Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1960, p. 9

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KUSDAY, AUG. 18th, 1960 TuE CMIADIAN STAmM"AJNDOWMAn VILE, ONtAJU PG UI hrlyStairnton's at Birch ma very enjoyable and mernar-1 (R ecreatihon (Reviews - 1e Mr. anid ira. Ruasel Gril ' al we igrs a ap.P a rson u hog h hl an e7 1bouglas £lgg WlaI r in ethr andi1riu y jru Mibior Basebali playgrounds ta a close. A full Night Programme. weekend ta Jicksanps Point ' Imt Thursday morning saw week af eventa have been Anather feature of the even- and as far north as Colling- Lions Centre 41the wind-up of the regular planned to bring the play- ing wrnl be the presentation of woad, calllng on the way By Linda Braaking s chedule of the Recreation De- groundseason ta a gala wind- the Volunteer L.eaders, Crests !home at Mr. and Mrs. Tom On Tuesday afternoon tt elrmnt's M i n a r BasebalUP. ta the children who have been Willain's, Bradford.Lin Cete ada at -Leagues. Listed below are the On Wednesday at Memorlal the most helpful ta the play- Mjr. 0. C. Ashton and Lois hunt and a field day. final league standings: Park a full day af playground ground supervisars throughaut spcnt the weekend at East The nature hunt cansisted igames has been scheduled. The the aummer months. Templetan Qucbec, at Mr. iinding lnsects, leaves, weec Atout Leatue tournaments will begin at 9:30 sw»lg and Mns. k E. Dalton's, Mrs. and flowers. We had tw JW L T Pts. a.m. and feature such play- ItLwn Ashton and Charles returnlng teams looking far the variat PbeI~d Sox ___ 4 i 0 8 ground activities as bean 'bagi, Durlng the past two weks home wlth thelTiafter 10 days articles. The folaowi.ng wer Tigers 3 1 1 7 quoits, tetherbali, tin can crick- the chlldren registered ini the visit with Mrs. Ashton's bro- an thc winning tcamn: Ala Snators ____ 3 2 0 6 et, volleyball, softball, bad- Learn to Swlm Classes and, Red thers in Ottawa and East Craga (Capt.), Andrew Stee Idans -____ 2 3 0 4 minton and many others. In Cross Beqinners Classes have Templeton. Cathy Klpatrick, Diannc K. Yankees 1___ 3 1 3 the afternoon there wll be been taking their tests at arcM k SteCc Athletics 1 4 O 2 contests for the most freckles, Crearn ai Barley Pool and at Mr. Garry and Lyle Rich- arcMrk Sel a Pee Wee-Bantam League widest gnin "and bubble gumà the Boys' Training School man, Hampton; Miss Irene ak nadJei Sot blowing. Pool. Ferguson, Toronto; Mr. Ken The rest ai the aternoot W L TPts.On Tuesday we were fortun- Any chiîdren who have not Hrmtn saa ihM.WitknU ihic Glanta ____ 3 2 0 6 ate in havint Mr. Mansfield en had their Red Cross Beginners' and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Dash, won by Dianne McFcee DOdgers 1 2 2 4 hand ta give the final ciasa ai tests may do so by going ta Mrs. P. F. Bradley, Osh- ers; dash, won by Alan Cragc Braves s____ 4O 2isrutooofalcidenCcm a Barley Pool this awa; ,Mr. Lloyd BradleTr wheelbarrow race, won b: Pirates - 0. 5 o 0 participating in the tennis Friday, August l9th, at 10 a.m. onto, were Sunday tea guests Jennie Stout and Dianne Me In the Atorn League the first lessans sponsored by the Re- A special practîce period has Of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peth. Feeters. They also won th four teams entered the play- creation Department. ben arranged for ail boys and ick. hopping race and alley racE ails with the Red Sox playing On Thursday cvening the girls registered in the Red Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick In oqr cantest for "Penn, the Senators on Tuesday morn- playgrounds will put on a Cross Junior, Intermediate attended the Lakeview Decor- Fair" in selling the mos en t Memorial Park. The Variety Night at the Town and Senior classes at the Boys' ation services at Newtonville. tickets, Dianne McFeeters sol( Ced Sox won the game by de- Hall, starting at 7:00 p.m. Each Training School Pool on Mon- Mra. P. Tresise, Mr. and the most tickets and wi fault when the Senatons iaîled playground will be responsible day, August 22nd at 9 a.m. Mrs. A. Wright, Oshawa awarded a crlsp dollar billfi ta field a teamn. The Tigens for one or two acts. The On Tuesday, August 23rd were caliers at N. E. Wri- her effort. aud Indians played their game Children's Theatre Group will the tests for the Red Cross ght's. On Thursday afternoon wt on Wcdnesday morning and the put on a short play entitled Juniors wifl be held at Cream Misses Cheryl- Rowan, Don- were surprîsed by Mrs. Stee wlnner ai that game will play "Little Ki and the Serpent". of Banley Pool starting at is Wright, Lois Ashton and Who gave us popsicles anc off agalnst the Red Sax for The winnens ai the various 9 a.m. Brenda Ellis are attending,,brownies for an aiternoor the League Champ ionship on activities held thraughout the The Red Cross Senior and School for Leaders at Whitbylparty. I would like ta thanl Thuraday morning at 10 o'clock summer will be pnesented with Intermediate swimmers will be Ladies' Coilege. Mns. Steel for the treat. at Memoriai Park. ithein crests. testcd on Wednesday, Augustl Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright OtnoSre Iu the Pee Wee - Bantam i l parents and friends are 24th at the Boys' Training' were visitons at Mr. and Mis. OtroSre League the Giants were thejinvited ta attend this Variety School Pool starting at 9 a.m. W. E. Sanderson's, Columbus. By Heather Webb Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brad- On Thursday, August lith league winnens and wili play-1_ ley, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs, Ontario Street School helda off against the second place Li p i U M e.MMr. and Mrs. Talent Night. Our participants Dogr o telau ca- NIS K IL L EN Ivan Sharp and Linda were perforrned very well indeed but plonship. al r t M .a d M s ap ny t o at o l e c s n The league winners and, Mr .and Mrs. John Griffin Master Gary Lutes remain- Virtue's. ta represent aur park at the champions will receive crests.: and family were visitons with ed for holidays with C. Av- Mn. and Mrs, John Siemon Town Hall next Thunsday ev- at the Annuai Piayground!Mrs. Gea. Squibbs, Churchill, erys. setahldyi h igreig h cscoe e Variety Night which wiil be and caliers at Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Winne Martin and Miss Lakes district with Mr. and as fallows: Miss Brenda Hen- heid Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in, Albert Gow, Barrie. Mary Potts, Haycon, visited Mns. L. Clemnens and Mr. and ning with her baton and the the Bowmanville Town Hall. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis- on Sunday with Mr. and MsMrs.s D. Hall, Hampton. two sisters, Marilyn and Rose Playgrounds ton attended the Smith pîcule C. Pethick and Mrs. E. tut. Robent Slemon spent a Robinson who sang two lovýeiî This Friday, August l9th fo dinnen at Oshawa Park AUi. and Mrs. D. B. Kay, week with Eric Bowman. sangs together. WMl bring this year's summer and were tea guests with Mns. Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. R. Milton Werry, Oshawa, and Byers, -Bowmanville; were, Vincent Massey were evening cailers at Mn. visitors at Mn. and Mrs. A. U t B JonOmsn and Mrs. W. J. Bowman's, Sharps. Ba niams This week in Arts and Crafts Mis. Mabel Rowan, Miss the childnen painted pictures. Mrs. Cyril Avery an a-Ansoan , evR. ow ortThroughout the week the boys ily Nwcstl, il JonsnMr.an Ms .Hopn.e i n Oshawa, wene Monday caliers F/L. and Mis. Ross ROI oi-Ho THE DIFFERECE at Mr. Clarence Aveny's. ands and famîly, OttPaywfap;i te 'VOUILL QUICJCUV NOTE Mn. and Mis. Fenguson, Mi. Rev. and Mrs. E. Ralands, G roup ly f p one £ND OUR OOD B î~ and Mrs. J. Smith, Conu., Scanborough; Miss Clara Page§. -. f WILLwere callens at Albert Oke's. Mn. and Mis. Ed Coombs and Bowmanviile Legionnaines YOUR VOTE Master Donald Tr e w i n famiiy, Toronto, were recent combiued timeiy hitting with spent the weekeud with Mas- visitons with Mns. E. Page. walks and Pont Hope errons, ta ..... ten Lloyd Tnewin, Biackstock. Master Robent Dalton, East pull a 10-1 upset In Bantam Mrs. E. A. Werny and Bet- Tempieton, Quebec, is hall- piayaffs, Monday uight. Aiter ty Jane, Enniskillen; Mns. T. daying with his cousin Mas- dnopping the finat game, the Cowling, Ha'ydon; Dr. and ten Ch ailes Athton. locals came iromn behind a ...... Mrs. Clark Werny, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Ken Bail, seven-run deficit ta tie the were Weduesday even i n g Susan and Bonny, Mis. J. series, and wiil now advance guests at Mn. and Mns. Allan Bail and Mis. B. Cochrane, into the next round. Werry's. Orono, wene Tuesday dinuer Gerald Haruess stopped the AL.Miss Ruby Vintue, Toronto, guests at Mi. and Mrs. R. Vin- hili-toppers with a nifty two- Mrs. O. Vitue, Mrs. R. Vin- tue's. hit effort and contributed a.... tue, Tynane, were recent vis- Mi. aud Mns. S. N. Aunger pain ai singles ta the Legionu- dtors at Mr. and Mr's. R. Vin- accompauied Mn. and Mis. H. aires' fiehtatCk Pont t ue. Stevens and Gardon ou a vis- Hape's loue run came in the Mn. and Mis. Hanford An- it ta Mn. and Mis. J. E. Vin- sixth on a waik and a double ELETRC LD.n is. Rev. and Mis. Gea. Dicks, tue, Ailiston, on Thursday. by Behm. *OTACTINM IPARs'-u Scanboîough, visited thein Miss Marilyn Yellowlees Bowmanville picked up a ... ..... COMMATING MIRScousins H. Stevens and W. H. speut the weekend with Miss single maîken ln the finst, thîe EUX~2 Moores. Doneen Tnewin. each ini the second and third, REFRIGERATION-ELECTRIC Mn. and Mns. Irvin Cook, Mn. and Mis. Stanley Tur- another single in the iounth NOMCI-SALES -SERVICE Mns. Effie Lutes and Gary, uer, Oshawa, wene Sunday and a pair in the fifth on Ted 'Of TV- RADIO - APPLIANCES Scaiborough; Mn. and Mns. dinnen guests af Miss Elsie Bate's home inn. Daug Lane Camenon Oke, Oshawa, wene aud Albent Oke. swatted a bases-loaded double ' * 0 ' ~~Suuday dinner guests ai Mn. Mi. and Mrs. C. Short, Mns. in the third and also added a OkhL Tn~ rsdn adMis. C. Aveny's. Jim LaDnew, Toronto, wene single. a General ManagereaidTe recent visitons at S. R. Peth- Merrili went thc route forandosuens' MnageCompanThau ick's. thlolsers. osmr'G C payan Mn. and Mrs. Alian Martin _________ nounced the appaintment af and amil, BomanvlleMiss Mabel Geary as Secnetary and fih r.amdy, Bow anl NsitnSain and Assistant- Treasur'er. Miss F R E E F RE Sarp.Neslein Sttl"]ft Geany, bain in Engiand, joiued Wit evry urcaseofMath and Mis. Ross Sharp, Consumens' Gas as a cenk in With very urchae of a u ad Gardon wene vis- Recent visitons with Mrs. 1927. She became secretary ta $1.00or moe ofitos at M. and Ms. Harold Herman Samels wee: Mr. the geneal Manager in 1939, $1O r aeo Skinnen's, Tyrone. Scott Hutchison, Tam and was appointed Assistant Sec- GASOLINE - OIL - ACCESSORIES Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt Rau, Mrs. Mike Boychen, ietary in 1954 and became a wene Sunday visitons with Nancy Aun and Gary, Mnr Director ai the campany iu you will receive Bonus Coupons entitling you to Mis. R. Preston, Maple Grave. and Mrs. Stanley McNeally. 1955. Mis. N. Wright spent a and Mis. Ed Jackson, al ai fw days with Mn. and Mis. Toronto. -Mn. and Mis. George Bowers S ! P.Tresise, Oshawa. Brian and John Wolfe are and family. F R E E G 1F T S Mr.andMrs Bev Velestayng iththein aunt and Mis. Wesley Camnpbell ac- Jacie nd avd, urdck-unle r. ndMrs. Hanny Mc- compauied the Grant Camp. ville; Mn. aud Mis. Grant C. Lauglilin whie thein parents bell family ta visit Dr. aud Catalogue Available at Service Station Wenry weîe Manday eveuing Mn. and Mis. George Wolfe Mis. Robent Bonney and iam- dinner guest ai Mn. James A. flew ta Ineiand for a visît iiy at their cottage at Have- Werry. with his relatives sud fnieuds. hock on Suuday. * jMn. and Mis. Harvey Hun- Nancy Symous of Bowman- ]Friends will t>e aonny ta ter, Caun., Bert and Cecil ville is holidayiug with lien leain that Mn. Bert Knight Hunten, Miss Marian Hunter, grandmothen Mis. Nel s on was taken ta Sunnybroak Bill Cooper, Monck, Mn. aud Marlow. Hospital this week and trust CT T ~ I Mis. Telbeit Ferguson, Mr. Mr. and Mis. EUl Mains he ia soon able ta retuin ta 1,and Mis. Jack Smithi, Mn. have retuîned from a hl- bis home iu Port Penny. and Mns. Fred Fergusan, Mis. Mis. Mains' sisfer, Mns. A. a etIa eko aa ce E aAllie White, Bowmanville, Adams and othen friends. Mn. trip ta Vancouver with fric- ,3 31 6wene with Mn. and Mis. C. and Mis. Ivan Mains chauf- uda. WaVEitc" Jeu., Ferguson. feuired his aet.Reetvstaswt _n Eight Day ScolCuse rmwih , hoeMis. C. Smith read extnscts Modern Equipment and Methods- I mn a book ai paems "Sangs Personal, Individual Instruction ini Major Froni the Silence" by a deaf Subjects - Oven 100 Graduates placed i 1960 fîiend sud pactess Prescott EVENNG LASES:Short whicli wenc mucli en- EVENNG CASSE: .joyed. Mis. McComb spoke Tuesday and Thursday Evenings briefly wishing the members 7:00 - 9:00 p.rn. Tuition $15.00 Per Month GK. sud omnganiatonscc9si fuitti.Members ai the gnaup Mis. 1 Act Now! Get the Facts! Clip and Mail the <s J. Fonder, Miss Tt.Pnoutt, Mrs. 1 Coupon below today! P C. Smith and Mis. K. Gil- mm bank served the usual sump- - tuous lunch aud thanks ai 1 &mn interested in the Specialized Business Co theli meeting wene extended ta rgTraining offered by the Oshawa Business Mr.t lsandMs.Hronad s Callee. - A Metcalf iamniiy gsthering Day chol Evnin Claseswas held Sunday at the home I D y S hoo Ev nin ClssefaiM n. and M is. G ardon Met- 0 'Please send full particulars to: cali on Sunday. Those lu at- Address AgednMetcalf, avidr.Dan d Narne TeL No. Bruce Metcaif, Mn. and Mis. ________________ Neil Metcaii sud Kenny, Mis. Grade attulned at Higli School Dale, and Mr. and Mis. Roy lThIs senm anappprluet 7te.."sY iaWord Mctcalf, ail ai Bawnianvillc. g Slgned ~ ---j ~ tu.sN,~Mi. and Mis. Laine Metcali, -- e - wMurnay, Katherine and Jan- I L I fl 1 f - -- - - __Rmmuw

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