Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1960, p. 5

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THURSDAY, AUTG. l8th, 1960 Many Ask Questions SOrono Citizens Hear Detail 0f Pro posed Water Syster A Municipal Water S',steuîi ented the reasons wvhy the Po-, as a challenge. By beingp for Orono was diz;cussed at a lice Trustees had pursued the!pared they would reap special mieeting of the Orono establishing of a water system benefits of the increase. he Poi'ce Trustees held in the for Orono. sre Oronio Town Hiall on 'Monday' He quoted predictions re- evening. August 8th. Ken gardinga the estimated growth The Municipal WaterS Sharpe. superintendent of Wa-'of the population of Orono and tem would supply adequ ter Works. and Frank Camp- district made in the Gordonan fewtrorvry f bell of the finance depart- Report and surveys by other adsf ae o vr ment. represented the Ontario organizations. It was said that he reported. Mr. Forreý Water Resources Commission. the population of Orono wvas spoke of a survey made Many interested residents Of eyoected to reach 3,620 by cently by the Northumt Orono were present at the, 1984. land-Durham Health U meeting. The chairman stated that Samnpl2s of water from R. C. Forrester was chair- as growth is inevitable, peo- wells were tested, and it man of the meeting. He pres- ple must be ready ta accept it proved that 25 per cent SOMMER CLEARANCE 0F USED CARS Continues at "PI ROY w. NICHOLS 1959 CHREV. BISCAYNE 2-DR. Two-tonc Carneo Coral and Beige. One owner car. 1959 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON Custom huilt radia. 1958 CHEV. 4-DR. STATION WAGON V-8 with Power Glide, customn built radio, back-up larnps, wind- shield washers. One owner car ivith oni>' 16,800 miles. Two-tone hrown, in beautiftul hape. 1957 BUICK 2-DR. HARDTOP Two-tone. dlean car. 1956 METEOR 2-DR. STATION WAGON Ctustorn built radio. Clean car throughout. 1955 OLDSMOBILE 2-DR. HARDTOP Black with red trim,, white wall tires, custom buiît radio. A real sharp car. Ail the above cars have been checked and reconditioned in aur shops an d are ready for many carefree miles of sumîiner driving. O!dsmohile - Chevrolet - Corvair and Envoy (Drit ish Buii) Cars BOWNANVILLE Chevrolel Trucks COURTICE Phone MA 3-3353 .Phone NA 3-3922 r __________________ g4ý STAR *STUDDVED wâith FE (standard in ~#iy EN(OV) *Jý Four-dloor convenlence ln every Envoy 4V Recirculating stecring sysu'm ': Wraparound windshield for btter driving vision 1' Room for 5 pc com fort 4ý Uniseal body, welded mnto single unit 4F Twxi-specd shield wipers I; Econo-Power I-cyinder emgi.e for extra fuel emmnmy 4 F p system 4L Familiar three-forward-speed shiftîng... leveo' n steeng columa 4t Almost 20 space 1> One key opens AlIocks... pushbutton door handie on A doors ..glamorous colors 4ý Double anhi-rust trealment for body-chassis unit extra-efficient cooling 4 Ail th.s ... mmuW.d m my mo. The a.w British car designad d~, bult espetiully for CuuadiausE MANUÇACTUREO FOl GENERAL MOTOIS PROOUCTS OF CANADA, MivVAIUMMOMSUWULf0N GAN.P ROY W. NICHOL5 'f COURTICE BOWAO THE CANADIAN STATMSMAN. BDOWMANvILLH, ONTARTO PAGE Y these wells were unfit fo Banfield, Jack s o n's P *nt.I 1OPinvestiated thec human use. 1<ILauraine returned ho me f r on lSion. rertcd thnt 6 pe cento Do n o Ci d r na couple of days. 1 " ~Walter Fry, 151 Tre reorc tht3 prcnto h i d Mrs. Kenneth Burnside 'ry the wells tested were situated I vrelisited lier sister.1 r n C a h Sret saa a h fs too close to septic tanks. It Mrs.1 R. Coombes and Mr. Co- ver of a car that went ou was also pointed out that the jf i( ombes. Ms . C o bsJ ~ r L s a r j Terl o 0 ih a ily unit in a central section of 0 and Mis ShR Coombes' 'coc o MndLev the village was only 5,600 ORONO- Twenty-two Orono;the children diided intovisîted Mr. and Mrs. John George Watters. age 49, Mr Fry was uninjured 77 ýsquare feet rather than the children between the ages ai three, groups, boys. 10 and un- Coombes, Campbellford onl Mill Street, Orono, wvas injur- bis car sustained somed nsar fee t. of 15,000 seven and 15 participated in der, girls and boys, 10 and Sunday. Shirley remained and c nsqar amount the Chamber af Commerce over, competed* in a haîf-mile, Brucey returned home with e in a motor accident on age. Constable Cartwri pre- Other areas in the village and Bawmnanville Kinsmen race around the track. l them for holidays. SudyAuut7tPvente , also investigated the of Orono are overcrowded it club sponsored bicycle roadea Winners will be declared Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton ca vetAugt ofcotrol on the __cccîe ________t._ as-wasnotd. nd hiscold n te fir rouds heeTu- and prizes given at the Cham- spent the wveekend with bier Leskard Road just south of bave an adverse effect on the rsday night. ber af Commerce sponsored sister Mr. and Mrs. James Leskard. Mr. Wattcrs xvas Go By Train to the health of the residents. It is OPP Constable Pat Corneli,,i street fair next Wednesday. Simpson, Ottawa. SYs-; imperative that the commun- Bowmanville detachmcnt saf- treated at Memorial Hospital,!i tinte itv have safe water for every- ety officer, took charge af the Assisting Constable Corneil Mrs. A. Hilîs and Mrs. W. B -on. ne M. orrstr taed Heevnt A ech aricpat r-were Chamber of Commerce Rahm acompanied Mrs. G. Bwmanville, by Dr. J. R. l 'U one. oed orte t atedHe e rvent Ase achdpaic ipantr- kmembers: Dr. R. J. Taggart, 1Lokhorst ta attend scbool Thompson for facial lacera- Uli stermedtoofheHitUnt omnileKnmnEmr Warren Mair. Harvey Part- for Leaders Tuesday marning1 tions. Constable Murray Joynt, OW WU hedto fteHat ntBwave Kmad E K latric, re- for the establishment ofa Safety committce chairman, ner, Art McLaren and Ken at Whitby. OPP, investigated the acci- lber- Municipal Water System made a safety check of eac beMsGuill Kise lu mc m- _________ en.EX I IT O Jnit., should be scriously consider- bicycle before the rider en- berspBihKiLpatri, red Two cars were involved jiii 50: cd. tered the roadeo.KmpKaeLct.yePr-Ea collision on Sunday evening was TheTrutes Rpor ex Fom he afey hec-, heker and Art Hooper. - Times rizes reamu re at 8:30 o'clock on the Scugog AUG. 19 TO 27 tof pîained tîîat municipal water riders went tbrougb the "dim- I Th IshotLdisaRail FarofeI Swould allow lot sizes ta be inishing line test" which is a BTT',fltTrI IThercaeslie R. by $14Ral.05 e 15,000 square feet. and thus allel tapes for a balance test. T fU lLu/rO l m i kto.1 9 ar dreiveyRtr a greater use cf land wouid After the balance test, the The many fricnds af Wal- dampged. but there was onlyfrtcasf be realized. A Municipal Wa- children had a braking abil- ter Park will be pleased ta Festival vr miflor damage te the Return is lsfa ter System would make Oropo ity test, then left and right: know Walter returned homeI The cighit entries in the oter, which xvas driven by also available Wimreliam Mae Kto rive, moedesirable location for turns at an intersection. Sig-i Wil heOshwase.ita KnitsonestvD Good el industry. 0"ýSabruh osal e Industry in turn nalling their turlis was the Monday. with crutches, after Sept. 8, 9 and 10 in the Oronio e Go DngTusa could hielp considerably in major part ai this test several weeks there. 'Town Hall at 8:15 p.m. will Den. Hoed, OPP, ivas the in- August 18 ta Saturday bolstering the financial stand- Te ae n ithto- Mr. and Mrs. G. Alidread be competing for a sculptureâ siga ffcr August 27 i ng cf the rnunicipality andý gher parts of the roadeo, a spent last weekend with Mr. 1 trophy by Gord Untermann There was a two car acci- Return Limit - Aug. lessen the residents' tax bur- ride aver an obstacle course. and Mrs. H. Hardy and Rus- whicb was donated by the dent on 115 Highway at Tric- den, Mr. Forrester asserted. This was a number ai red; sell at Pine Point. Orono Chamber cf Commerce., ky's Corners on Monday even- Full information froîr The chairmnan stated that painted ail cans spaced a fewd Master Brent Badour. Osh- This trophy is competed forý ing at 6:10 p.m. The drivers an>' agent 'lie cost of instailing a xvater feet apart te forin a xveaving awa, spent the weekend with aninually and was won last Of the two cars were Cecil i *ýYstQM was a worthwhile in- line which the ridiers had te his grandparents Mr~. and Mrs. year by Know Theatre Group, Robinson, Newtonvillez. and Vestinent. He added that it is follow. This event «was a test G. Brent. Peterborough for their pres-i Donald Russell. Port Hoe nlevita bic for water te came ai balance combined with M n r.J .Co entation of "Rise and Shine".! Constable Jack Cartgt, cente Oot a iad ftedl therstrigaity spent the weekend with Mr. The best play aise receives1i_ý _________________________________ cetrs ht adfcc te Then Constable Corileil and -Mrs. T. MeBride at their $40, the runner-up $30 and ah J present conditions ai growth dril]ed the children on the cottage, Peiietang, Georgian ather entries $10 each. These, and contamination. Highways Traffic Act, in Bay amounts are provided by the He pointed out lhat thec re- particular sections dealing M\1r. and Mrs. Lloyd Aldread, Durham Central Agricultural payment te the OWRC is di- witb the operatien cf -a bi- and Maxine, Mr. and Mrs.! Society. f e tided inte four parts, inter- cycle. Aiter answering the- George Alldreat] rccently at- The best actress award, won N e w - est. retiring capital, operating verbal exanjination, the rid- eddafml inca e atya yJntSeesn and a reserve account. The crs fin, dthtouseao nd d a ark.i Ohaw Lit Thatr wilCb,' nnulcs a eiete eta1igr " David Davcniport, Rich-J donatcd by the Orono Rebe- f- -f $175,000 and te operate Ta complete the evenrng, i mond Hill, visitcd with Lyn- kali Lodgc. The bcst acter, wol e$802 hscudne Stainten. award, won last ycar by Pc- ARE NOW IN STOCK be recovcred by a five mill ing that Newcastle had coin-! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stain- ter McCombe, Knox Theatref rate on the tax bill, $15 ser- pleted test drilling, construct-f ton, Windsor; Mr.adMs:rupPtrbrghwile viecharge. ad abouse con d and installcd a sereen in a Sano andntdb h rn 5 veic haneaof con-;Lloyd Santnand Dny oae yteOooOdd f o4 . c u necio care i 4.well for $4,100 using a local Flint. Mich., visited at the Fellows Lodge and the besti The chairman cxplained driller. Mr. Sharpe said that, Donald Staintons anÉa Henry director award wili be donat- j tore ini while the selection is at its best! that on an average home in Newcastle had been lucky ta Staintons. cd by Miss Madeline Tooley.I tlhc village with an assessment iind watcr in the first hole1 Mr. and Mrs. George Ail- It was won last year by M.AE age the annual cost would be Orono it had been necessar>' ray, Orono. age, Mr. Greene" presentedà J . A b r e h ' $48.20, less tban $1 a week ta explore seven test bolesý Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent b>' St. Alban's Players, Peter-ý or vwater. with twa guage haies. apn Mrse W M. Cby attheMrir h 30 snd lswon Pit~ W i~~ The meeting was then op- Joe Walker askcd ififront- adspe heWeeM.end wiatheMr bruhe.hisecndpla>' alsa andI llU e Store ened for questions, C. B. T>'- age charges would be made cottage, Miner's Bay.! These thrcc awards wvill't reil asked if it bad been con- against unusable Iand. He was Mr. and - Mrs. J. C. Cook' take the form in fpatter>' pla- 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 sidered that man>' of the resi- infermed that adjustments visited Lauraine at thie cet- ques b>' Harlander iotey dents bave limited incomes. R. would be made in such cases tage of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Braoklin. Ptcy C. Ferrester rcpiied that it and also for corner lots. It was wvas felt that the greater ma- also stated thêt all public pority could afiord $1 a week buildings such as churches We Réserve the Right to Linit Quanitim for water. wauld have ta pay the regular IGA Cocoanut Slices - Iced Jelliesc L. Lowery suggested that if rates. water was installed scwers ________ Prices Effective, Marshmallow Corn or Bananas wouid bave ta be constructcd and did net this mean that the Augmit l8th, l9th,20bpks *prie oi both shouid be con- WES LEY VILLE 2OCA D ES2h9 sidered now. Mr. Sharpe ex- I A C N I S~ P~ plaincd that while sewers On Wednesday aiternoon, yfl would eventuall>' be necessar>', the regular meeting oi the m but not untîl sometime be- Waman's Association was held Iiu-s1dxoe& , uicy, Valencias twecn five and 15 years from at Willow Beach in charge ai new. the graup led b>' Berniece M. Chatterton inquired if Best. Summer meetings arc i W X5S Orono weuld bave ta bail wa- always in the form ai a pic- U K S tcr as it had been necessary nlic and no programme is pro- 'swerdi Ayr. Mr. Sharpe an- vided except a short devotion.,EE swrdthat tbis is more hiable The seripture ivas read by'1 E R ta happen where let sizes areJ Mrs. Bestan explanation O R N E under 15,000 square icet, the given b>' Mrs. Harold Best. rccagnized minimum. . The theme "Work an aur C. F. Lycett told the icet- Hands" was illustrated by a Doz. paem "It couldn't be donc Size but hie did it", read by Ber- 163'8 niece.W The business was conduct- ed b>' the president, Mrs. A. Crisp, Vacuumn Cooled Austin, who rcad a letter ai Bafr N.1 rd thanks from Mrs. Harding forf Bafr o rd the god wshesfor a speedy 1 recover>' sent ber by the as- i o sociation. Letters ai apprecia- i 1 ." UCE 2 or19C tion were aiso read which hadi been received from man>' wbo To delight the palate - Your choice had been sent some of the of U.S. No. 1 Seedless or Red F4 L IY oentennîal cake. The commit- le tee appainted ta purchase al GR2Ab. vacuum cleaner reportcd their ES ZLbS35c findings and a decision was made conccrning wbich make' ta bu>'.. Plans were made for California - US. No. 1 Ternpting a quilting and also a wielicr fand Delicions - Bartlett- Qt. Box roast the following week. R About 35 enjoyed the bounti- E ful supper. PEA n 39c During the past week sev- ere~ ladies have been belp- ing Mrs. Reeve quilt a tril- S&,Ve1>e . StnSiype eV ~2 o.tn lium appliqued quilt wbich._O2»C tn she made- thisq nilt uill b1e Nft Mfl Aw ballbearzg Esi-Gide during the week l'R~ E or Devon Rindless Sliced were: Mr. r. John, O KS E 9 Passengers to relax inl Rabb and Jack ai Osgod, Pt .Breortghs o o BrDEnBACON - L.Pkg. 55c 1, non-staili lectric wind- wit EBarcouh', lsACoCOBaN the samne place; M.r. and Mrs. Vfhn--- - Lb. Tin >owerful 12-volt electrical David Spalding and son Dbay- zPMM 9 id of Tulle>', New York, with 1) cubic feet of luggage Mr. and Mrs. Percey Snell;:lASOnRylGl ~%gLDoadDc rzn-6o.tn Mrs. Cassie Glover ai Oshawa IA w oa odDnl ukFoe z iI High-fashion Styling with Mrs. P. Holdaway; Lor- ORNG Four-lade an fraineMiller af Bunîker Hill'C R A 9 v~ o l: Fuir-ladefan or wth the Thorndyke girls,':RA G M.and Mrs. W. Young, dau- ,V!E ghters Anne nd Judith ai'c IIC ors Willowdale; Mrs. G. Crouch, I E CEN 7 Miss W. Crauch and Miss M. Godire>' ai Weston; Messrs. J. Mark, A. Robertson ai Lindsay and Mr. K. M. Top- SHOP ANII A E l 4 pin af Toronto with Mrs. Ida PSA E Ta £~L<LDWL'~4UC~L./Toppin; Mr. and Mrs. K. M.i M AMSOM FRM COST O CAST Toppin have recently return-; 111110V3e.OcOAsTOCOS? d fromn a business and pîca- sure trip ta the United King-,B wa v le I A Mr e dam. Miss Annie Nesbitt cf B wa yf e I A M i le Newtonville spent Sunday iBWAVLL NAI with H. Barrawclaugh's andi Bill Barrowchough accompan- ied Calvin Brown ai Port' LEHope, and JinWebster cf To m y GMrleun s Eoif to iA V L Eta New Yýork during them sG A Mr e E ASLGTO IALI~~IUI Port Ganbyo adte n à

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