Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1960, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIA1n STATESMAfl. BOWMANVILLE. O!ITAO T II;,mk.AG 0 I'TTTTP~T~AV ATTV! ¶Rfl~ mate - -. .tIta., .uuv E.ach week vie repart the court news which in recent weeks has in- cludecI notons parties, figlits, stealing and ather acis of lawlessness. But. this week we have a story complete with pictures xvhîcb makes us proud of the citizens of one part of this cammunity. It is sornethiog which happens regularly in the courtry, nat too often in the urban areas. Soine weekq asal, while the husband was at wortk, f ire brake out in a home narrh1 of Nc\vionvilie. Neighbors gath- jered, firornii otilrn't camne because the lowws-ipbadn't .sicned an agree- ment., i the bieburned ta the gDrourîi, !O1 this famnil, with three ~0Ufusi v, Wi,1Cd out. witlîout a roof over fîhu-r h'c.Il was the type af trar(,ev vri;x-lii bp e o often in the Oni Tbîc-sdiav evening. the friends of t4 nc 'ir iJboïrood galt'hered at n\'snIew public schaal ta present Ontanî s ity, tow and village in Ontaro ic oin 'ffits utnmast ta obtain new i'idîîst r- with t'le mare argressive ones muKînr-Y ail kind7, of offes-s ta lune prospc' 'Is ta their carnmunity. i~ nwmni we have had an indu stLii.i co nrnission far some vears but, li-nOiC. hve nat had much success Ii ofl<tlflt4 IL' plunmts althougli many cont,ýc1s hv been macle wîth industries whi-bhav lcate(i(s-wee At the m î tri tht' mnpetition is s0 keen in this field tf bat uie:;s, a tawn a ur size has a gi--ai 4&<nai ta e tIen t is likely ta be oveln'- Ain favor of samawhene else. Os':cv'a ris ade rceal progress in receul -eas L prcbticiflg incustnial sites fîro-n pnivata citizens and servicing thcm 'xifh 'vater and sawers and othen facilities. Our- catîneil has made a con- tingen! , quab;fied offar ta provide serv- ices if and when the industries make f inn comiiients ta corne here. This, quite o'ot-inuslin bs not been enough ini commirison itlî the selling of com- peltrcrts. Wori ax-ect have ta buv land and instal! the services on a speculative basis sa the Industnial Commission can takie prospects ta a panticulan anea and show theî-n 'hnt the sites, are now ready fo !iiemta eno ove in and build their piaiî. Wr' miiv aisa, have ta fonm a grou~tp iceîe te assist witLh financinT new indu str bcfaî'e xve can attract them hene. "lîis is what othar cammunities are doing. Suich a gamnble might mean an investment of a hundred thousand dol- lais or mare by the town, but in the long rin could be mare than warth- wiîila. If xve cannot attract industny we shal] coîntie ta be a donmitany tawn for Os!itîxva or Whitby, providing- living quarters and paying ever încneasing taxes on aur rosidential praperty. The' C.N.R. rese-arch department bas fi"-cd a Ut whlatan înclîstny em- playii'îo 1010 warlkers would do for any comrnit\ - Thein figures do flot in- clude the anîaunt of additional muni- cipal t-axýation which tbis industry %vould IprûCLce: "\Vliîolesaile and retail trade, spark- cd by the 100 new jobs, has openings for 38 people. The construction industry naeds .16. Iransportatian and communi- cation 19, finance and insurance seven. uiliti(es five, services 32. That's anoth- er 117 jobs. "Thiat's not ail. The 100 new wark- ens will bing the cammunity 427 people, 66 mare sehool childnan and 131 more households. They will spark near- Iy $1 million mare in netail sales a year and thnee netv retail stores. Neanly it should have been at the overhead bridge. We daubt if thene is another town along the lakeshare the size of Bow- manville whicb has two such hazardous entrances ta contend with. They cerain are P disgnace ta any com- munit.y, nat helped a bit by the treach- enous, conftisin'7 and stupid interchange as rt is called w.hich is the anly paved entrance from Highway 401 at the east end of the taxvn. These ensineering nightmnares may have been good enough in the hanse and buggy days, but thev cetainly don't mensure up to the standards we have been lad ta expect in this day and age. The thrce of them are potential killens and shouid be carrected as quickly as possible. the family with a new refrîgerator and wasl,i-yn rach;ne. These nei 5hbars had donated what they could ta the several men xvho tool: tjin~e ta canvass them. They are stili tryinig ta coilect enough for a stove a'Ahave helped in othen ways ta re'ouil-i thoir new home. We sav !lIav God Bless You to those friancllv, heipful folk who have played a great part in lifting the despair this younçg farnilv must have faît. It happens ail the tine in the country and is the type of story tint we are veny happy ta include in aur news and edi- tonial calumns. Tt restores ane's faith in mankind id u future. U-nfortun- ate lv. the vioh-11ce usuall-v pets the lieadli,-ies in the Pe\vspapers-, until many betgin ta woncleî-if everything is gaing to the dogs. An iicdcnt such as we Inave rellatcd liera dispels that feeling and makes us. realize that the vast miajor-*tv af peoffie in ibis cauntry are goad-l ivinig, kind and genci-aus. 400 tiew telephunies will have ta be ns talled anid automobiles registered wiIl go up 187. "This is aJI pretty impressive proof of the value of secondany industnv in helping ta axpand aur economy. Aýnd ta the coîd, bard fact that, in reverse, 100 layoffs cana hurt a great many peop le." Worthwhile Town Survey Our congratulations ta Town Clark Robent Reynolds and his staff who have campleted a thonough an-d informative 10-year statislLical companisorn of fin- ances, populatýion and othen pertinent details of the towîî's position. We are plaasc-d ta repi-oduce it in this issue fan the information of atir readens. We urge citizenis of this commun- ity ta take tim'p ta s4,utdytibis extensive sunvev wich slîould bc of cireat value ta memnbers of uns and othens inter- asted in mnuniciîpal affairs. Death of aSkili \Ve discovenI d with annoyance the ailier day that some interfening btîsy- body has deviscd a gadget f or dispens- ing ketchup with the press of a plunger. Gone are the exhlarating batties with the reluctant bottla and wasted are the yeans wa spent perfecting the art of depasiting just the right amount on the plate. You can kaep your Edisons, Mar- conis and Watson-Watts; show us a man who can uncap a ketchup bottle with a casual snap of the finIgers and garnish his meal xithoîît splattcning the ceiling and walls, anci we will show you a man who has takan the trouble ta study and conquen the basic needs of lifa and pnac- tical dynamies without resonting ta gadgetny.-Pei enborough Examiner. On Pasteurization Speaking on pasteunization... there tvas th e vomi- lady whase derma- tologist advised ihcur ta tike a milk bath. Next marining the milkman knocked on the door and asked: "Lady, are you sure you want 46 quarts of ml? "Yes," she neplied. "Pasteunized?" ha inquired. "No,"' she said, just up to my armpits." Durhamn County s Great Family Journal Established 106 years ago in 1854 Aloo Incorporating The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News Authozzd cm Second Clans Mail by tii. Post Office D.,pt.. C>towg Produced Every Thursdcry by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowrnanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES EDITOa-PUBLISHE GEO. P. MORRIS BUSxNmMcai. SUBSCRIPTION RATESL g4.00 a Year, strictly in advance - $5.00 a Year in the Ufnited Statem EDITORIAL COMMENT A Disgrace to the Community - Froxa The Statesman Files t io "> e ausei"knew 'ct t next summer, if I'd been J L~___________________ Jbe too hot, frustrated and fur- spared. * bier more than a cross look. 49 YEARS AGO receiving and coaling plat- Sa I went and poked around Then I went into the gar- formi 8 feet wide by 91 feet the aid place, grawing more den, Maud. Lush, green, fra- <August 24, 1911) long on the nortb side af their mnaudlin with every memary. grant, the pampas grass bad Messrs. Rowland Cale and'fruit house at the C.N.R. sta- ** almost hidden the dear, fa- Ed Silver have suf fercd a'ilion. Mr. Geo. Springharn bad FisIwetptaurb- miliar landrnarks: the asb pile heavy loss in the death of the raafing contract. room. I stoad for a moment so prettyofin winte h its their Clydesdale stallion '*Theý Ebenezer: Misses Lila and and rernembered the nigbt tappnapipsw; the beano yearts ago fr haee tVi ofAuraîe Osborne, Mrs. Jane Os- my wife came borne froin a aid friend; the black, re- Der R Ygoung.teese(), bre Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ar- meeting and found the bed proachfuî pit wbere I dig my Mjr. . C.ou ng 4th 1. nott enjoved a maotor trip ta on fire and me sleeping wormis, so neglected this surn- Majr W C.Kin, 45thDur 1Prince Ecl,-rd Countv. peacefully in it. I turned awayme barn Regiment, xvaselcd Orono: Miss Jo Armstrong with a lump in My throat as mr representative af Ontario - of lartford, Conn., is visiting I recalled the lively, warming fie Association on Ccicl of lier niothor, Mrs. C. G. Arm- scene. It was too much. I went Dominion Rifle Assouiiý1î. str'm'. Jo left Saturday for à o ven and leaned against the Hon. R. Bei th'sî cs a moiith's holiday in England Then 1 went ta the bath- 40-foot, $225 new chimney were in the winningli and Scotland. roarn and looked fondly about, I'd put on the aid girl last Cobourg Horse Show, u:n'Ne'tonvilIe: Miss Gladysat rny refuge, the only place fali, and cried like a baby. 2nd in tandem tcam, îst on ýPcorceý and Ruby Wallace took in aur bouse with a boIt onlYou'll have ta excuse me naw cob over 14.1, 2nd for hrcs in hle excursion ta Rachester, the doar. Many a happy hour I'm ail choked up again, just stallion, and first for teain of Friday. I spent thene, sbouting ta the thinking about this. bigh steppers. Mr. John Grigg and Miss Edra Grigg recturneri froniT w omo m friends in Cornwall, Dc,o' o- sbire and London on ct- Royal George. FUNA&NCIAL STÀ Miss Frances Caryl, Wi:coy, N. Y., is visiting bier cousin, 1955 Miss Hazel Wilcox. Miss Lizzie Crossey bas r2- IPOPULATION _-------------.-.6,380 turned from hoiidayin- witli her sister in Toronto. TA AL ASSESSMENT Miss Lizzie Connors luis ac- cepted a position as t ,c,, ~Land and Buildings -.-- -- 5,740,255 the public schooi at ;.r. Business - ------- 617,585 Mr. William Pinch oi' C!ý'Vc* land, Ohio, is vis iting biis f.c- Total -----__-_--_ --_--- ------- 6,357,840 ther, Mn. Alpha Pinm. ie 11'Par Capita -~------.-_____ 9 made the trip at 385 muros by.ý matorcycle.' AÉýCOL TIN Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tie- TX OLETIN ton, Jackson, Micb., have beýn Tax Levy_____- - -------- 312,984 visiting her parents, Mr. and iPer Capita ------- 49.06 Mrs. Thos. Sherin.___ Miss Cora Scott is holiday- Current Collections- -- ------- -- ---- 288,832 ing with bar aunt, Mrs. T. il. < of Levy_---------- 92.28 IV±caugbiin, Gorrie. Onono: Mr. Joe Uifýkabý ti(-I'cArrears Collected - 24,585 wife spent part of tlieir ho!i-31,7 days at Coboronk. wiore J(-, Total Collected ____ 1,1 bad the good luck Oli his 'jrý:t. % of Levy------- 100.14 day fishing ta land a 13'1 rssTxArer 3,6 lb. lunge. -1GosTxAras3,6 Darlington: Mr. and ?'r. Per Capita ---------_ 5.06 M. Kilgannon bave miowd% ev -103 north of Bowma,,nviilc. ' ofIey103 takes a position as section CURRENT ACCOUNT boss on the C.N.R. Tyraxia: Messrs. Arthur Vic - Revenues ------------ 425,376 tue and Norman Pooicx have gane ta the North We:î.t Expenditures --- -- -------------- - - - 417,216 Enniskillen: Mn. E. T!iomaý-, Surplus or Deficit__________ S 8,160 1 son's little niece, who liVý-; with them, fell fnovîat DEBENTURE DEBT ladder and braitehber arnim Courtice: Mr. Roy Penfoîînd Publia Sahools __________- 316,300 bas returned ta Toronto ater'ý holidaying at home. ighShas-2,1 Sauina: Mr. Walter Vice bas 'Local Improvemnents- 120,328 purchased the stock of M0,0 John Baison and intirîda General -----------------1040 starting farming. Public-----ie------ ----- - 527,722 Biackstock : Mrs. (Rev.î tltes____ U. Rabbins and dw Grass Debanture Debt 1,095,867 bave returnad fromn Littic Dri- ýPer Capita - ----------- -- 171.77 a po ~ . I~Lcss - Debt ass'd. by others ---- ---- 18,329 has accepted a position lu T.1-- Plus - Dobt ass'd. fromn others 281,520 ranto. ____i Dcbenture Debt- 1,359,058 25 YEARS AGO iPer Capita _ _---------------- 213.02 (August 22, 193i5) Less - Net P. U. C. Debt ----- 527,722 Dr ndMs.~ w lee~Net General Debenture Debt------------- 831,336 announce the e ac nc'c Per Capita -130.30------ their daugbter, Mire ou P rvý1- Fo gDabt -Cptl-- ------ ---------- -35,000 ela to l'hr C, laigCptl Roy Slamon, RC Ai7, C --Curnent Bonoien, son aofitIr. un(j it. S.~~~~~ Si"oWnnp ~PUBLIC UTILITIES marniage totatke piý;-,c M'NtOeatn eu Bawmanville on theI11h i 'e prtn eut September. W_________-- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickzicd Wato-enwors- Bawmanville, Ont., nou-:Hdo ecic - - the engagement af theïr aide t c Do not appean to ha, daughten, Morion Fileeci, t(- 1,1 aia xe Stuart Ronald Jamesý, son o£ $534caia xe Mrs. James and the lie N.S. B. James, Bowmalnville, tliçe marniage ta taka place on September l4th. Daughtar ai a former edi- tor ai The Statesn-an, and n l der af this newspapcr, Mar- garet G. Climie, diel in Kin- - stan General Hospital. 1 ics Climie cammenced a loac' <! business carear with Stott él Population Jury as a stenographer and As a I of 1950 she also was emplox-eci hy11 John McMurtry,, S. w. ( increasa aven pre. yr. son, Canada Sliccr C"'11- Assessment ----3, Braokdale Nurseries, Phii e; Glass Factony, Oshaw-ýa, and As a %ý of 1950 the Rayal Theatre. nraeo rpevy. Employees af R. M. Hai- ineseanpev r lingsbead Ca., beld first pic- 'Grass Debentune Debt 1 nie at Frençhman's Boy. Pa aia ____ Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ingam, PrCaia -- - Mac and George are viýsiting , .' of Assessment bis mother, Mes. George lng- !As a Il iaf 1950- ham, Peterboro. < Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neai ,c ncrease or decrease and sons are vacationing ,vith vrpevosya relatives at Arnold Park, ae rvasya Iowa.. Net Gen. Debent. Debt Enfîeld: Miss Elaina Or i-Pr____ ton entertained a number aof fCa t - ___ girl friends. 'I o Assessment Hampton: Mrs. Kate Allen, 'As a q,, of 1950 New York, is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. R. Kater-on. inenease or decrease Newcastle: Mes's.Hçr. nreviau ya and Weinstein have bod Wni. avnp sy r- Henning and son building a iE- Estimnate. 31,800 1950 4,903 100% ý,052,110 100% 685,340 139.78 22.4% 100% 407,000E 83.01E 13.3%E 100% 1951 5,318 3,139,250 103% 3% 713,585 134.18 22.7% 104% 1 4% 422,704 79.48E 13.5%E 104% 1952 5,431 111% 2% 3,212,800 105% 2% 731,202 134.63 22.7% 107% 1 2% 447,9715 82.48 13.9% 110% 1953 5,873 120% 8% 6,030,936 198% 88% 725,372 123.51 12.0% 106% D 1% 450,608 76.73 7.5% 111% 1954 6,101 124% 4% 6,221,455 204% 3% 1,154,332 189.20 18.6% 168% 1 59% 812,450 133.17 13.1% 200% 1955 6,380 130% 5% 6,357,840 208% 2% 1,095,867 171.77 17.2% 160% D 5% 831,336 130.30 13.1% 204% kids thiat rd be out i a min- ute. I gave the toilet seat an affectionate glance. It cornes -:SUGAR and SPICE:- wyi orhn.We Dispnsedhy W Smleyit's a man or lady using the When 1 was 20, 1 found no- I1 went home from summer But on the wbole, it's been bathroom. The men flip up thing more attractive than sehoal and saw the two big a love match ail the way, and the seat, and it flies off and being on the move. I ivas FOR SALE signs harnrered there has been a rich, under-rioht arnd herm ready ta go anywhere, with- into my lawn, it was a terrible, standing relationship betweenrioht oud he om out notice, at any time. It jolt. I feit as though the stakes us. She knows I baven't be- wîth an appailing clatter. mneant a change of scene and had been nailed rigbt through grudged ail that money I've Quite unnerves them, ini the routine, new friands and new. my heart. spent on her. And I know that dead of night. faces. It was challenging ami a when I corne to bier after a* . stimulating.*** I love that aid bouse as a hard day, she will take me in Ibad to pay a visit ta the man oxos anoldwifewhoand comfort me and soothe my Now I arn twice twenty. We ma oe nodwf h troubled spirit. She will give icellar, where Ird spent sa are maving to a different i ad to get along with, but me rivacy and peace, a sane- mn uy raiehus tonnx otadln swho has grace and cbarm, a Pv many busyhcreativefbours, mournful as a shroud. r'1m comforting warmth, which lhe sapgat mtheedos. of lranueln wo clinging to the old home and can't get along wit* *t and swearing. Yes, there it the oid lufe with the grim*** That's why this uprooting was - the two-ton pile of tenacity of a granny about I've revilcd the aid girl, pri- is such wrench. My other wife, stoker coal that's been sitting to be lugged off to the coani- vately and in public. I've told the real one, feels itto he there since I put in the oul ty home. The movers wIl hber sha vas frigid, slatternly bas spent many more hours furnace. It took me back to probably bave to strap me to and extravagant. And sbe's than I have with the old girl: the winter nights when I the iraning board ta get me given as good as she got. MY bathing her regularly, feeding crouched behind my ancient out of the bouse, on rnoving beaud is ail knobby frorn the ber delicacies like paint and stoker, nursing it tbrough the day. wlncks she bas deait me with wallpaper, and dressing bier small hours as a marine en- li** er cellar booms. On several wîth tbe dignified taste ber gineer nurses bis cranky aid I've known it was comýn'5 occasions, she lias dropped ail age demands. But women are angines in an attempt to for some time, of course, and the plaster from a ceiling, just tougber than men, and basic- reacb port. tbought I was raronciledIo t before guests arrived, out af aily less sentimental. Tbey*àà it. But last week end, when pure pcrversity. look forward, not back. Sa I went out ta the patio. And my wife has turned bier back I almost broke dawn at this onth old girl, tbaugh not point. I felt like an artist withu a tear or twa for en dragrged off ta jail just Iin i îe t.,m timbs remembered, and caïi h aottasatwr barlywai t strtdacrain on bis masterpiece. I've been1 and making drapes at the newi planning that patio for eight a dplace. *, ~Yeaýrs.Every winter I've given it ot of thought I've been D ita t as1 couldn't do that, I bad ta pretty busy, summers, and1 01ta t as have a, final, dramatic leave- haven't quite got started on1 taking. I,chose last week end, it, but I know I'd have builtt inville 1956 6,634 135% 4% 6,501,651 213% 2% 1,145,163 172.62 17.6% 167% 14% 878,134 132.37 13.5% -215% 1957 6,906 141% 4% 6,763,900 222% 4% 1,079,204 156.27 15.9% 157% D 6% 854,923 123.79 12.6% 210% 1 14% 1 6% 1 1% 180% I 2% 16'7oD 3% 1958 7,112 145%, 3% 7,219,000 237% 7%'/ 1,011,722 142.26 14.0',/ 148%, D 617 798,766 112.31 11. 1%5ý 1967, 1959 7,203 147% 1 ,i 7,283,435 239%l 1%ý" 1,188,925 165.06 16.3%' 173V, I18% 995,8061 138.25 13.7% 244% 1960 Est. 7,300 149'/ 1'/ 7,445,673 244%,ý 2%'/ 1,780,376 243.89 2 3.9%1 ' 260/o 5 50"; 1,370,000E 187-00E 18.4 %,E 337%o r- Last week in these columns we, again made reference to the two dangerous entrances ta Bowmanville, the CPR overhead bridge on No. 2 Highway and the iack of a claverleaf at the Waverley Road - Highway 401 intersection. The comment at that time was brought an because a canload of taunists had gone aven the south bank, without kiiiing themselves. On Fni- day evening. tbree people were flot so fortunale ai IWavcnrlev Rond and High- way 401. They last thein lives in a sickc-ni n scrash. We lay no blame on anyane. That is the court's prenogative. But, we believe me-,st sincerely that neither of these accidents would have occunred had there been a proper cloverleaf at Waveî-lev 'Uoad and had the sharp right angle turn been eliminated years aga as &TISTICS 1956 6,634 5,878,105 623,546 6,501,651 980 408,647 61.60 377,722 92.43 27,135 399,857 97.85 40,244 6.07 9.85 517,535 534,593 D 17,058 412,4.u 18,563 113,709 76,400 524,091 1,145,163 172.62 14,108 271,200 1,402,225 211.37 524,091 878,134 132.37 35,000 55,800 S 5,018 S 11,772 S 35,915 S 41,999 iv levied for pnian yean's deficit. Accu mulated revenue nditure out of revenue in 1959. fund deficit 1957 6,906 6,137,560 626,340 6,763,900 979 480,656 69.5.9 429,541 89.36 26,264 455,805 94.82 64,124 9.28 13.34 635,265 627,767 S 7,498 394,40u 12,704 106,954 90,000 475,146 1,079,204 156.27 9,655 260,520 1,330,069 192.59 475,146 854,923 123.79 47,525 55,000 S 11,861 S 46,446 end of 1959 - 1958 7,112 6,517,940 701,060 7,219,000 1,015 499,174 70.18 443,487 88.84 42,606 486,093 97.37 80,110 11.26 16.04 651,867 676,853 D 24,986 375,90û 6,522 100,141 81,000 448,159 1,011,722 142.25 5,014 240,217 1,246,925 175.32 448,159 798,766 112.31 45,020 125,000 S 4,907 S 14,661 $37,502. 1959 7,203 6,565,565 717,870 7,283,435 1,011 522,304 72.51 471,974 90.36 59,368 531,342 101.73 73,949 10.27 14.16 748,251 780,309 D 32,058 556,935 130,402 71,600 429,988 1,188,925 165.06 236,869 1,425,794 197.94 429,988 995,806 138.25 86,900 91,407 îcl' àe 13,452 16,795 D 7% 1 25% I38% Ed Youngman's Column 1 The writer bas always ad- same time, a group from Bel. mired red headed females, leville belped tbemselves te but balks at a lady named one hundred thousand for re- Neodiprion Lecontei, whose search purpases. Spokesmnen name in English is Red-Head- for bath graups asserted that, 3,ed Pine Sawfly; she is a des- aur 'crawlies" are among the tructive pest in conifer stands, best in this province because particularly red pine plant- they are free of disease and ations. parasites, which is probably Early in June, this ener- the mainr reason wby they getic nuisance will cut slits prapagate sa rapidly up bere in the edge of the pine need- on the aid pine ridge. We les and lay anything up ta ane wish they weren't quite so, bundred cggs in a clustar of robust- the dubiaus honour slits, and just as it requires or producing Ontario's beal- three weeks ta hatch out loy- thiest sawflies doesn't ap- able, fluffy baby chicks, peal ta us. it takes three weeks ta latch The spray concentrate we the sawfly eggs into crawl- use is such a deadly poison, ing yeilow - green Iarvae, that it is advisable ta wash wbich feed, in colonies, on the hands frequently ta pre- the needies of the hast trac, vent the skin absorbing en- for about six ta eight wceks, augh ta cause trouble witli during which they bacome the spray person's innards, iight yellow with orange with possible very grave con- beads, and black markings sequencas. aloiig their backs and sidas. tilocat spseht At the end af the twa month 1 slgcltaspoeta feeding period the îarvae the average layman presumes, drap ta the ground, burrow because we are a governmen- inta the forest litter and hale tal organization, that we use up for the winter in brawn huge, expansive equipment, cocaans.* a but such is not the case at hihadquartens. The space Late i a or early in between the treas is so lirn- June, the adoît sawflies amer- ited that, wa find good shoul- ge fnorn their wintcr quart- der type sprayers are the ers, loaking lîke small amber rnost useful and ecanamicai, bees- thank goodness, thare especiaily as the larvae stay is only one ganaration per in colonies, which means that year in Ontario. ti o wasnesryo The freshly hatched larvae i sattaeways etessryt will eat enough needies ta pa h etr ra kili a trea, 50 it is imperative It is annoing for some ta try and keep their popula- people ta try and contrai, by tion fram increasing- ane sprayîng or hand picking, way is ta spray thern with a some destructive insect pest, powanfui insecticide. and observe other people do Although oldar trees may the opposite- ailow their be attaced, it is the pines ai plantations ta be fruitful less than tweîve feat in breeding grounds because haight that seam ta bc the they won't bather ta try and mast susceptible ta serious in- hold the ravager in check. jury. At Durham Forest, we But that's tMe way At is! spray these despoilers with a DDT solution that para- MEMORIAL HOSPITAL lyzes their digestive argans, WEKYRP T resulting in death. EKYRP T Our favounite spray period For the week of August 1 is from the middle af Juiy ta the middle of August wbich ta 7 inclusive: seems ta catch bath eariy and 1 Admissions ---------------- - -- 54 late hatches. Birtbs, 3 maie, 6 female -_ 9 During the last week in Disrbarges --------------. 51 July, a graup of men frorn Major aperatians ------.---8 Cbaik River, Ontario, collect- Minor operatians------- -17 ed a quarter of a million Of Emergancy treatments 34 these jokers, ta expose thern ta atomia fail-out, and obser- Visiting bours 3:00 ta 4:00 'f It Happens in the Country New Industry Is Essential TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE (sis of Population, Assessment and Debenture Debt As at December 3lst GEO. W. GRAHAM ,ADVTG. MANAGER - ----- - -- - ---------------------

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