THTJSDAY, AUG. 18th, 1960 C. Robb, Johannesburg, S. & ~ ~ ' . were read for rememrnege oil H sia Africa and Mr. F. D. Robb of Mvarriea in O shawa G..randmas e by Good NeighborsComt Devon, England. te r.Cifr The bride's "going away" gave hier usual godrpr ensemble for the honeymoon fo tisatmtte in GsePnnuawsapat- TCankanotes terned siik sheath with linen Th n you wee F r h w ek o ud #1 W e d n sjacket in the bvic mint green PaCrist~of Bsei îe ohol o shade, white accessories and .... . dmisios.. corsage of pînk roses. Mr. and . his book, The EncycoadaBrh,3mi,3fml Mrs. Lambier wlll reside atThe Aug. 8th., program of of General Knoxtiede(iu-Dscaes- Mr.Laberwl rsdea Maple Grove oe' Insti- trated), and from Bria rd ao prtos1 T6 eWard Se, p ortc sHope . *l tute was in charge of the His- ley of M aple Grove s hoii o p rto s2 Teaheride a praublieo ot~ torcal Research and Current for the book, NaturesWn Eegn teace r i ag r c adaeof P ot Events COmmittee with Mrs. derin full T ecoosotlontea me ts7 Hrope Hgh Sechool and of e t- W H. Brown presiding. were presented by the WIlo ~ iin o r, 34 p m h erborough Teacher's College. students showing n ot î _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ She also attended Hope Town-e:- Thiiieen grandmothers pre-prmetdrnte rrt shi Scôol Mr Labie at sent were given a special wei- ,~~~, *~~~ corne by Mrs. Brown and a year. Tems geal hn tended boarding and high ... sm all corsage of flow ers w as A thank you w as ex nd d if is w r h ac o p s - AM I R -C S E L matron of honor and the bri- schocols in Belgium and is em- e în n ec n.t hs o a p o i e t- d a_ o e desmaids were the bride's poe yGnriMtr d d________ _____ B a s k e t s o f p i n k a n d w h i t e a m i s E a n a w i , h o t , " i e b g n t oS te v e s . e p t e b e r m e e î n g_ gladili wîh fer form d uan t e gMi s s ie se l, s E R O L Rf ry i e d nt g i e xii b n c ag f Ctz n edaMrs. Brown commetdo the program by Mrsi . . A~ alo tasl lovely background iTotEDReLmie.TeRor Ytywe ear wny" hpad dcto Cmi-TOEEYHR Hope Unît d Ch rch n Sa- id nticî go ns f co en bue A bert Stre t Unted hurc, Fom this contradi c t o r y 1 tee, Mrs. H. Cooney , o v n o s i urday, July 23, 1960,F atC I l nylon chiffon w ith cross-over 1 O shaw a, enhanced by baskets is a ' e t r . . H r w r o'lo k he ev P F ard- swathed bodices accented by. of white gladioli, was the set- contvey dt he t o g t h t n el c k , ie r arns1 i gS. W . H.AB333n' M r y u n i t e d i n a r r a e r s u m r b u n d s a n d f a s h i o n e d t i n g o n S a t u r d a y , J u n e 1 l t h , t o g p e s n t r i i l c f c e e s r e o a o m n i l May asel, aghter of Mr.wi t h fuili skirts over crino-1 1960, at 3:00 o'clock when yhouth thee isa natural so ia hl or an r. H rl awl flinos. Little Miss Margaret Katheline Ethelyn Fowler, y own t frty whe nta slw l lhought Port Hope, and Mýr. Lucie-'i fi th e bride's niece, as daughter of Mrs. Myrtie Fow-, poaticnce andwsome ort G eorges L m bier. Mr nLa m BIX er ir w s also in a op- er, B ow m anville, and the lates ou d et he p c It s maI bier is the son of Mr. and ý nbu rs with very bouf- Mr. Fred Fowler, became the ' ___________set___the_________________________ Mrs. Charles Lambier of Gra-i fant skirt. Ail wore white bride of Mr. îtnEwrdpratfr st eavre .________________________ fton, ont. clips and the adult attendants Terry. Mr. Terry is the so that a keyed up rush does flot Mrs. Lenahan p!ayed the carried nosegays of yellow of Mrs. Wesley Fowler and thE day to day ivingthe poaemO A end on a ad Inainr wedding music and also ac-! and white 'munis, lily-of-the- late Mr. Walter Franklià- Ter- etin Dys wanradannorkd ugot i.t companied soloist Miss Doris- valley and fern. The flower, ry. .. . cluin. as"ws di conclusion. Iwho uncrea u< Bauich of Toronto xvho sang girl carried an old fashioned Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson was h ag OdFlsa s ac fhm rwt "Ave Maria" and "O Per- basket of mixed posies. the officiating clergyman. The ho nd "O1ldFok tesbahofom he broe sgve The bride's nephew, Master weding music was played by Hm"ad 0dBM liffd delbat heocai Th bie a pher ndinLesie Caswell, xvas ring ibear- Mrs. Bruce Searle who also swallowin detbMrs.Ted ffodevcnetsepo marriage hy her an er in a navy blazer and grey1 accompanied the soloist, Mr. Swlwer anduch enjoed A skit1sprayed the room. wore a floor length gown Off ïitn&s. lie carried a white Robert Dargan Jr., who sang .staed bMrs. Ajy. Ah(Ms . tethtidjumtasl- nylon lace ox ur taffeta. S'kirt satin pillow surmounted by a "O Promise Me", "Perfect i897)cailng Mrs. .B cc il lrs. fate the mountaineerm was formed of -thrce tiers ilarge ribbon how with the Love" and the "Wedding - 1Jeffery Mrs. 1960) rovCeided tune heiy o hsfin over threeu ivcrs (ifc,2t nï d tuwo rings a[tirhed to t'he Prayýer"' pentey af fun an60apiausde, a af et in d at h ng bo- strea mners. M r. Leo ni Lefe- T'le bride, xho w as given as l l as of f oo ad for th ught and said proudly: "S h s s r ero as orn ver the fitte di b v re w as est m an an d th e in m arriage b y lier g r S e k n g o he t p c i - o n a e a gr a re , C bodice embroidereci in sequins: ushers wiere Messrs. Ronald er, Mr. Wesley andfathwor- Sekn ntetp .s-ýon ob ra and pearîs. lier -equin em- 1flandal ard Donald Sage. a floor length gown of xvhiteSoiden brercy, riewed fn w er get or broidered shioulder ýlength ny-!Tercpin a ed C-nily-- vrsai.ASodnbrel eiwdthe ~o anio Ion tulle veil with scaîloneo h rcpta xa1hl i i estii lace aver sat -A histories which have influen- wardf0is perfecatidrydea edge feli frorn a tiara hï.i-d- 'the Church Rooms where the! princes astie cena-cdthwyafieofppi 'g 1vresto s peveytiewn bede n eatshneiscai u uwere greeted 1y the! erd be very bouffant skirt andl in she cad eocatifeo e . yusn rgret au nheard nsar ofidesmteri atendthe long sleeves extcnded ta; cvl ized counries and ques in veyre au tion is taken t red sweetheart roses and mirit green silk sheath V.ith lilyponsorhe hands. e hte ieseto herir orgre1 o Iiyo-h-vie atching jacket, and white Scalloped tiers falling dow'ýn Eeypetuini MsJonFr-accessories. She wa- asisted the skirt front werc rose gatîh- study of the past is being used Ioig'îenw.S ab alLsi MrsJon ruson vas iby the groom's mother who Pred at the sides and swept ý loisloiksiing prsn"a i o lesnt urrie en ffJchose a sate blue lace sheath back into a long lace train. p o l m . O e p r o a e- y u r i a î g t s n x FAST RELIEF F0 over matehing taffeta with lier shoulder length veil was eroe e p e hatal kn - ow- time.nin t badand sd drapery o caught toa crown of rie eg forps a eo matching organza. Bath wore stones and pearîs and a cas- Shown signing the register are Mr. and Mrs. Milton Edward Terry wha value in today's living. e u Icorsages of pink rases. cade of red rosehuds and were married in Albert Street United Cu ,Ohwon audy June1, To conclude ber ta p i c Kiaq lCA Thepae buetinedfhre-white gladioli flowed over the 1960, at 3 o'clock. The bride, former Katheline Ethelyn Fowler, is the dauh- Mrs. Snowdn read the poem, Te ae xveddin aed was Cliteide. rredby the My Get up and Go Has Got Jf IR is"; 0hîteedBible carriedeltbrde er of Mrs. Myrtie Fowler and the late Mr. Fred Fowler. Mr. Terry is the sonl Up and Went. ith e e n18e0 sedMat The bride's sister, Miss Joan Of Mrs. Wesley Fowler and the late Mr. Walter Franklin Terry. Presdent Mrs. K. Hopkins than d ing . in 1870 Gror. Foawer, was maid of honor -Photo by CC Lab. conducted the business. Rill an r. ilamMcreoand the bridesmajds were cali- "yhobyfoWldae Braemar, Scotiand, the mat- Miss Linda Mutton, Miss Be- wer spprgust f Myobyfo odag 100.MA F Eerna great-grand parents of SwhadM* supLancaste f r. adMarie aanBud Moses and 9 1n~d1O eret Fthe bride. vrySihad Mis Mroniii Wesnase. eerl 'hakyou" oe Aftr hewedig rek-i rilsai o Bwmnvll. r.and Mr. Bob Craig ductle s ead dYelwescn fa t t e g e t e e i v t d T e o e r i b w h e e d a fa ril y party on Sa t- i i Idfor ah y ou grain d ofd.s Tos eL E N P A M LM ta the Legion Hall whereMr eisoftqus, orchid, urday in honour of svr o ohyugadod hs andMr. hale Lmberchartreuse and pînk. membrsClather failis races and contests resulted as an r.CalsLmir The maid of honor's dressm be o thfaies foilows: were hasts for entertainment ws fsikorazaoerff-b rthda3 eras. mihei "wereMU nddceiebrathebaanefea engndw Fa suaebithaP.icn ic Children 5 years and under, Z o t ay tlgrm neckline ending in a V-back AInteef nor stweek der 5 receiving a prize); 6-8 EFR T L, Q j 21 weeCsnrtulty te legrams accented by a large turquoise ers from Midlesex and Lamb-ut1th 90 tyerRbr Pwl rn were sof ent by he Piaetevoettaffeta bow. The bridesmaids tnCounties were entertined ln cho gonsteYellowlees; Girls 12 andeun- fail f egimMs.F C rsse, o of sil rgeza the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Yeiiowiees famiiy held their der, Janice Moses, Georgeann BR0 S oer t a ffetla, fa gtred self S m Butter, M r. and Mr. n ua re io . as a ic Graham ; Boys 12 and under, yertha ohiarscaughteyubiCaruthersand ar and dNorman Thompson, Murray QAf ET material rosettes at te V- o CruhesMd r nddyand52gtedfoth1 lowes front necklines. The very fulli rs. L. Weish over the week- ay KIhered.forthA 3-5081lees. -BUTTER MVAKS skirts were shirred into cum- end. noon meal. The tables were ShQe Scramble, Donna Tho- KNGS.. - MA-01 METOR SI merbund waistlines. The maid A number from thîs com- weli laden with deliciaus mpson, Janice Moses; Pass the -fff of honor wore a turquoise munity attended the Crago- food and everyone onjoyed Parcel, Doreen Thompson; LEAN RS GOD F O rwwthvi drmnSmith wedding at Tyrono their dinner. Pass the Hankie, Beatty N RS f0YSt match ber dress and the hr ls Saturday even- When everyone had be Whyte; guess the beans in jarHA B E4 Ib. ' c BETTER bridesanddMrs.rgWiilardrLock-.satisfied, Harvy eloies Harvey Yellowiees; Dummy 1s 9 I - S E T E RT A S T E B E T T E R ! bMerid s l r e pi t r n . aC o nte st, P at D a vis a n d M I E n.wle , , bIH ats were the same colour ashatNagrFisewYr Presîdent, caiied th cmp n atDvs'adRab- BUTTER ~their dresses. They carrîed hat igr alNe ok h o-n ert Osborne. white gladioli cascades with vlsited'with Mr. ai-d Mrs. Samn'to 9rder !or a short business LASOESIE TARO REM ROUCES, drssmachig ibonpep-Buttery and Mrs. J. Lancaster period. The minutes of the While the chiidren enjoyod LA,4TR "SIE ONAUI RIA RO ADUC ' dosacing ribboupeep for sver.çl asOtevit-lt reunion were read by the the swings the older folk B A "c 0Nlu du DEPISNTIO ooe REM PODCtfS in Shrr Le Dckonors were Mr. and Mrs. Ivison secretary, Susie Graham. At chatted and relaxed. The rain ___________________________ the groom's niece, was flow. Munday, Mr. and Mrs. C.ti h lt fcmn npeetd sm er ir i terd lor enthWelsh and Betty, Town; Mr. officers for 1961 were read from sfaying for supper. The NEILSON'S relial iNewtonviller landtMiss adTh ed. 191 reuioILdCeHaCHplNS white silk organza over white and Mrs. Sid Lancaster and an ad p d.wi be rr ge by te x- , ga gCOR E She wore a white bandeau Jannette Tozer, Port Hope. Pros., Donald Thompson; Vice euv.IP.V IE% -12g l7M9 FI 0U S . .. ONCE-A-YEAR! and carried a basket of white Miss Kathy and Master Pres., Verne Powell; Secret- Several families were not and turquoise 'munis. Murray Twist have been hl- ary, Isobel Davis; Treasurer, present and were missed by FROZEN, CUT - lO-oz. pkg. The ring bearer was Master daying with Mr. and Mrs. Grace Wright; Sparts Com., ail. As evoryone lef the ga n nsntegomsClarence Bell, Town, and Mr. Francis and Myrtle Thomp- thering, if was with the anti- IJ Mil tnThoe psoh te grom IandMvywr Cyeman, son, Ron and Giadys White, cipation of meeting agamnA11111111 jepcewt wh oeanv M i rv Norma and Ernest Hockaday. next year. jcet and wîe trousers. _____ ____________ Mr. James R. Terry xvas ~~ best man for his brother and the ushers were the bride's brother, Mr. Willis Fowler of Bownmanvilie, and the groom's E4ý'LIZABETH 1AIRDEN SOAPS nephew, Mr. William Terry of St. Catharines. They were in white jackets and dark 2LUE CGRXSS JIJNE GERANIUM trousers. The reception xvas heid ln the Fleetwood Room of the z Genosha Hotel,0Os h a wa, , where the guests were ro- ceîved by the bride's mother in silk organza over aqua-flor- ai toffeta with white accoss-......... - -->z .<. I fesses 'for a miscollaneous 1 I LL, O PERHM1iT shover held at the home of -1 THSJ IL REGULAR STOCK, O QUALITY MECADS .. Mrs. Robert Mutton, Conces- sioni St., Bowmanville, andsiia hwe a edat I NOT PURCHASED SPECIALLY FOR THIS SALE! the home af Mrs. Clyde Dick- BA~TH SOAPS son in Oshawa. Eli7alx'thi Ardlen', faînous fland and Bath Soap's are oflèred niom at extraordiiary savings. These custoin- mnade Soaps have a luxuriaus cold crearn base are perfumned to sachet sirength with rare French . iessences and are nillied eighlt times to give thein long * asting firnicss and rich easy lather. And everv Elizabeth Arden Soap is enriched wilh lanolin. SJURY & LOVELL YOUR REXALL STORE 15 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-3361 SALEM Miss Bea Craig is attonding the National Young People's Union convention at McMas- ter University, Hamilton, as, a dolegate from the Bay of Quinte Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rey- nolds and family leit by mot- or on Monday for a two week's holiday with relatives at Port Arthur. Salem frîends extond con- gratulations and best wishesý ta Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Shaw's on the occasion af their 25h wodding annivers- Don and Ran Welsh attend- ed Junior Judging day at Pet-1 erborough fair last Wednes- day. M'sr. and 'Mrs. Sam Buttery, Mrs. John Lancaster, attended 1 decoration day services at.I Newtonville Cemnetery and! - .~ ,w.ew-~.t .=- -. -,. - - - - 4" - - t,. IM CANADLU STATESMAN. BOWMANVnJý& DIITAPJD "A 0--ip qnymwm m