Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1960, p. 14

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?AGE POUIRTEEU DOWIIANVflILU. ONTARUri 'I !HUESDAY, AUG. l8tb, lUi Births Cards of Thcmks Coming Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale AMBROSE-Jimi and Vivian We would like to express ouri Free transportation for Rap-I WATER for sale and delivered. EIGHTEEN acres, second cutt- 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, good (nee Snider) proudiy announce appreciation to our friends in tist Church Sunday Services. Cail Cliff Pethick, CO 3-2131. ing alfalfa. Standing. MArket condit ion, $650. Telephone Co the birth of twin daughters on the community of Tyrone for Phone MA 3-3844 Saturday ev- 32-tf 3-2509. _33-1 3-2'020. 33-1 Monday, August 1, 1960, at their gift o! two chairs. Our enings.- 23-tf______ __________ Oshawa General Hospital, sincere thanks. - - GLADIOLI, fresh daily. Van LARGE crib, spring mattress, '52 GMC three-quarter ton Gayle Diana and Suzanne Bill and Elsie Roy. Bigger and bétter tlian ever. de Beit, opposite Creamn of1 good condition. Phone MArket truck, 9 x 6 stake rack. Phone Jamie. Grandparents are Mr. 33.1* Be sure to attend South Onl- Barley, MA 3-5026. 32-tf 13-3566. 3- CO 3-2658. 33-1 and Mrs. Robert E. Ambrose ____ tario Agricultural Societv'i.___ _________ andMr.andMr. Wlte Sid- I wshto onvy y snceetAnnual Fair on Aug. 18-19-20 KEYS cut automatically, while YOUTHS bed with spriflg, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. ~3~lthans an appeciaion at Alexandra Park, Oshawa., you wait, at Mason & Dale $10. God cnio. MASv20. ix otstoay er. 33-1 t______and______________t_ 32-2 Hardwvare, 36 King St. E., 3-2907. 3- For personal service ait your relatives.. friends and neighi- - Bowmanville. 46-tf -EVEN-foot International bind- home call Oshawa RA 5-2802,1 HEARD-Jean and AI Heard bours for their kindness and Woodvlew Comxnunlty Centre - pl a rdun olc.2t are happy te announce the sy mpathy during my recent -Monster B i n g o. Twenty SAVE on lumber, direct from er. Apl a rdun olc.2t arrivai of their daughiter Janice bereavement. games-twenty dollars; five mil -te you. Phiilips Lumber Burketon R.R. 3. _33-i * 1957 FORD 4-dr. station wag- Elaine, 9 lbs. 6 ozs., on Tues- Gordon Jollow. 33-1* games-thirty dollars; $150 Co., Kinnxount, Ont. Phone SET of Cruiser fEýnder skirts on, one owner; 1956 Ford Tu- day, August 9th, 1960, at Me- jackpot, and two jackpots at 17 r 11. 13-tf for '57 Pontiac. Phone MArket dor, 2 owner car. AIl above morial Hospital, Bow.%manville. 1 wish to thank my friends $250. Door prizes. Next GO eeto e ~~st 3-3667. 33-1* cars are carefu]ly checked and Asister for Ken and Ellen. and ne&ghbours for the many Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, for reasonable prices. The LLOYD baby carniage, $5 eclen.oniin. 15 cards, flowers and gifts receiv- Oshawa- 464tf Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond st. Phone MA 3-3208 or 109 Scu- Chev*. 3-ton, V-8 engine, good HOSKIN-Allyn and Beverleyt ed on the occasion o! my 80th Annual Pilgrimage to the old East, Oshawa. 1 1-tf gog Street. 33-1 condition. Cowan Equipment Hoskin (eeBeverley Wraight) birthday. Your thoughtful- Hay Bay Church neruAolpli- MCo.croetalwt 134L ubtaco. plyming M 3-6. a 33Bo- annouince the birth of a son, ness will always be remember- ustown, Ontario, %vill be held MODRNchomtale______________________mavile MA3-68. 3- Brett Allyn, 7 lbs. 8 ozs., onfl cd. Sunday, August 28th at 3 p.m. white and black arbbrite top, George Killen, 1/ mile south Friday, August 12, 1960, at Mrs. Mina Colweil. E.D.T. The Rev. C. H. Dick- suitable for two or as a side Of Taunton. 33-1* BUYING OR SELLING Meroril HspialBowan-Inson, B.D., D.D., the Book table. MA 3-5068. 33-1 SEVEN aluminum storms andSE v.ille~. 33l I would like to thank very Steward of the United Church ELECTRICAL Repairs. Pop new. MA 3-3394. ,-,l P Te u Campin Mvotors JESSON - ohn Scott much my friends and neigh- Publishing House, Toronto, service to electrical apppliances,RA -49 -leslA5-7 JESSON - ohn cottandibotîrs for flowers, cards/11and will be the guest speaker. 33-1 large and sinal]. Lander liard- HEATWAVE -heavy RAhat94ye]ec-A -574 Trudy Rose Jesson are hiapp77laifts; nurses and staff of Me -tre_____ ___ _$00__l- 07KigSi Es te annnuince the arrivai of al'oria1 Hospital, Bowmanville, N tcsware. Phone MA 3-5774. tr(Jtoelie eEast oTef-60 WilSt snR. baby sister, 6 11). 1i 07s-, 01¾ for kindiness during my stay. OSH___________4-fpon A358 fer6pm JS AsofWiloA R Sunday, August 71 1960, atlSpecial thenks to Dr. Sylvester L. C. Mason Law Offieý FOR best in Aluminum Doors, __ 31 SAAio-ti Memorial Ho,,pital. Do,,,'niian-lahîd Dr. Ferguson. closed until August 3th. Windows, Railings and Awn- ONE large 9-piece roapie din- --_________ ville. ,M.other and li-by pro-1 Mrs. Jan Sweep. 33-1 3 2 -3 Il g. Cali Bowmïmville Home ing-room suite, in good col,- JOHN «"Rcd" Miller has joinedli Dr. innxvei's ffic wil b Improvements. Phon MA dition, ait 24 Carlisle Ave. the ArIny, walking now insteadi Mý,r. and Mrs. R. Hernian clsD f r.Dn iday, Auguste 12 b 3-2753. 29-tf __-___331-I *iof ridlin,?, therefore a 1q.)" NICERONKen(Jm)and\Vrt-ayan Mrgaet(M s froON thhay *ug' *»12.--Pontiac 4 -Dr. Sedan is nov for NIta re ON y to n Jn)und.ei nden Nicks) * teSept. 6. 3-2TOt ashing machines, three- iONtreshig macine,22 ' ,sale. New tires front, goodý th rrvi fthi coenîei.îiens,wish to thank lodasnw ApyG~re rear, mechanically A-i. oy thearivi f hc'rclosniherfiedsand neighbors for Bowlers wanted for .afer- horse gardeî tractor, plou« good as Pne Sundy ergeîi o datighter Jane Anne, A -îsterîthleir thoughtfuhîess ait the noon lîadies league. Phone cultivator and i-io\viiît attach- 65R 1. Phoe____ v aci rough, 3'o1 fix il, only $175!c for Jimmiy. 3ti otedetoftirer MA 3-3498 or_3-3265. 33-1 mnents. M. W. Alimas, Leskard 65 R ____ P12.M 13-1*r onac litie ofthe eat of he- --a Post Office. 32-T' PIANO, Beatt.y ironier, 3-pieee Ted Miller at Nichols M%-otor PARER .- elon nd atson and brother, Richard Grigg1 The office of Dr. Allan B. OEue asyHri ef chesterfield suite. M1\rs. V. Sales. Boxvnxnville 3.-1 PARKER -(neldocCandh< Pate ______ 33-1 Sylvester will be closed during pOEllsed cmbie, hrougsel- Jeffery, 62 Duke St., Bowman- Parertaway. rt-v rethe month of Agst 1-4pople cmintorul-I1vil- happy b oannounce the, birth 1I1wishtothank :Dr: SugiAuut.___ _ 'RIMSTSîrrs vle site y oerhuUe. Usse-Harl o! a daughter, born August 14iDr. Hennie, nurses o! Oshawal Anyone wishing to bowl in Dealer, Little Britain, Plione ALUMINUM car top carriera 1960, at MLvmjrial Hita~lt, and Port Perry Hospitals, Women's Major League, 'phone 37. ______ ___ 32-1 and tarp, $12.00, suitahie for For a good deal in a Bowînanville. A_ sister for.p,,r Roineril, Blackstock W.A. Liberty Bowl or Berniice Bu- GLADIOLUS aend-cut flowers VW or other smali car. Tele- NEW or 1-SED CAR . . . Cali twins Timimy and Terry. -. 23and* W.M.S., our good neigli- day by August 27th. 32-3 for ali occasions. Daily hos- phone MA 3-7283. 33-if SI NCH L hours, relatives and friends, Mui (Vocal). Air. M. L. pital de]ivery. Mrs. E. Passant, ONE hroadloom mug 9x,12. in I NCH L% TKATCI-1-To Mr. and Mýrs. for ail their kindness, good Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Bovmanville. Phone MArket good condition. Apply Mrs. «W. MArket 3-3353 Stephen Tkatch (nec GxVenl1,eeds and cards. during mY L.T.C.L., lias a few vacancie's 3-3527,ý 27410* Barrett, 44 Duke St. Phone UJsed Cars - Ail Makes, Models Coornbes). Auigust il, 1960, a .îîs o tdns A378.M_-85331 ei Cars - Olds., Clievs,,c soaf.lSarphenioDal, at Oa'l.! Ms Hrl wan 3- 32CAR radio to fit '50-'51 Mon-j MA --Corvairs, Envoys 322 Traalgîr Xîeorîî Io~pta! Ms. arod Sain 331 3-2arch or Mercury; Victor con- SET used 7' Case disks, near- OakileOntri. irs gea. Te amly f helat Rn-Dr. G. E. Mann's office wilI sole radio, self-made house ly new gas furnace, used one- C grandchiid f 'r M Clarencedolph Woodw,ý,ard wisli to e lse or hiolidays from trailer. Henry DeVries, New- way disk, used hiamnerimili, C E R NCjA E Hall. 3*tni their relatives, friends Saturday, August 13 to Wed- castle. Phione 2204. 33-i used Studebaker car. W. H.1 OF 1 -gD t ndnibours for their cards, nesday, August 31 inclusi ve. INýSULATINboig et Brown, Case Dealer, King W.,lQ aiy sdC r - -th the beautiful floral offerings 3- od, with rock wool. Work- Bowmaîîville. MA 3-5497. Quaiy led Cr BRITTON-At Eston Hospital an the rnany acts o! kindness Any married couple wishing manship guaranteed. Free esti-__________31* on Sunday. August 7, 1960, shown us during the illness to beave their namne for the mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- BARN, 3ý' x 70, good timber To reduce our inventory we 'ilbur, son o! the late Mr. andi and passîng o! a beloved !eth- Mixcd Bowling League, pleese phone Clarke 2420. 39-tII construction with metal hiP are offcring the foilowing units Mrs. William Britton o! Rleau r. Special thanks to Dr. H. contact George Elliott at Lib - US at Bwavil'rof. I can take barn down a ral eue rcs Sak, omrl a eauo, Rundle, Dr. Thoînpson, nurses erty Bowl or Phone A. Spîcer, Business School for office and put up anywhere. Apply a ral eue rcs Danlington. Funeral service and staff who were so kind to MA 3-3717, nelotJter than Aug. positions o! your chioce. Reg- to Harvey T. Webster acl Ail cars are fully guaranteed. vves leld from Eston United cad during his stay eit Me- 27, 1960. 33- istrations now being eccepted Sons, Little Britain. Phone Compare these prices and Church, Wecinesday, Ags morial Hospital. DR. J. IR. THOMPSON for fail terni. Telephone MA 38 n 2. - hsGaate îOth.33-1 Ms rd t, will be at Memorlal Hospital, 3-5434. 23-tf FOUR chrome kitchen chairs, '57 DODGE ___Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Bowmanvllle, until Labor Day. WORK boots and shoes aet ban- end tables, motorized bicycle. 4 door, 6 cyl. JOLLOW-At Meinorial Hos- Mr. J. M. Woodward. Office Hours: Afternoons 2-4 gain prices, brown and black, (elmost niew); television aerial $,9.0a pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs- _____________ 3- f onday, Tuesday, Wednesday ail sizes. Bowmanville Shoe and rotor, (purchased in March S,19s0 day, August il, 1960, Olive- and Friday. Even1ngs: '7-9,Reair, 80 King St. w., Bow- titis yeer); 17 yards nc'x drap- '57 PLYMOUTH Osborne, in lber 73rd year. Wi!e in ivemonamT Monday, Wednesday and Fr1: Rnlep*11 East of Bowmanville ery matenial - for quick sale - 4 door, 6 cyl.C o! helae Hwcd ollw ndALLRED Inloi -day. Weekends: Emergencles Cloaners. 42-tf we are inoving. N. J. Scott, $1,195.00 dear niother of Gordon. Service n e ny oapitetnee.--- 140 Duke StreBwmnîl.' LMUI wa hldatth Mrrs ui n ory o! dean Shirley, who _7.9ý: IIEARING aid service. Testing 33-i1 ylne T wa el t h ori Fî-passed eway August lsth, 1958. s;ervice and coniplete stock of 8clne eral Chapel, Bowmanville, oi Whet wou]d I give to clasp hierI FOR COMPLETE batteries and cords at Higgon SIMPLICITY wesher witli $1,350.00 a Saturday, August 13 at 2 Eadlectrie Limte, 8 KingSt.E. automnatie timer arnd pump,57FRL o'clock. Interment Bownîan- Her lîand t fl iinied,. 'gFt vilensuran rhapyfce teerae Bowm-anviile. Phone MArket one year oid, half price. Fieavy '7FR ________ -1 To hoar hiem voice, and seo hem B1 3-3305. 7-tf duty s t o v es ergrtr,$11395.00 Engagements sinile s mcS ome ee Bl Morrison MNM D oo ns and Quaker space heater,ý sewingA Joanaand ailissFowierThetemeentWindows et economnicaI prices. machines, 9 x 10 rug, contin- '26PLooUT Jea adTV1ÎsFývrend -Sadly missed by Dorothy 26 CONCESSION ST. W. Buy now and save! Estimates entai beds, dresser and mnany 2 horlardtop, 6 cyl. H Mrs. Milton Terry (nee Kathe- and John. 33-P:MA 3-3048 given on inquiry. Cowan other articles et Laverty*s Bar- (Radio, white walls, 2-tone rc Une Fowler) wish to announceC Equipment Co., 134 King t gain Centre, 59 King St. W., plum and %vhite paint, A the engagement o! their moth- COLLACUTT-In loving mie- Ffr. Theft - Automobile East, Bowmanvilie. MArket Bowmanville. MA 3-7231. a beautiful car) er, Myrtle Ethelyn Fowler, to mory cf a dear husband and Travel - Lite 3-5689. 23-t! ____________ 33-1 $1,095.00 Mr. John Bird, 34 Geore'S father Cecil Collacutt, who 22tR_______________ ES i 1 a~PVOT Bowmaniville. Wedding to take- passed away August 22, 1959. ________________relp Wvvo e 2 door, 6 cyl. re place in the United Church atiDep in our hearts the memory A$inSl__ OTM eer oke 995.00 St 4pri g v l c, A u uTh 27, i % 0I IsO f o e pt, ____ ____ __an d___ ____ __-_h o m e. E x p erien ce u n n ecessary . '54 C IIE V . F at4 .. heRv.Lak O ne e oed n wl 50 High Grade Holstein! Tee Good to be Star Jewelry Co., 60 W. Hays, 4 door Bel Aire Sedan se officiating.nvefrg; cattle, vaccinated and blood-! . letreaded 1annClfmi. 3.(-aseeyhnp erter$ ______ 3311~~And though the yeans be miany tetedntrctr, ombnemef5395 p M__ Mr. and Ms. CecilWilson, r feombinforligt house5rk and hlp transission, adiorwte $ Nesreo. annr.clWtleon- or V eliawy bi~- chinery, bey, wheet, the prop- JA1MHESON TIRE ýRESPONSIBLE woman or girl1 ing, power brakes, cutomatid r Neteoi nouietee- e'lawy etining erycf Ted Knoekeuîistoei, Lot 'irlth hdrewriind emotrwansmissione] di, white d gagenîe o f their daughter îny dear cf you. 33 o. Firlntnjs GwendoViito M-.Nrmn.-iean aghe. 3-1 wvest cf Bradley's School on ______34 worl-s. Live in. Phone RA seafoam green, 2-tone paint, in Lyvons soi of!1\1. aind AMrs.I Thursday, August 25, 1960. vE ______33-11 like niew mnechanically, im- 3- William L ons cfLT r eLA UGîLIN-Ii Ib foving mie- Ternis cash. Sale et 1 o'clock TI LE POSITIONS in offices open to maculate inside and eut). R.H. 2. The1nar ,;ev.il inorv of a dear son and broth- sharp. Harvey Pascoe, clerk yo aftem completing c course $895.00 F take place ini tim Mtl i-,l Cirl. who died suddenly Ted Jackson, auctioneer. I32-or a omavll usine seTORv PrebgeianChu~h n at- ugst 0±i, 158 ______ 3-2' WalsSchool, Hegistrations for Fali 2 door Li urday, Sýýptenhti. 101t at2:,0 Two yepars heye passed. deer I have neceived instructions _ANY KIND toim now being accepted. p..3341*1 Carl, from Mr. Bart Pyle te seli by Ceramic - Plastie- Rubber Telephone MA 3-5434. 23-tf $695.00 F( - -Since vou were called av.ay, public auction his entire bouse-__ '53 OLDS. V8 be R eCeption iHow w ciel do we remenîber, hold effects încluding new Vinyl - Asbestos AN OPPORTUJNITY automatic, 4 door A ___That sari and -%,eary day.' televisfon set, electnie steve SuPPlied and Installed IVITH AVON S795.00 C( Mr ad\l W . 3lc) Sd:iilzsed ad ever me- eîîd iwashiîîg machine. Theme Wtot rvou xieine Brov.-ni wil] be'«al hr)n- 0 - 01îer'tflenbered _by Mýother, Dad, will also be sold a 1955 Pontiac HL.G. HEAL you can earii as machl as S2.00 '53 PONTIAC neighbours. , aun cndr&-rohî Sisters andi families. V (autoîntisati onwgnCla)323 1t or more per hour in spare time. 4 door, rebuilt engin tivs n tdnstaAîgtst 1- lin grand shape and, 1948 Chiev-_- We train you. Write iiow to ad transmissionn 24, 196i'. foe i 7 to101.'1 oï:liu TY Mrs. Elizabeth--Ia rolet 1-ton truck. -Mr. Pyle USED Faî'm Equipînent - Miss K. MacKean, Avoin Man- $550.00lo the oogzsnn ni orv of e dear Moth- is n'iving te Great Britalîn îi-J George White titreshier, 23 inch, ager, 528 Gilmour Street, Pet- * C15V. A]A wedî i'.an x . . 3-1Q h pzed aw-ay August miediately after sale and every-otruer good sae aeehruh_______ < condii ion, clean l9tlî, 195 .tiiing must-be sold with no me- 5 it. povn-et' lakeoff combine; SCllOOL Secretary o g$cîa 350.00 < NotCeto reitos'The depths cf sorrow wecen- serve. Tihis sale wili bho helr Case 6 fi. engîne drivexi coin- tpngcr ofc(dhes AND TIILt,-zOf tet llo n w [vd frein the residence in the Vll_ binie; 3-section spriag-teoth perienco ureferred. Apply in'50CE.: O! helos o ee e lvei ge of Ponty'pool on Fridîa\, harrows, John Deere 3-furrow writiîîg for interview, sýtaiing ~ fair~ condition cai oft 'taec Cril .10,11: o weli, August i9tli at i p.n. Walter PlWon it uhber, John DeereJ schoolîng, office expteriene, 5 150.00 pl Avel - IAi wý-hiile sýe slee)s a peacefili Neals, clerk; H. J. Pavne. ;3-furrcûw ,piow on rubber, Caseqlifictios, tc. reAi 4 ah rd em MHREE or 4-bectroorn bouse in condition. Phono MIA 3-3566.Yokhr g t. 3owînanville. Telephone -MAI __ 33-1* TWO pet cocas, o with wol- automnatie warîulng ih SPC LT five months old. Phone MASt 1-5352. 33-4* Î p E p eedi ar il Ln. 5 ot Srol rY APRIn326. _____ rWO or tbee-bedroom bouse furnitune, appicaes Contact Don Gra t,' dusa91tmeetr 200-HI-LINE pullets, lcying. A bhneMA3-16. 332*Alosel ppincstee-A Lne Pi__MA3_-1! Fiberlass Insulation P O U T omnil.Du ig iin e mcieec 17.I.C Pedwel. Phono New- ii B o m a v il . e u ig . is o , e w n g m c h a i n e s,.P h n A - . U n it a n d F o o d n s u r a n cre L L ~ Ic a s tle 3 8 5 6 . _ _ _ 3 3 -tf 'h eM - 5176. ho 33s'- - -!--n ingS t. s . aon e bang e 59 li h e ,vii iy p av i I a a a63 TEM PERANCE ST. -- . - - lowinanvillo by responsibe 3-7231. 42-tf ers5 bencb, Memorial P-ark. OMNILEProc matu on or before Sept. 15.jALLkijnds o! livepuly Sunday, August 14. Keep- .12 eu. ft. Chest - 229.00 FocitFcoyWrk O w ? Ote oi WVrite Advertisem 57, c/o The feathers, new geose aad duck sk.Rwr.G tpe,1 u t hs 290 Permanent Employment Tabet hl "opu" hos llanadia" Statesman, P.O. Box aise eld feather ticks wanted. MA 3-5410 or 3-3968. 33-1" 22 oeu. ft. chest - $319.00 331 enrs cfe, weren upast 40. 90, Bowmanviile. 33-1* Higiîest prices paid. A. Fiat, . n t hs -$7.0Ol 9 taldugss ,4âwto tethree -jýoz à -Bethany R.R. i. Phono« 7 r1 usnio e à8o.f.Ccs 390 __ ny6c t l iugss -Lnsl-otieo osclet 1t Easy Ternis Arranged Room and Board A3- ~en, ei-cotane, r hus, oleet 2-t ~ Hav'en Nursing Home ---- ,.,--M 1HYGENIC. supplies - (RubeA or hlgh school teacher and HIGHEST pnices pad -fer live-Acomodto o rvt BowmanvineFR1 r2 o. -gos mailed postpeid in plein hfdeag e seven and five. poultry, goose feathers, feath- a nd serni-pnuvate patients'133347. 33 d envelope with pnice list. P bogseson sept. 1. Refenences. er ticks, scrap iron, rags,iJlounge TV. Fully licenseri rgdLckrSse LARGE ro o in, gentleman; 1 Six samples 25c, 24 sampios rie durtse 9,/eTemeasadrwfn.Pho w builig, mnodem. Visitors -- board if desired. L'03 Kinig;$1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, 1 aadian Statesman, P.O. Boxi1 RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. %velcome. ReasonabÏe rates.i PHONE AMA 3-5578 East. Phone MA 3-3186. ' Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham-i ~o. Bowmanvmll. 333 48-2f Phone Newcastle 4441. a-tLi- 28-tîV 33.tt iidton, Ont, -5 jReal Estate for SaIe1Rleal Estate for Salei Pedwell Real Esiale rooni house, coller, garage,, geod garden, 1 mtile nortb of Newcastle, close te Highway1 115. Smell down peymont andi easy torns on balance. 50 acres close te Newcastle, priced et $5,000. Easy ternis.1 27 acres et Welcome, insul- stone bouse, all newly decoret- ed, bank hemn 40' x 60', cornent floors, best o! gardon soul, achool adjeining; easy ternis. We have good fanms, all siz- os, waiting for buyors. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Broker Newcasile Phone 3856 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Membens of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 2 Bedrooni bungalow, 12 acres o! landi ari a bovely x'iew, o! Lake Ontario. AIl titis for $6,000 witb $1.000 do-wîîi. Gas statien, garage, refresh- ment boeth ari lO-rooinhome. Only $9,500 with $3,000 down.' 30 acres o! landi with stream only 3 miles frein Powman- ville. "6,000 with $2,000 down. 4 bedreom honme, central le- cationî, large lot, $9,500. Ternis arrangeri to suit purchaser. Modern 2-bedroom bunga- low, large garage, $10,500. Ternis arrangeri. 100 acres with 50 acres iin appie and pear orchard. Bal- ance No. 1 workable land. Large iîip-roo! bai-a, ½mile frein highwcy. $25,000 with very reasonable down pay- ment. 109 acres level building landi on Taunton Roari East. Ask- ing only $180 per acre witb toi-ans. We have a large selecticit o! fanms, acroages, homes anri businesses. Cali WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville 33-1 For Rent BRICK house, centrally locat-f ed. Phono MA 3-3394. 3- Leask Real Estate 6 room bungalow, extra large living-roomn.. I bedrooms, ,1l0t water heating with oil, double garage, -7 acre land. $12,000. Ternis. 6 room. ranch bungalow, at- tached garage, brick with stone trim, où furnace, three bedrooms, many extras, roomy lot. Ternis. Make an offer. We have farrns, houses, lots too numerous to list. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvlle MArket 3-5919 33-1 Peter Feddemna Highwey pmoperty, 100 acres, lilastering itepairs 9 rooni full modemnlieuse, bank barn, iînpleinent shted. garage. QUICK SERVICE Pnice $22,000.00. DoNva 510000. STIUCO AND NEW IVORK Near Oshawa, 95 acres. 8 i-cen insuhrick home, large R. L. TAFT bank bai-a, nilk lieuse. Pnb-cri te seli. 154 King St. E. MA 3-5030 Geatemnan's fan., 75 acres,,__________ 6t 8 roeîn fully modernlieuse in; lmT~ excellent repair, bank barri, .ium ing - eati1fg ace streani. A very sceatc famni. Price 827,000. Terîns. E vsruhn Trede or seli - 25 acres - 6 room bouse. barn 30 x 80. A A R implement shedi, gai-cge. Price NIA 3-7127 $9,000. Down $1,000. 66 King St. W., Bowmanville Near Hamptoiî-5 acres wvith Free Estimate 24-tf 6 moont futlly inodernt bouse. Price $12,000.00. Ternis. * BACKHOE WORK. Newcastle - A real invest- ment - 9 rooni honte, 4 bcd- Trenching- Backfilling roonis, 2 bathrooms. full base- Septie Tanks ment, oil funacce. extra lot. New Equlpment Pnice $12,000.00. Terms. [VAN MOUNTJOY Highway preperty - 4 room Blackstock 87 r 4 bungalow, bydro. well. Price before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.M. $4,000. Down $i,000. 15-t! Omono - 5 i-cent ouse, bath, furnace. Priceri $4.200, dow'n W IE A H $1,000.STBETC Two acres - w-cil siiedrTBEEC Pnice only $2.000. Down $500. BERT TOMPKINS Hligliway No. 2 PHONE CLARKE 4721 East of Bowmaîtvilie NEWTONVI1.,LE Work Wante B-R ICK wrr-r NormanPingle, 72 Elgin St., Phono MA 3-55 26*f NEW and repeir contracting. Brick ad Mason work. Plione MA 3-5820. L. Turner. 30-t! TYPNG mnrnogrphng(Gos- tetner), bulletints, etc. Heasen. able rates. Phonte MA 3-3934. 33-1 PLUMBING,' heating. Free estimates. Beatty Sales and Setvice. Harvey Partner, Orono 17 82. __ 3-! Rlerman Van De Beit GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick, Block, Concret. and Carpentry New Work and Repairs PHONE MArket 3-3694 7 Mill Lane 5-tr Telephone MArket 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blyleven Phone MA 3-5300 :33-1 FOuuî-room epertmeaît. Aveai- 40 Acre farm. No. 115i able Sept. 15. Apply 63 Birow.n Highw'nay. 100' x 30' bak bain, St.- 33.1* lien lieuse, garage: 10 roomner CENTRALLY lecateri apart- brick bouse, running watcr, ment, soîf-containeri. Adultsl fumnace. Askiag $11,000. Doiwuti only. MA 3-3394. 33-1 $3,000. TWO-bedroom apartmoîti 92 Acre fanm, 87 acres worIk- ate entrance. Availeble Sept. able, excellent sou, 2 ponds, L- lst. Phono MA 3-5798. 33-tf shaped batik baran, drive shed, î'AM bus, cnveîiace,3silo, garage, water on tap; FAR hoseconenince, 38 neomed borne, heavy wired, nules west o! Bowmnîeville. running water. Aslring $14,000. Abstamners. Phono MA 3-2030. Easy terns. 33-1 DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, HEATED apantment, tbree located. 12 miles frein Oshawa, moiîns, kitchenette andi bath. streenis; itoderitizeri b a ut k Appiy Apt. 4, 63 King St. West. ba-ut silo, drive shed. etc.; 8 30-tf noorned bouse ~ihal îmodern ROOMS, unfurnishier, vacant cenveniences. Asking $28,500 outside conveniences. Child'- witb $5,000 dowîi. oen welcome. Phone MAnket 50 Acre farm, 40 acres work- 3-2000. 331* able, pond, 80' x 30' itiprooferi FIVE-room apantmnent, garagebai, drive sheri, etc., 8 room- sepamato entrance, cil beating mnnngwaer Ak $50 month. Bowmanville nin n $9,500. Ternis arraîîged. miles. CO 3-2394. 33-i 162 Acre fai-m, 120 acres -workahbe, creek, 2 barns, drive FURNISHED bed-sitting i-oon sheri silo; 9 roonridbloie and kitchenette. Aveilable ihalmdrcovnees tmnodiately. Phono MAi-ketwtasIng odera501 nvienc$6,s. -3591 in the evening. 33-1 Akî $7,0) it 6.0 FIVE-room upstairs apartaient, 98 Acres band, 18 acres work- oeperete entrance anri bath, abde, 80 acres wood, smeall .oated. Adults prefcrred. 1751Jbai: 5 roonier buaigalon'. Le- Liberty Street North. 33-2'j catecî on higlm-tay. Ask-iing FOR business man, cheerful $8,000 wîth $2,500 down. ed-sitting roo nd ar bath.1 7 Roomeri honte, spotless con- 0veilable mid-September. 18 dition, close to main street with oncessien West. Phonte MA l i nodern, convertiences. Down ý-5684. 33 -tf paymeat $2,500 . Price arrian.- MODERN four-rooni apart- ed. ment vritb bath, hteated, centrail 5 Rocaîeri bunîgalow ia New- [cation, immiediate possession. tonville with aillamodern con- Apply 10 Div7ision St., Bow- veaiecutes, fll baseutient, lbard-1 nanvi]k-. 33-1 wood catrd ile fluors on 5 acres., )NE Iight housekeoping room 'Pnice $10,500 with $3,500 down. ,hot-plate); suit two busiiîess 8 Reooner i omne et Bethcî-y irIs or gentlemntt. Goori le- with lhydre. Ras te ho soîri. iticra. No shîft workems. Tele- No measonable offer nefuseri. lione 3-5884. 33-1 * 8 Roomeri honte et Orono çPARTMENÎË-lT, 3 reooms, lied- wîtli li modern comiveaiences,' -oin, kitchenette, large living- double garage. Close te school. -oin, modern bath, sbewer. Askiag $ 10,000. 13 Temperance, deovntown 5 Reemeri bungalow locateri owmanville. 22-t! North East o! Newcastle with - ----- ---runniîag weter, ettacheri garage, ýHREE noonis andi bath,, priv- goori poultry liouse for 2,1(00 e, Ileat, hydre and water SUP- breilers. Askiutg $500>0 with lied, $60 nonthly. Write Ad- $;0 on ,ertiser 60, c/o The Canadiaut$>00dwi ;tatesinan, P.O. Box 190, Bow- 7 Reooeri homte ounl~hv'y anvihe.- 33-l" Jeest Newcastle, 6 years oIc),, YPSTAIRS heated apr-- twith garage. Asking $6 ,000.- Aro hedrooms, lpvitg-room 6 Roomeri home on No. 12 tehnete cri ath WaherRighway witb cil furîtace,ý nvtice eandtr h. loater heavy duty wiring. Askingý Lvailebbe Sept. Ist. Reat $60:.350wt i,(( on toneMA 3-5277. 33-tf 5 Rocîtîcri. almost new, brick --__ - ____- veneer bungalow lin Bowmait-, FIREE-hedrooan home, ]ocated ville wtith aillnmodern cei- lest Beach. Ail convoniences,' venionces, bcrdw ocr anr ile, il lieateri. Suibable for famiiy floors, full bascaneuit. Askingl three or fou- persons. Re -$13,000. Tenms arranged. rnces pleaso. Phono MArket -009. Mrs. Clark. 331* John F De Wi7fL IODERN 2-bedrooni greunriF io apartmeat in the Octagon. Realtor and General Insurance lîthoards ari tue floors. Newcastle Phono 3341 eateri. Ideal for elderiy Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-39501 )uple or sclieol teachers withi ismall cbildren or pets. Resu Davldson, Bethaaay, 32R3 vaîieble Aug. 15. 'Apply Mrs. IL A. Perrault, Clarke, 223lý rm. Prewer, 86 Wçýellington 3-1 LBowinanville. MA 3-5907. Apple Growers C.A. Apple Storage Space for Reni i &PPLY DAVID LENNOX lickering Orchards L1 J ý IL -V PICKERNG, ONTARIOLoJ iiofvei Cdî WR Z-I17 433-31 OSHAWA TV 6t TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION & REPAIRE Phone Bowmanville Oshawa IMA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 BILL AND BOB LEASK 39-tf AIRENDS ELECTRIC MOTORe' REPAIRS and REWINDING te al your Electrical Equipmff Sales & Service MA 3-3M~ 42 Third Si. Bownianville 19-tf fl--epairs RADIO and television repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone -MA 3-5713. 2)9-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, to ail makes. Saine day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, to alniakes of electrie motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of sew- ing machines. Free pieckup and delivery. Laverty's Barga.» Centre, 59 King W. Telephonè MA 3-7.231. 44-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of re- frigerators. domestic and com- mercial; nîilking coolers. Hig- gon Elcctric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone-MA 3-3305. 7-tf iNEW DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED lTuesday. 4:30 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARI1CLES FOR SALE LIV1MrOCK FOR SALE t'on SEN r HELP WANTE> CARIS FOR SALE LOB? FOUND ETC. Cash aire ... 4c per word wilh a minimum oi 60c bitishopczid by date afi nsertion U charqed, un additional 25e wilI be added. A ch.90e 0 25c will be mode toS aui replies directed to this office. «EOT1CUS COMING EVENTS &ND CARDS 0F THANKS 4C 0 word with a minimum ci $1 .00 for 25 words or legs. ORITIACE ENGAGEMONT UL&MGE& DEATES $1.00 pet insertion IN MIMOIAMS 01-00 plus ioc a line tar Verse Dt.play Classtfj.d ut $1.50 Pmr iach with a minimum ai ane nq Additionaliinsertions ut hsa rates. &II l aniIlied Ada must he in ibis officentlater thau 4:30 p.m. uoTuesday Sond cash. stomps or money ordea and gave money. RlP "i out for handy reforence OFFCE 5Nouas MtondarY thraugh Friday 8:30 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. ta, 12 Noom 1%e Canadian Statesman Dm1l MArket 3-33o3 1- C1asiLe.d Ad Service r rHURSDAT, AUG. 18tb, 19% IM CANADL" STATESMA^ DOWMANVn.Llt ONTAMO

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