~r~r - PAGE TWELVE TuE CANADIA14 STAT!SMAN, BOWMANYfl.LB ONTARIO THURSDAI Y', AUG. Ilth, 1960 AI î~t thc runners-up. Mrs. F. Cochîraine and .1ack Iiddulph. Oshawa. Bowm;invillclis beca doing well, hnYhy the Biddulph I'amily. Last \Wcek. iVrs. ritiulph woen the Lions car at their carîîival. Mr. and i\u -s. Owen Nicholas. Bowmanville. wvere next in uine' \vItI lirec wins. Two game xinîîers wve MiVrs. Nerris and S. Preston, M/rs. McCutcheoîî and Mr. Oatway of 1 W'ïar Il Bait' Caadi By Tererîce Robertson Gerimaii ýJx'.. i lasier- Thbe issue was an afterînath, Taylor decided ic Parade kitelien by usiiîg an old hydr< minded the revoit. of Dieppe. Over the objections1 the camp anîd iiîstrucl the Ger- pole as a battering î'aîn against Ameng the more bizarre inK-; îerhdusdbi - lie- Canadian general wvho 1 man leaders 10 select tne re-1 the niain door. Tepioe cbattleofhatrlgd onandIIoff 99 te destroy neariy 351),000 comîAnacided the force, one. quired number of prisoners. itlrew dishes, sticks aiid stones i ons of Allieci sbippiîîg bciore 2pari of the operations plan By noon the guards hiad lest 1ai ithe Canadians. but when the i'r three days in Canada initie was captured in Mlarcb prescrihed that bands should tlieir easy buarin.- and car-1 attiick.ers withdrew they tool Uteber 1942. The scene was 141.when is criplî)ed stîb bc lied to keep prisoniers from ried their guns as thougb thiey witli theithiriy-lbrec' prison- 1Camp 30. at Bowmanville, sank in the North Atlantic. dcs;i-oying documents. -How- were prepared 10 uise ibei. crs. One Canadian officer, six nit. In ibis prisoner-of-war1 kanip ai the'fimie were aîmosti Krctschmner was tougit. At ever. wbile individuisak The occasionai exchiange cf other ranks and about a doz- ?t hndedcppre Gr Grizedale Hall ianorbub Iinigs in case of ncesyar good-natured hanter across 1 el, prisoners lîad been injur- gina ns. sixbundrd o teGer ada w cmpst~prnissible. blanket orders for: the wireliîad given wav hoacd uifiers ~nludng uretha in England for espccaJWly ing prisoners iithout spe- forbidding silence. -1vost of the Cai B erciih Iwo bundred niembers of Rom-I trotiblesome prisoners-lie b '! cific- reasons are ruled out by prîsoners had vanished inside Tenx nietcm i niel' Afrka Krps.came, scion after capture.,ilt' th- Geneva conventions. When their huts anîdthie few thaï, 1The cteincloidn cme a nîl' Aria ors.senior German of ficer. Aiid, the Gerînans studied an order could be seen went sulienly iag. Coloniel Taylor had sent Guard duty was in flie tîands lon - r' ttheGn u~ icaletured at Dieppe, they in- about their business. ci ihle Lnd Company of the: venion's, o he oGntce cour11-tepretcd the instructions asi If was a Saturday aîîd ii a smai], force of guards to Veteransý Guard of Canada. i 0f lionor ai wlîichhbe nd to a hlaîîket order and flîreaten- guards who nîighît îorînailyiipCtdmgadreoto formation organized during; other U-boat conimanders c lc ncan i r-hv been iooking forwrd the activities of the prisoners. the war te free younger mien trIed leîîow prisoncir: for of- scne- taken at Dieppe. to weekend have paced the Tbcy met an cqually small lor oveîr-eas duty. Most of the fences committedl both berore' Tle British answered that 1 perinîcter expectanitly. The force of Germans carrying gaards werie veterans of World and afier capture. Inonee in- if indeed a bianket order had irtcalneaiea3p.n freshi barricades for flic kit- War 1: -oii, wxere partly dis- stance. his court ceîtvicter a, becîi issued, it wouid be can- Not one prisoner appeared on cien. The Caîîadians veered Geziiietnn ersrbcled. TeGrasaivay as thlough to avoid the abiaileueatfr u-:cled.Th emn then re- the parade ground for the cus- O0i142 the rigoners were faiiing ng too readily anid of; fraiîîed from carrying out the toînary roll cali. *« iîoce building anîd direct contact, scti i.pooe ersi. iof This left Taylor n h n hl about-faced to make toldiba sevnty0f tt-mAlter the lieutenant tried un- later a smai] British forceIfhwa kepcnrlIasurie sau. xvouid be ,hackled in repriaai1 successfuliy f0 commit suicide, raided tbe Channel island of tbe camp, bis ordc-rs liad te Armed guards ln the watch- for the nnaciing of Canadian Kretschmier arranged for hum Sark: the hands of soîne cap- be obeyed. Reiîîforcements towers played searchlights pi:iseaers in Gerînany. Ini otiier ho escape, xith ordc-rs te o y tured Gernians were fied ouf would be needed aînd, indc'cd, ver flic scene, shoufing warn- camips, s~e' imiiar shack-,i to Barro w-in-Furîîess. iii Lan 'of ncsfy TeGrîans were on thbe way, fer Ibe îngs and advice te tht- Cana- litmgs wure carried out, îîoth- cashire, and scuttie bis cap- now cbarged tbat tlic British meeting at noon lîad left ne diatîs. Unprepared for tht- at- in, beyoid 1passive resistance hured U-boat, whicb Iay at had itot adbered to flîcir unu-ta nl o-ecud~ak lc emasfo et as xo-rienced. But if was a.1rtee draigadanone htnwsudctepioers. ing but neither side won a de- so ea la th ogi aihrtee elkn n none htnwsbu h rsn f cisive victory. The Canadian * ~Eiii clar liai th tougi 'Vien Kretsehnier ivas toiri tht"- weî-e manaclig a thou- Toward 8 p.m. a series o figier a Bo mnvîlewoud hat the naval olficer liad 1been 5and prisoners take tDi hr commnands crackled; ofîcer calcd off lus men, aînd rusist.î shot dead by Home Guards-. eppe. The British feit obliged lhrough tlic stillness as tllc; a kind of fruce prevailed for Wýhah lolloî\ved vias a brawl men whilc hie was runniing te reply la kind. .* main gahe swung open aîîdte s othnil. of lieroic dimensions, five fur- away, hie slîowed ne regret. After some deliberation the three officers and f iffy men But there was ne ictup for mus clashes over f ifty heurs For biîn. the war ivas totail;,: Canadian government order- marched info the camp. Tht-y the mcn of the Veferans or' eý, fouglît aimost eîîtirely there cou en opoie d htanme fGra were young frainces [ron the 1 Guard. Tht-y wcrc responsible veith truncheoîîs. bricks, lihotc-!-roipionr aCaaasoudb Royal Canadian Ordnance for' prcvcating escapes frein ,,ky ticscrokey, oos ad etchGizedaletHalleprsn- aaisoed un Cnti dafurhotice. ITraining Centre at Barriefield, the camp. To lielp them, there fis , --. WhbootGemas hdo h flic Halpio-maalduti ute ntc.teadvaiîcc guard et severa] was a frip-wire, fhirty yards tecrs, \vas ransferred Ie Bey,- Bowmanville, omie of the ai, last bven subdued, and the; ilem ave 94.&- camp s seleched, was particu- cenvoys. isd h ecmuidt ;îreicrbedmmunbcrsbakle, Ifore tUat hune the cainp lhad lariy suitable because fl-c pri- The prisomiershdloedeefritegoud An onil\ on(, oriýconer lîad beenib-n ,slyppmat bysnr nlde ag u n md barricaded ilîcir deers and prisener cressimîg the- wire was burt by onfire.Luftwaffe pilots aînd fe ber ot officers fron ýfavorcd inidows. Their linge kit<'he~în sieea sae.A .1 Lieutenat - Coloniel .1 omîes!'frein the Afrika Kerps. branches of the services. one of the few brick buildings, a.m. twe Germans mnade a Nla.,on Taylor. MC. of flic Met-, a ra e wyfo hi epr eranis Gtard cf Canada. badý Two dispii'ited Gei'inan, Thus on the meorîiîîg of Oc- wsraized ais a resistanc~ etayfrn hifmp- List been appointed cap 1semlir cîficers frein Northi lober 10, 1942. Colonel Taylor, heduarsers -side aif-I 1 e I are, plac eyof de enton oid c'cniniandaimi. He was imn a dil- Africa wei'e responsibie fer thecnpcomnat wshnd riokr-eeam-ui-Wibttey sticessoon emîîna lîcl hi reeil eg f.ite erdt-riy coiiduct of Ithe handed a felegrain felling him c ihhce tcsaî eatrd The Germlais oljviously could- hrisoîlers. but they d idnt ore- 'te segregate a certain nun- niakeshift cltubs but nosîTa'e-s hndmg odr 'n't wl i tt'lngrabt'vntKrtclnr o , ai,_ ber ef German officers and without weapeîîs-stood re.cly ealed for a roll cal] at 7:30 iiî tnesue tisc tunsuL ient g retsinue. fr iîi]oleîrns ,pttt- nte fight. A furîber lundrcd a.n. This Suîdaythie prison-ý grea infuene. Ofieillyand fifty were barricaded in ers igrored tht- order. Aft 9 ilicîntUai --niacked cf brutal- li, v'as îet inade campif-) k - amdeuffIs. another buildinîg opposite thet- am. ont- of Taylor's staff of- iy weuul t' a propaganda v-ie- ma umtil Scpleîîîber of 191L. Wbei the- two senior offi- kitchen. Belîind ibis fr-ont Elle ficers, Lieuheniamnt George t<r\ foi- Gerniaint i 1a readv but anofficiall.y 'lie' wa- lv i- cirs, 'em ic heAfrika Korps of rssa.tt restet i'Beîi M, decided te find excuîstetoi' iîaltî-tatîîîent l oe eiîdtî îe ue rtcmrwe' îfr-priseners îum'ked inii icir lhuis oetfor lîinseif wl-af the pri- Uamiiduu îl-oîîr~.Formier imiiites -eK-it d ofi the order, Kretsclimer a r-erefocsemers wt-re planning. Armîemîg t e pri. oeî'. ut BoItv- schier org-.ýanizcd tîiý Oit-ini that such an imfringe- "The mood of lime camp," Acco11iuaaied by a corporal, îiaîiviî'u, nd lîuglini iprestige. t ien of inîformiation in iuîCaî- inteliinthe pîrisetiers' righhs says -Tayleo'. 'was stich liat lie strod'e lirough lct-egafes yVisS liii . îum-wltd -bolitiain ptubiications, whebia, iotmu l ot be acceptcd. "I coi--tht- smaiiest spurk could have iite the- conpound. Tht- pair ,&-mrnnd'. Kpitnletîantrcl~. d bek e i rhînr U îlt ox'y si',' lc rputO wtbset off a massacre. The guai'cs striding heward flic main huis 0)lit Kruischiîer. xx-lo îowiGerniaî efficers re'pirî,,tedJ colO formality. "We shahl re- wlio went ini firsi were tîndeî invited atlack--and if xvas nef bosses the' coustal dettee by the îInterna~tio'nal Redsist f Lorce with force." orders te handcuff the prison- long in coming. Thîey roundedý for'ce of the re-crealcd Wcst:CroŽ-s. Anti lie rcviv,-2c hi: , il- le refused fiatly te co-ep- crs nmîd use force te queil any a corner aad found themnseives, - e cl ours of honer. Tilt craie imi any way and shated resstane. The officers i ceafronted by Kretschmr and J1:S ~ ~corinmiandcr cf the :uîrrmider- iii wrilillg that be would re- char'ge weî*e uîîdem- orclers te a group of nîaval officers. i d IJ-boat ilial lay iinl4rov ceive île comnntnicimtioii frein avoid amîy incident that cotîid Th'Grasdinf ik ~ IjmîFurîcs n-s cli 'ittdef Ue allp oînianamî. Ty-ive risc 10 charges ef bmro- Brent. Tht-y conîplaiîied thatý cUwaî'dice aîîd ba;'î-cîi 'reuî, ýIi 1r said lie- ltlt themi, aîîd stili taliiy agaînsl the Canoadian duî'mng roll calîs lie wotîld pass guiiit: uand iraiîîiuîg 1îr'nx .L;,it. uat tie decision tle1Armny." Icdown a lfit-e ofprisoners fap- ori auzed hYi mue nseîe .hiueile prisoners w:ic unwise ' The first feray agaiiîsi tiîe pîîîg each liguîtly on the ht-ad i No one speke te bii e\nîtand achieved noihiiîg. î'ebellious priseneî's ias made viitlî ls cane. anîd that he had iiin N ctîîse t tît .M îî- îmu iioiiîiig hoveci-, lt-e simou-]y aIle,'ari'ival of the- struck a prisetr' in a dark bei'.,ofethte Cuîîudian in-camacommnnidanît had bhis orders. greup frerin Barricfie!cd. Arn- cettar. Breîît denied hhesc re- r-ttisii 'eii'uultrt ' trc- Ic iîfîncdOtîa tt d prlywtl ruieens and pers. His appearance in the rounds be llzimidtii is daitv Gerîîîalýnr-' attitude amnd reques- partly wiîh unloadecl rifles, e oiiîoound. was. howevcr, an ted pe'misson 10use foce te'tht-youag troeps fought thcir 1,Ocal epperiunity for tl-ccGer- itudu. bîiîg oui tht- requircd nuin- way inte No. 5 tldai. astevnthi resenfint. rThe trotuble at, flic Bîwian- lier cf prisolers. Tht- defense pihchcd batit-leto swingiiig, Af a cu-yfrein fli leader, tht- ~ v.lle camîp steinmed frein a cepartinent replicd that liet- ruacheons anîd flailimîg hoc- group set upea tht- Caiadians. 1t tur poitical t-etinî lge lit- 511011d tise luis own discretiori key sticks developed at eacum Irn a î'epert to Taylor des- lwen Londoni and Berlini, omîce-hile avoiding amiy incident deor and wiadow. As tht- doori cribing tht- assaulh Brent said:' huai lîmeatened ho Lunîcrmiineîtht would give Hitler an op- "vas a boutt give way, tht' "I ivas slightiy dazed by a. l~it. used to be a jeweller,,tuie inter'nationîal lau- govermu-, poi-tunity le accuse tht- Can-lprisoners ii tht- kitchen burstIblow frein bebirmd, struck __________iîg thet reafînenî of l)riseners.; adians of brutality. eut and aftenîpted te ceunt-r- t wice with whaf semcd like: - ---- atfack. But ait luis moment flice a sandbag and knocked te flic guards pt-attrait-O the other gr'ourid: tht-rt-I was pumîclicd building amîd sulidued its oc-- inte face, nîy arms piaiomîed cupanfs. The kitchen for'ce re-bt-h mmîd me, amîd bots and hec- - - trcalcd behind their barricade. ke\v sticks weîe tsed. 1 was FEVERYBO0DYS G A0ubro Gmcnpisn îaged te No. 4 building, be-: 770 ers subducd imi No. 5 building iîng pokcd on tht- way, and put wcre fakcn away for segrega- imi a roem and told te lie tion af tht- nearby Darch Oowîî. House farin. Tht-rt- I was told: 'Now yen' In tht- meantime a second' kiowv what ilineauîs te strike R A Y 13 Scontingent of fUret- ollicersI an officer with a stick'. 1 ask-. and Iiffy min had arrived cd fer nedica] attention and SUNOCO TATIONfrein Barrit-fit-Id. Tht-y wre1I hcy brought seme surgical, f181 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3503 . imnmediahely sent to assauli tape but if was nef used. Il the- kitchen and diniag bal. was taken ouf of the' buildingI YOUR OCAL alf o themwcrc armcd withh' and walked foward tic gahe VO U L OCA Lbaseball batz or pick lîelvt-s; i in full vit-w of tht- setaies, KELLYSPRINGFIELD the- others followeO wihh un-! whe Iircd shots that appcared il RE D A L ~Iladcd rifles amîd fixed bay-! uncomfortably close. Tht- grire U TI E DE LERontfs. This was a wiid affair, on me uvas eased and I flirt-w and for over an heur the twe myscîf te fhe ground. The' forces bamnercd ecd other' POWs flt-d." fîsIte fist, club againsf club,1 A shof by ont- of tht-st- unt il in fhe end the- superiertries bit a German lieutenantý arins - fruncheens - coin-:1 la tht-lt-g; he was tht- only' pcnsatcd for the iack of nun- maa woundt-d by firearins bers on tht- Canadiaii ýide. Otîrîîî tht- battît-. Brent man-! For a limie il sueiît' as aged ho struggit- through ftic, s thoughfthe troops c-ould not ga te. Tht-rt- U was hlpdby. ilbrotmgh tht- barricade, but bt-att-n by tht- Germanis uf they inallly amashed into the- subsequently ignored by them'i ,m~ - - a ~ - - ~ - ___ -. - Bowmanville Bowlers Win Carter Fami J .o udyeeigado rcie iia ramn. poýefl rtcin Cs r e ri kJ Gold Seai - Sockeye - Save lot - "a2 lb. tinsi Sbalmon Ifor$1 Save 10e - 2 IL - Billy Bee CREANE130REY w 49C Kraft With Free Lunch Saks - Save 10c - 16 oz. jar SANDWICH SPREAD 39c Save 10e - 64 oz. jug - IGA -ORANGE DRINK -49C Solo - 1 lb. pkgs. VARMARINE Prices effective August ,tlth. 1l2th, i3tb Sunkist Frozen - 6 oz. tinis LEMONADE 6 for 59C U.S. No. 1 Grade - Seedles GRAPES Ibs. 29c Tempting and Econoniical IBANIfANIfAs e une 'Up'. FREE! A 24 oz. Loal IGA Slicecl BREAD witb the purchase of a "DARGAIN BUNDLE"y of KRAFT JANS or JELLIES ASSORTMENT 0F 3 JARS 89e l'tor ScSave 8c -15 oz. tins lm & 2 VrZO9C Save. lOc - 15 oz.ti With Gravy - 16,11 MEAT BALLS - 29c I)eltixe - Sa've 20c - 14) oz. jar IGA INSTANT COFFEE $1.19 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities - . ZLb.2 Full of Energy - Ontario No. 1 Grade - 10 Mb. bag NmIEW POTATOES * 39c Firm and Fresb No. 1 Grade Ont. Grown - 3 Mb. cello bag NEW. CARROTS - - 19c SHOP AND SAVE AT LEAN, MILD CURED - PEAMEAL Cottage Roli lb.43Ç COMBINATION OFFER... 16oz. pkg. Swift's Sandw 1dm Style COOKED HAN and 16 oz. pkg. Swlft's Broolifield CHEESE SUICES Ail for 75c Maple Leaf Assorted, Sliccd - 16 oz. pkg. COOKED KEATS - - Swift's Premiuni Barbecue - 1 lb. ct-ll pkg. WIENERS -- 55C 49C a a a Bowmanville IGA Market DO WNU VLLE » ONTARIO Toms' IGA Market NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO Iy Irophy YELVERTON !NewIsrael flicwvas well attended on Wed- ces etc., topped by usuai sump- fh' ~i'Yevetoî Cmmnit PC-thoe n Ptedacetwih a-ik nesday at Cartwright Comn-! tuous picnic supper. Our own -~ ~ , '. .munity Park on Lake Scugog plans to attend were curtail-rt n with around three score and ed by a "fowl" intervention:n ten in attendance. A pleasant of fate-a "rash" disorder inOp afternoon was reported by our smail fry-"chicken-pox" I Miss Janice Stacey -ie The turst Studebaker-Pack. >oy o i-cheeweeti a nuînber of her littie ard Lark and Hiawk passenger iiow four hiundred and eighty friends on Friday on th e occa-toSiof ~~ ~~' soldiers at the camp, apart sion of her 7th birthdav. Be-th em1 heat Hîf ~~ ~~" ~iroi, imembers of the Veter- lated birthday greein4 ln o ase-rz. s ans Guard. About il1 elc Misses Judy Robinson andraci Ltd.. il was announced on iVonday morning the camp1 Carol Stacey are attending a todeal bmCagrefs R. eaer commandant calied in his of- girl's camp this week at Quin- eea aae fSuea ficers ai-d gave his orders.! Mo-Lac. kcr-Packard Corporation Ex- Four storming -;quadb w'ere, On the- ballfield ibis week port Division. sclected. These men carried Janetville C.O.F. wvere elimi- Th ie l annu chnt foiw hardwocid clubs. Thec rest inated in the semi-finals by ta aels ac nHi were arnied with unloaded, Court Bridgenorth in a ,,11: la and South Bend on a coin- rifles. bayonets fixed. About, fought gaine on Tuesday eve- 1~ '~ lcng are noonthe hol fore mved ng.ment providing for the assem. - . to the compound. Yeiverton Juvciies won on1ebladpgie ana- Afie an iniial kirisbgaine with Janetville Jtuniors turc of Studebaker Lark and Afterdalostionel Pontvposl1) Ilaxvk cars as well as Stude- with club-wielding Gerînans w akr commercial vehicles for drawni up on thc main avenue hîndR niJako the Isracli home market and of theczca thie Canadians spet a couple of days hiolidavsfr prtTh Haffcl- 'D settied down 10 the grini bus- wîttî the Normnan WjIsonuý t1es are the Iargest in the .i.'.ess of assaulting ;n) ucces- The James Gray:. and M~e Near East and have a produc-. *sion each of theli baricae Ken Graysae pnin fw ion capacity of 20 vehicies a j uidjigs ini which the Ger- days' vacation ai a cottage at day. Wcaver said. niansslhad hoped 10 hold oUi Wasmga Beach.A Lark four- door sedan fr severaldy. h rSon r n r.Jm Tvl.' made thie pilot run over the 'ers had pientv of ammuni- lm adMs ii aar e snbyfclte jt and ianîily of London.ar ne asebi faitesus lion---stones, sticks and bot' lholidaying with the Jack Wîl-_ fouirinths afier the signing t1ics fiiled with sand or water.onibs e. of 'lie liceiîsinig agreement. All -Brickcs were thrown from the Ms alo ron i.admjor conîponents were sup- roofs at the lielimee ta Mrs. Cinyton Brown, of Fleet- plied by Studcbaker-Packard .~.cr, nd at loieer ul-Wood, were caliers on the Har-1 fromn South Bend. Techaical ing the bayont c oi~ing old Stinsons this week. assistance froni South Bend Oshawa; one gamne winners were Mî-s. Goodmnan and uI) had ho lhelp the assaut.* Mr. Oram MVoore bas arriv- aided ini preparing the Haifa iC. Peacock and Mr'. and Mrs. S. Litster of Oshawa. 'qasate hylîdlred. at Keremieos. B.C., ivhere po1[iSueae rde PicsdealChales ankie ws mater f crernnie entry . Feeling ran highi on lie s eîî.ioviig a fewv av' ion. Il--sdn Ciile aniewa ate f eenoisboth sides. The bottle raged îoiid;ý. Inciuded in presemît produe- foi, ihe presentations. aFsisted h)v Frank Williams and for' more than six 11ouis. Mi. .Lloyd Wilso>n accoinan- tion schedles of the Haifa 1-3, - ; 1.1).tlc. i)tte l ed -Mr. -aryAshton îonî a laclory are 900 Studebaker ii(i Nù4.~~~<' BownjicnvilIe wxviover. and a campngtn ti v ck.c ti-ol-,s anid -ak as well as iaii'r. srrx lokig p'ocs-ing at Aigonqujin Park i ,1-00> commercial units, Weaver sien ()f about eighly Germai w ,,,vtBeach. stated. -1_ Iofficers and twenty Canadian, Yelverton weciec Rev.ý Iwhien they cûnceitra1ed their soidiers paraded belore the George Richardson. the newý attack on Brenf. emergency firsh-aid station, pastor of Ihis charge, on bisý No prisoners app2adcin,,,aae b ocos finitial service a t 1,White, the couni on Sunday, aad at bohh sides. At 10.15 par). a, Clurch on, Suniday. The ncxv normai coLunt of prisotiers was'broon sweph very dlean too! t I elunchtime those xvbo had be A330 taken away aînd shauk1e1re ae:i vssed bte Mr. and Mrs Roy Wriglit clared a huager strike. nccessity of idenitifyinig the of Islagton. were callers Ibis lut Taylor i-ow issued an ulti- owniers of bandaged faces.. week ai the Rac and Harvev ordr ws t bere- The prescribed shackling aîos matum: re a obr- had been carried out. hacls stored immediately or J'e The sequel sahisfied the wouid inove in furhber rein-: honlor of ail. After onily a few Wheii gloves aire ubed !o forcements. The prisoners days the German officers at1 proteet flhc workers' hands jeerd. lealy, he extsie Darch House were piaced in froin chemnical solutions, the wouid have to be decîsîve. 'handcuffs foir roi] calis on ly goves, should extend far' Reinforcements arrived fate Canadians in Germa -camps! above the wrist ini order to0 Lasi Satuirdax ivas a big da-, and evcamatg ai th- bciw;îu\ uiLawa owin. Club w'hen the bi-iesi mîxed doubles tournament of the seai:ýon saw .30 t "iý ns mn action. At leSt are the winners of the CarierFîi TImphv. Mrs. Douig (Bernice) Carter and Fred Cule. with donor Charles Carter in thecnt. lie made two speciai cakes as a special memento of the occasion., A MacleansFlashback The They World Fou lit in