Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1960, p. 2

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PAoe Two TEE CANADIAN BrATUMAN. DOWMAN~ULE, OmARTO THURSDAY, AUG. lSth, 1900 New Proce, I OSHAWA and DISTRICT1 541h ANNUAL -l'AIR-W Aug. 18-19-20 HORSE RACING FRIDAY and SATURDAY IDWAY SHOW TROPICAL FISH DISPLAY Ail Kinds of Farm Exhibils ALEXANDRA PARK OSHAWA Thursday - Preparalion Day' Friday, Saturday - Show Days Meals «Served on the Grounds Write for prize list and entry form to FOSTER SNOWDENI Sec'y-Treas. R.R. 2, OSHAWA W. H. DOWN. President Mrs. Delbert Flintoff and Carol Harvey, Kedron, woe Wednesday visitors at Wes Camerons. Miss Sheila Larkin, Deep River, is visîting at D. Simp- son's. Mr. and Mrs. R'y Thomas Kim and Debbie, Searborougc.h, visiteed at Russell Stainton's on Thursday. Miss Mina Ferguson, Ux- bridge, is visiting Mrs. Clarke Moore at Keith Stainton's home. Judy Cameron went f0 Camp Pretoria on Tuesday. Norman Reynolds, Toronto, called at Norman Lench's mc- cently. Mr. and Mms. Ailan Fisher, Mrs. Lavina Fisher, Wiitby, attended a fnmily party at Archie Parrinder's cottage at Maple Beach, Lake Simcoe, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geiss- berger, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dart and family visited at Fred Dart's, Woodville, on Sunday. Mrs. F. B. Glaspeli and Mar- ilyn Glaspeli are spendîng a few days at Ray Scott's, Ked-ý ron. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobîl spent fie weekend xith Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton af Browning Island, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameroni visitcd at Bernard McEwen's, Pal grave, on Sunday. Miss Bertha Geissberger bas returned home from her trip f0 the West Coast. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Skin- ner and family, Oshawa, were qunday evening visitors at Jim Stainton's. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Leach attended fie Youngman picnic af E. Youncman's, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Ston ind family, Islington, visited at, 1-ans Geissberger's Jr. on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stain- I ton visited Mrs. J. W. Balson and Herbert Cameron at 0,- ra wa Genenal Hospital on Sun-ý rday. Mr. and Mrs. Fnank Pascoe, i 'isited Mr. and Mns. Morrisl1 Slecu and family at Coldwateni aon Sunday. Mrs. Jim Stainton, Dave and, Douglas are spending severall, days ýwith hnr siqtý,r, Mvr. andl 'Mrs. Ron Jackson, Paris. liMr. and Mns. Stanley Cov- ely and Karen, Eb2nezcr,, 1visited at Wes Cnmeron's on Tuc-day. BUY NOW... AND SAVE' .Summer Prices NOW EFFECTIVE ON Famous Reading Anthracite (LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS) You can be sure you are getting the world's finest hard coal! Remember there is economy in quality. Ask for il today! STOVE NUT PEA CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS OUR YARD AND OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED AUCUST 261h TO SEPTENDER 61h INCLUSIVE Stephen Fuels CALL US TO-DAY TELEPHONE, MA 3-5410 OFFICE AT C.N.Rt. YARDS iCouncil iutes claim, $35.00; P. Jakemnan, Shep aim, $15-00; Fran Cowan Co. Ltd., Municipal Liability, $286.44. Moved by Fallis, seconded by McMaster, that the meet- ing adjourn until September 6th, 1960. at 1:30. T wic e-Mon Hampton in 1899 Editors Note: The following poemn was printed in a copy of the Whitby Chronicle, dated February 24th, 1899, and found in the home of Norman Moffatt in Hampton during renovation. We are indebted to Dick Widdecombe for bring- ing it to our attention. HAMPTON Corne, Friends, gather near, whlle we portray witli pen, The Village of Hampton and prominent men; The trades ai-d professions to picture wel try; We'll give due attention and flot colour too high. This place is the home of the Brown family who sing; 'Tis also far-famed for its rare Suiphur Spring, Whose waters when tested for numerous ilis, Are more efficacious than plasters or pis. In summer our streets are dlean, shady and cool, Contagious diseases pass by as a rule; It's a favoured resort for persons of wealth, As it's now become famnous for pleasure and health. At the corner, H. Elliott seils dry goods and shoes, And his stock is complete, fromn whicfl ail may choose, As you enter the store, for sale may be seen, The unparalled "Domestic Sewing Machine." Charles Horn in tic miii spending many an hour, Filling large orders for superfine flour, T. Elliott as usuai buys peas, oats and wheat, J. Y. Cole and Son deali n green hides and meat. E. Hastings and Son's busy making boss pumps While from lack of employment some men have tic dumps, C. joins is busy building wagons and sîcigis, While some in tic village wili loaf round for days. Richard Avery Esq. seils sugar and fea Also glass ware and china at a modemate fec; Every wcek Rev. Thomas proclaims tic good truth, While Frank Groat ana Miss Waddeil are fraining tic youti. George Bone is engaged in selling beer, wine and aie, At noon . (to young ladies) Will Horn serves ouf fie mail, Wm. Beer is retired and loans outf us money, J. Burns keeps bec supplies and selis claver honey. E. Trenouti is a mason efficient and quick, At plastering, stone-work or laying of brick; Will Ward as a butcher tries hard fa please, John Hopper's rctired and living at case. Our builders Messrs. Joins and Clatwortiy say That business this season wvill cetainly pay; We ail will cease working at some future day R. Katerson tien can lay us away. Miss Asiton's a dmessmakcr who always can please L. Weldh neyer fails to turn out a fine cheese, John Lord is a farmer, kecps pace witi fie fimes; L. J. Clarke as a sinithy is coining fie dimes. William Allun is breeding pure Yorkshire swine, C. N. Ruse tendhes music most of fie time, E. J. Clarke is a tcamster, no fime will lie lose; Will Allun 'tis said now writes for tic "News". Jack Mallon's a failor substantiai and neat i-le lives to fie left going north on front street, lle's aiso a barber, if you'li sit in lis chair le'll slave, or hc'll eut, or ie'ii siampao your hair. J. Bradlcy's a feamster expert and keen, C. Pascoe downtown but seldom is seen, Bill Martin loans money and works if lie choose, Fred Allin for thc "Stafesman' writes up fie newS. Darlington Council meet cach monfi in fis town, Our interest is guarded by Councillor Brown, Tic Municipal Clerk is locatcd here Office open, tirce lundred days in tic ycar. Tic Treasurer fao quite convenient you'll find Ta business attentive, obliging and kind Tic office is spacious, well ligited and neaf Tis nicely located, ta norti of Mill Street. J. Salter's fast chestnut is greatly admircd, T. Burrows from labour las fully rcfired, He rends tic "Globe" daily for polities sake And as a debater lie now takes the cake. J. Ward is a stunner to graf t and ta prune, J. H. Burrows fis said will be gardening soon, H. Elliott Esq. is far pasf us prime, J. Noble's a farmer wio has a good tie. Frank Cale makes nobby suifs fiat fit just so so And his groceries of lafe have been ail thc go, If you cail and inspecf you'l1 sec a grand sigif In dry goods and groceries, and prices arc rigit. This village can boast of a veteran amoker 'Tis also far fnmed for an Irish joker A. Stott, as a painter is said ta be ciever, Jno. Brunf Esq. is naisy as ever. J. T. Williams did the hile of a merchant choose Whilc living retired is Mr. John Ruse, Edward Grat is sf111 busy making fine boots And selling nice watcics fiat most always suits. We've not gof a dude, and very few sweils, But aur village is noted for beaufiful belles, If you would retire mid pleasure and case Tic Village of Hampton wiill ccrtainly please. Then if you'd kcep postcd and gef ail the ncws, Tic Chronicle of course is fie paper ta ehoose, You can get if at once by calling 'round Or by scnding your order ta Whitby Town. AilPostmc Payday Lla rrve twice as oftn or 14,'000 Canadian post- asters and assistants com- mnencing with those in Nova Scotia. New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, on Au- NO IlET Y AVALLABLE FOR NKOETGAGES I RALPH S. ONES Barrister and Soilcitor 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 86246 - x C.N.E. Art Gallery WiII Be Manned by Members of Cancer Soc. B 0 !ment was made quarterly. bss to r. Hamilton explained ss o ring thte ntroduon of a new M vr D,,, IOm'rt, coupled with automatic chequ writing, separating and M ly Pay to envelope stuffing machines,,M n had enabled the Post Office Department to carry out thý The August meeting of the ms fers extra operations involvcd in Manvcr.s Municipal Council twice-monthiy payment and wan îîcîd on Aug ust 2 with al gust 15th, it was announced stili make an overail reduc- 'îc Ù' s e~n ev today by the Hon. William tion of costs. The mechaniza- Blrown presidling. Hamilton, Postmaster Gen. tion process bas been planned Th mnue of the July terai. The postmasters, whoi so that all personnel to bce re- tnt'ting wrerd n ap 1staff Canada's medium and: placed will be re-assigned to rea an ap j smaller Post offices, draw an other duties in the accountinsg iîr<vrd on motion of Payne annual payroll of some $22,. divisions as vacancies occur ini~ MMîtr 000,000. the course of normal promo- i Thei foilowing communica- The Postmaster General ex- tion and retirement.I tions, wvî.e r-ecvvcd and read: plaired that, unlike postail In announcing the change ,l Unittd Counties of N. & D. employees in the larger offices Mr. Hamilton noted tlia: I.qliization 13Y-law on which i ftie 19(111 levies will be made and civil servants in other De- twice-a-mon tl salary pay-ontiti h minor niunicipalities; partments, these postmasters ments hiad bccn a ln-en nîak ...r h p ad their assistants are paid objective of thec Canadiati I on a complex formula based Postmasters' Association, and if dift, Garden Hill Con- on the business conducted by that the Dcpartmient was îîîon.es<"rvaioî Area on Aug. 5th, the office and the operational than pleased that the imiro- 190;United Counties Clerk workload of the office. Up to duiction of electronie accoumt- re indigent patient; Consum- now, the massive amount of ing methods liad nud îi rs G as re new rate structure; arithmetic involved in figur- eelp'dtposbe lsoAppîoval from the Toronto ing fout nay cheques for the the new procedure relievves mît[mcofthe DH. ethecka purno- staff att e 11,000 post offices clerks of thie mreteio choea ewtukan n involved has made it neces- manual calculations.tdiu plow; Ont. Municipal Board to hît pyday to nce he frst aymets t co e letter pertaining to seeking sary olmtpyastone Tefrtpyenst oe approvai of Board to spread a month. I a few cases, pay- off the new automnatic process pax'nient of truck beyond the were addressed to Nova Sco-, curnt year; Dept. of Travel -------- ----------- --tia, and the first postinaster & Publicity re new regula- Bl to be paid by the ncw set-up' tions in connection with Tour- will be Mrs. Rachel MacziFad- ist establishments; Welfare siglt9yenof Aberdeen, N.S. bein Dept. of the City of Oshawa sigldtroduced province by province 1 cdaims; A letter from J. L. Sta- as the payrolls are converted jpies advice re fire area and to the new electronie eup several accounts. Sment However, sub postinas- A delegation of ratepayers : ter3, due to the special nature froîn Viewlake called on the of their pay, w il continu e to~ Council and asked for im- \0.be paid on a monthly basis for provemenits on the road lead- a few months and until the ing into the cottage area. The 041speciai programming neces- malter of alo owner en- sarv can be completed. croaching on a lane leading, 'h ~The conversion of this pay- to the Lake was discussed. ihe"~roll operation to electronîc Mr. Russell Crecine inter- ihead.. equipment is another mile- viewed tie Council and re- stone on a long range pro- quested that the Council take *gramme of automation of post around 4 feet off the top of DIST NCEoffice accounting. Tie savings "Ivonks" hili in Bethany with \~bank accounts were converted the grader. to the electronic systemn a year The matter of the two peti- ago and this change aso e- received atapeiu sulted in economies and the tostapeiu elimination of the more te-metn grdgafiere diousmanuwere deait with. Sdosmnal work. M-oved by MeMaster, secon- ded by Payne tint no action MONi - nection with estabiishing a fire area. Carrled. Moved by Payne, seconded by Fallis tint Wmi. Sheen be OBITUARY paid for two hours' work for cutting brush. Carried. MRS. HOWARD JOLLOW Mr. H. B. Preston interview- ed the Council regardingthe After a very brief illness, matter of fi11 to be taken front the death occurred in Mem- the bill south of "Galloways" orial Hospital, Bowmanville, school. on Thursday, August il, 1960, Moved b y McMaster, second- of Olive May Osborne, aged ed by Fallis t ha t a letter b e 72, a life-long resident of sent to the County Engineer Bowmanville. complaining of the condition The deceased was born in of the County road runnîng 1 Bowmanville and was fie from the Pontypool-Milibrook daugiter of tie late Thomas road to 7A Highway. CarrieSl. Osborne and the late Lena On motion of Fallis and, Brant. In 1912 she married Payne, a letter was to be sent Howard Jollow who prede- to the D.H.O., Port Hope Divi- ceased lier several years ago. sion, re the matter of having She was a member of Trinity the Department use their in- United Church. fluence to have the Contrac- Surviving is a son, Gordon tor rear damage to road in of Bowmanville. Another son, the Village of Bethany. William, predeceased lier in A flooding problem at Jan- 1942 while servîng in the etviile was discussed re fie American Merchant Marine. norh ithwet f he"four" The funeral service was corners in Janetville. hl nteMri uea Moved by Payne, seconded Chapel on Sat., Aug., 13, and was conducted by Rev. H. by Fallis that Jakeman, Mc- Turner. Interment was in Master and Road Superinten- Bowmanville Cemetery. dent be a committee to inves- Palibearers were Messrs. tigafe the possibilities of se- Gordon Beath, Wilbert Teep- curing land from Ciarles Wea- le, Milton Elliott, Harold Col- therilt; to obtain information eTdBato hty regarding cost of land, cost ofanmeTdrRant f hiby digging a pond for fire pro- _________ tection and recreational pur- poses; also to negotiafe with Peel Construction Co. regard- OBITUARY ing the matter of securing fili if iiil considered suitable for RANDOLPH WOODWARD the roaci immedîately north of Bethany through swamp area. Tie death of Randolph Carried. Woodward occurred at Bow- Moved by Paynîe, seconded manville Memorial Hospital by Jakeman that the follow- on Monday, August 8, 1960, ing accounts be paid. Carried. after a three month illness. Healti Unit, Plumbing per- He was in his 82nd year. mits, $16.50; Twp. of Bertie, Born in Clarke Township, Relief Charge-back, $20.20; Ontario, the son of fie late Registrar of Deeds, List of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wood- Transfers, $6.75; Road Vouch- ward, he married tie iate er, No. 7, $1459.01; Sander- Margaret Jane Lunn in Peter- son's Store, Relief, $119.88; A. borough in 1911. He had lived Johnston, On Assessors Sal., in Bowmanville for 40 years, $200.00; R. Davidson, On Sal., before whici. bis home was $150.00; K. Moses, Sheep in Orono, Ontario. A rreemioveerof n# ý Canadian Cancer Society, which is supporting the exhib- ition, in tri but e to women everywhere, but especially f0 the 50,000 women volunteers in tie front line of the fighf against cancer in this pro- vince. Tic idea of such a fribute bcing paid firough the work of major artists, loaned by leading art collectors is uni- que on tuis continent and pro- bably in the world foday. The Gallery featuring A Tribut e fo Women, arrangcd by Mr. Charles S. Band, Tor- onto, will be filled mith por- traits and figure paintings of women, among which will be the famous Waman Seated, Blue Background, by Picasso, and Tic Marchesa Casati, by Augustus John. The Royal Ontario Museum, The Mont- reai Museum of Fine Art, The National Gallery, fie Art Galîcries of Hamilton and Toronto, are among the many contributors ta this particular room. Those who have loaned ticir valuable painfings and sculpture for this unique ex- hibition number over one hundred men and women, who, in suci generosity, have shown their interest in the work of the Cancer Society. Among tie 230 pieces tint wili be on view, wili be works Going Daily from August 2à7th Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving i heavy traffic,pakn or crowdlng for street cars Buses take pcrssengers into Exhibition Grounds and remain there for the con- venience of passengers until 15 minutes after evening grandstcrnd performance. Reserve grandstand tickets now at Burley Bus Lines Ltd. office. BUSES DAILY FROM BOWMANVILLE August 2É7th to September lOth FROM - ALL OTHER POINTS SCHEDULED. AUG. 29 -' SEPT. 5 INCLUSIVE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Leaving Read Down A.M. 7:30 7:40 7:45 7:55 8:00 8:10 *8:45 janetville Ballyduff Pontypool Enterprise Kirby Orono BOWMANVILLE Arrive Read Up A.M. 1:25 1:15 1:05 12:55 12:45 12:35 12:15 Rtn. Fare 4.40 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.35 3.00 Leaving Read Do*~n A.M. 7:40 Nestieton 7:50 Blackstock 8:00 Burketon 8: 10 Enniskilen Arrive Read Up A.M. Rtn. Faro 1:05 4.00 12:55 3.75 12:45 3.50 12:35 8:20 Hcampton 12:25 *8:45 BOWMAqNVILLE 12:15 3.25 3.00 Arrive 10:15 a.m. at Toronto Exhibition Fares include Admission into Toronto Exhibition Grounds Sat.. September 3rd only - Special Extra Bus wil leave C.N.E. Grounds for Bowmanvile Only at 6:30 p.m. Children - Haif Fare FOR INFORMATION PHONE BOWMANVILLE MArket 3-3811 a OSHAWA RAndolph 3-7171 worth $428,000 filling an en- tir-e room from the world-re. nowned Zacks collection- paintings and sculuture whleh Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zackwla Toronto, have purchased foh~ around the world. Some thirty Women's Ser- victy at te Art Gall eryover vice volteAtlersywi eonry day from Aijgust 24th to September 1Oth, selling tick- ets, tea, and mrar.iiiug the Gai- lery. Members of the Bow- manville Branch wili be on duty on Friday, August 26th. Net proceeds go to the Can-. cer Society. 1vFrFLY-TOX ', ianwewgin onner. % id ur ntho kdlis b s u ctotct -NOUSEHOLD SPRAY S New pleasant fragrance-non o taining. Safe to uae-does not contain DDT or other harmful £uuv bo a &16, or 32 or. cons. A miscellaneous shower was heid for Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin McKee at Devitt's Hall on Friday night. Congratulations to Mr. Les- lie Taylo; on winning a num- ber of first prizes at Peter- borough Fair. Sorry to report fiat Mr. Peter Gatcheil is on fie sick lisf. We hope his condition will soon be improved. Glad f0 report that Mrs. Tom Smith is recovering' slowly in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville. Sympatiy is extended fiel members of the family in fie recent passing of Mr. Norman Philiips, Wiitby. He was tic son of the late Robert Phil- lips of Burketon. Mrs. A. Carter spent Wed- nesday in Toronto. Tobacco harvest is in full swing. A number of people are employed witi Mr. C. Van Dam and ail report tint tobacco is a good drap. Mr. Gordon Knapp of Bro- oklin has been busy this week putfing a new roof on at our Public Sehool. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hain- es and family, Willowdale, spent fie weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gatcheil and family. Mrs. B. Davey spent last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Grant and family, Oshawa. Mrs. A. Carter held a fam- ily picnic at her home on Saf- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheil, Oshawa, visited relatives in the village on Sunday. Mfs. P. W. Davidson, Zion, i .and Mrs. George David- son and Patti, Zion, werc Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mrs. Ethel Bryan spent tic weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and girls, Osh- awa. Mrs. Greta Bailey, Oshawa, is spending a few days at her home here. Mr annd Mrs. Alvin Bell, Diane and Robert, Ottawa, spent tic weekend witi Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gilbank. Mr. Ruscîl Spînks, Oshawa, was Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge and family. Mr. Stanley Taylor won eght prîzes on cattie at Peter- borough Exhibition. Tic only thing %we have to fear is fear if self .-Franklin Delano Roosevelt. What tic world has to cma- dicate is fear and ignorance- Jan Masaryk. STORAG E HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE STORAGE Specializing in a à. STOR - A - WAY VAULT SYSTEM FOR YOUR VALUABLE POSSESSIONS ALSO COMMON INDUSTRIAL STORAGE PRINE MArkeI 3-2493 Free Estimates on Local and Nation-wide Moving Personal Attention Given Ail Your Valuables Ail Goods Fully Insured CANADUAN NATIONAL $ PECIALS PRESTON VAN MOVING and adyear Tire and Rubier Com- pany, le was a member of thc Loyal Orange Lodge of Orono and an adierent of St. Paul's United Church in Bow- manville. Predeceased by one son, tic late Privaf e Robert Wood- ward, he is survîved by two daugiters, Mrs. Fred Smith (Hazel) of Bowinanville, and Mrs. Charles Taylor (Velma) of Oshawa; a son, James Murreli of Deep River; nine grandchildren and one great- grandchild. Tic body rested at the Mor- ris Funeral Ciapel for ser- vice in tic chapel on Wednes- day, Aug. 10. Rev. Harold Turner of St. Pauls United Churci and Rev. S. Swack- hammer of Oshawa, conduc- ted thc service. Inferment was at Orono Cemetery. Pailbearers werc Messrs. Frank Crowe, Harold Ben- net, Henry Francis, R. Todg- ham, Bill Taylor and G. King- sland. Worth three quarter ofa million dollars, ths year s exhibition at the C.N.E. Arti Gallery features A Tribute foi Women. This tribute is beingý paid by the Ontario Division,i il MKt 1 Ir, 1 f 1!] Ç LEY USLI LIMITED 1 1 -PAGE TWO TRUPMAT, AUG. Ifth, 1M TEX CANADUN STATESUM, BOWMANVnJ,.& ONTAPJO -* 11 BURKETON EXHIBITION

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