Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1960, p. 1

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BUG POl -r -1 - - ~-~--~ ~ - -.- - y- The big Polaroid Contest for the "Home of the 4%Week" has started. See page three of this issue for the picture which wiIl winj tome householder a cheque~ for $5.00. Also, alpr ticipating merchants have been supplied with a plenti- Cul amount of coupons wh*"~ readers may fi out at' Xir convenience. The contest is simple. Each week a photo of a r b ounse in Bowmanville, Newcastle or Newtonvilic area wiil be published in the centre portion of the advertisement. The person who is the householder must come to The Statesman office and identify the photo as a picture of his or her home. This -lucky person will be LAROID CONTEST STARTS 1Pt1XUAVTT 1ýF CONTAMOTflHTRSDAY. AUGUST llth.. 1960 VO-LUME 1 Assessment Ratio improves1 Chbain Refait Organizations Continue Their Interest in Locating Here, Says Report, asked to draw an envelope The report for July of the1 play an interest in Bowman- attractive new prospects 151 from a carton which wiIom ssneK.Nville likely to abandon further con-1 contain the name of one of Industrial omsinr N . contan th nameof oe oforris, was sbitda the Four new industrial pros-!1 sideration of Bowmanville be- the merchants who are meeting of Bowmanville Town1 pects were contacted during' cause there is not a fully ser- supporting the contest. Council held in the Council 1 July, two of whom visited viced site to be of fered here. Chamiber on Monday evening.1 Bowmanville for on the spotr The report stated that assist- The Statesman wiII write It showed that - while there investigations. A follow-up ance by letter and persona] in- cheque for $5, made outt DveAlded h Kn t as eueix-it has been no change in the- ba- r contact was made with a pros- terview has beer given to a to he toe nmedran an, in'get muc heoKidnSE a stoday. e wssis of assessment in theepast 1pect that originated last April,' lecading Toronto firm dealing and gie isotoeouse - too busy, showngetmuhs rkone onhat haene to hi entyears, ihdustrial assess- fand negotiations were resum-iin i nvestment securities. As and giveit to th house- oo busyshowing is cronis here ahasneincreasemet16.25 as ed reith 1an2iedportant iprospectprapertsuitre oflthe t informrmtion holder. That is the weekly on Sunday marning at Balsam Lake. He and his wife1 per cent and local commer- dating back Ito March 1959. ,Jprav.'ded it is hoped that the wee istig alerGodean hs ail, ncudng'ilassessment bas încreased The report pointed out that townwilrcieafoubl priz. wre isiingWaler ood an hi faily inludngi3379 per cent during that per- while a final decision bas flot OffOr on its next issue of de- On the lth of each month, father-in-law "Josh" Stacey. They decided ta do a bit1 iod. beengiven, one of the most (Continueci on page seven) merchants are asked to send in of fishing. This is the resuit, a "muskie" weighing 18! As the resuit of sketch maps ta The Statesman ail the cou- pounds after it had been bled, 44 inches long with ai and supporting statistical da- U pons which have been placed fuîo tt t om ta submitted last autumn, aS re tus r Dm in speial catons i theirface fll ofsharp teeth~. D.avie caughtit Wl ha om cash offer on behaîf of' t e t D s r -b e stores. These should have harness on 15 lb. test line. It taok him 40 excited' cbain retail organization bas someone's namne and address minutes to land the big one. When aur photographerl beeii made for a downtawn 4Cau S oe A n . t written on them, and also the arrived an the scene ta record the event for posterity,, commercial site, Mr. Morris o ew S mA n *e" name of the store. report cd. Data bas alsa been The wllbeplaedinaýhe found that some practical saul with an eye for food, splidta a Toronto firm of Co rcil orkung on It jontainer and on the i5th ofi had cut up the huge body into steaks, so ail that was, real estate brokers represen- .0 emonth another draw wiîî lef t vas this huge, gaping head. Our retouching ting a major retail organiza- Smade. The persan whose artist also went ta work on the one eye that looked~ tion, and in addition there The problemn of dust con- r Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers coupon is selected will win a to1ntead akndifrbte'h ave been further conversa- trol on Liberty Street pending statd that hie will be seeing new Polaroid camera free and f shypphtotiens with earlier commercial its paving this summe a o efcnti hrday the merchant whose namne isreproduction. prospects wh? continue to dis- discussed at the meeting of cvenling and will ask ta have aiso on the coupon will become Bowmanville Town Council, the soul test report expedited. the lucky owner of a Polaroîd.ieeo. held in the Council Chamber Councillor Ross Stevens Only one camera may be won Pets o Get Free om on Monday evening. Council- drew the attention of council by a persan or merchant dur- lor Keith Lathangue, the ta the faet that a portion of Ing the contest. 6 r Roads and Streets committee the southern part of Ontario This interesting, exciting'Mr ase Wrn er D gn rc i gestions as ýn alternative toý trol. procedure will continue for 261 I th e water method being use. Councîllor Lathangue told of weeks or six months, with Councillor Ken Nicks askedà a tele phone cail he had re- someone winning $5 eveýry hC fa te pvig o Lberyfeivd romH.J. adonwh lf:R bies S itu tion N o W rseStreet would be completed, vas very nice but pointed out home free Poiaroid cameras this autumn. Councillor La- that dust is going through bis every month. The Dog Contrai report for1 danger of rabies in hisare condition of the Steinberg lot* thangue stated that the work; hedge. across his garden, and Sa, w ach ote phoosanJuly was received at the meet-1 is now practically nil. 1o n Division and Church Sts., lis awaitfng the reprtoflee ntobisgarge the paeiahwe n ng of Bowmanville Town1 "Therefore, it seemrs that Mayor Carruthers said thatr recent sali testing undertaken "IeefothpopefL- when you visit your retailer Council held in the Cauncil! the financial threat hanging~ following the instructions of1 there. "We should make every berty Street, and would like ask for coupons and fili them Chamnber an Monday evening. over dog awners could be re-, the Board of Works hie had effort ta get this report from ta see progress made there lnwith your nieand ad- It shawed that 17 animais, il maved from October ta May. telephoned a representative tesibeI iteeronsphon- I nan mltd hat his fi, Coni ress so yourwihe be in th dogs, 5 cats and one rabbit, lst. The Dag Cantrol Commit- of the company. He added thatBulrtugehrno rylrLaageasred rca inmra teowonderful had been picked up during the, tee bas done almost tao gaod lhe abtained the name of E. C.Bie a re temtahury o Lthnue n asee camea tat eveopits ownmnth.1 a job. Gardeners are happy,! Laberge, Toronto, the mar nh de.I(oniudo aesvn pcueinjs60scns emoeaiashad been but do they need this expen- charge of the firm's oea _ *-Certified as Brucel losis tcontrol Area Ontario County bas now been certified under a Brucellosis C o n trolled area until April 1, 1963, according to a report re- ceived this week by Dr. 1. J. Woolsey, of the Health of Animais Branch, Department of Agricul- ture here. It is hoped that within a couple of months it may be possible to' obtain sim- Blar certification for Dur- ham County. The initial testing has been comple- ed here and only some odds and ends remain to be cleared. .Certification is of spe- Scial value to cattie ex- porters because it enables them ta ship animais from herds in good standing across the border with only an individual blood test. There are of course many other advantages from a health point of -view. Receives thE brougrit in trie report stateci.sitrial Commissioner11K. NliMor- Four dogs were returned ttal months? I a.nNc1or ah'rnd s iw iaiIsweredsoy- d bCouncilloresndic s. Itlc ihM.Lb*g .i'ee therI owneras, wwere sol- d bCouncillor gesKend iks. "Itle ,# r aeg ts a d e e e ed. There were 10 investiga- moved that the Dag Control and he seemed co-operative. BGDHI hswe ueylo en tions. Two maie and anc fe- Committee be asked ta inves- (Continued on page seven) BDAHL 0IAch s wdaeer, as rug ht tlow" he maie dog licenses were soid. tigate the rabies situation withdal,10iceinimtr wsbog oTh Couincillor Glenholme Hu- a view ta easing the Dog Con- Statesman office, the biggest we have ever seen. ghes stated in the matter of!i trol By-iaw from October istB It was grown by Nancy Samis, 14-year-old daught.- Dag Contrai he had made!f ta May lst. This was carried Da i rowin er of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Samis, Lambert St. A some inquiries and had been Cleanup Steinberg Lot student at B.H.S., she planted a root given by told by a veterinarian that the Regarding the unsightly -- un O e by ber horticultural expert father for a project in -L - agricultural science. It certainly grew intoaa cric1L.J. nti uÂoni ..a y2* ac. . irarm i ractor The many friends of- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. (Mick) Four Bridge Con tract Brown, R. R. 3, Bwavle will be happy ta learn that their iittle son, David, age 21 months, is making favourable F or Darlington TWp. rgestwd cmler- Tenders for four bridges in 1 increased accommodation for Chiidren's Hospital, Toronto, ithe township were opened at'pupils in the township. Coun- and it is expected that he wili the meeting of Darlington cil decided ta hald a me eting be able ta return ta bis home Township Council held in the with the Public School Board within a few weeks. Townsbip Hall, Hampton, on1 in the near future ta discuss David was injured in an Thursday afternoon, July 4th. Ithis problem. accident at the Brown farmn Thc tender of the Gaffney A request that work be donc: 0on Wednesday evening, Aug- Construction Company, Strat- ta imprave the road at thef ust 3rd. It bappened shortly fard, Ont., at $12,237.17 was 6th Lîne was made ta councîl after seven o'clock when bis accepted. This was the low- by Fred A. Partner, Tyrone. brother Don had just started est of the five tenders sub- He said that a bulldozer bas a tractor. Young David sud- mitted. fta be bired ta piough snaw denly ran out and was run M. J. Hobbs, secretary-trea-, there each winter, and dlaim- over by anc 'of the back surer of the Public School c d that this would be unne- wheeis. He was rushed ta Borappearcd before coun-' cessary if the road wcrc top- Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- Bolardotie h edfr1pdaddthdnw ville, wbere he was attended cilandoutine th ncd or pc an diche fiW~by Dr. J. R. Thompson and Dr. E. D. Hubbard. Following the X-rays taken DCoveted League Trophy therebte dtr s~ed orSa there t torsadied thatcI ... . ....... ~Children's HsiaTrno His father drave hlm there immediately. Mrs. Tom But- tery, R.N., accampanied little David on the trip ta Toronto. The yaung boy bad suffered seven broken ribs and a frac-! tured pelvis in the accident.:i His father is a popular farm1 implement dealer an King St., 77't On Saturday afternoon, the Western Tire sponsored Bowmanvîlle Juv- enile team downed Ajax ta win the Lakeshore league title. On Manday, the local Midgets, who have assisted the Juvenîles with players throughout the season, followed suit by eliminating Cobourg from the runningy. Capt . Donald "Butch" Bagneli is shown receiving the juveile trophy from League Secretary Cecil R. Carveth. Check Postage When Sending Birth Notices This Is of particulair in- terest ta those who con- template sending out birth announcements through the mails. Postinaster Geo. Vice advises that a number of hxappy parents have been sending out written an- nouncements with only 2c. postage affixed. Unless the sentier can be located the persan receiving the notice wiIl be charged double deficiency which could be as high as 12c. il out of town. The only birth announ- cenients which wiIl go for 2c. are those ivithout any writing on them. Partly printedl and completed in handwriting or typewriting with infor- mation such as the baby's name, weight, date of birth and condition of par- ents are subiect ta letter rates as follows: 4 cents for Bowmanville, Canada. Great Britain and U.S.A. 5 cents; Europe and other cauntries 6 cent&. ¶t t WATER PROBLEMS- Efforts ta have water- works installed in Newcastle, Orono and even Brooklin are not ail sweetness and light. Appar- ently, in each of the villages concerned there is strong apposition ta the move, mostly fromn the expense angle. Ratepayers in Orono attended a meeting on Monday that became a bit rough at times, but probably didn't change any opinions. In Newcastle, a graup showed up ta voice protest at a meeting called ta inform local M.P.P. Alex Carruthers of the plan. A public meeting in Broaklin alsa found many objectors. If it is any comf art ta the pramoters, we understand that way back, Bowmanville encauntered the same objec- tions when they first tried ta bring in waterworks. and sewers. ]Progress is nat ail easy going. Always it seems ta be expensive. t t t t t SLIGHT ERROR - In the report of the bail games at Newcastle's Civic Holiday tournament we apparently made a slight error which has brought repercussians. We said the Kendal baseball club was defeated by a score of 6-3. They won. One of the players dlaims his wife who had not been at the game read the result after listening ta him tell of the wonderful victory, and iooked at hlm with a baleful, questioning scrutiny. We hasten ta correct the mistake ta get him out of the dog- house. t t t i. t LOOKS BETTER - Gord Burley on instructions from tawn council and in agreement wîth repre- sentatives of Steinberg's, carried out some lonQ overdue extensive cleaning up and levelling off of their Church and Division St. supermarket site on Monday. This has been misinterpreted in some quarters as the first move preceding con- struction of the new building, but there has been no indication that thîs is the case. t t . ALWAYS PROBLEMS - Tabacco growers wha have enough problems ta plague them at this time of year, including the threat of hail, uncertainty of markets, etc., learned of another threat this weck. The Simcoe Reformer tells of visitors from the Rhodesian Tobacco 'industry wha fear that Red China may soon enter the world market for flue-cured tobacco. They apparcntly are growing a gaod quality crop there now, comparable withi aur own and wouid have a tremendous cost advantage due ta.available cheap labor. Speaking of labor, the streets of Simcoe are filled these days with urifortunate suckers who were taken in by a Montreal slicker who claimed he could obtain tobacco jobs for them. They paid hîm for this service, but when they arrived in the Western Ontario tobacco beit, found the scheme was a pain- ful f raud. t t t t i. WARDEN'S PICNIC - Next Wednesday, August l7th, County Counciliors and their families will be taking in the annual Warden's Picnic at Little Lake, located a mile south of Highway 2, between Cofborne and Brighton. Many will recail the gloriaus days when these were held as excursions to Rochester on the boats out of Cobourg. (Continued on page seven) TR.IS 10 le UDVI U.VLX.K vR WEEK, 106 iru rages .....,~. - - - --~, One of the Girls in Cafe Rouge Just before the Penny Fair parade started on Thursday, t"i young lady, Theresa Kitney, seven years old, assumed her role, as a cale girl whi.le sitting on the end of a truck carrying the Lions Centre playgrourkd fioat. Our photographer was sa startled by the "cheesecake" pose and the excefltnt makeup that he couldn't resistcapturing her on film. Ass'n. Submits Views Should Vote on Zoning Says Ratepayeé 1rs' Le fier* To Darling Ion Council ton Municînai Council held in! peaple and flot merely con- p the Township Hall, Hampton,, ducting a prîvate business.ý on Thursday afternoon, Rab-' Withaut the authority of the il ert Tremnble, president of the residents of the township and t- Dariington Ratepayers' Asso- appraving pubiic opinion the1 ciation presented the follow- present Zaning By-iaw is un- - ing letter from the organîza- democratic and neediessly dif- tion ta the council. It cantain- ficuit. ed a condensed analysis of the "It should be criticaliy ex- resuits of a poil taken by the amined by the electorate and RPA of township residents. then voted upan by public "'To Dariington Council: plebiscite. The Darlington Ratepayers' "Residents' views in a con- Association on behaîf of the densed form are the foliow- citizens of Dariington do sub- ing: Owners shouid be able mit a condensation Of views, fta build on their property. La-' suggestions, and abjections re- cal autonomy shouid prevail i sulting from a survey conduet- ta some extent. ed by the association. "It is undemocratic ta die- "Council is requested ta' tate the size of houses a per- scriausly consider that theyt son mnust build. The same. parts of the township. A more comprehensil~e study shoulcl be made tc> ensure that injus- tices are nat being deait out (Continued en page seven)_ Peterborough Ex. \low Underway .Many from this ares. will be on band for Pe- terborough's annual Ex- hibition which started yesterday and continuous until the end of the week. Livestock breeders from Durham have always been. hlgh on the list of win- tiers at this show. Crashes Head-On Into Very Solid Tree Constable John Bird had a busy morning last Thursday with two acci-- dents ta investigate. This one occurred at Second and Scugog Sts., when Mxrs. Ben Wind, Prospect St., attempted ta turn east and somehow Iîeaded straight into this large tree, wrapping the front of her car around it. She suffered knée i inuries and was taken ta Memorial Hiospital, ]3owmanville. A Mouthful of Teeth fllrhnm Countvs G reat VamiRy Journal I4ward trattora i-rm I j 1 a- w%-- "--- WTTIR)rçtlm- -" lu 'NUMIsr;n QVÀS i 10e Per Copy 19: Pnemo in& and e,!!ý9 . gýh-t

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