Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1960, p. 11

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TeURSDAY, AUG. 25tb. 1900TICNDA ATlAOWUVLEOTAO PAGE ELEVEN Lions See U.S. Echo 1 During Barbecue c3ocia a I U -ersonaiU Il Newcastle-An autdoor steak Fallowing the dinner mem- ibarbecue at the country home bers ai the club had the ap- ai Lion Rod Canveth brought pruiyo eigteAei Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red-!I pital, Bowmanville, on Sun- the summer holiday peniod toaaprtnyaieinthAm - knap accampanied by Mn. and i day. close for members of the New- can satellite Echo I wending - 34n. Wm. Chester ai Oshawa Petty Officer Raymond Aik- castle Lions Club an Thursday ifs way across the sky. The enjoyed a week's holiday trip en ai H.M.S. Coverdale, naw evening last. Next Thunsday, evening was spent playing recently ta Ottawa and dis- at Moncton, N.B., is visiting Sept. 1sf, will sec the Lions1 cards and just talking over tr!et. with his parents, Mn. and settling down ta business again topics ai current interest and Mn. and Mns. Bruce Whit- Mns. K. F. Aiken. for the fali and winter season, genenal goad feilowship. ney and Mr. and Mrs. Pencyl Archdeacon and Mrs. C. W. with regular meetings ln the Lion President Hanry Jase . Taby noe eetBalfour ai Peterborough, are Lions room ai the Cammunity calIed an Lion Dick Lavekin 'aortp ta Manitoulin Is-» visiting with Mn. Balfour's Hall. who expressed the apprecia- land and through the State;, sisten Mrs. P. F. LeGnesley. The deliciaus barbecue din- flan af the members ta Lion Mns. Manie Gantshore has Mns. John Stemp ai Ux- ner ai steak, potatoes, corn and Rod for the most delightiul r'turned home following a bridge and Mrs. James Cag- salads with apple pie and ice evening and in respanding récent trip ta Nova Scotia. d aIe, Douglas and Bannie ai cream for dessert was prepar- Lion Rod said it had been a Mr. Milton Payne ai Mont- Tononto visited with Mn. and ed and served on the beautifulreai pleasune ta have the club reai spent a week visiting Mrs John Voutt and Neil îast and spaciaus hawn by Lion Rodithis year. He said his helpersi with his sister Mrs. Florence Thrsa. with the assistance ai Lions had spent the aiternoon at the Perguson.usa. Harper Kelsey, Frank Hoan iarm helping ta aetefo -Senora Maria Hernandes ai Mn. and Mrs. John Voutt ai-d Brenton Riekard. while the prepanations and the, ad ' Guadalajora, Mexico, was a visited with Ms Vera Bell cieaning Up diities werc carriedimost enjoyable aftenoon1uN;oheen Farrily rs. W. ustrk ad amhy Mr. and Mrs. Jildlat on Puste ouf by Lions Ray Goode, Tru-1there had been lots ai help ta rscW.nt ues itanml. and nrkiihas a ra edesn il trsqla p n l nay t adAt W aIt n SMr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown, and daughten Aune spent last 'man. Hegindo as.EîllSoks,1 dà ean upea ahi fonhi if Bob and Brenda andI Mrs. M. week in Grand Rapids, Michi- Ca.MgtadCa.Gîe.be~ara lauefrhm LAwnie spent a week in a caf- gan, holidaying with friends. For Reunion tage at Honey Harbour. Mrs. Lamne Johuson .and I , Master Kim Starks has been childnen have been holiday- R o .a v t vrachnrdmîbr hoiidaying for three weeks in for the past two weeks ai thvth FlesOeroehe F mi e l with his gnandparents Mn. and at a cottage on Loon Lake. o h oenFnl e n Mrs. W. Buttenili at "Rlid- Mn. Johnson spent a couple aiTof . )f Waitona Park, Newcastle, forl eau Lake". Smiths Falls. days there hast week befone T exas onl 'u U. 2 9 their annuail get-together on! Mn. and'Mrs. Albert Peance bringing the famihy home. Suuday, Aug. 21. Places ne- idaying at Wasago Beach and Mrs. Leslie Little ai Oshawa i( P were: Barrie, Baltimore, Bow- visited wifh Mn. and Mrs. Or- accampanied by Mrs. ThomasFo al s M e tn manville, Chicago, Dundalk, val Stinson and family at Enwright are enjoyiug a mat- Gaehrt osv ais Ceey tded theU L Pere orripIl LU O UebUi '.,LŽ*ieý Young wedding at Auburn on York City, Atlantic City an Saturday and visited with Mr., the Adirondack Mountains an and Mrs. Donald Jose and Lake. Placid. family at Brampton on Sun- Mrs. Ken Walton and dau 4day. ghter Helen of Agincoui Mrs. P. Storks and Candy spent Saturday visiting wit acompanied by the Misses Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Denni! Dora and Margaret Purdon Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose an took a trip on Tuesday to the Douglas were in St. Cather Stephen Leacock home in mes Iast week where the Orillia, The Owl Pen and thelattended the Canadian Glad Indian Village and Shrine atliolus Society's annual show. Midland.. James P. Lcvekin and fain Mr. and Mrs. Perey Tamblyn ily of Kingston,. spent th are visiting with Lindsay and weekend with relatives hier( Cambray friends. Herb Toms is a patient ii The many friends of Miss3 the Memorial Hospital. Boxw C. B. Butler will be pleased manville. also Mrs. Lloy, to learn that she returned ta Aldread. We wish bath ber home from Memorial Hos- 1 speedy recovery. Horticulture Assn. Announces Winners Provincial Contest ILNewcastle: Horticultural Sa- The îudges considered the run. 0 leaders, schoal teachers i ner-up entry an exception anWinterested citizens of On- teeoe r nz sa tario communities have been arded ta Diane O'Callaghan extra busy' during the past Kars, Ontario. two months judging the 2,600 essays which were received Judges were unanimous nr in an Essay Competition on their comments about th( ducted by the Ontario Horti- high quality of informatior cultural Association. Purpase and workmanship cantaineÉ of lhe Competition was ta in the essays. promate conservation of On- "We think that thase stu. tario's native shrubs, flowers1 dents who participated in thE and trees, and was open ta al! competition have a muci elementary school students in greater appreciation af na. "le Province. ture's miracles" stated Mr. J The best essay received by Burston, President of the On. local horticulural societiesi tario Horticultural Associa. was entered in Ihe Provincial, tion. finals. Three well-known con- It will be remembered thE servationists spent many hours Newcastle Horticultural Sa. judging and selecting the On- ciety announced the names ol tario prize winners. Trhe jud- the local winners in June xitl ges were Thelma B. Boucher, Bill Kent. grade 8 of No.S Horticultural columnist and school as'the winner. Second author of Kingston, Ontario; prize was won by Mary Dean, Mr. Clare Ratîtley, Superin- grade 8 of N'ewcastle and the tendent of Professional Divis- third prize was won by Dom. ion, Ontario Department of inic Gallello, grade 6 a: Education, and Mr. Marshiall Shaws' school. Bartman, Secretary of the Fedrti a f Ontario Natur-1 Bill Kent's essay was one *alsa ion1 of the 2600 judged in Tor- auoto for the provincial con- The f irst prize of $1lo0.00 is1 tes;t. Local winners were sche- awarded ta 13 year aid Earl duled ta receive their prizes Brubacher, Elmira, Ontario.! at the Horticultural Society's 2nd prize of $75.00 is award- annual Flower Show yester. ed ta Gaye Doahittle, Aurora. day, August 24. THE CLOSE 0F SUMMER The stubble stands serenely, proud 0f the baunteous harvest reaped, happily The grass grows but slowly like the crawd Milling to catch a gimpse of some gaiety. Behind the clouds a satellite zooms in space And humanity holds its breath, flot sure Whether it is progress for tlhe current race Or an insurance to mnake us more secure, But, when I see the Sun awaken again at Dawn And hear a baby's cry that calis ta me Or see a star that I may xish upon 1 feel happiness in its entirety. Summer, you must go! Your nostalgia Will linger long upan my heart. Summer will introduce us ta Faîl, a gala 0f colour and joy that knows no courterpart. The seasons pass. Spring ta Summer. Youth ta maturity. Maturity ta Age. Fail ta Winter; Wisdom accentuating glamaur. Go Summer yes, and Jet rest, the sod. God is Fate - Fate is Gad! -Marion Ford OUR TOWN-With the Humbys-by McCieIIau ýw 1 Newcastle: Rod Carvethi of! Sixteen United States and ewcastle, Newmarket, Nia- iNewcastle will have an op- Canadian airlines will co-op- gara Falls, Oakvile, Peter- iportunity late this month ta erate in air-lifting the 4,500 borouigh, Port Hope, Scarbor- see firsthand just how many dealers and 1,500 other per- ough, Stroud. Toranta, Wes- rindependent businessmen a sons ta Dallas within a 24- ton, Willowdale. rmajor manufacturer needs ta hour period. It will be the Atra ondnethr .h sell and service its products! first time any manufacturer was a program in two parts. 's throughout the United States will utilize as many airpianes, Tha is atwsdvtoa idand Canada. reserve as many accornoda- Tw it partîî singing old paer r- Along with some 4,500 other tions, and arrange for as many' led b y Re. EmerGin nhpeo ýindependent businessmen who meals for a single group at Baed and a Emessag-e by Mr. have John Deene dealer fran- one time. Brrietack a cusine f r. *chises in the United States Temetnghsoebeae rnt ackTheascosnd prtm 'l adlanTeaa,the wll fly tOta show dealers the new line was a general program in De nalasTexfs, the laggst saek af John Deere Tractors and1 which the special speaker was metninistyeee ed equipment. Annoncemeni was i1 Mr. James Lovekin. a Colle- V-mingo u s typte bgest saeles ad this week that the new 1 îate teacher in Scarborou gh, rd tractors will be put on the who gave a talk on the United a market in late September. Empire Loyalists. (The Go- Receives Aug. 29, for the one-day sales Goheen who came to Canada $50u Donation the huge crowd, the Dallas before 1783." In this programn, Memorial Auditorium, -the also was a vocal duet bv Lois Newcastle - The regular Texas State Fairgrounds, andI Parke and Mabel Bradley, monthly meeting of the New- Cotton Bowl wil]. be utilized daughters of Mr. William Go- castle Recreation Committee for variaus parts of the meet- heen of Hoiseys Rapids, and was held in the council chamb- ing. an accordion and alto-horn - er an Tuesyevening, Augst At the Fairgrounds, the duet by Shirley and Carol alth with eve ebes largest display of any ane Goheen of Newcastle. The treasurer's accounts purers pde vt a be îowsr zes given were as fao.- amounting ta $307.90, were exiier rduat oneveplace il w youflgest baby preserît, ordened paid on motion of Mrs. xbe tged M oe tap23ltac - il'Miriam Gohieen 0f Chicago n Irene Cunninghamn and A]exl tors and 270 pieces af equîp-1 (4 2 nonths); boy under 16 ýe Hendry. A donation of $50 wasi ment wiIl be used in the dis- (birthday nearest Aug. 21),l n received from Mr. Frank Macepîy Larry Goh-een, Peterborough; 1ta be used for recreation pur- Thea dealers wil stage thei girl under 16 (as above), San- poses in the village. On mo- own public showings ofth dra Gaheen of Peterborough; tion of Tracy Emblcv and Irene1 new tractors and equipment Roussi ln from Che iacg,i -e Cunningham the cheque was! after the3' return ta their (6ss0 Mie);eldest lCad re- h accepted and the secrtr home communities. 60Mlseds aypei was instructed ta write ta Mr. . sent, Mrs. Eunice Goheen of! 1 aet-nighi o i Port Hope: eldest man present. generous donation. tt a i Mr. Wiliam Go'heen of Hous- The members deciueu ta set P eys Rapids; grandmother witlh aside $10 per game to take cane ms eceons1esnMs af expenses of the Pee Weelr R. W. Gaheen, Newcastle.ý eBasebaîl team when payngi~ ~ Special prizes were given by -out of the village in playolfis.lC ifC a g r antGhe fBw : On motion af Irene Cuing-'inanville to the six heads afl h hamn and Brcîiton Rickard. 9Alex Hendry was appainted ta e u!ain inclusion af under-size fruit i dapproacli the Board of Mai-j Amendmnents ta Canada's graded containers. Cherries, agement and the communityi fruit. vogetables n oe etn h eurmnsoý e hall and bowling conmmîttee ta sandhonv mengathe2 rermnso see if they would favour hav- regulations have just beenptCaadNo2gre may uowl ï, asufebor or into effect, the most significant be marked Canada Domestic' the floor space ta the east of af which deal wîth patataes. we akdi n fthe1 ethe bowling alley in the cam-j They caîl for greaten uni- sadr oties -munity hall basement. H1-e was formity in sizes af patatoes, Other changes included re-ý also asked ta secure prices for especially for~ those sold in wording same sections because1 the praposed court. consumer-size packages weigh- af a necent re-arganizatian of' s ~ing less than 25 pounds. Size the agriculture department and s ~limits are specified for bath several a dditions ta the sched-ý ~ ~round and long vanieties. ule that sets out the dimen-J « Don t uiviae Seriously mnisshapen patataes sins and capacities for stand-1 are ta be excluded froî-n Cana- ard packages for fruits ýand is da Na. 2 grade. However, a vegetables. New Peo es slightly langer proportion ai The regulations caine under1 Penis r tuî "eenia"below-mi iimumi-size patatoes the Fruit. Vegetables and Peoiie ae tul "preiiil"lin bath No. i and No. 2 grades Honey Act. which is admnn perennials and it pays ta leaveaud prapoi'tionately mare PO- istered by the Fruit and Vege them wvhere they are. They1tataes wvith hollow heart' lu table Division af the Canad do'tlie a ediidd Cnda No. 1 Large grade will Department ofAiclue moved. bAgriculture. They shouid iaot be div ie pe ited whcn they are less than 0 The provision dealing with years aid, warn horticulturistsivarious types of daniage in with the Ontario Depatmentipotatoes, such as rnaturity, of Agriculture. New cup cleanliness and sprauting, have1Tm l develop slowly and show paor(n edfn tbrgpoa, color after a division. Dan't'grade standards more in iue Ti divide new peonies unless youwi1 present-day market de-' i S want a new stock.1 mands. If the peanies are aid "vet-I The sale af uew potataes erans" and need dividing, Ivhich have special size re- If yau are thinking about here's how:1 quirements ai-d no matunity letting your cattle graze your Dig about the second week1requinements has been extend- oats, keep corn in mmnd. Corn in September. Shake off the ed fromn August 31 each year and cab meal, pound for soul around the roots and let1to September 15. pound, cantains as much total the clump dry for a few hours,l 0f importance for expant digestible nutnients as oat s0 that the roots can become sales ta points other than thelchop, says Agricult7ural Re- less brittle. United States is the provision I presentative LeRoy Brown. it Separate the ciump where that a heavier xveight ai bag- means that 1 bushel of corn the root connections are weak, ging must be used so that it and cob meal (70 pounds) is or separate by cutting; use ai will flot tear during shipment. equai in feeding value ta 2 sharp kuife and be sure thati Some revision in grade bushels (68 pounds) af oat' each new piece has three or, standards have been made for chop. On this basis a 60 bush- four healthy buds.i cherries, peaches and peans. el corn cnap pravides twice' Cut away ail damaged or They relate ta cleanliness andi as much grain feed as a 60 hohlow roats. i permissible damage at time a useoftcrn Caver the buds ta a depth of 1 sale. They also lower the box ** two inches when re-planting. count for peaches to prevent Ifyur avn tobl getting twitch grass out of nd low, wet spots in a twitch-in- fested corn field-try amino triazole. Spray the twitch 0</T Aw -OY Wkwhn ih1s three ta four in- OF J DOS CAIT E chs hgh, aittili it turns 0F MVDO S CA TB white, then ral it unden and Wl?!ALL AD seed the corn, says Charles Kingsbury af the Field Crops. Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture. Amino tniaz-, çj oie will give you 80% contrai for six ta eight weeks while the corn gets a gaod stant. Keep children away fromn roses and other flowers that fanýilies who had not misscd iiy Histonian, Raymond Go- more thaiî one of the pastlheen, Newcastle; Past Presi- seven neunians. Idents, Noray Goheen, Portý The Managing Committee ail1 Hope; Lovina Hazzard, An- the reunion include- President,[ caster, and Gannet Goheen. Flossie Goheen. Oakvilhe; lm- Bowmanvihle; Branch Reps., mnediate Past President, How- Donald Goheen, Peterborough; anrd Goheen, Toronto. Vice- George Goheen, Stroud; Wii- President, Rev. Elmer Gaheen, mer Goheen, Part Hope; Ailan Barrie; Sec:-etarv, Mrs. Wal- Goheen, Scarborough; Charles ker Stewart._Willowdalc; Fam- Goheen, Port Hope.' Cooking -Comments Herbs lend new interest ta, Thaw frozen turkey in the everyday meais. The Home 1 refnigerator, allowving about Economics Service ai the On- hours ta thaw a medium-siJ tario Department ai Agricul- ane, advises tlýe Home Eco- ture suggests trying a dash ai nom;ics Service ai the Ontarip onion sait or diii in cottageUDpartment oi Agriculture. ' cheese. * ýTiny Thrip Even though your glads have! cheese aud in a serving ai been looking fine, one day you cheese (1l% ozs.) there is as may find that the foliage has much calcium as in an 8-oz. turned silvery. Soon, it -%vi1l glass af mîlk. turn brown, the flowers wvil1 ** beconwu spatted and flecked and, Crisp garden cabbage is at aim o the buds will be sa lits best for salads, commenta small they won't even open. !the Home Economics Service Blatue the thrip, for this tiny ai the Ontario Department af (aîîe-twentieth ai an inch Agriculture. Toss finely shred- long) black însect is the warst ed cabbage with grated rawr menace ta gladioli lu Ontario,ýbeet, fine slivers ai green pep- say horticulturîsts with the per and a littie grated anion. Ontario Departinent oi Agri- Add dressing to taste. culture. What can be done? Eanlierý treatment ai the corms is sug-I gested but gardeners mustl fight the thnip il-te field as, well. Spray or dust ahl plants soon aiter they emerge. Repeat every 10 days until the biooms open. Tny these sprays: 50% DDT wettable powder (3 tablespoons per gallon). 25% mahathion wettable powder (3 tablespoons per gal- lon). 50%v inalathion cînulsion (11/ teaspoons per gallon.i). 'M là If you prefer a dust, try1 Gaordon Àgnew, Edilor Phone 3621 ChooDe Ii5o± k- i@r glïmmênoodg at OMINION ~- - 7,1 Picnîding is good. bealthy. autdoor f un for the whole famihy. You can lare ini the sun. play games. explore the surroundinga. maybe dad can gel in a liltle fishing. And of course. becanse food always tastes belter out af daors, you eat hearttly 1 At DOMINION youIl find a wide vaziety of easy-to-prepare plcnic f oods delectable enough to lempt the niost habituai siay at home., Plan a picmic Ibis weekend. Il you can't get away. à picnîc in the backyazd wauhd bu a pleabant adwenur., foi the family. Special Purchase! Candy Feature Q.T.F. Brand Fancy - 15 oz. tin Mcormick's - CRUSHED fC rFRUIT Pineapple j5for JUBES NEW! Kellogg's - 9 oz. pkg. COCOA KRISPI ES Biscuit Feature! 24 Bis. cello pkg. DAVID & FRERE B.B. MIX -14 oz. cello pkg. 29C Serve Chilled! Dole Brand - 48 oz. tin 3 Pineapple.- IC Grapefruit 3for$1 31 DRINK 3o1, Treat the Fainily! ïtichmeIlo Assorted Flavours - 3 pint sq. container 25C ICE 5C 5 CREAM59 m 9reservng.9eu*ts CROWN OR CORONA SEALERS Small18 Size - Doz. 89 Certo Liquid oz. bottle31 Certo - pkg. Crystals for 31 C Jelly - doz. Size - Doz. Sîz-oz.LeJY iurnbiers 95 Jresh4 £Procluce ONTARIO No. 1 PEACH ES Attrnctively Priced Golden Ripe BANANA41 16. lOc Values effective in Bownmnville until closing time, Saturday, August 27, 1960 DOMINION STORES LIMITED Çuaranteed 9Qualty I/eats Devon Brand RINDLESS - 1 lb. pkg. SIDE BACON 53c Jubilee - i lb. tray SAUSAGE 45c AU muerchandise sold at your Dominion Store Ltdd is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% lsatisfaction IClfeese packs a lot ai gbôd food inta a compact space, comments the Home Economics Service ai the Ontario Depart- ment ai Agriculture. It takes Tlewcastle rl 1 t TM rANAD" BOWUANVRJL& ONTAMO PAGE le il, 1 1

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