Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1960, p. 13

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TImURSDAY, AUG. 25th, 196( The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mn. anti Mrs. Dene Found,1 ble o! Waltens Fells, visiteti son of Newtonvllle, have solti Mn. anti Misrs. Gee. Wilson! Mn. anti Mrs. Chas. Woodi thoir farm anti bave puncheseti mnotoradti t Niagara Falls,1 Suntiay afternoon. the E. Evans bouse on Main N.Y., on Sunday. The occes- Mn'i. anti Mns. Sam Brown Street South. ion11vWas the i5th wctiding an- attentiot the Docoration Sen-, Mn. anti Mrs. John Conycl ný--àsary of -Mn. anti Miss, vices et Pontypoox on Sundey. anti son, Randail, Hamilton, W *!p' n. Mn. antiMiss. Ethon Joncs, spent Mondey anti Tuesdey ili. an-d Miss. Gea. Dunlop Port Hope, visiteci Mn. anct with Mn. anti Mrs. W. H. Rowe. anti C-,u,-l!itens neturneci home Mns. Cecii Joncs anti family. Mn. W. C. Cnossley is a pet- hast Wcdîîe. day afLer spenti- Congratulations to M r . îent ini Memorial Hospital, ing a vee-k et Birchclif Le Geo. Hutton on ber 84th bir- Bowmanville. Lodige, Chaiifts Lel:e. Mr. thdey on Wetinestiay. Mn. anti Mrs. John Chatter- ant iiss. R. Hollingsworth anti Miss Carolyn Retipatb o! ton, Mn. Haroldi Chatterton, Any-nonti viStcd et Brchliffe Rosebank, returnot to hon Havelock,' spent Satur t a yi Lotigo. J1berne on Monday aften spenti- witb Mn. anti Mns. Marshall Miss Catherine Power, Ton-,ý ing a few deys with hon cou- Chatterton. onte, spent the vzeekenti with1 sins Dorothy, Shirley anti Mn. antiMiss. Brooks Cowen >L% anerd Mn-'. Gardon Power.! Bonnie Dunlop. anti femily, Miss Joyce Jones M;ss C. i .va Linton, Ton- Miss abl Devey is e pet- anti Mn. Laurence Sbenwi ento, visiteti Mn. anti Mns. G. lent inMPont Penny Hospital. visiteti et Lake Simcoe won Mi. Linton. Mn. anti Mns. Geo. Alîtireati, Suntiay. Miss. Wm. Armstrong spent, Tynone, visitet Miss. H. Mur-1 Mrs. Arthur Robbins andi a wcek with hon sisten if ray. Mrs. Wm. Abbott spent Tues- Montiseal. l Mrs J. H. Leslie andi tau- day witb Miss. Cocul Powers. The IO.O.F. Annuel Picnic ghter Susan, Peterborough, Mns Etina May Nornis, wife was helti et Gore's Lending 1 visiteti Mn. antiMiss. Wm. Riti- o! Poney J. Nonnis o! Toronto, on Suiîda.y. deîl. passeti away on August l3tb, "r. zi Mrs. Fancis Hall,i Mn. antiMiss. T. Meoberts,J atten a lengthy illness. Mn. anti Tororto; _Mr. Jim Wilson anti Tyrone, bave been staying.i1M\s.Norris have many fnl- dauhter Viola, M-,I. anti Mrs. Orono for the past two week.nts iin the Onono district as Ernest WioKu'ene, soantl Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, Kirby; they bave spent the pest 25 the weel.nti v-ith Mn. anti Mis. 1 Mns. Jas. Bail, visitet Mis, anti summens on the 8th Une anti Wm. RoIbiuî Cii. IMiss. Ralph F. Virtue, Ennis- recently buiit a cottage nean Mn. ard M-':. Ronald Hob-ý,killen. Oke Sebool. tien anti cLughter Julie, Wail- Miss. Ellsworth Casw cli, Mr. anti Mrs. R. E9. LoganS 1ùr ci, N. OuIltt'ueo, -v1 iteti thein Zion, bas neturneti home after spent a week visîting with1 aunt, Mr--. C. S. MciLaren. spentiing e few ticys with Mn. relatives in Tweed.a Mr. an rMss. C:-rmain Corn- anti Mis. Ceeul Joncs anti tam- Mr. antiMiss. O. Chatterton,3 isil, Ciiervi anti John, have, ily. Carol anti Daviti spent Suntiay becen hloid'uving et e cottage! Gail Mitchell, Oshawa, 15 with Mn. antiMiss. Siti Barre- et Ilosedalie. visiting ber granciparents Mn. bail anti family et Ceesarea. i Mr. andi Mrsa. Morley Gril'- cnd iMrs. W,--,1\Vi-4,,.1 -...T «P1 1 -CAND1Ai .ATMAN>rWMRA n1VV ? rc NTAR. .1 fMPtroru~~l.r. ani'd Mr. Kenneth Henderson, re- Mr. and Mrs. Atkin Archer Mrs. A. McNeil spent the until Septemiber 6 for expertl Monty Neil, 16, R.R. 3, Bow- Mîrs Walley Picke-ll, Courtice, turned home last week from and family, Lindsay. weekend at Mr. and Mrs. vdneo th fahrs favilwscncedfha visited Mrs. Madison Hall on Oshawva Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson Herb Stainton's, Hampton. ieno the phesat. Thesist is îng a scix itu e dhat tst Sunday. Mr. Armond Hollingsworth, spent Monday and Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham'bu-y in northern courts until 16.90% alcohol at 60 deg. F. Mr. nind Mrs. Stanley Chap- D.D.G.M. and his sister Mrs. witli Mr. and Mrs. Ken Syer, have returned from hollda 'yin, thJn, and he was remanded until man, Kirby, returned home Geo. Dunlop attended the 1. Cavan. at Lake St. Peter and other ,;vard Mhlr 8 62Kn epebr2thwt : o n o n d y ro m vi Lti g r. .O F. ec rat o n er ice atp oi ts ~ fl th fo th c ou n try . S tre t, W itb y , w as fo u n d p .m . cu rfew . H e w as a so and Mrs. Morlev Thornton,1 Cobourg on Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon uilty of operating a motor convicted of being intoxicated Regina, Sa- k., 1Mr. and Mr I r. and Mrs. Lloyd Myles H visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. vehiele in wanton disregard for and warned by the magistrate, 11',irrv Eellamy. Winnipeg, and dughters, Whitby, vis- HAYDON MeCade, Yelverton. the livcs of other persons us- I anly1d't beie yu Manitoba. ited Mrs. D. N. Myles. On Friday evening friendI3 ing the highway. He was YoFrankly on hme econ- Mr. and M _______________Mr._and _____CecilRobin Rev. Robert Gay, Kipling, of the corrmunity gathcred at placed on an il p.m. curfcw sdY to wil e muhm conr Mr. nd Ms. rnieAnn- Mr an Mrs CciasRbin was Friday dinner guest the home of Mr. and Mrs. JoInn until August 30th when sent- sidea then iut conehe Postmaster Wins Trailer at Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard's. Liptay in honour of their son, ence will be imposed. Bernard Forest paid $13 for Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard John Liptay, Jr., who is got- Evidence by Constables causing a disturbance ai andorsBarry were SundaY vis- ting married on August 27th. Parker and Davis was they at- Caesarea. He lîves there. itors.When ail had gathered a short tempted to check a car at 2:30 John T. Rowe, 18, Bowman- Ex p c i i e U U Wilr>wdale; Mrs. Alex Boe and C. Garrard gave a readingr and Temperanco Streets and the car a dîsturbance at Caesarea. He yM ads.GoBrownvil, program was redsedor .am nJl 3da igadvle lae ulyt asn A t rono's treet Fair Ro Mfoad omnie r.olfgadasot ad- drove off at a fast rate of was remanded until September çîro o's Stre t F i rvisied r. ad Ms. . Ca- dess.Mr.'M.Bertrim pre- specd, through town. Botties, 20th and also has a 9:00 p.m. More than 3,000 people en-matrt Orono, was the eron, Mrs. Peter Singer, Swan- sented a floor triiight lamî) to shocsan otedbrs ercufw joye-1 the highIly successful 1lucksyrwinner of the draw for sea, is spending a couple of John and his bride-to-be, Mau- tossed out and landed on the Twelve charges under the thirci annual1 Street Fair heldj the smart travel trailer. His weeks with the Cameron's. reen O'Hara. EBath expressed windshicid of the police car. Highway Traffic Act brought by the Orono Chamber of ticket No. 41 10, was drawn by Peter Singer spent the week- their appreciation for the gift. The carecning car went intoj penalties of $147. A liquor Commerce on Wednesday ev- George Wade a few minutes end witih them. Ail enjoycd a social time to- the ditch on Duke Street, charge, $18.50. coing, August l7th. The Main bfrmdni ght. Vîsitors at Mrs. W. Thmp- gether and lunch was served. Strcect of Orono prcsoctda The Merry-Go-Round and son's were Mr. and Mrs. Earl gpla appearance for te ev the Ferris Wheel which were Thompson and Cynthia, Mr. * N lent, and the crowds arrived set up at the north end of and Mrs. F. Osmond, Co>nnie, LONG SAULT S O L I11A early and stayed late. the business section proved Virginia and Tracy, Bow'man- The communty was sad- Mr. and Mrs. 0. Jackson, Charles_________thePost- p opular.- A fishpond with a ville- Mrs. Annie Sleigtholm, We are ail sorry to hear of dened last Thursday night Robert and Paul, Lindsay, Ci'le cbe h P s-variety of prizes was a centre WhitÏby; Mrs. George Piper and* the bad accident to littie Deb- with the passing of Mrs. Cam- spent the weekend with Mr. of attraction for the children, Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce by Osborne who was attacked pbeil Hamer, after an illness and Mrs. Bruce Tihk and fam- and hot dogs, pop, and candy Milne, Bowmanville. by a dog and the sudden iii- of two years. Her many hours ily. tifsos were sold in large quan- Miss Lynn Th'ompson, Carie- ness of Mr. A. Milîson, both of sufftŽring were borne with * ~~ ties. ~~ton Place, and Virginia Osznnd are in Bowmanville Hospital great fortitude and patience Ms .E iksetsv Ail the booths were busy spent a few days with their and the community wislies and until ber last days she ereys ewithMr and fMr's. evenng.The oliand up-granmoter Tompon. them both a speedy recovery. showed a keen interest in ec eel n aiy ~V~v// ~j'. py hooth was a great at- Mr iad Mrs. Douglas Ash, The Vaneyk family, Mr. and community activities, and also Hmtn traction, and the patrons also shacaled on Miss Linda Mrs. W. Vaneyk, Mr. and Mrs. in ber home where she was Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yei- S enjoyed Dingo, Ring Toss, the 1Patts, Sunday. . DeMille, Bowmanviîîe; Mr. devoted to brhsadadlwesadcide noe Grocery Wbeel, the Test of Mr. and Mrs. George Bert- and Mrs. Paul V&ujayk, I\ - children,Dren Doa damtrtpoOta ,whr trenth nd any othr rm ad fmil, Tuntn M tovile; r. nd rs.Cha. av D, hre n en . Her d amrthe it onsttaleran I aes oflucand an skill. mand fmrs Ro ntrion MranjcierdnMr. dJos hns.an-iSry e an a rewn. hertMr s. Ke tog ad sn gams o lck ndskil. andM r. on oiris'an*r.Dc ve rs nd MissJoDe Kay- pyher ast respectswat ber r.KiStogadsn A eneanigfam.ily, Oshawa;Mr and Mrs. eyk, Miss J. Rosevear, Mr. many friends who gathered to Tommy. An oedy ere awagprord carbor.ughcMr.C. Asa. days D y aftenoo w eir sh e es atrie r.adMsBi Ahtns ountford as MJohn.BHis songnMrvn hv r andrtedd fnrlsrie SudyTmyLnmi pn aspresented \lhreg oh o, rn; er fml , Todn-rnochiperwed t eroon tevcehuntdad f-day at bis uncle and aunts anduroedywere Seppo evo, Miss. M. Ber. C.i A veramiy, " much aplus.Other stars Pleasant Point, visited Mr. and din olituday atronwoersh.e ce re . . Bonl:sTo ednoveOshawstake P ~ ~r e Wd e Se pLeivo b ru- M . and rs Ivan d narp n o d T r ne r a d M s foa rb ts a e s e t e - iss C tlen a d J c u l featufascinatedTtheRLindadEn.is.illen;eMrs. audience, and the clever ac- iel Brownlee, Mr. Ray Ashton Rb. Cameron and family idence of the high esteem in ine Tighe, Peterborough, vis- yrolbatic dancing of Miss De- Leaside; Mis. John Tamly an Johnny Wood were Sun- which the deceased was held ited Mr. and Mrs. Wes His GETTHE.~I4oSORYmes ws adelght Orno viite Mr an ~ day evening visitors of Mr. by ber many friends. Inter- and family. r.GoeWd, h sntdLloyd Ashton. . and Mns. Murray Adams, Bow- ment was made in the Eldad Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, TOAY OOJgtOlfor i Wsqaredne ho inted Astn Fr Eimariville. Ccmctery. Pal bearers were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor 05 JW O $19.0 gýe res qarke dpanc c a Mr.nJm s t on otieMr. and Mrs. Wm. Carr and Wesley His, Wesley Yellow- and chidren visited on Thu- Iow as 119oo ga e a re ank bie dislay <ifi clld o Mr. K Co li.g. Brenda were Sunday after- lees, Everett Cryderman, Stan rsday with Reverend and Mrs. bis, ability in perfect tempo M r. and Mrs. Ron Raihm and noon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Milison, John Knox and Bur- R. Sherwin at their cottage to the music. A five-piece or- family with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Ian Smith and family, Scar- ney Hooey. at Moira Lake, near Tweed. J A C B R OU G Hchestra provided th~e music ter Rahmyat Four Mile Lake borough, and Sunday e ypth seteddM. n r. .R ayo e PLUMBING and HEATING Dacs Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin t bilisCTaomo pbell Hamer and child- !naînod till Saturday, return- DiiinSretSuh~ Profit from the Street Fair and William, Mr. and Mrs. J. ___________Toronto ren on the passing of a loving îng wîth Bob and Evelyn for DiiinSre ot sabove. that received from Walter Loveridge and Joy, wife ai mother. We also rej the Gilbank famnily reunion at MA 3-5615 BOWMIANVILLE the previous one. It us est!- Miss Grace Trewin, Mr. Fred Niorth Nest1efonl member Mrs. Dell and her Solina. ------ mtedto b 00 CasilleattndedtheStsonso of Edmonton (mother Mis. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- m at d o e o r t a n 2, oo C st e tte de t e taMt n The softball team of Court, and brothers of the deceas- gomery, M r. and M rs. Bruce Nestîcton,No 1031, C.O.F., oti) who were unable to bo Taylor and family attended went down to glorlous defeati present at the funeral service. the Montgomery family picnic m i Kemptvilie on Saturday te nSudy ImmL a score of 8-4 at the hands Congratulations to Harold fSudy of Prescott Foresters. Pres- Yellowlees, who, et the Juniori Mr.thand .Mrs. Frank Moore MU -cott continued and were the Day at Peterborough Exhibi- and te ltter's sistor fromn RU wnnes o th tornaenttion wastehihmnot U.S., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bra- bel inKerptill Pak dr-overali competition with okavsie r n CLEARA.UW he dieyarkdur ing the afternoon of the 2Oth score of 632 out of a possible Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. A 0 F Of the numjuber from Nestleton 700 points. M., and Mrs. Lloyd Broomei Who adethe rip Mr.and Dr. Gordon Manning, Wil- and sons vsitet Mr. and Mrs. - Mrs. Carl Elliott, Mn. andj lowdale; Mis. and Mrs. Stan and>MAs- IvSnIorer rdavl-1yvestoorsat.Mr. andZZV Poul U S E ed on to visit Mr. Dnug Daw-Yeiwes Continues at the weekend. Mn. anid Ms OviMnS~wod s, .Judges Pullets i also caileti on hon brother and azEnilwr SundaY Ametn of the Durham 3% pIl, I Avfamiiy there. Mr. and Miss, visitons et Mn. andi Mrs. Ralph 4-H Poultry Club was held et us - Vie Malcolm called on frientis Davis'. h am fHre ros&Re %P landi relatives in Delhi andthfamoHavyBok& W . N I H OS ulhie n her ayhoeThe Thnee M group wilî Son, Maple Grove.j andi aiso on the lattor's sister hva odcetorote Afrtemeinwsop- Mrs. Lloyd Cain in Peterbor' Bell Telephone building in ed the minutes were reati and 1,113 ME 7'-rn l2-DIR. STATION WAGON ough CiviclHospital. A speedy utOtha.Mn tnhe com un- Cpoer aigpult Clisoilbitlt rdio.A ral cean ar.M. andi Mrs. Dan Black of ity intersted will be wel- juded and the 'meeting was Coutic clle onth Mac("In coe.Those wishing to go are tunned over to Pote Bonis 125 5 2-DR. HARDTOP emro' t the weekond anti o'clock. frFe. i WVhite ivith red trim. One owvner car. the forth country. Sunday teet troube or iseaso es.i visitons et the Emenson's were:ltc rul o iessi li58 CiEV. DELUAXE 4-DER. SEDAN snFakan aiy :Ayr he oli 6-cyl. 'With Power Glide transmission. Sutancoper.g, and Iee band Sh ep Poeter3r.1 gave en interest- One owvner car. Sna op BuWhit 'vVann Awa rds ingtelk on poultry manage- 1958 ONTIC 4-R. DE UXE EDANVisitons at the Grant Camp-Far ed by al. 195 PO TI C 4DIR D LUX SE ANbell estate were the Bonnie A II V- wtl owrGld tanmsson ado wndhel wser, fmily of Gat and Havelock, i rall air tV%--n.8 vtî P w r G i e ta s ison a i , w n s i l a h randj also He en's parents, M r. U i two-tone. and Mrs. Stewart who eturneti A fine showing was made by4'-H Bueu f .Club.>w with Rotidie and Riekie to To- sheep owncd by Lloyd Ayre, 1955FORD2-D . CO CHnonto for a few days holiday. R.R. 4, Bowmanvillo, et the V-8 enine. clea car.Congratulations ta Miss Gloria Peterborough, Belleville anti ro s FialC V-8 eng ne. A d an ar.Sa tier w ho successfully com - Oshaw a F is. Sheep f om pleted her Grade XIII stucies Ayre Acres captued 13 Firsts 19a-5 LY OUT 4-a.SED Net Blackcstock Hîgh this year. and 13 Seconds et the Peter- l a ck Baker's Coniplete motor job. A dlean car ini A-1 shape. We presume that Gloria may borough Fair. Thnee champion- No be attending Peterborough ships wore won et Peterbor- The Durham 4-H Beef Club -F 1958 VAUXHALL 4-DEl. Normal during its comling ough by a Hamnpshire ram anti helti thein final meeting et the tex-m. ewe, d a otdw eweý farm of Mr. John Baker ,on 4-cyl., 35 miles to gai. A-i shape. Sund2y service et Nestieton owneiý by Mn. Ayre. August l7th. Unitedi Church was the lest to At the Belleville Fair Mn. President Riicki Rickard Ail the above cars have been checked and eodtondl u ho, b odutt y. Rmniyr'_sep loweeawr-1a.eite etigteotin 41 oy lionders' n Port Penny. other), on Saturtiay. at )o 30 cd tg a: o t' a] ti si B i Je i Ad Rq Super-Right Qi BEEF RC IIMADE ROASi iHOULDER RC Wei Trh.ud, Simtw 'Rs P18 mOA u149c Y 1 1 il AKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY DY MASTR BAKER$ Jane Parker- Reg. So--SAVE 10a RHUBARI PIuE m j ans Parker Rueg. U-B6AVE 10@ - pINEAoPPLE PIE c49c iTOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT rHESE LOW PRICES Grocery Falures a# A& P L&P speial lnd eg.pkb 55-BSAVE 1Ig 9.s7' MEA BAGS pig o 39C k&P Swcetened Reg. Uin 3l-SAVE Se & I APEFRUITumacaImel559c )0 Off Deal %.g. 1*1l 79aAVE AN EXTRA 10a . IIM DANDY 3-z is6 cRe-quiaPric agular & Quarters - Mnarcm Rue. 2-bs 49-BAVE fla ICO 16 U lmA RARINE 4-iL;s8 9c 1c rresn irL uir ana ege rable Sp- e -z ra-nctei BU N. runadeJbln rM a s -geaow e Fr=tp - uto their BeausN..i rad eniJubleso iiHwa-YJlwFahFeao wality Meuf F~~c >AST SALES, '-ý r lia&ve u IAShT -uÇ PRIE R RAST S PRIME RIS ROA~T ~~¼~'< Ail Pric. ln Thisa Ad tzrndirroh Saturduy, Augus± 27~h, 19C0 PEACHES atv. Grown, Swet .uicy9 Clapps Favorte EARS rNo.li QM 64&qbsku99C alifornia, Fancy Grade )RANGES 5-lb M 95 g rm the TFropics - FNe. IGrnd IANANAS 2EU29e picnic which was helti et the Enniskillen Hall on Satunday. Mns. George Tabb anti Mrs. X owin atede te ic- M.,,.istrbuLq aCourt I Mn. antiMiss. J. Potts, Tom- Tuesday, August 23rd, 1960 turned corners with tie my, Debbie, Mary ant i Bllie Arthur Leetibeatten, Ennis- screeching anti nearly rolleti andi Mrs. W. Mea-tin were Sun- killen, heenti jutigement totiey oven. It also hit a hydro pole, day visitons et Mr. anti Mrs. on a charge that hoeiid un- stoppeti twice quickly in front Arthur Trewin's. iawfully anti wil!ully kill a o! the cruiser anti finally got Mn. ntiMiss Frd Cwling dog, the propertyo!Ceawy an i Roy, B ackstock; M . an ti Thom pson, e neighbo uof Te T e hi ! Co st bl oli h 1Mns. T. MTabb, anono, .Carcss0 case bati been heanti three court thet at about il a.m. the masn.MNelat Ms s. weeks ago anti remandeti for setme, day the accuseti came man jutigment. inths office anti gave him- Miss Rena Graham spent "Yuatt ihu elsIf up and tolti him hoe wes th weknt wthbe rand-exueat cnnt t the driver o! the car anti that parents, Mn. anti Mns. W. ehousesadon probation from an- o Rabm t Pour Mile Lake. your excuse for killng thsopeoratihto b inn Mn. anti Mrs. Clem Rehm dog,"seiti Magistrete Baxter. by ilp.m. and amiy vsitd Ms. Ml- Som peple onthe slightest The Crown Attorney tolti the anil foeiyvisieiMres. Mol- "romevoton,do ngs.This court ho was asking for a visJs, OmemeePsnday.o voc's atieron, metter anti YOu tbnee-yeasuspension oe Mill- issigi Thmon ol-shoulti always take a second ' driyeng iese f hi idaying in Torontoota.do. thdmivinlgranicneasethis was Mn. anti Mrs. W. Blackbun hug boeyo u shoothve a dog. the most fgle arntcse o!ibeti aoleyDougnlcshetiet Maptie effort to deal with this matter yoans. Foly pcni hed a Maleun some othen fashion. Our Saiti the Magistrate ini ro- Grave Church shedi on Satur- thoughts on legel justificationqutigarptTise- day.are fan from wbat the law de- tience tiescnibes the charge.' Mns. Lloyd Ashton eccom- mentis. The penalty will be That's exactly what you wore paniet Miss. R. J. Ormiston, $25 plus costs of $31 anti in doing. You bought a $100 car Mrs. Harvey McGill, Miss. tiefault 10 days ini geol." . eight days ago. There is no Ralpd i Vrtue anti attentiot the Bench wvarrants wiere issueti omongency brake on it anti you Scbool for Leaders et Whitby for Edwanti anti Robent Smith have not bat any repeins matie. on Thunsday ovening.Nwate hyddntYu anproewst e Mrs. W. Martin, *Mn. antied ecsl. bytt ltoofmi upoewst e Mrs. J. Potts, Tommy, Debbie ansvzer a summons for theft of awey, no matter how, or who ant Bilemotnet teNia ae tire. Another bench war- got in your way. The cen was and illi' mtore to iagrent was isueti for John Dotige out o! control when you went Falls on Tuesýd'ay. Morrisburg. H a enit h ie ttemtl A correction ini lest week's of H eibe notetic ttemtl news tem. t shoiti aanesteti on Lowe Street ini an the doors flying open anti you nesim ti: issMayns nstaeii of oicateti condition anti ne- tiiving et 80 or 90 miles pr rend Mis Myer intea ofleaseti on bis own bail, to ap- heur, you say, with only one Miss Hay as a former Haydan pea r todey. means o! stopping. This was sehool teacher, Rev. anti Mis. John Rekker, 28, Burketon, criminel negligence." Norman (nec Miss Mayers) pîcadeti guilty toeonterîng a Donald Popert, 19, Port anti girls calleti on Mn. anti standigco f grain wtout Penny, paiti $53 for illegel pos- Miss. Arthur Reati. . ermissien of the owner, to session o! liquon. He heti e Mn. Milton Slemoci visitoti hunting geme without a hicense mixture o! coke anti aicohol Mn. Elmer Siemon et Lond(nlanti to killinur a nheaaint. The t'. n +i,.+ +f.'A1~7 70- -- PAGE THrRTEEM Mr. anti Mn. Gordon Bakter:,Q u n e U i fs rý Tyrone, visiteti at Mr. andi Mr. Lloyd Broome's. Do W eh aut Belleville S Miss Janie Fhett, Columbus n o"h'trnetshw'cere fN<pne a:n holidayeti with hon n Oe coustogstsosýcema fý-iýncmln Linta anti Marie Flett. o! Holstein cttle in the Belle-!the computition stronger -for ville erea, was exhibited onýthe H-astiings County B3recd,,ns. t Mn. anti Mrs. E.ý Spires and'Wetinestiay, with Jim Alex-ý The Granid Champion 7-roi- ýMrs. Annot Wotten attentied entier of Hillier, Jack May & stein waâfrt the funerel of Mrs. Spires' Sons o! Picton and VernonIh nryo the Qarti for lilul'is ct aunt, Mrs. Arcli White a eat ent r f heinte t Napaee.on Glenalco,,b TJa' Sir e Ronnie Baker spent theMO Echo, an cxccîînt secL that -wekend with David Smales, ws bred. by Alla n l'2b& sOshawa. Don Westlake, Solina, isSon of R.R. 5, frl~uc t Dr. anti Mrs. George Werry bolideying with Keith anti! The Junior hII,,for ckis.ses anti chiltren, Oshawa; M. Douglas Fice this week. fount theuir junior c:m~o 1anti Mrs. R. Fraser were Sun- M. anti Mrs. Herman Hess in the entr'- of Jiru i cwe day visitons et the Werry's hati a famiy neunion on Sun- of Hulier, with a cýi. it r o et Roselantivale. day et their home. !Pebst Sur Le:ideýr 12- ' Mr. anti Mrs. R. Best are Mn. anti Mrs. Lionel Jones1 Entrics in thefcï the prouti parents of e baby anti daughter Patricia o! Moose!,judged in the ;'jx.v:r taughter, (a sster for Jen-, Jaw, Saskatchewan, visiteti t especialiy strong. Thc class 1or nifen, Davidi anti Grant). Norman Loach's. mture dry cows, v.as ono o Miss. George Wilson, Rose- Mn. anti Mrs. L. Grey anti the strong, st shewn-i at _'3c - - enne anti Georgie, Mn. 0. deughten of Alliston; Mn. anti ville in necent years, wil une Glaspol, Peterborough, vis- Mrs. S. Struss anti family of excellent, seven Nri etc gov.1, nnd iteti M. anti Ms. Isaac Hardy Oshawa wee Montay visitos two gooti plus entrius in Ille anti Stanley. et Eldridge Perrault's. ring. M n . n t i M r s R a p h C a w - M n . a n t M r s M . P r o t , _ T h i s c l a s s i va s w vo n b y a n fond anti sons, Whitby, vis- manville, wene Wednesday entany fnom Jofn MLii- & en iteti Mr.anti Mrs. John Knox visitons et Ray Caeoon's. T0fse dauvasR o Pl' -Wa ee anti famiiY. Miss Linde Skinner, Oshawa, Thaisof w tsiLsr erd Miss. Keith Cyemnat- spent lest week et Jim Staint- lCh apion o the ash uv, e-b"d tendeti the Stemton fam ily on's. ,o n M y & o s n picnice t Enniskilien on Set- Miss Gwen Day, Oshawa, J ohn l\ay & onih, atisi urday. spent the weekenti with Mer:-byui osteit Dies, n:u, b le Mns. S. Runtile, Bowmen- ilyn Bull. Quitean itha irnfes f -'he ville, visiteti M .and M s. Ross M n. anti M s. R. C. Stainton Gad. C a ponf m ie o h Cryderman anti childisen. Leunie anti Manie visitetiMrn dy.RsfT rio it Mn . andt\Miss. E. P. Taylor antiMiss. Ted Stephien anti fam-by s afe, Domoi-uýno, b-4 were Sunday tee guests of 'ily et their cottage on Che- fri h ý,t cn1 M . anti M rs. Don Taylor anti mong Lake on Suntay. Lau ie fo in he b t cl r la chiltren. staye ti for holitays this îeek. In the -et oi s h &r'os Miss Elizabeth Dye, Osh- M . anti M s. Jack Cameron Alln Mcconb w-o.,011 W'nor awa, is visiting M. antiMss, anti family, Orono, visiteti tIget Xiii ain enl'v s,.il by Rae Pascoe anti chiltinen. Wes Cameron's on Suntiay. Gienalcomib LuK:v1 W'":y~ Mn. antiMiss. Harvey Yel- Mn. antiMiss. Gordon Knapp, sitndh Ji Aian cni ro'TMr low ees an ti fam iy were Brook in, w ere W e tnesd e a ec n -ih n et y ' b y Suaydinnen guosts of Mn. ovoning visitons et Orville Amro o -~in~er'e anti Mrs. Bruce Harrison, Osh- Knapp's. classe s cn 'w e f ;r wa. Ms. M. Wood, Miss Donna clase, ohn ýty & sonts NW _re Woodi, Mrs. N. Brock, Oshawa, first wi;"h an n cîir.ysir'. ci hi wene Sunday evening visitors Pabst VWalki-er, ani a s-'su ati YE VE TOat Eldridge Perraults. Os e by the sanne sairebut spent the weekenti et Keith of Napanice, placetisd od Mr. Onam Moore errived Stainton's. home from his cross-Canada John Van Belois, Garden motr trip ta the west cost Hli near London, Ontario, js 'The Fam~iy r~ anti back, anti reports fer ewey vîsîtîng Walter Haas for a few fields actuly no greener than days. ome pstures. Mrs. Chuck Terry anti fm A meeting o! the Sedman iiy, Maple Grove, visitet Miss. fa-mily eneompessing the Bai- George Cochrane et Nelson four Moones met et the Bill Fice's home on Wodnesday. Jenkins etVWTýhitby on Suntiay Keith Fiee got the cast off to wish au revoir anti bon voy- bis leg on Tuesdey of lest age" to Miss. Dora Keele wflo week. wbe oetuin rislrEnlanti. Deveantidougs.istiton13 l ir bo e netu rni gs hc'rtEn ly te M n. and D M gs J im site inton, verton attendeti a family piCfiCe t Elmvale on Sunday ant inii 5 at the Wm. Steeles of Nestle- the aftenoon attendeti the Gib- " kI on on Sunday p.m. son pinic t Milanti Park. I/ Sonry to report Mns. Lloyd Master Scott Stainton is a Cain is presently a patient in patient in Oshawa Generai Civic Hospital, Peterborough. Hospital with pneumonie. Her many Yelverton fnientis Mn. antiMiss. Chaude Bain, wish honr a speetiy neeovery. Toronto, visitoti et Norman J' Suntay sevice was well t- Leach's on Suntiy. ï~H Lentiot with specil music pro- M. anti Mrs. Arthur Gerry, *CrFEE-13RsP.:ri~-sEM itiet by the duet of Mns. Non- Carolyn anti Elaine, Niagara covrsx 'ut,. - fan Wilson anti neDhew I-loyd. Fells, visiteti Mrs. F. B. Glas- COFFEE - UNTIL I C CJ.;. Mr. anti Mis. Clifford Snydor poil on Montiey. nti Mr, anti Miss. Bert Arno'tt Mns. Jim Stainton, Dave anti )f Peterborough onjoyed a Douglas, Mns. Russell Stainton, F I1 Z I-7 notr trip to thÏe St. LweneMs. Wes. Cameron visitetiMrs. AR away his wek. Roy Thomas, Scrborough, oný DEAD, OLD .1tC '- VPILEI Mr, anti Mrs. Ray Robinson, Montay. FAP1DM STCU- )arryl anti Quinton motoreti Congratulations to Joyce Rernoved Fnac of ('unr-te oSeerboreugh on Sunday ta Fisher on passîng hon Grade Immetiiate 2 l1[lr. 'e'rvirc risit with the Ralph Malcoims 13 exeminations. s Yo rO eac F r inc collet Judy anti Clare Lau ie anti M rle Stainton As o r O raa F r vho hati spent a week's vca- entetaineti some o! thein lM7ý on there. fients t a joint bitbtayZ j ite Miss Emma Henders is party (as their bithdys are No Toli Cbarne ponding e few tieys wî-th the within a few deys of eacb Nick Peconi - PeteîxQ'roiî'h TEM CANADIAN STATEM". nimpikuvj%

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