Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1960, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN UTATmMAN. DOWMANYIILE. OUTARTO Ken Brooks Receives Diploma at GMC School Faurteen yaung men from' 0f the more than 5,000 en- Oshawa. and district and one' gineerung graduates, 70 per from Windsor will receive de- cent bave remaumed with Gen- grees or diplomas on August, erai Motors. 12 at the Gencrai Motors Ini-! Young men from the Osb- stitute Comrnencement in awa area who are receiving Flint, Micb. recognition at the GMI Comn- The ceremonies will markimneetac the ý3rd Commencement for: Industrial Engineering De- General Motors Institute, an gree-.-Merlyn E. Cranston, 132 engineering coliege wbich pro. Ritson Rd. S. vides General Motars with 25'l Mechanical Engineering De-1 per cent of its engineers. The! grec-Cari E. Diederiebsen, student body of 2,000 is made[ 842 Parklame Ave.; Guninar E. up of top flight high school Licouns. 271 Oshawa Blvd. N.; graduates selected by GM; William H. McKee, Sirncoe plants for appointment ta co- St.; Joseph A. Pegg, R. R. 2-, operative programs ini mecc- Claremont; Victor W. Pratt,1 anical, industrial or ciectri- 1 714 Eastwood Ave. and Mrs. George Glanvile, Newcast.le. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Thomp- son and family and Kathy Turansky left Sunday to visit ber sister Mrs. Baux i AI- ganquin Park. Betty and the fam-ily and Kathy are remain- ing for a holiday. Misses Kathy and Karen CoAtham spent part of last week %vith their gramdmother, Mrs. Wm. Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Wright and familv of Burlington vis- ited bis sister Mrs. L. Falls and Len. David remained for a holiday on the farm. Mr. and Ms Earl Burle_-yj anid daughters, Mr. John Gar- don of Oxford, N.C., and Mr.1 and Mrs. Gordon Langstaff hoiidayed Sunciay at Niagarai Falls.i c p tv 01 C( a Pý di e r1 id - 1 is 1- Gillette One-a-Day Multiple Dristan Adjustabie Vitamins Tablets $1.95 1.49 - 2.75- 4.49 - 8.75 1.25 __________Geritoi-Tabs. or Llquid 2.25 -3.75 Super 1.35 - 3.49 - 5.49 Gillette Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Co-Pyronil Blades Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Tablets 69e Trivisol 1.65, 2.95, 4.25 2.25 Off Insect Repelient 89e Raid Spray - 1.69 8.12 Repelient -- 69c, 89e Kan Kil Spray 89c, 1.39 O.12 Spray 1.39 Fy Toi Bomb - 98c, 1.49 Guard Repellent - 75e Moth Toi ____ 1.49 Ilowland Bathing Caps, 3 sizes, $1.69 COWLI NG'S PRONIE IRA 8-568 DRUG STORE WB mI TRUSSES To Grade 6- Terrv Brown.1 Tommiy Poster, Reid Foster,j Bruce Mercer, Dorot.hy Mer- cer, Shirley Mercer. Billv iPlanke. 1To Grade 5- Johanna Ade- i geesi., Larry Brown, Bàrbara Burley, Marie Couroux. Anne Foster, Bobby Geach, Dianne Little. To Grade 4- Rhea Ade- geesi., Bobby Poster. Douglas Mercer, Billy Mercer, Anne Petyko, John Petyko. Wi ma Turansky, Terry Yendrick.* To Grade 3-- Linda Sioca, Kim Brown. ,To Grade 2- Helen Adegeest, Iene Mercer, Diane Mfichalski, Jerry Thorpson - av m 1 , Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Car ,i egeing~fI~.1 Four-Year Engineering Dip- Langst-aff and Mr. and Mrs Students aiternate between lama-John Alian Black, 106 Eddie Couroux this wcekenc )eriods of theoretical educa- i Albert St.; Kenneth Roy were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moor( ion in the classroom and lab- Brooks, R. R. 3, Bowmianvilie; and sons andi Mr. and Mrs )ratories at the institute and James Meivin Champa, 1085 Kennedy, Torconto. oordinated work experience Ritson Rd. N.; Norman E. Tobacco harvcst is in fui' Lt their plants. Successful corn- IKcrr, 20 Westmoriand Ave.; swing again and indication rami f h leads ta ar r- Dnald Bruce Leask, 424 Nip- are that it will ripen up quick- lualifications for a b a.r igon St.: Alvin Ross MacNab, ly. hl cve r o egreecatn requr a fifth er 112 Oshawa Blvd. N.; R. Bruce large as other years, it appear fererqie it Rideout, 8 Marna Ave., West a pretty good crop. )fextensive research and a Hill: John Douglas Tcrry, 120 Mr.JsiHiichM.an mprehensive report on an 1 Cadillac Ave. S. Mrs. Le ieHiditch, r and ml .ngineering project in the' _______________and__mil )lant. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mer- cer and fan-ily were with Mr, KENJJAL and Mrs. George Mercer. Sun. Mrs. Don Oke (Pearl Hoy) Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young- and sans, Wayne and Carl of man and daughters attende<' Los Angeles, have heen \visit- the Youngman Pienie ai. his ing bier father, James Hoy and parents. S unday. ber brothers and sisters also Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Don's folks in Peterborough. Donald and family are holi Miss Sue Foster, nurse-rn- daying thtis weck at bier sis- training, xvas home with Mr. tcr's cottage near Dorset. and Mrs. Ned Foster Monday. Albert Colaxi and Bibby Sue lias finisiîed hier trai*n,,"ng Martinel], Hamilton, spent the at the Hospital for Sick Child- weekend with Mrs. Hattie ren. Toronto, and is back ta Martincîl. Mrs. A. Colan is stil] Civic Hospital, Peterborough.j recuperating from bier opera- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowcs, tion. Oh Boy! Joan and Gardon, Peterbor- MIvI. anid Mrs. Lamne Pe ough, spent a couple of daysan J, and Mr. and Mrs. 4) wîtl Mrs. Mary Luxon and vis-BrtThrpsans werc guests. ,0j~ ted other relatives. Joan re- of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Saper rnained until Stindav when she Sundy returned lmme ,vith Mr.and M.da. RyKan r Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and M.adMs o en r GEMarie w'hen they visited the ilua, spent the xeekend with Lowes in Peterboraugh. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Saper. OIR NGE M r. and Mrs. Bob Carruth- Mrs. Annie Shepherd is vis- Ail the goodness and ers visited bier parents Sun- îting Mr. anci Mrs. Cecil Glass lavor of big, juicy dav. Pat and Bob have been this week. al1ifornia oranges entertainingc four of a Jr. Far- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapieton -.mers graup fram western On- and Bill spent Sunday a-I. Has- taria since Fridav. tings. Mrs. Allen Foster anid Jane Mrs. A. Jackson, Mrs. Win. wcre ta Teetervilie iast wcek- Honey and Mary, Milliken, *end. Mrs. M. E. Foster and Mrs. came down ta thc Jackson Arlatt returned home witb home here Thursday and on them.Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. M r. and Mirs. Gordon Lang- Win. Jackson attended the staff and Danny we're t'a Ayl- wedding of John Bell and Mur. mer ta, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ver- ici Ferguson ini the Preshyter- non's. Miss Cheryl Vernon re- ian Church ini Port Hope. WO35 turned home with them. Kendal and Newtonville In- Guests recentiy with Mrs. termediate teams played off My THUEIMI 16SOTLICARTON Neva Little were Mr. and Mrs. lasi. week with Newtonville Harvey Nixon, Clarkson, Miss winning thc firsi. two gamnes. ________________ RubyEmpingamMarham Kendal and Courtice Ban- tams played two gaad games of their series last xveek. This is a besi. 3 out of 5 series ini- ~m - - ~ n r BOWMANVILLE stead of the best 2 out of 3 as MA 3-5589 the Newcastle and Orono ]RO YL 1play-offs were. At Courtice tbey played a 5-5 tic and at Kendal Saturday night Ken- TRISFR! & AT. AU UST 12 13 dal won by an 8-3 score with THISFRI & S T.,AUC ST 1 - 3 Jhn Qantillpitching for Kendal. 'Coman he Staion' aturcay ni'ght a good crawd 'Com nche Staton' aga:n attencied the third and (Coor)lasi. barrn dance in Allen Fos- <Calor)tetr's tabacco barn in aid of the Randolph Scott, Nancy Gates ItVJa baIl teams. The Kendal ALSO Bantam.s werc brought ta the ALSO front and given a hearty clap as were their sponsors- Gar- don and Carl Langstaff, Ed- die Couroux. Jack Neal, John sPecal vte f thiks ascx- (Clor) itendeci ta Allen Faster. Sandra Dee, James Darren Mrs. W. Roughley and Mrs. _________________________________________ Ecith Fergusan visited witbl Mrs. Alva Swarbrick, Saturday NEXTMON. WE.I A GUS 15 17 night. Edibiiand Mrs. Rose Sunday night. coymb,g i.m hstt A Rul J.LM tuPdoffieuBorne of the Kendal and Mr- Leans parents are wondering BRIGITTE DUT Why the school exams have ta be over and ini ta the inspector «Babette Goes To War by June 15. After losing 50 much timle in the winter it Lm i masff a.EnnuCa would scem the pupils wauid 'Ç ~' "~"be much better studyîng in the moîitb of June. After exanis Co în ug 2 "3,"South Pacific' cornes the usîal et-dow-nta Aduit cher loing the puipis ta stay mhome and work after June 15. McLeans school prornatitms, _____________________________________________June 1960, in alphabeticaî or-- - der- 1oz ie Vacuum Lunch 70e Value Ta Grade 9- Ray Couroux, Noxzma attis Kts Ppsoent Richard Foster, Wayne Poster, 10::xzea j 79tes is Ppoe June Geacb. $.57e1.39 59e To Grade 8-. Roiger Brown, Marie Little, Marion Thertel]. To Grade 7- Joyce Eiliott, Brian Foster, Shirley Patton, « Specials Specîais Lorraine Therteil. jTo Grade 6- Sharon Bur-L 98c ize olgtes aste79eley, Gary Therteli. 63c sze Colgates Paste 7e Colgates Shave flamb 79c To Grade 4- Gail Patton. 13e soe Cgteaste 3 Palmlive Shave Cr. 55e To Grade 2- Gloria Patton. K~ Bru..s -- 98e 79e Vam d64e Teacher- Keith Hnn.1 le y Office Hours: 9 a.rn. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Wdnsday - Sundays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, U.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvillc Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.r-n. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephono(: Office MA 3-54r9 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike., Q.C. A. A. hI. Strike, B.A. 10 King St. W. - Bowinanviile Teiephone MA 3-5791 AWRENE C.MA-SON,lBA Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville, Phanes: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA I. IIODGINS Barmister, Solicitor Notamy Public remperance St. - Bowmanvill F. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E.. B.A., LL.B. Bo0X 9, Newcastle Phi-r,e Newcastle 2246 i Consultation by appointînent ]ny. W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. M4ain Street, Orono, Ontario> M or 1g ag es %DIE HAMLTON - ORONO Te SA -iecir, Beverley Anderson.1 Phone 1 r 16 FIrst Motgage Funds Residences - Farms Whcn there is the slîghtest Business Properties possibility of a hand tooI or - ___________ even a rivet fa]ling do'wnI Op t 0 Me r1 from ahave(. canstructiao workers should weam pmtec- tîve headgear. A hot rivet can KEITH A. BILLE'rT, O.D. cause serious damage. Optometrisi. Mor thn ac hir ofa1141 King St. E. - Bowmamville: Mor thn oe tirdof llOffice Hours: By appointment industrial disabling injuriesj Telephone MArket 3-3252 involve fingers, bands and 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. arms. Onlv the use of prater- Monday ta Satumday tiYe equipment -will preventj Thiursdav evenings i nJ urï ta more workers. Iednesdays: 9 to là r I have a profound state- ment I feel I rnust make. If Fmore people wouid hamg a sign on their front doors, "Cane Fishin' and take i Efor its literai meaning, there rnight be iess world wide ten- sion. I lost any I ever bad some weeks ago, whien I offered ta heip a friend of mine out of a spot. Slie had promiscd to take charge of lier eldest grandchlild wvhen his mnother was birthing hier third baby. Scheduled ta take place over a weckend, everythingl seem- cd ta be going smootbly until the new hieir refused ta arrive on time. This threw the famil1 for a liassle, especiaily, theý grandmiother, who is a b ard- working weekiy ncwspaper editor. Because aur friendship bas the strength of a Dam-on and Pythias relationship, 1 sternped int the breach and offercd ta take charge of young Pete, age six. I didn't realize wbiat I was in for. My conceit, that all you have ta do to control, any abstreperous youngster is ta be pals with hini. took an awful beating duririg those hours before a certaiii weekiv newspaper was put ta press and onc demon was delivered ta his lawful grandm-other's loving care. The rnorning I picked him Up was agloriousday. In a, BusinessDirectory 1 Accountancy! RAY 3. Dr#,LING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street ____MArket 3-3861 Chartercd Accounitant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Tcmpcrance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FýRIEDLANDER IIUNTER & CO. Accounitants and Auditors Âicensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A.ý MONTEITH - MONTEITU RIE JIL & CO. 135 Srncoe St. N., Oshawa Chartered Accauntants RA 5-3527 Bowmanviile Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A, A- B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. (LicenscdTrustec) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Chiropract ic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor >ffice: là Elgin St. or of Torscy St.: Phione MA 3-5509 )ffice Hours: By Appointnent, D e n a the thought of attaching wormn * ta bent pin to notice the racky mountain ridge that was be- <r~ mg raised on my brow through 51 the thirsty industry of gnat- siled insects. 1) (L <AThis knawledgeable Isaac = V~J WNI Walton inforrned me there must be na talking. We sat Il there like statues waiting for Il aur first nibble. 1 began to V pray for some kind of an in- terruption that would throw Pete off his determination ta ~.OflI ARKN"fish". Then it happened. A small Scotty pup came around the cernent abutment wagging chirpy, cheerful tone 1 asked ber funny littie tail and pranc- rny small guest what he wouldi ing about like a ballet dancer. like ta do. "Fish".. he said la- She dashed into the water, conically.l grabbed Pete's lime and re- This seemed like a good1 turned to shore in great gice. idea so we dug for worms, cut1 Pete jumped up and down poles from the willows in the in rage. The water was al swamp and attached bent pins muddied up and the speli bro- ta long pieces of baker's ken. 1 toid him ta sit stili and twîne. 1 knew a dandy spot, I would walk the dog up the a smali creek that runs under highway ta lure ber away. the railway trestie on the out- When I returned, Pete was skirts of aur town.i entranced again with line sus- We settied ourseives an the 1pcnded and that blissful, va- bank of the littie stream and cuous look ail fishermen ac- imrnediate]y swarms of black quire, on bis funny little el- flics settled themseives on us. phin face. For some untold reason, Peteý Then a train came rumbling1 was obliviaus of their sting.1 over the bridge, again disturb-i In the beginning of our ad-j ing the tranquiiity of the day. venture, 1 was taa revolted at Pete blew a fuse. The only ADDITIONAL IFOD 1!" 'q LOVE LOVE os ov ndI my thoughts go wingin- ýfthe northlarid, over the~ Id me, a voice echoes back(e he gloaming, a star gleams a paddle splash soft 4w ter darkness. like the warm arkening shoreline. I see a way 1 could appease hlm was LOST1 ta affer ta take him ta a near- We still do things togethei by sehoal where the lOOth an- nivcrsary of this place of Watching a golden sunset, Iearning was being oelebrat- high, ed. The teacher had arranged While wandering trails of a fishpond for the pupils de- rcsadrls light and when she affered rcsadns Pete a. pale and asked wbat A presence seems to enfolc he would like an the end of fromn the his. bis Une, this ane-track mimd- And now, in the stili of th ed cbild- demanded "a perch". aver the lake, His frustration knew no Seems I hear the sound of bounds when he found a com- ic book on te end af is lie. ini its wake. However, he refused ta give And out of the gathering up the pink crepe paper- handclasp of a friend. wound fishing pale. We left Through the trees on the d; the school with ane rather feminine looking pale, one dis- light 'round the bend. appointed child, one camic_______________ book, but no fish. Pete was ta get bis wish, dcath struggle, flapping if flot for a perch, at least for around an rny cellar floor. Ao- a fish. On aur way borne we parently Pete's oniy iterest saw tbree men fishing under in "fîshin' was in the thril the trestie. Pete yelied for me ta stop the car and he dash- of the catch. He batcd the ed up ta anc of them. I could- slimy, wiggiy things once they n't hear the conversation, but were out of the water. By the the instruction must have time 1 had dug their last rest- been good, for soon his li e1 ing place in the garden, I bad was jerking out anc finger.. forgotten ail about any -vor- lengtb carp after another, as ries I ever bad. That is, other be attempted ta contrai the than ta keep a srnall boy busy unralling of friily pink paper while bis mother labaured decoration frorn bis pale. and bis grandrnother wrate 1specialploasant formula 1, to kin household inseet #4l~ pSs and outdoors for p grdon injecta. Economkcal Md u - ien "FEA TURES" OBTAINABLE AT MCQDINs BD WNAN VILLE tFFETIVEAUGUST 11, 12, 13 SWIFTS TEMPT - 15 oz. tins DOG FOOD 7 c MONARCH MIX - 16 oz. pkg. ANGEL CA&KE 33c a ROSE BRAND MARGARI NE 5 Ibs. 10 HEINZ TOMATO - il oz. Bottie cATSUP 5for 39c T[HI[S COUPON IS WORTHI 5c ON THE PURCHASE 0F 1 l.BUTTER (wilh Coupon 62c) TIS COUPON IS WORTH 24C ON THE PURCHASE 0F ictn. CIGARETTES (wilh Coupon $3.05) I M M MM I QUALITY MEATS FT'MS PIREMIUM TENDERGROWN - 2/3 lb. Av. CHICKENS Bon eless Park Brookfield Skinless Swift's Sliced Dutch Lunch Sliced - --Lb. 69C SALAMI - BEST BUY - SAVE 4e - Stokely's Fancy - 48 oz. fin BEST BUTY - SAVE 14e - MILKOTO A O-U C Instant -3IL pkg.2 9 POWDERED MILK lb oybg9y9 BEST BUY - SAVE 6c - Libby's Frozen -2M.pl a GREEN PEAS 49 c' BEST BUJY - SAVE 5c - WMite or Coloured TOILETTISSUE White Cross 4for49C BEST BUY - SAVE 58e - 45c Off Pack- igzep. FAB DETERGENT -Knsz k.95C~ FEATURE - SAVE 4c - York - 20 oz. tin CREAM -STYLE __CO RN 2Ifor 37c~ FATURE - SAVE 20e - Man's Size 200's FACE-ELLE TISSU ES 3 for 79c FEATURE - SAVE 5e - Saico Brand - "'s film SOLlD WHITE.TUNA 3 forl1.00 NEAD 0F LETTRCE - No. 1 Ont. Grown FR EE with the purchase of 24 oz. jar at REGULAR PRICE FR.EE SUNISPUN SALAD DRESSING 37o. kg m o m pg 33c Soft Drink Powders FIESHIE 5 For 29c . Beaver Brand - 5 lb. bagMI@ D CHARCOAL 45c BoVlus 81 Lowney'u Angelus PLIStIC sr.5e Niarshmallows TABLE COUERS 1 lb. bag 37c a tii m m Aunt Mary's Sliced 24 oz. loaf 9 j1sf 4 Faimous Satin Sunkist - Size 163'9 ORANGES 3 doz. 99C 69c1 2 Fo 35lc BIEAD - 19c BOWMANVI LLE MAPLE GROVE ORAKONO BLACKSTOCK Blyth's Market - McQuinn 's Market Maples Grvete Cor 'sh Marketi Groceteria D..M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldgs. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvii] Office 1[Jours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunda3 Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Flouse Phone - Ncwcai-tle 355 DR. E. W. SISISON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bcwmanvili Phone MA 3-5604 Ontario Finest No. 1 - 6 qt. basket 'rIIUP--àDAY' AU-G' Ilth' 19M -Marjorie Cunningham. il FROZEN FOOD 2 lM. paiy bag Ail Varieties Libby's Fresh Frozens Birds Eye Green Peas 49c Dinners - 67c Fresh, Green SWEET PEPPERS Crisp, Crunchy, poiy bags TUE CABADUX STATESBUM. BOWMANVnJàr, ONTARTO qq-nmqnav Av"- 1141. iftàm 0 -Marlorie Cunningharn. FEATURE - SAVE Saico Blrand Mandarin ORANGE S LICES 2 Tins 39c FEATURE - SAVE ORANGE PEKOE Our Own Blend 1 lb. bag T EA -65c Sunbeam 8 per pkg. HAMBURG OR 25 WIENER B UNS Kraft Deluîe - 8 oz. pkg. CHEESE SLICES 33c Christie's - 131/1 oz. pkg. GRAHAM WAFERS 33c pg PAXM MX m Lb- 69C 1 1 FRESH PRODUCE Maple Grove ORONO

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