRTIIS - ENGAGEMEMT s) frigerators, domestie and com- PHONE CLARKE 4721 7 Roomed home on bigbxvay,lBwîai I nifAxîî', MIlAE DEATH& imerdiai; milking coolers. Hig-j NEWTONVILLE east Newcastle, 6 e ,1o'.v nu-u. i/i-C lhtonEctiLite, 38 King 16-tf with garage. Asking $6,00.; 1INý Ont.AM rht St. E. Phone A3-3305..- 7-tf -5RoOdnut.ovutN -34 _- - î~-- iN'IEOiM 5________bungalow____New $1.030 plus 10ce a lin., foi ver.. »itrî OSAWAtonville with ail moderr con- - Livestock. for Sale OHA A TV veniences, full basement, !bard- XVarted - IOi$1.50xssipairi$Lc Mallardducks. SION AERIAL SALES wood anîd tile floors on 5 acre - - - - - nwb a msr iuonal one.9 ELEVEN INSTALLTO & REPAIRS lot. Price $10,500 xitli $3,500 rates 'roid r sok g rown. M A 3-343 0. - 34-1Phone down. pickcd un Ml aC' 1; Tel<'hoîîe- A - 1- ut ei WELL statcdpigsyug omnvîfle Ohaa 2 Roomed cottage on 1 acreCW th1221 MrwllFr 'ifi ~ced Adtmui .tt i 229.00 boar. Jersey heifer, due. MAJ MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 lot with bydro, kitchen cup-'ai-mn Tvrone. 37-tf Ah4s30 p.mo ruolaeia 259.00 3-2388. 34-1* BILL~ AND BOB LEASK boards, near Nestleton on high- rnd ravet.IsU moneyOdo 319.00 EIGHT good pigs, seven wees,394tf way. Price $1,900. Easy terms. For OId A pine Clip fias outc for handy t*W.enoe 379.00 aid. Apply H. Bruce Tink, COj R N SJh .D ihOFC OE 340.34-1 G oh .D Wf et Cash T4 4ly 1 îJia, tiirouq> Frilday 200 HI-LINE pullets, laying.tTtTRC fl'l( Realtor and General Insurance ?:0To '..aty5p-rn. H. C. Pcdweil. Phone New- JJJ.JJ.UJ LUJLIILiI Newcastle Phone 3341 9:30 .3 fo . Noon - castle 3856. 33 ' R EPA IES and R EW IN D IN G to I o a d M u t o , M -9 01 S T A T Eý S ý1 1 S ' e C n d a t t m i tem 100 ]RED and Columrbia Rock ai your Electrical Equlpmcn'DndMnttiy A2-90 ATISI ' b antba tft puliets, haying. Charlie Fee., Sales & Service M -35'Ross Davldson, Bethany. r32R3 ý C L A S S 1 I' 1) sLiaiý'Arkt-b 3-3303 Phone Blackstock 96 r 23 after~ 43 Thiri St. Bowmanville 1. A. Perrault, Clarke, 2231f Phone MiýAr!et .3-'l.303 ~ ~ e dSove 28-t 5 .m. 4- 9-tf____________________ NEW DEADLINEI FOR CLASSIFIEDI Tuesday. 4:30 p.me fe Articles for Sale For Rent Real Estate for Sale, Real Éstae for Sale! Ivered. MOFFAT gas range. Phone ACCOMMODATION suitabi 1,D t4 FOR Sale: 7 roorneci traie Y u a C -2131. 1MA 3-2353. 34-21 for teachers or business girls. Leask Rieal Esla~e house. tile f1onrs. alumninumý 12 GAUGE pump shotgun, $45. I~352 ~New ranch bungalow, attacb- met.rn wieNws tlhe- Pla iS and Phone MA 3-7048. 34-1 CENTRALLY locatcd apart- cd garage; brick, 3 bedrooms, PoeNwate34-1z, P n eetïlg 'like ONE M.-H. binder, A-1 shape. ment, self-contained. Aduits hot water heatingr with oi1. On___ . 34tf Cheap. MA 3-2714. 34_l* only.. MA 3-3394. 34-tf sewer and water, $15,600.1MODERN three-b',drooni br 'Ick hie be JunorUPIGT ian, xcllnt~-TWO-bedroomn apartment, priv- Ternis. ibungalow,ý. ail heý. ted. large L- Ldition. dition. Phone MA 3-3138. nate cnt rance. Available Sept. New ranch bungalow, attach- Ishaped iii1rom -nieWe John Trimble of Hamilton~ 3413 *Ilst. hn MA 3-5798. 33-tf cd garage, aluminurn storms bath, nsca!d, oderItrlYi Ontario. Young Progressîvt 31 ian c4enTVtwe, omy.rcd oPhoneal..Apl -~~~ ,a- HEATED apartment, three adsres Vtwr om~pie o ue ae pi Con servative President, toda3 Van CEMENT blocks, 8" x1" omkthnteadbt. o,3bdommn xrs 32 Third St. after 6:3o p.mT announccd two Y.P.C. regionai un of proximately 400. Phn pl p.4 3Kng St. West. Tcrnis. - -- 421 study conferences in Septem. 32tf3-45.34*30-tf 1 15% acres, 7 roorn brick 1 EIGIIT-room homse, '2-sto-'ex-1 ber, and a provincial organiz. Le for MOTORIZED Go-Kart, good'FIVE-romusar prmnhuebanwt odsaljnfuacelndiain\v1so ofrneà condition. Owen Scott, MA -omusar prmn osbr ihgo tbeo oraeslr nvlaIt. lo ~okhpcneec Dttage. i - separate entrance and bath' 2 miles from Bowrnanv ille on 'ith tw\o i*eL'nlIcIIs,sand Il Oc4ober. Four sirnilar studtsç 34-1 3-35 41* heated. Adults preferred. 175 pavcd road, $13,500. Terrns. plastic and 1 cloth house. conferen-ces xvere held in wvide. wieSINGLE bcd complete with Liberty Street North. 33-2* We have houses, farmis, lots, WVorkcrs commrute teo sh1a\wa. l.v separated areas of Ontaric wiespring mattress. MA 3-3186. APARTMENT, 3 rooms and Le., too numerous to list. Price for a.bovIxc.t'el vo hous- during the first hall of thu 1Dale 205 King E. 34t bath, heated, unfurnîshed. M. E. LEASK and dollars, fixe thousand year. t.wn Ewe --__________ 46-tf ALSCO doors and windows, Available Sept. 1. 136 Well- Real Estate Broker dwn wnr viit 1blane1 A sorninar meeting is scilie. _____ad___ s Lre nto.Phn M -22.on first na)i i a~ tI Cron duled for Central Ontario, ai fro awins ad idigs Lone ngon.Phne A -227. 65 Ontario St. Rowmaniille1 equipmen-,it imax' bc purch îsed lJackson's point on Lake Sirn.' urme Allin, MA .3-3871. 34-1 SIX-room bouse, heavy wired, Akt-51a cs. ; Phone TWO mcn's or boys' bicycles good situation on paved road. MAke43599 t .t .:6 ida c/o vsin»eo 111 e, an he xveekend of Se 13ti good condition. Phone Clare1 Apply Rupert Werry, Black- - Caliadian Staurain~, P.O. Boxi ou Mental Health, Africa and 1-'Allun, MA 3-5074. 34-1* stock. Phone Blackstock 98r3.10 lwaxiiOt 3- atl Pnhet w an sesrngicua idd 19,Bwn-,i-,On.3-1Cp -tlPnsne. To Thse ELECTRIC rngMcClary 24", APARTMENT for rent, 3 rooms ana 1y weeks lalci', in London, op Tefully automatic. 3 years old. and bath, suitable for teachers P eler e:caa sept. 24th, a Western Ontarib ýnd St. Phone Orono 4 r 18. RATR 34-1 or business couple. Furnished RATR conflerence xvill examine Agri. il-tfornfrsedvaat MAM besoOswa&Dsrc! R L T.T htKl culture and Progressive Con. ONE hammerless 12 gauge o nuisevcn.M ebrofOhw&Dstc!RELItýV hlsPy rb x 2,1', Savage double barrel shotguni 3-5466.--- - -34-1 Real Estate Board Ilighwý-ay prop e't1, 10(j ae elsrte Pilspy rb amber, $40. Phone Orono 12016. 34-1 APARTMENT, 3 rooms, bied- 310 acres with 250 acres .9 îrooinffllerîhoîv hin oinsof Partv organization wil] W. K.-'_ I, 34-1 McCORMICK-Deering binder,Iroom, k itchenette, large living- choice level land, workçable; barxîiîoc , u ,e odeait with at bath meete 7',alo prt fo sme.Phneroom, modemn bath, shoxver. 8-room field stone bouse xxith' Price !(ît. ,1.loxn slo.ono.:i rompt Fred Partner, CO 3-2755. 23 Temperance, downtown city conveniences. Largiebarîî, NearOsii:rx, :î. 95acrcs, 7' loprs o an.Phie' The province wide organiz- ances,34-1 Bowmanville. 22-tf 2 streamns. First time ai fered ro îslîel.r a ùige' ation workshop will be beld Hard- 0W or 5-roorn cottage (wint-19 miles Bowmanvillo. Excel- batik harn, iî11 hlise. PFiee'di in mid-October in Toronto, in '74. LEONARD electrie frig., apart- . lnbuatny$300xith to se-l. cne- o vt . 43-tf ment size, excellent condition' eizd) aîable Set 1ît terîns 'e en - $60. Phone after 6 p.M A eaonbl ental. Apply Mrs. Ger1teii's -îrn 5 zcr es,l OntI'ria Progressive Conserva. Awns, -5975 34-1 E. Bernstein, Pontypool. Tele- 275 acre dairy fan wb ror [ilv- nioc iîýi ntv A>eaîrîmeig Doors, -- phone Bethany 20 r 4. 34-2 modernized borne. Iluge dairy excellent ri)dr, l, ibrn,I -This intensive programme Home SEVERAL used chesterfields, T EErmsadbt, -anwih ulcoe;three nc trm x.Yon:of local actviity bas already TRErosadbtpriv- streamstarn. P letp-'7,00. produeed good rcsultts," said e X., good condition. F. A. Kramp ate, heat, hydro and water sup- ,erbgwy 6 miles1fr.Pi- ý,700 29-f td. 3 Kig t. .,MAretpfid 60moth.Wre Bowmanville. MVust be soldI Trade or ,uli 2 acies -1 Mr. Trimble, "consisting as Lo 3rs-7071. ___ 34-1 601/ Te A~at once as owner is leaving 6 room hiou'e, bai'n y, x0,ý the\- do. of ropresentatives ol y hos- DOUBLE bed, walnut, com- Svaeser CaPn. Box190, o unr.Akngol 4,00 mlme ; o - e rce! ficciifour to over twentv pro. asnplete with mattress and Seman , Pl.O.Bx 9,34-4* 100 acres with beautifu-l $9,000- il I 'i,-0,x'ncial consistuencies, depend. [Arketi springs. Reasonable. Phone FOUR-room bouse with b;at-h iw erEnsiln oo erIanin_5arsMhiigo e yo ouain .27-10* MA 3-15216. 34-1 and ahl conveniences, gardeni bouse, gond barn, stream, 6 roonnfi c'i-n1use. The td conferences permît pond, grave] pît. A triple in- Pnice S2U.î '.Ti ' i:îerpelet xmn ze12 KOE-IERchseried ndan grge i Bwmnvll.vestrnent. Asking $18.000 %.,,ith Newvca:-th A r---Ainvest-! On!iarlo problems in the flght': rapes; chair ini good condition. Bar- Write Advertiser 61, c/o The terins. ment -irr'ili'î 4 oc- f ri oi! conditions. Pr. me 8; gain for quick sale. Phone Canadian Statesman, P.O. B3ox 66arswt cekt ruron 2bt-a-,fdll' xna CincMnser 'h o.1 M -34- 4- 1- B~înîviî. 41streai near Tyrone, il roomn minent, evi - i tt. hrx'e îtzendA e.eh One so far. 4*MOVIE camera. projeetor and UPSTAIRS heated apatment, bouse witb excellent view fPnîee S12,'n0. il. T rnis. ardiPemier Fros, havecoee 'es, 2 semeen, 8 nîrn. Kodakl, rownie, two bedrooms. living-room, Lake Ontario. Barn 80 x 32,. Hgax wi>c 'nxt: 4 ro(mUiif~O ipaSn h -00x16 neyer been used, retails $135. kitchenette and bath. Washer wing 40 x 32. Asking 8l,01ufg]'..l -. .-l rier, trueixehlinking andj pro. truck Best offer. Phione MA 3-5445. service. Centrally located. with ýf6,000 doxxn. $4,000. Dnx i .(Y) Ii;!xe suggestions of the .yrone,____- 34-1 Available Sept. lst. Rent $60. 5 cealwral;isl rn *eîU'e )1,Y.P.C, . 34*ONE fishing tackle, braiid new, PoeM -27 3t stone bouse xith ahi conveni- furnace. 'ilc,--I S_' ?II0, 'ow,, mneth- $20; one Philco console TV, onc ATTENTION ences, large barn. Oronoara$l0. Womk- yeam old, $125. Plione 10 r 8, Asking $15,500. Terms. Twxo ai-rus- lbslete Rain Sl w ,e esti- Orono, or Supertest Service An e Grw r20arswhtrt ramriQal-- O) Dx -OH Tele- Station, Highwvay 115. 34-1;1 ppr e r windinacrsg thhrope reaiwr1 î;o.y - 9-fUSED Timbers for sale-B .C. Enniskilhen, $220. EPigeoniuRacev nville fir in A-lcniin,1"x1,C.A. Apple Siorage 4a'.î)<)uidng MAl)p- T1 lncV*3r!1t :3 ýtl Pieo R c office10 x 14, and 10" x 16 in 13, tonpartmnt ildhx$235 amp-n Tchplîa'î 10g-tonabr 9nfiog l$235smontnly.i ,Salesînen The o Bomanville Pigeon cetdlocated iAjax, Ont. For par- Space for Reni $l5oO0,$5,000 ownia iG lyevl.l i. . -3: ,Club flcw Ilicrmweekly rcon ie MA ticulars cahl Toronto RUssel 'Beach, $1,100 ful1 prico. i. C. R. Lovtdcii, Nwat- î~ît21 rmPrySu 23-tf 2-5319. 34-2 PYDVDLNO 4ace ee akt31 distance of 120 mniles. - PL AI ENX 14arslvlmre gara-i The ~d encounitered ramn t bar- TIIREE-piece chesterfield, 1 en land on bighway. OnlIy $4001osaitr ywihmd black, bcd, spring and mattress, chest Pceig rhrsper acre. fîmPd el R I Es-i o o of mwe a Bow- tian blinds, corobination record PICKERING, ONTARIO acreages, homes and bus-I! Pu- -yo- npywî, lf:1, L Richards; nville player and radio, china cabinet. 6ron7adl,.,Ge oteI-,ýC 42-tf 31 Oddl St., Bowmanville, MA ____WH! 2-1247 33-3o hi' 1. . -wyrV-XTîîl ýGe otrl~Ç ___________ nodeled. 11 1iLomon: 5, Mavin Bros., ~p esin -7044. ______ 341 - -- _____-Cal be-afl i1l1 Lîîîde, and 7, Bob Frederic'a ck of BROADLOOM - wall-to-waii Work Wanted WALTER FRANK Price oui: . liggon or room sz.Fe estimates ]BABY sitting, part-tiîne. MA 177 Church St-. MA 3-33931 6 room iît '.cl.gu-o-.,,. St. E., on wall-to-wall. Samples tak- 3-3172. 34-1 Bowmanvilic good gardeil. 1 I, 'i n î o In 7-tf and decorating ideas.F. A BRICK work. Norman Pingle,- davpane»F m y IAraet enott oi onefrcl --- -. ____________ 4INxveaîl.els t j l is on adKramp Ltd., 37 King St. E.: 72 Elgin St., Phone MA 3-5518. ,balance. .u I mrices. MA 3-7071. 34-tf ___________-'De ih RalE ae 4 rouai bouse - mNo, 2 ~iî- -od e no mates INVENTORY stock-taking sale NEW and repair contracting DIY AM,20way ':î" if,-l'.'o îe. ii0 :owan of merchandise i n cl1u d i n g: Brick and Mason work. Pbone AR FRM 20 acres, with Sr:(;o 1 . x ris. ng St costume jewelîery, cameras;, A352.L unr 0t octd1 ie ri saa acsoNv'ivlî i oAtIH ar pton ]VA -52. . ure. 0-istrcams, modern barn, bulk- 2 Hihîe: -o li(Is-- witli Arket radios, watcbes, etc., all going PLUMBING, heating. Free cooler, drive shîed, garage, silo, bath,'.Th»io. (I 191do-n- The aîimual Tink Famâly pic« 23-tf at drasticalhy reduced pricer. estimates. Beatty Sales and etc.; 8' roomred home, ailnd 0ars'î.i -i, ag lcwshi tHmpo Hooper's Jewelhemy, 29 King Service. Harvey Partner, Orono c cnvnenes Ask ng o s anie'i inOi' ' t- atîfied a ut Hamton ,SIE., Bowmnîville. 34 - 1 1782.1:1, _ 32-t f 28,500 with $5.000 doxvn. 1 ' ~ ~ ~ --t fi eîe $ 1 __ --No. 2 lie' B oit xv wahe as ide-al. PROPANE gas stove, automat- BABY-SITTING wanted, de- DAIRY FAIIqM, 200 acres, as' Hope. 'l'lîe ailder inembers vLiteds icl; dining-moorn suite, liard- pendable high sehool girl, 14, a going concern with caftle', chax'- iJcuall' uni î-evîewed ihe faînihy trea *wood rack for i -tan, gas and desires baby-sittinig Weekend machinery, bulk cooler, liay,lsî«zes. i a ' e : 'n w-hile thle yaîngc-r anes play- oul brooders, truck rack divid- evenings. Phone MA 3-3050. grain, etc., good barn. drix-eï AIL)< îw~î c aladcout crsseral btudsc, îimo ad WOMVAN, qualified ta teach shed, etc.; 8 rooined brick 1 îîf>ýr011 About 6 p.m. some 65 sat J d reerAsudiocou09,also6 n ignpinoeeta,$0o0.ldnsarne. wPin music in sehools. Experienced bouse, running water. Askiiîg Newcastle e 38 doan to a dQlicious supper. runre A3-49ate ti inig pao,3eet4,-3100 ein rne.3 4 1Wallter Tiuk, treas., capabl.e 31t 41choral work. festivals. Studied 92 Acre farm, 87 acres work- --- acted as MC. Ruth Taylor. USED Case thresher, 22-37, on at Toronto Conservatory. Tehe- able, excellent soil, 2 ponds, p' sec., road the minutes of last rubber; used Case threshem, phone caîheet Sunderland 149 L-shaped bank barn, drive! PveJ .tOWai er's pienie. The F'letcher ~a~28-47, on steel; used Super 26 for interview. 34-1* shed, water under presse, î'""ITi:fauyfordwii Sandr Massey-Hamris self - propelled -- -- silo, etc.; 8 roomed. Tii"lioma, wat-edwiýi combine, 10 tt. eut; used Case Hr a Van De Bell er on tap. Askuîîg S15,000. Box 817. îOVXO Ar ilTiîk and Pei-cy Doweii super-__ !VD cobiePT.. .C .Moto Q~ IM CAMADIAN BOV KAUTELJL& CWrAMO